HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-09-16, Page 8PAGE TEN
ewes ot Bailie
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Ormond —Mrs,W. M. k'iirves, accompanied
were in Detroit for a few days by Mrs. P. Hill, Birmingham,
last week. Mich„ came on Friday .to spend a'
Dr, and Mrs. A. C. ' Chapman; few days at her cottage.
Detroit, were at their cottage over Mrs. M. Fraser, Mrs. Violet
the weekend, „ Walters, Mrs. C. W. Brown and
Mr, and Mrs. Boner Aust and Mrs.. B. Menery attended the Pres-
family, London, spent the weekend byterial at Seaforth' on Tuesday.
at their cottage, • Mr.' and Mrs. B. Reid, called at
Miss C. P. Rankin and . Mrs. "Enfield" cottage on Monday en
Neander left en Monday .on a route to Windsor after a honey
mgtor trip to Huntsville, ' moon trip to North. Bay, Toronto,'
Bobby Brandon and Jackie ]±ras- and Paris, Ont.
er, London; Were at their respec- Miss L. C. Morley, Detroit, ac-
tive homes over the weekend, companied by her' sister, Mrs. K.
Mr,_ and Mrs. J. Burns, Wind- Moore, Traverse City, Mich., re-
sr,'spent• several days last week turned- on Thursday last to her
with Mrs. A. W. Reid, "Enfield," cottage, "Bircheliff."
Miss Ann Tate and Mrs. Mal- Recent guests at The •Little Inn
colm Toms were in Port Huron, were Dr. and Mrs. R. D.r.Southam,
Mich., from Friday until Sunday: Sackville, N.B.; Mr. and -Mrs. Wil -
Mrs. Margaret Bay and J. Mit- liam C. Aust, Miss Lillian Sniith;
shell, Elora, were the guests of London; Miss .Anne Gordon, Wood-
P.C. and Mrs, Lloyd Westlake on stock. •
Sunday. Recent guests. at The New Ritz
Squadron Leader E. D. Finlay Hotel include: 'Mr. and Mrs J:
and family are occupying one of Lees, Riverside; Mrand:'I ra Keri,
the Jowett cottages • for a couple Challis, Chatham 'Mr and,Mrs. D:
of •weeks. C. Taylor, Windsor Mr. and Mrs:
Miss Jessig Metcalf has returned R. W. Perry, • Detroit.
to Detroit .after having spent the Mr. and Mrs. A. Brisson return,
summer vacation with her mother, ed to'•Grosse Pointe, on 'Monday,
Mrs: W. P Metcalf. after having been at their cottage
Mrs. William R. Jowett, Gode- for a week, Theirguests ,for a
rieli, is spending this week with few days were' Mr.'and Mrs. Led
her..son-in-laaw and: daughter, -Mr. ger Chauvin, Grosse Pointe.
and Mrs.. LeRoy •Poth. ' -'Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hughes, De-
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Weston and troit, were the weekend guests of
Mr. ;and Mrs. Clayton Weston vis- Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth. On
ited.Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Weston their return they were accompan--
in -London on Tuesday. ied by Ronald Poth who will be
Mrs. Gegrge King accompanied their guest in Detroit this Week.
her daughter, Mrs. M. C. Hart, Hugh MacNiel, Cleveland, Ohio,
Who has been with her for two and James Hamilton, Hamilton,
weeks, on her return to Toronto second -year students in. medicine
on Sunday. at the University of Toronto, have
In the market for all kinds of Grain. Low
price means poor demand — quality must be good.
Dry grain a necessity; will be pleased to test your
grain for moisture before delivery.
Fred O. Ford
Harvest Time
Low-cost transportation.
1949` PLYMOUTH SEDAN-- • .
