Clinton News Record, 1954-06-24, Page 7PAGE SIX CLINTON 1vEWs-RECORD THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1954':: MOW News of BayField Representative MISS LUCY R. WOODS Phone HAYFIELD 45 r 3 Miss Hilda King, London, spent Sunday in the village. Barbara Bassett, London, was. home over the weekend. Miss Jessie Metcalf, Detroit, is home for the long vacation. Thomas Arkell, Hamilton, spent the weekend' with his wife and family. Mrs. Thomas Dillon, Toronto, was' also with her parents over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, A. Reeves and family, Detroit,; are occupying the Kanter 'cottage, Mr: - and Mrs. J. Paynter and son Clarke, Byron, visited Mrs. Moyer • on Sunday. Miss Mary Marks went to Tor- - ANNU'AL' LONDESBORO TRA BE S W RRY FESTIVAL in the - Community Hall Wednesday, June 30 Supper 6-8 p.m. EDWARD OSCAPELLA, violinist, Stratford, will "supply the entertainment. • ADMISSION; Adults $1.00 - Children 50c 25 -ti onto on Sunday, returning home on Monday evening, Mrs, S. McPortland and two daughters, Chatham, are at their cottage for a month. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ullmann and family, London, were at their cot- tage over the weekend. Dr." and Mrs. A. C. Chapman, Detroit, were ' at their cottage from Thursday until Tuesday. Misses Caroline Lodge and Sus- an McEwen, London, are spend- ing this week at "The Cedars." Mrs. F. V. Martin, Detrbit, ar- rived on Friday to 'spend a week at her cottage, Boulder Lodge." Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dunn and. two daughters, London, occupied their cottage oyer the weekend. Mrs.:William R. Elliott returned home on Thursday last after hav- ing spent a few days in Kitchener. Mr, and Mrs. Warner Payne and babe` spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon: Heard, London. Mr, and Mrs. Les. R. Gray, Lon- don, visited the latter's mother, Mrs. H. A. Lawson over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. H. Edwards, Jr., were with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bailey, the New Ritz Hotel,over 1o x the weekend. g Mrs. G. Lindsay, Brown Lind- say and Mr. and Mrs. George Heard visited Mr. and • Mrs. George Lindsay in Paris on Sunday. Mr: and Mrs.' James. Day and family returned to Pleasant Ridge, Mich., on Tuesday after spending the weekend at their cottage. Miss • Mabel Hodgins, accompan- ied by Miss Margaret McDonald, Toronto, was at her cottage, "Stonehaven," over the weekend. LAKEVFEW CASINO. ,GRAND BEND GRAND SUMMER OPENING . Saturday, June 26th DANCING EVERY NIGHT TILL LABOR DAY NEIL McKAY and his NEW ALL-STAR ORCHESTRA, featuring • Vocals by. Jack Levi and Johnny Noubarian Guitar by Eddie Bell and a NEW STAR ACCORDIONIST -- ELEANOR EDWARDS A NEW BAND! NEW ARRANGEMENTS! ' NEW SONGS! LISTENABLE AND DANCEABLE! • DANCING. EVERY NIGHT! OFF TO MARKET IN Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bauer, Mrs. J. Huck and Miss Margaret Bauer, Waterloo, came on - Thursday, last to spend the summer at their cot- tage. Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Holm, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jefferson and Lin- ;(Ity our Bayfield correspondent)"Duty to the Queen means be - da, accompanied by Billy Quigg, The colours of the First. Bay- frig g o o d citizens, expressed Preston, spent Sunday in the vil- field Girl' Guide Company were throughservice to others, in the lege, dedicated, at an impressive ser- spirit of love, fellowship and Mrs. J, Barron and two child- vice held in Trinity Church on peace,". he pointed out. ren, London, and brother,. Ervine Sunday morning. The nylon silk g "The Guide n trainingleadership fps them Pease, Woodstock,' were at their flag and pole were purchased re-: for service and 3eadershi in the cottage from Wednesday until cently - with money. the Guides future. Sometimes p Saturday, had earned by their own efforts.people are Miss Margaret Smith • left°on The company an formed upat the willing to help bushouldn'tt one will Sunday withher aunt, Miss Sarah d Y lead. They 'oporobepportunity afraid n y t, rectory and marched under the to lead when' opportunity occurs. Lawrence, London, ; tospendten l' leadership of Mrs. E. Carew- On'the other hand