Clinton News Record, 1954-08-19, Page 5T[UJRSDAYAUGUS'P 19; 1254 C/4-141014. NKWS-RECORD PAGE FXVK 'Classified.Rates CASH RATE — paid by 'Wednesday following date of in- 4flextien)—Two ce, nits aword first "insertion (minitnum 50 cents), slubsequent insertions 1% cents a -word (mininrinn 35 gents); 15 cents extra for box numfber or lor-.'direction to NEVIS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- day. • ACCOMMODATION for RENT APARTMENT FOR COUPLE, .itirnished. Phorib Clinton 641. 33b ROOMS FOR RENT, includes beat and light. T. Manjuris, 82 Wellesley St., Goderich. Phone Goderich 288. 33-b :MOIDERN HOUSE IN VARNA, :six rooms, bath, furnace; early poisession. D. L. Stephenson, phone Clinton 802r23. 33b COUNTRY HOME, hydro, furn- ..ace, bathroom. Codd be partly furnished. 12 miles from RCAF Station. Apply Gordon Hill, Varna, 'phone Clinton 630r16. 33b _HOUSEKEEPING CABINS on the -lake. Furnished. Modern and esemi-modern. Ten miles from -camp. Hydro and water supplied. 425 a month and up. Write or :see G. Hazelwood, R.R., Hayfield, • Ont. 32tfb Accommodation 'Wanted 'YOUNG COUPLE require two or three room furnished apartment in Clinton or vicinity. No child- ren. Apply Box 330, Clinton News - Record. 33-p BUSINESS GIRL wishes room . and board, central, with use of piano and home privileges. Write Box 322, Clinton News-Reeord. 32-3-b HOUSE IN CLINTON BY OCT - ober 7, for Warrant Officer and family, three children, school age. 'Reply to Bert Gliddon, president of the Chamber of Commerce. 33-ts AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1939 PLYMOUTH, in good condi- tion. Terms or cash. Phone Clin- ton 132M, 33p 1953 FORD PICKUP TRUCK, one and one-half ton, first-class condition, telephone Bayfield 27. • 32 to 36-b 1949 DELUXE CHEVROLET Coach, exceptionally good condi- tion; custom radio, underseat heat - en five new tires. Sergeant Fretts, 51 Winnipeg Road, RCAF Station Clinton. 33-b ARTICLES WANTED BABY STROLLER in good con- dition, reasonable price. Write Box 263, Clinton, or phone Clinton 394R. 33b ARTICLES FOR SALE CANADIAN CEMENT for sale. Phone Lloyd Moore, Clinton, 62. 33b 17" RCA VICTOR TV, with base, perfect condition; $99.50. Phone 382, Local 248 before 5, ex: apply at 13 Toronto Blvd., RCAF Station Clinton. 33-b VARIETY OF DISHES, DINNER plates, etc.; assortment of fancy vases; Rotary food press; new Yale lock. Phone Clinton 724W. 33b 'W. ROGERS CHEST OF SILVER consists of service for 6, knives .and forks, dinner set, butter knife, 'sugar spoon, $25. White boxed carving set, $10., Phone Clinton 782W. ' 33-b 'SEE US FOR TV ANTENNA in- stallations. Quick service, reason - 'able prices. We also handle the .complete line of Firestone TV. Call T. A. Dutton, Brucefield, Ont. Phone Clinton 6340. THE CLASSIC BATHROOM SET $136.50 delivered A beautiful bathroom ret at a reasonable prize. Everything in plumbing and heating. Write Dept. CNR or visit our showrooms. Open Wednesday and Ex'iday evenings and all day Saturday. . V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES Streetsville, Ontario B1 -34-b BOARD AND ROOM HAVE ROOM OR BOARD for two persons. Phone James Cox, '550-W 32-3-p CUSTOM WORK CUSTOM BULLDOZING, excav- eating, landscaping, land clearing. Contact J. and G, Postill, phone "Clinton 906r23. 30-1-2-3-p 'FIX YOUR HOME — Need Re- , pairs? See me or write Box 543, Seaforth. All kinds of repair work, -Wick and carpenterwork. Bert Christensen, High. street, Seaforth. No telephone. 31-2-3-5-b 'FARM EQUIPMENT for SALE 1VIASSEY-HARRIS Clipper Com- bine with motor, A-1 condition. Fick -up, clover screens, and grain bin. Alsb, Marvel grain blower. Phone Clinton 912r25, Fred Arkell, HaYfield Line, or phone Bayfield '48r5. 24-tfb FRUIT FOR SALE 'GOVENLOCK FRUIT FARM -- half mile north of Forest, on 13lue Water Highway, will have yellow flesh free stone peaches, • apples, pears and grapes from now until end of season, l3ring container or *‘virill deliver E.0,13. 