HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-09-16, Page 11'THURSDAY, SEPTEMBE 16, 954 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD iFinal Gradwation Held At. RCAF Station Clinton for Ai'r Radio Q#ficers School The final chapter in one phase ,>of training. at RCAF Station Clin .ton was ;closed last Friday after- noon. Six youngmen received their Radio Officers wings from Air Commodore W. W. Brown CD, .Chief Staff Officer at Training ^Command Headquarters in Trent- on, on graduating from number 1 Air Radio Officers' School. The graduates were Flight Cad- ets J. A, C. Boivin, J. E. Britney, F. D. Burton, J. A. Gravel, W. R. C, Roberts and R. E. Robinson. Now commissioned as Pilot Offic- ers in the RCAF, the young men wrill receive further instruction .at an Operational Training Unit. Friday's graduation of Radio Of- ficers marked theend of this type of training' at RCAF Station Clin- ' ton. Number 1 AROS is schedu- led to move to Winnipeg this mon- th, The Air Radio Officers School 'was first set up in 1946 as a part of the Radar and Communications School to train a new breed of air- crew personnel known as. radio; 'navigators, In 1948 it was decid- ed to split the radio -navigator cat- egory into two separate trades, navigation officer and radio offic- 'er, with appropriate courses for each. In line with the policyto commission all aircrew the radio officer courses were composed en- tirely of flight cadets and i were still conducted under direction of the, Radar and Communications Following the outbreak of the "Korean War in 1950 the RCAF ex- panded considerably and trained radio officers were in much great- er demand. Thus. in May 1951 AROS was established as a separ-. ate,,unit with its own instructors, accommodation, equipment a n d aircraft. During the last year of ' operation AROS has been com- manded by W/C T. Greenway. In the next few weeks the unit will 'complete the move to Winnipeg where radio officer training will continue. On the same ceremonial parade Air Commodore Brownialso pre AsPICKUP � ESA F sented.diplomas to 17 graduates of the telecommunications officers course conducted at the Radar and Communications' School. Receiving their .Air Force "sheepskins" were :Flying Officer F. Myers and Flight Cadets R. Buckley, W. A. Crabbe, B. L. Gartner, A, Gillies, J. Hildebrandt,. R. W. LeV'an, G, H. Lupu, D. Maw- dsley, D. G. McLean, .1. B. Woel- fle, G..L. Olde, J. W, Prothero, B,. Schauer, M. R. Serbyn, M. Sugi- motd and W. Zayachkowski, The telecommunications gradu- ates, with the exception of F/O 1V1yers, have received their train- ing under the University Reserve. Training Plan, Diving the school season personnel 'tinder this plan attend various universities; throu- ghout Canada and receive special training at: RCAF stations in the summer months. F/O Myers is at- tending the. Royal Military College in Kingston; , On, completion of their university .courses URTP personnel enter active service cr are placed on the RCAF Reserve. Adastral Park 'd'i'e invite items for this col- umn from the residents of Adastral Park. Just phone Clinton 4, with stories of teas, birthday parties,, farewell or getraequainted parties, and. of course visitors in your home from out-of-town Officers' Wives The Officers' Wives Club of RCAF Station Clinton,. held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 8 at 8.15 in the Chappel Annex. The president, Mrs. G. D. Bland, presided over the meeting. The secretary, Mrs. T. W. Reid, read the minutes of the last meet- ing which wereapproved as read. The treasurer, Mrs. G. Taylor, also read her report. This being, the first meeting af- ter the summer vacation, many projects were discussed for the fall season. Later a social half hour was held with refreshments served by the following hostesses, Mrs. K. Young, Mrs, R. Sly, Mrs.. H, Waldron, Mrs, G. Fisher and Mrs. G. D. Bruce. Huron County Health Unit Immunization Clinic Immunization Clinics for Infants 4 months and over, Pre -School. Children and any other persons, will open at the Health Unit office in the old. Collegiate Building, Goderich, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. Please use the east door on Britannia Road. Office is situated upstairs over the former gymnasium. Clinics will be held regularly on the 3rd Saturday of each month, except during July • and August, from 10.00 to 12.00 a.m. 37-b SEE OUR QUALITY LATEST MODELS • LOWEST PRICES 1952 PONTIAC SEDAN 3,-1952 CHEVROLET SEDANS 2-1950 CHEVROLET STATION WAGONS 1949 PONTIAC SEDAN ° 1949 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1948 CHEVROLET COACH.. SPECIALS A NUMBER OF 1954 Chevrolets, Fords & Pontiacs