HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-04-01, Page 6'PAGE SIX CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1954 NewsBayfield ��aY of Representative:,, Phone'gAYF4ELD 45r3 'Miss LUCY R. WOODS r art '�+•rrr�o•v Mrs. E. R,,Weston'left on Thurs- until Wednesday. dayGordon Heard, last - to. visit: in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs, Donald Kingsbury, Hamilton; London, were with the fo�Ieard was home over the weekend. parents, Mr. {end.lVlrs. E , Mrs, Beverly;McClinehey and over the week Terry spent the weekend at . Hen- M E. J. h returned salla home after avingspent a week DavidDewar,Toronto, visited withdain ughter, Mrs. hismother,Mrs.David Dewar,Berson tchell: over the weekend. MissJessre Metcalf, aecom ap- M ands Lucy neater, two it boys and led , spent the weekend with her r De - grandson, were in Detroit for a k. mo her Mrs. W. F. Metcalf. few. days Frthaser, London, Fraser, London, visited Mr. ;and Mrs, Les. R. Gray, Lon - his parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. J. Fras- donvisi ed the latter's mother, her + er, over the weekend,.Mrs H. A. Lawson, and sister, Mrs. Bruce Menerey lefon Sat- Mrs. Maynard Corrie and family urday to spend a few days with on Sunday. her niece in Brucefieid. Mrs Len. B. Smith and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Warren P. Cook. and family, London,' were at their cottage over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, London, spent the weekend with their daughter, Mrs. Arnold Ma- Bins and family. Mrs. A. W. Reid and Miss Kath- leen Reid, Windsor, were at their cottage, "Enfield," from Sunday came home on Friday last. won the prize for high score and 'The many friends of Stuart Mrs. Willard Sturgeon,„ a consola- Sturgeon who was obliged to un- ton. Janet was surprised when Mac- putation and Joan dergo• a Second operation 'for am- Betty Lou Larson otaTuesday lastg, inbelow Westminster containing Leod at showerwith inis ellan- on Hos ital, hope that he will make a eons articles. The bride-to-be ppressed her thanks quite speedy recovery. charm - William L. Cameron, Detroit, ingly for the manybeautiful MrsifCps. spent the' weekend with his: sisters, Mrs. E. A. Featherston, Misses Elizabeth and 1VIildre Mrs. R. Mrs. A 1V .aBassetteeand Cameron. The many friends„ ofQ y Misbed, Cameron, who is confinedLou in serving refreshments. to bhope that- she will soon '`•, Celebrates 88th Bwdavheld improve in health. - A family dinner pr Y Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell, ac- ,on Saturday, March -27, at noon, companied by Mr..and Mrs. E. at eCam bellof Bronson.and Line, Bell, Clinton, and itIrs. T. Latham, opbpll, :. r honour. , Acton, to Port Huron on Wednes- Stanley. Township,th day to attend the funeral: of their, Mrsbirthday. .Donal M cheezie'shil88th, aunt, Mrs. Cecil Daly .(formerly Helena Lawrason, Goderich Town- Jessie, Donald teiand Jean, respective and mem- ship). e- sh). ` to the number of 13 were together Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haggerty to wish their mother, grandmother and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haggerty,theiand great-grandmother "many Memphis, Mich., were withof the day. Pha y returns over pp Herbert McGregor e i - Herbe r c t usin' 'was h p coentire Mrs. MacK . night a week ago Friday. Mr. and Mrs Alfred McGregor, and Mr. BABY CLICKS and ter, Maxine, accompanied .by Ed. Rowse, London, spent Sunday withtroit, were also here for the fu. the former's mother, Mrs. Charles eral of Miss Maude MoGregor. Mr and Mrs. John Campbell and STANLEY HOL'MESVILLE a +4.4,_4_r6-4. •rr'w' George A. Baird left last Friday Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lawson and for Regina, Sask. Lynn, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham, Toronto, visited, Nelson Brown,. Detroit, were at his home over the weekend. : weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs. Morley' Taylor, University of D. E. Gliddon. Toronto, spent the weekend at his Help Red Cross home. The teacher, Miss Ann Shad - Mrs. Melvin Graham and Ronnie dock, ' and pupils of Hohnesville and Sandra visited her parents, school entertained on Friday night, Mr. and Mrs. Parke, Zurich, a few March 26, at a crokinole and card days last week. party in aid of the Junior Red Community Chubs Meets Cross. The