HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-05-27, Page 7":`THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1954 Imiummenaliciniow vs. Classified Rates CASH RATE — (If paid by "Wednesday following date of in- -iaertign)—TWo cents a word first .insertion (minimum 50 cents); .!irriabsentlent insertions 11/2 cents a word: (munimam 35 gents); 15 r or ''odirectionnts extra f o NEWS-Ror box ECORD IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- duty, ,ACCOMMODATION for RENT' TWO FURNISHED, HEATED • rooms, suitable for a couple. Phone "Seaforth 370-J. 20-1-b TWO ROOM FURNISHED apart- • • anent, downstairs, suitable for couple. Phone 429-W after 6.30 p.m. Monday to Friday 20-1-b 'TWO NEWLY FINISHED, self - M contained modern apartments, near The Square in Goderich, with three-piece bathrooms, built-in • cupboards, hot water. Phone God- • erich 1102-W, between 5 and 6 p.m., or write P.O. Box 768, Gode- rich. Immediate possession. Rea- sonable. malegialamk CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE`, SE Accommodation Wanted •`THREE OR FOUR ROOM apart - 'anent, have two children. Please • write Mrs. Don MacKenzie, 1099 Hamilton Road, London. 19-20-21-b ARTICLES FOR SALE FOUR -BURNER, HEAVY DUTY, electric range; aiso two bushels of permanent pasture seed. James Cox, phone Clinton 550-W. 20tfb ANTIQUES! ANTIQUES!—Selling out entire collection. Private sales ' by appointment only. Enclose stamped envelopes for information. -Simon Sweitzer, Box 57, Exeter. 19-20-21-22-p HELP WANTED -Female FULL TIME HELP FOR general kitchen duties. Apply to Bartliff Bros. 20-1-b T W 0 WAITRESSES WANTED, Good wages and pleasant working conditions. Also man or boy for dish washing and general kitchen work. Apply in person to Pinger's Restaurant, Main Corner, Clinton. 21-tfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 21 PIGS, seven weeks old. Apply to Keith Tyndall. 21b YOUNG YORKSHIRE BOARS — purebred, registered -if desired. Apply Harry A. Thompson, R.R. 2, Clinton. 21tfb Modernize Your Home With A BEAUTIFUL 5 FT. STEEL RECESSED HI E BATHTUB $65.75 Blue, green, coral, yellow $78.75 Delivered ' We carry a complete line of plumbing and heating supplies. Write our mail order Dept. CNR for free illustrated catalogue. S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES Streetsville Phone, -352-3 °'Open Wednesday and Friday even - lugs fill 9:30 and all day Saturday. You Can Depend on Johnson's • 18-21-b ARTICLES WANTED PLAYPEN WANTED, in good con- dition: Phone Clinton 807r21. 21b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. - Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9=M& DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone 6tones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea - forth 655r2 or Godridh 936r21. 1952 CHEVROLET HARD -TOP, red and grey; white wall tires, • radio, air-conditioned; h e a t e r. 14,00b miles. Apply to Hotel Clinton. 15tfb LOST AND FOUND LOST—FISHING TACKLE BOX on Saturday night, between 8 and 8.30, on Bayfield river bridge just behind RCAF Station Married Quarters. Reward. Sam Castle, Box 21, Clinton. 21b BABY CHICKS LOT FOR SALE LOT ON WHITEHEAD STREET. Apply to Elliott Bartliff. Phone Clinton 784. ASK US FOR EARLY SUMMER prices on Kitchener Big -4 Chicks. 'Pullets. Non -sexed. - Dayold and started, all ages. These are real ' bargains, for quality chicks. Agent: Charles Scott, Auburn, phone Blyth 43r23. 21b MISCELLANEOUS RABBITS FOR SALE. PHONE 180-W, evenings. 21b BOY'S BICYCLE, Balloon Tires, S.C.P. Phone Clinton 631r3. 21p WILL DO ALL TYPES of Mend- ing, reasonable prices. Phone Clin- ton 633r13. 