HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-07-01, Page 4• PAGE FOUR CLTN'igN NEWS -RECORD Clintonians Welcome Guests at Picnic THURSDAY,. JULY• 3, Pat Humphries ;spent the week end in' Toronto: Anew lrlgan, Napanee, is visit- mg+Mrs L3111a}IcKinnon. Drs,1.... 44;1.'1-V Martin, Goderich spent g e 'weekend with Mr, .and Mrs l ran_ Carter. Miss ,"Elizabeth Cooper," Free - ton, is visiting her grandmother Mrs. Mrs. 5. W. Treleaven, Mrs. Annie Venner returned on Monday from a short visit, with relatives in. Hamilton. Shirley G. Sutter, Preston, vis- ited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J: A, Sutter. Mr,. and Mrs. W, S. Macaulay, Sarnia, visited on Sunday with Mrs, W. Shaddock, and Ann. Rev, and Mrs. Hugh C. Wilson will spend the month of July at their summer home at Tobermory. Mr. end Mrs, D. A. 'Deas, visit- ed with the lady's parents, Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Wilson over the weekend. Mr. and : Mrs. A. J. McMurray have left for an extended tour of the Western provinces, and West- ern United States. Rev: 3. E. Ostrom left 'Sunda' for North Hollywood, Calif., to be with his mother, Mrs.' John S. Ostrom, who is gravely ill, Mr. and<Mrs. John Andrews, m Chatham, N,B., visited on Sunday with the -lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Gibbings, and left tb return to their home on Sunday ' evening, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel and ;, Miss Eleanor Plumsteel left early this week to spend the sum- mer with their` daughter Mrs. _J. M Kingston" and her family in Seattle, .Wash. Mr, and Mrs., 5, R. Gilbank left on Monday to spend -the summer in Allenford. In September they will take up residence in Listowel where Mr, Gilbank is on the staff of the high school. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clarke, Toronto, have been visiting the latter's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wise, and other relatives in this area, com- ing to be present at the Wise - Holmes wedding on Saturday last. Rev. and Mrs. Cecil Hodgson, are home on furlough from River Cess, Liberia, and are staying with the lady's brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harper En- glish. Mr. and Mrs. Don Symons and Barbara spent the weekend at Port Hope. While there they at- tended the Symons -Mann wedding in Baltimore at which Mr. Symons . was groomsman. Mrs. Harold Symons returned with them on Sunday for a visit here. George M, Harwood, Toronto, is vacationing, this week with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Benson Sutter. Revent visitors at the Wesley- Willis United Church manse were Mrs, : George Gregg, Calgary, Alta.; Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Gregg, Vancouver,B.C. E. S. Livermore, Q.C. and Mrs, Livermore, London, with Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore, King St., motored ' to Ceylon, Ontario, and spent the weekend with relatives. Engagements Anil unced 1�r. and Mrs Cliff Ashton 7Yi h to announce the engage- ment of their eldest daughter, Shirley Yvonne, to James J. Comerford, only son of Mr. • and Mrs. Bruce- Comerford, Carleton Place, Ont. The wed- ding will take place at Cal- gary, Alta., in July. 26b Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Larson announce the engagement of their only daughter Elizabeth Louise to Donald Richard Mc- Leod, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McLeod, Bayfield. The wedding will take place . in Trinity Church, Bay- field on Saturday, July 17. m10I1dlI 110111/11 I111111V1111111111111111=11IIIIIIgIII11111111111111111 SPECIAL SALE 1,111 PLAYTEX "PANTY" GIRDLES $298 $3.98 $4.98 N W $4.50 ,N x$5,95''. NOW $7.50 -- ALSO - 'PLAYTEX' GIRDLES REGNOW $5.50. $3.93 $4.50 REG. $6.50 NOW • 1111111111111MIN MARTIN'S 111i11IVII 1111IIIIIII1111110IVV111lNII III IIIIIIIIIlllflh(IIIIIIVIII Clintonians Have Area Picnic At Jowett's Grove The Clintonian Mary Hastings Club of Clinton held its annual picnic in Bayfield with 65 mem- bers and guests on hand. Guests were present from Exe- ter, Goderich:' and London. A picnic supper of salad, straw- berries and ice cream was served after a full program of sports. Mrs, Ed Johns, Exeter, was pre- sented with a prize for naming Mrs. Wilfred Colclough, president of the Clintonians, as the "myste- rious Miss Clinton," Draw Realizes $25 A draw made for two cushions;- realized ushions-realized 125 for club work. Mrs. Helen Bisback, Clinton, won one and the second winner was the un- identified holder of ticket No. 87. In spite of cool weather the picnic was highlighted by many races and novelty contests. Prize winners were: Races, five ,'ears and under, all received prizes; girls; 6-10 years, Fay Johnston; girls, ten years and over, Joanne McCullough; boys, 6-11 years, Ken Johnston; mixed race, Bobby Mar- shall; balloon race, Mrs. H. Man- ahan g first, Mrs. K. Preston, sec- ond; flag race, Mrs. E. Epps; but- ton guessing contest, Mrs. • H, Managhan; rolling pin throw, Jo- anne McCullough; pins -in -bottle contest, Mrs. Gordon Marshall; minute walk, Mrs. E. Squires; graceful walk, Mrs. 5. Kechnie; spot prize, Mrs. Ed Welsh; dinner calling contest, Mrs, George Tay- lor. 0 Stirling Reunion The annual Stirling Reunion was held on June 19 in Kincardine Park, with 110 of the clan present at the dinner table. Guests from a distance included J. O. