Clinton News Record, 1954-06-24, Page 5eTHURSDAYe JUNE '24, 1954 CLINTON 'NEWS -RECORD PAGE EMI . Classified Rates CASH .RATE — (If paid by 'Wednesday following date of in- elerreeil)—Two, cents a word first •theettion (minimum 50 cents); ,embsequent iesertione 1% cents a •word (rninirntim, 35 rents).; 15 rants extra for box number0or l?or direction to NEWS -RECORD ("Office 'IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. •'DileADLINE-12 noon, Wednies- eley. (ACCOMMODATION for RENT SMALL, THREE-ROOM HOUSE, on Rattenbury Street, Clinton. ePhone Clinton 486W. 25-b S1VLALL FURNISHED APART- ment, suitable for couple, avail - .able inunediately Electric refrig- erator, reasonably priced. Phone Clinton 733. 25-p -FURNISHED APARTIVIENT for trent, share the bath. Could ac- commodate couple with one •ehild. Mile and a half from -Clinton. Apply Lorne Tyndall, '1)bene Clinton 904r4. 25tfb NICELY DECORATED self-coe- tained four -room apartment in Goderich, -near The Square. Has three-plece bath, built-in cup - 'boards, hot and cold water. Heavy -wired. for electric stove. Apply: 59 Hainilton Street, Goderich, or Phone .1102W. • 23-4-5-b 'ARTICLES FOR SALE , . _ASTRAL ,REFRIGERATOR, in , -.good .condition, new unit. Call Clinton 543W. , 25b 17 -FOOT CABIN TRAILER, fun- nished, Must sell. Best offer. Cash or terms. Phone Blyth 18r26. 23-28-p STOKE AWNING, 23 ft. Auto - emetic arms. Covered with heavy tear proof blue material; used • ene year. Half price. Sillick :Hardware, Teeswater, Ont. 25-p TRAILER CABIN, 21 FEET, fur- nished. Terms; very reasonable. Apply in writing to I3ox 250, Clin- ton News -Record. , 25-b • Modernize Yot:ir Home With A BEAUTIFUL 5 FF. STEEL RECESSED BATHTUB WH ITE $65.75 Blue, green, coral, yellow $78.75 Delivered • 'We carry a complete line of limibing and heating supplies. Write our mail order Dept. CNR •tber free illustrated catalogue. S. V. JOHNSON -PLUMBING SUPPLIES Streetsville Phone 352-3 • Open Wednesday and Friday even- ,•ings till 9:30 and all day Saturday. You Can Depend on Johnson's 22-25-1) AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1949 FARGO, 2% TO TRUCK, with tight rack, nearly new motor and good tires. Priced %reasonable. Roy MeVittie, Blyth, Ont„ phone Blyth 201. 25p 1952 • CHEVROLET HARD -TOP, red and grey; White wall tires, radio, air-conditioned; heater. 14,000 miles. Apply -to Hotel Clintoe: • 15tfb BOARD AND ROOM ROOMERS OR BOARDERS want - .ed; can accommodate up to three. Cell James Co, phone 550-W. 20tfb BABY CHICKS 'PULLETS, DAYOLD, STARTED. Kitcheuer Big -4. Also /nixed chi- cks. Prompt shipment. Ask us for summer listings. Agent, Char- les Scott, Auburn, phone Blyth .43r25. • 25-b ,CUSTOM WORK LET U$ RAKE YOUR HAY! -Less leaf shatter with a Ferguson side rake Reasonable rates in reasenable fields. Lloyd Holland, -phone Clinton 555. 25-6-p CUSTOM BALING DONE with a wire -tie baler. Every effort will be made to do it at your conven- ience. Contact Neil Campbell. • Phone Clinton 127. 25b BULLDOZING WORK DONE ex- pertly, Cellars, farm ponds, land- •scapingeback int Clear new land. 3. end G. Peelle R.R. 3, Clinton. Phone Clinton 906r23. 22-25-p CUSTOM COMBINING of wheat. 'Will put•wheat in granary or de- liver to mill. Large combine. Ap- ply Ken Thompson, phone Sea - forth 833r13 or John Thompson, `833r31. 24-5-6-p 0 FURNITURE FOR SALE DOHERTY PIANO, in good con- dition. Phone Seaforth 115. 25p FARMS FOR ,SALE :NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter, Real Estate. :Phone Clinton 448. 33-tfb 1 Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re - •pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, 'Phone Clinton 761M. 24-tfb • 'FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE 'STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE; also calf suitable" for raising. Lorne Tyndall, phone Clinton 964r4, 25-b LOST AND FOUND "LOST 2-- GOLD BROOQII, SET with large dark stone. • Valued keepsake. Between • Rattenbury FARM EQUIPMENT for SALE STOCK TRAILER IN A-1 shape, new tires and tubes, ,Ross Feag7 an, phone Clinton 902'633. 