Radio; Air-conditioned; •
$995 00'
"A Black Beauty" '
Only $545.00
Very Clean $175.00
Sales and Service
P 110 N E 4 6 5 Huron Street / CLINTON, ONT.
been spending a holiday at the.
summer cottage of the former's
aunt, ;Miss' M, Hodgins,
Mrs. Lawrence,Turner ;.and Mrs.`
Lloyd Hendry were the guests of
Mrs. B. henry on Tuesday. On
their return to Detroit on Wednes-
day they were accompanied by
Mrs. Edna Turner who has • been
visiting Mrs. Menery for a month.
Paul' 'Cleave, who has, been a
patient ' in Clinton Public Hospital
since ht suffered a compound:
fracture 'to his left leg in an auto-
mobileac dent on July' 24, was
able to;ret�n to his home in the
village on Monday. ; His leg is still
in a cast but he is improving in
Miss Isobel MacKay, Reg.N.,
who made a brief Visit in Bayfield
when she attended the Duncan
family' reunion in August, is due
to fly back•toFormosa on Septem-
ber 21. The thoughts and prayers
of her friends and those in this
district who knew`her parents and
grandparents will go with her as
she returns to the, Island Beauti-
ful.. "Miss' MacKay will resume her
duty'in superintending the train-
ing of nurses under the World
Health; Organization.
"Presbyterian WINS
The regular meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society was
held in Knox Presbyterian Church
on `Wednesday''afternoon.of"last •
week, with Mrs. C. W. Brown Nevus of Goshen Line
presiding, Eight members were
Will Live at
M. and Mrs. Robert
Petrie Allan ` were
married on Saturday;,
August 28, at the
home of • the bride's
parents, McKillop
Twp. Joan Arlene
is the daughter of Mr..
and Mrs, George T.
Wheatley, and het'
husband is the son of
Mr. and Mrs Robert
Allan, Brucefield. Fol-
lowing their wedding
trip, the young couple
are, Iiving•near 33race-
present.. The secretary's report
was given by Mrs. R. Heard and
Mrs.' B. Menery read the treasur-
er's statement. The purchase of
certain : church 'furnishings was.
discussed. After the closing ex-
ercises M. Russell Heard served
St. Andrew's WA
The monthly meeting of St.
Andrew's Women's Association
held at the home of Mrs. Bert
Greer opened with the WA theme
prayer, followed by a reading,
The Work of our Hans," by Mrs.
J. Scotchmer. The president, Mrs.
Gordon Scotchmer, offered prayer.
Each member was asked to take a
tea towel to the church to re-
plenish the supply in the church
kitchen. It was decided to have a
booth at the fall fair. The presi-
dent gave a reading entitled,
"Family Circle." The meeting
closed with the singing of the WA
theme hymn. The next meeting
will be at the home of Mrs. Ivan
United Church WMS
The Bayfield United Church
women of the Women's Mission-
ary Society met on Thursday
evening of last week at the home
of Mrs. Bert Greer.
There was an excellent attend-
ance and the president, Mrs. G.
Westlake, conducted the meeting.
Several items of business came
up for discussion. Arrangements
were -,made for the thankoffering
meeting next month, when a guest
speaker will be present. Arrange-
ments had also to be made for the
sectional meeting which will be
held in the Bayfield United Church
on October 27.
A guest speaker was also pres-
ent at this meeting. Mrs. Ewan
Ross from. Holmesville, represent-
ing the Children's Aid Shelter, told
of the work of the society which
operates under the County Coun-
cil and is supported in part, by
Trinity WA
Following the summer recess,
the first meeting of the Women's
Auxiliary of Trinity Church was
held at The Iiut" on Friday af-
ternoon. • The rector, Rev. E.
Carew -Jones, opened with the Lit-
any, and the WA prayer was said
in unison.
Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner presided.
Mrs. George King read Psalm 145
in her usual clear voice. (Her left
wrist being in a cast did not deter
this keenly interested member, in
her 93rd year, from attending and
taking her usual part in the meet-
Mrs. R. 3. Larson read the min-
utes of the June meeting and Miss
Lucy Woods the financial report.
Following the business session,
Mrs. Gairdner read excerpts from
the press reports of athe recent
meeting of the World Council of
Churches in Evanston, I11., and
showed magazine pictures of the
great gathering.
