HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-09-02, Page 7URSDAY PTEM131)111, 2, 1954 cumrou Nxws,nEcoRD AGE - PAGE SEVEN Classified .Rates CASH RATE -- (If paid by ,eeeci.nesday following date of in- eaertion)—Two eents a word first :lin:tart-ion (minimum 50 ceots); .atessequeut isesert1ons•11/2 cents a -word! (minimum 35 eents); 15 -cents extta for box number or elm direction, to NEWS-mscpRD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- ACCOMMODATION for RENT FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR L. G. Winter, Real Estate. 'none Clinton 448. 33-tfb 230 ACRES, heavy clay learn, in Clinton' district; two barns, eight - roomed house, three-piece baths room; plentiful water supply in barn and house; good hardwood littlish; 80 rods froth- school; lie miles from church. Will be sold with or without machinery. Hell cash, balance of mortgage carried by owner.. Apply to Box 321, Clinton News -Record. 3e-tfb 'THREE ROOMED FURNISHED „epartment available innnediately. -Phone Clinton 1453. 35b -MODERN THREE ROOM apart- ment, and bathroom, oil heated. Phone Clinton 607-W.• 35b TWO ROOM FURNISHED apart- ment, central. Phone Clinton 731. 35b 'FOUR ROOM • APARTMENT - for rent, share bath room, Available October 1. Phone Clinton 374. ' 35-b TOUR ROOMS TO RENT, upper floor of house in -Seaforth. H. Christiansen. Phone Seaforth 22R. 35b CAN ACCOMMODATE one or two gentleInen, in Switzer Block, t apartment 1. Apply between 7 . and 8 p.m, Ed. Florian. 35p COUNTRY HOME, hydro, furn- ace,bathroom. Could be partly r furnished. 12 miles teem RCAF Station. Apply Gordon Hill, Varna, . phone Clinton 630r16. 33-5-b HOUSEKEEPING CABINS on the 1 lake, Furnished. Modern and -semi-modern. Ten miles from camp. Hydro and water supplied, 425 a month and up after Sept, 6. Write or see G. Hazelwood, R.R. 1, Hayfield, Ont. . 32-tfb COTTAGE, UNFURNISHED, Rat- tebury and Shipley, two bedroom, bathroom, living -room, fireplace, dining -room, kitchen, laundry room, refrigerator, oil heating. Available September 16. Apply Gordon Cunninghame, Box 72, Clinton. 35-6-p AUTOMOBILES FOR 'SALE 1953 FORD PICKUP TRUCK, • one and onalhalf ton, first-class condition, telephone Hayfield 27. 32 to 36-b • ARTICLES FOR SALE • SEE THE NEW 1955 Northern Electric Sylvania 21" TV with All the latest features. T. A. Dutton, Brucerield, plione Clinton 634r4. 35b 'USED, UPRIGHT PIANO, in ex- cellent condition, Phone Seafortn 659r2. Marie Elliott, Brucefield. 35b FOR. THE FINEST VALUES in Diamond Rings visit COUNTER'S Jewellery Store. .Ask to see our "Four Star Specials" and compare. 35-6-p GOLD AND WHITE TOILET Set. Six pieces in perfect condition. Ideal for summer cottage, $6. Phone Clinton 176. 35-b HOUSE TRAILER, 30 foot, sleep • six, breakfast nook in kitchen. Also, baby's crib (large) with mattrest, $10; playpen, $5. Apply B. Nowell, % Shell Service • Station, Ontario Street, Clinton. 34-b LARGE QUAKER SPACE Heater, fan, draft booster. Pram, cheap,. Eight -inch tilt arbor saw, attach- ments, 1/4, h.p. motor'belt and pulley. Phone Clinton 5381. .35p '5 CORD OF CEDAR AND some -hardwood; 2 storm doors and a -screen door; 40 gallon gas tank; hot water tank; 2 storm windows with glass. Phone Clinton 457W. Ed. Morrison. 35-p "START YOUR OWN BUSINESS with a permanent year-round way of, making $$. You lsegio earning -money the first day. Strictly your , own boss. Our quality products, [ including a large variety of cos - :metes and food, products, assure quick, easy sales Your home -town -and surroundings open. Full de - :eats on request. FAMILEX, Dept. ese, Montreal 24. 