Clinton News Record, 1954-07-08, Page 8PAGE six
News of Bayfield
, •
Dr. and Mrs. E. Cooper and
f amily, Detroit, are at their cot-
tage, -
Miss Grace Woolfendon, Detroit,
is at her cottage on Howard St.;
for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Atkinson,
Detroit, spent. the long weekend
with D1 A, Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Campbell
and family, Seaforth, Ore vacation.-
ing in Deer Lodge Park.
E. A. Featherston, London, was
at his home in the village from
Wednesdayuntil Sunday.
Arlington Atwood, Detroit, is in
the village while having his home
On Keith Crescent repaired.
Miss Anne Drouin, Detroit, has
joined her sister at their cottage,
"Hillcrest," for the summer,
K. Boughner and family, Lon-
don; have taken William L. Met -
calf's cottage for the sea-sOn.
Mr. and Mrs. Victpr Hodson,
Windsor, are holidaying with Mrs.
.A. W. Reid, "Enfield" cottage.
Albert Vanstone who has made
his, home in Bayfield for some
' years, moved to London last week.
Mr, and Mrs. G. M. Galbrafth,
; are at their home, "Sylvan Acres",
Goderich Township, for the sum-
mer. ' -
Mrs. Thomas Dillon, Toronto,
was with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Bauer over the week-
Mrs. W. M. Purves, Birming-
ham, Mich., came •last week to oc-
cupy her cottage on Huron Ter-
. •
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Atkinson,
Detroit, spent the weekend at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Reoch and
three boys, Toronto, are occupying
Mrs. G Beatty's driftage for July
and August.
Mr- and Mrs. William F. latich-
an, Dunnville, cameon Sunday to
visit the former's sister, Mrs. N.
W. Woods.
• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamont,
Seaforth, have taken 1Virs. R. Mc-
Ewen's cottage, eThe Cedars" for
three weeks.
Pnone BAYFIELD 45 r 3
Stuart and Gerald Sturgeon,
Preston, were with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs, E. 1. Sturgeon, over
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Toms,
Detroit, were the guests of -Mr.
and Mrs: Charles Toms over the
long weekend.
Mrs. M. Marshall returned to
Torento on Saturday after having
spent the past two months with
Mrs. A. W. Reid.
• Mrs. Violet Walters, "Toledo,
Ohio, is spending the summer at
the•Thornson farm. Mrs. Sterling,
Toledo, is her guest. •
LOL No. 24 will -parade to ser-
vice at St. Andrew's' United on
Sunday morning, led by the Ban-
ncickburn Pipe Band.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Myers and fam-
ily mid friends, Byron, spent the
weekend with Mrs. 1111yers'• par-
erig, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bryant.
Mrs, John Pease, Mrs. J, Barron
and two children, London, Ervine
Pease, Woodstock, were at their
cottage over the long weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W, McIlyeen,
Hyde, Park, and John Sawatzkey,
Nirinnipgg, were guests at the Al-
bion Hotel over the weekend:
1V1r. and Mrs. I. M. Stewart
recently enjoyed a motor trip to
Rochester and other points in New
York and also visited in London.
Mrs. William J. Hall returned
to her cottage on Chiniquy Street
on Thursday. last after having
spent a few days in Toledo, Ohio.
Cpl. and Mrs. George Adams
and two children, Susan and Geo-
rge, left on atily 1 to motor to
Saskateon to visit the former's
parents. • '
Miss May Ervine, Goderich, and
niece, Miss Shirley Lowry, Wind-
sor, spent Sunday with the for-
mer's brother, Spencer Ervine and
Mr. arid Mrs. .Tack McDonald
and Jacqueline, and Mr: and Mrs.
Robert ,MaeLeod, London, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. L.
H, MacLeod.
,Miss Cecil 1Y1eLeod was at Brae-
side Pentecostal Camp, Paris, over
the weekend. She accompanied
Bayfield Streets
(By our Bayfield correspondent)
Oh, for a few drops of oil
To lay the dust on Terrace
and Tuyll!
The grit vife'ye consumed
Is getting us down
And we hear it likewise
On other streets in town.
'1Dust to Dust"
Comes fast enough for all,
Without having it settle
On us all like a pall.
members of the Pen tecostai
Church, Clinton.
Mrs. N: B. Alexander, London,
accompanied by her son George,
Mrs. Alexender and son, Barry,
Toronto, called on friends in the
village on Sunday.
