HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-04-01, Page 5'THURSDAY APRIL 1, 1954 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE Classified Rates CASH RATE -- (xf paid by Wednesday following date of in- siefteop.)—Two rents a word first insertion (minimum 50 cents); subsequent insertions. lee cents a word (millimetre 35 cents); 15 ▪ en:* extra for box number oz. loedirection to NEWS -RECORD Office. LE"' CHARGED -15 cents ectra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- day. - ACCOMMODATION for RENT 'GROUND FLOOR APARTEMNT, :self, contained. Phone 363. 13-b VACANCY FOR LADIES. Apply to Riverside Rest Home, Mitchell, Ontario, or phone Mitchell 69. 13-4-5-6-7-b • GODERICH, TO RENT or to :sell,. large home completely reno- vated and modernized, four bed- rooms, all floors newly covered, oil furnace, built-in cupboards, near school and store. Call 1441-3 at 'mealtimes or write Box 489, Gode- ' aid', Ontario. 12-3-4-b . Accommodation Wcinted "THREE UNFURNISHED Rooms required by young couple. No ..children. Contact James Harvey at Hotel Clinton. 13-p GENTLEMAN REQUIRES Board and room in quiet home. No shar- ing. Box "76", Clinton News - Record. 13-p AIRMAN, WIFE AND SMALL -baby require accommodation by • Easter. Apply Box "75", Clinton News -Record. 13-p 'YOUNG COUPLE DESIRE TWO furrdshed rooms. Box "70", Clin- ton News -Record. 13-p ADULTS REQUIRE unfurnished house in Clinton. Early occupancy. Apply to Box No. "73", Clinton News -Record, 13-p ARTICLES FOR SALE 'KODAK RETINA No. 1, 1/500 second shutter.'also Kodak light meter and sun filter, leather case, Al condition. $90.00. Phone Clin- ton 789W. 13-p ' TABLES AND CHAIRS, Spring mattress, suitable for summer cot- tage; for sale or will trade for trunk. Phone Clinton 132M. 13-p VIKING CREAM SEPARATORS, sales and service. Repairs to Renfrew cream separators. B, O'Rourke, Bracefield, phone Cite- ' ton 634 r 21. 13-4-5-6-b MINK SCARVES FOR SALE; also timothy seed. Apply Elmer Trick, phone Clinton 907r5, 12-3-4-b SAXOPHONE -- Frank Holton make, C -melody, with sturdy case, In good repair. Phone 268W. 13-14-p 121/4" TV, TABLE MODEL, ma- hogany cabinet, in excellent eqn- dition, complete with antenna, 3125; also "Wormsworth" piano and stool in good condition, 3100. Phone 634 r 4. 13-b , • ONE BROWN STEEL CRIB; also 8 cu. ft. Westinghouse refrigerator, 2 years old; one yellow and one white smock diyalla flannel dress to fit two or three year old. Phone "778J. 13-b Notice to Fishermen SMELT SEASON IS ABOUT HERE Trout Opens May 1 'Come in and look over our supply. 20' Smelt Nets now in Stock MANY NEW ITEMS FOR 1954 BALL and MUTCH 13-14-b .Modernize Your Horne With A BEAUTIFUL 5- FT. STEEL RECESSED BATHTUB WHITE $65.75 Blue, green, coral, yellow 378.75 Delivered 'We carry a complete line of -plumbing and heating supplies. Write our.. mail order Dept, CNR for free illustrated catalogue. S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES Streetsville Phone 352-3 'Oen Wednesday and Friday even- ings till 9:30 and all day Saturday. You Can Depend on Johnson's 13-14-15-16-17-b ARTICLES WANTED LADIES' BICYCLE and large size :tricycle in good condition. Phone -Clinton 5763. 13-b 'ALLSWEET" CARTON ENDS. 'Leave at any grocery or butcher .shop, or phone Clinton 697 or 27. :St Paul's Go -Getters' Club. 13-b 'BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES eBTISINESS OPPORTUNITIES — •Ibustness trades listed: restaurants, rgas stations, tourist camps, groc- .etry stores; one Main St build - 'lug, L. G. Winter, Real Estate; "Ilene 448. 14- tile EMPLOYMENT 'WANTED 'AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1950 FORD DELUXE COACH also 1949 Chevrolet % ton pick-up both vehicles in excellent conch don, Contact A. Blok, R. R. 2 Bayfield. 