HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-07-15, Page 8ummer Taylor --Porter A weddin of interest took place on Saturday in , Ontario, Street United ' Church, Clinton, -when Margaret Carolyn Porter, daugh- tet: of Mr, and Mrs. Edward -Reg-- Maid Porter, Clinton, became the bridle of Harold Allan Taylor, on of. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Alfred Taylor, Copper Cliff, 'Ont. Rev. A. G. Eagle performed the cere- mony; The church was: beautifully de- corated with baskets of roses and madonna lilies. Bert Leverington, Winnipeg, Man., sang "0 Perfect ,Ove" and; 'Scours,', accompanied et the organ by Miss Ellen Love. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a waltz - length gown of white nylon net Over taffeta with lace inserts, and fashioned with a sweetheart neck- line. Her fingertip veil of tulle illusion was held to her :head by a Crown' embroidered with seed pearls, She carried a nosegay of pink roses' and white carnations; Miss Eerne Potter„ Clinton, was maid of honor. She was gowned a ballerina Iength _dress of sh$irde rylon,net and taffetk. Miss Gaff i Taylor, Copper Cliff, ., sister of fhe .btidegrpom,;and;Miss Mar= i.. est. Brautrgam; Clinton; ';were bridesmaids and wore • dresses similar` to the :maid of honor, in -green and yellow nylon net ^and taffeta. They all carried nosegaYe • of yellow roses and cornflowers. Johir Porter, Clinton, brother of the bride, was groomsman. Ken Porter and Wayne Taylor, broth- els of .the bride and bridegroom, were ushers. Following the wedding a recep- tion and dinner were held at the :Hotel Clinton where the bride's Mother received the guests wear- ing a gown of flowered taffeta olid net with jacket and white accessories, and a red rose cor sage. The bridegroom's mother was unable to attend on account of `illness. For travelling the bride chose a two-piece*turquoise linen suit with^ white aecessories and corsage of pink roses. Guests werepresent at the wedding from. Copper Cliff, London and St. Marys. McAuley -Galbraith (By our Bayfield eorrespendent) On Saturday„ July 3, at 2.30 p.m., Westdale United Church, Hamilton, 'beautifully decorated with white gladioli was the scene off a wedding of interest to many in: this -community, when Naney Jean, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Murray Galbraith; R.R. 1, Dundas and Bayfield be- canie the bride of Douglas Christie McAuley, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Christie McAuley, Hamilton. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Waldemar W. Williams. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of- ex- quisite snowwhite eyelet embroid- ered organdy over. taffeta. The delicate bodice featured a low neckline andff e u ed sleeves. The P magnificent four -tiered skirt swept into a train. ' A band of matching organdy was arranged as a headdress from which fell her finger -tip -length veil of illus- ion, end she carried a bouquet of white spray orchids and lily -of - the -valley. Mrs. L. Paul Walden was her sister's matron of honour, and the bridesmaids. were Mrs. E. L. Wright, -Miss Jean McAuley (sister of the groom) and Miss Joan Marshall. They were attractively gowned: in embroidered organdy over Wedgewood blue taffeta, and carried artistic floral arrange - BINGO EXETER ARENA Friday, July 16 12 Regular Games for $50 each 3 Special Games for $200 each 1 SPECIAL FOR $1,000 ADMISSION: $1.00 Extra and Special Cards 25e — 5 for $1.00 GAMES START AT 9 P.M. SHARP WATCH FOR MONSTER BINGO ON JULY 30 SPONSORED BY EXETER LEGION • 90. HEW RO-®F ? to If you want to replace worn-out roofing on your farm -house or buildings ... there's good news for you at the Bank of Montreal A shortage of ready cash need not hold up yolir farts improvement plans. A B of M Farm Improvement Loan can put a new roof on your house or other buildings for you. And there's nothing like a good, weather -tight roof to protect your