HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-08-05, Page 6AGE SIX CLINTON NEWS -MOOR.° THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1954 . Mr. and Mrs. -John Ingold, De- e. troit, are spending a fortnight at News of Bayfield the suimner home of the latter's aunt, Mrs. W. NI, Purves. Mrs. John Pease,' London, came =SS LUCY R. WOODS see-o-e-e4-e-e-e4-p-e-•-•ee Jhnmy Rankin, London, was here for a few days visiting Lind- say Ellwood. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heard, London, were in the village over the long weekend. Roland Parker, Sandpoint, Idaho, ‘yesited his sister, Mrs. John Stur- geon, Sr., last week. Mr. and Nem J. Cowie and three children, London, were recent vis- itors in the village. Miss Rebinson and eliss Ele- ment, London, visited in the vil- lage over the weekend. Mrs, Frank Burch and three children'Toronto, are at the Mus- tard cottage for August. Mr. and Nil's. Graham Jones and baby, Winirsor, are holidaying with Mrs. .A. W. Reid, "Enfield". Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ferg- uson, London, were at their cot- tage over the Deng weekend. Dr. and MiS. Grosse and family, London, are occuPying the Metcalf cottage for the month of August. Derek Graydon has returned to his cottage in Bayfield after hav- ing been in London for a few days. The Rev. Canon and Mrs. Stuart Brownlee, London, were recent guests in Bayfield's Summer Col- ony,. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Smith and Janet, London, were at tbeir cot- tage on ,Sarnia St., oVer the holi- day. Mrs. John Sturgeon, Sr., and grandson Binnie, are spending this Week in St. Thomas and Port Stanley. , Miss Lola Elliott -who has been visiting her brother, Leslie Elliott, fora week, returned to Detroit on Tuesday, Walter Blackburn, Jr., London, was a recent visitor to )3ayfield, the guest of Mr. and. Mrs. Alex Graydon.• Representative • on Tuesday to spend the week Phone BAYFIELD 45 r 3 *444- Mrs, K Lambert went to De- troit on Monday for a week. Mr, and Mrs. Munro Fisher and enn . and mee. E. family, Kitchener, are occupyieg ivir. Mrs. Robinson's cottage en Hove- arcl Street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyle have re- turned to their home in Windsor after spedi nng the past two weeks in Hayfield. • Mr. and Mrs, Harry Lawson and Bruce, Kingston, spent last week with the former's mother, Ms. H. A, Lavvson, Miss Shearon Barlow, Grosse Pointe, Mich., is spending a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Le- Roy Poth. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Campbell, Guelph, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. McVean over the weekend. J. L. Dixon and Mies Carrie Dixon, Brantford, are spending a vacation with the Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Paull. Mrs, Henry Lord and son Jack returned to Montreal on Tuesday after having visited her mother, Mrs. T. Davison. Michael Aust has returned from spending July at camp and Struck - land Aust will return this weekend from Camp Ponaco. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paddington, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Du- bois, London, are occupying Scotcinner cottages, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mavven and daughter, Janie, Byron, were at their cottage, "The Cedars", over the long weekend. Mrs. W. Reach and three boys have returned to Toronto after having occupied Mrs. George Beatty's cottage- for July,' Mr, and Mrs. Carl Blauman, Cathy, Timmy, Sue and Betsy, Birmingham, Mich., are holidaying at. the McCombe cottage. "Roman Holiday" Staged At Bayfield By Holidaying Smnmer Residents (BY our Bayfield correspondent) An early Roman holiday was the theme of a gathering held Wed- nesday afternoon of last week at the James Day sununer cottage on the lake shore. It has become an annual custom for the summer colony here to entertain a group from Oakwood and this year the hosts were Mr. and Mrs. James Day, Dr. and Mrs. W. A: Tillman, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Hilton and Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Carver. Garbed in gay costtimes as Med- iators, Orators and noble Roman ladies'with their children in cos- tume too, they awaited the arrival of the Barbarians from the Bend, who, came to see the fall of the Romans. They arrived in a horse drawn rack,to the fanfare of trumpets, with the mothers and children dressed in tattered sacks, the men in steel helmets, swords and battle armament, marching alongside to guard them. The beautiful grounds were de- corated with a realistic lion's den, from which sounds of pain and grinding of bones, greeted the ar- rival of the Goths: Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Jackson, Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Westendorf, and Mr. and Mrs. George McEvenue and children. There were 29 in all. Early bathtubs adorned the lawn. There was Cleopatras' throne, a Roman chair, and after greetings read from a long scroll, and directions for the rules of the games, many watched the throw- ing of a large javelin, the race of the Barbarian Chariot against the Roman Chariot which was won by the visitors. The Javelin throw and the relay race was won by the Romans of Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. 