regular meeting of Stanley The winners at crokinole were Community Club was held at the home of Mrs. John McGregor on ient ofbeautiful spring flowers and Mrs. Ernest McGregor, De- which were artistically arranged over evergreens, as a table centre: Her older daughter, Mrs. Sherlock Keyes, had baked the birthday cake for this happy occasion. o. Started Pullets SIX BREEDS SUSSEX SUSSEX x RED CROSS RED x SUSSEX CROSS RED x ROCK CROSS ROCK x LEGHORN CROSS RHODE ISLAND RED We have Started Pul- lets on hand and will take orders for Started Pullets for future deliv- ery. Mr. and Mrs. George Sunons, Seaforth, attended both birthday celebrations and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell over Friday night. Mrs. J. H. Cobb, Toronto, ac- companied by Mrs. John Wallace, Oakville, and Mrs. Ray Rumball, Clinton, called on friends in the village on. Friday en route home from Florida. On Friday evening, Mrs. John Campbell entertained, the immed- iate members of her husband's family at dinner,and had a birth- day cake, - complete with candles for Grandma MacKenzie. Miss Janet MacLeod, who has Hohner. Clarence Rohner acquired been a stenographer with the the property from his father and Wright Lithographing Co., since ! it was owned for a short time by graduating from Clinton School of Roy Scotchmer before John Camp - Commerce almost two years ago, bell bought it. The whitefish run is on in Lake Huron and local fishermen had good catches on Tuesday. Ed Sid- ! del brought in 2,000 pounds, Don- nie MacLeod 600 pounds, and Toms Brothers 2,900 pounds. The ;latter is perhaps the largest single haul of whitefish Toms Brothers have Iboxesh and of nets; .neves fror haod thht ey seen so many caught in so few nets. Bride -elect Honoured Miss Betty Lou Larson enter- tained about 25 women and girls on Tuesday evening at the home of her aunt, Mrs. E. A. Featherston, in honour of Miss Janet MacLeod, a bride -elect of next week. Court whist was enjoyed during the evening. Mrs. Lloyd Scotchmer Johnny moved recently from the apartment which they have oc- cupied at the home place to the farm farther south on the Bn- son Line which they purchased about 'a year ago. Thus, the prop- erty has come ;into the possession of the great-grandson of the man who pioneered it. Robert Delgaty, a Scottish im- migrant settled on Lot 15 East, Bronson Line, about 100 years ago. In 1862 he built the fine brick residence which still stands to -day. After his death, it came into the possession of his son, James Del- athy, who in turn sold it to Sam. Tractor Bought Its no sooner said than done -at least that is what it appears to bel Actually, the Village Fathers had ordered a Ford Tractor equip- ped with a hydraulic lift, one ut- ility blade for grading, one for snowploughing, and a side mower before we voiced the feeling of a good many Bayfielders in this col-' unm two weeks ago, that some such equipment should be purch- ased, but delivery has not yet been made. And we've learned that over future years they plan to -buy more equipment, gradually, to take care of village needs—if they are retained in office. This is a move in the right direction and we feel that the citizens should be far-sighted enough to back up the present progressive Trustee Board one hundred per- cent. - At times in the past we've been so short-sighted that we couldn't see over .our own noses! We recall attending a meeting in the Town Hall some twenty odd years ago when two representat- ives of the Blue Water Highway Association were present to ap- peal for the sum of fifty dollars to advertise our village in the pamphlet which they proposed to issue to tourist agencies and tourists describing the Blue Wat- er route. It Was talked down, One man opined that a sign up at Mc- Ewen's corner would do more good and cost less than half that amount. The result: thousands of tourists pass through Bayfield_ every year and never know of our village except as a dot on the road map. Several times during the years we've heard of the odd vacation- ers who weren't in such a hurry to get to the. end of the' route and back, being curious enough to follow the down -town arrow. And in each case they were amazed to find such a beautiful little spot on the cliffs of Lake Huron. Some rented a cottage or stayed at an hotel for a few days. Having once discovered the place