HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-05-27, Page 8EIGHT eddngs . • Given in marriage by her uncle, eidanus- Gerrlts G. lloytema a the Christ - Reformed Church congrega- officiated at a wedding in St. ew's Presbyterian Church last esday evening, when Grace, hter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman 'ts,became the bride of John danus, son of Mr. and Mrs: Leo Greidanus, =all of Clinton.. e bride wore .a beige gabar•- suit,_ with blue and white ac- ories, and carried a bouquet of e, pink and blue carnations. ttendants were the fathers of bride and groom, J. L. Grei- us and H. Gerrits. Organist the occasion was C. Guetter. reception followed at the home he bride'sparents. e young couple plan to live in nton. attson--� Hildebrant Conrad Huiser, the bride was charming in a floor -length white taffeta with a pleated net skirt. Her lace redingote featured long lily -point sleeves. A headdress of orange blossoms held her finger- tip veil in place. She carried a white Bible and red roses. Mrs. C. Kennedy, Hensall, was soloist. Miss Betty Moir, maid of honor and Miss Laurie Laird, bridesmaid, (both of London), were gowned in floor -length net over green taffeta with . matching flowered head- dresses. Other bridesmaids wete' Miss Patricia Laird `and Miss Dianne Cook, also of London. They wore floor -length dresses of net over mauve taffeta and matching flowered headdresses. All the at- tendants carried bouquets of yel- low roses and white 'mums. Cheryl Little, Hensall, flowergirl, was dressed in net over yellow taffeta with a. heart -shaped flowered head- dress. Grairlitinall was Edward Matt- son, brntheY`'al the groom and ush- ers were Steven Kish, London, Donald Denomme, Tecumseh and Marlin Hildebrant, brother the was f bride. Michael Hoy, Hensall, ringgbearer, The bride's mother chose a navy dress Wits pink accessories for a reception at Monetta Menard's, Exeter. Assistingher apow- derher was the groom's lue dress with navy acces- sories. c s- sories. For the wedding trip to North- ern Ontario the bride travelled in a pink suit with navy accessories and a mauve orchid corsage. They will reside in London. y our Hensall correspondent) earing a pretty lace redingote er a 'White taffeta and net gown, e Marie Hildebrant exchanged dding VOWS with Harold Norman ttSon in Carmel Presbyterian urch, Hensall. The bride is the ughter of Mrs. Hildebrant, Hen - 11, and the late Alex Hildebrant, d the groom is the son of Mrs. ther Mattson, London. The Rev. B. Fox performed the ceremony ainst a background of candel- ra and baskets of pink and white paragons.. Hopson's Greenhouse PHONE 7 BAYFIELD HARDY BOX PLANTS Asters TOMATOES Petunias Stocks PEPPERS Pansies Lobelia CAULIFLOWER Zinnias Snapdragons CABBAGE Salvia and other varieties Hanging Baskets Filled 20-21-b REMODEL Your Oid FUR COAT Rof Adgeess into.a Jacket, Cape or Stole For as25 Little as �+ 0 Free Storage Until Needed WELLESLY FURS Ltd. Worlananship Guaranteed — Mail Orders Filled 573 YONGE a- Wellesley—TORONTO — RA. 7117 19-20-21-b CLINTON- NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1954 New Canadians WedHere —ter MR. AND MRS, JOHN GREIDANUS, Clinton, are pictured here following their wedding in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church last Wednesday evening. Rev. G. Hoytema, pastorof the Dutch Reformed Church, performed the ceremony. The bride is Grace, the son of Mr. and Mrr of Mr. and s. J. L. Greidanus.rs. Herman The youngand her husband is couple plans to live in Clinton. (Photo by MacLaren's) GOSHEN LINE Mission Band The Goshen Mission Band Open- ed the May meeting with the call. to worship by Donna Hayter. "Can a Little Child Like M0" was .sung with Donald Elliott at the piano. He also read the scripture, Psalm 100. The story of "The Closed Church" was, read -by Mrs, Robert Peck. It was about a little girl named Pepita of Mexico. Allan Hayter took up the offer- ing of $1.22. Marlene McClinchey gave the prayer. The minutes of the Aprilmeeting were read by secretary Gwen McBride. The roll call with 26 present was answered by "My favourite game or sport." The Mission. Band Purpose and hymn were read in unison. Dianne Peck and Marlene Keyes gave out copies of "World Friends" to each family. WMS Meets The May meeting of the Goshen Women's Missionary Society was held at the parsonage on. May 20, Mrs. Richard Robinson opened the meeting and led in prayer. The pianist was Mrs. Russell Erratt. The singing of the 'hymn. "Forth in Thy Name, 0 Lord" was fol- lowed by scriptures read by Mrs. Elgin McKinley, Mrs. James Keyes, Mrs. Arnold Keyes and Mrs. Bruce Keyes. A poem, "The Gospel According to You" was read by Mrs. R. Rob- inson, followed with prayer by Mrs, McKinley. Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Pitt sang a duet "Go to Thy Father in Prayer," accompanied by Mrs. B. Keyes. Mrs. Russell Er- ratt took up the offering and the offertory prayer was by Mrs. Rob- inson. Mrs. Arnold Keyes read the minutes and 22 answered the roll call. Cards were received from Mrs. Roy Lamont, Richard Robinson, Witham Hayter and Mrs. Frank McClinchey and a letter from Miss Stone. Mrs. John Robinson gave the treasurer's report. A letter was received from Korea saying they had received the layette. Mrs. Bruce Keyes' group had charge of the topic in the form of es Johnson—Hanson THE THIRTY ;SECOND. ANNUAL REUNION PICNIC of the Troyer Family and Friends will be ; held .in LIONS PARK,, SEAFORTH, on the Afternoon of Saturday, 'June 12 (In the.event of rain, in the Community Centre) ` Registration at 1.30 (Daylight Time) with races at 2.30. " SUPPER AT FIVE. Illustrated address on "John Troyer the Pioneer" by - _Rev. Herb Troyer of Toronto, 20-1-2-b Upshall, R.R.•2, Kippen, was mar- ried to. Donald Allen Harburn, Staffa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harburn, Staffa. Rev. Norman Mc- Leod officiated. The bride wore a suit in powder blue . shade, with . navy and white accessories and a corsage of red. roses. Mrs. Wilmer Adkins, Crom- arty, attended her sister. She wore a suit in turquoise shade, with brown and yellow accessories and a corsage of red roses. Theodore Harburn, Cromarty, brother of the bridegroom, was groomsman. A reception and. wedding dinner at the home of the bride's parents followed the ceremony. On their return from a wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Harburn will reside near Staffs. A pretty twilight wedding was conducted In Ontario Street Unit- ed Church last Friday, May 21, by Rev. A. Glen Eagle, when Shirley Hanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hanson, Wildwood, B.C., be- came the bride of LAC Jacob Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, Pontrilas, Sask. The bride, who wore a pretty grey -blue suit with red rose cor- sage, was attended by Miss Marg- aret Emin, who wore a grey suit and a pink carnation corsage. Groomsman was Ross Miner, Hamilton, now stationed at Foy - mount, Ont. Organist for the oc- casion was Mrs. E. Wendorf. A reception for a small group of friends was held at the Hotel Clin- ton. All principals in the wedding are members of the RCAF. The newly - married couple will make their home in Clinton at the present, and expect to be moving to Foy - mount shortly. A pig today will be worth about $50.00 to $55.00 when he is marketed. • How much profit he will make for the farmer depends upon how long it takes -the farmer. to get him. to market and how'much feed he has to put into him. Many tests at'the SHUR-GAIN Form and by hundreds of hog raisers have demonstrated that SHUR-GAIN fed hogs go to market'on 600' lbs. of feed in 5 to 6 months. Straight grain fed hogs take up to 2 months' longer and require about 500 lbs. more feed. Feed SHUR-GAIN Hog Feeds to one litter and you will see that SHUR-GAIN' saves and makes you money. CLINTON FEED MILL Harburn-Upshall On Saturday, May 15, at the manse in Kippen, Elaine Upshall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James CALL IN AND SEE US ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS on: EAVESTROUGHING ELECTRICAL WIRING AIR-CONDITIONING GiiAVITY- WARM -AIR HEATING PLUMBING A FURNACE FOR EVERY JOB Sherritt— MacGregor W6 FARMERS are Shipping cattle every Saturday . for United Co-operatives of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We win pick them up at your farm. Please PHONECOLLECT not later than,Friday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Manager Phone—Day 9, Evenings 481w 39-tfb Rev. W. J. Maines united in marriage Annabelle MacGregor and Clifford Sherritt, both of Grand Bend, in a ceremony at Brucefield on Saturday, May 15. WISE and BATEMAN Phone 147—Clinton The bride chose a navy orlon over taffeta dress trimmed with white, matching accessories and corsage of American Beauty red rosebuds and white baby 'mums. Miss Marion Snider attended the bride wearing a yellow taffeta dress with navy accessories and corsage of pink rosebuds and white baby 'mums. Russell MacGregor, brother of the bride, was groomsman. Following the ceremony the couple left for a honeymoon trip to northern points. YOU CAN DEPEND O11 When kidneys failto e remove .excess acids and wastes, back- ache, tired feeling, disturbed rest often follow. Dodd's Kidhey Pills atimu- Inte kldneys to normal duty. You feel bettor—sleep better, work bettor, Get Dold's at any drug store, You can depend