35b • THE CLASSIC BATHROOM SET • $136.50 delivered A beautiful bathroom vet at a reasonable prize. Everything In plumbing and healing. Write Dept. CNR or visit our showrooms, Open Wednesday and Friday evenings and all day Saturday. 'S. V. JOHN5ON PLUMBING SUPPLIES Streetsville, Ontario e31 -34-b BOARD AND ROOM "ROOMER on BOARDER/ PhOne -Clinton 550W. 35-6b BUSINESS OPPORTUNi-rms THREE LADIES WANTED who .are interested in part time work 'mostly evenings, average earnings 15:35.00 week. For full particulars phone London 3-4913 - or write 1Mrs. M. Travis, 229 Giles Street, "London. •. 34-5-6-7-p CUSTOM WORK FOR CUSTOM BEAN -PULLING 'and custom -baling, apply Stewart Broadfoot, phone 621r3 Clinton, 351a -FIX YOUR HOME — Need Re- ndes? See me orwrite Box '543, "Seaforth. All kinds, of repair wet k, leriek an carpenterwork. Bert Christensen, High street, Seaforth. -No telephbne. 31-2-3-5-b ' • FOR SALE OR RENT SEVEN ACRES CHOICE LOAM, market garden land, good house, bath, pressure system, a =spleen house, also a new barn, garage. John Deese Clinton, Ree. 2. • • 35-6-1s • FLOWERS FOR SALE GLADDILI FOR SALE, all col- ours; see Gordon Stock, HolmeS- vine, 32-3-5-p AFRICAN woLgas FOR SALE. Mrs. John Turner, Rattenbury St. West. Phone Clinton 24311. 33 -5 -pp FARM EQUIPMENT for SALE 1VIASSEY-HARRIS Clipper Com -- bine with motor, A-1 condition. Pick-up, clover screens, and grain bin. .Also, Marvel grain blower. Phone Clinton 912r25, Fred,Arkell, Hayfield Line e or phone Bayfield 48r5. 23-tfb FRUIT FOR SALE GOVENLOCK FRUIT FARM — halt mile north of Forest, on Blue Water Highway, will have yellow flesh free stone peaches, apples, pears and grapes from now until end of season. Bring container or will deliver F.O.B. 33-4-p HELP WANTED—Female WAITRESS FOR FULL TIME employment needed at once in Bartliff Bros. Restaurant, Clinton. 35-b LADY COMPANION DESIRED for elderly couple. Good home for the right person. Write to Sox 350, Clinton News -Record, 35p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REGISTERED HEREFORD Bulls, Polled and Horned, serviceable age; also a one-way disc price $200, John Lindsay R.R. 3 Clint- on, Ont. Phone Clinton 910r14. 35-p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros, Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936111. 9-Ptfb MISCELLANEOUS SEWING, KNITTING and croch- eting. Phone Clinton 22211. 35b ALUMINUM COMBINATION storm and screen doors, highest quality, complete with two glass and two screen inserts. Pneumatic type door closer, storm chain and night latch, Price $54.95. Instal yourself or we will install at slight additional cost. T. A. Dutton, Brucefield, phone Clinton 634r4. 35b APPROVED ELECTRIC Portable Immersion Water Heater. Heats water in washing machine, pail or dishpan. Plugs into any 11.0 volt outlet. Brass construction, guar- anteed five years. Regular 515.95. Special price to Sept. 30, 512.95. Satisfaction or money refunded. Danforth Ice & Appliances, 3034 Danforth Ave., Toronto. 