Mrs. R. McEwen 'and two dau-
ghters, Jane and Susan, accomp-
anied by Bruce McKinrion, Lon,
don, were at her cottage for a few
days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cleave left
on Monday evening for Waukegan,
111., to visit their .son-in-lew and
daugteter, Mr. and Mrs. E. Twenty -
man and family.
Mrs, R. B. Johnston, Sault Ste.
Marie, arrived on Saturday after
having visited in London for a few
days, to spend the vacation at her
home on Louisa Street.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fry and
Mr. and Mrs. John Townshend and
two 'children, London, are at their
cottage on Charles and Howard
Streets, for the summer.
FrildaY 'July -16
12- Regular Games for $50 each
3 Special Games for $200 each' .
- 1 SPECIAL FOR $1,000
ADMISSION:. $1.00 ' -,
Extra and Special Cards 25a — 5 for $L00
Lew Ay res — . Mari I yn Maxwel I
Claire' Etgair. ---- Alastair Sim
Clinton Farm 'Supply
Your pigs' ability to make
full use of their feed for grow-
th, their "feed efficiency" is
highest while they are young
. . their first few weeks. Early
gains are your cheapest gains,
Those first few weeks, then,
are thatime to go after growth
and build a big strong frame-
s work on which to "hang meat"
later. The speed with which you
can bring them up to a growthy
stretchy 100-125 lbs. has a real
bearing on your profits.
Pig Startena makes an ex-
ceptionally good creep ration.
Many hog raisers are Using it
for itarting, all their litters,
with remarkable results -2 lbs.
Startena often resulting in 1 lb
• Even 'well -grown pullets are
not COMpLETELY 'developed
when they- begin, to lay. They
centinue to fill out,. adding an-
other 1 to 2 lbs. Trying to
grove manufacture eggs, and
• maintain, body condition,' all at
the same time, puts heavy de-
niands on them, and On their
feed. Without feed fortified for
this 3 -fold job they may lay
themselves into a false or par-
tial moult and an expensive
rest period.
Purina Booster Cheekers are
made to supply EXTRA Pro-
teina, vitamins, minerals, anti-
biotics, to deal with that situa-
tion. Feed 6 lbs. per 100 birds
per day, on top of the regular
Pullet' flocks often pick up
worm infestation on range; and
as one good hatcheryman says,
"Authorities differ as to the ex-
tent of the bad effects from
worms, but we- can all agree
that they certainly don't do the
birds any good."
Many of our customer; swear
by the old reliable Purina
Ch ek-R-T on Granules for
worming pullets; and we're be-
ginning to get goad reports on
the economy and efficiency of
the new Purina, Poultry Worm-
We not only supply you with
fer service,. too. Call on our
trained Feeding Advisors who
are always ready to help you
wttIfr feeding and sanitation
If you're net a regular visitor
to our store, drop in next time
you're in town smi let's get
acquainted. Make our store
your itemlquarters.
Clinton Farm Supply
The Poplars
(By our Bay -field corresponalent)
Mr. and Mrs. Bell,
Dearborn, Mich., are spending
three weeks at their -cottage. With
them over the long weekend were
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Velett, Kirk
and Greg, Flint, Mich., and Wil-
liam Ben, Jr., Dearborn.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Crick; Roy
and Clare, London, are .at their
aft. and Mrs. William Greig and
Jean, Toronto, are occupying their
cottage, 'Bali Acres."
1Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Cook, Nancy
and Donald, Stratford, Mrs. L. A.
Stephens, Jane, Mark and Nora,
Tbronto, are holidaying at "Loch
Mrs. Harry Peter, son-in-law
and daughter,- Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old 'Bertanger, Stratford, are at
her cottage. .
Spending a vacation in Mrs, J.
Radford's cottage during the first
week of this month are: Mr. and.
Mrs. W. K. Goviere Londesboro;
Mr. and Mrs. J. .F. Hann, .Brenda
anct Leslie, Waterloo; Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Hamilton, Gary and'
Kim, London; Mr. and WS...Harry
McEwan, Rolfe and Clare Clinton.
tennial celebration in Kitchener
last week. On his return, he was
accompanied by Ed Koenig who
spent the weekend with him. Ur.
and Mrs. G. Wehhum, 'Detroit,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
LeRoy Poth on Friday and Sat-
Amongst those from a distence
who attended the funeral of .the
Laadir MShisosresM, won AetitreinwItnn eardine; Mr. and Mrs. Chester
AmanderMicrasn. J. holiday
Mr. and Mrs. F. Hendrick, Jr.,
Mr ,:and Mrs. F. Hendrick and
Renouf Johns,. Mrs. Pat Harding late Mrs. Robert Dewar on Tues -
the Nicholson, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs.
