HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-04-08, Page 4PAGE FOUR Handcrafts Hold Interest Of Clinton Ladies Mrs. E O'Brien Is Presented With Lovely Rosary The ..annual meeting ,of the Catholic Women's League was held in the Parish Hall on Monday evening. The president, Mrs, El- don O'Brien, opened the 'Meeting with prayer, and Mrs. Alvin Sharp gave a detailed report on a: very successful year. Mrs. O'Brien, who is retiring from the presidency, was present- ed with a beatitiful rosary for her splendid work during the past two years. Mrs. Theo Flynn and Mrs. John Anstett brought in a slate of of- ficers as follows: president, Mrs. George Carbert; secretary, Mrs. John . Anstett; treasurer, Mrs. Clem. Reynolds; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Lawrence Denomme; second vice-president, Mrs. W. E. 1Vlanaghan; press secretary, Mrs. John Shanahan. The committees appointed were, Mrs, Arnold Dale and Mrs. Alfred Goldsworthy; visiting; Mrs, Mich- ael Shane, Mrs. J. Blake, Mrs. Mac LeBeau, lunch; Mrs. George Car- bert, Mrs. John Nogalo, social. The Workshop in Handicrafts which the Clinton Women's Insti- tute sponsored recently, was at- tended by 21 ladids of the com- munity. This was the first time the In- stitute has undertaken this type of project, and the ladies were pleased with the interest shown in some departments of the cou.rse. Keen interest was shown especially inthe leathercraft work and sten- . painting. During the ten-day period, nine handbags, six wallets, six belts, four draw -string bags, six pair gloves were made, as well as ten stenciled tea cloths, These lessons were taught by lVfiss Isabel Leslie, of the Home Economics Branch Service, To- ronto and were held in the Town Hall, Clinton. On the last day c'f the course there was a display Of the work done. This was held in the agricultural office board room. After the visitors had ex- amined and admired the work -done, the president, Mrs. C. Sturdy called Miss Leslie, the instructor of the course, to the platform, and Mrs. Managhan Presented her with n small remembrance. Miss Leslie thanked the ladies; then the social committee served refreshments. LONDON HIRES TEACHERS FOR FALL SEASON Among local teachers hired to teach in the city of London next fall; are: Barbara Middleton, Clin- ton; Ruth Dorene Keyes, Seaforth; Barbara Hunter, Exeter; Frances E. Brereton, Goderich. FISHING CATCHES REPORTED GOOD Commercial (fishermen are re- p,orting unusual catches of `white fish at both Bayfield and Goderich. It is reported that one lift at Bay- field resulted in a catch of 2,500 pounds, and there was 1,900 pounds brought in by one boat at Goderich. CLINTON NEW -RECORD THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1954 ersonals Gordon Herman attended the Men's Apparel Fair in Toronto last. Wednesday. Stanley C. McDonald spent the weekend at the home of his par- ents near Ethel. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Graham, Windsor, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. G. Herman. Clifford H. Epps, was guest speaker at a Horticultural meet- ing at Blyth last Thursday. - Mrs. Edgar Thompson, Detroit, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Roberton, this week. ' Dr. and Mrs. James Fraser, RCAF, Station Clinton, visited friends in Hamilton last weekend. Rev. D. J. Lane will be the 100th anniversary, speaker • at NI1QX Church, Wallaceburg, on • Sunday next, April 11. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Oke, San Diego, Calif.,visited with Mrs. William Higgins and Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Penneba.ker over Sunday. Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes is spend- ing a few days in London with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Carnegie and family. