HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-04-15, Page 10'PAGE TEN Clinton Scout and Cub News Building Material Donated Harry Watkins, a Huron Street garage operator,. who last. year! built a new garage, has given metal siding and lumber from his old building, to the local Cub or- ganization. This material is going to be made up into a cook house at the Cub camp on, the Maitland River. Commissioner L. GI. Winter Early this week, L. G. "Skip",' Winter received his commission as Scout Commissioner for the Hu- ron Area, which automatically puts, him on the executive of the Ontario Scout organization. Cub Meeting April 12 Despite the counter attraction of the hockey game in Goderich there was a very good turn out of Cubs on Monday night. The leaders were out in full force and in ad- dition, the badge examiner, Doug Hardy, was at the meeting. Dur- ing c]asswork period Raymond Garen passed h i s time -telling; Doug Mair and Ken Johnson pas- sed their flag tests; John Slavin, Don Fremlin and Paul Draper pas- sed their skipping tests and Wayne Grigg passed his team player badge. Hike Easter Monday All Cubs are reminded of a hike on Easter Monday. Meet outside Wesley -Willis Church at 8.45 on Monday morning. Bring something to cook, a few sandwiches just in case, and a thermos of cocoa or warm milk or a bottle of pop. Do not bring your equipment in a paper bag because these break -too easily. Pack your food, etc., in a haversack or cloth bag of some sort. No dogs will be allowed on this hike because the pack will be taken out to the new Cub camp site in cars and will start from there. Boys will be back at the church by 3.30 Monday afternoon. If any of the boys' fathers want to come along and bring their cars they will be welcome. Brownie Leader Wanted There is an urgent need for a Brownie leader in Clinton. A good sized Brownie pack could be or- ganized here when a leader and meeting place are found. 0 Cubs Camp Huts Perhaps you have been wonder- ing about the blank space beside the Cub and Scout column each. week. You may also have been wondering what the small wooden hut at the corner of. Rattenbury aril Albert Streets is for. Well, it all started about a year' ago when one of our very public spirited citizens L. G. "Skip" Win- ter offered his property along the shore of the Maitland River, north of Hobnesville, for use by the, Scouts and Cubs. Last year the, Scouts established a camping site back in the bush and enjoyed many pleasant weekend camps. Camping for Cubs is, however, a little more restricted than it is for Scouts. So this year it was . decided by the Cub leaders to try ' to establish a proper Cub camp. With the technical -knowhow of Bill Grigg, the Cub leaders have built the firsthue and this is the hut you see on the main street of Clinton. Dr. J. A. Addison al- ready has come forward and eon- . tributed the funds to build anoth- er hut. Four More Needed The aim for this year is to build six huts which will accommodate 24 Cubs for weekend camps. Next year we would like to provide a dining hall so that the Cubs could Co to camp for one or two weeks. There is no other town in the Huron area that can boast a prop- er Cub camp and by the time the Clinton one is completed it will be second to none in the district. With the proper backing it would be definitely superior to the one sponsored by London. So let us all get behind this worth while project and let the young boys of Clinton have the facilities and opportunities of camping during the summer and good weather months that we would all have liked to have had when we were kids. Perhaps you cannot donate a hut but every dollar contributed makes it that much closer to finishing another hut. If you have any "two by fours" or "two by two's" you can spare please get in touch with Dia,Cornish, "Skip" Winter or Bill Grigg. They will do the rest. CLINTON "NEWS -RECORD Gun Club.Has Successful Chicken Shoot 'In shite of the slightly damp, weather, the Clinton Gun Club held a very successful chicken shoot on. Saturday afternoon, at their range on the grounds of the. Huron Fish and Game Conserva- tion Association, Clinton. More than 75 shooters took part. in the competitions from various gun clubs in the vicinity, including Goderich, Kippen, and London. The dart shooting competition,. held for the first time was very successful. H. Prouse was the big winner for the chickens, taking home eight; Jack Anderson won six; E. Doucette, five; B. Kyle, four; J. Allen, L. Beck and R. Steepe, each won three; and S. Longall and T. Sherritt and Ashley Gilbert, won two apiece. Winners of one each were as follows: H. Rinolds, K. McKenzie, J. Harburn, R. McLeod, E. Livermore, B. Lanaro, J. Hart- man, T. Darling, D. Steepe, E. Elliott, M. McAdam, Stan Dougall, B. Carter and Louis Forest. GODERICH FIRE DAMAGE $1000.00 Fire yesterday destroyed the McGee Auto Wreckers building, Goderich, causing. damage estim- ated at more than $1,000. Fire- men were unable to check spread of the flames through the struct- ure, owned by Mrs. Louis Wax- man, Brussels. The auto wreck- ing firm is operated by Harvey and George McGee, RR 3, Clin- ton. Welding equipment was re- moved from the building. SHELF PLANTER For Your Favourite Knick Knacks Living or ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS Regular $1.35 — for „98c Figurine Pottery Planters from 39c to $1.50 cEwan's ' Phone 84 Clinton FEATURED SPECIALS For The Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Of Foam Stock, Implements and Household Effeeta--At lot 5, Con. 1,• Stanley Township, 2% miles south of Brucefield' on Highway 4 on • Tuesday, April 20 at 1 p.m. sharp Horses: 1 matched team of black Belgians, 1450 lbs. each; 1 brown gelding, 1500 lbs. - Cattle: black cow, due time of sale; white cow, due in April; 2 farrow cows, ready for market; 3 Polled Angus calves. Pigs: 9 York and Tam chunks. Machinery — W.40 McCormick Deering tractor about 55 h.p.; Allis Charmers C. with bean scuffer and, puller; Bell threshing machine, 32-54 with cutter and elevator, 150 ft. of 8 -inch drive belt, 65 ft. of 5 -inch belt; 1. Smalley grain and straw blower; International hay chopping machine (like new) ; In- ternational 15 -disc fertilizer drill (like new); International 7 foot binder, 2 yrs. old; 8 ft. Interna- tional spring tooth tractor cultiv- ator (used 1 season); 8 ft. Inter- national tractor disc (good); Cock- shutt side rake; 3 -section harrows; 4 ft. McCormick Deering mower; 3 -furrow Cockshutt tractor plow; dump rake; culti-packer, 8 ft.; 1 rubber tire wagon; large hay box; 2 16 -ft. hay racks; farm wagon; grain box, 120 bus.; Viking cream separator with motor; grain grind- er with elevator;, 3,000 lb. scales; 2 moulds for cement tile, 21 -inch and 30 -inch; circular saw; drag saw; emery on stand; set farm sleighs and box; McCormick Deer- ing manure spreader on rubber (used two seasons); 2 iron kettles; half barrel of No. 40 motor oil; steel drums; land roller; 100 8 -inch tile; 40 rod of new woven wire fence; 400 3%-inc htile; 12 large end posts; number of iron posts; 3 100 -ft. rolls of snow fence; quan- tity of rock elm plank, some lum- ber; 2 sets double blocks; set of back band harness and 'collar. Grain: 200 bus barley; 200 bus. Cartier oats. Quantity of Household Effects. Terms Cash. JAMES MUSTARD, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk County. LOL Will - Celebrate 12th In Kincardine South Huron • County Orange Madge met in Goderich last Wed- nesday, April 7, for the annual meeting with 100 Orangemenpres- ent. Decision was made to cele- brate the Twelfth of July in Kin- cardine this year. Officers for the coming year will be: I.P.M., Anson Coleman, Varna; W.M., Lorne Stephenson, Clinton; D.M., Joseph Caldwell, Greenway; c h a p l a i n, Borden Brown, Clinton; recording secre- tary, Lloyd Hero, Woodham; fin- ancial secretary, Harry Crich, Clinton; treasurer, Frank Falcon- er, Clinton; first lecturer, Fred McClymont, Varna; second lectur- er, Fred Jamieson, Woodham; marshal, Kenneth Betties, Win- throp; assistant marshal, Earl Cooper, Goderich, Varna Man Is Apprehended; Chickens Killed Alertness on the part of one of Clinton's citizens, and quick action in reporting to the police depart- ment led to the arrest of a Varna man on Sunday evening, and a charge of drunk driving has been laid. The man had been noticed to be in an apparently inebriated con- dition, and about to drive off in his car. Upon receiving word, Constable Robert Quayle gave chase in the cruiser and appre- hended the man and his companion on the road leading to Bayfield. When the car was brought into town, it was found by the police that there was little if any brakes in the car, Two fowl have been reported killed by a dog, at the home of Harold Murney, Clinton. The Chief Constable J. Ferrand indicates that the dog tax by-law in Clinton will be strictly enforced 0 Huron Road Club Has Quilting Bee THURSDAY;.A:I?RIL,15; 1950: CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Implements and Household Effects from the home of William J. Elliott,. Lot No. 32, 2nd Conces- sion of Goderich Township (Blue - water Highway) 3 miles north of Bayfield, or 9 miles south of• Gode- rich, on Wednesday, April 28 at 1.30 p.m. Implements: Deering binder, 6 