HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-09-16, Page 6170:114XEMOVANOZEMIEMINI Monster • azaar I¼t. 2 AT 1 P.M. TOWN HALL, CLI.1.‘T_ON AUSPICES: CLINTON HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Proceeds to be usedfor Furnishings 'in New Nurses' Residence. LADIES: Each' home will be canvassed for donations on Thursday, • September 30. • . TEA SERVED IN COQNCIL CHAMl3ERS PENNY SALE In Beettie's Furniture Store September 2'7 -October 2 PAGE SPC CLINTON NWS -RECORD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 16, 1954 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. John RorkeeLan- caster, On., were at the 'Rorke cottage last weekend over Sunday. - Payson Vivian and Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Viviap, Ordelarel, were call- erseat the Wesley -Willis Manse on • Sunday, . • Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Desece and • Steven were in Toronto last week attending the Canadian National Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ca-ntelon, .Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. l3rooks, Mitchell, visited with ,Mr. ancl ears. A, B. Gardiper and'oth- er relatives recently. . Mr, and Mrs. Joe Sileock and Mary are leaving Thursday morn- ing by motor to visit friends in Chicago and Kankakee`,111. Mrs. Ab. Shaddick, Mrs. David Kay, IVIrse Webster, Mrs. H. Jen- kins end Mrs. 'Swinbank attended the Western Fair on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James tiebrmore have just returned from a pleasant holiday with their son and dau- ghter-in-law and other friends, in London. • Clifford H. Epps was guest speaker at the Women's Institute meeting held in Cranbrook Com- munity Centre on Tuesday even- , • Miss Florence. Rorke, Toronto, and Miss F. R. Cunhigharne, ieere weekend through mid -week visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke, it their summer home. • HS, Cadets Peter Rorke and chtun, Jim, Prescott, Ont., train- ing at Ipperwash, were weekend guests with the former's grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Perkins, Miss Jane Perkins and Peter Hardy, Barrie,- wereSunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Penne- • baker. Mr. *and Mrs. • Wesley Ager, Point Edward, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keyes and baby Sandra, visited with Mrs. May IVIcIlroy on • Monday evening. Finest HAND-i(ITTING YARNS at Factory -To -You ' Prices: Angora, Baby Wools, Boucle -Dress Yarn, Nylon Reinforced, 3-1 Ply, Seek, Sport Wools, Etc. Write for FREE Sample Chart -BARRY YARNS, . Dept. 3, Box 782 Station B, Montreal, Que. 37-b Mr. and Mrs. David Elliott and son Robert, are at present visiting with the former's bipther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Edward Elliott, in Palo Alto, california. Mr, and Mrs. M. T. Corless had as their guests over the weekend Mr. and Mrs, Harry Pelletier, Lea. side, who were their old friends when both couples lived in the Slidbury area. Mr. and /Mrs. Gordon L. Hall; Cayuga, visited on Sunday with G. E, Hall and Miss Evelyn. Mrs. Fanpie CartWright, who has been visiting with Harvey 'Alexander's, returned to Cayuga with them., Rev. Isaac Ithimba, India, •who is in Canada taking advantage of a scholarship at Toronto, was greatly appreciated as he spoke at the evening service in Wesley -Wil- lis Church, last Sunday. • • Mr. and Mre. Elgin Mason, Los Angeles, Mrs. Haber, Mrs. Martha Wamslee, And Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Cain, all of Romeo, Miele, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. "Cap" Cook. Mrs, •Marjory Stephenson and daughter Marjory Jean, Saginaw, Mich.,- and 'Mr. .and .Mrs. Alex Wylie, Marlette, Mich„ visited over the weekend and holiday with Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Kay. Very ,Rev. Edward C. Rorke, MrseRorke and. young Son Steph- en, Olean, •N.Y., were with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke, at their summer home, Beach Place, for' a lete August mid -week, Mr. and.Mrs. A. Livermore have just returned frora a very pleasant trip to the West Coast. They vis- ited friends in • Winnipeg, Man., Arcola, Sask,, Vancouver and Al - Berne B.C., and with their ,dau- ghter ,in Calgary, Alta. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 'Wilson leave on Tuesday for Montreal, Que., where on Wednesday morning they set sail for their home in England aboard the Iscania. For the pest 18 months theyhave been living with their son-in-law. and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs, R. A. Stevens, Isaac Street. They wish to think all the people ef Clinton for their kindness during they stay here. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. (Bert) Rorke, Miss Kay Rorke and girl friend Miss Parker, Hamilton, and Mrs. J. A. Begg (formerly Miss Joy Rorke), Rorketon, Man., are at the Rorke lakeside cottage for the mid-September week. Bert Rorke and •Mrs. Begg are son and daughter of the late `George A. Rorke, formerly of Clinton, and are nephew and niece of H. E. Rorke. EVERYTilitle, FOR LARGEST SELECTION! co SMOCKS OVERAL SHIRT'S PANTS SOCKS GLOVES LUGGAGE FOOTWEAR Phone 2 TWatiraFtSIECIVOIft LS Auxiliary Makes United Church WA Presbyterial , Final Plans For Leaders Meet Here In "Clinton Monster Bazaar The Executive of Huron Presby- interest and enthusiasm. tory Women'a Association „pf the Several societies which were ' ' United Church met ,f)13 Wednesday members last year have not paid Final and detailed plans for the evening, at the home of Mrs. A. this year's affiliatioe fees which monster bazaar to be conducted on 0. Eagle, .Clinton. with the presi- amounts to ten cents per member, Saturday, October 3,- in -Clinton dent, Mrs. C. C. Washington., Au- plus one dollar. , Town Hall, by the Clinton llosp- burn, presiding. Tentative plane were made for• ital Auxiliary were made op Mori- Mrs. 0 Higgins, Blyth, convener holding of the autumn semi-annual day afternoon, September 13. • of devotions opened the meeting rally at Centralia -early in Nov- pers. erarry Ball, president was with Proem'. Dale. J. McGill, see-. ember, • MrS. Argyle had copies ot in charge of the meeting, Reports retare, read a very full report of -some of the literature • available were heard from Mrs. A. 3. Mc- the first annual meeting, of Huron to WA's, and lists of other books Mtirray and Mrs. Douglas Beene, presbytery W.A. which was held end articles .to bg procured, and Mrs. Frank Fingland reported at Walton on•May 5, -With a large she stressed the value et this liter - full details as arranged and stress- attendance. . Mrs. W. Turnbull, ature to societies for use in their ectethat every home in Clintee Brussels, gave the treasurer's re- programs and devotional work. would be contacted personally on port, Also present' were Mrs. Nel- The president spoke 61 the sec - Thursday, September 39, for don- son Reid, Waltoe, vice-president; end annual meeting .of Stridon ations. ' Mrs. S. Argyle, Goderich, liter- Conference Women's Association The Bazaar to ,,be held in the ature secretary; Mrs. Claude Far- of the United Church, to be held town hall; the ladies, will serve row, Exeter, corresponding seere- at Woodstock in Dundas St Unit - tea in the Council Chamber . and tery and Mrs. Ray' Fear, Clinton, et], Church on Tuesday, September the Penny Sale is staged in Beat- press secretdry. _ 28, and she urged the executive to tie's Furniture Store. , • There are 66 VV.A. groups in bring notice of this meeting to • Reporting on', the Penny Sale Huron , Presbytery and discussiop their „respective societies so that were Miss W. Owen, Mrs, William was held on how to interest thoSe as many as ppseible would try to Moelock and Mrs. C. M. Shearing. not affiliated; the necessity ,of attend. The 75 valuable prizes in eon- persdnal contact, and the.,suggest- Mrs. Eagle served a delicious pection with the penny -Sale, will ion was made that each member lunch, -with her motherMrs, be on display from September 27 of the executive be responsible for Washington pouring. tea and small and the draws will be made on visiting a nUmber of W.A's. pre- 'daughter Lynn assistin.g in serv- the night. of October 2. --' ferably those nearest them. Best ing. The ladies voiced their One of the outstanding prizes results are achieVed by personal thanks for Mrs. Eagle's hospitality. will be a Russian squirrel neck - through the good auspices of C. piece donated by a LondoneFurrier Epee an •auxiliary member.. Girls' Club Hears At tee Conclusion of Monday's meeting Miss Al: B. Sinclair, sup- erintendentA. ef the hospital provid- At Ontario ed a cup of tea with IVIrsle e. M. P. Street Bulteel pouring at a table Prettily