HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-04-08, Page 5TI-11.1RSDAY, APRIL 8, 1954 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE EVERYONE READS AND USES WANT ADS Classified Rates CASH RATE — (If paid by -r.Wednesday following date of in, Assertien)—Two cents a word first 'insertion (minimum 50 cents); avubsequent insertions 1 cents word (minimum 35 cents); 15 'cents extra for box number or "•eor 'directitin to NEWS -RECORD 'Office. LE' CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- •day. ACCOMMODATION for RENT SELF-CONTAINED Apartment. Phone Clinton 460R. 14-b VACANCY FOR LADIES. Apply - to Riverside Rest Home, Mitchell, Ontario, or phone Mitchell 69. 13-4-5-6-7-b FOUR ROOMS, UNFURNISHED, •hydro, private entrance, five miles • north of Clinton. Phone Blyth *- 28 r 4. 14-b IN GODERICH, TO RENT or to *. sell, large home completely reno- vated and modernized, four bed- rooms, all floors newly covered, oil - furnace, built-in cupboards, near school and store. Call 14414 at Mealtimes or write Box 489, Gode- rich, Ontario. 12-3-4-b ARTICLES FOR SALE CHILD'S PRAM, navy blue and cream, $20. Apply 13 Victoria )3Ivd., RCAF Station Clinton, plione Clinton 598 W 3. 14-b SEWING MACHINE, "New Ideal" drophead, $10. Child's coat and hat set, green cloth, brown velvet trim, size 3-4. Phone Clinton. 67. 14-b •liHNK SCARVES FOR SALE; aino timothy seed. Apply Elmer Trick, phone Clinton 907r5. 12-3-4-b •SAXOPHONE Frank Holton Snake, C -melody, with sturdy case, in good repair. Phone 268W. 13-14-p - CLOTHING FOR BOY OR GIRL, fair years. One new encyclopedia, 1.2 volumes half price. One rifle, ,22 like new, Mossberg repeater, Apply above Huron Co-operative Medical Services (green door). 14-p 1X)UBLE BARREL, 12 GAUGE -western Arms Ithaca full choke • shot gun. Priced for quick sale. Apply Goderich 9183 after 6 pm, 14-b Notice to Fishermen SMELT SEASON IS ABOUT HERE Trout Opens May 1 ^zrearne in arid look over our supply. 20' Smelt Nets now in Stock MANY NEW ITEMS FOR. 1954 BALL and MUTCH 13-14-b Modernize Your Home With A BEAUTIFUL 5 FL. STEEL RECESSED BATHTUB' WHITE $65.75 Blue, green, coral, yellow $78.75 Delivered Wro carry a complete line of plumbing and heating supplies. Write our mail order Dept. MR toe free illustrated catalmue. S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES Streetsville Phone 352-3 Open Wednesday and Friday even- ings till 9:30 and all day Saturday. You Can Depend on Johnson's 13-14-15-16-17-b BOARD AND ROW BOARDERS AND ROOMERS wanted. Phone Clinton 163R. • 14-b ONE OR TWO GIRLS for Room or board, or middle-aged lady. Box "78", Clinton News -Record. 14-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES "BUSINESS OPPORTUNMES — •lbuallie,ss trades listed: restaurants, 40.9'stations, tourist (tamps, groc- ery stores; one Main St. build - tug: L. G. Winter, Real Estate; Phone 448. 14-tfb BUILDING LOTS FOR .SALE BUILD/NG„ LOT ON MARY ST, West. Phone Clinton 158-W. 14-b BABY CHICKS THE KITCHENER BIG -4 Hatch- 4!r3r agently frequently has weekly epeclals on chicks, dayold, started; pullets, cockerels, in many breeds and crosses. Ask him about them. • They represent` bargains, regular 3ig-4 breeding, but some chicks left over from a big order, perhaps, for quick sale. Sussex Red pullets and other heavy pullets, 2 weeks, $29.90. Canadian Approved, Big -4 tliicks have behind them the 25 years complete breeding program ye the hatchery. Quick delivery. Asir our agent here — Charles Scott, Auburn, phone Blyth 43 r 23. 