HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-09-09, Page 5'THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1954 cuNIDN NEWS.41.C,ORD PAGE FIVE ' Classified Rates CASH RATE -- (If paid by Wednesday following date of in- eaertion)—Two eents a word first insertion (minimum 50 cents); vabsequent insertions 1% cents a ,word (minimtnn 35 aents); 15 'cents extra for box number. or Vor direction to NEWS -RECORD :Office. IF CHA11GED-15 cents extra. DEADLINE—I2 noon Wednes- ACCOMMODATION for RENT "THREE UNFURNISHED Rooms, share bath, Phone Clinton 690M. IRREE ROOM APARTMENT --- unfuenished. Apply Mrs, J. W. 'Reid, Varna. 36b ONE ROOM with use of kitchen, "Victoria Street, Clinton. Telephone Clinton 247. 36-7-b FURNISHED APARTMENT in the town of Seaforth, available October 1. Apply to Harold Jack- son. Phone Seaforth 661-14. 36-7-b COUNTRY HOME, hydro, furn- ..ace, bathroom, Furnished. 12 miles from RCAF Station. Apply Gor- don Hill, Varna, phone Clinton 6300,6. , 36b .HOUSEKEEPING CABINS, on the •lake. Furnished. Modern and • semi -modern, Ten miles from • camp. Hydro and water supplied. $20 a month and up. Write or -see G. Hazelwood, R.R. 1, Bay - .field, Ont. 32-tfb COTTAGE, UNFURNISHED, Rat- tebury and Shipley, two bedroonis, batbroom, living -room, fireplace, dining -room, kitchen, laundry room, refrigerator, oil heating. Available September 16. Apply Gordon Cunningharne, Box 72, Clinton. 35-6-P Accommodation Wanted ' SELF CONTAINED unfurnished, . apartment, careful tennants, one child. Phone Clinton 382 and ask for Local 332. 36-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1953 FORD PICKUP TRUCK, one and one-half ton, first-class t condition, telephone Hayfield 27. 32 to 36-b ARTICLES WANTED HIGH CHAIR AND PLAY -PEN. Reply to Clinton News -Record Of- fice. 36n, ARTICLES FOR SALE CANADIAN CEMENT for sale. Phone Clinton 62, Lloyd Moore. " 218 BEE RIFLE with Weaver G4 Scope. Some ammunition, $35. Will trade for 22 semi-automatic. Phone Clinton 77233, 36-b FOR THE FINEST VALUES in Diamond Rings visit COUNTER'S jewellery Store. Ask ,to see our eFour Star Specials" and compare. 35-6-p TWOROOM. CABIN TRAILER; electric frig; brakes; circulated oil heat; propane gas cooking; good shape; $1,900. At Al Linfield's Tire Shop, Highway 8, Goderich, 36p SEE- THE FAMOUS RCA Victor TV now available at T. .A. Dutton, Brucefield. Also quick service on antenna installations, with the famous Skyline antenna. Prices on request. Phone Clinton 634r4. 36b MODERN HEATING 001VIPLETE FORCED AIR HEATING SYSTEM FOR A FIVE -ROOM HOME • $525.00 Write Dept. CNR or visit our showrooms. Opel Monday, Wednesday and Fridayeven- ings and all day Saturday. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES Streetsville, Ontario BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 'THREE LADIES, WANTED who are interested in part time work mostly evehings, average earnings '$35,00 week, For full particulars phone London 341913 or Write Mrs. M. Travis, 229 Giles Street, 'London, 34-5-6-7-p CUSTOM WORK WILL DO SEWING, KNITTING and crecheting. Phone Clinton 222R. 36-7-b FOR CUSTOM BEAN -PULLING . and custom -baling, apply Stewart Broadfoot, phone 621r3 Clinton 36b EMPLOYMENT 'WANTED RELIABLE HIGH SCHOOL stud- ent (17 years) desires work after school in Clinton. Phone Clinton 189R. K. B. McRae. 36-7-p MIDDLE-AGED LADY requires evening work: baby sitting, home help, anything considered; also dressmaking. • Apply to Box 361, '•Clinton News -Record. 36b 'Furniture Rer:Fhiiihing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M. 35-.tfb FURNITURE -FOR 'SALE SOLID WALNUT DINING ROOM wile, nine pieces, Fere VanEg- mond, phone Clinton 808r2. 