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Richardson, Sarnia, visited their daughter and son-in-law, Mr: and Mrs, Roman- ko, RCAF Station Clinton, last weekend. Mrs. Arthur Wiltse, Blyth, for- merly of the London Road had the misfortune to fall on Sunday at her home, and, is at present a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Mrs. J. E. Cook, Mrs. John Mul- holland, Mrs, H. W. Gourd, Mrs. Barrett Taylor, Mrs. M. Nickerson and Mrs. Benson Sutter attended the district meeting of the Re- bekah lodges at Exeter, Monday. Quite a number of Clinton curl- ers had a most enjoyable time at the bonspiel in Seaforth last week and wound up the season with a shrimp dinner. The club antici- pates building its own rink dur- ing the summer months. Misg Daphne Staib, Woodstock, visited during the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sutter, and on Sunday, accompan- ied by Mr. and Mrs. Benson Sutter and Elwin Merrill visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Welch, Wallacetown. Rev. and Mrs. Hugh C. Wilson; Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Ostrom and son; Rev. G. T. Hoytema and Rev. D. J. Lane attended the special showing of "Martin Luther" under the auspices of the Wingham and district Council of Churches, in Wingham on Monday afternoon. Mrs. D. Glen Campbell, Mrs. J. B. Russell and Mrs. J. W. Thomp- son, all of Seaforth; Mrs. William Sillery, Exeter; Mrs. D. 3. Lane, Clinton, are attending the Synodi- cal of the Women's Missionary So- ciety in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Owen Sound, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Colquhoun, Laurie Colquhoun and Thomas Colquhoun, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Caldwell, Londesboro, and Mrs. Verna McKellar, Clinton, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Colquhoun, Staffa; the occasion being the 62nd wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Colquhoun. After, some discussion as to ways and means of fund raising the meeting closed with the League Prayer. Mrs. Buchanan, HenSall's Oldest Resident, 96 Tod Hensall Lodge Holds Large Ladies' Night (By our Hensall correspondent) Huron Lodge No, 224 held the annual Ladies' Night on March 31, with a large attendance. Each lady received a lovely corsage. The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Hensall Legion served a delicious banquet. The speaker, Sam Flet- cher, Fletcher Institute of London, gave a very informative and hum- orous address. Following the pro- gramme a social time was spent playing euchre. Mrs. Anson Cole- man and Cleve Cochrane were the high scorers. , SPECIALS for APRIL 8-9-10 PEAS, Square Deal, 15 oz. 2 tins 25e Case 24's $2.95. CORN, P of N., fancy cream style, 20 oz. tins 2 tins 217c GINGER' SNAPS 1 lb. 21c PABLUM, Oatmeal or Mixed pkg. 35c BLENDED JUICE, Tree Sweet, 48 oz. tin 29c ORANGE JUICE, Tree Sweet, 48 oz. tin 33c MILK, Carnation - tall tins 2 for 27e COFFEE, Lyon's 1 lb. tin $1.21 ORANGES, Florida, size 252s 2 doz. 49c POTATOES, P.E.I., 75 lb. bag $1.39 GRAPEFRUIT, large, size 80s 5 for 25c THOMPSON'S FOOD MARKET Phone 40 We Deliver ay (B§. our. Hensall correspondent) • Mrs. Andrew Buchanan, the former Elizabeth Carlile, oldest resident' of Hensall and twell- known pioneer of that •village is celebrating her 96th birthday to- day, quietly at her home with her daughter .Tenni, who takes care of her. Mrs. Buchanan, in spite of her advanced years, enjoys comparat- ively good health and takes an interest in ?current events. Until recent years she enjoyed knitting, crocheting and gardening, and will be glad when the warm weather comes so she can sit on her veran- dah to enjoy the sunshine.. A native of the second conces- sion of Hay Township, Mrs. Buch- anan attributes her long life to plenty of hard work and taking each day in its stride. A resident of Hensall for the past 25 years, she came there after residing with her husband on a faun in Tuck- ersmith. She likes to reminisce over the early days and recalls how she