HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-04-29, Page 5APRIL 29 1954 CLINTON NEWS7REOOR.D imulnrio-erv"" P.d.GE FIVE; Classified Rates CASH RATE — (If paid by 'Wednesday following date of in- faertion)—Two coots a word first insertion (minimum 50 cents)'; driiiiiegaent insertions 1-1/2 cents a •"WOid (minim/an 35 tents); 15 t!eilts extra for box nmnber or 'dor cliiection to NEWS4tECOR,D 'Office. • la' CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- day. ,ACCOMMODATION for RENT SMALL COTTAGE, unfurnished, 'suitable for couple, all conven- deuces. Phone 631 r 23. 17p VACANCY FOR LADIES. Apply to Riverside Rest Home, Mitchell, 'Ontario, or phone Mitchell 69. 13-4-5-6-7-b 'TVVO ROOM FURNISHED apart- ment in private home, available May 1. Phone 557 or 3243. 17b 'COUNTRY HOME, hydro, bath, 'furnace, could be partly furnished, -within 14 miles of RCAF Station. .Apply Gordon Hill, Varna, Ontario, -.phone Clinton 630r16. 16-17.b Accommodation Wanted WORKING MAN WOULD LIKE 'room in Clinton. Box "91", Clin- ton News -Record. 17p APARTMENT OR HOUSE in Clinton, by airman's family, with three small children, by May 15. ':Rent approximately $45. Box "90", -Clinton News -Record. 17p ' ARTICLES FOR SALE LARGE CCM TRICYCLE; also • 8x9x9 rug. Apply at Parker's, Mill Street. 17b STRAWBERRY PLANT S, also calf suitable for raising. L. Tyn- • dell, phone 904 r 4. 17p UNLIMITED QUANTITY of good gravel, and road fill, by the yard. .J. B. Rathwell, Hayfield, phone Hayfield 51 r 4. 16-17p SENATOR DUNLOP Strawberry plants at $2. per 100. Mrs. Hum- phrey Snell. Phone Clinton 3473. 17-b ' THOR WASHING MACHINE and ironer. Used only twice since con- version. A-1 shape, one price only $75.00. Phone Clinton 27. 171) 'GIANT LATHAM RASPBERRY canes for sale. Good healthy stock. $4. per 100. A. Lelbold, R.R. 2, Clinton. Phone, Clinton 910 r 13. 17-b FOR SALE: GIRL'S BICYCLE, in good condition, also man's CCM bicycle. Call 443R or may be seen at 113 Huron Street, H. Bridle. 179 GOLDEN BARK WEEPING Wil- low Trees, six to seven feet high, extra good ones. Fred Gilbert, Buren Road, Goderich, phone 936 r 32. 16-7-8-p COLLECTION OF SCIENCE Fic- tion books, 35c variety. Read only • once. Would gladly sell at 15c • each. Prefer to trade for more 'Science Fiction. Phone Clinton 4, 17-x Modernize Your Home Wit -h A BEAUTIFUL 5 FT. STEEL RECESSED BATHTUB WHITE $65.75 Blue, green, coral, yellow $78.75 Delivered We carry a complete line of plumbing and heating supplies Write our mail order Dept. CNR 'for free illustrated catalogue. S. V, JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES Streetsville Phone 352-3 Open Wednesday and Friday even- ings till 9:30 and all day Saturday, You Can Depend on Johnson's 13-14-15-16-17-b ARTICLES WANTED CREAM SEPARATOR WANTED. Hand or electric. Leo Idsinga, Phone Goderich 933 r 34. , 17p • P,EQUIRED BY CLINTON CUBS, •eight metal bunk beds, 30 inches wide, Will pay any reasonable price. Contact "Skip" Winter. Phone 448. 17-8-1) AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE -1947 CHEVROLET SEDAN, four new tires, excellent condition, black. Phone Clinton 6753 or write P.O. Box 202, Clinton. 1.7p 1952 CHEVROLET HARD -TOP, red and grey; white wall tires, 'radio, air-conditioned; heate r. 14,000 miles. Apply to Hotel Clinton. 15-6-7-b 1941 PACKARD SEDAN, in good running order. No reasonable of- fer refuse•d. Apply Gowing's Ser- vice Station, Blyth, Ontario. • 171) '1951 OLDSMOBILE ROCKET 88, one owner, very low mileage; small ;aluminum cabin; new condition, in- • sulated, aleeps three, oil heating, propane gas cooking, radio. Phone •Hayfield 33. 171) BABY CHICKS ASK FOR EARLY SUMMER prices on Bray Chicks. •They have • started pullets, pretty prompt • shipment. Also mixed. Wide choice • breeds, crosses, Your cockerels should be ordered in advance date desired. Agent—Mrs: Alex ' Paterson, Brucefield. • 17b -GOOD NEWS, Poultrykeepers. (Summer prices on Kitchener Big -4 deticks effective May 8—ask for new prices—pullets reduced $5.00 'per 1.00' on all breeds—non-sexed reduced $2.00 per 100. Canadian Approved. And special low prices on started chicks, all ,ages. You can't afford in pass these up. Ask :agent Charles Scott, Auburn, Phone Blyth 43 r 23. 