36p ':FARMS FOR 'SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR aele, L G. Winter, Real Estate. Ihone Clinton 448, • 33-tfb FOR SALE OR -RENT BOARD AND ROOM ROOMER OR BOARDER. Phone Clinton 550W. 35-6b FARM EQUIPMENT for SALE • INTERNATIONAL 2 -FURROW eloW, new coulterseApply to Clark Ball, phone 802r6 Clinton. ° 36p FORAGE HARVESTER, 'George White. Demonstrator. Apply to Jim Cox. Phone Clinton 550W. • 36-7-b • HELP WANTED ---Female WAITRESS FOR FULL TIME employment. Experience not ne- cessary. Apply to Bartliff Bros„ phone 1, Clinton. 36b DINING ROOM GIRL WANTED. Board included. No holiday' work —Sundays off. Phone Clinton 793 or apply in person to Hotel Clin- ton. 36-b HELP WANTED—MALE DISHWASHER. Apply to Pinger's Restaurant, Clintoe. 36b EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEPER. Good. position. Apply in writing only, stating age and experience, to pox No. 361, Clinton News - Record. 36-7-13 LOST AND FOUND LOST—MALE BEAGLE HOUND, black and white, with a brown face. Reward. Notify Dr. G. S. Elliott, phone Clinton 203, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REGISTERED HEREFORD Bulls, Polled and Horned, serviceable age; also a one-way disc, price $200. John Lindsay R.R. 3 Clint- on, Ont. Phone Clinton 910r14. • 36p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderieh. Phone collect, ()36r32 or 936r21. 9-ptfb MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL OFFER on Power Lawn Mowers. We have three reel type and one rotary for sale at 20- per met off regular price. Now is your chance to get a good power mower at a bargain price. Come in and look them over. We don't want to carry them over the win- ter. BALL and 1VIUTCH. 36b NOTICE ANYONE FOTJND TRESPASS - Ing on pt. Lots 41-51, Tucker - smith Township, bobh sides of river at any time hereafter, will be prosecuted. By terrier of the owner, A. E. Parry. 31-36p POULTRY FOR SALE 150 PULLETS, SUSSEX X RED; five months old. Reasonably pric- ed. S. Welbanks, Londesb'oro, phone Blyth 39r7. 35-tfb PERSONAL SINGLE MAN of some means, in fair health, age in fifties, would like to meet single woman, age in forties or fifties; Protestant preferred; possibly of some means, for companionship with view to maeriage. Apply to Box No. 302, Clinton News -Record. 33-5-6-p sTovEs FOR SALE SMALL GOOD CHEER STOVE, takes chunks of wood. Apply Ed, Sturgeon, Hayfield, 36b GRAHAMETTE RANGETTE, in excellent condition. Phone M. Maguire, 795-J, North Street, Clin- ton. 36b PROPERTY WANTED 30 TO 80 ACRES SANDY LAND, preferably on or near 4th conces- sion, Goderich Township, Apply ]lox No. 231 News -Record 23-25-tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE SIX GOOD BUILDING LOTS on High and Kirk Streets, various sizes, Contact W. N. Counter or phone Clinton 230. 35-6-p ONE CHOICE LOT, ease end of Princess Street, part of Combes estate, near schools. Apply Lloyd Hakim phone 692-W. 33-37p DESIRABLE LOT — Corner of Kirk and Townsend Streets, vicin- ity of two schools. Contact E. Jamieson, phone Clinton 304W. 36-p HAYFIELD -- IWO LOTS ON Main Ste- running through Keith Cres.•, half lot on River Terrace and East Howard. Apply Lucy R. Woods, phone Hayfield 45r3. 32-3-5-8-b WOOD FOR SALE QUANTITY OF HARD WOOD, chiefly maple. Ready for delivery. Phone Clinton 805r13 after 6.30 p.m. John Woon. 35-6p Now is the time for asurer .fill p .1)Itte CO3,. - AT PRESENT LOW PRICES SEVEN, ACRES CHOICE LOAM,Grigg & Son Market garden land; good house, bath, presstire system, a modern ' '5100,also a new barn, garage, Phone 74W Chntork John Durst, Clinton,11,R, 2. ' rnone FOR Invitations To Your WEDDING • ANNOUNCEMENTS • REPLY CARDS _ • NAPKINS , • MATCHBOOKS • COASTERS Phone 4 FOR New Style LETTERHEADS Business Stationery is Our Specialty • STATEMENTS • LABELS • ENVELOPES • INVOICES • RULED FORMS • SPECIAL FORMS • COUNTER CHECK BOOKS • SIGNS * * Clinton News -Record "The Home Paper With The News" Cards of Thanks MRS. J. FRASER, Hayfield, wishes to thank Dr. Addison, the nurses and staff of Clinton Public Hospital; those who sent cards, flowers and treats, for their kind- ness during her recent illness. 