HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-07-15, Page 5T1-111RSDAY, JULY 15,,e1954 CLINTON NEWS-.R1ECORD • riAE FIVE Classified Rates CASH RATE -- (If rtaid by Wednesday following date of id- esertfon)-Two omits a word first insertion (minimum 50 cents); tenubsequent insertions 11/2 'cents a Word (rainlintime.35 cents); 15 - milts extra for -box xrumfber Or "•e/or".direction to NEWS -RECORD 'Office. IF 'CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -42 noon, Wednes- ACCOMMODATION for RENT LARGE •FURNISHED ROOM, -suitable for light housekeeping. Phone Clieton 582. 28b FURNISHED CABINS at "The -Falls." Nine miles west of Clin- ton on Highway 8, and one mile off, $12 per week. Safe river for children, bass fishing, and picnic grounds. Phone M. Driver, 931r14, Goderich. 28b ARTICLES FOR SALE SUNSHINE BABY BUGGY, in good condition. Phone Clinton 453-W. 28b BABY CARRIAGE, good condi- -ton, $20. 6 Quebec Road, RCAF Station Clinton. 28-b MOTORCYCLE, Francis -Barnett, 197. In good condition. Phone Clinton 687M. 28-b 17 -FOOT CABIN TRAILER, fur- nished.' Must sell. Best offer. Cash or terms. Phone Blyth 18r26. 23-28-p HELP WANTED COST OF LIVING IS HIGH? If you want to balance your budget apply for a Familex agency. Interesting profits on more than 250 household necessities, all guaranteed. Openings in your area, Write for free •details and catalogue. FAMILEX, \1600 Del - °rimier, Montreal, 28-b HELP WANTED—MALE YOUNG MAN to work in Bakery, for wrapping and packaging, Bart - tiff Bros, 27-8b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES. AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. lVfink Ranch, Goderich. Phone Colleet, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone "tones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea - forth 655r2 or Goderieh 936r21. • LOST- AND FOUND " LOST --ONE BLACK SCOTTISH, Terrier. Anyone" kno*ing where- abouts please phone Clinton 802r3 collect or contact Roy Vodden, Summerhill Store. • 28b MISCELLANEOUS - • FOR THE FINEST VALUES in Diamond Rings visit COUNTER'S Jewellery Store. Ask to see our "Four Star Specials" and compare, 28p ' RUBBER TIRE WAGON, roller bearings, $25. 12 ft. Long Soo Plywood Boat, $125. Also 10 h.p. Mercury outboard motor. Gordon Gilbert, R.R. 2, Bayfield, Phone Clinton 909r22. 28b THE CLASSIC BATHROOM 'SET ` $136:50 • Delivered ' A beautiful bathroom set at a reasonable price. Everything in plumbing and heating. Write Dept. CNR or visit our showrooms. Open Wednesday • and Friday evenings and all day Saturday. 'S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES Streetsville,.:Oritaiio 26-31-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE • 1948 MERCURY SEDAN, perfect condition, original paint. New motor in 1953. New brake lining and four new tires. Phone Clinton 905r25. 28-9-b BOARD AND ROOM ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO gentlemen sharing. Phone Clinton • 163R. 27-8b BABY CHICKS • STARTED PULLETS, all ages, , from Kitchener Big -4 Hatchery - also chicks -mixed; broiler chicks, Variety breeds and crosses. At- tractive summer prices. Full par- ' ticulars frorn Charles Scott, Aub- urn. Phone Blyth 43r23. 28b • ---- • pRAY STARTED CHICKS, Avail- able now. And dayolds. Mixed. Pullets, cockerels. Wide choice of breeds and crosses eo choose from. Ask us for complete list. Step on your order for Aug -Sept. Agent, Mrs. Alex Paterson, Brucefield, 28b 95c — PULLETS — $2.35 THREE MONTHS OLD Ready to lay Sussex x Red; a very good cross and our popular Arbor Acres White 'Rocks. Im- mediate delivery. Also booking ' for Sept. 15 delivery. Buybefore eggs go to peak prices and pullet prices accord- ingly. • The -Lakeview Poultry Farm and Hatchery Ltd. Exeter - Ontario 28-9-1) EMPLOYMENT WANTED FISH LURE by E. J. DAILEY, maker of famous animal lures, $1.35. Also stove wood and fur- nace blocks. Put' in' your- cellat now while dry, $5 load. Mervyn Batkin, 28-9p TV ANTENNA Installations, See us for your TV Antenna installa- tions. Complete installation with rotator, $110. T. A Dutton, Fire- stone Dealer, Brucefield, Phone Clinton 634r4. 