25-p MASSEY-HARRIS DROP -HEAD hayloader in good condition. Ap- ply Walter Forbes phone Clinton 904r31. 25-b 1VIASSEY-HARRIS CLIPPER corn - bine, A-1 condition. Pick-up and clover screens. Also 10 acres mix- ed, hay. Bean cultivator and pull- er to fit Massey Hams Rowcrop Tractor. ,Phone Clinton •912r25 evenings, 24-5-p HELP WANTED—Female WAITRESS WANTED for full- time work. Apply Stan's Lunch •arid Taxi. ' •25b TWO GIRLS, for part time.work, at 75c an hour, 8.30 p.m. to 10.00 p m; Two fa time at 50e an hour, (time and a half for over- time), raise in two weeks if satis- factory. Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning. -24-5-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PURE BRED BROWN SWISS bull, one year old, approx. :800113s. Can be registered. Apply to Will- iam Norman, R.R. No. 3, Clinton, or phone Clinton 911r41 '25-6-p 'LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD 1i1ORSES AND dee(' cattle. Gilbert Bros, IVIirik Rarich, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936121. 9-ptfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of &large. For prompt and efficient service phone "Stones" collect: Ingersoll 21, Sea - forth 655r2 or Godsrldh 936r21. • MISCELLANEOUS FOR THE BEST in Diamond Ring values come to Counter's Jewel- lery Store, Clinton. See the 4 -star matching sets priced from 377.50 in our window. 25p WHEN IN GODERICH visit the Opportunity Shop where you will find good used clothing at reason- able prices. Located on Newgate Street next to Ryan's Feed Store. 24-5-b SPECIAL PAINT OFFER. Fire- stone outside white, one coat paint, First quality. OUr price $4.95 per gallon while supplies last. •T. A. Dutton, Brucefield, phone Clinton e34r4. 24-5-b DO YOU HAVE COCKROACHES, ants or bed -bugs? Now you can have them exterminated very eas- ily. Write Box 240, Clinton News - Record. .411 replies in strictest confidence. Results guaranteed. 24-5-b WATCH REPAIRS Guaranteed. Clean and polish pivots, $2; bal- ance staffs, $2. Mali to Clinton Watch Service, Clinton, or leave with Vodden Engraving and Diam- onds for estimate. 13 to 26-p STEEL REINFORCED CEMENT septic tanks, 6% feat by 334 feet, 5 feet deep. Capacity of 450 im- perial gallons. The design and construction of these tanks has been approved by the Huron and Bruce County Health Units. We deliver any distance. Apply to Albert Porter's Welding Service, Lucknow. 24tfb GET YOUR PATIO, TERRACE and sidewalk fixed up now. Use Seaforth Concrete Product Flag - Stones. • Cement floors, stairs and any kind of construction work. Tiles 10" and over for draining are now in stock. Phone Seaforth 22-M. Seaforth Concrete Products, 22-25-b NOTICE NOTICE: IN COMPI.ANCE with the request of the Town Council, I herewith apologize to Mr. N. Counter for any inconvenience or disrespect that he has received from myself as Tax Collector for Clinton.—(Signecl) J. W. Manning., 25-13 ANYONE FOUND 4 TRESPASS - Ing on Pt. Lots • 41-51, Tucker - smith Township, both sides of river at any time hereafter, will be proseetried. By order of the owner, A E. Parry. 23-30p PIANO TUNING YOUR. PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 6953. 43-ftb POULTRY FOR SALE, 200 SUSSEX X RED PULLETS, laying good. 1VIrs. Charles Riley, R.R. 1, Clinton. 25-6-x 800 RED ROCK PULLETS, FIVE months old, starting to lay. Apply to Don Buchanan, \Phone Seaforth 850r25. '?5-c• NUMBER OF Alt1301.TR ACRE White •Rock started pullets, ready for range end of June; price $1 each at 10 weeks old. Place ceiders now to E. A. Mousseau, Kippen, phone Hensall 6946, • i • 21-25b PROPERTY WANTED ' 30 TO 80 ACRES SANDY LAND, preferably on or near 4th con es- eion, Goderich Township. Apply Box No, 231, News -Record e3-250lifb „ STOVES FOR SALE , SUNSHINE PANGETTE, in good condition. Phone Clinton 28351. e5-13 NHREE - BURNER COLEMAN gas stove, practically new; also girl's spring and fall coat. size 141', light blue. Call Clinton 445. • 25b Stresidence and St Paul's Clihr- HEAVY DUTY. RANGETrE, ov- eh, via walk beside church. Ile- en, twoburner, good condition. ward. Mrs. le. W. Joheston, phone Price $310: Apply to .Clarke StanClinton 2433. 