14-b Furniture Re -Finishing "PAM, FURNITURE, PIANO AND 'radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, nahene Clinton 761M. 13-4-5-6-pAfb BEES FOR SALE AN APAIRY OF BEES' consisting of 18 hives bees; 8 frame automat- ic reversible Extractor; medium size honey strainer, Capping box, Peterson's Capping Melter; electric capping knife, steam capping knife, set scales, stove, 2 storage tanks, equipment for 70, hives, (never had any foul brood). Would like to sell this entire business, as I am unable to carry on. D. W. Hamil- ton, Auburn, Ontario. 14-15-16-b CLOTHING FOR SALE ONE GIRL'S USED SPRING coat,size10. One girl's straw hat, natural colour. One girl's navy crepe dress, size 10. Phone Clin- ton 431-R. 14-p CHILD'S SPRING COAT AND hat, size four, summer white trim- med with brown velvet; three sum- mer dresses, 4-6. Phone Clinton 900 r 2. 14-b FARM EQUIPMENT for SALE MASSEY-HARRIS 11-110E Drill with fertilator, Ezra Ellis, Clin- ton, phone 802 r 4. 14-b TWO COAL BURNING prooders, in first class condition. About half price. F. W. Andrews, 131rone Clinton 33. 10-tfb VIKING CREAM SEPARATORS, sales and service. Repairs to Renfrew cream separators. B. O'Rourke, Brucefield, phone Clin- ton 634 r 21. 13 4-5 6-b MASSEY-HARRIS CLIPPER Combine, Al condition. Will sell or take small cattle as part pay- ment. Also quantity of Clinton oats suitable for seed. Fred Ar- kell, Bayfield, phone Bayfield 47 r 5. 13-14-p '47 FORD TRACTOR with hysi- raulic lift and a two -furrow plow, also a new disc cultivator used one season to go with tractor. Ap- ply Box "77”, Clinton News -Re- cord. 13-14-b 1951 FORD TRACTOR, like new condition, 630 hours; Case L Trac- tor, on steel, good working order; 81/2 ft. McCormick -Deering stif 2 - tooth cultivator; 32 -plate Bissell disc; also Gilson "Snowbird" power -drive washing machine. James Raithby, phone Blyth 42r4, or Glenn Raithby, 30 Belgrave Ave., London, phone 3-6362J. • 13-14-p FARM WANTED LARGE LOT OR SMALL Acreage in or 'near Bayfield, with or with- out buildings. Apply Box "72", Clinton News -Record. 14-b FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. 'W inter, Real Estate. Phone Clinton. 448. 33-tfb 200 ACRES OF LAND, eight -room house;' bank barn, on Highway 8 between Clinton and Goderich, one mile from Holmesville, with or without stock and implements. Apply Clarence Sturdy, prop., R.R. 2, Clinton. Phone Clinton 901r13, 49-tfb 150 ACRES GOOD CLAY LOAM, *ell drained, consisting of 8 acres of bush, apple orchard, drilled well. Barn 52' by 75', outside milk house, Water throughout, silo 13' by 40' with feed room, large im- plement shed, 2 hen houses each 12' by 24'. Brick and frame dwelling, modern kitchen, hydro. Lot 11, concession 13, Hallett Township. Also 100 acres good clay loam, never failing spring creek, 5 acres maple bush, barn 38' by 70', smaller cattle barn, garage, large frame house. South half lots 9 and 10, concession 12, Hullett Township. Apply Art Col- son, R.R. 1, Blyth. 13-14-b HELP WANTED—MALE TAM DRIVER. WANTED—Good reliable man; good wages; steady work. Apply Roy Mann, Clinton Cab, 13-14-p FURNITURE FOR SALE TELEVISION, 12" ADMIRAL Console • in excellent condition, $125. Phone 364. 14-b CHROME KITCHEN SUITE in good condition. Phone Clinton 467-W. • 14-b BUFFET, IN GOOD CONDITION painted white. Phone Clinton 112, 14-p HELP WANTED — FEMALE DAY WAITRESS WANTED, hours: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Ruby and Bill's Snack Bar. • 14-b EARN $25 IN AFTERNOON OR evening with' a house party. Take orders for dresses, lingerie, sweat- ers, blouses, children's wear. No experience necessary. Write Mrs, 0. Fleischauer, Listowel. 