HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-04-15, Page 4PAGE FOUR -Girls' Club Plan `For Future Daffodil Tea ;The monthly meeting of Ontario Street United Church Girls Club was held on Thursday, April 8 at the home of :Mrs. Orville., Stanley. The president, Mrs, W. B. Olde, opened the meeting with a prayer. .Miss Winnifred Grey, in charge of the devotional period, led in the singing of a hymn. Recitation of " an Easterpoem by Miss Grey fol- lowed. Miss Lucille Grant read chapter from St. John, ha t 19. P St. Andrew's Club Hears Librarian's Review of 'Book Business was transacted and plans were made for the forth- coming daffodil tea. The guest speaker, Miss Norah Cunningham, gave a very inter- esting talk on The Art of Re- laxation". A game followed, conducted by closed with the ler. The meeting Mizpali benedic- tion. enedi -tion. Lunch was served and a vote of thanks was extended to Miss Cunningham and the group lead- ers. The regular monthly meeting of the ;Girls' Club of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Was held in the basement of the church with the vice-president, Clara Macaulay presiding. After the devotional period, Ann Shaddock, the secre- tary, read the minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer's report was given by Verna Morgan. A short business period followed. Bea Gibson then introduced the C,LINTON. NEWS -RECORD Personals Mrs,George Robertson is visit ing in Detroit this week. Mrs. Eldon Yeo has returned to her home after spending some time with Mrs. E, H. Epps, Maria St. Miss Shirley G. Sutter, Guelph, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John A, Sutter. Miss Eleanor Plumsteel, Luck- now,, will spend her Easter holi- days , with her parents here in Clinton. and her granddaughter Miss eDianne Eliz- abeth Selker will spend the Easter vacation in Orangeville and Tor- onto. Mr.C olc h and Mrs. George lou g Princess Street, visited on Sunday IMthe idMrs, fosRobertDunbare and , Lambeth. Mrs. T. Leppington, Mr. and Ry. Jack Leppington, Clinton; RoyLeppington,Bucefield, visit- ed in London and called on Mrs. Roy Leppington who is a patiente in Victoria Hospital, London, ll - owing surgery. Mrs. Ruth Knox will spend East- er weekend in Tillsonburg, a guest of Dr. and Mrs. R. A. 'McQueen. She will be soloist at the wedding of Miss Sally McQueen to Kenneth Webster in St. John's an chu ch onSaturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Ontario St. WMS (Hold Meeting Based on "Easter" speaker, Miss EvelYn Hall, librar- ian at Clinton Public Library, who gave a very interesting resume of the book "Inside Government House" and read some excerpts telling of amusing incidents' which happen in duties of an Aide-de- Campe to the Governors General. The appreciation of the club for this talk was given by Joan Hog- garth. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Hostesses were Jean Jacob, Grace Castle and Elva Mutch. "A List To Clip" Plan Now For, Monster Bazaar. These are the booths which will be featured at the corning Monster Bazaar which will be staged by the ladies of .the community in co-operation with the members of the Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary, ori October 2. Since this Bazaar is such a large undertaking, and the ladies have set their objective at 1,500, a great deal of assistance is being called for. , It is suggested, that housewives in Clinton and district could clip out this list of, booths, with the representative frepi each organza - u tion in charge, and put it p .in the kitchen in some ' prominent place where it would continue_to: remind them of the coming ba- zaar. Donations for each of the various booths is welcomed. Handicraft Rebekahs - Mrs: George Smith. iliaxy-1Virs. Baiting - Legion V. Habgood. Sewing -Women's Institute -Mrs. C. Sturdy, Produce - Catholic Women's Lea-' gine-Mrs. J. A. Anstett. Delicatessen-Kinette Club - Mrs. K. W. Colquhoun. Whito Elephant-LOBA-Mrs. E. Bell and Mrs. T. Deeves. Nearly New Clothing - Officers' Wives Auxiliary -Mrs. Young. Tea -Room --Order. of the Eastern Star -Mrs. N, Wells. Touch and Take -Mrs. M. D. Mc- Taggart. Fortune Telling -Airs. M. Brown..