Before the benediction, pronoun-
ced by the •rector, Mrs. Gairdner
read aloud cards conveying part-
ing wishes to ,Mrs. King and Mrs.
E. Carew -Jones. In each was a
sachet of remembrance.
The hostess, Mrs. E. Carew -
Jones, assisted by Mrs. Gairdner
and Mrs. R. J. Larson, served tea.
Twenty-seven per cent of Can-
adian family units spend more
than $100 a year on health care.
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Zapfe were
With Mr. and Mrs..Kenneth Parke.
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken McLean visit-:
ed with Mr. and Mrs. William
Hayter on Sunday.
With Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hay-
ter on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Taylor, Varna.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McBride
and family spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Clare McBride.
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Coleman
visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Arm-
strong and Greg on Sunday.
Mrs. Robert McBride, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmore J. McBride and fam-
ily visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy
McBride on Sunday.
Mrs. Elsie Forest, London, is
visiting with Mrs. A. McQueen.
Mrs. John Cairns visited her
brother, Andrew Murdock, in De-
troit. '
Ben Keyes is not enjoying good
health, and is under the doctor's
care at his home,
Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Stanbury,
London, called on Mr. and Mrs. T.
B. Baird on Sunday. •
Mr. and Mrs. William Threlfall,
London, were visiting with 'LAC
and Mrs. Threlfalton the weekend.
Douglas McBeath, Woodstock,
spent the weekend with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Me -
Wesley Bar, Toronto, is visit-
ing with his mother, Mrs. Alice
Ham and his aunt, Miss Mary
The Boy Scout Troop at Bruce -
field met in the church basement
on Monday evening, for regular
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Dinnin vis-
ited on Sunday with the Iatter's
mother, Mrs. Mary Stoneman,
Mitchell, and with Mr. Dinnin's
sister, Mrs. Mary Neil, at the
home of her son and daughter-in-
law, Mr, and Mrs. George Neil,
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Stack-
house, Mary Ann and Johnny,
Wilton Grove, visited on Sunday
with Mrs. J. W. Stackhouse and
Eva, Other visitors during the
afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Wightman, Belgrave. Mrs. Grace
Henry, Vancouver, B.C,, is remain-
ing with her sister for some time,
before making the return journey.
Jack Graham, Toronto, visited
at his home over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs, William Sinclair
attended the wedding of a cousin
in Oshawa last Saturday.
Mrs. Fisher, Gravenhurst, is
visiting her daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs: Walter Moffat.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack McDonald,'
Ottawa, visited Mrs, Ella Mc --
Cowan . and family, and attended
the wedding .of Robert Allan and
Miss Joan Wheatley, at Seaforth
News of Londesboro
Family Day ,
On Sunday next, September 19,
"Family Day" will be observed in
the Londesboro United Church
when parents and children are all
to sit together:: The junior choir
will lead in the service of song.
There will be no Sunday School,
A good turnout is hoped for.
Phone 147—Clinton
Charles Small, Toronto; and
Miss Euphamice Reid, Londesboro,
were married on September 11 by
the Rev. Angus McLean, pastor of
St. Andrew's United Church, Lon-
The wedding couple are taking
a trip to Prince Albert, Grand
Prairie, Edmonton, Vancouver,
Victoria and other points, and in-
tend to return by plane. They
have not decided if they will make
their home in Toronto or Londes-
WMS Meets
The monthly meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society was
held in the school room of the
church on September 9 with the
president, Mrs. F. Tamblyn pre-
siding. The meeting opened in the
usual form and business was taken
The sectional meeting will be
held in Egmondville on October 15,
and all who can go are urged to
An invitation from Burns to
meet with them on October 13
was accepted. It was decided to
meet with the Woman's Associa-
tion for the October meeting.
Arrangements were made to
entertain the Clinton, Auburn and
Walton societies at the autumn
thankoffering meeting which may
be on September 30, This is sub-
ject to change if the date be not
convenient for the speaker.