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williamson, Vancouver, B.C.; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Loree, Man- ton, Alta.; Mr. and Mrs. Keyes, Marlen; Mrs. Rebecca Johnston, St. Ignace, and Mrs. Sadie Craw- ford, Pickford, Mich.; Mrs. Annie Morgan, Mr. and Mrs, Sam Seo- yne, Port Stanley; Mrs. Angus Welsh and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Stirling, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harrison, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Harrison, Stratford; J. H. Harrison and Will, Exeter. After dinner the president, Grant Stirling called the picnicers to order and the following officers were appointed for next year: president,- Lawrence Stirling, Ber- vie; vice-president, Sandy Stirling, Goderich; secretary, Mrs. Percy Warner, Goderich: Miss Barbara Stirling, Bervie, war chairlady of the, sports com- mittee. The oldest member pres- ent was Mrs. Mary McKenzie, Bayfield, 88. The tallest person was Mr. Calwell, Bervie; the shortest -lady was Mrs. John Stir- ling. The Iargest family was that of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morgan, Kincardine, Commercial Inn Hotel Serving on July 1 And Every Sunday The Favourite CHICKEN DINNER with Fresh Frozen Peas Salads- and Potatoes A good variety of Desserts and ALWAYS -a Fresh Fruit Salad. ALSO .-- 'A WELL SELECTED MENU 26-b CLINTON MEMORIAL SHOP OPEN EVERY FRIDAY At other times contact J. J. Zapfe, phone Clinton 103. Residence, 'Rattenbury Street East. T..'PRYDE and SON CLINTON -` EXETER SEAFORTI Ainiummummonnamemmismusumansamminimmilmismonsimmumw Holiday Specials' Go on your holiday' with qr' Smart New Wardrobe and with, Money in .your Pocket. Unless you have seen the quality and compared the prices of these dresses you have no idea of the good values offered. 'Save up to $5.00 All dresses have been marked down - You can save as much as $5.00. on some of these dresses. NYLONS -' BEMBERGS COTTONS They are all on sale!' Mary Hastings Clintonians enjoyed a successful picnic at Bayfield last Wednesday along with Guests from Guelph, Exeter and London. Renewing acquaintances are, left to right: Mrs. R. Mac- Donald, Clinton, past president of the Clintonians; Mrs. Robert Good, Goderich; Mrs: Alfred,'Houl- gate, London; Mrs. Ed Johns, Exeter, and Mrs. W. Colclough, R.R. 3, Clinton, the Clintonian Club president. Baptist Church Congregation Honours Minister Following the mid -week ,prayer service in the Baptist Church Wednesday evening last week, the congregation of the Clinton and Auburn Baptist chuches gave .a surprise party for the Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Ostrom on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Ostrom were ask ed to come to the front of the church where Mrs. Robert Phillips, Auburn, pinned a corsage on the bride of 25 years ago. Mrs. Reg. Clifford read the address. At the close of the address, represent- atives of the two churches and the Huron County Home, where Mr. Ostrom is chaplain, presented gifts. A beautiful handmade cof- fee table of unique design was presented on behalf of the Clinton church, by Cpl. A.._;Bonikowsky; a large plate glass wall mirror was presented by William Blacker on behalf of the Auburn church and the staff of the Huron County Home. Mr. and' Mrs. Ostrom ex- pressed their delighted surprise and gratitude for these beautiful gifts, tokens of the love and, good wishes of the people. Following the presentation a short program was enjoyed with Frank Raithby, Auburn, acting es chairman. The happy evening was brought to a conclusion with the serving of a dainty lunch. 0 ONTARIO STREET WA WILL MEET JULY 6 The Ontario Street United Church Woman's Association will meet on Tuesday, July 6 at 2.30 o'clock in the'cr1 urel, hall The ladies of St. Andrew's Ward will serve lunch, with Mrs. Townsend and Mrs. Mittell as conveners. 