they invariab- ly returned. Perhaps it was due to this mis- taken idea of thrift so many years ago, or perhaps the opportunity was again turned down at a more recent date, we know not which, but at any rate on a coloured film, "The Land of the Blue Water", shown at Pioneer Park some two years ago, there was not one view of Bayfield—not even one of the river which travellers in Palestine inform us resembles the River Jordan. This is an edu- cational film which, apart from being used for advertising the beauties of the Blue Water High- way and the highlights of muni- cipalities and summer resorts along the route, is shown in schools all over our country. What a pity that Bayfield is not on it! (Perhaps we could still have a few shots taken and inserted in the film—better still, perhaps, a whole film on Bayfield.) But now that there is a move- ment afoot to arouse us out of our lethargy, lets play "Follow the Leader" and once more lay claim to the 50 -year-old slogan, of Bayfield—"The Prettiest Vil- lage in Ontario." At that time the cows kept the streets closely cropped and the cost was no more than the misfortune of persons who had their feet ,"cut" when they stepped into cow flaps in the dark, or the odd villager whose cabbage patch was raided by a bossy who understood the intric- acy of opening gates. But times have changed and now we must patidy. At 411 costs letus to Balour rsnede and March 25 with the president in the chair. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer followed by the secretary's 's and treasurer's s r c - pits o and the roll call. This month the ladies are giving $10 to the Easter Seal Fund, and. $10 to the Red Cross Society. A party isplanned for Easter Week. The next roll call will be "Did you know." at+► -.4+4 •+•aa+++++++* - Coveney's Hatchery Mitchell BOX 57 Ont. P132HONE 12-13-14-15-P NIXON'S SCOUREX WILL "SAVE" YOUR CALVES SCOUREX WORKS FAST! Removes infection from the in- testinal tract overnight. The "combined,sulfas" in Scou- rex work fast. Promotes appetite for rapid recovery. Save Every Calf This Season Get NIXON'S SCOUREX at: W. C. NEWCOMBE, Phm.B. Rexall Store — Phone 51 AUBURN tea.-• Miss Francis Houston, RN., London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hou- ston. Mr. and Mrs. Arbour and fam- ily have moved to Clinton where Mr. Arbour is employed at the RCAF Station. Misses Clair and Minnie Collin- son have moved into the house of the late Thomas Hallam. Ron Rathwell spent the week- end at his home in 'Port Elgin. The centennial committee pre- sented a picture show in the For- ester's Hall Friday evening; also a draw for $50. G. Fisher, List- owel, was the •holder of the lucky ticket which was drawn by Alan Glasgow. The YPS of Knox United Church presented their play "Hot Water" at Victoria Street United Church, Goderich, last Friday night. The Women's Institute sponsor- ed a project "Your Food and Your Figure' 'in the Forester's Hall Monday afternoon. Miss, Downie of the Department of Agriculture, was the speaker. Allan Hogg of RCAF Station Clinton spent the weekend with Mrs. C. M. Straughan and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Bradnock, IVlrs. Harry Cudmore and Paul TUCKERSMITH Ladies'. Club To Meet The regular meeting of Tucker. - smith Ladies' Club ill be held at w the- home of `Mrs. Walter Pepper on Wednesday, April 7. There in . to be a brush demonstration, Roll . , call is to be answered by "A.. Housecleaning Hint I Learned: Myself." Shirley Norman and Milton Mc- Clinchey. At euchre, • the high - scores were made by -Mrs. D. E, Gliddon and Harold Squires and ' low prizes went to Mrs. Frank. McCullough and Frank Yeo, Lunch was served by the social, committee of the school's Junior Cudmore and low prizes went to Red Cross. Plan To FAAttend ThFORUM RALLYe RM to be held in FORESTER'S HALL, BELGRAVE, on April , 8 CLIFFORD WAITE, Ontario Farm Forum Secretary, ,will be Guest Speaker Friday, April 9 in Exeter at SHDHS—Same Speaker Program Provided By, the Forums ' Ladies Bring Lunch BUY AND USE EASTER SEALS and Help Crippled Children Over $300.00 has already been sent in on the purchase of Easter Seals; much more is needed to carry on the _work of the Huron County Crippled Children's Survey. and Clinic: 9,000 handicapped children will be helped this year in Ontario. WHAT YOUR PURCHASE OF EASTER SEALS MEANS TO CLINTON AND DISTRICT CHILDREN During 1953, through your purchase of Easter Seals, the following was done in Clinton and district: purchase of one splint; purchase of one pair of , glasses; $25 towards sending a crippled child to ` summer camp; $125 to a London hospital ,on treatment of a crippled child; and transportation to and from clinics. Last year 30 cases of crippled child- ren were advised or helped through the local committee; while in 1952 when the last Crippled Children's Survey was held in Huron County--. 