3. A. Caincross took moving pictures of the pro- ceedings, then all enjoyed a swim and a bountiful supper. The child- ren celebrated the birthday of Geofrey Hilton, with a huge birth- day cake. With many thanks to the hosts, and looking forward to next year, the Barbarians return- ed to their cottages. at Oakwood, Grand Bend. , An Open Meeting For Huron County Wheat Producers will be held in the ' Agricultural Office Board Room in Clinton 9 p.m. D.S.T. TUESDAY, AUGUST 10 This meeting is being called to discuss the marketing of Ontario wheat and the possibility of establishing a Wheat Producers' Marketing Scheme under the Ontario Farm Pro- ducts Marketing Act. Huron .County farmers who grow wheat are urged to attend this meeting. RUSSELL BOLTON, Chairman' , GORDON GREIG, Secretary HURON COUNTY WIIEAT PRODUCERS' COMMITTEE 31 -le Tender TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Tenders are invited for the construction of the Archibald Municipal Drain of approximately 1675 cu. yds. of excavation. Marked cheque for 10% of tender to accompany tender and tenders to be in the clerk's hands by 8 P.M. (E. D. T. ), August 19, 1954. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk 31-2-b Tender. TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Tenders are invited by the Township of Tucker - smith for the excavation of approximately 2000 cu. yds. at site of new culverts between lots 25-26, Cons. 1-2, L.R.S., Excavated material to be loaded on trucks supplied by the Township, Tender to state a .rate per hour and work to be commenced on instruction from the road superintend- ent and completed by September 20, 1954. Tenders to be in the clerk's hands by 8 P.M. August, 19, 1954. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. e. P. CHESNEY, Clerk 31-2-b with her daughter, Mrs. J. Barron e returned to their home in Ketch - Hamilton cottage for July, have and chirclren at their cottage. and two children who were in the Mr, and Mrs. George Woolway entyman and baby Cynthia, Waukegan, Ill., ar- rived on Sunday for a week's va- cation with her mother, Mrs. Paul Cleave. Mrs. Wilbur James and daugh- ter Cathy,'Montreal, have gone to London after having visited Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Granger st their cottage. , Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ferncombe and daughter, Frafices, London, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ellwood over the holiday weekend. John McCallum has returned from a month Pat Camp Ponaco, and D, McCallum, Lendon, is spending his vacation with his family here, Mr. and Mrs. Les. R. Gray, Lon- don, spent the holiday weekend wit hher mother, Mrs. H. A. Law- son, and 'sister, Mrs. Maynard Cor - de and family. Neil Mustard was at the family cottage over the weekend and his wife and four children who spent last month here, returned te. To- ronto with him. Mr. and Mrs, Donald Harper and two sons and Mrs. Harper's moth- er, Mrs. B. B. Hookway, London, are occupying the Morley cottage on Howard Street. Miss Sylvia Baker and Douglas Lang, London, visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bak- er at their cottage "Wheel In" over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Weston returned to London on Tuesday after having spent the holiday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grady and Larry returned to Hamilton on Tuesday after having been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Scotch - met Jr., from Friday, Mrs. Harold Simpson, Sandra and Cathy, London, are spending this week with her sister-in-law* Mrs. J. Cluff. Mr. Simpson was also here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. F. Lloyd and Mr, and Mrs. H. Lloyd and two child- ren who have been holidaying at "Stonehaven", returned to their home in Toronto last week. Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Jowett, Clin- tort, Iowa, and their son, Robert and wife, Rockford, PI, ',eft on Wednesday after having visited their aunt, Mrs. C. W. Brown. Mrs, Della McBride, Misses Grace and Evelyn Cluff, IVIrs. Lulu Howe Cook and Mrs. Anna Howe McCcumel, Toronto, were weekend guests at Mrs. McEwen's cabins. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight, son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Art Latthner and their small son Billy, Toronto, are with Mrs. Knight's mother, Mrs. F. C. Gem- einhardt. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Howard and daughter Margaret, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Howard's brother-in-law and sister, the Rev. and Mrs. I-1, G. E. Crosby at their home in Mooretown, Dr. Alfred Butler returned to Vineland, N.J., on Tuesday even- ing after having joined his wife and daughter on Saturday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Butler, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Maudsley visited their daughter, Mrs. 3. B. Higgins for a few days. Mrs. Hig- gins accompanied them on their return Co Brantford oh Monday for a two week visit, Patsy Beatty, Willowdale, who has been holidaying at the F. G. Scotchmer cottage, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Haw and Dawna on Sunday to visit with them at Proton Station. Mr. and Mrs. Mario Gerber and baby son, Urs Andreas, Ottawa, spent the weekend with 1VIrs. R. H. P. Gairdner. Otto Gerber, Basel, Switzerland, who is visiting his son, accompanied them. Prof. Manley Thompson left on Monday for Chicago after having been here for a few 'days. Mrs. Thompson and little Katherine re- mained to spend this month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mac- Kenzie. Dr R. W. Harnbly was in the village pieWednesday and his wife and sister-in-law, Miss Kathleem MeGill, who have been staying with Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner, ae- companied him on his return to London, • F. 0. Scotchmer, Richmond Hill, Who carne to attend the anniver sary services in St. Andrew's Unit - 'ed Church at which his son, Rev. George Scotchmer, was the special preacher, was at his cottage until Tuesday. H. A. Rogers, OBE, Mrs. Rogers and grandson, Master Glen Rogers, Toronto, were the guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Rogers and brother-in-law and sis- ter, Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter, over the weekend. Guests at the home of Mr. and 1VIrs. James A. Cameron nn Satur- day and Sunday were Miss Steph- enson, J. L. McCullough, Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. Evans Cameron and two children who are at Canm Ipperwash for the summer. Mrs, John Brent and children, Billy, Susan and Peter, travelled by airliner 'from Pans, Frances, on Tuesday of last week arid are spending this month with her par- ents, Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Tillmann, at their summer cottage. Mr. Brent will join them later, Mrs. M. Marshall returned to the village on Wednesday of last week to visit Mrs. A. W. Reid after having been at her home in Toronto for three weeks. Miss Kathleen Reid returned to Wind- sor the same day after having spent ten days with her mother. . Miss M. Hodgins ad Miss M. Macdonald, Toronto, arrived on Monday to spend this month at the former's cottage, "Stonehav- en". Miss Hodgins has recently returned froni a tour to Vancouv- er, Victoria,. B.C., and down the coast to Cahfornia, coining horne via the Grand Canyon, Salt Lake City, and Chicago. Mrs. V. Baihrigali and Mary Joan, London, are guests at the Albion Hotel; also over the week- old were Miss Loraine Sanhan, Mies Verna Wharton, London; Miss Jacqueline Chapelle, Van- couver; Miss Barbara Pollock and Miss Rubie Fisher, Kitchener; Meyer Battling, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. E. Stamp, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Smith and family have returned to Stratford after having spent a fortnight at the Scotchmer Cabins. Mr. and Mrs. Smith had roles in the Anniversary At St. Has Special Music; (By oar Bayfield correspondent) On Sunday last, the St. And- rews United Church congregation celebrated the 52nd anniversary of the building of the church. The weather co-operated to make it a special occasion and the people responded in large num- bers. The church was filled to the doors. The guest speaker was the Rev. George Scotchmer, of First Presbyterian Church, Gal- veston, Texas, who was well known in this neighborhood ween he spent his summers here as a ear. Scotchrner took as his text, 2nd Corinthians, 5, 19, "If any man be in Christ he is a new creature" and the theme of his discourse was the miracle of the new birth. If is not enough to be a church member, one must be in Christ', in order to be a new creation." As . this. idea was developed through the sermon, it became a very forceful evangelical call to true Christianity. The choir under the taole lead- ership of Mrs. Kingsbury, helped greatly in the service of praise, with a fine anthem "I Will Extoll Andrew's, Bayfield, Texan Preacher Thee", in which a solopart was very beautifully sung by Miss Clara Clark; also a solo by Leslie Gee, And Did Those Feet in An- cient Time Walk upon Erigland's Mountains Green", a poem by Wil- liam Blake. At the evening service, Mr. Scotchmer took as his text,For the Grace of God that bringeth Salvation,hath appeared to all men", Titus 2nd chapter, and again developed the theme of the "Grace of God" in a very com- pelling message. The music on this occasion was again furnished by the choir with an anthem, "When Daylight Fades", a duet part taken by Miss Clara Clark.and Mies Pat Scotch - mer and a duet by Mr. and Mrs. Whiteside, Stratford, "When we see Christ", both of which were very beautifully swig, Two visiting ministers, Rev. T. J. Pitt, Varna; and Rev. B. Holler, Exeter, also were present and led in prayer. In spite of the lung dry spell of vveathee, the flower committee were able to gather to- gether some fine blooms to grace the occasion. At The Poplars (By .our Bayileld correspondent). Mr. and 1VIrs. F. H. Ciente, Jo- Anne, Patrick and John, Toronto, are occupying "Grumblenot" cot- tage for the month of August. ,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peter, MarY