for as low os X1895 fully equipped, radio, turning signals, etc. A NUMBER OF • 1953 CHEVROLETS for as low as $1595 -SPECIAL 1940 MERCURY SEDAN $325 'TRUCKS A Number of TRUCKS from 1/2 -Ton to 4 -Ton AND MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Brussels Motors Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealers BRUSSELS, ONT. PHONE 73-X CLINTON--Contact Knox Williams, Ph. 641 'FREE Public Performance at Recreation Centre Friday, September 17 LAC D. G. Baxter Wins Top Place In Truck Roadeo The station competition for the annual Truck Roadeo was held at RCAF Station yesterday after- noon, September 15, under the direction of S/L H. Irwin,- Chief Technical Officer and F/S L. Oui- met, NCO in charge of the Mpbile Equipment Section. The, contest- ants were LAC's D. G. Baxter, J. Kilgore and J. M. Bigras. LAC Baxter took top honors with LAC Kilgore coming in second. The two winners, will go to RCAF Sta- tion Aylmer o the 5th, 6th and 7th of October to compete in the Inter -Command finals, The course required the contest- ants to drive their trucks through a series of obstacles which includ- ed a serpentine, offset alley, straight line, and parallel parking. They were also required to back down an alley to a loading dock. To be able to enter the competi- tion the drivers must have an ac- cident free record for the last 12 months, Judges from the town of Clinton were Lorne J. Brown, General Motors dealer; Carl Cox, of Clin- ton Body and Fender Repair; W. IL 'Hap" McAlpine, Internation- al Harvester dealer; Joseph Mur- phy, Chrysler -Plymouth -Fargo dealer; Carman McPherson, of McPherson Bros. garage; an. Kelso Street, of the Leslie Ball Auto Supply. RCAF judges were WO's A. Baptie, J. Frost, H. Harley, G. Brown, M. MacLennan, F/O's G. Hayter, C. Lochhead, and F/S. L. Ilalliwell. Sgt, Anderson of the Ontario Provincial Police Detach- ment in Goderich and the Clinton Chief of Police 3. Ferrand also were in attendance. Welch "Eats Shirt" As Perth -Huron Group Tops $12,000 John H, Stratton, president of Perth -Huron unit of the Canadian. Cancer Society recently returned from the annual two-day campaign conference of Ontario division held at Peterborough. Mr. Stratton, as chairman for Ontario division, ad- dressed the delegates on the sub- ject of "Organization as it relates to campaign." Ate His Shirt E. S. Welch, president of On- tario division, interrupted just be- fore Mr. Stratton reported for Perth -Huron, He explained to the meeting that at the outset of the campaign he had made a 'bet that he would eat' his shirt if Perth - Huron surpassed the $12,000 ob- jective, which was four times the amount 'of the objective for last year. In view of the fact that Perth -Huron's final estimated total this year would be about $15,200, Mr. Welch said that he would keep his word and eat his shirt. Brad, C. Heintznran, campaign chairman for Ontario, made a for- mal presentation to Mr. Welch of a small doll dressed in candy clothes and Mr. Welch to the ac- companiment of loud • applause from the delegates proceeded to eat the shirt.. The annual Campaign conference is held to enable the campaign committee chairmen of all the units in Ontario division to get together and discuss their mutual problems' and make plans for the forthcoming year. The 1955 cam- paign committee for Ontario divis- ion will be composed of nominees from the more successful unitsin this year's campaign and Perth- Huron unit has been asked, to- gether with five other Onits to nominate a member to •this com- mittee. AUBURN Mrs. William , J. Craig, Mrs, Duncan MacKay, Auburn, accomp- anied by Mrs. George Wilken and Mrs. Seamen, Goderich, attended. the_Grand Chapter of thOrder of the Eastern Star at London, last weelc, , EBENEZER Anniversary Service The 94th• anniversary of Eben- ezer United Church was held last Sunday evening, Rev. 3. T. White, Londesboro, gave a very: impres- sive, message on the 'Parable of the Sower". Mrs. kloward Pym, Elinwille sang two solos,` aecomp= anted ' by Mrs. G. Henderson, Brucefield. • Through kindness officers tsnelorthe peopleofClintonnd ditr ctwill be at RCAF hearonce the music of this fine Royal Canadian Air Force Training. Com- mand Band. This spring the Band was slated to present two concerts at the Clinton Spring Show, butdue to complications this appear- ance was cut to one in the evening. Then, with the continuation of the horse show on the race track between the band and the audience, music -lovers were sadly disappointed. However, this Friday, evening at seven o'clock the Training Command Band is playing in the Recreation Centre at RCAF Station Clinton, and the public is invited, Air