Roy E. Dewar and family, Lon -
day were: Miss Mary Dewar,-Kin-
Mr. and Mrs. A. Dewar,
Birmingham, Mich., were at their
cottage; "Westwind," over the
American holiday weekend.
George Fellows accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. George Fraser, Riv-
erside, spent the weekend with
Mrs. Fellows and family at their
cottage on Louisa Street.
Mrs. Barbara Terribile and Earl
Gerrard, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs.
Art Sullivan and David, Port, Hu-
ron, visited Mrs, Lucy Platee over
the long weekend.
Mr. and Mrs, William Joyner,
London, have Wren G. Cuning-
hame's cottage, "Cedar Nest," for
the summer, and Mr. and Mrs. C.
A'. Secord and family, London, are
occupying "J.K.J.," for July,
• Mrs. A. Cook, Mrs. F. W. Pot-
ter and Betty Ann, are at their Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Curling -
cottage, "Shore Acres," for the hame who have spent the past few
summer, F. W. Potter, London, months at their cottage here left
was also with .them over the week
Mr. and Mrs. John Stumpf, Port
Washington, Long Island, N.Y., ar-
rived on Friday to visit the lat-
ter's brother, H. A. Stinson, and
mother, Mrs. W. J. Stinson, who is
a patient in Clinton Public Hos-
The Rev. and Mrs, F. H. Paull,
Listowel, who attended St. Albans
Church, Atwood, picnic in Jowett's
Grove 'on July 1, were the guests
of Mrs. N. W. Woods over night,
returning home on Friday after-
Mr. and Mrs. Jarnes Hopper, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Kotts and Mrs.
J. R. Morley, Birmingham, Mich.,
were the guests of the latter's
sister-in-law, Miss L. Morley,
"Birchclifr over the long week-
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lloyd and two
daughters, Toronto, are oecupylng
Miss M. Hodgins' cottage, "Stone-
haven," The former's father, F.
Lloyd, Toronto, was also with
them over the Dominion Day and
Goderich Township
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Fish, Ber-
reingham, Michigan, spent last
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Stew-
art Middleton -
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton
and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taylor
have returned from a trip to
Ohio, where they were. the guests
of Dr. arid Mrs, Epperson, Galeorr,
Mrs. Robert MacIllwain, Blue
Water Highway, had the misfort-
une last week to break a bone 10
her leg. After havipg it set in
Alexander General Marine Hospit-
al, Goderich, she returned to her
Church Picnic • .
A picnic supper followed by a
program will be held by the lad-
ies of St. James' Churele Middle-
ton, on Wednesday, July 14, be-
ginning at 7 p.m., on, Mrs. John
Middleton's lawn: All church and
W.A. members and 'their families;
all Sunday School pupils and their
parents are invited to attend.
Ladies please bring a picnic' lun-
Mrs. Maude Wright, accompan-
ied by her son-in-law and daugh-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Niestroy arn
son Joe, arrived on Friday ft
spend the weekend with- the for.
mer's brother, le 11, D. MacLeod.
Early Saturday morning, Joe, Jr.,
whs taken ill and the family re
turned immediately to their hone
in Detroit.
Miss Helen Blair, -Allston, was
home' for a few days last week
before leaving to take a stunmer
course in Toronto. Douglas Wright,
who was her guest, accompanied
her to Toronto before returning to
Alliston. Miss Ethel Blair and
Charles Guest, London, were also
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Btair, over the weekend.
on Wednesday evening to spend
the holiday weekend with their
son John and wife at Owen Sour,
from which point they entrained
for Winnipeg to visit their son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Saunders, for'the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stephen-
son and four children, who have
taken a trip across the American
continent from the Pacific to the
Atlantic in a rolling home, are
visiting Mrs. Stephenson's mother,
Suppnick and sister, Miss
Holley Louise Suppnick, at their
cottage, "Holley Lodge" before
reterning to their home in Calif-
Guests at The Little Inn over
the weekend and this week in-
clude: Mr. and Mrs. Charlton, Mr.
and Mre. J. P. Keller, Dearborn,
Mich.; Miss Jeanette Keavey, Mr.
end Mrs. Richard Moore, Claudia
and Richard, Detroit; Norman
Snlith, Pontiac, Mich.; Miss Gladys
Sharpe arid party, Detroit; Mr.
and Mrs, F. McNicol, Toronto;
Miss M. Christopher, Mrs. H. Vin-
ing, Miss Margaret Archer, Miss
M. and Mrs. James Day and Minnie Robihson, London.
family, Pleasant Ridge, Mich., are The following member S of the
at their cottage for the smeller. RCAF who with their families
Mise Donna Day has as her plests occupied Jowett cottages during
at a house party this weekMissee the past three months have locat-
Carol Higgins, Cinda Smith and ed as follows: Sgt. T. R. Collier
Jane LeWia, and family in Goderich; Cpl. J. P.