14-5-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SIX HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, to freshen this month, also quantity of cut hay. Apply Robert Rath - well, phone Clinton 906 r 16. 14-15-p TAMWORTH GILTS FOR SALE from purebred herd of J. R. Dunn, London. Contact William T. Liv- ingston, R.R. 2, Seaforth. phone Seaforth 847 r 31. 14-p REGISTERED SHORTHORN cow Wimple Avril 3rd with heifer calf. Also Clinton and Beaver Oats. Apply Fred Gibson, phone 907r23. 14-p FOUR YOUNG HEREFORD Steers, Harry A. Thompson; R.R. 2, Clinton. 14-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES Olt coWs removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone "Stones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea - forth 655r2 or Godarich 936r21. MISCELLANEOUS I.E.L. CHAIN SAWS. MODELS HA., Super Pioneer, Super Twin. For complete parts and service apply Robert Glen, Clinton, phone 907r25. 12-13-14-p VULCANIZING -- Tractor, Truck and Car Tires. Fluid inflation service. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice. Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, phone Goderich 535. WATCH REPAIRS' Guaranteed. Clean and polish pivots, $2; bal- ance staffs, $2. Mail to Clinton Watch Service, Clinton, or leave with Vodden Engraving and Diam- onds for estimate. 13 to 26-p McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS — complete parts, trained service. Authorized dealer . . . McCulloch Saw Sales, 377 Huron St., Strat- ford, Ont. Phone Stratford 10613. 3-tfb PASTURE FOR RENT 40 ACRES CHOICE PASTURE land for rent. Also several tons of baled hay. J. W. VanEgmond, Clinton, phone 805 r 13. 14tfla GOOD PASTURE FOR RENT. Phone Clinton 801 r 5, Louis Car- bert, R.R. 1, Clinton. _ 14p -15-b 50 ACRES OF PASTURE ON concession 3, Hullett Township. Will either sell or rent. Robert Freernan, Clinton, 14-p SALESMAN WANTED DO YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY? Sell our 250 products attractively packaged and used daily in every home. If interested in a business of your own, write us as we have a splendid territory for you. FAMILEX, 1600 Delor- imier, Dept. D, Montreal. 14-b SEED FOR SALE WANTED: MAN FOR STEADY travel among consumers in Huron RED CLOVER AND TIMOTHY County. Permanent connection ,seed. Apply Flynn Bros., phone with large manufacturer. Only Clinton 801 r 14. 13-4-5-p reliable hustler considered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. D-169-131, Mont- real, 13-14-b CARETAKER WANTED for gen- eral care or grounds, etc., and supervision at Community Park, May lst to September i.st, Apply in writing by April 15, stating sal- ary and qualifications to: George Knights, Secretary, Community Park Board. 13-14-b MEN WHO ARE SEEKING A PERMANENT OPPORTUNITY FOR SUCCESS If you are out of employment or feel that soon you Must melte a decision to leave your present employment, we would like to talk to you. We are a national manufact- uring organization with branch- es from Coast to Coast. We desire men ages 21-50 , who are ambitious and desirous of making real Money, selling a new patented electrical device on a dealer profit-sharing basis. Car, an asset. Box "79" Clinton News -Record • PIANO TUNING YbUR PIANO carefully tuned. nett call G. W. Cox et Clinton 6953. 43-tfb POULTRY FOR SALE 75 ROCKS X N. HAMP. Pullets, six months old, laying, A. E. Townshend, RR 2, Hayfield. Phone Clinton 900 r 21. •14-b PROPERTY FOR SALE RED CLOVER FOR SALE. Apply Doug Farquhar, phone Clinton 805 r 5. 