21p BIRTHS COLE—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Monday, May 24, 1954, to Mr. - and Mrs .Alvin Cole, Cromarty, a daughter. JOHNSTON —• In Clinton Public Hospital, on• Saturday, May 22, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Ford Johnston, Varna, a son ,(Larry Glen). OVERHOLT — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, May 22, 1954, to Mr, and Mrs, Norman Overholt, Jr., Zurich, a daughter (Mary Lou), RADFORD — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, May 20, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Radford, Clinton, a son (Paul Roy Douglas). RALPH—In Clinton Public I-Iospi- tal, on Thursday, May 20, 1954, to LAC and Mrs. Kerry Ralph, Clinton, a daughter (Card Leigh). WATCH REPAIRS Guaranteed. Clean and polish pivots, $2; bal- ance staffs, $2. Mail to Clinton Watch Service, Clinton, or leave with Vodden Engraving and Diam- onds for estimate. 13 to 26-p WANT JULY BROILERS? Order them now. Bray Hatchery has still a wide choice of breeds and cros- ses. Pullets, started, also. Ask • us for these early summer prices. 'Prompt shipment. Agent — Mrs. Alex Paterson, Brucefield. 21b BOARD AND ROOM 'ROOMERS OR BOARDERS want- ed; can accommodate up to three. Call James Cox, phone 550-W. 20tfb CLOTHING FOR SALE GREY SPRING COAT, 18; brown coat, squirrel trim; tailor-made pin -stripe brown suit (Bond). Can be seen at Clinton Laundry1 and d Cleaners. p CUSTOM WORK MeCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS — complete parts, trained service. Authorized dealer ... McCulloch Saw Sales, 377 Huron St., Strat- ford, Ont. Phone Stratford 1061J. 3-tfb BE SURE BUY YOUR DIAMOND with con- fidence at COUNTER'S — Huron County's oldest established Jewel- lery Store. Ask to see Bluebird's June Bride. Specials now on dis- play. 21p SSEWING MACHINE REPAIRS ESTIMATES. Liberal trade-in on reconditioned or new Singer ma- • chines. No obligations. Write J. A. Reed, Singer Sewing Machine Centre, Goderich. 21b ''FARM EQUIPMENT for SALE DEATHS FAWCETT — At her home in Blyth, on Sunday, May 16, 1954, Alice. Livermore Fawcett, widow of the late Fred Fawcett, in her 73rd year. Funeral service was held from Blyth United Church on Tuesday, May 18. Interment in Union Cemetery, Blyth. GRIGG—In Clinton, on Wednes- day, May 26, 1954, Reuben Grigg, in his 88th year. Funeral service will be held from the Beattie funeral home, Rattenbury Street East, on Friday, May 28 at 2.30 p.m. Interment will be in Mait- land Cemetery, Goderich. NESBIT—Suddenly in Erindale, on Sunday, May 23, 1954, Frank Christopher Nesbit, beloved hus- band of Bessie Blain Adamson, in his 58th year. Funeral service was conducted from St. Peter's Anglican Church, Erindale, on Wednesday, May 26. Interment was in the church cemetery. FARMERS See the following equipment at the Spring Fair: FOR THE GARDEN The Merry Tiller, Never did you see such a machine to work land. FOR TIIE STABLE Challenger Fly Sprayer & Cardell Stock and Dairy Spray. And don't forget the B.F. GOOD- RICH SILAGE CAP—The most ef- fective method of keeping grass silage from spoiling. J. W. VANEGMOND Phone 805r13 — Clinton, Ont. MASSEY-HARRIS Hay Loader, like new condition; Cockshutt steel • boy, rubber tire, manure spreader; Fleury Bissell 26 -plate double disc, new wood bearings; steel Bradley - wagon, on rubber with hay rack; also lime spreader, side rake, two - plate disc plow, two -furrow mold- ' board plow, dump rake, horse- drawn mower. No reasonable of- fers refused. A. J. Delseck, R.R. 4, Clinton. 21b FURNITURE FOR SALE NOTICE WESTINGHOUSE Refrigerator, 7 • cu. ft., like new; kitchen cabinet; Fess oil space heater; studio couch, cedar chest, bed dresser, table. ?'.Phone Clinton 164-W. 21b FARMS FOR SALE ANYONE FOUND TRESPASS- ing on Pt. Lots 41-51, Tucker - smith Township, both sides of river at any time hereafter, will be prosecuted. By order of the owner, A. E. Parry 18-23-tfb PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 6953. 43-tfb POULTRY FOR SALE MARRIAGE'S GREIDANUS-GERRITS — In St. Andrew's Presbyterian 'Church, Clinton, on Wednesday evening, May 19, 1954, by Rev. G. Hoy- tema of the Christian Reform Church, Grace, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Herman Gerrits, to John Greidanus, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Leo Greidanus, all of Clinton. HARBURN-UPSHALL — At the manse in Kippen, on Saturday, May .15, 1954, by Rev.