Group three took charge, with
Mrs, •C. Crawford as leader. The
study book was given by Mrs. E.
Wood, The Christian Church in
Scripture was read and offering
taken. The Meeting closed with
a hymn and prayer, •
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore • Stephenson
and family were Sunday 'visitors,
with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Erratt;
also Mrs. David Stephenson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClymont
and ;family, • Varna, and Mr. and
Mrs. Don - Barker of King (near
Toronto), visited Mr. and Mrs. El-
gin McKinley on Sunday.
Mrs. William Robinson and fam-
ily were visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Robinson. Rev. Mr. -Mil-
roy and Thomas Robinson, Eg-
mondville, were' also with them on
Recent visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong
were: Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Kay,
Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Armstrong, Fort William; Mr. and
Mrs. Wilmer Reid, Varna; Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Moffat, Regina,
and Mr. and Mrs. Wylie, Mar-
lette, Mich.
WMS To Meet
The Women's Missionary Society
will meet at the home of Mrs.
Floyd Armstrong on Thursday
night, September 16. The Mission
Band will hold the September
meeting on Sunday morning, Sep-
tember 19.
Anniversary Services
Goshen United. Church held its
anniversary services on Sunday,
September 12. The guest speaker
for the day was Rev. W. E. Mil-
roy, Egmondville. Included in the
morning service were: a male
quartette, "Beauty for Ashes",
sung by John Robinson, Richard
Robinson, Roy McBride and Berne
McKinley; a trumpet solo, "Keep
Thou my Soul", by Mrs. C. Mc-
Bride; and a duet, "When we see
Christ", by• Mrs. Elmore Keyes
and Richard Robinson. The an-
them was "I've Found a Friend."
For the evening service, a trio,
Cleanse Me' 0 Lord", by Mrs.
Robert Peck, Mrs. E. Keyes and
Mrs. Elmer Hayter; trumpet solo,
"Guard While We Sleep", by Mrs.
McBride, and a mixed quartette,
"Lean Upon His Arm", by Richard
Robinson, Mrs, E, Hayter, Mrs, B.
Peck and Ray McBride. The an-
them was "While the Day Declin-
eth". The organists were Mrs.
Melvin Elliott, Mrs. E. Hayter and
Mrs. E. Keyes. Both services were
well attended.
Goderich Township
Mi. and. Mrs. Reid Torrance.
spent last week with the latter's..
uncle, William Ibason at his Cot-
tage at Drysdale Beach.
Miss Lenore McGuire, Clinton,.
spent a couple of days with her
uncle, William McGuire,
Mrs. L M. Nay, ;Clinton, was.
the guest of Mrs, R, B. Cole, over -
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Middleton
spent last weekend with Mr. and:.
Mrs. S. H. Fish, of Birmingham,.
Mich., and Stewart also attended:
the Michigan State Fair held in
Mrs. P. Schulha' end Dale,- Ed-
monton, Alberta, are visiting the
lady's parents, Mr.• and Mrs. H.
McCartney, Goderich Township.
Mil`s June McCartney, Toronto,
spent the weekend at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc-
Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Settles left
today for a two Week's visit to
the Western 'Provinces.
At other times contact J. J. Zapfe, phone
Clinton 103. Residence, .Rottenbury Street East.
Lynda shows typical little -girl interest in her mother's teleidmne call;
Mat's 18-maith-old Donna, perched in her high chair.
"When you •have to do everything for two small
children it's not easy to leave the house even for •
essential shopping," says..Mrs. Bernard Renaud.
of 755 Desaulniers Blvd., St, Lambert, Que.
t"I've really appreciated our telephone in the Last few.
.years. It means I can still pick up bargains I see
in the paper and do my shopping in a matter of
minutes ... by telephone. So, any 'phone saves me
money and gives me time to do other things that
crowd my busy day. That's why I think one of the
best bargains I ever bought was our telephone!'=
a friendly ad -writer will help •
you with your classified ad .