33-4-p FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter, Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. 33-11b 230 ACRES, heavy day loam, in Clinton district; two barns, eight - roomed house, three-piece bath- room; plentiful water supply in barn and house; good hardwood bush; 80 rods from schools 131 miles from church. Will be sold with or without machinery. Half cash, balance of mortgage carried by owner. Apply to Box 321, Clinton News -Record. -39stfb FARM FOR SALE—Very desir- able 150 -acre farm in Stanley Township, 3 miles west of No. 4 Highway, Large steel barn, Beatty stabling; considered one of the best farms in Huron County; Sub- stantial stone house with modern bathrooni and kitchen; drilled well; pressure system in house and barn; machine ,shed. Well fenced and drained; 16 acres good hard- wood bush. Can be bought half cash, remainder on mortgage. Phone 42-J, Stratfox.d, 30-1-2-8-b FLOWERS FOR SALE GLADIOLI • FOR SALE, all col- ours; see Gordon Stock, Holmes - 32 -3-5-p AFRICAN VIOLETS FOR SALE. Mrs. John Turner, Rattenbury St. West. Phone Clinton 243R. . 33 -5 --pp FURNITURE FOR SALE DUNCAN FYFE TABLE; coffee table; end table; two wall mirrors; hassock; few other odd pieces. Phone Clinton 138R after 5.30 p.m. 33-p Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M. 24-tfb HELP WANTED FARM HELP WANTED, by day or month. Ken Taylor, Phone Blyth 15r5, 33b HELP WANTED—Female GIRL rort JEVVELLRY STORE. Steady employment. J. A. Ans- tett, Phone Clinton 562. 33-b FULLTIME WAITRESS, ALSO, part-time waitress. Ruby and Bill's Snack Bar, Phone Clinton 687M. 33-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOLSTEIN BULL, 17 months old. Alsc them pure-bred Yorkshire boars, five months old, out of lit- ter of 15. Jim Lobb, Phone Clin- ton 904r3. 33-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros, Mink Ranch, Goderich, Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb MISCELLANEOUS MOBILE DISPLAY UNIT FEAT- uring Masonite, Ten -Test and Birch Plywood will be at our yard from 1 to 3 p.m., Thursday, Aug- ust 26. J. W. Counter Builders' Supplies, Clinton. 33-b STEEL REINFORCED CEMENT septic tanks, 631 feet by 331 feet, 5 feet deep. Capacity of 450 im- perial gallons. The design and construbtion of these tanks has been approved by the Huron and Bruce County Health Units. We deliver any distance. Apply to Albert Porter's Welding Service, Lucknow, 24-29-31-3312b NOTICE ANYONE FOUND TRESPASS- ing on Pt. Lots 41-51, Tucker - smith Township, both sides of river at any time hereafter, will be prosecuted. By order of the owner, A. E. Parry. 31-36p PERSONAL SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5, 10, 15 lbs, New pep too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size only 60c. All druggists. SINGLE MAN of some means, in fair health, age in fifties, would like to meet single woman, age in forties or fifties; Protestant preferred; possibly of some means, for companionship with view to marriage. Apply to Box No. 302, Clinton News -Record. 33-5,•6-p POULTRY FOR SALE RED X ROCK PULLETS; 41/2 months old. Jim Leishrrian, Phone Clinton 901r15, 33-b 250 PULLETS, SIX MONTHS old, $1.75 each. W. G. Oarke, Varna, Phone Clinton 623rI2. 33-b 250 SUSSEX X RED PULLETS, laying. Apply to Doug. Farquhar, phone Clinton 805r5. 33-b 200 ROCK X HAMPSHIRE Pul- lets, five months old, laying. our choice of 400. Robert Taylor, phone Clinton 906r33, 33-b 100 RED X SUSSEX PULLETS five months old, laying. J. Scott's strain. Apply to Mrs. Cecil Elliott, Phone 669R Clinton. 33-b PROPERTY WANTED 30 TO 80 ACRES SANDY LAND, preferably on or near 4th conces- sion, Goderich Township, Apply Box No. 231, News -Record 23-25-tfb STOVES FOR SALE KITCHEN COAL AND WOOD range, white enamel; also ell space heater with drums. Apply 143 James St., Clinton. 33-b LARGE SIZE EVANS SPACE burner, with electric blower. Pro- duces 60,000 B.Tp.'S, Excellent condition; good price. C. A. Trott, Queen Street, phone Clinton 178. 