walked to Bonthron's store at Rogerville, a distance of three and one-half miles one way with eggs and butter and would return home laden with groceries. Mrs. Buch- anan recalls there were no binders then, the farmers would follow the reaper and bind the sheaves, stook them. Later they put the sheaves on the barn floor and flailed the grain out. She attended church at Roger- ville with her parents who came to Canada from Ireland, when the late Rev. John Logie was minister. She has two sons; one daughter; eleven grandchildren, and 15 great grandchildren. BAZAAR and BAKING SALE Sponsored by Clinton Kinette Club COUNCIL CHAMBERS, TOWN HALL, CLINTON Saturday, April 10 3 p.m. 13-14-b Mrs > Radfor„41 Head Ladies' Auxiliary. Ontario St. WA Plans [o Help The Ontario Street United Church Woman's, Association met CM Tuesday, April 6,in the church With Nurses' Home hall,' with the president, Mrs. A. Radford, opening the meeting. 'She Further plans for the Monster led in the singing of a hymn and Bazaar on 'October 2, were made by a Fell -attended meeting of the Clinton Hospital Auxiliary on Monday, at which the president, Mrs, Harry Ball presided. The public is asked to keep in mind the great need for the proposed 20 -bed nurses' home for which the bazaar proceeds will be used and the loyal support of every resident is asked. ' repeating the Lord's Prayer in Unison., Mrs. Townsend took the devotional period, using as her subject, "He Is Risen", followed by prayer and another hymn. Several reports were Oven, and business was discussed. Plans were made for the WA presbyterial in May. Miss S. Courtice gave a splendid paper on the Bible,. and M'rs. B. Cann favoured with two lovely solos, "Beautiful Dreamer" and "Home, Sweet Home", in Dutch. Another hymn and the Mizpah benediction were followed by a nice lunch served by the ladies of St. John's Ward, POSTPONED ClIA1VIBER OF COMMERCE MEETING TO BE HELD APRIL 26 Plans for . the amival dinner meeting of the Clinton and Dist- rict Chamber of Commerce were going forward smoothly and tick- ets were about to be sold, when it was discovered that L. A. Buck- ley was unable to attend and be guest speaker on the date set. However, arrangements hava been now completed for the big even- ing to be held on Monday evening, April 26, and tickets for the event are in the process of being sold. TUCKERSMITH COUNCIL WILL NOT SUPPORT BRUCELLOSIS CAMPAIGN Support of the brucellosis con- trol campaign was not given by the Tuckersmith Township Coun- cil at their meeting on Tuesday afternoon, 'Since the petition pre- sented by the Federation of Agri- culture did not have a two-thirds majority of cattle owners. The auditor's report was receiv- ed, showing an operating surplus a $2,108 and an accumulated surplus of $11,163 'for the past year. William Cameron, representative on the Scott Memorial Hospital Board, Seaforth, Presented an ac- count of the past year's activities. SAVE MONEY Trade In Your Old Watch Now Choose from our Large Selection of BULOVA - GRUEN and CYMA WATCHES John A. Anqtett Open Till 10 P.M. Saturdays SPECIALS LADIES' SETS - From 24.50 pr. MEN'S GLADSTONES- From 21.50 ea, A KEN'S • Shoes and Clothing .Phone 2 • Encouraging reports were heard from Mrs. F. Fingland and Miss W. O'Neil. Mrs, W. Morlock spoke on the penny sale to be held dur- ing the bazaar. IVIrs. A. J. Mc- Murray, treasurer, reporting the bank balance, included a welcome cash donation from S.S. 4, Gode- rich Community Club. An invitation to attend the regional meeting of Hospital Aux- iliaries in Seaforth on April 13, at which Mrs. W. C. Vaughn, vice- preSident of the Provincial Hos- pital Auxiliaries Association, is to be guest speaker, was read by the secretary, Mrs. Douglas Bartliff. Several members signified their intention to. attend. Anyone wish- ing to go should contact Mrs. Ball. The membership convener, Mrs. J. A. Addison, reported a present membership of 422. With 