investment in your buildings for years to come. Don't put it off any longer! Talk over your needs with the manager of your nearest ]B of M branch. He'll be glad to show you what *B ofM'Farm Improvement ii j BAN if, Loan cab do for you IV%IWO MOM ;ma your farm. SIL — the fixer ... his full name is Farm Improve- ment Loan. Give him a chance to help fix up your farm ... hr's eco- nomical, conven- ient, versatile. Be can do almost anything in mak- ing your farm a better .farm. BANK QF MONTRE.tz, a �Aa1RefSb4 /ow 2rt .Clinton Branch: WILLIAM MORLOK, Manager Londesborough (cub -Agency): Open Mon, & Thurs. 'WORK'1'NO WtVN CANADI,ANc. IN EVERY WALK OF LI;FI@. $INOE ;SUI Ck)!1Tg11T NEWS-nElRP Will ` ';Live' In Londesborta ,o MR. AND MRS. HUGH FLYNN will live in Londesboro on their return t r n fr om a wedding trip to Niagara o ar Falls.Theywere married in the gardens at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Norris, . Crorparty. Mrs. • Flynn, is the former Donna Myrle Norris. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flynn, R.R. 2, Clinton. ments of shasta daisies, blue corn- flower, and delphinium with har- monizing blue and purple -shaded ribbons which matched their head- dresses. Dr: R. G. McAuley, Kingston, was his brother's nest man, and the ushers were E. L. Wright, Dundas, Alan Galbraith, Bayfield, and Dr, L. Paul Walden, Montreal. John L. Hodd presided at the organ. Before the bride entered the church, Mrs. Robert Frid sang "The Lord's Prayer," and during the signing of the register, "Where e'er you Walk"—Handel: For the reception at the Brant Inn, attended by a hundred guests, the bride's mother wore a navy embroidered organdy gown with taffeta picture hat and navy ac- cessorie's, a cluster of shasta dais- ies being caught to .• her Purse. Mrs. McAtileys the groom's moth- er, was attired in Rosewood shade lace, with hat, accessories and an orchid corsage in the same colour. Floral decorations were carried nut in pink. The bride's table, centred by the wedding cake, was done in white and ,pink with touches of blue cornflower, set off by maidenhair fern, centred with pink rosebuds, around the edge. Leaving by motor for a honey - moor trip to Bigwin Iun, North Bay and Manitoulin Island, the bride wore a pink glazed pique jacket dress with, pink accessories. On their return, they will reside in Hamilton. The popular young bride, who has spent vacations here each year, is a member of the teaching staff of Earl Kitchener School, Hamilton. Her husband is in his last year of Pharmacy at Uni- versity of Toronto. Trousseau Tea.. On June 26, Mrs. Gordon Gal- braith entertained at a trousseau tea for her daughter at their home near Dundas. Mrs. Galbraith and Nancy were assisted in receiving over a hund- red guests by the groom's mother, Mrs. G, C. McAuley. Pouring tea were Mrs. G. C. McAuley, grandmother of the groom, Orangeville; Mrs. Hugh H. Galbraith, Mrs; George Galbraith, Windsor; Mrs. Hugh T. Galbraith, Deli oit. Miss Margaret Lang, Miss Anne Wright, Miss Bette Wright, Mrs. Ed Wright and Miss Jean Mc- Auley showed the trousseau, NO VOTE NEEDED FOR SEWER, BOARD RULES The application ' of Seaforth Council was granted by the On- tario Municipal Board for expend- iture of $95,000 to install a sewer- age system. No vote of the tax- payers is required.—The Seaforth News. - J. S. Scruton Oils Greases - Gasoline Petroleums Products Phone Clinton' 377 Phone Gaderich 320-W CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR CONSTANCE Family . Reatiions 1100th,:Bi* thday 01 Auburn: Will: sT1 Air Display:: Old Curios (.By our Bayfield correspondent) ' One 9,f the more important The annual, reunion of the Pell" features of the . Celebration of hale -Snowden,- Westlake families the 100th. Ftitliday of the vill- was >lGregquare, na.A,uthe Sh Bayfieldheld onat JuCnane 26, '1954orS, with sectiongeof thee, burn willend be the c Stii- ool 75, inembers :present,' plays