215-p ley, phone 20D. 25-6-7-6 PROPERTY FOR SALE • BIRTHS DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT with 75 foot ' frontage on Kirk Street Close to schools and up town. Apply W. N. Counter or phone 230, 25p THREE BEDROOM HOME with bath, Central Mortgage house, for sale on Mary. Street. Modern kitchen, newly decorated. Phone Clinton 459--R, • 22-24-tfb CHOICE BUILDING LOT, Rag- lan Street North, close to both schools. Size 66'x275'. Good gar- den soil and raspberry patch. Phone J. R. Gilbank, 771-3, Clin- ton. 24-5-p NEW, ONE-STOR.EY HOUSE, plus desirable building lot, Eliza- beth Street, Goderich. Modern design and, 'conveniences. Full basement, oil furnace, two bed- rooms, garage. Apply C. F. Chap- man, phone Goderich 18-W or call R. W. Cole, Clinton 906r44 for ad- ditional inforination.- 24-5,13 SALESMAN WANTED RAWLEIGH BUSINESS , now open in -Huron County.. Trade Well established. Excellent op- portunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh Dept. F-169-189, Montreal. 24-5-1 K 11. Damm Kenneth 11. Damm, 28, Clinton, was found dead in his car at Bruce Beach, three miles south of Kin- cardine. Be was found dead by companions. Police said no inquest would be held. Mr. Damn was born in Walk- erton and had been employed as a garage mechanic in Clinton for spme time. He was a member of Wingham United Church, • Surviving are his father, Harvey Walkerton; a sister, Mrs. Charles Wood, Winnipeg; a brother, Ralph, Kitchener. The funeral service will be con- ducted Friday, at_ 2.30 p.m. at the Tanner • and Pearson funeral home, Walkerton. Burial will be in Walkerton Cemetery. C4rds of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nott wish lo thank their many friends and guests viiim called during the af- ternoon and evening of Saturday, June 19, on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary, to offer their congratulations and best wishes and alsb for the beaut- iful gifts and cards which they received. 25-13 I would like to thank my many friends and neighbors for the cards, treats and flowers, while in the hospital, and all who have called since I came home. Thanks to Bev. T. J. Pitt. — MRS. JAMES McBRIDE. 25-6 Mrs, Margaret Johnston wishes to take this opportunity to thank the nurses and staff of Clinton Public Hospital, also Dr. New- land and all friends who so kindly remembered her with flowers and cards while a patient there 25-b I wish to thank all who sent flowers, cards or helped in any way dining my recent sad bereav- ement. Special thanks to Rev, J. LT. White. Mrs. illie Webster. 25-b 41."0.4/4.411-0-4/^400-11-•••-•-•-•-•-0÷÷ TENDERS' Will be received till 12.00 noon, June 30, 1954, for Painting and Re -decorating the Auditorhun and Entrance of the Holmesville United Church. . For necessary information apply to H. 3. Trewartha, R.R. 3, Clin- ton: Tenders May be addressed to the Secretary -Treasurer, Elmer Potter, 1101e. 2, Clinton, °ataxia • 1 25-b ,1%••••• TENDERS Tenders are being called by S.S. No. 3 Hullett, , for the ' - Installation of Two Flush Toilets in the school. Work to be com- pleted by September 1. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Tenders to be in the hands of the secretary -treasurer by July 7, 1954. For further .details apply to: WALTER SCOTT, Secretary, 11,15. No. 2, Seaforth • . 