33-b BIRTHS CANTELON — In Clinton Public siospital, on Monday, .Augtist 16, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cantelon, R.R. 5, Clinton, a son. DUPRE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, August 13, 1954, to LAC and Mrs. Raymond Dupre, Clinton, a son (Michael itlOTT— YnI11°dI ELn Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital, on Wednesday, August 11, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, Kitchener, a daughter. ERB—In St. Joseph's Hospital, Pontiac, lVIich., on Thursday, IVfay 13, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick .A. Erb (nee Barbara Morley), Birmingham, a son, (John Morley). FLYNN—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Thursday, August 12, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Flynn, R.R. 1, Clinton, a daugh- ter (Mary Monica). GREALIS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, August 15,, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Toni Grealis, Clinton, a daughter. McPHERSON—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, August 13, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald AMnncP)herson, a daughter (Kathy MURCH—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, August 18, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. William Murch, R.R. 1, Londesboro, a son. SMITH—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Monday, August 16, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Smith, Clinton, a daughter (Debra Ann). WESTLAKE — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, August 12, 1954, to Provincial Constable and Mrs, Lloyd Westlake, Bay- field, a son (Richard Toms). DEATHS KING—In Clinton, after a short illness, on August 11, 1954, Charles Henry King, soli of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter King, East Wawanosh Township, in his 82nd year. Funeral from Currie's funeral home, Wing - ham, to Wingham Cemetery, on Saturday, August 14. LINDSAY—At Sombre, on Tues- day, August 10, 1954, Mary Murray, formerly of Clinton, be- loved wife of the late Thomas 3. Lindsay, in her 90th year, Fun- eral from the Ball and 1VIutch funeral home, High Street, Clin- ton to Clinton Cemetery, on Fri- day afternoon, August 13. McBRIEN— In Alexander Blain Hospital, Detroit, Mich.'on Tue- sday, August 10, 1954, Della May Walker, formerly of Clin- ton, beloved wife of Garnet R. McBrien, in her 65th year. Fun- eral frorn the DeSantis' funeral home, Detroit, on Friday, Aug- ust 13. TWO GIRLS NEAR BLAKE STRUCK BY LIGHT/4ING Misses Elizabeth and Emma Finlay, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. ,Harold Finlay, of the Town Line, near Blake, were struck by light- ning while in their house. , PROPERTY FOR SALE LOTS FOR SALE ON RAGLAN Street, close to two schools. ID. Cantelon. 33p ONE CHOICE LOT, east end of Princess Street, part of Combes estate, near schools. Apply Lloyd 13atkin, phone 692-W, 33-5-b I3AYFIELD — TWO LOTS ON Main St., running through Keith Cres.; half lot on River Terrace and East Howard. Apply Lucy R. Woods, phone Hayfield 45r3. 32-3-5-6-b TWO STOREY, Four Bedroom house with ldtchen, dining room, living room and bath, located on corner of Princess and William Streets. Hot water heating with oil burlier. Immediate possession. George Laois, phone Clinton 240W. 30-tfb Property For Sale • _0— Two bedroom stucco cottage, with all modern conveniences, including three-piece bath; hard- wood floors, modern kitchen, full basement with furnace, garage and good .garden. Reasonably priced and almost immediate possession. Brick Dwelling., very central- , ly located. Goderich St. West. New furnace; could be disdded for apartments. If riot sold, con- sideration will be given to rent the same, furnished. Possession, September 1. , Merton. A. Reid Phone 214 Seaforth, Ontario 32-3-b FOR SALE 1% STOREY, Three -Bedroom Dweliing, Central Mortgage; good location; available Oc- tober 1. 1 STOREY Four -Room Furnished Cottage, Village of Bayfield; ittunediate possessxon. 