34-b STEEL REINFORCED CEMENT septic tanks, 61/4 feet by 31/2 feet, 5 feet deep. Capacity of 450 im- perial gallonS. The design and construction of these tanks has been approved by the Huron and Bruce County Health Ueits, We. deliver any distance. Apply to Albert Porter's Weldirig- Service, Lucknow. •-24-29-31-33tfb NOTICE - ANYONE FOUND TRESPASS- ing on Pt. Lots 41-51, Tucker - smith Township, both sides of river at any time hereafter, win be prosecuted. By order of the owner, A. E. Parry. • 31-36p PERSONAL' SINGLE MAN of some means, in fair health, age in fifties, would like- to meet single woman, age in forties or fifties; Protestant preferred; possibly of some means, the companionship with yiew to marriage. Apply to fax No. 302, Clinton News -Record. 33-5-6-p POULTRY FOR SALE 150 .PULLETS, SUSSEX X RED; five month old. Reasonably pric- ed. ' S. Welbanks, Londesboro, phone Blyth 39r7, • 35t2b SUSSEX X RED PULLETS — laying. Apply to Doug Farquhar, phone 805r5 Clinton. 35p 200 ROCK X HAMPSHIRE Pul- lets five months old, laying. Your choice of 400. Robert • Taylor, phone Clinton 905r33. 33-5-b STOVES ..FOR SALE 'FESS" OIL HEATER, goocl con- dition. $40-00. Phone Clinton 191-1. • 34p LARGE OIL BURNER (161 — 100 -gallon oil tank. White annex, stove pipes. Robert N. Irwin, phone Clinton 381J. 35b GRAHAMETTE RANGETTE, in excellent condition, Phone M. uire 795-3, North Street, Clire PROPERTY WANTED 30 TO 80 ACRES SANDY LAND, preferably on or near 4th conces- sion, Goderich Township. • Apply Box No, 231, News -Record 23-25-tfb PET STOCK . MALE PUREBRED SCOTCH Collie pup, three months old; also 50 New Hampshire X Sussex pul- lets,•five months old. Phone Clin- ton 907r4. • 35-b • PROPERTY FOR SALE - SIX GOOD BUILDING LOTS on High and •Kirk Streets, various sizes. Contact W. N. Counter or phone Clinton 230. • 35-6-p ONE CHOICE LOT, east end of Princees Street, part of Combos estate, near schools. Apply Lloyd 13atkin, phone 692-W. • 33-5-b HAYFIELD — TWO LOTS ON Main St., relining through Keith Cres.; half lot on River •Terrace and East Howard. Apply Lucy R. Woods„ phone Hayfield 45r3. • 32-3-5-6-b TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WANTED Tenders are invited for the sup- plying of 35 tons, No. 1 quality, Anthracite Furnace Coal for the Tuckersmith Township School Area. Tenders close at noon, September 14, 1954. W. P. Roberts, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. 3, Seaforth . 35b WANTED 100-200 ACRES WITH OPTION of buying. Must have good build- ings, close to school, plenty water. Would take over Jersey or Hol- stein herd. Apply to Box No. 351, Clinton News -Record, 35-p WOOD FOR SALE QUANTITY OF HARD WOOD, chiefly maple. Ready for delivery. Phone Clinton 805r13 after 6.30 p.m. John Weon. 35-6p FOR SALE 11/4 STOREY, Three -Bedroom Dwelling, Central .1)fortg-age; good location; available Oc- tober 1. 1 STOREY Four -Room Furnished Cottage, -Village of Ilityfield; immediate possession. 11/4 Storey New Dwelling, liv- ing room, dining room, den, sun porch, modern kitchen, two bedrooms and bath down, two bedrooms up, hardwood floors. One block from Post Olfico. 1 Storey, two-bedroom Dwellings Central Mortgage, available September 6. Down payment, 51,500, monthly paymeets $28. 2 Storey Solid Brick, '7 -room dwelling, inodern conveniences, on heating. Lot 132x165 feet. Early possession. He C. Lawson REALTOR Bank of Montreal Building Phone 251W — Clinton • 26-tfb 4-•••••• AUCTION SALE . Of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS of the Estate of the late Mr, A. T. Cooper, from his former residence, the corner of Dunlop and Fulton Streets, Clinton, on Saturday, Sept. 11 at 1.30 pen. the following: 2 -piece Chesterfield; piano and bench; coffee table; rosewood rocking chair; oak rocking chair, and several othet rocking chairs; oak dining room suite, consiseing