28-b GOING ON VACATION? Make sure the locks around the house are in good repair. We will be pleased to service them. Combina- tions changed or keyed alike. "Your security for tomorrow is our business today." Bali and Mutch, phone 195. 26-7-8b NOTICE ANYONE FOUND TRESPASS - Mg on Pt. Lots 41-51, Tucker - smith Township, both sides of river at any time hereafter, will be prosecuted. By order of the owner, A. E. Parry. 23-30p PROPERTY FOR -SALE SIX GOOD BUILDING LOTS on High and Kirk Streets, various sizes. Contact W. N. Counter or phone Clinton 230. 28p TWO CHOICE LOTS on Princess Street East, part of Combe's est- ate. Apply Lloyd Batkin, phone Clinton 692W. 27-8b PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned, Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 6951. 43-tfb PROPERTY WANTED WANTED TO PURCHASE -Bay- field district, acreage with house; VLA. Box 258, Byron, Ont. 28-9-b 30 TO 80 ACRES SANDY LAND, preferably on or near 4th conces- sion, Goderich Township. Apply Box N. 231, News -Record • 23-25-tfb SEED FOR SALE QUANTITY OF SEED GRAIN, Phone Clinton 615r12. 28b STOVES FOR SALE COLEMAN THREE -BURNER Gas Stove, one -burner oven. Prac- tically new. $30. Gendron Eng- lish -type maroon baby carriage, with sun canopy, and snow run- ners $20 Pi Clinton4 , . lone 4 5. • DUTCH GIRL would like house- • 28-9-b ' work in or around Clinton, Phone • Clinton 616r31, 28b FARMS FOR SALE •NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. •G. Winter, Real Estate. Mom Clinton 448. 33-tfb 'FARM EQUIPMENT, for SALE ONE. McCORIVIICK DEERING 'binder, 7 ft. cut, Ralph Turner, R.R. 1, Zurich. 28p • MASSEY-HARRIS BINDER, 6 It. cut, in running order; also rubber ' tired buggy. Phone Clinton 906r12. • 27-8b FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE CHERRIES -Sweet or Montmor- • ency-now ready. Come and pick • your own. Ladders supplied. Gov- enlock Orchard, half a mile north • of. Forest on Blue Water Highway. • 27-8b Furniture Re -Finishing 'FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND 'radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, !phone Clinton 761M. 24-tfb HAY FOR SALE '13 ACRES OF MIXED HAY. Ap- -ply to Robert Rathwell, Clinton, •phone Clinton 906r16. • 27-8b 120 ACRES MIXED HAY. Phone -Bill Blacker, Clinton 805_1,3, 28b ARTICLES WANTED • WANTED, SMALL CRIB, 36" long. Apply Box 274, Clinton 'News -Record. 28-b HELP WANTED—Fema(e -WAITRESS FOR FULL TIME ,exnploYnacnt. Apply in person to '13artliff Bros. 26-7-8-b TEACHERS WANTED THE GODERICH PUBLIC School Board requires 'a teacher for Jun- ior grade, duties to commence September 7. State experience, name and address and previous in- spector. Apply to S. H, Blake, secretary, Goderich. 27-8-1) TENDERS WANTED BIRTHS CLARE -In Palmerston Hospital, on Tuesday, June 29, 1954, to Mr. and .Mrs. Grover Clare (nee Joyce Andrews), a daughter, EAGLE •-• In Private Patients Pavilion, Toronto General Hos - pits?, on Saturday, June 10, 1954, to Rev. and Mrs. A. Glenn Eagle, a son (Grien Washington James). EDGAR -In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, July 8, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Edgar, Clinton, a son. IViacDONALD-In Clinton Pdblic Hospital, on Sunday, July 11, 1954 to Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. MacDonald, Clinton, a seri. McKINLEY - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, July 10, 1954, to Mr.and Mrs. G. Anson McKinley, R.R. 1, Zurich, a dau- ghter. PECK -In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Saturday, -July 10, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs, Harold Peck, R.R. 1, Zurich, a son (a brother for Jacqueline and Larry). ROBINSON-In Clearwater, Fla., on Wednesday, July 7, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson, a daughter. SYINICK-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, July 10, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sytnick, R.R. 