1% Storey New Dwelling, liv- ing room, dining room, den, sun porch, modern kitchen, two bedrooms and bath down, two beibrooms up, hardwood floors. One block from Post Office. 1 Storey, two-bedroom Dwelling, Central, Mortgage, available September 6. Down payment, $1,8,00, monthly payments $28. 2 Storey Solid Brick, 7-roona dwelling, modern conveniences, oil heating. Lot 132x165 feet. Early possession. 11. C. Lawson REALTOR Bank of Montreal Building Phone 251W -- Clinton 26-tfb •-sareee-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-tee-ssee-e-8-s-s-e In Memoriam BERRY—In loving memory of a dear husband, Hugh F. Berry, who passed away two years ago, Aug- ust 22, 1952:, "And while he sleeps in peaceful sleep, His memory we will always keep." —Sadly missed and lovingly re- membered by his wife, Vina M. Berry. 33b BUTLER—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, John R. Butler, who passed away August 22. 1953: "Asleep in God's beautiful garden, 25.way from all worry and pain; His kindly face and pleasant smile Arc a pleasure to recall." Only those who knew him will know the lose we had one year ago. —Sadly missed by his wife and sons, Jack and Lloyd, daughter Audrey, daughters-in-law, son- in-law and grandchildren. 33-b WOODS—In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Mary Adele (Polly) Woods, who passed away August 21, 1944: "Dear is she who has gone. In memory we will always keep her As long as the years roll on," v e r remembered by Milton, Irene and Jim, Isabel and Don- ald. 33-p AUCTION SALE of Household Effects From the home of W. J. Ned- iger, Mary Street, Clinton, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 28 at 1.30 p.m., consisting of 3 piece chesterfield suite; mag- azine table; small antique table; 5 small tables; sectional book case; 2 bridge lamps; table lamp; tri - light; upholstered rocking chair; 2 wooden rocking chairs; 2 leather rocking chairs:. 2 veranda rugs; 3 lawn chairs; wicker rocking chair; dining room buffet; 6 dining room chairs; several odd chairs; sewing caddy; Raymond drop -head sewing machine; roll top couch; scatter rugs; veranda couch; oak bed, springs and inner spring mattress; oak dresser; oak wash stand; van- ity bench; desk lamp; 2 wall mirrors; Kelvinator refrigerator; electric iron; electric toaster; electric tea kettle; electric heater; 2 medicine cabinets; set of Bridal Rose dishes; other dishes; kitchen stool; Beach range; !Quebec heater; 5 It. step ladder; ladder; garden tools; garden hose; 2 snow shovels; 2 ironing boards; lawn mower; sledge; 3 laundry tubs; glassware; cooking utensils and numerous other articles. TERMS CASH W. J. NEDIGER, Proprietor Edivard W. Elliott, Auctioneer 33-b AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects in the Vil- lage of HENSALL, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 at 1.30 p.m. Clare Jewel Combination elect- ric stove (like new); Frigidaire refrigerator; kitchen table; 12 kitchen chairs; 2 arm chairs; 2 kitchen sideboards; oak dining room suite, table, chairs and china cabinet; small roll top desk; cab- inet radio; couch; rocking chairs; small tables; occasional chairs; walnut antique sofa; fern stand; coal oil heater; Axminster rug, 9x12 (like new); 3 rugs; scatter mats; sewing machine; quilt chest; chest of drawers. Three furnished bedrooms, in- cluding spool beds, mattress, feather ticks, wash stands, toilet sets; 4 -poster rope bed; 1 room of antique curios including ox yoke, fireplace tongs, iron kettles, spin- ning wheel, 3 muzzle -loading guns; Dulcimer musicalinstrument and other articles. Dishes, china, kit- chen utensils, rubber -tired lawn mower, garden tools, carpenter tools, sealers, tubs, ladies' side saddle, step ladder, lawn hose, other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH. MISS MARY FEI); Proprietress Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. I'. Chesney, clerk 33-b WESTERN FAIR ADVANCE TICKETS For Sale At The BOWLING ALLEY NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Jane Rogerson, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 