of buffet, table and chairs; cabinet ladio; nest of. tables; wall mirror; fireside equipment consisting so hamper, irons and fire screen; drop -head sewing machine; fern- ery stand; several small tables; bridge lamp; table lamps; desk lamp; large walnut cupboard; hall tree; several scatter rugs; modern 3 -piece- bedroom suite; 'Marshall inner -spring mattress; iron bed (Se size); inner-springmattress; dressing table, dresser; oak dres- ser; antique chair; small chestof drawers; Electro -lux; Crosley re- frigerator; kitchen cabinet; heavy duty electric rangette; cook stove; dishes and glassware; cooking •utensils; kitchen table and several chairs; step ladder; lawn rnower; garden hose; garden tools and numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH • F. Fingland, Q.C., Solicitor for the Estate. Edward W, Elliott, Auctioneer 35-6-b Now is the time for a summer fill up of . AT PRESENT LOW PRICES BIRTHS COLE -4 n Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, August 24, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. John Cole, R.R. 3, Clinton, a son, GREFFARD In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, August 23, 1954, to Mr e and Mrs. Maurcel Greffard, Clinton, a daughter. JOHNS—At York County Hospi- tal, Newmarket, on Monday, August 30, 1954, to Mr. arid • Mrs. George E. Johns, Aurora, a daughter, (sister for David and Stephanie). TAILLEFER—In Clinton Ptiblic Hospital, on Sunday, August 22, • .1954, to IVIr. and Mrs, Clarence Taillefer, RR. 4, Clinton, a son. TURNBULL —In Clinton Public 'Hospital, on- Monday, August 23, 1954, to Mr. ad Mrs. Fred Turnbull, Grand Bend, -a dau- ghter. TYNDALL — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Sept- ember 22, 19-54, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Tyndall, Clinton, a dau- ghter (Dianne -Marie Jane, sist- er for Steven and Ronnie). MARRIAGES ANDREWS -WOOD — In Londes- boro United Church, on Satur- day afternoon, August 28, 10e4, by Rev. J. T. White, Londesboro, Lois Mildred, only daughter of • Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood, Blyth, 'to William Albert And- rews, Clinton, son •of Mr. and Mrs F. W. Andrews, Clinton. DEATHS ANDREW --In Goderich after a short illness, on Tuesday, Aug- ust 31, 1954, Henrietta 1W. Cart- wright, beloved wife of William J. Andrew, and sister of Mrs. Bert Gibbings, Clinton, in her 81st year. Funeral from the Cranston funeral home, Gode- rich, to Maitland Cemetery, on Friday afternoon at two o'clock. GOVIER—At her home in Auburn on Friday, August 27, 1954, Alice Jessie Sheppard, daughter of the late John and Margaeet Sheppard, in her 95th year. Fun- eral from the 1 K. Arthur fun- eral home, Auburn, on Monday afternoon, August e0, to Halts Cemetery. HANNA—Suddenly, in a motor - crash near Gravenhurst, on Sat- urday morning, August 21, 1954, John C. Hanna, only son of J. W. Hanna, MPP for Huron - Bruce, in his 22nd year. Funeral from St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingliam, on Tuesday afternoon to • Wingham Ceme- tery. PICOT—In London, -on Saturday, August 21, 1954, Francis J, Picot, beloved husband of Eleae- or Weston, in his 73rd year. Funeral from the Beattie fun- eral home, Rattenbury St. East, -Clinton, on Teesday afternoon, August 24, to Hayfield Ceme- tery. ROSELL — Suddenly, on August 18, 1954, Martin -Resell, 1211 No. 1 Road, Steveston, B.C. Surviv- ed by his loving wife .Audrey, two brothers and two sisters. Funeral service, Thursday after- noon, August 26, in the Rich- mond funeral home, 842 Came brie. Road, Lulu Island. Rev. George S. Johnston officiating. Cards of Thanks MRS: HARRY GOULD woukl like to thank all who sent her flowers and cardse also Dr. Oakes, nurses and staff for their kindness while she was a patient in Clinton Public Hespital. 