HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-08-19, Page 8,PAGE EIGBT CLINTON " NEWS-RECCR D, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1954 News of Constance Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Lawson vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johns on Sunday. Master Bill Hoggarth, Clinton, d returned home on Sunday after spending three weeks with Mr, and Mrs. Ellwood Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Oke return- ed home Saturday after spending n'week with Mr, and Mrs. Ellwood Clarke and Mr. and Mrs, Eph. Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Robert ,Johnson, Grand Valley;,;MaStet. David Medd returned home with them after spending a week with Master Bruce Johnson. WA and WMS The,, regular meeting of the Con- stance Woman's Association and Woman's Missionary Society was held in the school robin_ of the church on Wednesday, August 11, with the- president, Mrs. L. Law- son,' awson,' in the chair. The meeting openedby singing "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" after which, all repeated the Lord's Prayer. The .minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. ' After the business was discussed this part of the meeting closed by +taking the offering. Mrs. Ross McGregor, president 'of the WMS, took over, and opened this meeting by singing . a hymn. The Scripture • lesson was read by Mrs. E. Lawson, from 1st John, 1-17. Minutes of the last meeting were readand adopted. During the business period it was decided; 'to invite the WMS from Burns, for the thankoffering meeting, to be held in Qbtober. Mrs. E. Adams gave a reading, "The Final Anal- ysis.' The study 'book was given by Mrs. - George McIlwain. Mrs. Ross 1V,CcGregor gave a reading on Christian stewardship. Mrs. Adams closed 'the meeting with prayer. Western ;Ontario's;`New.est Farm •Pay n B Tri -County Rural Day Wed., Aug. 25 •• ..:SPECIAL RURAL PLAY DAY FOR HURON, LAMBTON AND MIDDLESEX 3 Big Tri -County Sports Tourneys ON GRAND BEND SCHOOL ATHLETIC FIELD Admission 50c; Children 25c ALL-STAR SOFTBALL All-Star Team from Each County Preliminary 10 A.M. Finals 2 P.M. Sponsored by Your Local Dealer of MASS EY-HARRIS-FERGUSON HORSE SHOE TOURNEY Watch Crack Doubles Teams Throw Eliminations Start 10 A.M. Finals In Afternoon Sponsored by • O'KEEFE'S BREWING CO. • LTD. All doubles teams must be entered'by midnight, August 20. Send entries to Pat Harrison, Sec., Box 7, Grand Bend TUG O'WAR CONTEST ' Picked Team from Each County Preliminary 11:30 A.M. Final 4 P.M. Sponsored by YOUR LOCAL CO-OP Enjoy Fun At Grand Benxi. Swim -- Picnic -- Boat and Midway Rides Dance -- Roller Skate — Bowi -- Golf 32-3-b Porter's Hill: s+ Garnet and Garth Picot, Gode- rich, have spent the past three weeks visiting Bruce and Peggy Ann Betties. We are sorry to report Frank n Picot is still a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. More irhprove- ment in his condition is hoped fbr, WA T h e Women's Association of Grace United Church met on Thursday last at the home of Mrs; Donald Harris. The. president, -Mrs. John McCowan, was in charge of the meeting which opened .with, singing "Onward,' )Christian Sold: iers. Mrs. Gordon Manning lead, in prayer and the Scripturelesson was read by Mrs. P. Renner. Roll call was answered with telling Where you would like to 'go on a holiday. Arrangements were made for as- sisting with the supper in the Bay- field church, August 28, puton by the Parsonage Board, of the two churches. Arrangements were also made.for the caring for ,the: church dawn and flower beds- witheach family taking their turn 'running; Tri -County Events• At Grand Bend Plan Of Active Chamber of Connnerce Three tri -county tournaments will feature Grand Bend's "Rural Day" next Wednesday, August 25 -• a special celebration for the farin people of Huron, Lambton and Middlesex. The counties will vie against each other in contests of all-star softball, horseshoe pitching and tug-of-war , with handsome, new trophies as prizes, The day is ex- pected to be the beginning of an- nual competitions at the popular Lake Huron resort. Described as "Western Ontario's Newest Farm ,pay" the ' Grand Bend celebration is being organiz- ed by the Chamber of 'Commerce with enthusiastic support from, agriculture and sports officials in the three counties. The total resources of the resort with its famous white sand and beach will be turned over to the entertainment and amusement of its rural neighbors.' Facilities for family, picnics and special attrac- tions•have been arranged in addi- tion to ,the sport program. • Pick Best Players a' habetically Top ftball players from each �,, d• given Eby Mrs Renner and. , Mrs. Wuliram Town- shend. Mrs. Renner also conduct- ed a spelling contest The meet- ing closed ,with the Mizpah bene diction and. the hostess served lunch Bible