36b MA. AND MRS. DONALD HOWES, Blyth, wish to express their appreciation to the many friends who remembered their mother, the late Mrs. Mary Hold- en, with numerous cards, flowers and treats, during her illness at homei and n Clinton Public Roset- ta Special thanks to the Guild of Trinity Church and Rev. W. E. Bramwell; to Dr. .11, W. Street, Blyth; Dr, Addison and Dr. New- land, Clinton; 'to Mrs. McDonald, special nurse arid the nursing staff who showed her many kind- nesses; and to those who sent flowers and cards of sympathy, following her death. These kind expressions have been much ap- preciated, -36p AUCTION SALE Of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS of the Estate of the late Mrs. Rogerson, from the old school grounds, Townsend Street, Clin- ton, on Saturday, Sept. 18 aL 1..30 p.m., the following: Studio couch; 2 antique chairs; china cabinet; dining room table and 4 chairs; dining room suite of buffet, table and 6 chairs; lea- ther rocking chair; 2 rocking chairs; library table; Everready electric radio; Raymond drop -head sewing machine; end table; sev- eral small tables; tri -light; table lamps; 2 bedroom suites of dres- ser, bed and spriegs, wash stands and mattresses; , several other wash standee 2 feather ticks; double bed, springs and inner- spring mattress; single bed, springs and mattress; quilts; kit- chen table; kitchen chairs; ice box; cook stove; electric clock; electric iron; hot plate; dishes and antique dishes; glassware; sealers; toilet set; lawn mower; cooking utensils; numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH Mrs. ?Awry Nett, Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, administratixs of the 'Estate. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 36-7-b AUCTION SALE Of HOITSEHOLD EFFECTS of the Estate of,the late Mr. A. T-. Cooper, from Ms former residence, the corner of Dunlop and Fulton Streets, Clinton, on Saturday, Sept. 11 at 1.30 pm. the following: 2 -piece Chesterfield; piano ad bench; coffee table; rosewood rocking chair; oak rocking chair, and several other rocking chairs; oak dieing room suite,consisting of buffet, table arid chairs; cabinet radio; nest of tables; wall mirror; fireside equipment consisting of hamper, irons and fire screen; drop -head sewing machine; fern- ery stand; several small tables; bridge lamp; table lamps; desk lamp; large walnut cupboard; ball tree; several scatter rugs; modern 3 -piece bedroom suite; Marshall inner -spring mattress; iron bed (% size); ihner-spring mattress; dressing table, dresser; oak dres- ser; ahtique, chair; small chest of drawers; Electro -lux; Crosley re- frigerator; kitchen cabieet; heavy duty electric rangette; cook stove; dishes and glassware; cooking utensils; kitchen table and seveeal chairs; step ladder; lawn mower; garden hose; garden tools and numerous other articles, , TERMS—CASH le°. Fingland, ct.o., Solicitor • gor the Estate. Edward W. Elliott, Anctieneer BIRTHS BENNETT—In Alexander Mar and General Hospital, Goder on Wednesday, September 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Mel Bennett, Goderich, a daugh (nee Doris Penhale). GINGERICH — In Clinton Pu Hospital, on Friday, Septem 3, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Curt Gingerielm Zurich, a daughter GRIFFITFIS—In Vitoria Hos tal, London, on Friday, Septe ber 3, 1954, to Mr. and M Arthur Griffiths, London, a s HAYTER,—In Clinton Public H pital, on Friday, September 1954; to Mr, and Mrs. Mer Flayter, Varna, a deughter. HORNER—In Clinton Public 11 pital, on Friday, September 1954, to Mr, and Mrs. Kei Horner, R.R. 1, Dashwood, a s JOHNSON — In Clinton Pub Rospital, on Sunday, Septemb 5, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs, Howa Johnson, RR, 4, Clinton, a da ghter (stillborn). KEYS—In Clinton Public Hos tai, on Friday, September 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Arno Keys, Varna, a son, MacLEOD—On Thursday, Augu 26, 1954, in Norfolk Gener Hospital, Simcoe, to Mr. a Mrs. Malcolm