on Dodds. a skit. Three verses of "B1 t Be the Tie That Binds" was sung and the reports of the Presbyterial which was held in Seaforth were given by Mrs. R. Erratt and Mrs. E. McKinley. Mrs. Robinson ex- pressed a vote of thanks to the ladies for bringing back such. splendid report. Mr. Pitt pronounc- ed the benediction. A social half hour was spent with Mrs. Melvin Elliott's group serving lunch. LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING EVERY SATURDAY This week to the Music of DON. "WATSON and his ORCHESTRA "The Newest in Dance Bands" featuring "CHRISTINE" Enjoy Dancing on Our Beautiful New Floor PORTER'S HILL Seeds • Have a complete stock of GARDEN, FIELD and LAWN SEEDS — highest quality — priced reason- able. • We specialize: PERMANENT PASTURE MIXTURES and LAWN GRASSES. Mixtures specially prepared to suit your requirements. • Our seed is all government inspected. In Clovers we have ALFALFA from $18.00 per bus. to $21.00 per bus. • One lot of home-grown Alfalfa Seed specially priced at $19.00. • Let us know your seed problems and maybe our long experience will be of service to you. Fred O. Ford PHONE 123W CLINTON Picnic Planned The Sunday School of Grace United Church are holding the an- nual picnic on the church une gro nds ounds on Friday evening, committees are making plans for a very enjoyable evening. Everyone is invited to come and join in the fun. S0t11 Year Over 20 friends and relatives were present at a surprise party honouring the SOth birthday of Miss Catherine H. Williams on May 17. Miss Williams received many other well-wishers over the neekend and was the recipient of many congratulatory cards, tele- grams and gifts. School Bazaar The pupils of S.S. 5 held a very successful bazaar last Friday even- ing. The children were in charge of the booths of home-made bak- ing, sewing, woodcraft, used cloth- ing, etc. The draw on a radio was made and the lucky ticket was held by Mrs. Jim Snell. Over $75 was realized from both bazaar and sale of tickets on the radio which goes to pay expenses on a bus trip to the Detroit zoo scheduled for June 18. Club Meets The Porter's Hill Community Club held its regular meeting on Wednesday last at the home of. Mrs. A. Lockhart. The president, 1\frs. Peter 'Harrison, opened the meeting with a reading and repeat- ing The Lord's Prayer. Secretary and treasurer's reports were given. Business discussion followed, I when it was decided to give a do- nation to the Salvation Army. The mystery prize was won by Mrs. A. Lockhart. C. V. Cooke, Clinton, the guest speaker, gave many interesting points on planting, trimming and pruning. The meeting closed by repeating the Mizpah benediction and the hostess served lunch, The June meeting will be at the home of Mrs. George Johnston. TENDER Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to 4 p.m., June 1, 1954, for the construction of the Layton Drains, Township of Tuckersmith. The work consists of approximately 13,650 cu. yds. excavation open drain and 6,676 feet of tile ranging in size from 8" to 16"; five catch -basins, four protections and 100 feet iron pipe. Tenders may be submitted either (a) for the construction of the whole work including supplying all materials; (b) for construction of th,c whole work less tile which would be supplied by the township. Marked cheque of. 1O% of the tender price must. be submitted with tender, and where a contractor submits tenders under -both headings (a) and (b) one cheque will suffice. Plans and specifications may be seen at the clerk's office. Tenders must be sealed and marked "Tender". Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ., 21-b.. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Township of Tuckersn;ith, R. R. 4, Seaforth SUNSET °���p�RE THEATRE 11/4 MILES EAST OF GODERIC•'i—On No. 8 Highway• FRIDAY and SATURDAY MAY 28-29 "AFRICAN QUEEN" Humphrey Bogart — Kathryn Hepburn Cartoon Comedy MONDAY and TUESDAY MAY 31 - JUNE.1 "PETTY GIRL" Robert Cummings — Joan Caulfield, And the Second Big Feature: "FLAME OF STAMBUL' Richard Denning — Lisa Fenaday — ALWAYS A CARTOON — WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY JUNE 2-3 "THE MAZE" Richard Carlson — Veronica Hearst -- ALSO — "ARCTIC FLIGHT" All-Star Cast First ShoW at Dusk Rain or Shine — CHILDREN UNDER 12 IN CARS FREE — PLAYGROUND REFRESHMENTS TEESWATER LIONS CLUB S2,500 CASH BINGO TEESWATER ARENA WED., JUNE 2nd Doors Open 8 p.m. Games Start at 9 p.m. Sharp 12 Regular Games—$75 Prize Each Game 3 Special Games—$200 Prize Each Game 1 SPECIAL GAME -- $1,000 PRIZE (ALL PRIZES MUST GO — NO JACKPOT) ADMISSION: $1.00 Extra and Special Cards: 25c each-5•for $1.00. • , $ _- -ALL PROCEEDS FOR LIONS WELFARE WORK--