we shouldn't days at Niagara Fall s and the Jones (Captain), Mrs. ,J. B. Hig- all want to be leaders, People United States. • gins (Lieutenant), • , and Mrs. didn't dothis•-for publicity but Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Stephenson, George Adams (Lieutenant). , Margaret and Barbara, Toronto, They were met at the church should under content>-tomes,k with' and Miss Ada Bingley, Detroit, door byMrs .3Monteith,and question others at times This were at their homes in the village Divisioal 'Conimi�i for sea was no newaproblem, oted ;one for the speaker , and he quoted be, over the. weekend. ' Perth -Huron. The Brownies with from:St. Paul that. 'we should be Charles Plater and son, Erie, their leader, Mrs. R. Turner of one mind in the Lord'. and Michael` Crane, Detroit, and (Brawn Owl) also attended the "The thing is to have a coin - Mr. ' and Mrs Art Sullivan and service. ' mon loyalty and `object, to seek David, ?Port Huron, visited. Mrs, During the second hymn, "On - Lucy Plater over, • a weekend. ward Christian :. Soldiers, the first the rule of Christ and His Kingdom. Mrs. K. Castle and four child- party brought the flag up °Your- flag with its three -fold the ren ,are '`'visiting Mr. and: Mrs.aisle to the chancel- steps cross is a continual reminder of. Thomas W. Castle. Ken. Castle where it_was received by;the this." He pointed to the cross who also spent the weekend with' rector, dedicated, and placed on •Qf ' St: George representing his his parents returned to Kitchener. the altar. •, chivalry and Christian witness; Mrs.GeorgeL' Lindsay, Brown The' Y hymn,withdescant ow Lindsay, Mrs. George Heard, Bay- Sweet th. Nme oJesus Sounds", Ir ndtnek who went back - to field, accompanied by Mrs.; Char- was -sung by the Guide Company. Gospel with the "message of heldd les Switzer, Kippen, attended the The Rev, E. Carew -Jones took Gospel to thgse who had funeral of Robert Powell in Blyth for the subject of his inspiring him in slavery; and St. Andrew, on Wednesday of last week. sermon thoughtsfrom the two who brought his brother, Simon Mr. and Mrs.' H. Kirkham, Lon- lessons for' the day. First,,,Chap- don, spent Sunday with the Peter. lat- ter 1 of Joshua wherein the The rector then tools as he ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. dominant 'note was: "Be strong example of this teaching the Heard.' They ,were .accompanied and of a good courage". "This story of the healing of the paraly- by Mrs. G. Weston and Judy who book of the law shall not depart tic man who was laid at the feet visited :Mr. and Mrs, E. ;R,. West- out of thy mouth but thou shalt of Jesus by four faithful .friends on. meditate therein day and night, from the second lesson, ,St. Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar and etc, Mark Chapter 2. George, Toronto, visited the form- He mentioned that Guides This showed first the spirit of er's mother, Mrs. D. Dewar, over promise to do their -best for God love and service towards some - the' weekend." They leave next and the Queen. "Their duty to one less fortunate than them - week on a motor trip to Vancouv- God is expressed in worship, selves. Then the spirit of co- er and other points on the west prayer, sacraments and Bible operation—four working together, coast. reading. We all have 'our battles: a team,' a 'company, a patrol; Mrs.. R. Talbot and `Son Bill to fight and spiritual • conquests the faith which made them real - were in-Simcoe on Monday. Little to make." ize that the one thing that mat - Miss Julia Telford who has been tered was to bring the helpldss visiting her grandparents and man to the feet of Jesus; the aunt, Mrs. Robert Rathwell, for• µas held at the home of Mrs, N. determination which refused to the past month returned -homg W. Woods on Thursday afternoon be thwarted. by difficulties,' They with them. last . with a good attendance. The didn't sit down and ' say "We • Mrs, Henry Marks who was vis- Rev. E. Carew -Jones conducted cant- get through." They ?ting•• her sister 'in New York re- the Litany and the` members' If we cannot do'it one way, turned last week to visit Me. and prayer was said in unison. Mrs. we'll do it another." Mrs. Charles Marks before leav- George King read«the