Force officials are providing parking on the parade square, and anyone interested in hearing this really good band is invited to attend. The Training Command Band had its beginnings in 1940 and many of its musicians have been playing in bands all of their lives. The 'Men travel in a specially designed bus, and visit isolated Air Force Units as well as gala performances in metropolitan centres. During 1953 the band travelled to the UK and the Continent and nowhere did it receive a warmer reception than in Germany, a country long famous for its bands, "There is sweet music here". Anyone who loves good band music should not miss the opportunity to hear this band. Twins At RCAF Station Clinton -Problem To Friends And Instructors The big question among per- sonnel at RCAF Station Clinton, is still — "But, which one is Vice?" alerie and which' one is Jan - The subjects of this continu- ing problem—Airwomen Valerie and Janice Minor, Hamilton, Ont„—are identical twins enrol- led in No, 1 Radio and Communi- cations School at the station, who discount the confusion with "It's just acquaintances who can't tell us apart, not real friends". Meanwhile, their companions and instructors still do a double takewhen the girls appear on the scene, Valerie claims there is one sure way to tell them apart. She has the old-style shiny brass buttons on the tunic of her uni- form while Janice has the new- er, , non-polishable ones. One wonders, tho,' what would happen if they ever decided to exchange jackets. The confusion is understand- able for the girls appear to be exactly alike in appearance, man- ner and personality, Tall, slen- der, -and with brown eyes and hair, the twins enjoy 'the same off-duty pastimes; swimming, bowling, movies inn, which they have "very definitely" the same likes and dislikes, sports, "espec- ially Hamilton football games" and are seen together constantly, Long distance telephone op- erators with the Bell Telephone Company at Hamilton before en- listing, they are now students in the radio operator course at Clinton, Teachers often had a confuse ing time when the girls were at echoed. The twins recall an amusing situation in physical training classes where the abil- ity to stand on one's head meant extra marks for the performer. Valerie could stand on her head quite easily but Janice couldn't, and Valerie obliged by "standing in" for her sister dur- ing this exercise with the result that Janice got additional marks, too. "We told the teacher about it years Iater," they confess, "and she got a good laugh." Theyplan to spend "at least three years in the Air Force". Meanwhile, it is back to school for the twins to qualify for identical roles in the RCAF. News of Hensall Mr. and Mrs, Stewart McQueen enjoyed a motor trip to Carleton Place and Ottawa last weep, Miss Pauline Bell recently visit- ed with her sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Buy Bedard, London, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell, Mrs. Alex Mousseau, Allan Crerar, were in Detroit, Mich., recently and while there attended the Michigan State Fair, The many friends of Mrs. Min- nie Little will regret to learn that sad" recently suffered a heart seiz- ure and was taken by, ambulance to a London hospital,- ,Mrs, Little has been living with one of her daughters in London. Mr, and Mrs, George Ross and ÷4-0-04-0-0-44-04-4,0-00-4-0-0-0-0-0-4.-• CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Medd, Sea - forth, spent Monday with M. and Mrs. George Leitch, Mr, and Mrs. Eph Clarke and Miss Belle McCully spent Sunday with Rinn Bros., Woodham. The many friends of George Ho$gart are sorry to hear he is 'a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. and Mrs: John E, Busby and Miss Shirley, Chatham, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Lawson. Friends in Constance are sorry to learn that Mrs. Donald Lamont (nee Doris Mann) is dangerously ill in Victoria Hospital, London. We t +ish her a spec recovery. WA and WMS The regular meeting of the Women's Association and,Women's Missionary Society was held in the school room of the church on Wed- nesday, .September 8 with the president, Mrs: Lorne Lawson, in the chair. The meeting opened by singing "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," after which the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison The minutes of last meeting were read and approved and business was discussed. Mrs. Ross McGregor, president, C took over for the WMS. A hymn was sung and scripture was read J by Mrs. V. Dale, Matt, 5: 1-16, The minutes were read and ap- proved. During the business. per- iod Mrs, D. MilIson and Mrs. Joe Babcock