• Children's Fish Pond -Nurses of Hospital -Mrs. A. Robinson. Green Thumb Table - Citizens' The president, Mrs. W. S. R. Horticultural Society -Mrs. C. Holmes opened the regular meet- Epps• ing of the Ontario Street United Pro Collo any stings -Mrs. W. Church Woman's Missionary So- As the spring housecleaning h. ciety on Tuesday afternoon, with resses; thought can be given a hymn followed by prayer, and Pro g the worship service was conducted of articles which could be entered by Mrs. W. M. Aiken. She spoke in the Nearly New Clothing, the on the need for missionaries and o hithElephant l pThant Booth,ahthe the Sewing, also on the Easter theme. And when the garden is going in Mrs. informative E. Elliott gave a very this spring, it wouldn't take long cequestion talk on the temper- to plant an extra row of 'carrots, once nstressinguthe need or of potatoes, for the Produce of •education of young people in booth. the home. Miss Elva Wiltse sang all a solo, "Alone", accompanied by "Grard Thumbners s" may take noticeo Mrs. Radatcd, of the Green Thumb table and The SybilbTower was takenoby wish to set out some house plants Miss Courtice, who com- mented on the wonderful or be ready to donate bulbs. work of o the evangelist Billy Graham who is now in England, and also on work done in Egypt. She told of the .work of the Bible Society and mentioned that in Japan they now have the new translation of the Bible. The Prime Minister of Japan assisted in the translation to Japanese. The study book, "Where'er the Sun" was with ablydealtvii bY Mrs. � Ray Fear, assisted by Mrs. Nor- man Carter. They stressed the need of Protestant missionaries in the Latin American countries. Mrs. Holmes announced the meeting of the Presbyterial in Seaforth on Wednesday, and a number of the ladies signified their intentions of attending. A piano solo was Radford. givenrHolmes closed Ernest the benediction. WMVIS Synodical Is Attended By Mrs. D. J, Lane Mrs. D. J. Lane, Clinton, attend- ed the 40th annual meeting of the Women's Missionary Synodical of the Presbyterian Church in Can- ada for Hamilton -London, held in Owen Sound on April 6, 7, 8 and 9. Or- thers from Mrs lnW e �Sillery, Exeter; Mrs. D. Glenn Campbell, Mrs. 3. B. Russell and Mrs. 3. W. Thomp- son, Seaforth. Speakers at the meeting includ- ed many missionaries, and Miss Margaret rlilenleave leBimsionildinIndia from an impressive speaker. MALS FOR APRIL 15-17 -STORE. CLOSED FRIDAY - Salmon, (FANCY RED SOCKEYE, Vz LB. TIN 35c Corn, L.V. CREAMSTYLE, 20 oz. tin :..... ... 2 for 23c Peas, TIP TOR CHOICE, 15 oz. tin ......... 2 ...... for 27c Cheese Slices, SWIFT'S ra LB. PKG. 26c Toilet Tissue, INTERLAKE ........ 2 ROLLS 25c Lard or Shortening, SCHNEIDER'S, I.B. 25c ivz LB. PKG. 45c Bacon, M.L. BREAKFAST Eggs, GRADE A MEDIUM (n� DOZ. 39c ' 1V FOR 45c Grapefruit, SEEDLESS, SIZE Stir, Pineapple, Size 12s, EASTER SPECIAL, EA. 25c THOMPSON'S FOOD MARKET Phone 40 We Deliver Clinton School ofDancing THIJfiSDAY, APRIL 15, 1954 t's Easter Fashion Time Application. Form (To be filled in and sent with registration fee f2$). to "Box 80", Clinton News -Record, before April NAME Age Previous Lessons (Yes) (No) Address Phone No. 1 styles to make you the grandest Presenting lovely y lady in The Easter. Parade til STYLES - GALORE e QUALITY •-• SUPERB 7 Applications arlimited mi e younger hren of 4 yet• Clinton and district only, School will be held on Mondays• A small cluarge per lesson will he made. 15-b Nationat Hardware Weck April 16 to 24 "One Stop 13uying" Make this your headquarters f o r QUALITY GARDEN TOOLS and EQUIP- MENT. • Let's do . that fix up, paint up job now, ,clean up after long winter season. • %3' '�N zv f �7. Rakes of all types � �n,�/i, • Wheelbarrows • Hoes and Shovels • Grass Seed and Vigoro \ �\\\\\ \\ \\ s�� k "YOU GET BEST VALUES IN HARDWARE FROM YOUR LOCAL HARDWARE