5, Clinton. a son (Larry). MARRIAGES TAYLOR -PORTER -In the Ont- ario Street United Church, Clin- ton, on Saturday, July 10, 1954, by Rev. A. G. Eagle, Margaret Carolyn, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Edward. Reginald Porter, Clinton, to Harold Allan Taylor, •;on of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Al- fred Taylor, Copper Cliff. MeAULEY -• GALBRAITH - In Westdale United Church, Ham- ilton, on Saturday, July 3, 1954; by Rev. Waldemar W. Williams, Nancy Jean, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Murray Galbraith, R.R. 1, Dundas and Bayfield, to Douglas Christie McAuley, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Christie McAuley, Hamilton. DEATHS COOPER -In Clinton Publk Hos- . pital, on Friday, July 9, 1954, Annie Louise Sellery, dear wife of the late Albert T. Cooper, in her 84th year. Funeral from the Beattie funeral home Rat- tenbury St. East, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, July 12. 0. SHOOT HELD AT K1PPEN; NEXT ONE AT GODERICH At the Wednesday evening shoot at Kippen, the following scores were made: William Lumby, 21, 23; William Kyle, 18, 20; J. Gil- bert, 21, 20; Thomas Sherritt, 19, 20; A. Gilbert, 19, 18, 23; 11. Mo- thers, 22, 22, 22; Lloyd Veinier, 23, 23, 20; J. Anderson, 20, 20; Chester Lee, 21; Charles Prouse, 17 The next shoot will be in Goderich on July 21 at 6.30 Every- one welcome. FOR 4ALE ALL1S-CHALMERS ALL -CROP HARVESTER— Complete with scour screen' straw spreader, bagger and bin, pickup, all grass and clover screens; taken off one crop; Complete with • W.D. 'ALLIS-CHALMERS TRACTOR - '1 year old. Will sell com- plete or separate Combine $900.00 Tractor $1,400.00 Also -1 -year-old 11 -run Disc FERTILIZER DRILL— John Deere, all hydraulic, on rubber, like new - $500. 1 G.M.C. TRUCK— • 11/2 tons, complete with grain box or stock racks; '46 model, A cheap buy for a quick sale. Owner giving up farming on account of health, Apply To Gordon Turner BRIJC.EF1ELD Phone Clinton 629 r 41 27-8-P TENDERS' will be received for painting interior of Holmesville School. Painting to be done by brush and be completed by Aug- ust 20. Tenders to be in by July 24. Goderich Township School Area, Frank Yee, secretary -treas- urer, R.R. 3, Clinton, 27-8b Wesley -Willis ins 17-11. Over Ontario St. Wesley -Willis started the,Young People's Softball League off in a winning way when they trounced their rivals from Ontario Street 17-11. The game was played on the CDCI diamond last Thursday evening. Hitting took the spot- light in this contest with the win- ners cracking out 21 including 4 home runs and three triples. Gord Johns hit a triple and a double for the losers, to pace their 15 -hit outburst. Ontario St, played at a disad- vantage, having only seven xnen including Bill Nediger who wes supposed to be the umpire. The catchers on both teams called the balls and strikee and were very fair on all decisions. Tye° pitchers worked fot each team, The boys in the batting order faced a male pitcher while the girls swung at the offerings ofanother girl- • Ron Steepe pitched for Wesley- Willisland belted three benne runs. • FOR SALE LOT, 66'x270', good location. Fettr-Room Dwelling, two acres of land, hydro, god well. Lo- cated in Vallage of Bayfield. '• Early possession. Price $3-,000. 7 Across, with 1.1/2 storey, . 7 -room dwelling, modern con- veniences, oil burning furnace, double garage, henhouse 30x20, located close to town. 11/2 Storey., New Dwelling, liv- ing room, , dining room, den, sun porch, modern kitchen, two bedrooms and bath down, tur‘e bedrooms up, hardwood floors. One block from Post Office. 1 Storey, two-betiroorri Dwelling, Central Mortgage, available in 60 - days. Down payment, • $1,800, monthly. payments $28. 