scripture Man's greatest need was spirit- ing for her home in Edmontoif and Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner pies- ual—"Thy sins be forgiven thee" V. Pickard, Toronto, was a guest ided. Miss Lucy Woods read a but lookers on did , not believe. over the weekend. But' 'the outward and Visible The Brownies held their last letter of appreciation from the "Take upbed and Rev. Canon Alan D. Greene of miracle, thy meeting until September on Tues- the Columbia Coast Mission for walk", made them realize the day afternoon in Clan Gregor a donation sent by the W.A. in power and authority of the One Square, under the direction of Huron Dioceses and an appeal for who spoke. Mrs. R. Turner ,(Brown Owl) further support. A small contrib. "Our faith and spiritual pur- who was assisted by Rosi/and cation was voted to this grdat pose will only be understood Carew -Jones (Tack -E). work 'and also the sum required when seen to issue forth in good Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Wills for wool for knitting cardigans works of love and service", Mr. have returned to their cottage' af- for the Mohawk Institute. Carew -Jones advised his hearers. ter having attended a recent As this was th'e last • regular Following the offertory hymn, gathering of Pharmaceutical Man- meeting until September, it was the colour party, Rosalind Carew - and from all over Canada,deoided that the president should Jones, colour bearer, supported and United States at the Chant- call -a special meting to arrange by Margaret Howard and Char - Mrs.Hotel, St. Adele, Quebec.'for summer teas. The hostess, lend Scotchmer, again came to Mrs, F. C. Saturday Gemeinhadt returned Mrs. J. M. Stewart, served tea.. the chancel steps where the home on after having Guide prayer was said. The visited in Toronto. She was ac- companied by her .daughter Mrs. Gilbert Knight and Mr. and Mrs. Art Lattimer. Gilbert Knight and son Ronald were also with. them on Sunday. �^ Miss L. Morley came last week's to spend some time at her cot- Woo Birch Cliff; Mrs. Frank Dresses Woodford, Misses Elisa and Marie Lemaire, Detroit„ are her guests - fora week. Mrs. S. E. Adams and Miss McMullen, Detroit, were with her over the weekend. Prof. and Mrs. Manley Thomp- son and little Katherine, Chicago, came last week to visit her par- New ar r tt s ■Sr ix=: + ents, Mr. and,Mrs. J.MacKenz- ie. Johny Mae "Wale sailed on Dresses Sunday k o send the sum" er in"` L New York to spend the summer ing { Europe after 'having spent a few days with his parents. Mr, and Mrs. L. Loree left on Tuesday on their return trip to Nanton, Alta. They were accom- panied by Mrs, Fred Johnston of St. Ignace, and Mrs. J. Crawford of Pickford Mich„ as far as their respective homee Mrs. Crawford Dresses joined her.sisters Iast week in visiting the Misses A. M. and E. •+ J. Stirling and other members of. their family in this locality, Mrs. A. McInnis, Toronto; son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McKenzie and daugh- ter Kathy, Acton, were the guests of Mrs. J. Cluff over the weekend: Mr. McKenzie is principal of Ac- ton Public School, They were friends of Alfred Scotchmer and family near Brownlee, Sask. and Came east about fhe same time as the Scotchmers so had a very happy' weekend together. Ball Game Tuesday The result of the ball game be- tween Benmiller and Holn-iesville, played in the Lions Park; .Bayfield on Tuesday evening, was a score of 10-7 in favour. of Henn -Oiler. htheThese games are being sponsored' Bayfield playersnts areo he pingo to make up the Holmesville roster, Trinity WA The nmeeting m ad's AuJuxiliarye of Trinityofthe Church Glide Colours Dedicated At Trinity In Impressive Sunda Ceremony y.: "BRUCEFIELD Mrs, B. Sholdice, Ailsa Craig is Ale at-tcliePathome erson, of her daughter Mrs. William McDowell, Belgrave, • rector returned the flag to the colour bearer saying: "Accent on behalf of your Company this flag which has been here dedicated, remembering the purpose for which it is blessed; the ;cause of which it is a symbol, and the honour in which it is held," After the blessing, two verses of the National Anthem were sung during which the colour was dipped in salute. The rector led the colour party, followed