- Norman McLeod, Elaine, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James Upshall, R.R. 2, Kippen, to Donald Allan Har- burn, son of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Harburn, Staffa. JOHNSON-HANSON-In Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, on Friday, May 21, 1954, by Rev. A, Glen Eagle, Shirley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs: A. Hanson, Wildwood, B.C., to LAC Jacob Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, Pontrilas, Sask. SHERRITT-MacGREGOR—At the Brucefield United Church manse, oh Saturday, May 15, 1954, by Rev, W. J. Maines, Annabelle MacGregor to Clifford Sherritt, both of Grand Bend. 0 Scouts Entertain Parents; Honour Cards of Thanks I would like to thank Dr. Oakes, and the Clinton Public Hospital staff and friends and neighbours for their kindness. —CECIL CARTWRIGHT. SALESMAN WANTED RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Huron County, Trade well estab- lished. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. E-169-189, Montreal. 20-21-b NUMBER OF ARBOUR ACRE White Rock started pullets, ready for range end of June; price $1 each at 10 weeks old. Place orders now to E. A. Mousseau, Kippen, phone Ilensell 694r5. 21-25b REAL ESTATE SALESMAN wanted for Brucefield, . Kippen Hensall, Seaforth, Londesboro Bayfield, St. Joseph, Auburn, Bel grave and Clinton areas. We ar expanding and need a sales repre for these areas. This 1 your opportunity to establish your self with a dignified organization No previous sales experience neces sary. A car and good characte references are essential. Write F. Patterson, Realtor, 10 Eglington Avenue E., Toronto. 21. 2 b PULLETS, 200 RHODE ISLAND Red x White Rock, four months old June lst, fine -healthy stock, should be ready to lay in one month's time; also 500 Rhode Island Red x Sussex pullets, two months old, just right to go on range. R. A. Jackson, 131 Picton Street, Gode- rich, phone 1386. 21b PROPERTY FOR SALE e e- s• r W. Late Scoutmaster The presentation of two tents by Mrs. Norman Tyndall and Mrs. Kenneth Pickett on behalf of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Scout Troup higlighted the parents' night observed at a well attended meeting last evening. The meet- ing was held in the Fish and Game Club Rooms where space has been made available to the scouts one night each week at no cost to the boys. District Scout Commissioner L. G. Winter voiced his appreciation to the auxiliary for their support and untiring effort. Scout Leader Bob Mitchell outlined to those at- tending the purpose of the meeting stating that it was to familiarize the parents with the.activities and aims of the scouting organization and to acquaint them with the new facilities that have been made av- ailable to the troop. A group picture of the troop was taken and two minutes silence was observed in memory of Fred H. Churchill, Bellville, a former scoutmaster in Clinton. A card of sympathy and group picture will be sent to Mrs. Churchill. A group of boys were selected to attend the Scout Camporee which will be held on the scout camp sight near Hohnesville this Saturday. The Camporee will be attended by scouts from all troops hi this district. The meeting was brought to a delightful close with the Ladies Auxiliary serving a delicious lunch. IN HAYFIELD, FOUR-BEDROOM home, furnished or unfurnished, three-piece bath, double garage, one and one-fifth acres, trees, gar- den, etc. Reasonable. Apply E. Cameron, Bayfield, 19tfb ' NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR, •sale. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, • Phone Clinton 448. 