11/2 Storey, 7 Room Dwelling, with about 1 acre of land; bath, hydro; double garage; small barn; immediate posses- sion. Price $4,500. IL C. Lawson b, REALTOR Bank of Montreal Building Phone 251W — Clinton 26-tfb WOA,,,S: Schedule, Port Albert Leads The second half of the schedule for the Intermediate "C" and In- terrnediate 'D" WOAA softball leaglie has been announced, All games will commence at 7 p.m. and all Holmesville games will be played on the Bayfield diamond. • The standing of the five teams at the end of the first half of the - schedule shows Port Albert out in front by a comfortable margin over Londesboro, • The Ports have gone undefeated and only a tie mars an otherwise, 'unblemished record, Following is the standing: • WL T Pts. Port Albert • 7 0 1 15 Londesboro entreller 2 4 1 Colborne 24 43 13 1 5 Hohnesville • 2 6 Remainder of the schedule is as follows: July 8-Benmiller at Colborne 9 -Port Albert at Londesboro 13-Benmiller at Holmesville Colborne at Port Albert 15--Londesboro at Bmuniller Hohnesville at Port Albert 17 --Port Albert at Holmesville Benmiller at Londeseboro 19-Holmesville at ,Colborne Londesboro at Port Albert 21-Holmesville at Londesboro Colborne at Benmiller 23-Benrniller at Port Albert Colborne at Holmesville 26-Londesboro at, Hohnesville Port Albert at Beinniller 28-Holmesville at Beruniller Colborne at Londesboro 30 -Port Albert at Colborne 31-Londesboro at Colborne 0 Bay -field YPU Wins Over Wesley -Willis Bayfield Young People'et whip- ped Wesley -Willis 19-13 in a reg- ularly scheduled Young People's Union league softball fixture. The game was played on the CDCI diamond last evening. Bayfield scored 14 runs in the first three innings• and had 00 trouble from that point on. Betty Lou Nediger and Ron Steepe shar- ed the pitching for Wesley -Willis; Jackie Cluff and Don Campbell were on the mound for Bayfield. Line-ups were: Hayfield: Jackie Clufg, p, 14.; Bob Parker, 3b; Joan McLeod, 2b; Percy Renner, cf; Bob Talbot, cf (5th) Shirley Brandon, ss; Don Campbell, p; Patsy Scetchmer, If; Ted Dunn, c; Stan Telford, cf. Wesley -Willis: E. Yeo, 3b; M. Steepe, c; R. Steepe, p; F. Far- quhar, rf; R. Andrews, lf; B. L. Nediger, 1b, p; G. Tebbutt, ss; L. Hollend, If; B. Clifford, le (3rd); M. Martin, 2b. Bayfield •626 32-19 043 33-13 In llifemoria,m GREALIS-In loving memory of Mrs. Ed Grealis, who passed away eiht years ago, JUly 18, 1954, 'Gone, but not forgotten" -Sadly missed by husband and family. • 28p Cards of Thanks SAM McDONALD wishes IA thank the Clinton Fire Depart- ment for their efficient work in extbiguishing the chimney fire in his hc,use last' Thursday. • 28P I would like to thank all those who brought flowers, sent cards and gifts; the nurses and staff at Clinton Public Hospital, also Dr, Addison and Dr. Newland for their kindness. -MRS. HOWARD MX, 28p The wealth of friendship, affec- tion and sympathy shown me on every hand by friends and neigh- bours has been a wonderful con. salation and inspiration to me dur- ing -the double bereavement which I have sustained. I particularly desire to thank Dr. Oakes, the staff of the Clinton Public Hospi- tal, the pallbearers, and the flow- er bearers for the kindness owhich they extended to my mother; also Lo Rev. G. Eagle for his consoling words, - WILLIS COOPER, Tintern, Esher Close; Esher, Eng- land. Flowers TOegrapIted Anywhere • ROXY THEATRE ELINToN TOP SCREEN FARE IN AIRAC NOW-Thurs., Fri„ Sat, "THE" -GIRL NEXT DOOR" _June Haver -- Dan Dailey ' Mon. Tues. Wed., July 1941 Kathryn Grayson -Gordon McRae • in "The Desert Song • Thurs., Fri., Sat., July 22-24 Rock Hudson - Barbara Hale ;TECHNICOLOR ACTION: DRAMA! "SEMINOLE" Coming: July 26-28 "The Master of Ballantrae" Errol Flynn - Anthony Steel ,..10.1••••• • ialeormennimemeree AT PAM( TELEPHONE AT TELEPHONE TFIE° mum 1150 THE CAPITAL 47 ONDITIONEC1 COMFORT — Adventure Stories at Their Best NOW—Thurs., Fri. & Sat. NOW—Thurs., Fri. & Sat. , "The Master of Ballantrae" Xis Technicolor -- Stirring adventure drama written around a titled Scotsman who op- poses -the English crown in at losing cause. Errol Flynn -Beatrice -Campbell • Roger Livesey Mon., Tues. & Wed. "KISS ME KATE" In'Technicolor - With music by Cole Porter a grand musical romance becomes a great screen hit! Kathryn Grayson -Howard Reel Ann Miller Coming: "GUNSMOKE" In Technicolor.