13 - MOTORCYCLE -50-74 HARLEY Davidson; black color; windshield saddle bags; chrome; machine wel above average. Will sell reason ;able. Phone 761R. 13 - BABY CHICKS BOTH MARKETS—Get them wit •Bray 'dual purpose birds. Caned ion Approved. Such as Barre Rocks, Columbian Rocks, L.S. Black Australorp, NH. or N.1-1 crosses with B.R. or L.S. Pullet start from $17.90. Ask us fo complete list breeds, crosses, orde through agent Mrs. .Alex Paterson Brucefield. 13 - HAVE YOU SEEN Our Kitchene Big -4 Chick agent here lately? H has our latest quotations on pul lets, cockerels, mixed, started. H frequently has some specials tha should interest you. Remembe chicks besides having Canadia Approved, have the Hatchery' own complete breeding progran covering 25 years behind them You can't go wrong. Quick deliv ery. Agent, Charles Scott, Auburn phone Blyth 43 r 23. 1 -3 - CLOTHING FOR SALE TWO GIRLS SHORTIE COAT and dresses, size 12-14. One child' coat and hat set and skirts, etc. size 4-6. Phone 182. 13 - LADY'S LIGHT BLUE Gabardin suit, size 16, as good as new; als red wool suit, size 18, nearly new priced reasonable. Mrs. Russel Oesch, R.R. 1, Varna, phone Hen sail 687 r 23. 13 - FARM MACHINERY TWO COAL BURNING Brooders, in first class condition. Abou half price. F. W. Andrews, phone Clinton 33. 10-tfb MASSEY-HARRISCLIPPER Combine, Al condition. Will sell or take small cattle as part pay- ment. Also quantity of Clinton oats suitable Der seed. Fred Ar - kelt, Hayfield, phone Hayfield 47 r 5. • 13-14-p '47 FORD TRACTOR with hyd- raulic lift and a two -furrow plow, also a new disc dultivator used one season to go with tractor. Ap- ply Box "77", Clinton News -Re- cord, ' 13-b McCORMICK-DEERING Tractor Super A equipped with hydraulic lift, lights, plow and scuffler. One rubber -tired wagon with flat rack; 200 bales mixed hay. W. G. Clarke, Varna, phone Clinton 623 r 12. 13-b 1951 FORD TRACTOR, like new condition, 630 hours; Case L Trac- tor, on steel, good working order; 8% ft. McCormick -Deering stiff - tooth cultivator; 32 -plate Bissell disc; also Gilson "Snowbird" power -drive washing machine, James Raithby, phone Blyth 42r4, or Glenn Raithby, 30 Belgrave Ave., London, phone 3-63623. 13-14-p FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G 'Winter, Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. 33-tfb 200 ACRES OF LAND, eight -room house, bank barn, on Highway 8 between Clinton and Goderich, one mile from Holmesville, with or without stock and implements. Apply Clarence Sturdy, prop., R.R. 2, Clinton. Phone Clinton 001r13. 49-tfb 150 ACRES GOOD CLAY LOAM, well drained, consisting of 8 acres of bush, apple orchard, drilled well. Barn 52' by 75', outside milk house, water throughout, silo 18' by 40' with fee& room, lame im- plement shed, 2 hen houses each 12' by 24'. Brick and frame dwelling, modern kitchen, hydro. Lot 11concession 13, Hullett Township. Also 100 acres good clay loam, never failing spring creek, 5 acres maple bush,. barn 35' by 70', smaller 'cattle barn, garage, large frame house. South half lots 9 and 10, eoncession 12, Hullett Township. Apply Art Col- son, R.R. 1, Blyth. 13-14-b Fairniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply •W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M. 13-4-5-6.-p-tfb FURNITURE FOR SALE LARGE SIZE. EVANS SPACE heater, with fan; five -piece chrome kitchen suite, with chairs of Good Year airfoam; hall tree; four -shelf open bookcase; trilight. Phone Clinton 178. 13-b HELP WANTED — FEMALE WAITRESS WANTED AT Ping- er's Restaurant Clinton, phone 405. Full time job. 12-13b HELP WANTED—MALE TAXI DRIVER WANTED—Good reliable man; good wages; steady work. Apply Roy Mann, Clinton Cab. 13-14-p WANTED: MAN FOR STEADY travel among consumers in Huron County. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. • Only reliable hustler considered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. D-169-131, Mont- real. 13-14-b CARETAKER WANTED for gen- eral eara of grounds, etc., and supervision at Community Park, May 1st to September 1st. Apply in writing by Aptil 15, stating sal- ary and qualifications to: George Knights,' Secretary, Conn/lenity Park Board. 13-14-b WANTED *HOUSE WORK WANTED, WILL 33,000 ON FIRST MORTGAGE :wee do baby sitting. .Phone Chn- on 100 -acre farm. Apply Box ''74" irten 311-31. 13-p Clinton News -Record.• 13-0' LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ; SEVEN YOUNG PIGS, ready to , wean. Apply Theodore Dale, R.R. . 4, Clinton, phone 800 r 5. . 13-b _ _ ; REG. DUAL PURPOSE Shorthorn cows and heifers and bull calves • up to'serviceable age. Jack Sturdy, ; phone 901 r 13. 13-p I REGISTERED SHORTHORN cow ; Wimple Avril 3rd with heifer calf. Also Clinton and Beaver Oats, t Apply Fred. Gibson, phone 907r23. 13-b ' 35 CHOICE YORKSHIRE Piglets ; of an exceptionally growthy strain, ' some weighing 40 lbs. at eight , weeks. Apply John Rauser, Con- cession 2, Lot 16, Fullerton Town- ship, 2 miles east of Mitchell. ' .- . 13-b LIVESTOCK WANTED , WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink , ' Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, : 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb : DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR - cows removed free of charge. For ; prompt .and efficient service phone ; "Stones" collect. Ingersoll 21, Sea- ' forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21. ' ' MISCELLANEOUS ' ; ; BIRDHOUSES OF DIe e hRENT sizes, shapes and colours. Can be seen at J. Plumtrees' Barber Shop, Chnton. • 12-13-p ; CRESS CORN SALVE for sure ; relief. Your Druggist sells Cress ! Callous Salve too, relieves quickly. ' LATHAM RASPBERRY CANES, ' good healthy canes $4 per hund- red; also Senator Dunlop Straw- berry plants at $2 per hundred. ' Albert Leibold, R.R. 2, Clinton, ' phone 910 r 13. 13-p I.E.L. CHAIN SAWS. MODELS H.A., Super Pioneer, Super Twin. For complete parts and service apply Robert Glen, Clinton, phone 907r25. 12-13-14-p VULCANIZING — Tractor, Truck arid Car Tires. Fluid inflation service. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice. Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, phone Goderich 535. , , , WATCH REPAIRS Guaranteed. . Clean and polish pivots, 32; bal- ance staffs, $2. Mail to Clinton Watch Service, Clinton, or leave with Vodden Engraving and Diam- onds for estimate. 13 to 26-p . McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS — . complete parts, trained service. ; Authorized dealer . . . lVfeCulloch Saw Sales, 377 Huron St., Strat- ford, Ont, Phone Stratford 10611 3-tfb I FARMERS! If in need of exper- ienced farm help, call us. Single , and married men available. If you ; have farms for rent or for sale, I let us know. Call Corn. Bururna, ; R.R. 4, Clinton, Phone Clinton 807r21. Sto13-b j PASTURE WANTED i GRASS WANTED—DESIRE TO ; rent 80 acres of grass, Apply Ed. ' Grigg, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone 911r2. _ 12-13-b -----.........— PIANO TUNING 1 ITIDUR PIANO carefully tuned. WA call G. W. Cox at Clinton ..! 6953. • 43-tfb ' 1 i PROPERTY FOR SALE 1 F. THE OLD "BAY" HOUSE on Huron Street. Apply Mrs. Marg- 1 aret Austin, Box 161, Durand, .: Michigan. 13-p SALESMEN WANTED 1 r START YOUR OWN BUSINESS selling a "MUST" to all families in your surroundings. Interesting commission, free samples with each order. Specials with free pro- ducts. Monthly premium. Free catalogue and details on request FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. C, Montreal. 