0 Mr. and Mrs. A. Benson Corless, Susan and John, Lindsay, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. M, T,- Corless at ,their lake cabin at Burk's. Susan Corless is re- maining in Clinton with her Couple Celebrates 50th Anniversary; Pioneered East 'Wawanosh Farm Fifty years ago at high noon on ing tea. Duringthe afternoon, Wednesday, June 15, 1904, at the Mrs. William Fear, Mrs. Annie home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wal- Hosford, Mrs. George Caldwell, den, Hullett Township, Thirza M. and Mrs, Robert Caldwell did the Walden and John Caldwell, East honors, while in the evening, Mrs" Wawanosh, son of James Caldwell T, Herman, Mrs. H. B. Fife, Mrs. and the late Mrs, Caldwell, Hul- Frank Marshall and Mrs. Clarence lett Township, were united in mar- Johnston poured tea. They were riage by the Rev. T. B. Coupland, assisted in serving by members of Auburn, in the presence of 100 in- the family. voted guests. ' ' Mrs, Caldwell received the Following their marriage of 50 guests wearing a dress of navy years ago the young couple took blue sheer with a corsage of roses. up farming on the bridegroom's Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell were the farm on the second concession of recipients of many lovely gifts, in - East Wawanosh Township, where eluding an electric tea -kettle and they have since resided. footstool, from their neighbours. In 1907 a new barn was built The day also marked the 16th and in later years a fine new red wedding anniversary of Mr. and brick residence replaced the log Mrs. Caldwell's youngest daughter house in which they commenced and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. their married life. Laurie Scott. In this spacious home, all deck- ed with gold and white streamers, white bells, and baskets of sum- mer flowers, Mr. and Mrs. Cald- well celebrated their golden wed- ding day on Tuesday, June 15, 1954, when they were at home to their many friends from two o'clock until five in the afternoon and from seven to ten in the even- ing. 150 well-wishers signed the guest book. Two granddaughters, Joan Gov- ier, in blue frosted nylon and Anne Caldwell, in blue permanent organdy, received at the door. In charge of the dining room were the three daughters and two daughters-in-law, Mrs. Orval Mc- Gowan, Mrs, Mervin Govier, Mrs, Laurie Scott, Mrs. Earl Caldwell and Mrs. Ralph Caldwell; and also a niece, Miss Viola Thompson, Auburn, Thei ' d mag table was centred with a lovely wedding cake, de- corated with white and gold, while yellow roses in a golden bowl, a gilt from Mr. and Mrs. T. Herman and family, Clinton, graced the serving table. Several. friends assisted in pour- grandparents for an extended hole- a ... day, - C of C Hears Dixon Mervin Glazier, London, has re- tuned back to work after a two weeks holiday with his parents' and brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, ,Blyth. CHOREMAsni Rotary Tiller HENSALL The Chamber of Commerce, 24 in number, enjoyed a han, and strawberry supper at St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, and Iater held their meeting in the town hall, Hensall, They were address- ed by Andrew Dison, director of agriculture S.H.D,H,S., Exeter, chairman of publicity, Ausable Conservation Authority, speaking on the drainage development for the provincial park for the whole of western Ontario. He also showed pictures, Mr. Dixon was introduced by James Paterson; and thanked by Laird Mickle. 1 Unit for ALL Garden Propara- tlon In 1 Operation Prepares Seed Bed ... Furrows for Planting ... Cultivating ELIMINATES PLOW, DISC, HARROW&CULTIVATORS The Choremester Rotary Tiller has been designed to meet a growing need for the Flower and vegetable gardener. The Tiller has specially designed right angle fines for sure, sharp mulching and cutting of soli, weeds, and compost. Tiller blades cut to maximum depth of 9 ; mini- mum width of 14", wfth extonsior s to ^� width of 21" COME 1N FOR A FRF! DEMONSTRATION --- PRICE - Less Wheels and Tine Extensions $139,50 With Wheel, 'Extra Tines' and Furrower $162.00 10 % 'Discount Win lie allowed till July 10th,: 1954. Be sure to ask for a demon- stration, try this amazing machine yourself- JUST PHONE 195 We have completed our " new parking lot, at rear of store; we • invite our customers to use it. BALL & WITCH Hardware & Furniture' Rhone 195 Clinton Dinner Party On Sunday preceding Tuesday's celebration, their eldest daughter, Mrs. Orval (Ella) McGowan, opened her home for a dinner party for the immediate family when covers were laid for 32 guests, which included Mrs. Cald- well's three brothers, Percy and Jess Walden, Auburn; William, East Wawanosh; Mr. Caldwell's two sisters, Mrs. H. B. (Helen) Fife, Toronto and Mrs. Thomas (Mae) Herman and Mr, Herman, Clinton; also his two brothers, Will Caldwell, Goderich and George and Mrs. Caldwell, Blyth; a sister-in-law, Mrs. Robert Cald- well, Londesboro. Six nieces assisted as waitresses for this affair, Mrs. Mac Cardiff, Brussels; Mrs. William Rintoul, Lucknow; Miss Mary Caldwell, London; Mrs. Robini L. Thompson, son R. R. 2, Clinton; Miss Viola Thompson and Mrs. Sid McClin- chey, Auburn, Following the dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell, on behalf of the family were made the recipients of a lovely floor lamp and radio. Their family of two sons and three daughters live within a ra- dius of two miles of their parents: Earl on a farm on Highway 4: Mrs. Orval (Ella) McGowan, con- cession 2, East Wawanosh; Mrs. Murvin (Margaret) Govier and Mrs. Laurie (Dorothy) Scott on concession 8, Morris Township; their youngest son, Ralph, on the homestead. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell have nine grandchildren. One grand- child, Faye Caldwell, passed away just four months ago. Members of the family unable to be present were Mrs. Caldwell's brother Robert Walden, Winnipeg, Man„ and Mr. Caldwell's brother, Frank Caldwell, Holbein, Sask. Mr. and Mrs; Caldwell are mem- bers of Blyth United Church and both enjoy fairly' good health. urrlt Serijit!es SUNDAY, JULY 4, 1954 ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR -REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A., B.D. ORGANIST -MILS. E. WENDORF 9.45 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m. Morning Worship; 7.30 p.m. -Evening Worship TURNER'S CHURCH 9.45 a.m.-Morning Worship 10.45 a.m.-Sunday School e Ce a flt l&niteb' eburcb Rev, HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director Union Service with Ontario Street United Church. Huron St., Baptist church Minister -REV. J' E. OSTROM Organist -Mrs. George Grant 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service 12.15 p.m. -Sunday School 7.00 p.m. -Evening Service in Ontario Street United Church Everyone Welcome to These' Services. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. D. J. Lane, B;A., Minister Mrs. Morgan Agnew, Organist and Choir "Leader Sunday, July 4, • 1954 Calling all Anglicans and Presbyr terians- Morning Worship at 11.15 in St. Andrew's Church, Church School at 10.15 a,m. Knox .Church Bayfield, service at 9.45 a.m.- Sermon subject: "The Greatest of These". All congregations, and visitors welcome; • Come now, Iet us reason and wor- ship, together, Evening Worship, July 4, in On- tario Street United Church, St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M, Elliott, Choir Leader During July our congregation will worship at St. Andrew's Pres- byterian church. Evening Service, July 4 in Ontario Street United Church. • Gospel Hall MAPLE STREET, CLINTON Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Communion Service 11.00. a,m. Gospel Service 8.00 pan. FRIDAY, 8 p.m,- PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY Pentecostal Church P.A.O.C. Victoria Street K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Sunday: Services discontinued for the day. Congregation is pro- ceeding to Braeside Pente- costal Camp, Paris, for the day. Services as Usual on July 11. Tuesday, 8 p.m. -Prayer Service. Friday, 7.30 p.m. -Young People's JOSEPH STREET GOSPEL HALL CLINTON ALL WELCOME Order of -Meetings for the Lord's bay,: 11.00 a m -Breaking of Bread 3.00 Wm. --Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m. -Gospel Meeting. 20 % otf all Suits and All ':Purpose Coats This is a HOLIDAY SPECIAL you cannot afford to miss. FOR SUMMER HOLIDAYING. SEE OUR • SHORTS • BLOUSES • HALTERS • SKIRTS • SWIM SUITS • T-SHIRTS " IR CLINTON IN'S HENSALL KEEP 'COOL!! Let US Do YOUR BAKING COUR SATURDAY SPECIAL: From Our Store Only - DATE SQUARES - Reg. 40e doz. 32 c BARTLIFF B ROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE , 1 ' CLINTON STOP: LOOKING FOR A GOOD DEAL IN A USED CAR? ONLY MURPIIY BROTHERS OFFER SO 1VIi'CH CHECK THESE 'FEATURESi ; V Highest Trade -In Prices. ` V All Cars' Thoroughly Checked and Reconditioned, v Highest Values Lowest. Prices. V I,A.C. Merit Plan Service V. Ideal Warranty Plan, V Central'' Location Easy. to Reach V An Established Dealership` Catering to the Wise Buyer who Demands -the Kind of Service only Murphy •` Brothers ton' give,' FIRST, , OF JULY SPECIALS 1953 DODGE SEDAN VERY CLEAN ' AND el tat 00 MECHANICALLY SOUND i.9 1950 MORRIS MINOR $395.00 1939 PLYMOUTH COACH - "A BEAUTY" AT - $175,00 S,ee These and Many Other Extra Values AT MURPHY BROS. CHRYSLER--PLYMOUTH--FARGGO Sales and Service PHONE 465, Huron Street CLINTON, ONT. 1"