14-b ALFALFA AND TIMOTHY Seed for sale. William Harris, phone Clinton 908 r 3. 13-4-b 300 BUSHELS BEAVER OATS, with small percentage of barley, $1,10 per bushel. Milton Pollock, R.R. 1, Varna. Phone Hensall 687 r 31. 11-12-13-14-b ALFALFA SEED, also some Tim- othy. Alton Johnson, Brucefield. 14-b MONTCALM BARLEY, suitable for seed, power cleaned, $1.50 per bushel. Carman Dale, R. R. 4, Clinton, phone 800 r 24. 14-p 50 BUSHELS-ABEQWEIT OATS, also a quantity of Beaver Oats, $1 per bushel. Both suitable for seed. George Wise, RR 3, Clinton. Phone Clinton 905 r 22. 14-15-b RED CLOVER SEED. Why pay $5.00 more a bushel for seed clean- ed by a seed cleaning plant? Bring cash, save money, Elgin Porter and Son, Bayfield, phone 55 r 21. 14-15-16-p 150 BUSHEL ABEQWEIT OATS and 200 bushel Beaver oats, both suitable for seed. $1 per bushel at the farm. Robert Welsh, RR. 2, Bayfield, phone Clinton 912 r 22. 13414-b NO. 1 RED CLOVER SEED — Apply Stewart Middleton, phone Clinton 912 r 6. 14-5-b TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER WANTED—S.S. No. 8, Hullett, Huron County, on No. 4' Highway, requires Protestant teacher for a modern equipped school, duties to commence Sept- ember 1954. Apply by April 20, SHED FOR SALE, with or with- stating experience and former in - oat lot, in Brucefield, phone Clin- spector to Stanley Lyon, Auburn, ton 618 r 22. 14-b Ontario. • 14-15-b BIRTHS GARROW—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday,. April 2, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Garrow, Clinton, a daughter (Vicki Mar- lene). HAM—In Cochrane Hospital, on Saturday, April 3, 1954, to Mr. and , Mrs. Wesley D. Ham, Cochrane, a son. LEE—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, April 5, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lee, Clinton, a daughter. IVIERNER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, April 4, 1954, to Mrs. and the late Jack Mer- ,. ner, Zurich, a son, WILLERT In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, April 5, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Willert, R.R. 2, Hensall, a dau- ghter. DEATHS COLE—In Highland Park, Mich., on Sunday, April 4, 1954, War- wick P. Cole, in his 64th year. Funeral from the Bali & Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clin- ton, to Clinton Cemetery Wed- nesday afternoon, April 7. . GIBBINGS—In Saskatoon, Sask., on Tuesday, April 6, 1954, J. • Foster Gibbings, in his 69th year. Beloved brother of R. W. (Bert) Gibbings, Clinton, and (Mary) Mrs. Bert Jervis, To- ronto. l LUK—At her home in Hensel] on Tuesday, April 6, 1954, Mrs. Elizabeth Luker, widow of Wil- liam Luker, in her 90th year. Funeral from the Bonthron fun- eral Hensall, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Thursday after- noon, at two o'clock. NOTT—In Tucitersmith Township, on Friday, April 2, 1954, Wilbur Rafton Nott, beloved husband of Mary Rogerson, in his •53rd year. Funeral from the Ball and Muteh funeral home, High St, Clinton, to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday afternoon,•April 5. REID — Suddenly in Kindersley Hospital on April 1, 1954, Geo- rge Frederic Reid, of Flaxcombe, Sask., youngest son of the late 1VIr. and Mrs. John Reid, Varna; beloved husband of Myrtle Stinson; dear father of Marg- aret (Mrs. James Baker) and William; brother of Ida (Mrs. Bruce Menerey), Bayfield. Bur- ial from Kindersley funeral home, Saturday, April 3. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111NOMMEN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 200 -ACRE Highway Farm, with good buildings, hydro, water, 35 acre bush. Must be sold. 100 -ACRE Highway Farm, with very fine modern buildings, hy- dro, water, good soil. Be sure and see this farm. Terms. ROXY THEATRE CLINTON , Now playing—April 3.10 . "UNTAMED FRONTIER" IN COLOR — Starring Joseph Cotton — Shelley Winters Mon. Tues. Wed., Apr. 12-14 — RI'rA --- HAYWORTFI "AFFAIR in TRINTAD" with — GLENN FORD — Thurs. Fri, Sat,, Apr, 15-17., ALAN ARLENE LADD DAHL "Desert Legion" _ COLOR — Coming: "THE JUGGLER" Kirk Douglas PARK THEATRE GODERICH—Phone Now Playing, Thur. Fri. Sat. "SEMINOLE" — IN TECHNICOLOR — Down in the Florida everglades Osceola and his people run afoul of some ruthless whites and pro- vide a colorful action drama. Rock Hudson - Barbara Hale Anthony Quinn 'Richard Carlson and Hugh O'Brian Coming—Mon., Tues., Wed. "Tonight We Sing" — IN TECHNICOLOR — Featuring some truly great con- cert singers comes a musical bio- graphy about a world-famous im- presario. — EZIO PINZA — Roberta Peters Sz David Wayne Soon: "RIDE VAQUERO" In Technicolor with Ava Gardner and Robert Taylor CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH — Phone 47 Now Playing, Thur. Fri. Sat. 'Bandits of Corsica' A Siamese twin separated by surg- ery is the central figure in this thrilling legend of the Corsican gypsies. Richard Greene—Paula Raymond " Dona Drake Coming—Mon., Tues., Wed. The MARX BROTHERS with Ilona Massey ad VerasEllen Irrepressible, Groucho, abetted by his clowning brothers, turns pri- vate eye for a ,rib -busting farce - comedy. "LOVE HAPPY" Soon:. "BWANA DEVIL" In Color with Barbara Britton and Robert Stack ammialimmi Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY AT 2 P.M. TERMS' CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN', Clerk Stanley Township Mrs. Stewart Baird visited Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lobb at Caro, Mich., this week. Cards of Thanks I would like to thank all those who sent me cards, flowers and LONGIVIAN. treats, while I was a patient in ial thanks to Dr. Addison and the nursing staff. — MRS. CARL the Clinton Public Hospital. Spec - 14 -b heifer, 2 yrs, old, recently bred; purebred Hereford bull, 18 months We would like to thank our old; 19 yearling Durham steers friends and neighbours for their and heifers. kindnesses at the time of the re- These cattle are all of good size rni cent death of G. W. Cosh. — quality.hand-milked; fu Ther further cows phaaryteicuibeaerns MRS. EFFIE C 0 R NI S H AND an FAMILY. 14-b Vancouver has the most hotels of any Canadian city. Help defeat one of the worst enemies of the century. Support cancer research by donating to the Canadian Cancer Society's cam- paign for funds. In Memoriam - CARTER — In loving memory of Harold Whitney Carter, who pas- sed away one year ago, April 13, 1953: "The dearest dad this world could hold, With cheery smile and heart of gold; To those who knew him all will know How much we lost one year ago." —Sadly missed. by his wife and children. 14-b CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements, and Feed, at Lot No. 16, Concession 12, Hullett Township, 11/4 miles north and 21/2 miles east of Londesboro, Tuesday, April 13 at 1.p.m., the following: Horses: Team a Clyde geldings (a good work team). Cattle: 33 head of Durham cat- tle, consisting of 10 cows freshened this winter with calves at foot; Durhaw cow due April 28; Durham 75 ACRES, 5 acres bush, balance We wish to thank all our friends good workable land, good build_ and neighbours for the cards, flow- ings, hydro, on good road close ers and treats while we were in to school and highway. the hospital. Also for the treats brought to our home. — JANET DWELLINGS in 131yth, Dungan- AND ISABEL BATKIN. 