13-b •SEED FOR SALE RED CLOVER AND TIMOTHY seed, Apply Flynn Bros., phone Clinton 801 r 14. 13-4-5-p ALFALFA AND TIMOTHY Seed for sale. William Harris, phone Clinton 908 r 3, 13-4-b 300 'BUSHELS BEAVER OATS, with small percentage of barley, $1.10 per bushel, Milton Pollock, RM. 1, Varna, . Phone Hensall 687 r 31. 11-12-13-14-b QUANTITY OF CLEANED Sweet Clover seed. Contact Adam Stew- art, R.R. 5, Clinton, phone 620 r 5. 13-b 150 BUSHEL ABEQWEIT OATS and 200 bushel Beaver oats, both suitable for seed. 31 per bushel at the farm. Robert Welsh, R.R. 2, Bayfield, phone Clinton 912 r 22. 13-14-b TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER want- ed for S.S. No, 9, Goderich Town- ship. Duties to commence in Sept- ember. Apply stating qualifications and salary expected to Robert E. Rowden, Secretary -treasurer, R.R. 3 Clinton Ontario. • 12-13-b LEGAL NOTICES TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the Change of Name Act, R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 47, Joseph Rusnak, otherwise known as Joe Rusnak, a Leading Air Craftsman of the Royal Canadian Air Force, pres- ently stationed at the Clinton Radar & Commanications School, will apply to His Honour, Judge Thomas Moore Costello, at the Temporary -Court House, in the Town of Goderich in the County of Huron, oh Friday, the 9th day of April,-A.D. 1954, at 9.30 o'clock in the forenoon, for an Order changing his name to Joseph Allan Cano. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 15th day of March, A.D. 1954. P. FINGLAND, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicant. BIRTHS BRANDERHORST — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, March 25, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. G. Branderhorst, RE. 1, Hen - sail, a son (Garrett Peter). HERDMAN —; In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, March 24, 1954, to Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Herdman, RCAF Station Clin- ton, a son (Richard Floyd). JOHNSTON — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, March 26, 1951 to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Johnston, Blyth, a son. LEE—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, March 30, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs, Jack Lee, Lodes - bore, a daughter. LONGMAN — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Sunday, March 28, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Long- man, Auburn, a daughter, • DEATHS CORNISH—At his borne in Hul- lett Township, on Tuesday, March 30, 1954, Glen W. Cor- nish, beloved husband of Effie Pickett, ip his 65th year. Fun- eral service will be conducted from the Ball and Mutch fun- eral home, High Street, on Fri- day afternoon at 2 p.m. Inter- ment will be in Clinton Ceme- tery. O'BRIEN—Suddenly, near Zurich, on Sunday, March 28, 1954, Lennis O'Brien, Zurich (former- ly of Clinton), beloved husband ee Mary Fairbairn, in his 50th year. Funeral service was con- ducted from the Westlake fun- eral home, Zurich, on Wednes- day, March 31. Interment was • in Zurich Cemetery. In the coming year purchasers of radio and television sets and equipment will provide the CBC with an estimated $15,000,000 through the special excise tax which replaced the annual 32.50 adio license as a source of CBC revenue; in previous years Canad- ians paid about 35,500,000 to the CBC through purchase of the an - mal radio license. Federal government spending in he coming year will total about 5,000,000,000, more than twice the amount spent by Ottawa five ears ago and nearly ten tines the mount spent in 1939. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements and eed at Lots Nos. 3 and 4, Con- ession 1, Colborne Township, ono Ile south east of Benmiller, on Tuesday, April 6 at 1.30 p.m., the following: Horses: Team of geldings, 4 and yrs. old; mare aged. Cattle: Part Holstein cow, 5 yrs, Id, recently freshened; part Hol - tem cow, 6 yrs. old, recently reshened; Hereford cow, 7 yrs. ld, due timeof sale; Durham ow, 5 yrs. old, due April 20; lack cow, aged, due in June; part ersey cow, 5 yrs. old, supposed to e in calf; Durham cow, 6 yrs. Id, supposed to be in calf; 4 Dur - lam yearlings; 3 fall calves; 2 oung calves. Pigs: 2 brood sows with litters. Poultry: 3 geese. Implements: M-11. hay loader nearly new); M -H manure preader (Al condition); binder, 6 t. cut; Frost & Wood mower, 6 t. cut; 4 -section drag harrows; agon and rack; sleigh and rack; oiler; set of discs; cultivator; cuffler; walking plow; Quebec ulky plow; stock trailer and rack; ,000 lb. scale; wooden trough new); milk cans and strainer; 50 feet Of steel cable; hay fork nd car, sling ropes and pulleyd; aytag power Washing machine; umerous other articlet. Feed: A quantity of hay. TERMS—CAST-I No reserve as farm is sold. GEO. W. FEAGAN, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 13-b STOVES FOR SALE BEATTY ELECTRIC RANGE — Used only two months; Norge re- frigerator with large vegetable bin. Apply 41 Regina.Road, RCAF Sta- tion Clinton. 13-p COLEMAN SPACE HEATER, 50,000 BTU's Beach Oil Range, With oven. Both four months old, new condition, Will deliver and instal. Apply 28 Edmonton Road, Adastral Park, RCAF Station Clinton. • 9-tfb 6-* - FOR SALE 11/2 Storey Frame Seven -Room Dwelling, located in Bayfield. 11/4 Storey Insul-Briek 6 -Room Dwelling; modern convenien- ces; oil heating. Located near schools. 11/4 Storey Six -Room Dwelling; Price: 33,200. 11/2 Storey Five -Room Dwelling; new; modern conveniences; immediate possession. 1 Storey Four -Room Dwelling; new; modern conveniences; early possession. - 1 Storey Four -Room Dwelling; bath; good building lot adjac- ent; near new school. Video: no"relewirtarhmte;rgnioso'd buildings; Hydro; good location; early possession. • 11/2 Storey 8 -Room Dwelling; two electric fire places; den, hardwood floors; modern con- veniences; hot water heating with oil; double garage; ideal location. 11/4 Storey New DweMng; living room; dining room; den; sun * porch; modern e kitchen; two bedrooms and bath down; two •• bedrooms up; hardwood floors; modern conveniences. One block from Post Office. He Ce Lawson • REALTOR Bank of Montreal Building Phone 251W --- Clintufb ROM( THEATRE CLINTON Now playing—April 1-3 "CRAZY LEGS" starring Lloyd Nolan, Joan Vohs Mon., Tues., Wed.,' Apr. 5-7 (First Showing at '7 O'clock) FRED CYD ASTAI RE CHAR] SSE "The Band Wagon COLOR, THUR., FRI.,' SAT., Apr. 8-10 JOSEPH • SHELLE? COTTON WINTERS Untamed Frontier COLOR Coming—April 12 RITA HAYWORTH GLENN FORD 'Affair in Trinidad' lee 41.11101 PARK THEATRE • GODERICH—lihone 1150 Now Plcsying THURS., FRI., SAT. "WHITE WITCH DOCTOR" - -- In Technicolor — Deep in the African Congo a reg- istered nuree wins the esteem of the colorful Bakuba tribe: and the - love of a Dutch trader. • Susan Hayward -- Robert Mitchum Mashood Ajala Mon., Tues., Wed, • ESTHER WILLIAMS Tony Martin and Van Johnson In Technicolor — Cypress Gardens — a colorful water ski ballet — Esther Williams' aquatic,talent — and a really great tuneful rhythm - n -romance show! • "EASY TO LOVE" Coming: "Tonight We Sing" Technicolor — with EZIO P1NZA and Roberta Peters .11111111111011111111.11111iSSIESSISZ CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH — Phone 47 Now Playing THURS., FRI., SAT. I Believe In You" Based on the book by Sewell Stokes this British made drama tells