28th day of July, 1954, are required to file the same with full particulars with the und- ersigned by the 4th day of Septem- ber, 1954, as after that date the assets of the Estate will be dist- ributed. DATED at the Town of Gode- rich, in the County of Huron, this 10th day of August, A.D. 1954. R. C. HAYS, ,Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate 32-3-4-b NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM J. JAGO, late of the Town of Ciintort in the County of Huron, Gentle- man, deceased. . All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or'before the 24th day of August, A,D. 1954, after which date the assets will be dist- ributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinthn, this 31s1 day 'of July, A.D. 1954, F. FINGLAND, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. .0111011imilleisimensmismemire ROXY THEATRE AT pARK TELEPHONE AT CAPITAL TELEPHONE CLINTON TOP SCREEN FARE IN AIR -C NOW—Thurs. Fri. Sat, Aug. 19'-21 A LION IS IN THE STREETS aTites cagneY — Barbara Rale _ THE , 1150 THE 47 OhIDITIONED COMFORT — Adventure Stories at Their Best Mon. Tues. Wed., Aug. 23-25 Serpent.of the Nile • Rhonda Fleming, Wm. Luntligan Technicolor version of Cleopatra's wiles and suicide. Thurs. Fri. Sat., Aug. 26-28 "Take the High Ground." Richard Widmark — Karl Malden Training of infantrymen for Korean combat, C°".ISLTND IN THE SKY" John Wayne — Lloyd Nolan NOW--ThUrS, Sat Guy 1VIadison, — Helen. Westeott and Frank Lovejoy In Werner Color The story of two white girls who spent five years as captives of the Cheyenne Indians. Sensational on wide semen: "The Charge at. Feathered River • MON., TUES., WED. John Wayne — Lloyd Nolan and Andy Devine A civilian pilot flying an army transport is forced down in un- charted Arctic territory. "Island in the Sky" Week of August 80 to Sept. 4 ineL The Great Cinainaseope Attraction Lloyd C. Douglas' "The Robe" In Technicolor Adults 75c — Children 35c NOW—Thurs., Fri., Sat. Charles Coburn—Spring Byington G. Winslow This dramatic story will hold your interest clear through to its unique climax. "The Rocket Man" MON., TUES., WED. JOHNNY WEISSMULLER Angela Stevens — Nelson Leigh In which Jungle Jim saves a group of superstitious natives when their island is used for an atom bomb ' test. . "Savage Mutiny— . COYLING: Scott Brady and Rita. Morena In "EL ALAMEIN' LIFETIME SECURITY . . a Canada Life special contract providing Life In- surance and Pension Option all in one policy available from age 0 to age 55. CONSULT HAL IIARTLEY, Representative CANADA LIFE Clinton, phone 454w amm is stahetimerefficloir TT up of . . AT PRESENT LOW PRICES A. G. Grigg & Son Phone '74W Clinton 4h Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY Evening, conuneneing at 8 Dam TERMS CASH T. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELBIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUI-TOUN, Clerk FAMILIAR . . . with all details ANYWHERE . AN4TIME . t attic Auneral Alantr Flowers Telegraphed Any.where 1{ C. C001(E FLORIST Phone 66W -- Clinton Drain Tile Available for Immediate Delivery Drop in or Call BRICK and TILE YARD Phone Lucan 25 r 31 J. A. RYDALL Elginfield, Ont. 29-ttb 411."ORV' Get There Safely! CALL 110 ASHTON'S TAXI Carol's Beauty Shoppe ALL TYPES OF PERMANENTS Specializing in Modern Hair Cutting Carol McMurtrie, Prop. PHONE 72 HENSALL 33-b J. A. AS ETT Jeweller and Watchmaker EXPERT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Bulova, Gruen and Cyma Watches BLUE RIVER and BLUE BIRD DiAMONDS Spode Dinnerware Visit Our Modern Up -To -Date Jewellery Store Today Phone 502 Clinton 26 -tib For vat White Rose Service Station on Victoria Street, Clinton GOOD GALLONAGE EASY TERMS IMMEDIATE POSSESSION APPLY: S. McDonald, Box 329 Clinton - Ontario 33-tfb at. FREE Extra Pants ON MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS by JAMES BROS. T,his offer •gopc1 until Aug. 31 ' PICKETT "The Store For Men" Stetson Fiats Main Corner — CLINTON • Arrow Shirts PHONE 25 CAMPBELL