33-tfb' :Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND; radio cabinet, refinishing a heft ! pairing, apply pp y , phone Clinton 761M. 17tfb HELP WANTED—MALE SEVEN ROOM, TWO-STOREY house, good location, close to schools. Early possession. May be seen by appointment. George Levis, phone 240W. 15-17-19tfb SEED FOR SALE ILL HAVE A FEW BUSHELS of extra Pioneer hybrid seed corn on hand if you need more than you ordered. Free sweet corn seed to Pioneer customers while it lasts. Clinton Farm Supply, phone Clin- ton 127. 21b PLANT RELIABLE PIONEER hybrid seedcorn, produced by the corn belt's oldest commercial hy- brid corn breeding company. Choose hybrids and kernel sizes available. Call or see us — Clinton Farm Supply, phone Clinton 127. 21b PRICED FOR QUICK SALE, two- storey, 3 -bedroom house, 3 -piece bathroom, oil furnace, modern kit- chen, water heater, on 120 foot lot with. three acres attached. Phone 31, Seaforth, or write Huron Ex- positor, Seaforth. 19-20-21b ONE AND ONE-HALF STOREY, insulbrick, seven -room house, full basement, furnace, three-piece bath, built-in cupboards, sunporch. Good gardens with fruit trees, small barn and garage. Apply Drew Fowler, Huron Street 21b A THRIVING, Well Established Meat Business, choicest location in the best business section of Sarnia. Approximately $40,000 a year turn- over. $6,000.00 will handle, Write YOUNG MAN FOR WORK IN or phone C, N. Yeo, 1501/4 N. Front bakery: Apply m person to Bart Street, Sarnia, Ont., phone ED Taff Bros. • 21b 7-9841. - 21b fan•. Clinton Community r ?.: erg AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY Evening, commencing at 8 pan. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUH6UN, Clerk ROXY THEATRE AT ARI( TELEPHONE AT CAPITAL. TELEPH CLINTON THE'1150 THE 47 TOP SCREEN FARE IN'AIA-CONDITIONED COMFORT — Adventure Stories at Their Now Playing -May 27-29 • "RIDE VAQUERO" Robert Taylor — Ava;Gardner Mon. Tues.. Wed., May 31 -June 1-2 • "Captain Pirate" Louis Ha and Patricia Medina y Thurs., Fri., Sat., June 3-5 Debbie Reynolds — Bobby Van "The Affairs of Dobie Gillis' COMEDY,with MUSIO FOR SALE COMING -4 Days— June 7-8-9-10 "THE GLEN MILLER STORY" James Stewart—June Allyson Adults and Students -75c Children -35c The largest fresh water fishing fleet in the world operates out of Port Dover, Ontario, on Lake Erie. USED FA EQUIPMENT Two WINDMILL HEADS One MILK COOLER J. Ho Brunsdon ALL THIS WEEK— Now Playing—,Thur. Fri. — Special Attraction `Glen Miller Story" In Technicolor Three more days for YOU to see this great Blue Ribbon winner — sparkling with talen and entertain- ment it's a musical screen -treat you will always remember!—With James Stewart — June Allyson and Henry Morgan Adults, 75c; Children, 35c Coming—Mon., Tues., Wed. Lucille Ball & Desi Arnaz —The Stars of I Love Lucy— Present MGM's mirthful movie based on the best selling book. The riotous story of a honeymoon on wheels — In Technicolor "The Long Long Trailer" Double Feature Edmund O'Brien—Audrey To and Ted DeCorsia "Man in the Dar and as the added attractio Chas. Starrett Bs Smiley Bu Tell a tall tale about a robber "Bonanza To Mon., Tues., Wed. Adult Entertainment Gloria Henry — Ted DeCo and Stanley Clements A sophisticated drama that hold you in suspense with i unusual theme. "HOT ICE" Coming soon to the Park: June 8 -4 -5 --Judy Holliday, Peter Lawf in "IT SHOULD HAPPEN TO YOU" — June 7 to 12 — All Wee "MA & PA KETTLE BACK HOME" Weekly Digest OF Huron County SEAFORTH—At a meeting of Seaforth Councillors with repre- sentatives of the Ontario Depart- ment of Highways last week, con- sideration of a proposal to request re -building of Highway 8 to by- pass the town, was -given. A peti- tion from 35 business and profes- sional firms was presented by Mayor Dr. E. A. McMaster against the re-routing of traffic. Coun- cillor J. W. Crich presented the danger to'schoolchildren from in-' creased traffic due to re -surfaced highways. Department officials stated that the volume of from 1,000 to 1,100 cars through Sea - forth daily was not considered Sufficient to warrant re-routing the highway. They said that a two- lane highway will safely 'carry 5,000 cars per day. SEAFORTH — The Top Notch feed mill warehouse was destroyed by fire on Wednesday morning. The main flour mill building and other surrounding buildings were not damaged. Fire was first notic- ed around 9.30 by an employee, Hartman Huisser who was load- ing a railway car. The fire ap- parently started in the motor driv- ing the conveyor belt, and quickly spread. The fire brigade respond- ed promptly but were unable to 11/4 Storey Frame Seven -Room Dwelling, Located in Bayfield. 