, p ° °� get your house Q°
NOW.,.. ' 'e
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2" — 11 BATTS -- 15" x 48" 3.00
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2"--EOLLBL' ANKETS • — 15"x60" 175
LOOSE WOOL feet 1.30
--4 cubic
ZONOLITE-4 cubic feet 1.40
Ph. 97 Ph. 787
Harvest Time
Low-cost transportation.
1949` PLYMOUTH SEDAN-- • .
Radio; Air-conditioned; •
$995 00'
"A Black Beauty" '
Only $545.00
Very Clean $175.00
Sales and Service
P 110 N E 4 6 5 Huron Street / CLINTON, ONT.
been spending a holiday at the.
summer cottage of the former's
aunt, ;Miss' M, Hodgins,
Mrs. Lawrence,Turner ;.and Mrs.`
Lloyd Hendry were the guests of
Mrs. B. henry on Tuesday. On
their return to Detroit on Wednes-
day they were accompanied by
Mrs. Edna Turner who has • been
visiting Mrs. Menery for a month.
Paul' 'Cleave, who has, been a
patient ' in Clinton Public Hospital
since ht suffered a compound:
fracture 'to his left leg in an auto-
mobileac dent on July' 24, was
able to;ret�n to his home in the
village on Monday. ; His leg is still
in a cast but he is improving in
Miss Isobel MacKay, Reg.N.,
who made a brief Visit in Bayfield
when she attended the Duncan
family' reunion in August, is due
to fly back•toFormosa on Septem-
ber 21. The thoughts and prayers
of her friends and those in this
district who knew`her parents and
grandparents will go with her as
she returns to the, Island Beauti-
ful.. "Miss' MacKay will resume her
duty'in superintending the train-
ing of nurses under the World
Health; Organization.
"Presbyterian WINS
The regular meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society was
held in Knox Presbyterian Church
on `Wednesday''afternoon.of"last •
week, with Mrs. C. W. Brown Nevus of Goshen Line
presiding, Eight members were
Will Live at
M. and Mrs. Robert
Petrie Allan ` were
married on Saturday;,
August 28, at the
home of • the bride's
parents, McKillop
Twp. Joan Arlene
is the daughter of Mr..
and Mrs, George T.
Wheatley, and het'
husband is the son of
Mr. and Mrs Robert
Allan, Brucefield. Fol-
lowing their wedding
trip, the young couple
are, Iiving•near 33race-
present.. The secretary's report
was given by Mrs. R. Heard and
Mrs.' B. Menery read the treasur-
er's statement. The purchase of
certain : church 'furnishings was.
discussed. After the closing ex-
ercises M. Russell Heard served
St. Andrew's WA
The monthly meeting of St.
Andrew's Women's Association
held at the home of Mrs. Bert
Greer opened with the WA theme
prayer, followed by a reading,
The Work of our Hans," by Mrs.
J. Scotchmer. The president, Mrs.
Gordon Scotchmer, offered prayer.
Each member was asked to take a
tea towel to the church to re-
plenish the supply in the church
kitchen. It was decided to have a
booth at the fall fair. The presi-
dent gave a reading entitled,
"Family Circle." The meeting
closed with the singing of the WA
theme hymn. The next meeting
will be at the home of Mrs. Ivan
United Church WMS
The Bayfield United Church
women of the Women's Mission-
ary Society met on Thursday
evening of last week at the home
of Mrs. Bert Greer.
There was an excellent attend-
ance and the president, Mrs. G.
Westlake, conducted the meeting.
Several items of business came
up for discussion. Arrangements
were -,made for the thankoffering
meeting next month, when a guest
speaker will be present. Arrange-
ments had also to be made for the
sectional meeting which will be
held in the Bayfield United Church
on October 27.
A guest speaker was also pres-
ent at this meeting. Mrs. Ewan
Ross from. Holmesville, represent-
ing the Children's Aid Shelter, told
of the work of the society which
operates under the County Coun-
cil and is supported in part, by
Trinity WA
Following the summer recess,
the first meeting of the Women's
Auxiliary of Trinity Church was
held at The Iiut" on Friday af-
ternoon. • The rector, Rev. E.