of 'relies such as oIa pic- Aftegr� the dinner was enjoyed by tures, photos,' curios, furniture all, - the, president,.. Ed. Sowerby equipment' used in the old,days took charge of the business. One minute's silence was observed in,, inAtheadrseeent meeting of :the remembrance of those who had Centennial Association, William• passed away during the past year.reaStraughan was appointed to take After the minutes o€ d thethe of- last of the Centennial. Storekeepers charge of tine itnportant feature annual reunion was fivers were elected for the coming in the village have volunteered year, asGoderichfoll,.,,preows:sidEdwardent;John SoweKeyrby, es, display 01 pictures and smaller the use of their windows for the Varna, vice-president; Mrs. E. A. items needing protection. Mr. Westlake, Bayfield, secretary- Straughan is also arranging 'for treasurer; Mrs. John Keys, assist- space for the display of larger. ant secretary; sports committee, items such as implements and Elaine Grainger, Ileene Cleave William and Kenneth Pollock, Thomas Penhale, Doris and Betty Sowerby. A guessing contest by Elaine Grainger on a jar of jelly beans was won by Joyce Greer, The eldest lady present was Mrs. T. M. Snowden. The eldest man pres- ent was Mr. Alfred Scotchmer; youngest girl, Janice Sowerby; youngest boy, Robert McCullough; largest fainily, Mrs. Logan Cleave, Children sports were carried out in the afternoon and prizes given. A ball game was enjoyed; the score 10 to 6. Supper was served. The reun- ion was enjoyed by'everybody and it was decided to hold the 1955 reunion again at • Clan. Gregor Square. (Intended for last week) Miss Nancy Bloomfield, Barrie. is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Clarke. s' Mr. and Mrs. Bruce' Medd, Sea - forth, visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Leitch on Sunday. Miss Donelda Adams left on Sunday for Toronto where she will take a six week's summer course. Mrs. M. Richmond of Kinders- ley, Sask., is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ross McGregor. Robert Banks, Hazenmore, Sask. has been visiting with, Mr. and Mrs. William Jewitt and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur' Jewitt. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mellott, Wayne, Mich., spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Ell- wood Clarke and relatives. , Mr. and Mrs. Randall Rife, Newberg, Oregon, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Clarke and called on other friends. Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson and Mrs. Agnes Dale, Marion and Bobby, Clinton, visited recently with -Mr. and Mrs. George Leitch. Mr. and Mrs, William Jewitt and Robert Banks were in Hamil- ton on Monday where Mr, Banks will remain for a few days visiting relatives. Mrs. Jack Medd was hostess on Wednesday evening at a miscel- laneous shower in honour of Miss Patricia Morrison. The evening was spent in contests after which Mrs. J. Medd and Mrs. Ray Vin- cent carried in a basket laden with gifts. After the bride -elect opened her gifts and thanked her many friends in a few well-chosen words. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Ray Vin- cent, Mrs. 11. Phillips and Mrs. Lorne Lawson. SHOBBROOK REUNION The annual Shobbrook Reunion was, held en Saturday afternoon, July 3, at the Lions Park, Sea - forth, with about 45 members present. , Races and novelty con- tests conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Welland highlighted the event. The election of. officers for the 1955 reunion resulted as follows; President, Clarence Crawford; secretary, Mrs. Clifford Saun'der- cock; treasurer, Mrs. Ray Shob- brook; sports, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gibbings; refreshments, Mrs. Bert Shobbrook and Mrs. Clarence Crawford. Prize -winners were, egg rolling, Jerry Crich, Dennis Shobbrook; blowing balloons, Muriel Shob- brook, Ray Shobbrook, John Ar- thur Saundercock; young