HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-04-29, Page 6PAGE SIX
News. of Bayfield
Ronald Poth returned to Huron
College on Thursday last.
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ferguson,
London, were tin. the village on
Mr.:and Mrs: Harry Baker and
Gwen, London, spent ;tate weekend
at their home in the village,
Mrs. W. H. Dunn and two dau-
ghters, London, spent a few days
last week at their cottage.
Miss, Anne Drouin and Mrs. T.
B, Mullen spent a few` days last
week at the former's cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Les. R. Gray, Lon-
don, visited the latter's mother,
Mrs. H. A. Lawson, on Sunday.
Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Chapman,
Detroit, were at their cottage on
Louisa Street over the weekend.
' Mrs. F. V. Martin, Detroit, carie,
last week to open her cottage,
"Boulder Lodge", for the season.
Mrs. Violet Walters, Toledo,
Ohio, is the guest of Mrs. William
J. Hall, Chiniquy Street, this
Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar and
George, Toronto, visited the for-
mer's: mother, Mrs. David Dewar,
on Thursday last.
Mrs. D. Campbell and daughter
Phone BAYFIELD 45r
McLeod over the weekend.
Mrs. L. M. Burt, London, visited
her father, F. W. Baker, ; at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Lloyd
Scotchmer, over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs, 3. E. Hovey return-
ed home on Sunday after a motor
trip to Florida where they visited
Mr. and Mrs. T. Mack in Orlando.
Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter and
Sally Beth, Toronto, were, at their
home in the village with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Rogers, over the
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sturgeon,
Preston, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Sturgeon over the weekend. Stuart
remained to spend this week with
his parents.
Miss Maxine Thinking and Miss
Marjorie Taylor, both of Exeter,
are doing their practice teaching
this week in the senior room of
the Bayfield Public School.
Mr, and Mrs. David Ormond and
two children Lucy and Stephen,
Plymouth Mich., were- the guests
of the formers parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Ormond over the weak -
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart
have gone to Hamilton for a few
days where Mr. -Stewart will at-
tend the Scottish Rite semi-annual
ti g f the 18th to 32nd de-
Mr. and Mrs. George Wright,
London, were visitors with their
daughter, Mrs. Arnold Makins, on
Saturday, and the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Makins on Sunday.
Miss Kathleen Reid and Victor
Hodson were at "Enfield" cottage.
over the weekend. Mrs. Reid and
Jean, London, visited Mrs. F. Mrs: Hodson accompanied them on
Pearce at the home of Miss Cecil their return to Windsor on Sunday.
1953 Pontiac Sedan, directional 'signals
and a few extras
1953 Chevrolet Sedan
6-1952 Chevrolet Sedans and Coaches
1952 Pontiac Sedan
1951 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan, fully equipped
1951 Fleetline Chevrolet Power -Glide Sedan,
fully eggipped
1951 Austin Sedan
1950 Chevrolet Station Wagon
1949 Chevrolet Fleetline Sedan
194,9°Dodge Sedan
1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Coach
1947 Mercury 114 four door sedan
1946 Pontiac Five Passenger Coupe
1940 Pontiac Sedan
1951 Chevrolet i/2 Ton Pick-up
1949 GMC 1 Ton Stake .
2 ARMY TRUCKS -- 2 -Ton Stakes
1948 GMC 1/2 Ton Piek-up
1946; Chevrolet 2 Ton Stake
Cockshutt "20" (brand new)
Brussels Motors
The 'many friends of .Mrs. M.
McClure who fell while going down
the steps at her home one day last
week, fracturing two ribs, hope
that she will soon recover from
the accident. '
George Bell returned home from
Collingwood last week. He has
been third engineer on the' S. S.
"Prindoc" of the Patterson Steam-
ship Lines, which for the present
is not leaving her berth.
Mrs. Emerson Heard ; was in
London on Tuesday and Wednes-
day for sessions of the annual
diocesan meeting of the Woman's
Auxiliary, and Mrs. J. B. Higgins
also attended on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs, Cree Cook, Clin-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Stephens
and three children, Toronto, were
at the former's cottage, "Loch;
Hame", The Poplars, on Friday
and opened it for the season.
Miss Jacqueline Weston returned
home on Saturday after having
spent the week in London with her
aunt, Mrs. Keith Pruss. Mr. and
Mrs. Press and little Janice were
with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker
over the weekend.
¥VIrs. R. Larson. accompanied E.
A. Featherston. on his return to
London on Sunday to visit her
sister and attend the sessions of
the ` annual meeting of the Wo-
men's Auxiliary of the Diocese of
Huron, April 27-29.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cook and
Gail, Evanston, Ill., Donna and
Lucy Day, Pleasant Road, Mich.,
were in the village -for an hour on
Wednesday of last week, after
having visited the former's moth-
er, Mrs. Cree Cook, Clinton.
Mrs. William R. Jowett returned
to Goderich on Sunday after hav-
ing visited her daughter, Mrs. Le-
Roy Poth and family over the
Eastertide. E. W .Kendall, Elmira,
also spent several days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Poth.
The Rev. and Mrs. E. Carew -
Jones and Christopher were in
London on Tuesday morning. Mrs.
