HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-09-02, Page 8PAGE EIGHT News of Bayfield• 'RePresentative MISS IitICY,R WOODS , Phone HAYFIELD 45 r 3 Mr, and Mrs. Ed Sturgeon spent the weekend at Mitch° . Mrs, P. Renner left last week to spend two weeks in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. H. Misener, Port Dover, spent the weekend in the village. Thomas Arkell, Hamilton, was with his wife and family over the weekend. Dr. R. G. Hunter, Toronto, was with his wife and family oyer the 'weekend. Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Bryant are spending a few days at their home in Byron.. . De and Mrs. A. C. Chapman; •Detroit, were at their cottage froin Friday until Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Flagg, London, were at their Cottage, "Flag Hav- en", over the weekend. Miss Cecil McLeod left last week to spend a fortnight vvith Mrs. F. Pearce, Leamington. and Mrs. Kenneth Cietle and four children took ship for Edinburgh, •Scotland on August 20. 'err. and Mrs. Dalton Smith' and Janet, Landon, haVe been holiday= ing at 'their .cottage on Sarnia S. Mr. and Mrs, Robert MacLedd; Lohden, were with his parents, Mr, and-IvIrs. L. H. MacLeod, over the Weekend. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Little, Brantford, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs: Charles Toms over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Harold King, Sar- nia, visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Charles W. „Parker, over the weekend. Miss Peabody, London, England, and Mrs. K. Erwin, VVhitby, were the guests of Mrs. W. M. Purees last week. Mrs. Lucy _Plater and two sons, Ken and Bob, and grandson, Dale Terribile, are spending a fortnignt In Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reid 'and Miss ,Kathleen Reid, 'Windsor, were with *Mrs. A. W. Reid from Friday until -Sunday. • Mies Florence Stirling, Goderich Township, visited her aunts, Mis- ses A. M. and E. J. Stirling for several veeeks. . Mrs. Malcolmili. MacLeod, Tp - roto, spent the weekend of Aug-, ust 20-23 cr.t ,the home of Miss Mabel Hodgins. • Mr. andeMte. Peterson -and fam- ily, Riverside, visited Mr. arid ,Mrs. George Fellows and family over the 'Weekend. # Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Manness-and two 'Children, London, visited his parents, Mr.. and Mrs. W. E. Man- ness, Sr., last week. John Rankin and family return- ed to-Go.shen, Ind., on Angust 20," after having spent a vacation with his aunt, Miss C. P. Rankin, Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Keys, Strat, ford, have been occupying Mrs. Wilhant J. Hall's cottage on Chini- quy Street for the past two weeks. Mrs. C. R. Wills' daughter,Mrs. George Fox, and three friends, Birmingham, Mich., are spending this week at the McCombe cot- tage. Mr. and -Mrs. E. Twentyman and fairiilY, Waukegan, Ill., are holi- daying with Mrs. Twentymares mother, Mrs. Paul Cleave, this week. Cecil Daley, Mrs. Ruth Aspens- chacle and son Richard, Port Hu- ron, visited the former's nephew, 130 Charles 1 and family over the weekend., UALITY FEEDS A FEED FOR EVERY NEED Feed for profit — feed the best --- FRESH MIXED FEEDS DAILY or mixed to your own order. Always ready to serve. No order too small nor too large. If you have any feed problems, call and see us — we are glad to help — we also have expert advice at oUe'service, Do not guess— be sure of your feeds. • We also carry a full line of WARNER BROS. Famous Poultry Equipment and ROOT- LOWELL SPRAYERS. Fertilizer -- Seeds — Grains Concentrates S. RIDDICK and SONS PHONE 114 CLINTON Miss Helen /Edith /ForreSter re- turned to-Goderich, on Monday at - ter having been with her mother, Mrs, James A. Caineron, over the 'weekend. Mrs. George Adams who was a patient in Alexarrdra and Marine General Hospital, Goderich, from Saturday until Monday is improv- ing in *health. Recent arrivals at the Jowett cottages are Mr. and Mrs. Blake Sherman and family, Riverside; Mr. and Mrs. C. Rowswell and family, London. Miss Barbara Bassett has re- turned to her position with the London Life Assurance Company, after having spent two weeks va- cation -at home. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Erb arid four children returned to their hqnre ii.Birmingham,; „Bfrmingham,,Mich., on Arlgust ** 22, after holidaying at "Birchcliff" cottage. Miss Roberta Clark who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Scotchrner, left on Sunday for London to return to Cleeland via aeroplane. The Rev. F., H. Paull, Listowel, visited at the horneS of Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner and Canon and Mrs. H. M. LangFord, for several days during the past fortnight. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Turner, motored to Toronto on Thursday, for the weekend. They attended the opening of the Toronto Ex- hibition. • Cpl. and Mrs. C. B. Hiseler and family left on Saturday for RCAF Station, Aylmer, to which he has been posted. During their years in Hayfield, they occupied "Blink Bonnie." .„ Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A._Rog- ers and son George, Ottawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rogers and Tommy, Montreal, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Rogers recently. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Weston, Rayand Susanne, returned to their home in Ferndale, Mich., the weekend of August 22 after having -visited the formers father, George Weston. Mr. and Mrs, W. Cotton are spending a few days at their home in London. Their daughter and family, Washington, D.C., visited them at their cottage on Victoria Place in August, Mrs. B. T. Stephenson and Barbara returned to Toronto on Sunday and Miss Ada Bingley to Detroit on Monday after having been at their cottage on Ann Street for the season. Mr. and Mrs, Percy Proctor, Deer Lodge Park, are celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday evening, September 4, when they are holding open house for their relatives and friends. Thomas Edwards of the Faculty of Temple University, Philadel- phia; Martin Ormond and son Tom, Dearborn, Mich., were the • vests of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Or- mond for a few days recently. The Rev, Peter Renner is at- tending a Young People's Exec- utive Camp at Ryerson Bead', Lake Erie, from August 27 -Sep- • tember 4. He came home for his services throughout his charge on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scotchmer and two daughters, Jane and Lin- da, left on Thursday for their • home in Winnipeg after having • been the guests of Mrs. R. Scotch - mer while vacationing in the neighbourhood. E. A. Featherston, London, was home over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Featherston returned the previous, week from a motor trip to Ponoka, Alberta., where they visited their daughter, Mrs. Keith Leonard and family. • Mrs. J. E. Howard and Marg- aret, Miss Anne Drouin and Sen- orita .A ngela Mafferti-Revilla, were the guests of the *former's sister, Mrs. H. G. E. Crosby,. at her summer home in Courtoght for a few days last week. Miss Agnes Stirling is in Clin- ton Public Hospital as the result of a paralytic stroke. She had been spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. John Cameron and was taken to Clinton by ambulance early Monday afternoon, August 23. Mrs. R. B. Johnston left' on Monday to resume her teaching duties at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., after having spent the' long vaca- tion at her honae on Louisa Street. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart mot- ored to Sault Ste. Marie with Mrs. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ferguson and three sons Who have been vis- iting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. • Morton Elliott, Varna, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson and three children, Sudbury, spent several days last week at their cabin on Colina Street. Mr. and Mrs. William - Naftel and family, Berkley, Mich., his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Glyn Osborne and family, Oak Park, Mich., returned to their respective homes on August 22 after a vacation spent at the old Alfred Naftel homestead. Mr. and Mrs. j. H. Parker ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss and Janice on a motor Trip to Niagara Falls over the weekend of August 21. Mr. and Mrs. Pruss and Janice spent Monday in Hay- field with her parents before re- turning to their home in Loielon. Mrs. Manley Thompson 'and Katherine who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc- Kenzie, left on Monday with her husband, who joined "them last Week, for Belmont, Mass. 'Prof. Thompson is on the Faculty of Harvard University at Cambridge, Mass. 