39 cases were helped by the Clinton committee. SEND YOUR DONATION NOW TO J. A. ANSTETT, Box 295, Clinton, Ontario Chairman, Easter Seal Committee, Clinton Lions Club Goderich Township Miss ' Lois Middleton returned home from England by plane last week. Mrs. Edward Wise, Mrs. Ray Wise, Mrs. Charles Cooper, Mrs. Bert Rowden, Mrs. Milton Steepe and Mrs. Stewart Middleton at- tended the showing of the slides on the Woman's Association study book, held in St. Thomas Church, Seaforth, on Tuesday of last week. BRUCEFIELD Last Friday evening, a surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre, Bruce - field, who were married on March 28, 1929, just 25 years ago. Then on their silver wedding anniver- sary, Sunday, they were honoured guests at a family dinner held at Monetta Menard's, Exeter. CALL IN AND SEE US ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS on: EAVESTROUGHING. ELECTRICAL WIRING AIR-CONDITIONING GRAVITY WARM -AIR HEATING PLUMBING A FURNACE FOR EVERY JOB NEIL CAMPBELL'S CHECKERBOARD NEWS Clinton Farm Supply WISE and BATEMAN Phone 147—Clinton We -would be happy to help you with your SEED SUPPLIES this spring — Check aur prices and quality. Calf Startena Many dairymen in this area report calves fed Calf Startena are weighing 50-60 lbs. more at four months than the standard used by Morrison. More than 1,000 calveshave been raised on this programat the Purina Research Farm. They're Here Now ... 1954 Willys with the "AIR -LINER LUXURY ON THE HIGHWAY" SEE IT!! RIDE IT!! DRIVE IT!! The car with the expensive car features .. . We invite you to inspect and compare the new 1954 Aero-Willys now on our showroom floor. McPherson Bros. KAISER--WILLYS DEALERS Front -End • Alignment — Wheel Balancing PHONE 492 CLINTON Highest death loss any year was 2 calves. It's our observation that you can count on better growth, less scours, and well-developed heifers in production months earlier when the Purina Calf Program is followed. • HEALTH HINT Sweep — Scrape — Scrub Sanitize Before farrowing rake all dirt and litter out of the far- rowing pen, scrub and clean thoroughly. Clean all watering and feeding equipment and dis- infect with Purina Disinfectant solution. Sprinkle or spray far- rowing pens with the solution. That's one way to save more pigs—make more money from hogs. 3. Clip needle teeth, using sharp clippers,to prevent pigs from injuring each other and sow's udder and teats. 4. After teeth are clipped, paintgums with iodine - glycerin mixture. If ears are notched, paint wounds with iodine. 5. Keep pigs warm, clean and dry. Remove damp and dirty bedding daily. Purina Chick Startena If you're just starting your chicks now, here's something worth considering: If these lat- er chicks are to, be laying big eggs in time to cash in on the top prices of this year, they'll have to' be developed fast and fully. Start them on PURINA CHICK STARTENA—it's fam- ous for the "flying start" it, gives them — and then keep. them coming on a Purina growing ration, At Farrowing Time 1. Wash and disinfect hands and all instruments to be used in Purina Disinfectant solution. Dip again before each use. 2. Take up each pig, wipe away slimy mucus, especially from nose and mouth. "Profitable Feeding" Be sure to remind us to give you a copy of the Purina Book "Profitable Feeding" next time you're in the store. This 48 - page, fully -illustrated book is packed with helpful hints and ideas. Come in and get your copy. We're looking forward to seeiirg you. Clinton Farm Supply PHONE 127 CLINTON WANT TO SAVE MONEY ON TRACTOR OPERATION?. switch to DAVID BROWN' David Brown Tractors are famous the world over for their amazing low cost of operation. There's a David, Brown Tractor to meet your power requirements. • SEE THEM AT YOUR DAVID BROWN DEALER Harvey M. Boyce Phone 626R31 Varna, Ontario