Carew -Tones attended the service
of Holy Communion at St. Paul's
Cathedral with which the annual
Diocesan meeting of the Woman's
Auxiliary commenced.
F/O and Mrs. Andrew Toma
who recently returned from their
honeymoon trip have taken up
residence in Mrs. A. Gardner's cot-
tage, Bailey Park. F/O Toma,
who is a graduate of the Univer-
sity of Alberta in electrical engin-
eering, is stationed at the RCAF
Station Clinton.
the greenhouse and she entered
the house at the same time, and,
immediately went for help. . L. R.
McMillen and Joe Maymanrushed
him to Clinton Public Hospital. He.
was able to return home on Satur-
day but is still suffering with his
hand and from loss of blood. It
will be some time before he'll be
able, to work in his, hobby shop
again but his many friends hope
that the wounds will heal quickly.,
Street Signs
Bayfield's progressive Board of
Trustees have decided to put up
street signs op the central part of
the village. The area will com-
mence with Elizabeth Street (in-
tersecting the highway between
Harold Brandon's and Mrs. George
King's residence)' come down
around the Clan Gregor Square,
down Howard Street, to Tuyll,
Coll Street, around Bayfield Ter-
race and up Louisa Street to the
square -18 streets will thus be
named. For many years there
has been a need for this, especially
since for several years a street.
sign bearing the name "Huron
Street" has protruded from a
hydro pole at the' corner of Main
Street and Bayfield Terrace. The
first act of the trustees in this
work will be' to remove that sign,
which, no doubt, was filched from
a street in London and erected by
pranksters several years ago.
The new signs will be of alum-
inum, painted ..black with white.
letters, and the trustees are mak-
ing them to save expense..
Confirmation of Eleven Young Folk
At Trinity Church, Bayfield, Sunday
The confirmation service held in
Trinity Church, Bayfield, on Sun-
day afternoon at three o'clock was
well -attended by members of the
three churches in the parish..
The rector, Rev. E. Carew -Jones,
presented five boys - Howard
Scotchmer, Bernard Sturgeon,
Stephen Scotchmer, Phillip Gem-
einhardt and Charles Wain -and
three girls, Judy Cluff, Elaine
Weston and Margaret Wain -to
the Rt. Rev. W. T. T. Hallam,
assistant, Bishop of Huron, for the
Apostolic rite of the Laying on of
Hands. •
In his inspiring sermon, spoken
as if to each candidate and mem-
ber of the congregation individual-
ly, Bishop Hallam' pointed out that
this was . an occasion by itself;
that there was no other service
like it in the prayer book or in
the whole church life; for here the
candidates had the opportunity of
making the greatest gift, their
vows for life, of themselves to the
service of God.
Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealers
CLINTON—Contact Knox Williams, Ph. 641
Canadian Builders
This man fights the sea...
•_ 1p
At the annual Masquerade Car-
nival held in the town hall on
Wednesday evening of last week
under the auspices of the Bayfield
Agricultural Society, the president,
Carl Houston, welcomed those
present. The judges -Fred Gibson,
Lois Jones and Leona Johnston -
awarded the prizes as follows:
fancycostume,adults, Elaine Wes-
ton (panish enorita),Miss Mild-
red Cameron (Pavlova) ; ; comic,
Stephen Scotchmer (Hindu); boys
and girls, fancy, ten years and un-
der, Phillip Turner (piper), Gail
Turner (Queen), Judy Weston
(Irish girl); boys and girls comic,
ten years and under, Keith Rath-
well (cowboy) ; youngest person in
costume, Diane Deseck • (cowgirl) ;
best couple in costume, Gail and
Phillip Turner, Elaine and Judy
Rau's orchestra played for the
dancing which followed and there
was a refreshment booth in the
Baptism Service
A most impressive service was
held in St. Andrew's United
Church on Sunday morning last.
Before the sermon, the pastor
baptized Clayton Grant, infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Stirling,
and Brenda Ann, infant daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Makins. -
Basing his remarks on Job 6,
verse 67: "Will ye also go away?"
the Rev. Peter Renner preached a
thought-provoking sermon on coni -
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arkell who
have occupied Mrs. James Ferg-
uson's house on Colina Street for
the winter months, returned to
their home on' the Bayfield Line,
Goderich Township, last week. Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Arkell and babe,
Milton, who have leased Mrs. Fer-
guson's house for the summer, ar-
rived on Saturday.
Loses Fingertips
George Hopson had the misfor-
tune to have the tips of the fingers
on his left hand cut off when
working with an electric saw in
his hobby shop in the barn on
Thursday morning, April 22,
He lost more off the third
finger than the others but his
palm was also lacerated and a
piece gouged out of his thumb.
Apparently the accident happened
when he blacked out. When he
regained .consciousness he found
his hand breeding profusely. He
was able to walk . to the house.
Mrs. Hopson had been working in
He reviewed the missionary
work of Paul and Silas when they
were directed to go to the soldier
settlement of Phillipi, and how
through Lydia,, a seller of purple,
the Holy Spirit worked there.