25-6-p NOW IN STOCK A Carload of- - • Canada • Cement BUY NOW While our supply lasts A. G. Grigg & Son Phone 74W , Clinton ANSTETT -- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, June 22, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. John A. .Anstett, Clinton, a son. AUSTMAN — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, June 21, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Austman, Clinton, a daughter. BERTHELET—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, June 18, 1954, to Cpl. and Mrs. Gordon Berthelet, Clinton, a daughter. TELFORD—In Simcoe, Ontario, on June 14, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. William J. Telford (nee Lorraine Talbot), 280 Emily Street,. Simcoe, a son, (Peter Scett Dewar, wee brother for Julia). TURNER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, June 22, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant Turner Hayfield, a son. MARRIAGES NIVINS—SCOTT--- In St. Paul's Anglican Church, Palmerston, on Saturday afternoon, June 10, 1954, by Rev. Glendon Bresee, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs, James Scott, Palmerston, and the late Mr. Scott, and James Gordon Nivins, Clinton, son of Mrs. Melinda Nivins, Clinton, and the late William Niyins. `STEPHENSON—BENDER — In Wesley -Willis United Church manse, on Thursday afternoon, June 17, 1954, by Rev. H. C. Wilson, Grace daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William Bender, R.R. 3, Clinton and William Stephen- son, Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Stephenson, R. R. 1, Clinton. WILHELPS—WALPER — In the . Wesley -Willis United Church mansemanse at 12.30 p.m. on Satur- day, , 19, 1954, by Rev. IL C. "Wilson, Vera Walper, Clin- ton, and Alvin Wilhelm, Strat- ford, DEATHS COOPER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, June 22, 1954, Albert Thomas Cooper, beloved husband of .Annie L. Sellery, in , his 85th year. Funeral from the Beattie llmeral home, Rat- tenbury Street East, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Thursday afternoon, June 24 at 2.30 o'clock. FOSTER—In Clinton public Hos- pital, on Monday, June 21, 1954, Joseph L. Foster, Varna, in his 87t6 year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Hay- field' Cemetery, on Wednesday afternoon, June 23. GREENSLADE — In Alexandra General and Marine Hospital, Goderich, on Thursday morning, June 17, 1954, Cecelia M. Naf- tel, widow of the late George E. Greenslade, in her 68th year. Funeral from the Lodge Funer- al Home, Goderich, to Hayfield Cemetery on Saturday after- noon, June 19. MOFFAI'T—In Wingham, Ont- ario, on Tuesday, J'une 22, 1954, Olivet a Moffatt, Bluevale, in his 54th year, Private funeral from his late residence, Con- cession 1, Morris Township, to Wroxeter Cemetery, on Friday, June 25. In Memoriam CLARK --In loving memory of my wife Florence, who passed away June 27, 1951: • My lips cannot. tell how I miss her My heart cannot tell what to say, God alone knows how I miss her In a home that Is lonesome to- day. —Always remembered by Hus- band, Peter and Family. 25-p STEEP—In loving memory of a dear Father and Grandfather, David Steep, who passed away, June 23, 1940:, "No one hears the door that opens When they pais beyond the call. Soft as the dropping petals of a rose, One by one our loved ones fall, But the memory of each loved one, Like the fragrance of a rose, God sends to linger with us, Till atir own life's door shall close." —Sadly missed by daughter Sadie, Susan and David. 