STORE!" BALL & MUTCH Legion Auxiliary Receive Two New Members, Monday Mrs. Frances Freeman was in- itiated into membership in the Canadian uxili a A rY to the Ladies' Legion and Mrs. Arston was re- ceived by transfer of her member- ship, at the meeting held in the Legion Hall on Monday. The play "Madame Ada" will be staged in the town hall next Thursday evening by the Arthur Circle of Knox Church, Goderieh.' An invitation from the Walker- ton branch to the auxiliary to Par- ticipate in a bowling tournament was received and it was left with the individual members to respond as each aaw fit. Transportation for all who will attend the rally to be held at Exeter on Wednesday, May 12, will be provided. Comrade Hall will be requested to pay her official visit at the May meeting. The auxiliary agreed to remit $25 to the Legion Scholarship Fund. Comrade Habgood requested as much hone -made baking of all kinds as possible for the booth be- ing operated by the auxiliary at the monster bazaar for the hospi- tal in October. 0 ST. ANDREW'S WA WILL MEET NEXT TUESDAY The Woman's Missionary Society of St. Andre w's Presbyterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Shortreed, on April 20th at three o'clock. • PRICES UNBEATABLE ;y,n �u i('u :SUITS SHORTIES COATS DRESSES $28.95 and up $18.95 and up $25.95 and up $7.95 and up You and Your Daughter Won't Be Sorry You Shopped At IR IN' S Happy Doubles HARDWARE -- FURNITURE PHONE 195 CLINTON, ONT. CLINTON MEN APPOINTED TO HURON COUNTY R.B.P. EXEC. The annual meeting of the Hu - Enjoy Missions ron County Royal Black Preceptor was held in Blyth recently with a Talk on Japan good attendance. A delegation was .L 1 mute meeting o I1 m g ti regular non Y The ot Club the Happy Doubles On- tario Street United Church met in the church hall Monday evening, April 12. The devotional period was in charge of the presidents, Mildred and Ross Merrill, and the meeting opened with the singing of "0 Lord of Heaven and Earth and Sea." 'The scripture lesson was taken from St. Matthew 28, chapter 1-10 and 16-20. A reading and prayer followed and the hymn "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross" was sung. Miss Sybil Courtice, the guest speaker, gave a most interesting description of the religions of Japan. The four great religions are "Shinto, Buddhism, Confush- ism and Christianity." present from Port uron, to invite the county to celebrate on uron inPrtH o Derry Day Au- gust 7. The election of officers was conducted by P.C.M. Bunking. Of- ficers for the conning year are: W.C.P., Robert Hibberd, Fordwieh; in, Cha Deles Stewart, Clinton; chap- la Ch Reg., W. P. Campbell, F ordwich; treasurer, C. Falconer, Blyth; lecturers, G. Cornish, T. Deeves, Clinton; censors, L. Hearn, Wood- ham, H. Watkins, Clinton; stand- 1 ard bearers, J. Lyons, Blyth;.Purs., J. Turner, Clinton. The Shinto religion is nature worship; there are no images and no doctrines. There are priests and shrines where individual worship is carried on. The Buddhism re- ligion brought .new civilization, temples, household altars, ancest- ral tablets, memorial days of an- cestors and blind worship of the scriptures. The Japanese are a very relig- sous people which accounts for the many temples and shrines and also every home has a godshelf. business session followed Hensall Puoils Cop Prizes In Music Trials ' The following pupils of Miss Greta Laramie, Hensall, won prizes Festival ' nM Music h fluro at the South held at Exeter this week. Piano, nine years and under, Peggy God dard (third); 12 and under, Jan Horton (second); 14 and under Gwen Spencer (second). In the vocal duett class, Mrs C. Kennedy and Mrs. R. Broderie were in first place, Mrs. H. Me Ewan and Mrs. Broderick, sewn. Mary Ann and Dianne Ranni daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Sa Rennie, Hensall, won first priz with a vocal duett. The doubt trio composed of Gwen Spence Mary Ann and Dianne Ranni Jean Henderson, Mary Ann Va Horne, Joan Koehler, won serol prize. The unison chorus plac third. and a letter of thanks from Gwen and Gordon Murdock for the Bible they received from the club was read. The May meeting will be held at the home of Florence and Don Symons. onernolooloomototomosolosame SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 1954 ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR -REV. A- GLEN EAGLE, B.A., B.D. ORGANIST -MRS. E. WENDORF 11.00 a. Slal 12.15 p.m. -Sunday School pan:-Eveni(Mar in Lu her) • Good Friday Service- 11.00 a,m.