35p MR. AND MRS. CLIFFORD ADDISON wish to thank their friends and neighbours and every- one who helped them during their recent fire. Special thanks to the Blyth and Seaforth Fire Brigades. 35p MRS. G. W. NOTT wishes to thank sincerely. Dr, Oakes, Dr. Addison, the speciel nurses, Rev. Hugh Wilson, also the neighbours and friends who sent flowers and cards to the pospitof during her illness. '35p I wish to thank those who re -- membered me with treats, cards, flowers and visits. And special thanks to the nurses and doctors while I was a patient in Clinton ublic Hospital. — ARTHUR PARKER. ' , 34p MRS. NELSONOLE wishes to thank anyone who sent cards and flowers to Mr. Cole while he was a Patient in Victoria Hospital. Also Dr. Newland- for his services and Dr. Haskell of London. Also any- one who used their car for trans- portation. • 34p We would like to, thank Rev, P. Renner for his • consoling words and to our friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy shown in our sad bereavernent, also for the kindness and gifts during Mr, Picot's long illness. THE FAMILY OF MR.. PICOT. •--34-h NOTICE TO 'CREDITORS Alf persons having claims against the estate of Jane Rogerson, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 28th day of July, 1954, are required to file the same with full particulars with the und- ersigned by the 4th day of Septem- ber, 1954, as after that date the assets of the Estate will be dist- ributed. • - DATED at the Town of Gode- rich, in the County of Huron, this 10th day of August, A.D. 1954, R. C. -HAYS, , Goderide Ontario,. , Solicitor for the Estate 32-3-4-b FIRST BRAN FESTIVAL IN HENSALL LABOR )3AY (By our Hensall correspondent) Jarnes Garner, of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, will officially open the Ontario Bean sFeepsttievrnalbeli:nd, Hensall Correnunit: Park on Labour Day, Monday, • THEATRE AT ['An TELEPHONE AT CAPITAL TELEPHONE • CLINTON • THE nnu 1150 THE 47 TOP SCREEN FARE IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT -- Adventure Stories at Their Best Now playing---Thurs. Fri, Sat. , "THE GREAT SIOUX • UPRISING" In Technicolor jefe Chandler - Faith Dornergue Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. • Sept. 6-7-8-9 • Adult Entertainment "FROM- HERE . TO ETERNITY" BureLaneaster, Montgomery Cliff, Deborah Herr, Frank Sinatra, First •Show 7.00 o'clock Doors open 6.45 loOMING- SOON: 'THE LONG LONG TRAILER' • Sept. 16-17-18 "MOGAMBO" Sept. 23-24-25 3 More Days— THURS., FRI. & SAT. "THE ROBE" In Technicolor Cinemascope Admission; Adults 75, Children 35 From the novel by Lloyd C. Douglas, Twentieth Century Fox presents its magnificent introduc- tion to the new medium of cinema - scope, a picture YOU will remem- ber! .With Richard Burton, Jean Simmons, Victor Mature and Michael Rennie. Mon., Tues. & Wed. DONALD O'CONNOR in "Walking My Baby Back Home" With Janet Leigh, Lori Nelson and Buddy Hackett. Donald's nimble feet and Buddy's rib -tickling mirth promise YOU a pleasurable evening of musie and merriment — It's in Technicolor Thur., Fri. 8, Sat. Forrest Tucker — Adele Mara and Jim Davis A gold mine, a saloon and •a girl are the prizes