14-b non and Wingham. Members of the Londesboro Hockey Club wish to thank the public for their support of the dance and draw held in the Com- munity Hall, Londesboro, on April 1, proceeds for Doug. Riley, who had an eye injury received in a hockey game. 14-b Farm Listings Wanted Cecil Wheeler (REALTOR) Phone 88 Blyth, Ont. 12-13-14-b 01111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101H111111111111M1111111111111111MBIN STOVES FOR SALE ELECTRIC RANGE, Four -Plate burner, like new, reasonable. Phone Clinton 598 M 1. 14-b ONE HEAVY DUTY, Two -burner rangette with oven. Apply Clarke Stanley, phone Clinton 205. 14-15-b BEAT"LY OIL BURNER HEATER with pipes; four -burner electric range, both nearly new. Apply 29 Regina Road, RCAF Station Clin- ton or phone 541 3 5. 14-p BEATTY ELECTRIC RANGE — used only two months; Norge re- frigerator with large vegetable bin. Apply 4 Regina Road, RCAF Sta. tion Clinton, 14-x COLEMAN SPACE HEATER, 50,000 BTU's Beach Oil Range, with oven. Both four months old, new condition. Will deliver and instal, Apply 28 Edmonton Road, Adastral Park, RCAF Station Clinton. 9-teb FOR SALE 11,6• Storey Frame Seven -Room Dwelling, located in Bayfield. 11/z Storey Insul-Briek 6 -Room Dwelling; modern convenien- ces; oil heating. Located near schools. ISA Storey Six -Room Dwelling; Price: $3,200. 11/2 Storey Five -Room Dwelling; new; modern conveniences; immediate possession. 1 Storey Four -Room Dwelling; new; modern conveniences; early possession. 110 Acre Farm; good buildings; Hydro; good •location; early possession. 1.1/2 Storey 8 -Room Dwelling; two electric fire plucks; den, hardwood floors; modern con- veniences; hot water heating with oil; double garage; Ideal location. • 11/2 Storey New Dwelling; living room; dining room; den; sun porch; modern kitchen; two bedrooms and bath down; two bedrooms up; hardwood floors; modern conveniences. One block from Post Office. H. C. Lawson REALTOR Bank of Montreal Building Phone 25IW — Clinton • 3-tfb 444-es-ea-iesev44.-eriosHes-4144-•-• I wish to thank all those who so kindly sent flowers, treats and cards, also to Dr. Oakes, Dr. Ad- dison, Miss Sinclair and the nurses at Clinton Public Hospital for ef- ficient and. courteous treatment while I was a patient in the hos- pital. To Dr. Stapleton and Whit- ney Ambulance Service of Sea - forth; also to Mr. and Mrs. Ross McGregor and Carl East. Thank you. — KEN ARMSTRONG. 14-p I, wish to thank all those who so kindly sent me flowers, get well cards and treats, also Dr. Oakes, Miss Sinclair, and nurses for then - kindness to me while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital — MRS. HELEN DALRYMPLE, 14-p I wish to express my sincere ap- preciation and thanks to all neigh- bours and friends who remembered me with cards, flowers and treats and those who visited me during my stay in hospital and at home. Special thanks to Dr. Gorwill, the nurses, and staff who were so helpful. A sincere thank you. — WILLIAM COWAN. 14-b I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all my friends who so .kindly re- membered me with cards, letters, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to the nurses, staff, Dr. Oakes, Dr. Newland, and Dr. Addison. — MRS. RON McCANN. 