C. MacLeod, a s (Malcolm Bruce, a grandson f Mr. and Mrs. L. H. D. MacLeo Hayfield), MENNIE—In Clinton Public Hos pital, on Wednesday, Septemb 1, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Sydne Mennie, North Bay, a daughte 1VlacVEAN — In Clinton Publi Hospital, on Tuesday, Septemb 7, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Robe MacVean; R. R. 3, Hayfield, daughter. SCOVEL--In Clinton Public Ho pita on Thursday, September 1954, to Mr, and Mrs. Fran Scovel, Clinton, a daughter, WISE—In Clint= Public•Hospita on Sunday, September 5, 195 M Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wis R.R, 5, Clinton, a son. MARRIAGES ine tele 1, yin ter blic ber iss pi- rs. on. os - 3, vin os - 3, th on. lic er rd u- pi - 3, Id el st nd on or d, er r. 0 er rt a s- 2, 1, 4, e, ALLAN-WHEATLEY — At the home of the bride's parents, Mc- Killop Township, on Saturday afternoon, August 28, 1954, by Rev. T. 3. Robinson, Stratford, Joan Arlene Wheatley, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo- rge T. Wheatley, and Robert Petrie Allan, son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Allan, Brucefield. DENOMME - GARON -:e Mc CAULEY-GARON — In St. Jos- eph's Roman Catholic Church, Clinton, on Saturday morning, September 4, 1954, by Rev. j. W. P. Graham, Jeanne Claire Garen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Antoine Garen, Clinton, to Peter Joseph McCauley, St. Marys, son of Mr. and Mrs, John J. Mc- Cauley, Kitchener; and Marie Lorine, also daughter of Me and Mrs. Antoine Garon, to Clarence Dominic Denomme, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Denomme, Clinton. LANE - MIDDEGAAL — In St. Michael's Roman Catholic Church, Blyth, on Wednesday morning, September 1, 1954, by Rev. L. 3. Phelan, Christina II., daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Bert Middegaal, Blyth, and Louis Joseph Lane, Dublin, son of Mr. and Mrs.. William Lane, Dublin. REID-BROWNING-40 St. Paul's United Church, Windsor, on Saturday evening, September 4, 1954, by Rev. G. D. Petrie, Phyllis Weir Browning, only daughter of Mrs, Weir and the late Fred- erick Weir, Windsor, and Bern- ard George Reid, only son of Mrs. A. W. Reid, Windsor and Hayfield, and the late A. W Reid. DEATHS HARRIS—In Clinton, on Thurs- day, September 2, 1954, Louise Loeffler, beloved wife of Aug- ustus F. Harris. Funeral from the Ball and Metch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Saturday afternoon, September 4. JONES—At the home of his dau- ghter, Mrs. Brock Olde, Clinton, on Sunday, September 5, 1954, John J. Jones, formerly of Dela- ware Township, in his 86th year, Funeral from the McFarlane funeral home, Lambeth, to Oak- land Cemetery, Delaware, on Wednesday afternoon, Septem- ber 8. McR013ERTS — In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Thursday, September 2, 1954, Cecil Mc- Roberts, Granton, brother of Miss B. W. McRoberts, Clleton, in his 74th year. Funeral from the Haskett funeral home, Lu - can, to Birr. United Church Cemetery, on Sunday afternoon, September 5. Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W — Clinton WOO. ROXY THEATRE . CLINTON TOP SCREEN FARE IN AIR -C Now playing—Thurs., Sept. 9 Adult Entertainment Last Showing "FROM HERE TO ETERNITY" 41111111111111a) AT PAM( TELEPHONE AT PAWN TELEPHONE THE " 1150 THE "Ill / "'" 47 ONDITIONED COMFORT -- Adventure Stories at Their Best NOW—Thur., Fri., Sat, NOW—. -Thur., Fri., Sat. Fri. & Sat. Only—Sept. 10-11 "Prince of Pirates" John Derek — Barbara, Rusk Mon. Tues. Wed., Sept. 13-15 "Blowing Wild" Gary Cooper—Barbara Stanwyck Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sept. 16-18 "THE LONG, LONG TRAILER" Lucille Ball—Desi Arn, Coming Slim: "THE EDDIE CANTOR STORY" "SO BIG" by Eilme Ferber A grand Pulitzer prize-winning story about a young widow in a Dutch farming community who raises her son to be So Big. Jane Wyman—Sterling Hayden and Nflar19, Olson