the story of a delinquent teen-ager and of her rehabilitation. Cecil Parker --- Joan Collins and Godfrey Tearle Mon., Tues., Wed. Amanda Blake — George Nader and Rosalind Hayes The sole survivor of a storm - caught sailing vessel becomes a castaway on an island peopled by savage natives. This is the chron- icle of her amazing adventure. Miss Robin Crusoe Filmed in Eastman Color Corning:- Rickard Greene and Dona Drake in "BANDITS OF CORSICA" Household Sale An Estate Sale of Household Ef- fects will be held at Keith Web- ster's farm, IA mile north of Blyth, on east side of Highway 4, on Wednesday, April 7 at 1 p.m. The following will be offered for auction: One (new) "Easy" elect- ric washing machine; G.E. "Hot - Point" heavy duty combination electric range; couch; 2 occasional chairs; 3 rocking chairs; small table; bookcase; electric lamp; coal oil lamps; oak hall rack; 6 dining chairs; extension table; large kitchen table; chairs; three beds, springs and mattresses; 3 dressers; washstand; toilet sets; kitchen range; 2 heating stoves; baby buggy; high chair; crib; swing and gate; copper boiler; iron kettles, crocks, etc.; 240 lb. scales; crock, churn and dishes. RAYMOND NOTT, Executor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer 13-b CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Machinery at Lot 34, Con. 8, 111010110p Town- ship, 11/4 north and 2 miles west of Seaforthe on Tuesday, April 6 at 1 p.m. Horses: Team good work Tenses, 8 and 12 yr. old. Cattle: Durham cow, 7 yrs. old, due May 21; Durham cow, 3 yrs. old, fresh; Hereford and Durham cow, 3 yrs. old, fresh; Durham cow, fresh 2 months; Holstein and Hereford cow, 4 yrs. old, milking, due in July; Holstein and Hereford am', 4 yrs. old, dile in May; 2 Durham heifers, rising 1 ye. old; purebred Holstein heifer, rising 1 yr. old; 2 part Hereford heifers, rising 1 yr. old; 2 steers, 12 mons. old; 1 baby beef, 6 months old; 2 Durham and Hereford calves. Poultry: 77, year-old hens; 225 Hybred Red and White Rock pul- lets, 11 weeks old, Machinery; International Com- bine (5211) with motor, scour cleaner, pick-up and straw spread- er (like new); 60 Cockshutt trac- tor with starter, lights and pulley in real abed shape; 2 -furrow Cock- shutt tractor plough (like new); spring -tooth harrows, used 2 sea- sons; 3 -drum steel roller; 1 set harrows; Massey -Harris 13 -run drill with fertilator; International horse-drawn scuffler with bean puller attachments; Massey -Harris manure spreader; Massey -Harris grain grinder, 101/4" plate; 50 It. of 4 -ply 6" bat; 111CCoienick-Deer- ing mower, oil bath; M -H side rake; 31-11 hay loader; M -H grain binder; 2 steel tired wagons; hay rack; disc; cutter; set 2,000 lbs. scales; hay fork and sling chain, car hay fork, rope and 4 pulleys; fanning mill; sloop sleighs; sugar kettle; cyclone grass seed sower; M -H cream separator; feed hex; water trough; stoneboat; 2 sets harness; scoop shovel; pig crate; electric fencer; quantity mixed grain. 1 Collie dog, 1 yr. old. Terms: Cash, No reserve; faxin sold. ALEX MeBONALD, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer 13-b The people of Sarnia are the leading borrowers of public library books in Canada on a per capita basis: .see Aar. Clinton C• ommunity Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY AT 2 P.M. TERMS CASH 1 COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUEOUN, Clerk PLASTERING New Work or Repairs ARCHWAYS, COVES, STUCCO. 