'Miss Connie Baker returned to London on Sunday after a vacation spent at the family cottage, "Wheel In". Miss Sylvia Baker spent a holiday last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R Baker. She returned to LoncliSh with Douglas Long who was a weekend guest. 'Miss Florence Power and Miss LLASHMA 'IMRE CLINTON NEXT TO 12L1I1TON COMMUNITY PARK rst Show at Dusk • 2 Complete Shows Nightly THURSDAY, 'FRIDAY and SATURDAY—Sept. 2, 3, 4 'DOUBLE FEATURE FOR 3 DAYS " WE ID ELSRETH SIGMUND -- HEINRICH GRETLER — AND "WHITE MANE" ALAIN EMERY • Cartoon •News -SUNDAY MIDNIGHT September "MALE WAR ,BRIDE" (Adrift .Entertainment) CARY GRANT — ANN SHERIDAN * Cartoor • News MONDAY ONLY September 6 "CROSSED SWORDS" (COLOUR) -- ERROL FLYNN -- O Cartoon • News TUESDAY and 'WEDNESDAY , September 7-8, "I9 THE JURY" _ (Adult Entertainment) . PRESTON -FOSTER PEGGIE CASTLE , • Cartoon • News. THURSDAY and FRIDAY September -,9-10 "GOLDEN MASK" (COLOIllt) VAN HEFLIN — 'WANDA- HENDRIX • Cartoon • News CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND --‘SHOV,VS NIGHTLY,-- 2 Vain or Clear 17 in Cars FREE! CLINTON NEWS-REC°" Mrs. I. Lawrason Celebrates Her 88th Birthday At Home With Her Family (11 our* Ba field correspondent) • ' Congratelations go to Mrs. Isa- bella Lawrason, who on Saturday celebrated her 88th birthday, quietly at her home. Present were her son-in-law and daughter, IVfr. and Mrs. Nelson Heard, who re- side with her and her son, Samuel Lawrason"andwife, Mitchell. Born in Hay Township, the daughter of Catherine Motter and Mathew llohner, she moved with her -parents to Stanley Township •when 12 , years Of age. Fifty-nine years ago, she married George Lawrason *and came to her present liorae in Stanley on the sideroad which at that time marked the northeast boundary between, Hay- field and Stanley. Her husband' THURSDAY, SEPTEMI3ER 2, 19544 • This remarkable wernan enjoys good health) and is active in her garden and amongst the flowers winch she loves. This year she, digged the early potatoes, amount- ing to two bags,' On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Rohner and 'five children, Hensel', and her grandsqn, Lloyd Heard, wife and son, Varna, called to offer felicitations. On Monday Mrs. Lawrason walked with her daughter Carrie, to call on Mr's. E. Schnell, a distance of a mile or more. s She was the recipient of many, cards and gifts.'We wish Mrs. Lawrason many more happy re- turns on August 28. urday, August 22, in honor in Miss B. Kinzie, Kitchener, a bride -elect, going to Calgary to reside. 'After- wards the party lett for :The Loft", Oakwood, where a shower was held. Evans Cameron and son Scott called on his father, James A. end Mrs. Cameron, en route from To- ronto to Camp Ipperwash, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron and. family have been there for the summer and will visit his sister, IVIrs. McPherson, in Sag- inaw, Mich., before returning to Toronto. ' Mrs. George King had the mis- fortune to trip over a broom in her home* on Friday mil/ming, last. In the fall, she Suatained a com- pound fracture to her- left wrist. She, was taken to Clinton Public Hospital and was a patient there until Sunday, when she returned home. Mrs. M. C.,Hart, Toronto, came on Sunday to be with her mother. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth during the past two weeks have been: Dr. Hugh Ferguson, University of New Mexico, and his mother, Mrs. G. Ferguson, • Albuquerque, N. M.; Mrs. William R. Jowett and Mrs. Mrs. J. A. Ferguson, Goderich; Rev. and Mrs. C. F. 'Krauth, Kit- chener; Rev. and -Mrs: R. A. Price, Hanover. Guests at The Albion Hotel dur- ing the past two weeks include: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Adams, Royal Oak, Mich./ Mrs. D. P. Gilmour, Miss Isabella McGregor, Detroit; James Broadfoot, Vancouver, B.C.; Miss Dorothk Treleaven, London; Brian Rourke, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. William Elliott, Jennifer, Laurie and Stephen, Newmarket; Miss Eileen Kelly, London. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Elliott attended the Burke -Fryer Wedding in the Gospel Hall, Rebecca St., Stratford, on Saturday, August 28, at three o'clock, and the reception which followed at The Ude Home- stead, Highway 8. The groom, Glen Fryer, 'is Mrs. Elliott's ne- phew. Following the reception, Mr. and MTS. Elliott went on to Kitchener to visit their son, John, and family, returning home on Sunday night. Recent guests at Deer 4Lodge Park include: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stanley and friends, Mr. and Mrs. j. N. Dewar and family, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Moore and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Sullivan and children, Clinton; Mr: and Mrs. J. W. Campbell and faintly, Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Kessler, Toronto; Mrs. Lilyan A. Burns and son, Strat- ford; Rev, E. S. Wells, Strathroy; T. C. Bannister and family, Sarn- ia; the E. Atkins family, London; Mr. and Mrs. Morley H. Lannin and family, Dublin, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Sexsmith, British Columbia. GueSts at The Little Inn over the past fortnight include: Misses Annie and Marron Watson, Wind- sor; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Read and daughter, Oakville; Mrs. Grant Finch,Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. Hawkins, Riverside; Mr. and Mrs, G. L. Parent, St. Jerome, Que.; Mrs. Maude Taylor, Miss Elsie Hoare, Mrs. C. P. Hoare, Mrs: - Vera McFadden, Mrs. Vera Logan, London; Mr. and Mrs. 4. Mc- Donagh, Mr. and Mrs. M. Poole, Dr. David Anderson, W. J. Christ- ie, Toronto; Mrs. June Collier, Lansing, Mich.; Mrs. Helen Steph- ens, St. Clair, Mich.' Mr. and Mrs. Allan Charlton and three daugh- ters, Stratford; Mrs. McIntosh, Mrs. Braithwaite, London; .Miss Barbara Pollock, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker, Weston, were with his sister, Mrs. Fred Weston, over the weekend of August 21. Boneie Parker who had been visiting her cousins, re- turned home -with her parents, ac- companied by Jackie Weston who went to the CNE td see Roy Rog- ers while visiting at the home of her uncle. She returned with Mr. and Mrs. Parker and Bonnie who were also here over the past week- end. Rouse guests of Mrs. A. Sfip- pnick at her cottage, "Holley, Lodge", last week were: Mrs. R. G. Forshee, Mrs. John Krauss, Mrs. Lawrence, Hickey, Mrs. L. P. Richardson,, Capt. and Mrs. Ray Hayward, Mrs. Mary Seabold, De- troit, and Mrs, B. Shirley, Indian- apolis.- Miss Holley Louise Sup- pnick, Harold Prim and Mr. and Fire Departmenit Responds To Fifty Fourth Call (By our Bayne* corresisontlent) Bayfield Fire ,Department re- sponded very quickly to a. call to William Hayter's farm •on the Babylon Line, Stanley Township. on Friday afternoon about 4.30 o'clock. Despite the fact that this is the first call since July. 38, both trucks had left the village before the alarm- stopped. Even though they were not there in time to save the large 'barn and contents, it gives one a feeling of security to see this volunteer fire department working so efficiently. A second call came at 4.30 on Sunday morning. A passing mot- orist had seep flames in Alf. War- ner's field on the Blue Water Highway, Goderich Township, op- posite Peter Clark's farm. ,It was the separator of the threshing machine burning. There was no hope of saving it but the alarm was turned in lest the flames spread to swaths of barley in the field. The separator had been sitting in the field for some days. It is thought that it was struck by lightning. Other fire calls this summer in- cluded one on June 20,, when the firemen were called to put out a chimney fire at McConkey's, and on July 18 they were called to the dump. The two calls last weekend, brought the total to 54 calls since the fire brigade was formed and _went into operation on August 20, 1952. Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association_ "Where Better Bulls Are Used" We wiIIbe closed for staff holidays August 29 to Sept. 6 inclusive, We will breed your cows to top,bulls at o nominal cost. Inquiries for new business invited, For service call CLINTON — 242 7.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m. week days 7.30 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. on Sundays and Holidays Mrs. Gordon Fearnley, Detroit, were/ with the former's mother over the weekend. Guests at the New Ritz Hotel during the past fortnight include: ivrr. and Mrs. McKenzie and son, Kitchener; Mr. and, Mrs, George Burrows,. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gee, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beyan, Sarnia; Mrs. Mar- tha Roseler, Herbert Roseler, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hartman, Miss B. E. Bell, London; Miss Jean Leadly, Ailsa Craig; Mr. and Mrs. Vasor- ajs, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. 