by the Guides and .Brownies to the door of the churcli, during the recessional hymn. The Guide Comp"'any headed, by the colour party 'formed up. outside the : church and marched to : Mrs. Gairdner's residence whbre a buffet lunch was served in - :the garden by .the ladies of the local association. -Afterthis three presentations were made by the Commissioner: second- class -badge to Charlene, Scotch - mer; needlewonian's'• badges -to. Rosalind Carew -Jones and gMarg- aret Howard. visited last week with Mrs. J. Vit Stackhouse and Eva, Mrs.. W, Haugh underwent sur- gery in Scott Memorial Hospital, , Seaforth, on Tuesday. Her frienda. hope for a speedy recovery. Mr and Mrs. H. H. Dinnin and Kathy, Petrone* Mr. and Mrs. Ted' Munn and family, London, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. W. V. Dinnin. Thornton Mustard and Miss E1-, izabeth Austin, Weston, spent the, weekend With Mr. and Mrs. Alec:: Mustard. Gordon Mustard is also: visiting, at his home. Supper Member's o f t Ire Managing' Board and their wives are very busy gettingready for the chicken and strawberry supper:, on Friday?, night of this week. Bus Tour Children from grades 5-8 of S;S,', No. 10, Stanley, accompanied by, their teacher and children from: Varna school were taken by, bus: to Detroit last Friday where they visited the 'Henry Ford Museum and also the zoo. Decoration Day The annual Decoration, Day ser- - vice conducted by the I.O.O.F. will 1. be, held in Bairdis cemetery en, Sunday afternoon ' June 29, at: 2.30. p.m. Rev. W. . Maines will ,., bein charge and all are invited ; to be present. Strawberry Festival to be held in AUBURN UNITE CHURCH UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE W.A. -on— J • Wednesday, June 30th FULIr COURSE MEAL SERVED FROM 5 TO 8 Programme A Variety Concert consisting of Solos, Duets, Quartettes and a Chorus; will be presented by the "Goderich Ilarbouraires There will also be Readings and Saxophone Solos. ADMISSION: Adults $1.00 Children 50c Fly Sprays . We have sprays for barns, livestock or house. Let us know your requirements and we will supply the best spray to ;take care of them, BUG KILLERS We carry o complete stock of these, either to. use dry or wet. Now is the time to spray weeds. Weed killers. work best on hot, dry Boys. Have Western Oats recleaned„ good feed. for poultry on range. Fred O. Ford PHONE 123W CLINTON. Hundreds of bright,. crisp cotton and nylon dresses are now on our racks' for your choosing. Do your shopping now while there is stilt a wide selection to choose from . . For flops In TACKLE SHOP HERE.. .. AND SAVE FISHING REELS Hogs that, go to market in six months, or less are the kind that make you money. You save feeding time which is worth money and you also save feed. Tests at the SHUR-GAIN Farm prove that straight` grain fed : hogs require up to 560 lbs. more,feed and take 2 to 3 months longer to get to market than balanced fed hogs. See 'us today about the SHUR-GAIN way of balanced feeding for your hogs—a program that will mean profits to you. , CLINTON FEED MILL get a COOLING SYSTEM CHECK-UP . NOW! You'll avoid trouble - and ex- pense by having us: 1. reverse - flush the radiator; 2. check water pump and hose; 3, ad- just fan belt; 4, check for leaks and thermostat operation;. 5. clean core of winter accumu- lation of dirt; 6. test -run to assure efficient operation of complete cooling system. DaIVE INTI; HAVE YOUR COOLING SYSTEM CHECKED TODAY! Murphy Bros. CHRYSLER --PLYMOUTH FAEGO. DEALERS Phone 465 Clinton ..SHORTS JEANS T-SHIRTS BLOUSES PEDAL BATHING SUITS HALTERS PUSHERS Vacation smartly in our happy-go-lucky togs .keyed to your playtime mood! Choose your wardrobe now, froth our light-hearted ofray! FOR - tIaet+ L'N« " THINGS SMARTabte ' (Ai car VF.OAR b an ' excellent selection $3.75- t $19.75 TUBULAR GLASS, FIBREGLASS & STEEL FISHING RODS all types; Spinning, Fly and Casting from $198 to $24.95 ' FISHING ACCESSORIES SEE OUR _PRECISION` BUILT - ACCESSORIES: DROP NETS — LANDIG NETS FISHERMAN'S DE LIAR — SCALERS- MINNOW BUCKETS - TROLLING REELS TELESCOPING RODS We carry a complete range of Lines, Baits, Kits and other Fishing Necessities, Western ire and Auto Supply ASSOCIATE STORE CLINTON PHONE 349W