HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-09-09, Page 3THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1954 Foster Wright (By our Auburn correspondent) Following a lengthy illness, Foster Wright passed away in Clinton Public Hospital Monday morning, in his 87th year. Mr: Wright had been a patient in the Clinton hospital for four, and one- half years. He was .barn in Bracebridge; 54 years ago he married Ida May Roberton. They resided at Walk- erburn all their married life, Mrs. Wright passed away five: years ago. Mr. Wright was ' a member of Knox United Church and a member of the Meal Orange Lodge. The remains are resting at the J. K Arthur funeral home, Au- burn, where funeral services will. be held Thursday afternoon (to- day) with Rev. C. C. Washington in , charge. Interment will be in Ball's Cemetery, Hulled . Town- s'Fiip, TENDERS will be received by ,the undersigned until Sep- tember 15, for the Construe tion and Installation . of Tim Storni Sewers in the Town of Clinton. Plants and specifications available at the Clerk's Of - flee. 'Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Work to commence on the Municipal Board's approval of the project. L. • D. HOLLAND, Clerk, Box 400, • Town of Clinton.' 35-6-b SONE ux WALES SUFFER FROs1 WAVIER PENETRATION hut... NOT WHEN You APPLY 1. W. Counter Builders' Supplies PHONE 120 CLINTON HENSALL Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Smillie attended the Toronto Exhibition last week, LAC Don Orr of the RCAF has returned to Beaver Bank, N.S., to. resume his duties. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Eller re- turned Tuesday from a pleasant -holiday trip into the United States. Mr. and M. George Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kinsmen spent Sunday at Niagara Falls, Mrs, William Pepper left last Thursday for a week's vacation with relatives at Kincardine and Port Elgin, Mrs. L Warren, Grand Rapids, Mich., and daughter Grace, were Sunday guests with Mrs, L, Doig; and Janet. • ' Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hill, Strat- ford, visited with Mrs. J. ;A. Tay- lor and Mr, and Mrs. Norval Reid and family last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cook and Carolyn have returned after spending .a week vacationing at Bala, Honey Harbour and Lions. Head. Mr. and Mrs:: Lloyd . Redden,; Linda and Sam, returned home to St. Catharines, after 'pending a: week vacationing with Mrs. Cath- erine Redden• and Herb, 'Fred Kennings and family. Labor Day visitors with Mrs. Catherine Redden .were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Redden, George, Patsy and Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Iiedden;'all 'of St, Catharines; Har- old Hedden, Dresden; Catherine and Patsy Carter, Clinton. Scout and Cub News Indian Scouts Will Make Long Trip Scouts forming the Indian Con- tingent to the Sth World Jamberee at Niagara -on -the -Lake, Canada, in August, 1955, will be away from home five months. They will leave Indian shores next May and travel to Canada via Europe 'and the United States. They plan to visit Italy, Austria, Germany, Switzer- land, France and England, aswell as New York and one or two other American centres. Aiming to be back in India by the end of Sep- tember they will visit a few cities in Japan and China on their homeward journey. Mothers Mabe Flags For Indian Cubs, Scouts Indian Wolf Cubs and Boy Scouts of the 50th London-Muneey (Ont) Scout Group recently be- came the proud possessors of four beautiful silk flags. Made by members of the Homemakers Clubs, Indian women on the Res- ervations, the flags included a CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Age -Old Arthritis, Many aching backs and creaking joints are often attributed to "arthri- tis," but this ailment has,its spe- cific characteristics and differs from other members of the rheumatic dis- ease family to which it belongs.. Though modern ,man suffers very Much from this malady, it is in no way_new. The Neanderthal man, the ancient Egyptians and early North • American Indians also had arthritis. Properly called ffi n .degenerative joint rias ,44 disease or'osteo- \h.": arthritis it results from • the aging MI"' processes of the hesbones. Chronic ii la movement and Ir- ritation over the years wear away the padding of cartilage and fibers in the joints, particularly the weight-bearing hips, shoulders, an- kles and elbows. By the time a per- son passes. 