16-17-18b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES — Cushions trades listed: restaurants gas stations, tourist camps, grin- ei7 Stores; one Main St. build- ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; Phone 448. 14-tfb CUSTOM WORK ANY PERSON WISHING to have their lawns mowed. Contact Roy Mann, phone 478-W. 17p GARDENS PLOWED and Disced. Contact Steve Welbanks, phone Clinton 214. 15-17-tfb PLOUGHING Olr aARDENS and cultivating. Landscaping, digging basements, water drains and tiling, Ken McKenzie, phone Clinton 552W. 17-b EMPLOYMENT WANTED DUTCH GIRL WOULD LIKE house work. Three or four days a week. Write Janet Duizer, RR. 1, Auburn, or phone Blyth 38 r 8. 17p EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER would like permanent position in Clinton. Would live in. Dutch girl, 24 years. Available May 1. Phone Blyth 15 r 15. 17p FARM EQUIPMENT for SALE TWO COAL BURNING Brooders, in first class condition. About half price. F. W. Andrews, phone Clinton 33. 10-tfb FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter, Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. 33-tfb 200 ACRES OF LAND, eight -room house, bank barn, on Highway 8 between -Clinton and Goderich, one mile from Hohnesville, with or without stock and implements. Apply Clarence Sturdy, prop., R.R. 2, Clinton. Phone Clinton 901r13. 49 -tib Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO- AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M. 13-4-5-6-p-tfb HELP' WANTED—Female BABY SITTER REQUIRED for evenings. Phone 649M. 17p STENOGRAPHER —Pleasant working conditions. Apply at Clin- ton Branch,Royal Bank of Can- ada. • 171) DEPENDABLE GIRL OR LADY wanted as bookkeeper for general office work. Excellent hours, Wednesday afternoons off, typing not essential. For further partic- ulars contact Box 88, Clinton News -Record . 16tfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TEAM OF GOOD WORK Horses. 3. W, VanEgmond, phone Clinton 805 r 13. 16tfb PUREBRED SHORTHORN Bull, 11 months old. Phone Alden Crich, 614 r 13. 17p FIVE PIGS, TEN WEEKS OLD. Apply to Ross Hoggart, R.R. 1, Clinton, Phone Clinton 802 r 33. 17b 19 PIGS, READY TO WEAN, six and seven weeks old. Apply Ernest Dale, phone 800 r 21, Clinton. 17b ONE CHOICE DURHAM BULL calf, one week old, for sale. Apply to Charles Stewart, phone Clinton 808 r 3. 17b YOUNG PUREBRED Yorkshire boars, registered if desired. Four young hereford steers. Harry A. Thompson, R.R. 2, Clinton. 1.7b HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALF, about one week old, from good registered Holstein cow, Sire: Glen Afton Benefactor. Price $50. Howard Trewartha, phone Clinton 807 r 11. ONE BROWN GELDING, EIGHT Years old; good worker, price rea- sonable. Also Katandin potatoes, suitable for seed, Frank Falconer, R.R. 5, Clinton, phone Clinton 615 r 16. 15-6-7-b MISCELLANEOUS VULCANIZING — Tractor, Truck and Car Tires. Fluid inflation service. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice, Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, phone Goderich 535. WATCH REPAIRS Guaranteed. Clean and polish pivots, $2; bal- ance staffs, $2. Mail to Clinton Watch Service, Clinton, or leave with Vodden Engraving and Diam- onds for estimate. 13 to 26-p McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS — complete parts, trained service. Authorized dealer . . . McCulloch Saw Sales, 377 Huron St., Strat- ford, Ont. Phone Stratford 10611 3-tfb FOR SALE — CONCRETE Blocks and Flagstones; any colour, now in stock. Modern concrete flagstones provide the convenient, pleasing garden walk. Easy to lay. No ex- perience needed. Last a lifetime. Economical. All kinds of concrete work, including sidewalks, cement floors, etc. SEAFORTH CON- CRETE PRODUCTS. Phone 22-M, Seaforth. 17-8-9-20b PIANO TUNING YbUR PIANO carefully tuned. Intl call G. W. Cox at Clinton 695. • 43-tfb PASTURE FOR RENT GOOD PASTURE FOR . RENT. Phone Clinton 801 r 5, Louis Car- bert, R.R. 1, Clinton. 