decorated with gladioli,snapdrag- on, and asters, and Mrs. A. Hadcly and Mrs. C. M. Shearing serving. Origin .of "Spices Talk Given At WesleyWillis WA ' The • Woman's Association of WeslejeWillis United Church held its first meeting for the fall term on September 2- with an attend- ance of 22. The president, Mes. G. Beattie:- was in charge with Mrs. Charlesworth at the piano. The meeting opened. with the WA theme hynui followed by prayer by the president. The de- votional .exercises were taken by: Scripture reading from Psalm 90, Mrs. Vanliorne; lesson thoughts, Mrs. Turner; and Mrs. Carter led in prayer. • The report of thesecretary, Mrs. M. Steepe, was approved as read and the financial report was given by the treasurer, Mrs. D. Bartliff. The flower report was given 'by Mrs. F. Potter. The visiting con- vener, Mrs. Addison, reported 22 home and rane hospital calls made. • Mrs. C. Nelson gave a timely and interesting talk on "Spices", their origin and early and present day uses. The president asked' the ladies to remember the fall bazaar min- ing up and be preparing for it. Ifpessiblebring sewing in te the next meeting. A hymn followed by the Mizpah benediction closed the meeting after which hinch was served by Mrs, 0 Nelson and her group. MELVA, ANOR RESTAURANT Huron.Street, Clinton 2 Blocks East of Mein Interaction * Amiounces Winners a STEAK DINNERS 1-Clorence Freeman, Clinton. 2,Harofd Lobb, Srucefield. • 3' -Mrs, • Amy Rutherford, Goderich. 4 -Bert Gliddon, Clinton. * * The "Manor" specializes hi STEAKS,- MCKIM and • 'FISH and OBIP ORDERS To Take Out. A quiet atmosphere in pleasant ,surroundings, And a. trained competent staff. BALL & MUTCH FUNERAL SERVICE AIVIBULANIOE SERVICE Phone 361W ASIREEMIIIIMEREINEINIMUMEr The Ontario *Street United Church Girls' Club held its regular monthly meeting on September .9 at the home of Miss Emma Plum - steel, with a good attendance. Mrs. Orville Stanley, presiding, In the absence of Mrs. Brock Olde, opened the meeting with the sing- ing of the first two verses of a hymn; the Lord's Prayer was re- peated in unison, and the singing of the hymn was resumed, Prayer followed. Miss Habkirk read a pagsage from Psalm 103. Miss Emma Plumsteel and Mrs. Plumsteel entertained with a duet. Apother hymn was sung. The secretary's report of the last meet- ing was read by Miss Lucille Grant. Business was then discus- sed and Miss Emma Plumsteel gave the treasurer's report, The guest speaker, Mrs. A. j. McMurray, took as her subject "Highlights Across Canada." This dealt with the journey she and her husband made by ear across West- ern Canada and part of the Unit- ed States this past summer. Maps, photos and literature were passed around, showing the interesting points of ;their journey. Lunch was served by the group members and at the close a vote of thanks was extended by Mrs. Radford, Ontario St Church Plans Sunda. School Rally The Sunday School Executive of Ontario Street United Church mot on Thursday evening last in the church hall with 17 members pres- ent and C. Stewart presiding. A hymn and prayer by Miss Cent -dee opened the meeting. Mrs. Smith read the lesson. The minutes were received as read and business arts- ing therefrom was duly discussed. It was decided to pay all out- standing bills for supplies for the Cradle Roll; to have Sunday School session at 12.15 p.m. till further change; to have promo- tions on September 12 and Bally Day' on September. 18 with Rev. Watt as guest speaker at 11 a.m. CWL Discusses - Details For - Hospital Bazaar The Clinton subdivision of the Catholic 'Womeri's League met in the church hall on Tuesday even- ing with Mrs. W. Managhan the chair. Mrs. John Anatett read the min- utes of the last meeting. Mrs. Clem Reynolds read the treasur- er's report. Mrs. Reyaolds also reported for the visiting commit- tee, • The following committees were formed: visiting, Mrs. M. LeBeati, Mrs. J. Anstett; lunch, Mrs. N. LeBeau, Mrs. Theo Flynn and Mrs. M. LeBeau. _ The niysteey prize was won by Mrs. E. O'Brien. Details. -concern- ing the hospital bazaar were dis- cussed, after which the meeting closed with the league prayer. Ontario St, WMS Honours Departed; 2 -Minute Silence aAni. mdrres.w'sp..