40, he; may feel stiffness, pains or aches in the worn areas. In treating osteo -arthritis, doctors, usually recommend rest and free- dom from mental and physical strain, proper diet and heat 'appli- cations. Now, a hormone drug that provedits value in treating ,rhea rheuma- tism, has been used effectively against osteo arthritis. Dr. A. R. C. Butson used injec- tions of hydrocortisone compounds such as Cortril on 40 cases of arthri- tis over a period of a year, at the Queen Mary Veterans' Hospital in Montreal. According to the doctor's recent report in the Canadian Medi- cal Association Journal, "the major- ity of these cases obtained consid- erable benefit following the injec- tions." Modern. an has been e mforced arced to suffer from the same malady that afflicted his prehistoric ancestors, but at last he: can be optimistic— medical science has found ways to relieve the pain and may finally cure the disease. Pack, Troop and two Union Flags. Some 1,500 people were on hand for the presentation ceremonies including officials from. the Do- minion Indian Affairs Branch and three Indian Chiefs: Manson Ire- land of the Oneidas; William Dol - son of the Munceys and George French of the Chippewas. • Rent Apartment; Use a 50c Want Ad "Clinton's Only Radio Cab Service" Stan's Radio Cabs Safe, Courteous DRIVERS' —o— COMFORTABLE CARS Cleaned and Washed Doily Day and Night Service Phone 205' Clinton rly Fall Weddings Reid -Browning (By our Bayfield correspondent) A quiet wedding was solemnized in St. Paul's' United Church, Wind- sor, on Saturday evening, Septem- ber 4, when Phyllis' Weir Brown- ing, only daughter of -Mrs. Weir and the late Frederick Weir, Windsor, became the bride of Bernard George. Reid, only son of Mrs. Reid and the late A. 'W. Reid, of Windsor and Bayfield. The Rev. G. D. Petrie officiated. The bride was beautiful in a street -length dress of taupe -brown corded silk faille, cut on princess lines and , trimmed with brown velvet. She wore a close -fitting brown velvet hat, matching acces- sories and a corsage of .yellow rosebuds. Her only attendant was Mrs. William Slote, Roselands, who chose a navy blue ensemble with which she wore a corsage of red roses, William Slote was :groomsman.: The wedding dinner was served at the Thomas Inn after which the couple- left on . a honeymoon trip. They called on the groom's mother, "Enfield" cottage, Bay- field, on Sunday on their way to points in Northern' Ontario. Paterson Nott Gladioli and fern formed a Brucefield 'United pretty setting Church on Saturday, in g August when Rev. W. J. Maines united in marriage -Gloria Blanche Nott, Clinton and Ronald McLean Pat- erson, Brucefield. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Nott, Clinton and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Paterson, Brucefield, Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride wore a ballerina - length dress of lace and nylon net over satin. The fitted strapless bodice, which was topped by a long sleeved fitted jacket that buttoned o ar was offset tinycollar, under aby a billowy skrt. She wore a white bridal half crown hat and carried a colonial corsage of Listra Her- bett roses. Miss Patsy Thompson, Clinton, as bridesmaid, wore a strapless ballerina length dress in orchid shade with matching. 'stole. Her headdress was a tiny band of net trimmed with mauve flowers and she carried a colonial bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums. James Nott, Clinton, brother of the bride, was groomsman. For a reception at Hotel Clinton the bride's mother received wear- ing a navy and white nylon dress, white accessories and a corsage of pink roses. She was assisted by the bridegroom's mother who wore anavy nylon dress with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses. For a motor trip to the United States, the bride travelled in a coral shade knitted suit, black ac- cessories and a corsage of roses. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Pat- erson will reside in Clinton. Feted. Before' Wedding- Prior eddingPrior to her wedding, 'a miseel- laneous shower was given the bride by the Bell Telephone Comp- any employees, at the home of Mrs. M. Knox< Clinton. Miss Patsy Thompson, Clinton, was hostess at a shower honoring Miss Nott and a trousseau tea was held by Mrs, James Nott honoring her daughter, Pouring tea were the bride's two grandmothers, Mrs. George Reeves, Seaforth and Mrs. Fred Nott, Clinton. In charge of the trousseau was Miss Patsy Thomp- son, Clinton, and in charge of the guest book was Miss Margaret Reeves, Seaforth. 5i1T-1E1MT suRc powER Is she tossing her bouquet to you? Soon you` may be setting your wedding date. It's a time for.happy planning .:. and serious saving. We'd like to help by showing how simple and smart it is to open a special Royal Bank savings account, so that you'll be financially "set" when the Big Day comes. You will find Royal Bank people eager to help you, pleasant to do business with. • There is always a goad reason for saving THE ROYAL ;BAN( OF CAA®A Denomme-Garon. McCauley-Garon- St, Joseph's Church, Clinton, was the scene of a double wedding on Saturday, September 4; when Rev. J. W. P. Graham officiated at the ceremonies which united in marriage Jeanne Claire Garen and Peter Joseph McCauley, and also Marie Lorin° Caron and Clarence Dominic Denomme. The brides, are the daughters of Mr, and Mrs:. Antoine Garon, Clinton. Mr. Mc- Cauleyis a• son of Mr. and Mrs.' John J. McCauley, ,Kitchener,. and Mr. Denomme's parents are Mr, and Mrs: Lawrence. Denomme Clinton. Miss Florence Evans, Clinton,: presided at the organ and the,, soloist was Miss Lucy Levy, Clin- The brides, both of whom were given in marriage by their father, wore identically styledwaltz length gowns of nylon tulle oven bridal satin. The moulded bodicesi were tucked with fan pleated tulle, which formed a pointed neckline and extended into ; cap sleeves. Their full bouffant skirts were embroidered with scattered ap- pliques and their finger-tip veils', of double nylon tulle were caught, to crowns of simulated pearls and sequins. Each carried a white prayer book crested with red roses. Miss Jeanne Garon wasat ended t by Miss Phyllis Shanahan, London, as bridesmaid and Miss Lynn Garon as flower -girl, and Miss Lorine Garon was attended by Mrs. Roger Garon, St. Hyacinthe, Que., as bridesmaid, and Audrey Denomme, as flower -girl. They were similarly gowned hi coqueli- cot red. The bridesmaids' gowns of chrome -spun taffeta were styled along Empire lines and featured scooped necklines. They wore crowns of white roses and carried bouquets of white roses. The Y flower -girls wore gowns of l nylon net over taffeta in a similar shade and crowns of white rosebuds. They carried nosegays of white and red roses. Thomas McCauley, Kitchener, acted as groomsman for his bro- ther, and Francis Denomme, To» ronto, was groomsman for his brother. The ushers were Paul Denonnne,Rudy Garon and James McCauley. At the wedding reception held in the Hotel Clinton, the mother of the brides received wearing a two- piece dress of iridescent taffeta in a green shade, gold accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses, She was assisted by the mothers of the bridegrooms. For her son's wedding Mrs. McCauley chose an afternoon dress of spruce -green crepe, gold accessories and a cor- sage of Talisman roses and Mrs. Denomme had chosen a two-piece afternoon dress in an amethyst shade, black accessories and a cor- sage of yellow roses. For a wedding trip to New York and Montreal, Mrs. McCauley chose a suit in an elephant grey hade, . red accessories and a car - age of white gardenias. To travel to Atlantic City and Montreal, Mrs. Denomme donned a cotillion blue suit, navy acces- ories and a corsage of white gar- denias. Mr. and Mrs. McCauley plan to •aside in St. Marys, where Mr, McCauley is employed in the Royal Bank of <Canaria branch. Mr, and Mrs. Denomme will live in Clinton. • Allan -Wheatley Tall standards of pink and white gladioli formed a setting for an outdoor wedding on Saturday af- ternoon, August 28, at the home of the bride's parents, when Joan Arlene; Wheatley became- the bride of Robert Petrie AIIan. The bride is the only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George T, Wheatley, McKillop Township and the bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan, Brucefield The bride's uncle, Rev. T. J. Robinson, Stratford, performed the ceremony. Miss Norma Leem- ing organist, played traditional wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Robert S. Mc- Kercher, R.R. 1, Dublin, who sang' "The Lord's Prayer" before the ceremony, and "My World" -dur- ing the signing of the register. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a dress of white eyelet embroidered organdie over taffeta in a ballerina length, feat- uring a three -tiered skirt and a jacket with long lily -point sleeves. Buttoned to the neck in front, the bodice had a pointed collar. Her scalloped fingertip veil was held by a halfhat of satin trimmed with seed pearls. She carried a nose- gay of red better •times roses and white stephanotis. As maid of honor, Miss Elsie Storey, Seaforth, wore a dress of similar style, pale blue over white' taffeta, with a shrug bolero ,and. matching headdress and gloves.', Miss Catherine Campbell, Sea - forth, was similarly attired in 3 dress of deeper blue shade with a shrug bolero and matching head- dress and gloves. They each car- ried a nosegay of pink carnations and white stephanotis. John MacDonald, Ottawa, was groomsman, and Larry Wheatley, brother of the bride, ,ushered, For a wedding dinner at the home of the bride's parents, the home, was decorated with seasonal flowersin autumn tones. Assist- ing with the dinner, were Miss Joy Jantzi, ,Miss Marie Connolly, Miss Olive Jefferson, and. Mrs. Everett Storey.. For the reception, the bride's mother wore: beige 'georg- ette crepe ,with pink accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The bridegroom's mother, wore sea- shell pink tricolene, crepe with matching accessories and a cor- sage of yellow chrysanthemums. For a honeymoon., in Northern Ontario the bride travelled in a tailored ',dress in charcoal shade with a matching jacket. Her ac- cessories were in tangerine and bronze chrysanthemums formed her corsage.' On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Will reside on the bridegroom's ' farm at Bruccfield. Canada produces about two- thirds of the world's asbestos. Quick Canadian 1 Utz s . 1. Which of these Atlantic islands has the largest area: Anticosti, Prince Edward, Cape Breton? 2, In 1939 Ottawa employed 46,- 000 civil servants. What is to- day's total? - 3, At its closest point how far is Newfoundland from the Caned, ian mainland? 4. In 1939 there were 25,000 manufacturing companies in Canada How many are there today? 5. Which costs more annually, family allowance payments or federal old age pensions? ANSWERS: 5. Universal old age pensions and family allowances cost about equal amounts, about. $350 millions. annually. 3. Nine miles. 1. Cape Breton is the larg- est, Prince Edward the smallest. PAGE THREE 14, Over 37,000. 2. Total of temp- orary and permanent civil servants is now 1$8,000; including easuai and other employees total is 172,- 000. 72,000. (Material prepared by the edit- ors of Quick Canadian Facts; the pocket annual of facts about Can- ada.) DRUG STORES QAC . r HAIR CARE $ ;: HEM QUMtTRRS • ENS° NEW sp.tfanin4 with Mintile wakeg lotions • INSTANT NEUTRALIZING *NO GUESSWORK 7 We have a complete line of everythin W RA / NEN LOTION SHAMPOO, 45, J5, SUS cHovu or aural $1.75 FOR CHILDREN 2 TO 12 17-0187,67 FOR A SOFT CASUAL CURL Honor Perman.,• Rena 1.75 NEEDS NO NEUTRALIZER /11 ParmHon,eI Noma , /•� I/V R !Rt 611.75I P1r,n.a., 1.75 a wow, N•�r"e, aro. 0 ROW ToIREcame R/NSA' The new, Invillbt6 `pis half droning, Vj TONT CREME3w4,'p00 ak. walking Your hal, in ..Md min water, .39, .65, 41.00 SPIN CURLERS MN/� ree�r ler all 41.29 Lame Pa.w,.,h UNIQTO UE F. B. PENNEBAKER PHO SERVICE DRUGGIST PHONE 14 LLASHMAR 51 R r: { PAT r� A.l 0 ---#.^-11.--',�%.' NEXT TO CLINTON First Show at Dusk E -n CLINTON COMMUNITY 1'AItK ,2 Complete Shows Nightly . THURSDAY and .FRIDAY September 940 "GOLDEN MASK" (COLOUR) VAN HE LIlN — WANDA RENDBlX • Cartoon • News SATURDAY and MONDAY September 11-13 `Capt. John Smith and Pocahontas' (Colour) ANTHONY DEXTER — JODY LAWRENCE • Cartoon • News TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY September 14-15 "TURFING POINT" WILLIAM HOLDEN - ALEXIS SMITH • Cartoon a News THURSDAY and FRIDAY September 16-17►'„ "Jack and the Bean Stalk's (Colour) ABBOTT aril COSTELLO • Cartoon i News CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND 2 sUoWS NIG HTLY — 2 Rain pill,Clear, G Children Under 12 in Cars FREE!