3'. R. Fiddler and family, Royal Oak; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Graff, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. J. Taklor, Mr. and Mrs. D. McKinnon, Windsor; J. A. Lottridge, Stoney Creek, ,Ont; Mr. and Mrs. K. Howley, Mount Brydges; Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Doty, Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. A. A. Eng- land, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. D. Murphy, Miss Linda Murphy, To- ronto; Mrs. Connelly, Miss Eliza- beth Bryan, London; Mrs. M. O'- Brien, Miss Joan O'Brien, Thomas Ellis, James beery, Detroit. "The Poplars" Mr. and 1VIrs. Laurie Blaser, Paul and Lynn, Toronto, occupied the Bell cottage last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clarke, Jo- Anne, Pat and John left Tuesday for their home in Toronto after having occupied "Grumblenot." Mrs. D. Beatty, Paul and Mich- ael, St. Adele, Que., have been visiting her mother, Mrs. William Greig, 'Salt Acres", *during the past week.,Miss Wilma Radford has return- ed to London after a. holiday spent with her mother. Mrs. J. Radford has returned to Clinton. Mrs. William Watters and four child- ren, Nancy, Conrad; Carolyn and Mark, Goderich, are occupying the Radford cottage for a few days. Willing Workers 'The August meeting of the Wil- ling Workers vyas held in church. basement. Plans had been made for a picnic on this date but owing to weather conditions it had to be held inside., ' The meeting was opened by prayer in unison. The president then read a short article using ss her thought: "The man who really ,Wants to do the will ef 'God, will learn what God's will for him, is," This was followed by prayer and 13 members answered the roll call. Rev. P. Renner closed the,meet- ing with prayer. Lunch was eery - ed by the committee in charge. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Grant Stirling. ••••••••C•••• OOOOOOOOOOO •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • is the time' to buy storm window protection . for your home! • ' • • Deal wait for winter winds to howl • ' A order storm window protection NOW. Be • •. sure of prompt delivery and good- Weather •for . Ping, pointing and hanging your • storm windows. ' • i Storm . windows will save enough fuel to • pay for themselves in approXimately • three ,yeare time. Enjoy the extra cam- . fort .... safeguard your family's healt' • • :ia and protect your walls, woodwork and • furnishings from condensation damage • wills storm windows of WOOD. • • ' woop windows do not rus no : sweat, are easily fitted, .toke any Let us estimate the cost of wood , • decorative finish, are easily re , storm, windows for your home , : paired . . . . and WOOD vvin . doWe cost lessl prompt service no obligation. • PliOne w -day for this free services BALL-1VIACAULAY LIMIT1ED CLINTON Ph. 97 LU SEAFORTH Pb. 787 Grand Bend A DAY OF LAUGHTER?' Sunday, Sept. PARADE - 2 O'CLOCK 3 BANDS! — BEAUTIFUL GIRLS!' — HORSES!' DECORATED CARR LIONS CLUB BEAUTY CONTEST $50.00 It41 PRIZES (Enter on Sunday): 2.30 P.M. CONCERT ON BEACH NEIL MeKAY and ORCHESTRA Outstanding Guest Entertainers CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PUPPY RAFFLE (COCKER SPAM ELY Draw to be made ot Midnite Dance JOIN THE PARADE with your SADDLE HORSE! Prizes $20 - $15 - $5 (Stabling arranged for the clay) A Day of Real Fun and Amusement For You and Your Whole Family! Sponsored jointly as a goodwill gesture by LIONS CLUB — CANADIAN LEGION CHAMBER OF COMMERCE and LAKEVIEW CASINO Midnite Dance The Last Dance 6f Season 1954! • DIRECT DRIVE " PUMPS - W AT E R WHERE AND WHEN YOU WANT IT 'There's a Beatty Pump for every farm need, to bring you running water from any source. Enjoy the benefits pf running water in your House and Ram A Beatty Water System will provide water for bathroom and kitchen in the house, fan water bowls and milk coolers In the Berm Beatty Pumps operate by electric motor, by pump jack, built-in or separate- ' engine. They are available In deep and shallow well models. Beatty Direct • Drive Pumps, save power because they have no belts to slip and break. All working parts are fully enclosed and mad* for jifetints service. You'll be surprised at .their low cost too,