Mon., Tues. & Wed. "Executive Suite" Love and hate—loyalty and fear —sorrow and envy—honesty and greed — all the prime human emotions depicted in one great picture, William Holden—Deborah Herr Fredric March Coming --"Hell Below Zero" In. Technicolor — with Alan Ladd and joan Tetzel "KILLER APE" Jungle. Jim and the Wasuli Tribesmen tangle in a crusade against a gigantic man -killer. and some nefarious white hunt.; ere. — Johnny Weissmuller -- Carol Thurston ez Tamba, Mon., Tues. & Wed. "Tabor the Great" This startling tale concerns a 'man-made mechanical monster possessed with every human de- sire and no weakness! Charles Drake — Karin Booth and Billy Chapin Coing — "China Venture" wtth Edmmul O'Brien and Jocelyn Brand° Farms For Saie I. ACRE FARM, clay loam with 15 acres of bush. Barn, shed, silo, pressure system. All in good shape. The land is tiled, lots of fruit trees. A. nice 12 - room house with bathroom, basement, garage. Full price: $11,600. Low down payment. A GOOD 100 ACRE FARM, barn, munphouse, garage; 7 -room house, hydro, water, basement. Full price: $6,000. 112 -ACRE FARM, 5 miles from Clinton. Barn, henhouse, one other building.. Garage, good water. 7 -room house, bath- room. Hydro. Price: $8,500. WE HAVE a nice list of farms, 50 to 500 acres. JOHN BOSVEL1D Real Estate Broker 40 WELLESLEY STREET GODER ICH, ONT. 36b .....nnew",,,,NP.raserma,•••••min.."0, PERSONAL PENSION POLICIES ASSURE COMFORTABLE RETIREMENT. CONSULT— HAL HARTLEY, Representative CANADA LIFE. Clinton, phone 454w VETERANS! I am now in a position to pro- vide you with the house, lot and acreage for purchase through the VLA. These areas are in the Town of Clinton and there- fore your children will have all the school facilities available to them. Come on Out to the North End and let us talk it over, There is now more easy money available ,to qualified veterans with low down payment and easy month- ly payments. Also, have lots available for those interested in an NITA home. New, low down payment and easy monthly terme I will do all the work and worry for you, "Andy" Deseek BUILDER PHONE CLINTON 363 36b NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the _estate of Jane Rogerson, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron'widow, who died on or about the 28th day of July, 1954, are required to file the same with full particulars with the und- ersigned by the 461 day of Septem- ber, 1954, as after that date the assets of the Estate will be dist- ributed, . DATED at the Town 'of Gode- rick, in the County of leurom this 10th day of August, A.D. 1954. le C. HAYS, Goderich, Ontario, golicitor for the Estate 32-3-4-b ===colesolle=1;= J A. ANSTETT Jeweller and 'Watchmaker EXPERT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Bulova, Gruen and Cyma Watches BLUE RIVER and. BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS Spode Dinnerware Visit Our Modern Up -To -Date Jewellery Store Today Phone 562 Clinton 26-tfb "THE SUREST WAY TO KEEP FUNERAL 1 COSTS LOW" CALL vttfie ;ITIttrterni Num, Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY Evening, conuriencing at 8 Dam TERMS CASH J. COREY, SaIes Manager E. W. ELBIOTT, Auctioneer IC, W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Drain Tile Available for Immediate Delivery Drop In or Call BRICK and TILE YARD Phone Lucan 25 r 31 J. A. RYDALL Elginfield, Ont. 29.-tfb 77-1.1150ale" lwmcit Get There Safely! CALL 110 ASHTON'S TAXI Mes••••••••••~0•Wily*~~~4.." 11.010101111=110•01111011111111111MMIMMOMIIIMIMMIN. FARMS WANTED WE HAVE GOOD PROSPECTS FOR QUICK SALES Contact JOHN BOSVELD, Realtor 40 Wellesley St. -- GODERICH — Phone 1108 36 -to -40-b Back To School! YOU'LL BE RIGHT IF - YOU WEAR A PAIR OF COWBOY KINGS Sanforized Denim Boys'—$4.50 Men's—$5,85 RSHOES• REGISTERED TRADE MARK UNNING Block Basketball All Sizes --- 6 to 12 $6.95 pr.' • PICKETTpp. CAMPBELL Arrow Shirts "The Stov For Men" Stetson Hato PHONE 25 — (Main Corner) — CLINTON