in -tint swifts moving tale of the wild and rugs ged west. "CALIFORNIA " PASSAGE" Mon., Tues...8, Wed. John Ireland — Lon McCollister ' and Rai March During the Korean conflict a green rookie seeks a chance to Prove his valor and finds it. "Combat Squad Coining: "KILLER APE": A Jungle Jim story With Johnny Weissmuller. Clinton Court Picking an extremely unhappy peace to drive a car without hav- ing his driver's, licence paid up to date, Ross Donald Clarke, RCAF Station Clinton, backed into one of the gasoline pumps at Lloyd Butler's gerage recently. Possibly not knowing that Mr. Butler is the local issuer of licences, Mr. Clarke was unable to produce a 1954 driver's permit when the police arrived to record the de- tails of his slight accident. In magistrate's court here, yest- erday morning, Clarke pleaded guilty to the charge of failing to renew his licence, and was fined 53 and costs, Magistrate D. E. Holmes dis- missed a charge of unlawful rep- resentation as a police officer, and warned Reginald B. Mills, List- owel, to watch his future conduct. A rather unusual case of theft, in which only counsel for the prosecution was heard (the other side of the case to be presented at the next sitting of Clinton Court), concluded the morning's session. H. C, Johnston Now Record Clerk At County Home HarveyJohnston, Brussels, has been retained as record clerk and purchasing agent at the Huron County I -Tome, here at Clinton. Mr. Johnston is experienced in business matters, having operated his own farm for many years. In municipal life he has been on Mor- ris Township Council for some years, both as councillor and as reeve. In 1952, he 'held the posi- tion of Warden in Huron County. Presently he is one of the direc- tars of the Huron Co-operative Medical Services, with offices in Clinton. Whough the work at the County Horne is taking a good deal of his time right now, Me Johnston ex- pects to have things organized so that two days a week will keep matters in order. IF You are using the' mortgage plan of buying your home, YOU should know about our special Mortgage Insurance Consult— HAL HARTLEY, nepresentanve CANADA LIFE. Clinton, phone 454w Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K C. COOKE • FLORIST Phone 66W — Clinton MALE HELP WANTED Itrunediatel3r, men copal& of filling ... positions in oar manufacturing plant. Apply in person to ROBERT BELL • INDUSTRIES "THE SUREST WAY TO KEEP FUNERAL COSTS LOW" CALL rear Anneral Nom 4 4 4 4 Clinton Community Farmers.. AUCTION SAMS EVERY FRIDAY Evening, commencing at 8 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E, W. ELKO , Auctioneer • K, W. COLQ OUN, Clerk Drain Tile Available for Immediate Delivery Drop In or Call BRICK and TILE YARD Phone Lucan 25 r 31 J. A. RYDALL Elginfield, Ont. 29-tfb raeseseseeeeseeeseeseeseeseeeeesesseS cam , -yigavircar., Get There Melly! CALL 110 ASHTON'S TAXI J. A. ANSTETT Jeweller and 'Watchmaker EXPERT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Bulova, Gruen and Cyma Watches SLUE RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS Spode Dinnerware Visit Our Modern Up -To -Date Jewellery Store Today Phone 562 Clinton • 26-tfb Back To School Specials BOYS' TROUSERS— REG. TO 7.95 Now -4.95 REG. TO 5.00 Now -3.50 BOYS' "T SHIRTS— REG. TO 1.75 Now -1.29 BOYS' SPORT. SHIRTS • — REG. TO 2.50 Now -1.79 REG. TO 1.95 Now -1.39 Cowboy King Jeans 6 to 10 years 3.65 11 to 16 years •4.50 PICKETT e CAMPBELL Arrow ,Shirts "The Store For Men"