16p -17b ABOUT 90 ACRES OF PASTURE for rent in Goderich Township, plenty of water. Also quantity of Katandin potatoes. John Woon. Ri2„1, Clinton, 16-7-p CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends who helped me to get ready for my sale. Also those who helped the day of the sale. Sincerely,—MRS. HOWARD COX. 17b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich, Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 94;ttfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone "Stones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea - forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21. POULTRY FOR SALE' 400 WHITE ROCK PULLETS, starting to lay. Phone 805 r 11, Clinton, W. Kolkman, R.R. 1. 17p 300 PULLETS, ready for shelters; ten pigs, eight weeks old. W. G. Clarke, Varna, phone Clinton, 623 r 12. 17b FOR SALE — 390 SUSSEX -RET) pullets, starting to lay. Call after 5 o'clock. G. Vanderhaar, RR. 1, Londesboro, phone Blyth 20 r 29. 16p -17b PROPERTY FOR SALE 'CHOICE BUILDING LOT — (66x275) on North edge of Raglan Street, running west to Collegiate garden. J. R. Gilbank, phone 771J. 17p SEVEN R 00 M TWO-STOREY house, good location, close to schools. Early possession. May be seen by appointment. George Levis, phone 240W. 15-17b FOUR APARTMENT HOUSE — Solid brick, slate roof, double gar- age, oil furnace, excellent income. Owner leaving town. Five -room apartment vacant to purchaser. J. L. Tierney, phone 768-W. 17tfb THREE BEDROOM WARTIME house, featuring built-in bathtub and tile floor in bathroom. Built- in cupboards in kitchen. Down- stairs newly decorated. Contact Bill Mowat, 123 Spencer Street (a continuation of Princess West). 17p WANT TO RETIRE? SUITABLE FOR LADY or couple, brand new cottage in Mitchell with one bedroom, large living room, modern kitchen, 3 -piece modern bathroom; only half a block from business section and churches. Full price $4,400.00. Phone Mitchell 161 or write E. W. Fowler, Box 101, Mitchell. 171) SALESMAN WANTED RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Huron County. Trade well established, Excellent opportunity. Full tine. Write at once. Raw- leigh's Dept. D-169-189, Montreal 16-17b SEED FOR SALE CLINTON OATS, 85c per bushel or $48 a ton. Ferg VanEgmond, phone Clinton 808 r 2. 17p QUANTITY OF SWEET CLOVER seed for sale. Adam Stewart, phone Clinton 620 r 5. 16-17-b SOME RED CLOVER SEED; also some timothy seed. Excellent quality. Arnold Jamieson. Phone Clinton 616r33. 17b FOUR BUSHELS TIMOTHY; one bushel Red Clover seed, power cleaned. Sell lot for $35. A. 3, Deseck, R.R. 4, Clinton. 172 STOVES FOR SALE TWO WOOD AND COAL Ranges, in good condition, Phone 352W. 17p COLE IVI A N SHACE HEATER, 50,000 BTU's Beach Oil Range, with oven. Both four months old, new condition. Will deliver and instal. Apply 28 Edmonton Road, Adastral , Park, RCAF Station Clinton. 9 -tib TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER wanted Lor SS, No, 9, Goderich Town- ship. Duties to commence in September. Newly decorated, mod- ern school in good locality, ap- proximately 20 pupils, Apply stat- ing qualifications, salary expected and name and address' of last in- spector to Robert E. Rowden, Clinton. 16,171) FOR SALE 11/2 Storey Frame Seven -Room Dwelling, located in Hayfield. 11/2 Storey Insul-Brick 6 -Room Dwelling; modern convenien- ces; oil heating. Located near achools. 11/2 Storey Five -Room Dwelling; new; modern conveniences; immediate possession. 1 Storey Four -Room Dwelling; new; modern conveniences; early possession. 110 Acre Farm; good buildings; Hydro; good location; early possession. . 11/2 Storey 8 -Room Dwelling; two electric fire planes; den, hardwood floors; modern con- . veittences; hot water heating with oil; double garage; ideal location. 