25-p BIENIMINIMINOR Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W — Clinton FAMILIAR ." . With all details AVYWH ERE . ANYTIME • ghttterai Nouns ROXY THEATRE AT DARK TELEPHONE AT rignITAi TELEPHONE CLINTON THE' nn" 1150 THEloottrl I M. 47 TOP SCREEN FARE IN 'AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT —.Adventure Stories at Their Best NOW—Thurs .. Fri Sat. NOW—Thurs., Fri. Sot. "CONQUEST OF COCHISE" (Technicolor) This story presents a colorful epi- sode in the life of the great Apache Chief Cochise, during his struggle with renegade whites and Mexicans. John Dodiak -- Joy Page and Robert Stack Mon., 'Nes, Wed, "MISSION OVER • KOREA" The dramatic ;tale of a veteran flier who retufns to combat after a on•e-day leave Hot aveanpdmeets a rash y John Hodialt—Audrey Tottee John Derek NOW: Old Home Week for the Kettles and their thousands ot friends. "Ma and Pa .Kettle At Horne" IVIarforie Main—Perey Kilbride Mon. Tues. Wed., June 28-30 Clifton Webb—Barbara Stanwyek' — in — "TITANIC" tense drama with a true story as background. Thurs. Fri. Sat., July 1-3 "A,b' bott & Costello Go To Mars" Matinee Thurs., July 1 at 2.30 - Corning: "TORCH SONG" Joan Crawfoit, Michael Wildfong Coming soon to the Park ----"The EDDIE CANTOR Story"—Technicolor mare soimmineenmemmumw- Burt Lancaster—Virginia Mayo, • Kerry Kelley Comedy drama packed•with light- ning swift action, in which a mar- ine sergeant seizes a Nazi yacht and blows up a Japanese destroy- er; amongst other adventures! "SOUTH. SEA WOMAN" Mon., Tues., Wed. LORETTA YOUNG Joan Forsythe te Frank McHugh Plenty of fun and frolic as a small town editor seeds some clouds for ram and. is almost engulfed in the subsequent flood "It Happens Every Thursday" Obituaries Mrs. George E. Greenslade • (By our Bayfield cox -respondent) Mrs. George E. Greenslade, Blue Water Highway, Goderich Town- ship, died in Alexandra and Mar- ine Hospital, Goderich, at 11.45 a.m. on June 17, after an illness of three months. Formerly Miss Cecelia M. Naf- tel, youngest daughter of the late Alfred Naftel and Helen Pinker- ton, she was born October 17, 1886, on the family homestead purchased by her grandfather, John Naftel, member of a prom- icnoernntpapniyoneiner 1f8a41m.ily from Guern- sey, Channel Isl., from the Canada On April 17, 1910, she was mar- ried to George E. Greenslade and they operated a grocery store and ice cream parlour in Hayfield un- til 1920, when they acquired the Naftel homestead and took Vp farming. George Greenslade died on January 11, 1948. About five years ago, Mrs. Greenslade had the misfortune to break her hip, but despite great suffering as the result, she carried on at her home, spending a few months each winter with her nieces. She had returned but a short time when she suffered the coronary thrombosis to which she later succumbed. The deceased woman was a life - Jong member of Trinity Church, Hayfield, and had been organist prior to her marriage and again for a time in latter years. She took an active part in community and Red Cross affairs both during her residenee in Hayfield and Goderieh Township, Of a quiet, gentle disposition, her happy smile won her many friends by whom she will be greatly Missed. She is survived by her sister-in- law, Mrs. Lionel Naftel, Hamilton; a nephew, William Naltel; four nieces, Katherine Osborne, • Helen Stemmer, Ruth Mutzelbufg, Jean- ne White, all of Michigan; and a cousin, Madeline Naftel, Goderich. The funeral service which was held from the Lodge funeral home, Goderich, an Saturday af- ternooe, .Tune 19, was conducted by the Rev. Dr. K Taylor, rector of St. George's Church, Goderich. Interment was made in Hayfield Cemetery. The Rev, E. Carew. Jones assisted the Rev. Dr. Taylor in the committal service. The pallbearers were: John Wain, Walter Wallis, James Young, Forest McClure, Samuel Westlake and William Westlake. Amongst those from a distance who attended the funeral were: Mrs. Lionel Naftel, Hamilton: Miss Madeline Naftel, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs, William White, Berkley, Mich.; Mr, and 11/Irs. Ken- neth Mutzelburg, Livonia, Mich.; Mr, and Mrs. Glen Osborne, Oak Park, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. William Naftel, Berkley, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Michel M. Stemmer, Berkley, Mich. .0 STANLEY TOWNSHIP' Morley Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Taylor passed his sec- ohd year Chemical engineering at University of Toronto with hon- ours. Bob Love and Clifford Lobb also passed their second year. FOR .SALE 7 &CBES, with 11/ stiire.y, • 1 -room dwelling, .nsodern con- • veniences, oil burning furnace, double garage, henhouse 30x20, located close to, town. 11/2 Storey New Dwelling, . ing room, dining room, ten, sun porch, modern it:Lichen, two., bedrooms and bath down, • two bedrooms up, hardwood floors. One bloek from Post • Office. 