Sometimes, people didn't think of
it. "Do. we imagine that every
good thought is an upsurge of our
sub -conscious self? ' No, it is the
Holy Spirit working in us,'accord-
ing to the capacity of the individ-
ual to receive it," he stated.
And then Bishop Hallam be-
sought the prayers of the congreg-
ation for strength. The ability of
these young people to fulfill their
vows, depended on the prayers of
their parents and the congregation
that they might have the Holy
Spirit. •
"Not only prayers but also the
strength of Christian living. Do
we realize God has•a lot at stake
in us? Couldn't we begin to see
that Christian living doesn't de-
pend on resolution but with the
co-operation of the Holy Spirit yf.
God working in us. It isn't my
strength but strength which T re-
ceive from the Holy Spirit of God.
"Some persons think that they
can manage with, one foot in
worldly things and one foot in the
fellowship df the church but they`
lack the spirit of God dwelling in
them. There is such satisfaction
when we do respond to the spirit
of God," the Bishop said.
He concluded with an appeal to
all to let the Holy Spirit dwell int
them to enable them to fulfill
their Christian obligations as.,
members of His Church.,
Following the service the can-
didates with their parents and
friends were invited to the rectory
to meet the Bishop and Mrs. Hal-
lam. Members of the Guild serv-
ed tea.
Taking for his text Phillipians I,
verse 6i "Being confident of this
very thing, that he which hath be-
gun a good work in you will per -
from it until' the day of Jesus
Christ," his Lordship stressed the.
word 'confident: Paul didn't say
don't do this or that. He used a
much better word in writing to
the Philippians. It was stronger.
The whole thing did not rest on
their wills, their desires. It had a
basis,the strength
much strongergt
of our Lord Jesus hrist:
In dwelling on the work of the,
Spirit of God, the speaker stated
that many persons are ignorant.
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J. S. Scrutori
Oils - Greases - Gasoline;
Petroleum Products
Phone Clinton 377
Pone Goderieh 320-W'
Following the sermon, Mr. Ren-
ned conducted the service whereby
he received by piiofession of faith
16 persons into full communion of
St. Andrew's Church. They were:
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scotchmer
and two daughters, Patsy and
Charlene, Grant Turner, Gary
Mote, Anne Westlake, Joyce.Greer,
Joyce Bell, Shirley Cleave, Ronald
Smith, Lloyd Westlake, Mrs. Reg.
Francis, Malcom Toms, Donald
MacKenzie, Jr., and M a r i l y n
The pastor, assisted by four
members of the session dispensed
the Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per to 100 persons, the largest
number of communicants in St.
Andrew's United Church.
Following the service, the mem-
bers of the session and the con-
gregation extended the right hand.
munion and church membership. of fellowshipto the new members.
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FULL•WIDTH FREEZER... Butter end Cheese
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Rollout Shelf ... 4 Deluxe Door Shelves.
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Groves Electric
Phone 688J — Clinton
Phone 147 -Clinton
Sunset Drive -In
Friday Night
APRIL 30th
"Stars and Stripes Forever"
Clifton Webb
-Willie and Joe "Back at the Front"
and on the same program
Audie Murphy
Always a Cartoon Box Office Opens 7 p.m.
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Clinton Farm Supply
Tricks To All Trades
. The Purina dairy calf plan
draws a laugh from people
who've never tried it because it
says "... on the 4th day teach
calf to eat Calf Sturtena." They
Nay it's such a chore to teach
a baby calf to eat dry food.
Actually it's easy. Try it this
way and see if It doesn't work:
After calf has finished her
Nursing Chow, let her suck a
little Calf Startena off your
fingers. Then put the bucket
next to an open, feed trough
and sprinkle a little Calf Star-
tena,` in it and in the trough.
Usually after 2 or, 3 tries, she'll
get the idea and start nibbling
from the trough.
What To. Do Hbfbre
Sows " Farrow.'
Five days before the sow
farrows she should be sep-
arated from other sows and
taken to her individual far-
rowing pen. handle her
slowly,carefully, at all times.
2. She should be washed thor-
oughly with soap and water,
using a big scrub brush be-
fore tieing' placed in clean
farrowing quarters.
3. Sprinkle or spray her with
Pusina.Dtsinfectant solution:
ThiS.is important as contam-
ination on the teats might
prove: serious for new-born
One way to cut down on calf losses is to cut down
on germs. We lravo a wonderful disinfectant that you
can use to clean up the calving stall, the calf pen --and
the old cow herself. You wouhdn't think of raising a
baby in dirty surroundings, so why try to raise calves
that way. Get some Purina Disinfectant.
The Welcome Mat Is Out
We are looking forward to a visit from you. Come in and
get acquainted. We've had a lot of experience in helping people
around here with their feeding and management problems. May-
be we have information that will help you, too. Make it soon!
Clinton Farm Supply
Women's Editor of CFPL Radio has -a strong
'appeal for women listeners to her daily pro-
gram. A respected force in the community,
Mary Ashwell entertains a wide audience
with her guests, stories, recipes and items of
Iinterest. "Memo to Milady" is keyed for your
I enjoyment!
Mary Ashwell
11 a.m. ti11 noon
Monday to Friday