11/2 Storey New Dwelling; living room;' dining room; den; sun porch; modern kitchen; two bedrooms and bath down; two bedrooms up; hardwood floors; modern conveniences. One , block from Post Office, H. C. Lawson REALTOR ' Bank of Montreal Building Phone 251W — Clinton. • 3-tfb •-•-•-•-•4-11-10-0-0-0-•4-0,444+41.4 • BIRTHS BLAKE—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Thursday, April 22, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs, Jack Blake, R.R. 1, Blyth, a daughter (Sheila Mae), DTJPUIS—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, 'April 28, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dupuis, Clinton, a daughter. DURAND—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, April 27, 1954, to Mr. andMrs. Philip Durand, • RR. 2, Zurich, a daughter. FLEET—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Saturday, April 24, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fleet, Clinton, a son. GELINAS—In Clinton Publie-lios- pita!, on Sunday, April 25, 1954, to Mr, and Mrs. Mozart Gelinas, RR. 2, Zurich, twin daughters, (Mary Melissa; Marian Michelle). HERBERT—In Renfrew Hospital, on Saturday, April 24, 1954, to the Rev. L. W. and Mrs. Her- bert, Denbiga, a son. JEFFREY—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, April 25, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Jef- frey, Zurich, a daughter. - MURPHY—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursddy, April 22, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murphy, Clinton, a daughter. PAYNE—In Scott Memorial Hos- pital, Seaford', on Saturday, April 24, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Warner Payne (nee Audrey Brandon) Hayfield, a daughter (Patricia Elizabeth). THOMSON — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, April 21, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Burton Thomson, R.R. 2, Kippen, a daughter. MARRIAGES WATSON-FAIRLES—In Ryerson United Church, Hamilton, on Saturday, April 17, 1954, by Rev. Arthur Organ, Barbara, Clare, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence E. Fairies, Hamilton, and John Douglas Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Watson, Burling- ton, and presently on the staff of Clinton District Collegiate Institute. • DEATHS FLEET — In Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday, April 27, 1954, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fleet, Clinton. HUNTER At the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. M. Shearing, Clinton, on Sunday, April 11, 1954, Martha An Hunter, in her 85th. year. Funeral from the H. A. Ostrander and Son funeral home, Tillsonburg, to Tillsonburg Cemetery, on Tuesday, April 13. STANLEY Miss Sharon, Baird spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs, John Stanley, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Taylor and Mrs. George T. Baird spent a few days in Toronto, Mrs, Hubert Riffe (nee Anna Caldwell).1-E1 Centro, Calif., visited with her sister, Mrs. Harvey Tay- lor, Brucefield, and her brother, Mr. William Caldwell. Mr, and Mrs. Ted Munn and family, London; Mr. and Mrs. Dinnin and Kathy, Petrolia, visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W. V. Dinnin. FAMILY INCOME An excellent method of having an adequate insurance estate for the mon" With a young family. Bo ASSURED — Consult — HAL HARTLEY, Representative CANADA LIFE.. Clinton, phone 454w 17-b FAMILIAR . . , with all details ANYWHERE . . ANYTIME • . vattie Amterui New Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W — Clinton a „a:: ••';' "di.i4.0'..var,, ROXY THEATRE AT p A pic TELEPHONE AT CAPITAL TELEPHONE CLINTON THE"'"nis 1150 THE 47 TOP SCREEN FARE IN AIR-CONDITIONED COMFORT Adventure Stories at Their Best Now Playing—Thurs. Fri. Sat. • "HALF A HERO" Red Skelton - Jean Hagen Mon., Tues., Wed., May 3-4-5 "Because of You LORETTA. YOUNG . JEFF CHANDLER Thurs., Fri., Sat., May 6-7-8 "ARENA" Gig Young — Jean Hagen Polly Bergen Coming—May 10-12 'ASSIGNMENT PARIS' Dana Andrews Marta Toren Presbyterian WMS Has Easter Meeting The Easter meeting of St. And- drew's Presbyterian Church Wo- men's Missionary Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Short - reed, Dunlop Street. The service of worship followed the