114 Storey, 6 room Dwelling, modern conveniences, on beat- ing, close to schools. 11/2 Storey, 6 TOOM Central Mortgage, good tome - tion.„ Down payment, $2,600, monthly payments $37. Early possession. 14i Storey, 7 Room Dwelling, with about 1, ecre of land; • bath, hydro; double garage; small barn; immediate posses- sion. Price 34,500. 11. C. Lawson REALTOR Bank of Montreal 13141ding Phone 251W -,- Clinton 18-tfb Joseph L Foster Joseph a*: Foster, 86, passed away in Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, June 21. He had lived at Verna until two years ago, and had farmed for many years in Stanley Township. He was one of the oldest mem- bersof the United Church at Varna. Surviving is One son, Norman, Guelph; four daughters, Mrs. Les- lie Sterling and Mrs. Earl Switz- er, Goderich Township; Mrs. Gor- don Black, Guelph; Mrs. Russell Glazier, Goderich; one brother, David, Grand Bend, and four sis- ters, Mrs. Margaret Hayter, Lon- don; Mrs. Lillian Gill, Grand Bend; Mrs. Millie Thompson, Brampton; and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock, Greenaway. Service was conducted at the Ball and IVIutch funeral home, Rattenbury St„ East, Clinton on Wednesday afternoon, by Rev. T. J. Pitt, Varna. Interment was i made n Hayfield Cemetery. Pall -bearers were Merrill Switz- er, Willis Switzer, Keith Stirling, Ron Glazier, Gordon Black, Gar- net Black. Flower -bearers were Doug Swit- zer, Ira Black, Bruce Switzer, R. Desroches, Morley Pollock, Fran- cis Huisser; Clifford Addison. William. Stewart • Services for William 3. Stewart, 83, were held from the J. K. Arthur funeral home, Auburn, with the Rev. W. E. Bramwell, St. Mark's Anglican Church, Auburn, In charge on Monday, June 14. • Interment was in Dungannon Cemetery. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stewart, and was born in .Ashfield Township. In 1920 he married griza young, Port Albert. Since their marriage they farmed a.bOut One and one- quarter miles west of Auburn un- til three years ago when they re- tired to Auburn., - He served on the West Wawa - nosh Council for five years and was reeve for eight years. He was a member of St. Mark's Anglican Church. Besides his widow he is surviv- ed by two daughters, Lillian, at home; Mrs. Elmer Sproul, on the home farm; three grandchilden; a brother, Hugh Stewart, Dungan- non; a sister, Mrs. Carpenter, Clinton. CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION Open Meeting ST. JOSEPH'S PARISH HALL Monday Evening at 8:30 p.m. JUNE 28th Special Speaker: REV. J. McFVER of Dominican Republic, Caribbean 25-6 Analmo...rmemsemernmeirmwe. Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES, , EVERY FRIDAY $ Evening, commencing at 8 pan, TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELL/OTT, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk FAMILY INCOME An excellent method of having an adequate insurance estate for the man with a young famity. CONSULT HAL HA.RTLE'Y, Representative CANADA Litid Clinton, phone 454w 0/614,04/40,04.1,4141‘....041,1114,0,To STRAWBERRY PICI 100 PICKERS WANTED DIME IMMIX Only stead3,- workers need to apply, to F W. ANDREWS -- CLINTON • PHONE 33 24 tfb Keep Cool CCOTHES THAT ARE COMFORTABLE FOR FUN IN THE SUN see our SPORT SHIRTS 'T-SHIRTS SWIM SUITS SLACKS STRAW HATS cAr3 • Etc. PICKETT'# CAMPBELL Arrow Shirts Stetson Hots PHONE 25 -- Main Corner — CLINTON