and Douglas, Stratford, are spend - Mg two weeks at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Cook and two children have returned to Stratford after, vacationing for, a month at "Loch Herne". Shakespearean Festival plays last year. While here they entertained Mr. and Mrs. Robert Christie and several other members of the cast in this year's productions. Recent newcomers to Deer Lodge Park are: Mr. and Mrs. A. Montgomery and family and Mrs. A. Hepburn, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. William Heffron and family, Maple; Mr. and Mrs. Ken .Adams and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bauer and family, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. V. Cusolito and family, London; the John T. Tobin family, Dearborn, Mich. Mr, and Mrs. R, Erb and four children, Birmingham, Mich., are spending the month of August at "Birchcliff." Mr. and Mrs, George Cantrick and George, Jr., who have been visiting their aunt, Miss L. Morley, left on Sunday for their home in Birmingham. Miss L. Morley left on Monday: to spend the month with her sister, Mrs. Moore, Traverse City, Mich. Mrs. Delbert Haw and daughter Dawna, Proton Station, visited her brothers, Russel and William T. Heard while staying with the lat- ter from Thursday until Sunday Mr. Haw and Don came for them on Sunday and Don remained to spend this week with his- uncle Bill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heard, Lorna and Douglas, Stratford, also visited at the home of William T. Heard on Sunday, having come to attend a family dinner which was held on the beach at noon. Guests at The Little Inn this week are: Mrs. R. K. Welch, Wil- liam Welch, Cincinnati, Ohio; Misses Alice and' Mary Hewitt, Brockville; Miss Margaret Rush- ton, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs, A. Millar, London; Mr. and Mrs. D. Wiener, Mr. and Mrs. R. Abrams, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Gooselin, De- troit; Miss Verna Vance, Dr, and Mrs. E. Spence, Miss Mary Wright, London; Miss Susan Ardist,. De- troit; Mise Jenny Wright, Atkos- neg, Alta,; Dr. and Mrs. M. B. George, Kitcherier. A family gathering was enjoyed at the home of Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter on Sunday in honour of their aunt Miss Alice M. Dawe, London. Amongst the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Rogers, Mise Dawe, Miss IVIcLeocl, Miss Davis, London; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Rogers, Master Glen Rogers, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. James Blailie and two children, Elizabeth and Alex, Shetland; also Charles Rogers, Jr., Toronto, who was with his family for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. R. McEwen, Byron, were also present for tea. Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Nicholls were with the latter's mother, Mrs. F. W. McEwen, over the weekend before leaving Loddon on Tuesday night to motor to Calif- ornia. Dr. Nicholls of the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, -was one of 20 chosen to attend a con- ference on Astrophysics to be held at the University of California, Berkeley, from August 12 to Sep- tember 11. Mrs. Nicholls, who is doing cancer research in the field of Bio -Chemistry at UWO, plans to work in the Bio -Chemistry Laboratory at Berkeley while her husband attends the conference. The resignation of the Rev. La - Verne Morgan as rector of St Mark's Church, Marine City, Mich. to which he was appointed four years ago, has been announced, Mr. Morgan takes up his duties on September 1, as a missionary in the Spokane District, Washing- ton. He has been appointed te St. John's Episcopal Church, Eth- ratha, Wash, The arrid district in the Columbia basin. Is being populated quickly with the advent of an irrigation scheme, and it it to the newcomers pouring into this district Mr. Morgan will minister. The best wiShes of many friends in this parish follow Mr. and Mrs. Morgan and three childeen, Recent arrivals at the Jowett cottages are: Mr. and Mrs. A. Col- lier and family, Hamilton. Mg..-andMrs. H. N. C. Gower and family, London; Mr. and Mrs. D. Higgins and family, Toronto (their little granddaughter is the 'fourth gen- eration of the family to vacation at the Jowett cottages. The late George McTaggert, father of Mrs. Higgins, had the late William R. Jowett build a cottage to bis spec- ifications and rented it for many years); Mr. and Mrs. .I. Henry and family, London; Mr. and Mrs. William Gmeieu and family, Grose Pointe Farms; Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Blair and family, Wind- sor; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pongracz, Grosse 'Pointe; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. &ciders, Birmingham, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. H. Heyman, Royal Oak, Mich. Guests at the New Ritz Hotel this week are: Mr. and IVIrs. D. Taylor, Miss M. E. Davies, Lon- don; John Pine, Ingersoll; Mr. and Mrs. John Tyman and family, De- troit; W. B. Alton, Dunnville; H. Christie, W. Arnold, Toronto; Dr. and Mrs. Grant