Carew -Jones, opened with the Lit-
any, and the WA prayer was said
in unison.
Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner presided.
Mrs. George King read Psalm 145
in her usual clear voice. (Her left
wrist being in a cast did not deter
this keenly interested member, in
her 93rd year, from attending and
taking her usual part in the meet-
Mrs. R. 3. Larson read the min-
utes of the June meeting and Miss
Lucy Woods the financial report.
Following the business session,
Mrs. Gairdner read excerpts from
the press reports of athe recent
meeting of the World Council of
Churches in Evanston, I11., and
showed magazine pictures of the
great gathering.
Before the benediction, pronoun-
ced by the •rector, Mrs. Gairdner
read aloud cards conveying part-
ing wishes to ,Mrs. King and Mrs.
E. Carew -Jones. In each was a
sachet of remembrance.
The hostess, Mrs. E. Carew -
Jones, assisted by Mrs. Gairdner
and Mrs. R. J. Larson, served tea.
Twenty-seven per cent of Can-
adian family units spend more
than $100 a year on health care.
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Zapfe were
With Mr. and Mrs..Kenneth Parke.
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken McLean visit-:
ed with Mr. and Mrs. William
Hayter on Sunday.
With Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hay-
ter on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Taylor, Varna.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McBride
and family spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Clare McBride.
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Coleman
visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Arm-
strong and Greg on Sunday.
Mrs. Robert McBride, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmore J. McBride and fam-
ily visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy
McBride on Sunday.
Mrs. Elsie Forest, London, is
visiting with Mrs. A. McQueen.
Mrs. John Cairns visited her
brother, Andrew Murdock, in De-
troit. '
Ben Keyes is not enjoying good
health, and is under the doctor's
care at his home,
Rev. and Mrs. E. R. Stanbury,
London, called on Mr. and Mrs. T.
B. Baird on Sunday. •
Mr. and Mrs. William Threlfall,
London, were visiting with 'LAC
and Mrs. Threlfalton the weekend.
Douglas McBeath, Woodstock,
spent the weekend with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Me -
Wesley Bar, Toronto, is visit-
ing with his mother, Mrs. Alice
Ham and his aunt, Miss Mary
The Boy Scout Troop at Bruce -
field met in the church basement
on Monday evening, for regular
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Dinnin vis-
ited on Sunday with the Iatter's
mother, Mrs. Mary Stoneman,
Mitchell, and with Mr. Dinnin's
sister, Mrs. Mary Neil, at the
home of her son and daughter-in-
law, Mr, and Mrs. George Neil,
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Stack-
house, Mary Ann and Johnny,
Wilton Grove, visited on Sunday
with Mrs. J. W. Stackhouse and
Eva, Other visitors during the
afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Wightman, Belgrave. Mrs. Grace
Henry, Vancouver, B.C,, is remain-
ing with her sister for some time,
before making the return journey.
Jack Graham, Toronto, visited
at his home over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs, William Sinclair
attended the wedding of a cousin
in Oshawa last Saturday.
Mrs. Fisher, Gravenhurst, is
visiting her daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs: Walter Moffat.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack McDonald,'
Ottawa, visited Mrs, Ella Mc --
Cowan . and family, and attended
the wedding .of Robert Allan and
Miss Joan Wheatley, at Seaforth
News of Londesboro
Family Day ,
On Sunday next, September 19,
"Family Day" will be observed in
the Londesboro United Church
when parents and children are all
to sit together:: The junior choir
will lead in the service of song.
There will be no Sunday School,
A good turnout is hoped for.