1 /z Storey Instil -Brick 6 -Room Dwelling; modern convenien- ces; oil heating. Located near schools. 11/4 Storey Five -Room Dwelling; new; modern conveniences; immediate possession. 1 Storey Tour -Room Dwelling; new; modern conveniences; early possession. 11/4 Storey New Dwelling; living room; dining room; den; sun, porch; modern kitchen; two bedrooms and bath down; two bedrooms up; hardwood floors; modern conveniences. One block from Post Office, 7 ACRES, with 11/4 storey, 7 - room dwelling, modern con- veniences, oil -burning furnace, double garage, henhouse 30x20, located close to town. H. C Lawson REALTOR Bank of Montreal Building Phone 2151W — Clinton 18-tfb SEALED TENDERS will be received, by the Stanley Township School Area Board for the Installing of satisfactory OIL HEATING UNITS in No's. 1 and 7 Schools; and TENDERS will also be received for Installing of Pressure Systems with Flush Toilets in No's. 10 and 14 Schools, up until 12 o'clock neon June 12, 1954. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. For inspection of the above schools, contact MR. ARCHIE PARSONS, Chairman of the Board, R.R. 2, Hensall, or T. B. BAIRD, Secretary -treasurer, Brucefield. 20-21-b FAMILIAR . ' , with all details ANYWHERE • ANYTIME . . itatfte Rutter al :01'IW coUR1EOQS Get There Safely! CALL 110 ASHTON'S TAXI reach the fire which had got up among the bins. GODERICH—First shipment of cedar posts for the street sign erection project being undertaken by Town Council and the Goderich Junior Chamber of Commerce has arrived, and signs are expected within the next two weeks. Meanwhile, Jaycess plan to coat the posts with a preservative treat- ment in preparation for the start of the project. Council alloted $2,500 toward the street sign pro- gram earlier this year and the Jaycees agreed to supply posts. It is expected that the project will be completed early this summer. EXETER—Girls marched in the SHDHS Cadet Corps inspection parade Friday for the first time in the history of the Corps. Led by Captain Fay Ford and Lieutenant Arlene Ford, the girls formed a platoon in the company for the an- nual review. There were 126 cadets on parade, including the bugle band. Lieut. A. P. Rankine, cadet training officer of London, inspect- ed the corps. The march past was made in front of the school. PERSONAL PENSION POLICIES ASSURE COMFORTABLE RETIREMENT. Consult— HAL HARTLEY, Representative CANADA LIFE. Clinton, phone 454w PLASTE '_ ' NG New Work or Repairs ARCHWAYS, COVES, STUCCO. 90 Years Experience C. F. GA OW Phone Clinton 94T Just Arrived A Carload of The Credit Union Wa — for possible sickness an medical expense —for vacations —for better education fo the children —for insurance and taxe — For Christmas down a the bottom of the cal endar. Life Insurance with savin (automatically) at no cost to you. Clinton Community Credit Union limite W. V. ROY—Treas.-Manage The snowshoe hare of nort Canada goes through an unva ten-year" cycle from near ex tion to super abundance. Flowers Wired Anywhe Pansies — Early Cabbage — Cauliflowe and Spanish Onions Snapdragon — Salvia — Petunias — Alysu Asters — Marigolds — Ete. are ready now K. C. Cooke, FLORIS PHONE 66W CLINTON Canada Cement BUY NOW while our supply lasts A. G. " Grigg & Son IPhone 74W -- Clinton AWOKEN= siNINECESSM DON'T FORGET KEEP COOL in CLOTHES THAT are CASUAL SPORT COATS SPORT SHIRTS SLACKS T-SHIRTS SWIM SUITS STRAW HATS' Ete. JUNE 20 PICKETT a CAMPBELL Arrow Shirts Stetson Hat PHONE 25 — (Main Corner) CLINTON