30 Years Experience C. F. GARROW Phone Clinton 943 AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Implements. At Lot 13, Con. 6, Tuckersmith, 3% south and half mile west of Sea - forth, on THURSDAY, APRIL 8, at 1 p.m. Cattle: 2 Durham cows, 1 fresh; 3 choice Durham heifers, bred; 6 Durham heifers, 1 yr. old, vaccin- ated; 1 steer rising one year; 1 calf 2 weeks old. Machinery: Ford Ferguson trac- tor, stepup, lights, Al condition; Dearborn manure loader, almost new, with dirt attachment; Dear- born mower,' 6 ft., almost new; Dearborn wagon, rubber tired,al- most new; Ferguson plow, 10inch good shape; trailer In very good shape; oil bath pump jack, Al con- dition; Cockshutt manure spread- er, good condition; front end bean puller to fit Ford tractor; seed drill; double disc; some horse- drawn implements; wagon on steel; Beatty hay car; set of hay tongs; fanning mill with screens; sugar kettle; cream separator. Feeds: Quantity of good baled hay; 550 bales of straw; some good Clinton oats. Some household ef- fects. Chicken shelter and other articles, TERMS—CASH. REG. ALUM', Proprietor Harold Jaelcson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk • • 13-b CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements and Grain at Lot Nos. 38 and 39, the corner farm of Base Liu° Road and 10th Concession of Hullett Township, 3 miles west of Londes- hero, or 8 miles north of Clinton, Wed,, °April 7 at 12.30 noon. Cattle: 46 head of Hereford cattle consisting of, 9 cows; 15 stocker cattle; 12 steers and heif- ers rising 2 yrs. old; 10 young cal- ves. The cattle are of good qual- ity and cows are serviced by a Hereford bull. Further particulars on day of Sale. Pigs: 5 Yorkshire sows, due to farrow soon. Implements, etc.: Oliver 80 trac- tor on rubber; George White (36 inch cylinder) grain separator; In- ternational 3 -furrow tractor plow; Int. 10 ft. cultivator; Int. hay loader; McCormick -Deering bind- er, 7 It. cut; Oliver 16-dise drill; Cockshutt inanine spreader on rubber; rubber -tired wagon; M -H power mower, 6 ft. cut; New Idea side delivery rake; 3 -drum steel roller. Most of the above imple- ments are nearly new; a number of horse drawn implements; ap- prox. 20 cord of maple wood; tcahiincsken feeders and drinking foun- Grain; A quantity of Lorraine oats, suitable for seed. TERMS—CASH No reserve as farms are sold. Lunch served by Summerhill Ladies' Club. SID LANSING, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer K. W. Colculumn, Clerk SAVE $$$$$$ The Credit Union Way —for possible sickness and medical expense —for vacations —for better education for the children —for insurance and taxes —For Christmas down at the bottom of the cal- endar. Life Insurance with savings (automatically) at no cost to you. Clinton Community Credit Union Limited W. V. ROY—Treas.-Manager emeelee, • IIL 1954 is our 20th Year of continuous improve- ment in service and facilities. Ptattie '1.ixtterati Nam 4 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ffin REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 200 -ACRE Highway Farm, with good .buildings, hydro, water, 35 acre bush. Must be sold. 100 -ACRE Highway Farm, with very fine modern buildings, hy- dro, water, good soil. Be sure and see this farm. Terms. 75 ACRES, 5 acres bush, balance good workable land, good build- ings, hydro, on good road close to school and highway, DWELLINGS in Blyth, Dungan- non and Wingham, Farm Listings Wonted Cecil Wheeler (REALTOR) Phone 88 Blyth, Ont. 12-13-14-b 0111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111113 SMILES1E052 REGISTERED 1111=1111111111WillffillM111111111111lEBEIllififfillID BETTER WORK CLOTHING at BETTER PRICES Compare! Comparison proves that our Work Clothing is the best in town at the best price. OVERALLS ... JEANS ... SHIRTS SOCKS . . . Etc. EFFECTIVE SATURDAY, APRIL $, THIS STORE WILL BE OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK PICKETT IR CAMPBELL ARROW SH I RTS STETSON HATS (Main Corner) PHONE 25 CLINTON