ft. cut, in good.condition; Deering 11 -disc drill; McCormick Deering. mower, 5 ft, cut; Noxon cultivator; wagon and bay rack; hay rake; 3 -section harrows; single riding plow; set of double harness; 4 horse collars; Clinton fanning mill; 2 140-1b. scales; buggy pole and neckyokes; carpenters tools; quan tity of maple flooring; quantity of hemlock lumber; number of cedar posts; several cord of split stove wood; 2 cutters; logging chains; double trees; iron sugar kettle. Household Effects: 3 3 -piece oak bedroom suites; feather ticks and mattresses; pillows and bedding; poster bed (antiques); 4 walnut chairs (antique); walnut couch (antique); several rocking chairs, including cane bottom & antique; cherry drop-leaf table; wicker table; oval mahogany table; oval extension table; oak sideboard; Singer sewing machine; wicker sewing basket; 5 sewing tables; stair runner and pads; 4 cane bot- tom chairs; large kitchen cup- board; vacuum cleaner; carpet 15'x131/'; rug 9'x71/2'; linoleum 9'x12'; book case; No, 16 Monarch heater and pipes; trunks; clothes horse; churn; bedroom screen; 3 flour barrels with lids; several flower pots; number of fruit seal- ers; new strainer pail; set of Bridal Rose dishes; dinner set of Wedgewood dishes; hand -painted fruit set; Rose bowl (antique); glassware; other dishes and flower vases, cooking utensils and num- erous other articles. No reserve as farm has been sold. TERMS—CASH WM. J. ELLIOTT, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 15-16-b 15-b AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects from part lot 71, Bayfield Line, 6th Conces- sion of Goderich Township, 3 miles north of Bayfield or 7 miles west of Clinton, on Saturday, April 24 at 1.30 p.m., the following: Studio couch (nearly new) •5 piece parlour suite; 5 cane bottom chairs; battery radio;; radio cab- inet; piano stool; 2 wicker arm chairs; victrola and records; Sing- er drop -head sewing machine; 3 - piece oak bedroom suite; mattress; iron bed, dresser, mattress; 2 con- goleum rugs; day bed; sideboard; extension table; 12 kitchen chairs; kitchen cupboard; Quebec range; Quebec heater; coal oil stove; Auto knitting machine; two 15 -gal. oil drums; 3 clocks; small table. (wal- nut); hand washing machine; wringer; British encylopedia (complete); other books; book case; quilting frames; brass lamp; hanging lamp; other lamps; dishes and cooking utensils; 3 laundry tubs; tub stand; copper boiler; garden tools; carpenters tools and numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH Mrs. HOWARD COX, Proprietress Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 15-16-b The April meeting of the Happy Workers' Club of the Huron Road East was held at the home of Mrs. Charles Brandon with 12 members present. The meeting opened with "Rock of Ages" fol- lowed by the Lord's Prayer. Bills were handed in to the treasurer. Roll call was answered by 'My Favourite Flower," Several aprons were brought in. Anyone having used clothing to donate is asked to bring it in to the next.meeting. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in quilting. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Jack Smith's home with group three in charge of the lunch. Roll call will be "Date and month of my wedding anniversary." The meeting closed with "God Save the Queen". Mrs. Albert Glazier, Mrs, Wilfred Glazier, Mrs. Jack Smith, assisted by the host- ess, Mrs. Charles Brandon, served a lovely lunch. Boys' Spring Suits Smartly styled with 2 pair Trousers in Grey, Blue,. Brown—Sizes 8 to 16 19.50 to 24.50 A Favourite with Men! FORSYTH COUNTRY CLUB White Shirts Single or Double Cuffs MEN'S SPORT COATS The very *latest in Splash Weaves and Smolt Check Patterns that are so much in favour today. Priced from 24.95 4.95 EASTER TIES 1.00 1.50 - 2.00 Includingthe latest patterns in NYLON and DACRON By Currie and Forsyth Herman's Men's Wear BILTMORE HATS PHONE 224W FORSYTH SHIRTS WOMEN'S INSTITUTE WILL HEAR ANNUAL REPORTS The Clinton Women's Institute will meet in the Agricultural Of- fice Board Room on Thursday, April 22, at 2 o'clock. The roll call will be answered with "Hints on House Cleaning". Committee Conveners please have annual re- ports readyto give at this meeting Programme conveners: Mrs. C. Nelson, Mrs. V. Habgood. The Sunshine Sisters' pot luck lunch will be served by the social com- mittee. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock, Implem- ents and Feed, of the Estate of the late Wilbur R. Nott, from Lot No. 44, concession 1, Tuckersmith Township, 2% miles south of CIin- ton on Highway 4, on Tuesday, April 20 at 1 p.m., the following: Horses: dark brown saddle horse. Cattle: Hereford cow, 7 yrs. old, recently freshened with calf at foot; Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old, re- cently freshened, with calf at foot; Holstein cow, 7 yrs. old, due May 1; Holstein heifer, recently bred; Holstein heifer, 10 months old. Pigs: 7 pigs, 4 months old. Poultry and Equipment - 465 Sussex x New Hampshire hens, 1 yr. old, laying; large colony house; 2 Holland electric brooders (500 chicle capacity); 5 range shelters; feed troughs and drinking founts. Implements: M -H Clipper self- propelled combine with pickup and scour cleaner; 1949 Ford tractor (in Al condition) ; 1942 Ford trac- tor (recently overhauled); Ford hydraulic front-end loader; tract - tor slush scraper; 2 Ford tractor plows; Dearborn buckrake; Ford cultivator with pulleys; Bissell tandem disc; M -H tractor manure Spreader (nearly new); set of trac- tor chains (nearly new); M -H side delivery rake; M -H 13 -disc fert- ilizer drill; tractor bean puller; M -H Blizzard power cutting box; circular saw; M -H mower, 5 ft. cut; M -H No. 11 electric cream separator (nearly new) ; Woods 2 - unit milking machine; Woodselec- tric grain grinder; Woods electric grain crusher; grain blower and pipes; . Bradley rubber tire wagon, 600x16 tires; 2 flat racks; wagon grain box; Pioneer chain saw;. power lawn mower; 2 wheel trail- er and stock rack; set of heavy block and tackle; 3 -section drag harrows; hay rope; pole jack; cut- ter; forks, shovels, logging chains, milk cans, milk pails,- numerous other articles. Farm: At the same place and at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the 100 -acre (more or less) choice clay loam farm will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid and other conditions of sale. - On this farm is situated •a 11/ - storey 7 -room frame dwelling with 3 -piece bath; an L bank barn, 40'x60'' and 18'x30', with pressure system in the barn; an implement shed, 18'x24' and a oneicar garage. Also on this 'farm is 5 acres of hardwood bush and a never -failing water supply. + TERMS—CASH Terms on farm: 10% down on date of sale, 40% down in 30 days with further particulars on date of sale. Mortgage available upon arrangement. F. Fingland, Q.C., Solicitor for the Estate Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 15-b 0 Canada's largest steel blast fur- nace is at Hamilton, Ontario, Open Bowling TUESDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY Clinton Bowling Alley NOTICEp.: We would like, to thank our many friends: for their help and co-operation at the fire which destroyed. our feed business. We will be operating to a limited extent with fresh stocks of feeds, fertilizers and grass seeds. Therabove will be available at the Mill within the, next few days. S. RIODICK 'n d SONS and PHONE 114 CLINTON, TOWN OF CLINTON TENDERS are invited for the supply of a Tractor and will be received by the undersigned until noon, Saturday', April the 17th, 1954. Standard Tractor equipped with hydraulic and 1128 fully loaded tires. Separate prices desired on one side -mounted six- i foot Mower and one Davis Loader with both utility and snow buckets. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. L. D. HOLLAND, Clerk i ....... fin.• m1 14-15-b , t1 Here's the cleaner you've been hearing about Easy Action. Swivel -Top Amazing New Cleans all over from 1 position _ur,lli a Super -Powered 'p/b/ifanb. - SWIVEL•TOP CLEANER with exclusive Attach -O -Matic 'UP -ON TOOLS 9S Compplete ""‘ with bo Lupo eloonln0 Tools pay only $1.50 per week See "Live" Demonstration at Our Store AT ONCE. Merrill Radio and Electric' rHILIPS — PHILCO — CROSLEY and DUMONT T'V' PHONE 313 CLINTON THE EA' z Y BIRD GETS T OTHERS STAN viii AROUND HE WORM WHILE THE AND PEEK! You may not like worms. You'll like the quality of these USED CARS. Col- ours to suit the ladies, prices to suit the men. Don't just peek — examine closely! '52 PONTIAC SEDAN — new rubber $1725 '49 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN — new paint 1250 '51 CHEVROLET COACH — one owner 1500 '47 MERCURY SEDAN — a good one . ' '750 '53 CHEVROLET SEDAN — one owner 2050 '50 CHEVROLET SEDAN — spotless 1250 '50 PONTIAC SPORT COUPE 1350 '47 CHEVROLET COACH 795 '37 BUICK CLUB COUPE 425 '40 PLYMOUTH FOUR -DOOR 325 EASTER WEEK SPECIALS ! '49 PLYMOUTH Sedan—was $1150now $1050 '49 FORD Sedan was $1150—now $ 995 Be an early bird on these. We don't expect to have them long at these reduced prices. SPRING ISu HERE! Lorne Brown Motors Limited How about a GOOD .USED TRUCK to help with the work? We have 'em you need them! Chevrolet -- Oldsmobile Sales and Service CLINTON ONTARIO