pattern outlined in the "Glad Tidings" magazine, with the presi- det, Mrs. Robert MacKenzie, Mrs. E., Farquhar and Mrs. James Ma- kins leading in the devotions. Mrs. D. J. Lane highlighted the meeting with a report of the Synodical meeting recently held in St. Andrew's Church, Owen Sound. The report indicated steady prog- ress in every Synodical depart- ment during the past year and made its appeal for greater con- secration, through the address giv- en by a missionary on furlough from India, Miss M. Kennedy. Mrs. IVIakins, treasurer, reported the first contribution toward the society's allocation had been made. Supplies for the bale of clothing to be forwarded to headquarters, are to be received at the May meeting. Mrs. Shortreed served refresh- ments at the close of the gather- ing. Want a Good Work Boot ? ? Try Tillsonburg (Solid) WO'K BOOTS (guaranteed 1 year) $12.75 Morn!! Be proud of your children going to school. Slane their shoes with ESQUIRE SCUFF COAT It makes your shoes last longer and it costs less than a penny an application. It is the fastest way to a brighter shine. Only 35c per bottle RAY'S SHOE HOSPITAL PLASTERING New Work or Repairs ARCHVVAYS, COVES, STUCCO. 30 Years Experience C. F. GARROW Phone Clinton 94J 4.4.904.44.~1.414,44nir.~0~ When You Buy . . . A *utile con 31. `N\T•ree.i.. Canada:a Finest Anthracite -- AND — Champion Fuel Oil Place your order with A. G. Grigg & Son Phone '74W — Clinton wrwarnawrd,~4.44.# Now Playing—Thur., Fri., Sat. SHELLEY WINTERS — Joseph Cotten — Scott Brady — Suzan Ball and Minot Watson A vast cattle empire and a dance - hall girl are opposing forces in this tremendous frontier saga. 'Untamed Frontier' • In Technicolor Mon., Tues., Wed. BARBARA STANWYCK Maureen O'Sullivan Richard Carlson — Lyle Bettger and Lori Nelson The story of a woman who fought a hostile community to regain her home and her happiness. "ALL I DESIRE" COMING: Alan Ladd in "Paratrooper" Now Playing—Thur., Fri., Sat. Richard Greene — Leonora Amar and Nedrick Young The oppressive French Royalists, after Napoleon's defeat, are oppos- ed by an adventurous loCal Robin Hood, "Captain carlett In Technicolor Mon., Tues., Wed. 1. Arthur Hank presents Dirk Bogarde In the story of a lost child and of the dramatic search that brought him safely back. "HUNTED" Kay Walsh—Elizabeth Sellars John Whiteley Coming: "Turn the Key Softly" Yvonne Mitchell, Terence Morgan .1111111511111MMI Mrs. Herbert Bridle and Teddy Bridle spent the Easter holiday weekend in Toronto at the home of Teddy's cousins, Roddy and Diane Caulfeild. .44 Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY AT 2 P.M. ,TEItMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Harold Baker, assistant repre- sentative of agriculture for Huron County, Clinton, attended the Jun- ior Farmers Conference held at OAC, Guelph,'this week. SAVE $$$$$$ The Credit Union Way —for possible sickness and medical expense —for vacations —for better education for the children —for insurance and taxes —rot Christmas down at the bottom of the cal- endar. Life Insurance with savings (automaticatly) at no cost to you. Clinton Community Credit Union Limited W. V. ROY—Treas.-Manager SPECIALS FOR APR. 29,39, MAY 1 SALMON, Fey. Red Sockeye, J/2 lb. tin, 35c SUCCOTASH, Corn and Limo Beans -15 oz. tin 2 for 21c MARGARINE, Solo 1 lb. 29e POTATOES, Irish Cobbler Seed, 75 lb. bag $1.69 BANANAS, Golden Ripe, reg. 19e lb. 15c ORANGES, Sunkist, size 344s 2 doz. 49c DUTCH SETS, No. 1 lb.. 25c CHEEZ WHIZ, 16 oz. jar 59c DATES, Pitted lb. 15c SUGAR, Yellow 5 lbs. 43c CELERY STALKS, 4s 2 for 19e FOO I SAVER Wax Paper, 100 ftroll ... 31c THOYIPSOA 'S FOOD MARKET Phone 40 We Deliver SPOT COATS AND SLACKS SMART STYLES SMART SHADES SMART FABRICS Match up a Sport Coat land Slacks to suit you. Choose from our com- plete range. SPORT SHIRTS Everything that a man desires in a shirt. from $2.95 up NYLON TRICOT SHIRTS— ARROW and B.V.O. Some with double cuffs — All Sizes — White Only $9.95 each PICKETT e CAMPBELL Arrow Shirts Stetson Hats PHONE 25 — (Main Corner) — CLINTON