Mr. end Mrs, Arthur R. Ford, Worth and family will go to Code -
London, are holidaying at the Met- rich upon returning from a trip
calf's large house. Mr. and Mrs. to Canton, Ohio; Cpl. D. L. Cani-
L. Wiel and Nancy, Mr. and Mrs. vet and family, Clinton; Sgt. B.
0, Wilson and Mary Jane, Mich., Sequin to RCAF Station, Clinton,
are occupying the cottage for the while his wife and two daughters
month of July. are visiting her parents in British
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Heard, Columbia; P/0 Kierstead and
London • spent the weekend with family, Seaforth; P/0 and Mrs.
the former's parents, Mr. adMrs 11 C .Evans, Clinton* F/L D. R.
E. Heard. Mr. and Mrs. Len Pearce and family, 'Ellyth; F/0
Heard, Clinton, called on his bro- and Mrs. John A. Dougall, Clinton,
ther Emerson and Mrs. Heard on On Monday evening, June 28,
Sunday evening. lifirs. T. C. Bailey entertained the
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas James, other members of the Board of
Detroit, accompanied by Miss School Trustees, Spencer Ervine,
Kathleen Reid, Windsor, returned (chairman) and Robert Blair, with
to their respective homes on Mon- their wives and the school teach -
da yevening after having spent ers, Miss Grace Pepper and Mrs.
the American holiday weekend William E. Parker, at dinner at
with IVErs. A. W, Reid. the New Ritz Hotel. In an in -
Me and Mrs. Norval' Gemeire formal manner Miss Grace Pepper
hardt, Carl and Lois, Saginaw, was presented with a Benmiller
and son-in-law and daughter, Mr. blanket as a parting gift, 'and Mrs.
and Mrs.. Stanley Wehner and Parker with a beautiful pair of
small son came east week to spend vases in appreciation of her long
holidays with the former's moth- years of service, from the 'School
er, Mrs. F. C. Gemeinhardt. board. Following this enjoyeble
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Galster and affair, they all attended the thee -
twin daughters, Alma and Alice, tre in Goderich, making the trip
and Bert Gaister, Feemont, Mich., in the School bus.
visited their uncle, John Scotch -
mer, Sr,, Mr. and 1Vtes. Gordon _Recent arrivals to spend vaca-
Scotchiner and family, Bronson noes in Jowett cottages are: F/L
Line, Stanley Township, over the T. W. Spear, Mrs. Spear and son
Allen, Trenton; Mr. and Mrs, 0e
weekend.. ••tave De Sehruyner, Grosse Pointe
Mr. and Mks. T. B. 'Higgins and Farms: Mr. and Mrs. William
Jimmy went to Haliburton on Fournier, Pontiac, Mich.; Mr. and
Wednesday of last week where Mrs. P. Lareau and family, De -
they were the guests of Mrs. Mil- troit; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Froiner
ton Chesney. Mr. and Mrs. Ilig- and family, Kitchener; Mr. and
•gins returned home on Monday Mrs. J. E. Robichaud and daughter
leaving Jimmy for a longer visit Mrs. H. Ferry and babe, Detroit;
with his, great aunt. Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron,
Mrs. F. Weston, Jacqueline and London; Mr. and Mrs. T. McKee-
'Cithrine, Mrs. F. Telford, Mrs. zie and family, Windsor; Mr. and
Harold Weston, Bob Parker, Mrs. Mrs. 0. L. Denomme and family,
R. Blair, Rev. and Mrs. E. Carew- Grosse Pointe, Mich.; J. M. Fisher
Jones, Christopher and Lynda, Me. (British Celine), Mrs. Fisher and
and Mrs. J. E. Howard visited family, Detroit; Sits and Mrs. W.
camp "Keev;aydin" near Kintail 0. -Spence, Trenton.
on Sunday. • 1 Guests at The New Ritz Hotel:
F/L and Mrs.' H. Cartmill, Sea- E. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. M. A.
forth, who spent a three week's- Carr, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Heth-
vacatiotein one ,of the Jowett cot- erington and children, Burlington;
tages, and Mr. and Mrs. William Mrs. Charles Leonard and child-
Oneinu, Grosse Pointe Farms, ren, Hastings, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs,
Mich, who also had'a cottage for T. Cotton, Ferndale, Mich -Doug-
ten daYs, have returned to their las Worth and son, Canton, Ohio;
respective homes.