Phone 147—Clinton
Charles Small, Toronto; and
Miss Euphamice Reid, Londesboro,
were married on September 11 by
the Rev. Angus McLean, pastor of
St. Andrew's United Church, Lon-
The wedding couple are taking
a trip to Prince Albert, Grand
Prairie, Edmonton, Vancouver,
Victoria and other points, and in-
tend to return by plane. They
have not decided if they will make
their home in Toronto or Londes-
WMS Meets
The monthly meeting of the
Women's Missionary Society was
held in the school room of the
church on September 9 with the
president, Mrs. F. Tamblyn pre-
siding. The meeting opened in the
usual form and business was taken
The sectional meeting will be
held in Egmondville on October 15,
and all who can go are urged to
An invitation from Burns to
meet with them on October 13
was accepted. It was decided to
meet with the Woman's Associa-
tion for the October meeting.
Arrangements were made to
entertain the Clinton, Auburn and
Walton societies at the autumn
thankoffering meeting which may
be on September 30, This is sub-
ject to change if the date be not
convenient for the speaker.
Group three took charge, with
Mrs, •C. Crawford as leader. The
study book was given by Mrs. E.
Wood, The Christian Church in
Scripture was read and offering
taken. The Meeting closed with
a hymn and prayer, •
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore • Stephenson
and family were Sunday 'visitors,
with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Erratt;
also Mrs. David Stephenson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClymont
and ;family, • Varna, and Mr. and
Mrs. Don - Barker of King (near
Toronto), visited Mr. and Mrs. El-
gin McKinley on Sunday.
Mrs. William Robinson and fam-
ily were visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Robinson. Rev. Mr. -Mil-
roy and Thomas Robinson, Eg-
mondville, were' also with them on
Recent visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong
were: Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Kay,
Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Armstrong, Fort William; Mr. and
Mrs. Wilmer Reid, Varna; Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Moffat, Regina,
and Mr. and Mrs. Wylie, Mar-
lette, Mich.
WMS To Meet
The Women's Missionary Society
will meet at the home of Mrs.
Floyd Armstrong on Thursday
night, September 16. The Mission
Band will hold the September
meeting on Sunday morning, Sep-
tember 19.
Anniversary Services
Goshen United. Church held its
anniversary services on Sunday,
September 12. The guest speaker
for the day was Rev. W. E. Mil-
roy, Egmondville. Included in the
morning service were: a male
quartette, "Beauty for Ashes",
sung by John Robinson, Richard
Robinson, Roy McBride and Berne
McKinley; a trumpet solo, "Keep
Thou my Soul", by Mrs. C. Mc-
Bride; and a duet, "When we see
Christ", by• Mrs. Elmore Keyes
and Richard Robinson. The an-
them was "I've Found a Friend."
For the evening service, a trio,
Cleanse Me' 0 Lord", by Mrs.
Robert Peck, Mrs. E. Keyes and
Mrs. Elmer Hayter; trumpet solo,
"Guard While We Sleep", by Mrs.
McBride, and a mixed quartette,
"Lean Upon His Arm", by Richard
Robinson, Mrs, E, Hayter, Mrs, B.
Peck and Ray McBride. The an-
them was "While the Day Declin-
eth". The organists were Mrs.
Melvin Elliott, Mrs. E. Hayter and
Mrs. E. Keyes. Both services were
well attended.
Goderich Township
Mi. and. Mrs. Reid Torrance.
spent last week with the latter's..
uncle, William Ibason at his Cot-
tage at Drysdale Beach.
Miss Lenore McGuire, Clinton,.
spent a couple of days with her
uncle, William McGuire,
Mrs. L M. Nay, ;Clinton, was.
the guest of Mrs, R, B. Cole, over -
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Middleton
spent last weekend with Mr. and:.
Mrs. S. H. Fish, of Birmingham,.
Mich., and Stewart also attended:
the Michigan State Fair held in
Mrs. P. Schulha' end Dale,- Ed-
monton, Alberta, are visiting the
lady's parents, Mr.• and Mrs. H.
McCartney, Goderich Township.
Mil`s June McCartney, Toronto,
spent the weekend at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc-
Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Settles left
today for a two Week's visit to
the Western 'Provinces.
At other times contact J. J. Zapfe, phone
Clinton 103. Residence, .Rottenbury Street East.
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