43 sheets to make and 56 pillow cases, Mrs. ONTARIO STREET WMS WILL MEET, APRIL 13 Members of the Ontario Street United Church Woman's Mission- ary Society will hold their regular meeting in the church hall at 2.30 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, Ap- ril 13. The worship service will be taken by Mrs. W. M. Aiken; Miss Sybil Courtice will take the Watch Tower, and Mrs. C. Elliott, temp- erance. There will be a musical program and the study book will be continued. A. good attendance is requested. ---o GIRLS' CLUB WILL MEET THIS EVENTING AT EIGHT The Ontario Street United Church Girls' Club will hold its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Orville Stanley on Thursday, April 8 at eight o'clock in the evening. Stanley Schools Spend $34,000 During 1953 . Following is the annual report of the Stanley Township School Area, for the year ending Jan- uary 1, 1954: RECEIPTS Balance on hand,' Jan. 1 $12,645.61 Provincial grants 7,910.46 Township grant on teachers' salaries ....„ 3,000.00 Section tax levy 10,372.78 Fees from out -of -area children 98.00 From other sources 36.00 Total Receipts . ........... $34,062.85 EXPENDITURES Instruction $11,738.60 Instructional supplies 1,699.20 Administration 870.75 Plant operation 2,675.14 Plant maintenance 527.76 Auxiliary services 202.60 Transportation •453.00 Capital Outlays.., ......- . ,. 174.50 Balance on hand 15,721.30 CLINTON WI PLANS MAKING OFFICIAL CAPS FOR PATROI. Based on the design of the RCAF wedge cop, the white duck caps which the Clinton Women's Institute are presently making for the members of the School Patrol Corps will be decked with two brass buttons, and will add con- siderably to the dressiness of the present Patrol uniform. GOOD WILL CLUB WILL HEAR TALK ON IRELAND Mrs. H. L. Griffith, Stratford, will be: the guest speaker at the meeting of the Good Will Club of Wesley -Willis U n 1 d Church meeting in the church parlour next Tuesday evening, April 13, at eight o'clock. Mrs. Griffith will be talk- ing about Ireland. The meeting is to be in the charge of Mrs. H. G. Manning and Mrs. L. Ball. Be your own "Private Eye" . . . watch for the danger signals which may mean cancer. $34,062.85 Amount superannuation deducted $ 716.40 Total wages to non - teaching employees 2,098.11 T. B. BAIRD, ' Secretary -Treasurer A. M. HARPER, Auditor. 111111111M111, 44-4.44÷4,04.44-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-** School's Out, Kids! Come arid Celebrate at the HOLY WEEK SERVICES The Churches of Clinton are combining in the following services: St. Paul's Anglican Church Wednesday, Aprill 4, 8 p.m. -L -Rev, H. C. Wilson Thursday, April 15, 8 p.m. - Rev. D. J. Lane GOOD FRIDAY SERVICES 10.30 a.m.-St. Paul's Anglican -Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel 3.00 p.m. -Wesley -Willis United -Sacred Musicale 8.00 p.m. -St. Andrew's Presbyterian -Film, showing "Christ Before Pilate" H. McIntyre, convener of sewing, requested the members' assistance in this effort, Miss Sinclair, superintendent of nurses, served refreshments at the close of the meeting, assisted by Mrs. J. A. Addison and Mrs. C. W. Brown, with Mrs. D. J. Lane pour- ing, from a table attractively de- corated with white and pink car- nations. e41.14,"•••••••••••INNIV,•••••••• LET THE . . . Clinton News -Record Bear Your Good -Will Message The Whole Year Through. • Give the gift that all the family will remember, a year's subscription to The Clinton News -Record 0 SUBSCRIPTION RATER: $2.50 per year atywhere in Canada - $3.50 in United States and Foreign PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Hard Time Dance In CDCI Auditorium Thursday, April 15 Dancing 8.30 to 12.00 Modern and 'Old Time • Dancing Dancing -Orchestra Sponsored by 'Teen - Town Council Couples or Stag Admission 35c 14-15-b CASH if you live. CASH if you die. Protection for the family, Comfort for your retirement All in one policy. CONSULT HAL HARTLEY, Representative CANADA LIFE. I• Clinton, phone 454w urch5ertfices THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1954 ONTARIO ST. UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR -REV. A. GLEN EAGLE, B.A., B.D. ORGANIST -MBS. E. WENDORF 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 12.15 p.m. -Sunday School 7.30 p.m.