were ,appointed delegates to attend the Sectional Meeting at Egmondville this fall. Mrs. E, Toll will be the guest speaker for the thankoffering meeting to be held' on October 5: Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hess, Zurich, have returned home from a holi- day trip of two weeks, motoring along the Canadian route north of Lake Superior where they spent a few days camping, and n returning hor.via the American route, Carmol Ladies' Aid Meet The 'Ladies' AId of Carmel' Church convened in the church'on Monday evening for their Septem- ber meeting with Mrs. W. R, Bell, president of the organization, -pre- siding:. There was an attendance of over 40 members, For the de- votional session Mrs. A. Kerslake read the Scripture lesson and Mrs, Roy Bell gave a reading. Satur- day, November 27 was the date set Por the annual bazaar. 'Lunch- eon was served. • United Church W1VIS The Women's Missionary Society of Hensall United Church held a pot -luck --supper Iast Friday evening, in the church school- room. Mrs. W. B. Cross pre- sided for the meeting which fol- lowed. The devotional was on temperance, "My Brother's Keep- er" and passages were read by Miss Ellis and Mrs. C. Cook. Mrs, J. Hortonoffered prayer. Mrs. W. J. Moores, Thames Road, president of the London Conference, was guest speaker and. in • her remarks stated that, "when the going is hard remem- ber you ,;have all these other sisters in the WMS doing this great work, the work of the Master. You made this other contribution: your personal wit- ness. The most important thing is to give a Christian witness in every situation, Give thought to deepening our own spiritual lives. Christian leaders have to be most alert to this," Pray- er was stressed by the speaker, "We can only carry the load when we ask for His strength."' Mrs. W. J. Rogers sang a pleas- ing solo. The Baby Band party Will be held on. September 21 and the lunch. committee appoint- ed are Mrs. A. Alexander, Mrs. Cook (convener), Mrs. J. Horton, Mrs. N. Cook and Mrs, , Richardson. The thank -offering service will be held on September 13. Rev. Stinson, Seaforth, will be guest speaker,' The sectional meeting will be held at Green- way, October 24, Letters of thanks from Korea were read by the president, Mrs.. Cross, acknowledging . receipt of children's clothing. PAGE MINE= Porter's Hill Community Club The Hill lgity - Cluwill hold its meeting Tues- day, September 21 at the home of Mrs. Glen Pickard, Please note the change in date of this meeting, Grace Church` WA The Woman's' Association of Grace' Church, Porter's Hill, held its regular meeting on Thursday afternoon of last week in` the church basement. The president,; Mrs, John McCowan, Was in charge of the meeting which open- ed with singing, "Come Ye Thank,. ful People, Come," and Mrs. P. • Renner led in prayer. The scrip- ture lesson was read by Mrs. - Lockhart and roll call answered with giving "one cent for the size of your shoe." Final plans for the bazaar to be held ing. the Council Chambers, Clinton Town Hall, on Thursday, September 23, were made. Two crib quilts were quilted during the "'afternoon. The meet- ing closed with the Mizpah ene-truch sbyP eHarrison.iTheOtoe met-ine will be at the home, of Mrs. Wilmer. Harrison. Blood Donors At Station Clinton Give 500 Pints The Red Cross Mobile Blood Bank from Toronto made its an- nual visit to RCAF Station Clin- ton on September 14 and 15. As- sisting the Toronto unit at Clinton were members . of the Lohdon Branch of the Red Cross and St. John's Ambulance. The group of 20 volunteer workers' was headed by Mr, H. Roberts, London. This is the third year the blood bank group has visited RCAF Sta- tion Clinton and station personnel responded very well. Approximat- ely 500. pints of blood were donat- ed by servicemen and women this year as compared to some 450 pints last year. e Education is a matter of provin- cial administration in Canada. J. S. Scruton Oils - Greases'- Gasoline Petroleum Products Phone Clinton 377 Phone Goderich 320-W CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR Stan's Radio Cabs --Phone 208 Clinton a Safe, Courteous DRIVERS COMFORTABLE CARS Cleaned & Washed Daily 0 • DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE my Radio Cab Service' egaargee PHILIPS TV.... • for Sight . Sound of superb realism. You will be thrilled with the clear, steady pictures and Philips ' matchless tone. It's convenient front -mounted controls. The slanted glass minimizes annoying glare. Arrange for your installation today and. . • see the World Series on a PHILIPS TV. ♦ Merrill Radio and Electric PHILIPS -- PHILCO - CROSLEY and DUMONT TV PHONE 313 CLINTON