-Sac Supper.TURNER'SInCHURCHe Lord's 2,00 .m.-Curch Service, 3.00 p.m. -Sunday School. Qgl¢�=lj llll$ ( nitcb Cljueclj. Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. It. RE Cr Choir Organist M. R. RENNIE,hoi 10.15 a,m.-Catechumen Class 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Reception of Members; Easter Message. " 11.20 a.m.-Primary School. 12.15 p.m. -Church School. 8.00 p.m. -Union Evening Service -in the Ontario St. Church. Holpiesville United Church 1.30 p,m.-Church Service and Sunday School... Come To The House of Prayer JOSEPH STREET - St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. D. J. Lane, B.A., Minister Mrs. Morgan Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, April 18 EASTER SERVICE Special Easter Music- Prelude - "I Know that My Redeemer Liveth' from Handel's Messiah. Soloist -Mrs. Saddler - Selected number. Anthem -"This is The Way" -Simper Full Choir. Offertory -"Tile Risen Christ" Bosman Postlude-"The Gloria in El- "CEL GOSp�t I, HALL -Mozart Easter Praise throughout the ser- ON The Order of Meetings for the vice- Lord's Day: Dar Darlrness to Dawn" 11.00 a.m.-Children B Meeting Df Bread During the service, presentation 3.00 p.m.- for Bible Study will be made 7.00 p.m.-Gospel ALL Gospe L CM Meeting. to children. What despair there would be for us all, had Christ not _risen from the grave- Come and Worship Him., St. Paul's Anglican Church REV, R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector IVirs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader Good Friday 10.30 a.m.. Easter Sunday 8.30 a.m.=Holy Communion. 11.00 a.m.-Holy Communion. 7.00 p.m. -Holy Communion. Thurs., April 22-8 p.m. - Chancel Guild, home of Mrs. Gordon Herman, Princess St. Tuesday, April 20-2.45 p.m. -WA Thankoffering will be. held at the Rectory. Guest speaker: Mrs. E. Fleming, Goderich. Pentecostal Church P.A.O.C. Victoria Street K. L. SWEIGAFtro, Pastor Friday, 8.00 • a.m.-Sunrise Com- munion Service. Sunday, 8.00 a.m.-Sunrise Com- munion Service. 10.00 a.m.-Union Service which will include specials from each class, and the Easter Story told by Mrs. K. L. Sweigard (Feltogram). Also special music and instrumental num- bers. 7.30 P.m. --Evening Service - "Why Seek Ye the Living Among the Dead." We WithoUs This Easter Daome All to p Tuesday, 8 p.m. -Prayer Service. Gospel Hall MAPLE STREET'', CLINTON Sunday School., .. 9:45 a.rn. Communion Service .. 11.00 a.m. Gospel Service ... 8.00 p.m. FRIDAY, 8 p.m.- PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY Huron St. Baptist Church Minister -REV, J. E. OSTROM Organist --Mrs. George Granit 11.00 a.m.--"Ogen Grave". 12.1.5 -_Sunday School. r 7.00 p.m. -"Open Graves", Easter Music. Everyone Welcome to These Services, • REBEKAHS HEAR REPORT ON PAST N.G.MEETING Members of the Huronic Rebe- kah Lodge met on Monday, pri 5, with a good ,attendance. Noble Grand Janet Zapfe was in the chair: A report en the annual dis- trict` meeting, of the Past . Noble Grands, held in, Exeter, was given by Mary Sutter. Stratford Lodge, members are coming to'Clinton on Monday, April 19 SPECIAL VALUES ON WORK BOLTS A Large Selection of GREB WORK BOOTS -- ON - _DISCONTINUED LINES .-BROKEN SIZES --'PANCO TOPS, LEATHER SOLES Greatly Reduced To Clear .•}9 LUGGAGE*LEATHER•GOO DS ` CHOCOLATES by Moirs Smiles 'n. Chuckles - ALL IN. EASTER WRAP - A Wide Selection of Chocolate Novelties Our Saturday Special From Our Store Only - FRENCH CHERRY PIE - Reg. 50c for 3.9e BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PRONE 1