14-p I would like to thank my friends, neighbours and relatives for flow- ers, candy, cards and letters re- ceived while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London.—MRS. NEN SCOTT. 14-b 1954 is our 20th Year of continuous improve- ment in service and facilities. Prattie !Tatertri Arm on day of sale. Pigs: 2 Yorkshire sows, due 1 month from day of sale; Yorkshire sow, carrying third litter, due time of sale. Poultry, etc.: 265 Sussex Red year-old hens (laying); Colony house; brooder stove. Implements: 1949 Ford tractor (in Al condition) ;. Dearborn trac- tor plow (nearly new); Interna- tional 11 -disc fertilizer drill; M -H binder, 7 ft. cut; M -H mower, 5 ft. cut; lyf-H hay loader; rubber tire wagon; sliding rack; set of sleighs and flat rack; steel roller; cultiv- ator; four -section drag harrows; single row =filer; fanning mill; 2 h.p. gasoline engine; set of breeching harness; horse collars; 2 -wheel trailer and stock rack; De Laval cream separator; set of scales; hay rope; hay fork; walk- ing plow; electric fencer (nearly new); 200 ft. of snow fence; slush scraper; numerous other articles. Feed: Approx. 15 ton of mixed hay; approx. 350 bus. of mixed grain. TERMS—CASH. No reserve as farm is rented. KELLAND McVITTIE, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 14-b SAVE $.$$$$$ The Credit Union Way —for possible sickness and medical expense —for vacations —for better education for the children —for insurance and taxes —For Christmas down at the bottom of the cal- endar. Life Insurance with sayings (automatically) at no cost to you. Clinton Community Credit Union Limited W. V. ROY—Treas.-Manager aasesesiseeseeeseemeeeeemeesei The cancer' fight is everybody's fight. No age group, sex, race or occupation is immune. Fight can- cer by supporting the Canadian Cancer .Society's campaign, AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements Household Effects for the Estate of the late Garfield McMichael, of Lot 13,-IVIaitland Concession, Col- borne Twp., 3 miles north of Rol- mesville, on Saturday, April 10 at 1 o'clock p.m., the following: Cattle; 11 Holstein cows —T.B. tested in 1953. Holstein cow, 10 yrs. old, fresh Jan. 5; Holstein cow, 5 yrs., recently freshened; Holstein cow, 6 yrs. recently fresh- ened; Holstein cow, 6 yrs., bred Dec, 28; Holstein cow, 6 yrs., re- centlyfresh; Holstein cow, 5 yrs., i fresh n Dec. 1953; Holstein cow, 5 yrs., due May 20; Holstein cow, 5 yrs., with calf; Holstein cow, 8 yrs., due May 20; Jersey cow, 2 yrs., bred Jan, 3; Cow, half Dur- ham: 7 yrs., bred Jan.; 1 calf, half hereford, one month old, Poultry: 30 laying hen, 1 yr. old. Machinery: Complete line of horse drawn implements consisting of New Idea manure spreader; John Deere 7 ft binder; Inter- national drop -head hay loader; haying equipment. Feed: quantity of hay and bal- ed straw. Household Furnishings: 1 New Gibson refrigerator, 9 cu. ft.; elec- tric Thor washing machine in good condition; studo couch; cooking range (wood); kitchen tools; tables; chairs; bedroom furnish- ings; dishes and numerous other articles. Quantity of antiques. TERMS—CASH Mrs. Garfield McMichael, Prop. Harold Jackson, Auctioneer 14-b at SPORT COATS! SLACKS! It's Smart To Be Odd See our racks of Smart new Sport Coats and Slacks styled to suit you at a price you'll like to pay. EASTER TIES COLOUR GALORE $1 to $2 • OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS • TICKETT e CAMPBELL Arrow Shirts • Stetson Hots PHONE"' 25 — (Main Corner) --- CLINTON