School •Suminer Bible School has been held in Porter's Hill School for the past two weeks. It was conducted by Albert Martin and staff of the Mennonite Church, Zurich.. There was an attendance of 49 children, with an average attendance of 43. Friday evening it was brought to a' close with a concert and dis- nlay of the children's handiwork. At the close of the concert, Mrs. Wilmer Harrison, on behalf of the children and parents, thanked the teachers for their splendid work. The following children received certificates for attendance:, Bonnie Cox, Sheryl Cox, Julia Cox, Sharon Lockhart, Lynda Torrance, John TSturdy,HarveyGreydanuk s, Jo Kolohon, Peggy Ann Betties, Jo- anne Harrison, Marilyn Yeo, Mary McDougal, David Liscombe, Frank Bobbo, Bruce Emmerton, Gail Lockhart, Dianne Harris, Patsy Cox, Nancy Schoenhals, Catherine Potter, Sharon Reder, Garth Picot, Garnet Picot, Bruce Betties, Ernie Emmerton, Jimmy. McCullough, Floyd Moore, Francine Greydanus, Lynn Liscombe, Dorothy Howes, Janet Reder, Shirley McCowan, Phyllis McCowan, Barbara Yeo, Grant Sowerby, Jerry Greydanus, Claire Cox, Francis McCullough, Richard Harrison, Paul Schoen hats, Helen Potter, Jim Harrison, Kenneth Potter, Donald Mc- Dougal. Children attending for less than three days: Mary Townshend, Joyce Townshend, Elaine Town- shend, Gerry Kuper, Donny Yea. Richard Harrison and Claire Cox were presented with diplomas for having completed grade 8 with four years regular attendance. The teachers Gloria MGingerich Marie ROPPr Reta Martin, Alma Martin, Carl Gingerich and Albert Martin. ea rags were' •so h county will be picked. for• the all- star contests. Two of the select squads will meet in the morning with the winner• playing the. third in an afternoon game. Entries far thehorseshoe pitch- ing contests are pouring into the Chamber of • Commerce office in- dicating that .this old sport ,still enjoys immense popularity; : The county' champions will be declared by elimination in the morning and• a grand ctampidbship round robin will be staged in the afternoon, All doubles teams must be entered by Midnight, ' August 20, with Pat Harrison,' Box 7, Grand Bend. Agricultural representatives will pick the strongest and heaviest men in their counties for the tug- of-war matches. Thepreliminary pull will be staged in the morning with the grand championship match in the afternoon. School Will Be Site manager of the Chamber of Com merce,l who says: "We've planned this event to pay tribute to the rural friends of Grand Bend who have supported our resort for four herate ons:.' Theyused to''co e rnere by horse anbuggy to enjoy picnic and sports events. Now we'd like to honor them with a special day. of their'; own." According to Emerson Desjar- dine, Chamber of Cosnmerce vice- ffwesident, and Peter Eisenbach, director, no effort will be spared to ^ make this one of the biggest' and finest farm `days in. Western Ontario. "We want to make' this celebration an outstanding suc- cess," said Mr. Eisenbach, "be- cause we, warnt it to be, an annual,. event:" Grand Bend is the only point at; which the three counties meets The village is actually in Lambton' but it has Huron* on its north boundary and Middlesex is only a few miles 'to the south-east. Seaforth Officer Does Escort Duty For Duke On Tour F/L R, E. Weiglund, Seaforth, was attached to the crew of the aircraft which escorted the Duke of Edinburgh on the last lap of his journey to Canada. After: ac- companying the. Duke from Ice- land to Goose Bay, F/L Weiglund proceeded to Yellowknife, N.W.T., where he met the Duke for escort duty on the return trip by air from Yellowknife through Chur- chill, Quebec City, Seven Islands and back, to Goose Bay. Enroute west, F/L Weiglund, who is sta- tioned at Torbay, Newfoundland, visited his family in Seaforth. 0 At the time of the Leduc oil discovery in 1947 Canada supplied less than one-tenth of her own oil needs, now supplies about 43 per Cent. F$ANK IIOPPEWS ROUSE WINS 1ST PRIZE AT WINGHAM Frank Hopper, Patrick Street, was the winner of the award tor the best decorated house in the Grand Bend's new three -acre fenced -in school playground will be the scene of the tri -county con- tests. Bleacher seats are being provided for the day. Originator of "Rural Day" is D. W. "Pat" Harrison, secretary - AUBURN Donald Ross is visiting with relatives in Winnipeg Mrs. Sam Daer has returned from a visit with friends in De- troit. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stoltz are visiting their son, Eldon Stoltz and Mrs. Stoltz at Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor and Marion are spendinga. holiday in Nova Scotia. Robert McNeil, Welland, spent the weekend with ' Mr. and Mrs. William Haggitt, , Mrs: F. Ross, Donald Ross and James W. Medd visited with Mr. and Mrs, Stephen Medd, Merton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mcllveen and three daughters, Oshawa, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. .F. O. Mc- Ilveen. Mrs. George. Hamilton was in Goderich on Saturday attending the wedding of her grandson, Gene Hamilton. Leander (Lea) Lawlor, Kenton, Man., has returned to his home after visiting relatives here and attending the Auburn centenary. Mr. and Mrs. George MacKay and daughter, Galt, were weekend visitors with Mrs, MacKay's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Lawlor. Congratulations are due to Ruth Daer, Douglas Yungblutt and Keith Yungblut who made an ex- cellent showing in their Upper School examinations. Misses Margaret Nevins and Shirley Daer have returned from the girls' camp at the Presbyter- ian Camp, Kintail, They were delegates from Knox Presbyterian Church here. Mr. and Mrs. William Riddell have returned to LaRivier, Man„ after a visit with relatives here. They were accompanied on their return by Miss Ruth Arthur and Miss M. Clifton. Mr. and Mrs. L. Glasgow, Alan and Dennis, are holidaying at Col- borne. The managership of the local bank is being taken by a man from head office, Toronto, during Mr. Glasgow's absence. A reception was held in the For- ester's Hall in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Turner, newlyweds. At an appropriate hour, the young couple were called to the front when Sandy Andrews read an ad- dress extending congratulations and best wishes and Thomas Hag- gitt presented them with a purse of money. Music for dancing was provided by Bruce's Orchestra. Lunch was served. J. S. Seriuton Oils - Greases - Gasoline Petroleum Products Phone Clinton 377 Phone Goderich 320-W CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR CALL IN AND SEE US ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS on: EAVESTROUGHING ELECTRICAL WIRING AIR-CONDITIONING GRAVITY WARM -AIR HEATING PLUMBING A FURNACE FOR EVERY JOB WISE and BATEMAN Phone 147—Clinton TRAVEL RELAXED AND CAREFREE ..now with 27% MORE • —POWERt A 1954 Willys may be purchased for as.. low as $550.00 down and the balance in. 24 monthly payments. Come in and talk things over. "THE ECONOMY CAR OF THE FUTURE" McPherson Bros. KAISER---•WILLYS SALES and Service Front -End Alignment -- Wheel Balancing, PHONE 492 CLINTON EXHIBITION,. AUGUST 2Z TO SEPTEMBER 11 FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good going Thurs., August 26 to Saturday, September 11, inclusive: Return limit --September 15 Full information from any awl 75th anniversary celebrations. His house featured a birthday Bake carrying out the theme of the 75th anniversary.—Wingham Advance - Times: Henson Legion HOME.. • $500.00 IN, PRIZES;- 12 DIFFERENT WAYS TO WIN YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO JOIN IN THIS FASCINATING GAME, OF HOME BINGO. The following., numbers 'have been called: 1-17 and 21; G-47 and 50 lieu Can Purchase YOUR" 'Cards 'At The Fallowing Loco( Places: Hanna'sGeneral Store Bel -grave White Rose Station myth Burns Moffat' Bluevale 'Mehra Manor Restaurant Clinton Pickett and Campbell's Clinton Rumball's I.G.A. Store Clinton Numbers Th awn Published Each Da`y . In London Free Press 33-13 FUR COAT BINGO Luxurious Persian Lamb .Coat, NORMAL RETAIL VALUE. Lovely Mink Jacket, NORMAL RETAIL VALUE $1,000. $600, Beautiful Full Length Muskrat Coat, NORMAL RETAIL VALUE $400 THESE COATS WILL BE MODELLED AT YOUR LOCAL THEATRE, MONDAY, AUGUST 23 12 REGULAR GAMES—$25.00 ' EACH 3 SHARE -THE -WEALTH GAMES GOPERICH ARENA Tues., Aug. 31 GAMES START 9 P,M. SHARP ADMISSION: 51.00; EXTRA CARDS 25c, 5 FOR $1,00 TICKETS ON MUSKRAT COAT: 25c, 5 for $1,00 TICKETS ON MINK COAT: 50c each TICKETS ON PERSIAN LAMB COAT: $1.00 each Sponsored by Goderich Lions Club e have the New Milkers and Coolers We're proud to announce our recent appointment as authorized dealer for Beatty RITE -WAY Milkers in this district. SWING MILKERS 2 SIZES Easier to Clean... Easier to Handle Milk Better, Faster. Visible Milk Guage with exclusive "BALANCED PULL" "Balanced Pull" keeps teat cups in the correct position from start to finish. Pull increases as milking. proceeds. Gives maximum pull for strip- ping. Production stays up for ,"Balanced PuIL ' PARLOUR MILKERS install thew with f<'i Sanitary Steel Milking Stalls We handle' the complete line of parlour stalls,. milkers, milk pipe fittings, pumps and accessories. COOLERS 3, 6 and 8 CAN SIZES Cool faster ,with this EASY LOADING; FRONT OPENING COOLER This cooler drops 'milk temperature to 48° quickly and keeps it there. Load and unload it without lifting. WE • ASK ABOUT FREE MILKING PARLO,UR PLANS SERVICE The Beatty factory stable equipment specialist will help you plan your milk- ing parlour or stable without charge :or obligation. See us to arrange this free service. ALL RITE -WAY EQUIPMENT /IN THIS DISTRICT J. H. BRUNSDON Rattenbury Street, East 'd PHONE 15 CLINTON