-EVening Worship. TURNER'S °MRCS 2.00 p.m. -Church Service. 3.00 p.m. -Sunday School. Elniteb ebuttb Rev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister •MRS.' M. R. RENNIE, organist M. R. RENNIE, Choir Director 10.15, a.m.-Catechumen Class 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Simon the Cross -Bearer. 11.20 a.m.-Primary School. 12.15 p.m. -Church School. 8.00 p.m. -Evening Praise - A service arranged by the Hu- ron Presbytery United Church men. Holmesville United Church 1.30 p.m. --Church Service and Sunday School. Come To • The House of Prayer Huron St. Baptist Church Minister -REV. J. E. OSTROM Organist -Mrs. George Grant 11.00 a.m.-Palm Sunday Service. 12.15 -Sunday School. The Triumph of Jesus. 7.00 p.m. -"In Gethsemane". Mon., April 12, 7.45 p.m. - "On Gabbatha". Tues., April 13, 7.45 p.m. - "On Golgotha". Everyone Welcome to These • Services. Pentecostal Church P.A.O.C. Victoria Street K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Evening at 7.30 p.m. Tuesday, .8 p.m. -Prayer Service. Friday, 7.30 m. --Young Peo Gospel Hall MAPLE STREET, CLINTON Sunday School .. 9.45 a.m. Communion Service 11.00 a.m. Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. 'FRIDAY, 8 PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY HAVE YOU SEEN THESE? SUITS, COATS, All -Purpose Coats, • Shorties and Dresses. They are' New and Different! New Materials New Styles And all at New Low Prices. SHOP NOW FOR EASTER There is still time to order from Toronto if we have not the size or color desired in stock. .0-4.4-4,4-•-•-•4-104-404-104-4.4-.444±44""- Weekend Specials NYLON HOSE 54 gauge - First Quality Special $1.00 pair BABY DRESSES Values to 3.19 Special $1.00 each Woolen Coat Sets Sizes 1 to 4 -Regular 8.95 Now only $5.95 Baby Coat and Bonnet Sets Sizes 1 and 2 Colors: Blue and White Values to $8.95 Now - Silk $4.95 Corduroy $5.95 Girls' All -Weather Coats 3 Only - Sizes 8-10-12 To Clear -1/2 Price IRWIN'S St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. D. J. Lane, B.A., Minister Mrs. Morgan Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, April 11 The Church School meets at 10 am Divine Service will be conducted at 11 a.m.-Mr. Kenneth Mc- Nair, London, will lead the worship. In Knox Church, Bayfield, the service at 2.30 will be con- ducted by Mr. McNair. Pre -Easter Services for the whole community. will be conducted in St. Paul's Anglican Church on Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 8 p.m. Good Friday Services -St. Paul's Church 10.30 a.m.; and St. Andrew's Church 8.00 p.m. A technicolor film "Jesus Before Pilate" will occupy out atten- tion on Good Friday in St. Andrew's Church. Everyone Welcome St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. I3ULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Frernlin. Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Sunday School. 7.00 p.m. -Evening Service Wed., April 14, 8.00 p.m. - Holy Week Service. Thurs., April 15, 8.00 p.m. -Holy Week Service. Good Friday Service -i0.30 a.m. ' JOSEPH STREET* GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day: 11.00 a.m.-Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m. -Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m. -Gospel Meeting. ALL WELCOME CHOCOLATES ' BY Moir's Smiles 'n Chuckles - ALL IN EASTER WRAP -- Our Saturday Special: From Our Store Only- , Chocolate Marshmallow Roll Reg. 35c for 29c BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE 1 CLINTON All0011114MVIIIIIMIARVIVNIENIMSMNIMMINIRIMMIRUPIPPIPIM4.11