- Girls Lane Give Travel Talk . The meeting of the Presbyter- ian Girls' Club was- held in the Sunday School room of the church with a good attendance. Clara Macaulay presided, The meeting opened with the singing of a hymn. I3ea Murray read the Scripture and the Lord's' Prayer wasrepeated in unison. The rnin- uteg were read and adopted and the teeasttrer's report was given. A short business meeting hindered. • Mrs. D. J. Lane gave an inter- esting talk on her trip to Winni- peg, Man; Mrs. Lane presented a corsage, atinndg• rMepaid:line utch a cup‘and saucer, to Jan Walters, who is leaving. Mrs. Walters made a fit- • The meeting „closed with the Mizpah benediction apd a lovely lunch was served by the hostess. Hostesses' for the next meeting will be Lois Farquhar, Ruth Neil- ans, Ina Cook, Jean Jacob. Bazaar Booths And Representatives Listed For Donors' In cage any copies of this list of booth representatives have been lost since it was first printed in The Clinton News -Record in April of this year, the list is repeated here. These are the booths which !deo be set up at the Monster 'Bazaar being held in the Town Hall on Otoher 2 The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's MisSionary Society of Ontaric, Street United- Church was held on Tuesday afternoon in the &lurch- hall. • Miss Sybil Courtice had charge of the devotional exercises. She also paid Whet° to Mrs. George Shipley, a valued member of the society and one minute's silence was obgerved in memory of Mrs. Shipley. Good reports were received from all departments, Mrs. Norman Carter contributed a solo. Dele- gates were • appointed to attend the sectional meeting in Egrnond- vine on Octbber 15. Mrs, A. S. McMurray gave a talk on Christian stewardship. Miss Courtice gave "The Watch Tower" and Mrs. Fear introduced the study book. - 0. BEAN SUPPER SERVED AT ST. .ANDREW'S WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6 The Woman's Association of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will serve a bean supper in the church on Wednesday evening, October 6, starting at e.30, pan. Everybody is welcome, turd! tfies SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1954 St. Paul's Anglican Cliurch REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Frenalin, Organist Mrs, J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 8.30 a.m.-el-key Communion lip a.m.-Morning Prayer and Sunday School. 7.00 p.m. -Evening qervice Wednesday, Sept, 22 - Ladies' Guild. Will entertain mem- bers of the Friendship Club to a social evening at 8,15 o'clock in the Parish Hall, The WA will meet in the Owen Memorial Hall on Monday evening, October 20 at eight • o'clock. Please note change oE data. Everyone welcome. Thursday, September 23 -Chancel Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. Norman counter at 8.00 rein. Thureday, September 23 - The Girls Auxiliary will hold their opening meeting at the • Rectory. at 5.00 Term • JOSEPH STREET GOSPEL HALL nuNToN ALL WELCOME Order of Meetings for the Lord'S Day: 11.00 a.m.-Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m. ---Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m. -Gospel Meeting. - Pentecostal Church P.A.O.C, Victoria Street K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor 10.00 em. -Sunday School. 11.00 elm -Morning Worship 7.30 p.M.-EVening Service Tuesday, 8 p.m. -Prayer Service. Friday, 7.30 p.m. -Young People's St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. D. 1 Lane, Minister Mrs. Morgan Agnew, Organist and' Choir Leader 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service KNOX CHURCH, BAYFIELD 2.30 p.m. -Morning Service Everyone Welcome 611tnIerifl& alniteb • Churcli Rev. HUGH C. 'WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director 11,00 a.m.-Morning Worship - Rally Day Service Promotion- Exercises Sermon Subject 'A Child in the Midst' , 12.15 p.m. -Church School 7.00 p.m. -Evening Praise "A Miracle. of Grace" HOLMESVILLV 948 a.m.-Church and Sunday •' School. TVOLMESVILLE 75t1s / ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER eg "Come to the House of Prayer" ill; Huron St. . Baptist Church Minfster--REV, J. E. OSTROM Organist -Mrs. George Grant 11.00 a.m.-A/taming Service 12.15 p.m. -Sunday School Everyone Welcome 'Gospel, Hall MAPLE STREET, CLINTON Sunday School •9.45 a.m. Communion" Service 11.00 aan. Gospel Service • 8,00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, 8 pare -Prayer & Bible Study. ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR-REV.A. GLEN EAGLE, BA,, B.D. • OlaGANIST--MRS. E. WENDORF 11.00 a.m.-Rally Day Service Rev. Watt of Whitechurch, guest speaker 12.15 noon -Sunday School. • 7.00 p.m.-Uhion Service In Wesley -Willis. • TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 pen. -Rally Day Service , Rev. Watt, guest speaker 3.00 p.m. -Sunday School , Representatives of the -various associationwill be glad to answer any questions concerning dope - tons to the booths, and each holne in Clinton will be canvassed on Thursday, September 30, for do- nations. , Handicraft - Rebekahs - Mrs. George Smith. Baking -Legion Aindliary - Mrs. Hanlgood, Sewing -Women's Institute -Mrs, • C. Sturdy. Produce Catholic Women's Lea- gue ---Mrs.- 3. A, Anstett Delicatessen-Kinette Club -Mrs. K W. Colgubotin. White tlephant--LOBA-Mrs. E Bell and Mrs. T. Deeves, Nearly New (nothing - Officers' Wives Aexiliary-Mrs, Young. Tea -Room --Order of the Eastern Star -Mrs, W. Wells. Touch and Take -Mrs. M. D. Mc- Taggart. C'This includes gifts valued at 25c to 50c.) Fortune Telling -Mrs. M. Brown. Children's Fish Pond - Nurses of Hospital -Mrs. A. Robinson. Green Thumb Table - Citizens' Horticultural Society -Mrs, 0 Epps, (This includes slipS of flowers or plants.) Prodnc&-Mary Hastings-1VIrs, W. Colclough. ST, ANDREW'S 'WMS WILL MEET ON TUESDAY The Women's Missionary Society of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, will meet on Tuesday; September 21, at the home of Mrs. W. Shaddock. Ladies' Auxiliary Receives Thanks For Food Parcels The Ladies' Auxiliary to the the ChanasdeirterribLeegirynee Legion, Clinton, noinLeegtioinn Hall, ,Kirk Street, On Monday evening, September 13, with the president, ears. Burton Stanley, in the chair. . 'The meeting opened Ili form, and minutes of the previoes meet, ing were adopted as given by the secretary, Mrs. ,Alex Haddy. • Through the coreespondepee, read by Mrs. W.- Jervis, thanks were received from English couples for food parcele sent through the British Legion from the Auxiliary, and also votes' of appreciation for flowers and cards of sympathy, and for a parcel sent to a local lad in Suenybrook Hos, pitalr;Toronlb. Id s: ‘rgeed, treasurer, in giving her report, stated the bal- ance in the bank was $409.75 In general account, and $41.08 in the welfare account. The auxiliary, conducting the , baking booth in connection with the Monster Hospital Bazaar, Oc- tober 2 (to which every member. of the Auxiliary was requested to contribute), also asked that these contributions be at the booth by noon of that day. The propery Committee wet in- structed to discover the price of card tables and purchase a nume ber of them for use at the hall. Mrs. Margaret MacDonald and Mrs. V. Manag,han will rePresent the local Auxiliary at the Provin- cial convention to be held in the King, Edward Hotel, Toronto, bo - ginning Monday, September 20. :Mrs. W. E. Radford played two piano solos* The bingo games will continue on Saturday evening, with Mrs, Kenneth C. Cooke, as convener. WHITE ELEPHANT BOOTH sponsored by the LOBA for the aid of the Hospital ,Auxiliary SAT, OCTOBE I 2 Clinton Town Hall Donations are requested for * the above booth. Those inter- ested, please PHONE OLIN - TON 8394 or 723-W and their articles will be, picked up, Rural donors are asked to leave their donations with Mrs. Ernest Ben, corner of King and Joseph Streets. It will be impossible to handle donations that are too large or too homer - 37 -8-b ,=•••••••••••MIIMMMe191•00•1•1•1011. SPECIALS for SEPTEMBER 16-17-18 COOKING ONIONS 10 lb. bag 35c BLENDED IL/ICE, Horsey, 48 oz. tin 31c CORN, Lynn Valley, Cream Style, 20 oz. -2 tins 21c RAISINS, Seedless 2 lbs. 350 DATES, Pitted. lb. 15c SUGAR, Redpath Granulated 10 lbs, 83c BACON, 'Maple Leof, Rindless, 1/2 lb. pkg. 37e TOILET TISSUE, Purex • - 2 rolls 25c POTATOESk, No. 1 75 lb. bag $2.39 " ' ••• 10' lb. bog 47c CHEESE SLICES, Ingersoll, .1/2 lb, pkg. 25c THOMPSON FOOD MARKET Phone 40 We Deliver dee / •4 004, Lt.i Be Sure to include some of • Our Dehcious Baked Goods • Sandwiches Taste Better! MADE WITH • Bartliff's Enriched Bread OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL! From Our Store Only - CHOCOLATE BROWNIES Reg. 55c pan for 44c • BARTLWF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE 1 amiroN