ladies race, Marguerite Lyon; junior boys, Charles Crawford, Kenneth Shobbrook; senior boys, Jerry Crich; young men, Gordon Gar - row, Joe Crich. Tiny tot race, Connie Gibbings, Valerie Garrow; throwing ball, ladies, Mrs. Clarence Crawford, Mrs. Bill Gibbings; boys, Bob Gib- bings; men, Gordon Garrow; pea- nut scramble, Jerry Crich; hog calling, men, Gordon Garrow; ladies, Mrs. Percy Gibbings, Mrs, Clarence Crawford; boys, Jerry Crich. Eating watermelon, Mrs. Percy Gibbings; hop, skip and jump, sen- ior boys, Jerry Crich; junior boys, Kenneth Shobbrook, Charles Crawford; ladies, Mrs. Bill Gib- bings; kick -the -slipper, ladies, Mrs. Percy pibbings; men, Bob Saund- ercock; youngest baby, John (son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibbings); oldest lady, Mrs. John Shobbrook; oldest man, Fred Shobbrook; long- est married couple, Mr. and Mrs Wes. Shobbrook, Amateur contest, John Arthuz Saundercock, Billie Crawford Kenneth Shobbrook, Charles Crawford, Jerry Czech. TZWRSD,At' JU):.3C 15,,1959 PORTER'$ ' HILL Coanmunity Club The Porter's' Hill Community Club will hold- its regular meet. Mg on Wednesday, July 21, at p¢.limeof° t o' Mrs; George Johnst. on. t . W;A, , Meets The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Association' 01 Grace United• Church, Porter's Hill, was held on July 8 at the home of Mrs. Austin Harris. The president, 'Mrs. John Mc- Cowan was in charge of the meet- ing which opened by singing "Lord of the, Lands." Mrs, Les Cox lead' in prayer and. the 'scripture lesson" was read by Mrs. Gordon Maim- ing, The roll call was answered by naming and wearing a favour- ite flower. Reports from the various coni - equipment. He will see that mittees were heard, and: the after - they are cared for and returned noon was spent quilting. The to their owners when the event is oyer. A number of old school text- books have been turned in and these are to be on display at the School. Anyone having items which would be of interest is asked to contact Mr. Straughan who will be pleased to arrange for theirdisplay. P Y Rent Apartment; Use a 50c Want Ad Coloured Cement Flagstone IDEAL FOR GARDENS, SIDEWALKS Easily laid in a sand bed. Not affected by frost, and will not crack if property laid. Make up your own, pattern from the following colours and sizes: Colours: NATURAL, CREAM, RED, GREEN Sizes: 15" x 15" each $ .80 15" x 20" each 1.05 .20" x 20" each 1.35 20" x 25" each 1.75 BALL-MACAULAY CLINTON SEAFORTH Ph. 97 Ph. 787 LUMBER -- LIME — CEMENT — TILE meeting closed by singing "Land of our Birth, and repeating the Mizpah benediction. Lunch . was served by the hostess, The August meeting will be at, the home of Mrs. Donald Harris. Sua�RTEST- suaG1 pawER Kirkton Community Association Annual n ual "Garden Party FAIR GROUNDS K.IRKTON, ONTARIO (Highway 23) Wednesday, July 21st,1954 SOFTBALL GAME — 6.00 p.m. JUVENILE PROGRAMME — 7.30 p.m. ALL STAR PROFESSIONAL STAGE SHOW -9.00 p.m. Ample Facilities for Refreshments and Seating Free Supervised Parking on Grounds ADULTS 75c CHILDREN 25c COME AND ENJOY QUALITY ENTERTAINMENT (1953 attendance 4,000) SEE OUR QUALITY USE CII_ LATEST MODELS • LOWEST PRICES 1953 Chevrolet Sedan 1953 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan 1952 Pontiac Sedan 1952 Chevrolet Sedan 3.950 Dodge Custom Sedan 1950 Chevrolet Station Wagon 1949 Dodge Sedan 1947 Pontiac Coach 1941 Ford, 5 passenger 1940 Pontiac Sedan 1940 Dodge Sedan SPECIAL A Number of 1954 CHEVROLETS for as low as $1995 fully equipped, radio turning signals, etc. TRUCKS 1949 Chevrolet 1 Ton Express ARMY TRUCK — 2 -Ton Stake 1946 Chevrolet 2 Ton Stake TRACTOR Cockshutt "20" -- (brand new) AND MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Brussels M�tors Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealers BRUSSELS, ONT. — PHONE 73-X CLINTON—Contact Knox Williams, Mi. 641 .1 Win Big RIZES' Daily over CFPL RADIO LANDON .I DIAL 980 Has Move 4w a 1