Immediately following the close
• ' • Mr. and Mrs. C. Merys, London;
,,Mr. and Mrs. H. Friewald and
of school on Tuesday of last week,
De -
With anotherateacher, left for Cal- James Endara, Rob and Jon, De-
la/nib', Bay Village, Ohio; Mrs.
Miss Grace Pepper, in company
frog; Mr. and Mrs. Davies;
gory, Alta., to attend the Stam -
Bridgeport; Mrs. D. L. Reinke,
pede. m
Miss -Pepper wile visit Van- as
couver and other points in B.C. iss H. Long, Hamilton; Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Baker,. Mr. and Mrs.
before travelling to California dur-
Mg the vacation. 'Robert ' Wild and four children;
C< L.
11/ft. and Mrs. Harold Ring, Sar- Geek and son, Detroit; Char-
nel., spent the weekend with the les Rowe and Don, Windsor; L. J.
latter's mother, 1Vfts. Charles W. auanson, Alexandria, Va.; E. K.
Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Harold At Purvis, • Carleon Place; Me and
Mrs. C.. Colby Toronto
wood, Sarnia, who had spent the, ' '
weekend with his sister, Mrs. Ayarreatian.
At -
vin Dutot and family, Godgrich We regret, that owing to an er-
Township, called on relatives in ror in reporting, the name of
the village on Sunday. Charlene Scotchmer was not in -
Ronald Poth attended the cere duded with the other three girls
S.S. 3 Goderiek Township
(Holniesville) Promotions
Promoted to • Grade 9, Mary
Hutchins, Frances McCulleugh„
Douglas Norman; Barry Wilson,
Eleanor Yeo, Mary Helen Yeo;
promoted to Grade 7, Robert
Grigg, Edward McCullough; pro-
moted to, Grade 6, Dominique
Gahwiler, Leonard Wilson, Barb-
ara Yeo, Franklin Yeo; promoted
to Grade 5, Paul/Cudmore, Marion
Leibold, Catherine Potter, Bonita
Williams; promoted to Grade 4,
James McCullough, Robert Nor-
man, Mary Squire, Donald Yea;
promoted to Grade 3, Eric Gahwil-
er, John Ross, Marilyn Yeo; pro-
moted to Grade 2, Berthena.
Cruickshank, •William Hutchins,
Douglas McCullough, Freddy Tyn-
dall. -
,Quotes Prof. E. G.
Possible County (e
,(By our Utiyfieid correspondent)
(From The Financial Post, '
June 26, 1954, in the article
''What Communities Will
Reap Seeway Benefits?" by
Prof. E. G. Pleva., University
of Western Ontario', London.)
The communities showing the
greatest relative development in
next decade vvill be those in
courities on the north Shore of
Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Southern.
Georigan Bay, Lake Simeoe, in
counties along the $t. Lawrence,
'n the construction and develop-
ment area.
These areas are underdeveloped
economically at present, In the
region benefitting directly from
the Seaway also, positive steps
must be taken to decentralize
progressively from congested tar-
get areas, as well as to discourage
new industries from locating in
vulnerable areas. Examples of
"middletowns" •benefitting from
these factors will be Simcoe, Rod-
ney, Clinton, 1Vlitchell, Palmerston,
Owen Sound, Cbllingwood, Mid-
Pleva To Suggest:
ntre At Bayfield
land, Orillia, Ridgetown, Forest,
Goderich, Chesley, Hanover." \
After reading the above, we
Were convinced that the County
Council should have considered
Bayfield as a site for the new
Court House.
Its the taxpayer who suffers for
lack of vision in our leaders. Ah,
well, one thing is certain—it won't
be our purse which is being
squeezed for taxes in 2054 A.D.!
But perhape, just perhaps, when
the new edifice about -to -be -built
has grown too small to service a
fully developed County of Huron
(and, with no room for expansion
On the Sq(are in Goderich) the,
authorities will thee consider a
site in suburban Bayfield.