- with Susan Cabot and Audie Murphy - 'BLOWING WILD' The superb cast is only one mark of excellence in this story of a wildcatting oilman in Mexico. Gary Cooper -Barbara Stanwyck Ruth Roman tk Anthony Quinn Mon., Tues. & Wed. "Island in the Sky" A 'tense and intereeting drama unfolds when an army transport plane is forced down in the Arctic, John Wayne - Lloyd Nolan Andy Devine Coming: "The Stranger Wore a Gun" An exciting Technicolor western I HENSALL Two Home Runs Highlight of the WOAA softball game played at Hensall Friday night, July 9, between Hensall Fink Varieties and Clinton RCAF team, was two home runs by Alex Denotnme, who knocked in seven runs; he also hit a three -bagger. Masse also had a home run for the winners. Batteries were: Hen - salt, Mousseau and Masse. Sippenettes The Thrifty Kippenettes•Garden Club held the second meeting at the home of Mrs. Eldon Jarrott on July 8. The meeting opened with the pledge, and roll call an- swered by 16 members. Marilyn Anderson read the minutes of the last meeting. Mrs. Jarrott gave a very interesting talk on weeds in the garden. Mrs. W. J. R. Bell commented on the success of planting, and Mrs. Jarrott told of canning fruit. The meeting closed with "God Save the Queen". PLANNING BIJS TOUR TO OAC FOR COUNTY 4-11 MEMBERS Plans are being made for all members of Homemaking, Garden and Agricultural 4-11 Club memt hers in Huron County to tour by bus to Guelph,' on Tuesday, July 27. In order that all arrangements may be made at an early date, members are being asked to make their requests for transportation by to -morrow, Friday, July 16. The tour will include visits to the various parts of the college in which the various clubs are inter- ested, and special programs in the afternoon for boys and girls. A News -Record Classified Ad. Only 50c—Brings Results IF You are using the mortgage plan of tyuying your home, YOU should know about our special Mortgage Insurance CONSULT HAL HARTLEY, Representative CANADA LIFE. Clinton, phone 454w K OOKE • FLORIST Phone 66W — Clinton Clinton Community • Farmers' AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY Evening, commencing at 8 p.m, TERMS CASH I. COREY, Sales Manager E. W, ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk FAMILIAR . . with all details ANYWHERE ANYTIME.. tattie Attueral Aentr IMPORTANT! Buy Your Coal NOW at •Present Low, Prices, from Your BLUE COAL Dealer—, CEMENT Carload Arriving This Week A. G. Grigg & Son Phone '74W — Clinton Banks in Clinton to Close Saturdays The Royal Bank of Canada and the Bank of Mont- real, Clinton, Ontario, have arranged the following hours of Banking Service: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. Extended service will be given on Fridays, with hours from 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m., and 4.30 p.m. until 6.00 p.m. They will follow the procedure of other centres and close all day Saturday. Saturday closing will become effective on July 31, 1954. 28-9-b SPECIALS FOR JULY 15 - 16 -17 SALMON, Maple Leaf, 1/2 lb. tin 37c JUICE, Tree Sweet Blended, 48 oz. tin 33c CORN, Culverhouse Fcy., Cream Style, 20 oz, tins 2 for 27c TOILET -TISSUE, Blue Bird 2 rolls 19c P.EPPER, Pure Black Gr. 4 ozs. 39c CHEER Giant Size, Reg. 79c—Special 59c Lge. Size, Reg, 40c—Special 30c ORANGES, Sunkist, Size 344s doz. 29c POTATOES, New No. 1 15 lb. pk. 69c LEMONS, Lge. Size, 126s 3 for 13c THOMPSON'S FOOD MARKET Phone 40 We Deliver A. ANSTETT Jeweller and Watchmaker EXPERT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE Bulova, Gruen arid Cyma Watches BLUE RIVER and BLUE BIRD DIAMONDS Spode Dinnerware Visit Our Modern Up-To-Datc Jewellery Store Today Phone 562 Clinton 26-tfb WORSTEDS FLANNELS SERGES • You have to see these to believethat the' eau be purck.ased at these prices. Sizes 35 to 42. Regularly priced to 69.50 SPECIALS AT 29.50 to 49.50 (Alterations Extra) • IlICKETT; e CAMPBELL `Arrow Shirts Stetson Hote PHONE 25.— Main Corner — CLINTON