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Clinton News Record, 1954-09-09, Page 9
"THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9,•1954`• CLINTON NEWS -RECORD p. BAYFIELD Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Weston, Chicago, arrived on Tuesday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E., R. Weston. Judy Weston returned to her. home in London on Labour, Day -after having spent the summer with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs: E. R. Weston. STANLEY Tom and Bill Consitt, •• Grant Webster and Ron Armstrong are on a two-week motor trip to West- ern Canada and United States. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner, Mr.`. and Mrs. Harvey Boyce, :Mr, and 'Mrs. George Stephenson spent the Weekend' in Toronto and at the, Canadian National : Exhibition. Are You Interested? 3 year old LNTERNATIONAL • Power Take -off CORN BINDER, on 'rubber, With loader, like new $320 "I; year old .JOHN DEERE CORN BINDER, with sheath carrier, perfect shape $185 3iit,ernationnt CORN BINDER $60. 1951 CASE FORAGE HARVEST- ER with Hay & Attach- meats. Real good $795. 2052 GEHL FORAGE HARVEST - KR. A -Bargain:" $730 • 1951 GEHL FORAGE HARVEST- ER, Nice: shape $650 '1.95$ McKEE HARVESTER, also factory made wagon box, $1,425 New MASSEY-HARRRIS 4 ft. one- way DISC $385 :Wow MASSEY-HARRIS, .6 ftone- , way' DISC $450 HAWKEN 'FARM EQUIPMENT M. -If. Sales and Service ARI{ONA • "larnbtott County, — Phone 15 BRUCEFIELD se -e -e • 0 S 1 5 1••••4.4 N•s�+-sw-a Mrs. J. W.Stackhouse on the weekend. Mrs. Simon McKenzie spent a week with her son,•' and daughter- in-law, Mr, and Mrs Don McKen- zie, St. Thomas, Rev. and Mrs, G. G. Burton, for- merly of Centralia,' moved into. the manse last week. Rev. Burton,will act as stated supply for ` some months. " • Mr. and Mrs, William Elliott and family, Newmarket, visited with Mr. and - Mrs, Gordon Elliott and with Misses Marie and Kay Elliott over the weekend. Miss Janet Watson returned' his week to teaching- duties in Aylmer. Miss Stevens returned to .S. 3 Tuckersmith; Miss Collins will teach at S.S. 10 this year, Mr. and Mrs. Lawarason, Mit- shell; Mrs., George Lawarason, Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Heard, Bayfield; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heard and amity, Stratford, visited With Mrs. lice Hohner on the weekend, <r a a d' n t;. s and f Mrs. Alec Aubin has returne from a` visit in Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. herb Stevens an family have moved . to Varna. LAC and Mrs. Threfall Visite in" London on the holiday week end, - Murray and Miss Mary Gibso spent a few days in Honsali re Gently, Miss Margaret Aikenhead spen the weekend with her mother `Mrs. H. Aikenhead. Norman Wheeler, formerly o Brucefield,. died suddenly at hi home in Detroit on Tuesday: Mr. and IVIrs. Tom O'Hare, Ham- ilton, visited Mrs. J. Grainger ani other relatives> during , the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allen and fam- ily are getting; settled in their new home on Highway 4. just north a the village. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Neale, and fainly. Glencoe, were with 5 A Canada's 1953 apple crop is esti mated at 11,600,000 bushels, -tour percent off the previous year. as, SUNSET mmeummaimmingr THEATRE 11/4 MILES EAST OF GODERICH-On-No. 8 Highway FRIDAY and SATURDAY SEPT. 10-11 "HIGH NOON" Gary Cooper --• Grace Kelly Cartoon Comedy MONDAY and TUESDAY SEPT. 13-14 "Fortunes of Captain Blood" Louis Hayward — Patricia Medina Cartoon Comedy WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY SEPT. 15-16 "Abbott and Costello Go to Mars" Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Cartoon Musical BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7.15 P.af. TWO 'SHOWS NIGHTLY First Show at Dusk Rain or Shine PLAYGROUND REFRESHMENTS -- CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE — PAGE NINE A Tasty Dish EBENEZER Sunday Sohool 94th Anniversiary, A Sunday School annversaazy service will be heldin the 'Eben- ezer Church,: on Sunday evening, September 13, at 7:30' p.m, Rev. J. 7'., White, Londesboro United Church, will be the guest speaker, This will be the 94th anniversary of this church. WILL MOVE SECOND BAIRN TO SITE OF ONE BURNED William Hayter, R,R. 1, Varna, who lost a barn with livestock and equipment valued at $15,000 in a recent fire, pians to have his other barn, a 74 by 38 foot structure; moved to the site of the old one by Russell Parsons, Staffa, and Paul Corriveau, Zurich.' CLINTON _MEMORIAL -StIO OPEN EVERY- FRIDAY At ° other times contact J, J. Zapfe, phone Clinton 103. Residence, Rattenbury Street East. o PRYDE and SON CLINTON - EXETER SEAFORTI "Almost as good as I; ,make myself," says Mrs. Doreen Hines as she tasted the soup in ` the kitchen of the 2nd Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery at Iserlohn, Germany, while Mrs. Myrtle Grant and Mrs, Elsie Schoen cheer her on. "The cook wondering if his soup will pass the test" is Sgt. Wally Kroeger. AR four come from Winnipeg, Man., and the ladies are wives of members of the unit, serving with the 1st Canadian Xntantry Brigade in Germany. • ' (National Defence Photo) News of Londesboro Mrs, Frank George from West- ern Canada is with Mrs.. James Fairservice. Mr. •and Mrs, Wesley Hoggart, Clinton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Youngblut, Master Mervin Durnin visited with Evelyn Kerslake, Winchel- sea, last week. Miss Edith Beacom spent. a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Neil, Kirkton. Mrs. T. 11. Shobbrook is visiting with her son, Lorne` Sholibrook, and family, Oshawa. Mrs. Kate Bremner who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Mary Beacom and Harold, return- ed to Listowel on Sunday. Pte. Gordon Hesk has returned to Calgary, Alta., after visiting for a month. with his.-parents,•Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Hesk. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Radford and boys have been visiting with Wallace and Bruce Riley at Niag- ara Falls, returning Sunday night. Miss' Jessie Duncan and Mrs, Trumpt, Paris, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Duncan, Detroit, were holiday visitors with Mrs, Lillie Webster. Mr, and Mrs. Howard Tait and Bette were in Toronto last week, CALL IN AND SEE US ABOUT YOUR ,PROBLEMS on: EAVESTROUGHING ELECTRICAL WIRING MR -CONDITIONING GRAVITY WARM -AIR HEATING PLUMBING A FURNACE FOit EVERY JOB WISE and BATEMAN Phone 147—Clintala e,++4 Miss Bette has entered training at the Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto. • Mr. and ,.Mrs. Thomas Butler, Arva, were Sunday company with Mrs. Butler's mother, Mrs. Nellie Watson, who went back with the Butler's for over the holiday. Miss Dorothy Little and her mo- ther, Mrs. Robert Townsend, and Mrs.. E. Throope, have returned from their holiday trip to Nova Scotia and the Eastern Coast, School teacher back to their posts this Tuesday from this dist- rict are MSS D. Little, Toronto; Miss E. Beacom to A/V/M Hugh Campbell School at 'RCAF Station Clinton; Miss Margaret Tamblyn. to Dresden high school; Miss Max ine Hunking to London 'Pownship; Billie Cowan to S.S. 8 Hullett, and Mrs. Ted flunking to S.S, 7 Hui - lett. fruit de e 1 u e Lon- desboro 0 pro- gram i i e i v holi- days Wil- lows tt Until Canada has a much larg- er population, the country will al- ways produce less per worker than the United States; and similarly will have less with which to pay for production. Harvest Home A Harvest Home serVice was observed, in the United Churchat Londesboro last Sunday, when the church was, decorated with and vegetables from the gardens, and grain and corn from the fields. There were lovely baskets off Ow- ers everywhere. The choir gave , excellent music and. song,: The pasw,sir delivered a fine sermon on the- beauty and bountiful harvest. • WA Will Meet The regular meeting of the Woman's Association will be held in the basement ,of the church on Thursday afternoon, September 16 at 2.30 o'clock, The roll call is to be answered by your birthday and birthplace. The committee is Mrs. Edwin Wood and 'Mrs: Henry Hunk ng, Hostesses are Mrs, Bert Hunk ng, Mrs. Will Honking, Mrs. Henry Dunking and Mrs. Lorne Milting. Mr. and Mrs. William Glover, Michigan, spent the weekend oli days with Mrs. Glover's sister, Mrs. Robert Youngblut, and Mr. Young also visited with Mrs. Mountain. Willows Mountain is at present in Victoria Hospital, London. A Bank is useful in so , many ways . ©PP 001 �I t P At a bank, you can keep important papers and other valuables ina private safety deposit box. . , '+kd',t ,•``' ,q.}, 't° as > F r?„<;v ` r, riTi'`�'y�i63�t5�.'�i�.&�X2"i$i"5.°��aWWe.;.%=,g • Travellers Cheques and Letters of Credit provide a safe, handy source of funds when you travel. ;,4bank helps you do business at a'. distance; sells. exchange, transfers- funds, snakes collections. A bank is much more than just a place to cash a cheque or deposit your savings. The many services it provides are designed to help you handle money, matters more simply, safely, easily. You will find bank people courteous and efficient in handling routine banking matters and, helpful, too, when unusual problems arise, Don't hesitate to "see the bank about it." THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY VARNA Public School re -opened on Tuesday with Mrs. Talbot in charge. The YPU softball team attended the tournament in Blyth on Mon- day of this week. The regular service of the Unit- ed Church and Sunday School will be withdrawn on Sunday next ow- ing to "anniversary-_ services in Goshen United Church. Mission Band On September 5, Mission Band opened when Mrs. McAsh 'led in the Mission Band purpose. Gary McAsh played a hymn, "God Sees the Little Sparrows Fall" The secretary gave her report. The roll was called by Dianne Webber. The treasurer gave his report. Mrs. Taylor gave the story, "Simmer's. First Home." The work and workshop twins were Marg- aret Aidington and Nancy -Webber. Mrs. McAsh led in prayer, 'mile offering was taken by Carol Tay- lor and Nancy Webber. Mack Webster gave a reading for September and Gary McAsh will give the reading for October. The work and workshop twins for October are Joan McClymont and Carol Taylor. Ruth Pitt sang "Jesus Loves Me". Douglas McAsh played a hymn "Jesus Bids Us Shine, Mrs. MeAsh led in a prayer. When your muffler starts showing its age, install a new factory - engineered Chryco muffler. You'll enjoy more comfortable motoring and protection from dangerous exhaust gases. Chryco mufflers are six ways superior! They're engineered to the engine; fit perfectly; guard against -backfire; last longer; give complete protection and are really quiet. Let us check the condition of your present muffler . , , now! *Chryco ie a trademark of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited r DRIVE IN FOR A MUFFLER CHECK TODAY! iTRPIIY BROS. CHRYSLER --PLYMOUTH Ftt$GO Sales and Service PHONE 465 Huron Street CLINTON, ONT. ePo with the friendly merchants who ISE at ho e9 You see their names reguularly in the.colunms of the Clinton/ News -Record They are interested in a progressive community. 'They Advertise 4 - You Patronize" When the great Mark Twain edited a news- paper, one of his subscribers, on opening a copy, found a spider. He wrote to the editor to find out Whether this was a sign of good kick or bad. The reply was, "Neither. The'spider was merely, looking over the advertisements to ascertain Who didn't advertise, : so that he could goto that merchant's doorway, spin himself a web and Live in peace." Advertise at Home Shop at Home Clinton News -Record