Misener, Chicagoe Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Marshland, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Patton and children, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McKay and fam- ly, Preston; Mr. and Mrs, Rowley, J. M. Kitchener, Toronto; Ernest Wall, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs, Warsall, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzie, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Maudsley, Brantford; C. Rowe and son, VVincleor; Mr. and Mrs. It Fairley, Riverside; al. J. Dean,Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Ross, Detroit; Douglae Mundy, Hervey Peterson, London; R. C. Carter, A. V. Crawford, Kenneth Smith, Hamilton, (Intended for last Week) Lawrence Fowlie, London, is spending a fortnight's vacation with his sisters, Misses F. and E. Fowlie. Dr. and Mrs. R. Nicholls, Lon- don, were with the latter's mother, Mrs. F. W. McEwen, over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Morris, Bowmanville, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Toms over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kingsbury and Douglas have returned after having enjoyed a cruise through the Muskoka Lakes. George Fellows, Riverside, came on Friday to spend his holidays with his wife and family at their cottage on Louisa Street. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Brisson, Grosse Pointe, are at their cottage. With them for a few days are their daughter Anneline and son- in-law, John Van Slembrouck and children, To An, Judith and baby Johnny. Nick Paithouski, a famous rugby star of a few years back, and now football coach of the E. of C. team, Sarnia, is spending two weeks at Deer Lodge Park with his wife and family, and father, Mike Paithouski. Other-eottagers at Deer Lodge Park are: Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts and family, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Agar and family, Stratford; Mr. mid Mrs. Grant Lynde end son, Oshawa' Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Load- er, Mirnico; Mr. and Mrs. R. Chap- man, Mr. and Mrs. L. Shepherd and Mrs. S. Cook, St Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Langtry arid family, Northville, Mich. Guests registered at the New Ritz Hotel include: A. Brown, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. S. Lough - land, Guelph; Mr. and Mrs, M. Wise, Sartua; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hencher, Pointe Claire,ue.; Mrs. D. McMillian, Mrs. Witham Mor- gan and son, Detroit; C. A. Hum- pbries, London; miss L WatSon, C. A. McEachren, Galt; Mr. and Mrs. 0. K McKay, Portage La Prairie; J. K. Willis and Mrs. Willis, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. H. Williams, Peterborough; Mr. and Vire. Harold Smith, Detroit; Mr, end 1VIrs. William McLaverty, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Kenzie, Mr. and Mrs. E. Nisbett, London; Mr. and Mrs, C. Colby, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Don- aldson, London; Miss H. Long, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Wilham Richards, Connersville, Indiana: Mr. and Mrs. H. Herbert, Dr. and Mrs. D. Scott, Toronto. STANLEY Mrs. Marion Laramie, Clifford, is visiting her father, Alec Vic: - Ewen, Ur. and Mrs. Randall Pepeer, Carol Ann and Lawrence, Little Current, Manitoulin Island, are visiting John E, Pepper and fame ily. Also visiting there were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shaw and two children, KlienburY- ORSE SHOE PITCHERS Enter Now in the O'Keefe's Tri County Grand Championship Doubles Tourney FOR THE O'KEEFE TROPHY" To Be Held In dennectionwitli Grand Bend Rural Day ednesday, August 25 "A Special May Day for Huron, Lambton &-Middlesex" Entries for this outstanding doubles horseshoe tournament will be accepted from players who live in counties of Larribton, Middlesex and Huron. Applications must be received before Midnight, Saturday, August 21. County charnpions will be chosen by elimination on the morning of Wednesday, August 25, and the Grand Championship Pitchoff will be held in the afternoon. Send your entries now to: D. W. "Pat" Benison, Secretary -Treasurer, I Chamber of Oornmeree, onds,ND BEND, Ontario 31-b Experience 1s The Best Teacher 40 years of Practical Farm Experience, 30 of them on one of Canada's Largest Dairy Farms puts us in a position to give you practical advice an Farm- ing or Stock Problems. Added to this long experience, we have at our call, men who make it their business to study feeding and feeds for all kinds of live stock. They are at your service anytime you need help in any problem you May have. lit costs nothing to have this advice, usu. it anytime you need it. Coll in and have a chat or phone us at anytime. We have a good supply of all feeds at attractive prices, also Presto Fire extinguishers. S. INDIO( and SONS FEEDS and GRAINS PHONE 114 CLINTON esenetsesnanemessesus SPEC! LIZED FFICE T Al ING GODERICH USINESS COLLEGE •) Huron County's Modern Business School Member of the Canadian Business Schools Association and registered as o trade -school under the Trade Schools Ilegulation Act.