.Architecture as well may be
out-moded in a century. We have
visions .of a new building of plastic
in hues of pink and blue at that
tithe. Wish we could have a peek
back on earth just to see how
things are muddling along in
2054 A.D.—that is if we haven't
blown this old world to bits with
the hydrogen and atomic bombs
before then!
as having honour standing in the
list of promotions from Grade 8,
Bayfield Public School, to Grade
9, C.D.C.I. Charlene topped her
class. Congratulations! Keep up
the good work, Charlene. •
Birthday Party
Mrs. Gladwin Westlake, Blue
Water Highway, Stanley Town -
"Ship, entertained a number of wee
folk with their mothers in honour
of the first birthday, June 23, of
her niece, Wendy Greer, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Greer. The
two grandmothers, Mrs. James
Carnie and Mrs. Robert Greer
were present, and another baby,
Brenda IVIalans. The other little
folk had great fun playing *'pre-
tend" in a boat and old buggy in
the yard. And even the. babies
were delighted -with the birthday
cake bearing one lighted candle.
Mrs. Westlake took a film of col-
oured movies during the afternoon
to chronicle the event.
Sununer in Quebec
Gary Potter, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Potter, London, Opt..
and Bayfield, a grade 1.1' honour
student at Catholic Central High
School, has been awarded a schol-
arship which will entitle him to
live with a French family in Que-
bec this summer. He was one of
six chosen from all high schoolS
and collegiates in Ontario to re-
ceive this honour.
The scholarship is awarded by
"Visites Inter -Provincials" which
arranges exchanges between
French and English speaking stu-
Gary is at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Lucien- Lavoie at St. Honore,
Bureau Martel, Cite Chicoutimi,
PQ., where he will be a guest for
six weeks.
Seisentit Birthday;
Mrs. Spencer &vine entertained
at a TV party on Wednesday,
June 30, in honour of the seventh
birthday of her daughter, Mary
Elizabeth. It was also the birth-
day of one of the guests, Gayle
Turner. Others present were:
Douglas Kingsbury, Phillip Turn-
er, Shirley Darnsborough, Pat
Sider, Barbara Turner, Lynda
Gemeinhardt and Ruthann Scotch -
mer who assisted Mrs. Ervine by
supervising the games.
The house was decorated with
pink streamers, balloons in the
archway, and a basket of pit*
roses on the table. There were
paper hats and favours; ice cream
and a birthday cake with candles,
and all that goes to make such
a party gay.
A picture of Mary Elizabeth
and Gayle, taken the first day
they attended school, came over
TV about 5.40 pen., and then the
children enjoyed the program,
"Peanut Theatre." Just to make
the day complete, Ann Tate photo-
graphed the party.
Tovvnship of Willett
The Colwell af the Township of
Hullett will receive
up to July 17th for the Digging
of the open portion of the 111unk-
ing Municipal Drain. Approximat-
ely 6332 feet in length. Plans and
specifications may be seen at the
Oerk's Office. A certified cheque
tor $200.00 must accompany all
Tenders. Lowest or any Tender
eot necessarily accepted.
Geo. W. Cowan, Clerk,
Londesboro Ont.
. 27-8-b
Township of Hullett
The Council of the Township of
Hullett will reeeive
up to Ally ilth for the Digging
and Laying of approximately 1990
feet of 8-incle Tile on the Ibmking
Municipal Drain. Plans and spec-
ifications may be seen in the
Clerk's Office, A certified cheque
for e200- must accompany all tend-
ers. Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
Geo. W. Cowan, Clerk,
Londesboro Ont.
We are shipping cattle every Saturday for truffed
Co-oPeratives of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will
pick thein up at Your form,
Meese PHONE; COLLECT not later than Friday nights.
• Seaforth Farmers Co-operative
• Phone:—Day Runt Manager
— AT —
Ph. 97 Ph. 787
Lumber, Lime, Sash, Cement, Flagstone
• tr- 1,..11,‘
iv4 MILES EAST OF GODERICH—Ort No. 8 Highway
Lew Ay res — . Mari I yn Maxwel I
Claire' Etgair. ---- Alastair Sim
VVoyne Morris — Preston Foster . t
And on the Some Program.— ,
, . • "HOT NEWS"
Stanley Clements — Gloria Henry.
First Show at Dusk Rain or Shine:
— AT —
Ph. 97 Ph. 787
Lumber, Lime, Sash, Cement, Flagstone