HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-03-25, Page 5'THURSDAY, Mfl 25, 1954 „ mrsiosimmmema. ‘11■1101111111111111=1111110,, 'eseeme MINION NEWS -RECORD PAGE FAT; 1•11111.11=11111111111•111 p4 EVERYONE READS AND USES WANT ADS Classified Rates CASH RATE — (If paid by "Werniesday following date of in- esertion)—Two cents a word first insertion (rainirnum 50 cents); ecnneeetment insertions 1% cents a word (nallin-ohm 35 cents); 15 • :seats ext re for box number or 'for direction t NEWS -RECORD Office. LP CIIARGED-15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- ,deY. .ACCOMMODATION for RENT 'FOUR ROOMS, UNFURNISHED, private entrance. Five miles north of Clinton. _Available April 1. Phone Blyth 28r4. 12-p -.FURNISHED APAR'IMENT IN the town of Seaforth. Available April 1. Apply Harold jackson, Seaforth, phone 661r14. 12-13-b .OELLAR, 12'x60',outside entrance on man intersection of town, cem- ent floor, electric lights, suitable for plumber or machine shop. Fur- ther improvements will be made to suit nne of business. $40 per month, all public utilities paid. Phone Clinton 460R. 12-p IN GODERICH, TO RENT or to sell, large home completely reno- vated and modernized, four bed- rooms, all floors newly covered, oil furnace, built-in cupboards, near "school and store. Call 14414 at mealtimes or write Box 489, Code- rtch, Ontario. 12-3-4-b Accommodation Wanted ADULTS REQUIRE unfurnished house M Clinton. Early occupancy. Apply to Box No. "73ta Clinton News -Record, _1...A2 - ARTICLES FOR SALE THOR ELECTRIC WASHING Machine, szo. Baby Bassinette, folding hood and legs, $5. Phone 5584, 12-p MINK SCARVES FOR SALE; also timothy seed. Apply Elmer Trick, phone Clinton 907r5. 12-3-4-b REPEATER RIFLE, .22 CAL. Cheap. Also kitchen table and four chairs. Apply Mrs. Curran, ' 26 Edmonton Road, RCAF Station, Clinton. 12-p 30 FOOT WARD MAGIC WAND aerial with guy wires, and 100 St antenna leadon. $20.00. Phone 128J. 12-p USED ELECTROLUX CLEAN- • ers for sale, fully reconditioned. Apply R. E. Ruttan, Electrolux •dealer, Box 511, Wingham, phoee 8544-21. 10-1-2-p ARTICLES WANTED • SECOND-HAND BABY Carriage. :Phone Clinton 397. 12-p • AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1952 PONTIAC COACH -- 8,300 miles. Excellent condition. One Owner. No trade-in considered. Cali 35 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. 12-b • 194.6 PONTIAC SEDAN — in good eoudition, blue in Colour. For full particulars contact L. J. Wriggles - 'worth, phone 352-W -Clinton, be- tween 7-8 p.m. 12-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES — business trades listed: restaurants, 'gas stations, tourist eamps, groc- ery stores; one Main St. build- ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; Phone 448' • 14-Lfb BABY CHICKS FARM MACHINERY TWO COAL BURNING Brooders, in first class condition. About half price. F. W. Andrews, phone •Clinton 33. 10-tfb FURNITURE- FOR SALE SMALL NINE PIECE DINING room suite; also baby's crib mat- tress. Phone 910r31. 12-b •KITCHEN CUPBOARD, in excel- lent condition, for sale cheap. Ap- ply Mrs, J. E. Johnston, phone Clinton -597-W. 12-p KEY AND LOCK SERVICE • Key Duplicating while while you wait. • Locks without keys re- set .ancl. cleaned. — Bring us your lock problems — BALL and MUTCH LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 12 PIGS, 7 WEEKS OLD. Arnold Dale, phone Clinton 801r3, 12-b 16 PIGS, YORKS, SEVEN weeks old. Apply Frank Potter, phone Clinton 907r13. 12-p REGISTERED SHORTHORN cow Wimple Avril 3rd with heifer calf. Also Clinton and Beaver Oats. Apply Fred Gibson, phone 907r23. 12-p 10 YORK PIGS, SIX WEEKS old. Apply Ford Johnston, phone Hay- field 1165. 12-b PUREBRED HEREFORD BULL, 16 months old, for sale or will trade for Holstein Hull. Contact Bill Holland, R.R. 4, Clinton 12-b LOST AND FOUND LOST — TRUCK TARPAULIN, between Exeter and Goderich, Monday noon. Finder please con- tact Coatsworth & Cooper, phone 80, Goderich; or phone 295 Bur- ford eollect, 12-p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21, 9-ptfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone "Stones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea - forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21. MISCELLANEOUS BIRDHOUSES OF' DIFFERENT sizes, shapes and colours. Can be seen at .T. Plumtrees' Barber Shop, Clinton. 12-13-P CRESS BUNION SALVE relieves fast, wear stylish shoes soon. Druggists sell Cress Corn Salve too. 12-b ELECTRIC MOTOR % prac- tically new, also wood and coal range in good condition. Apply 41 Edmonton Road, RCAF Station Clinton. •12-p I.E.L. CHAIN SAWS. MODELS H.A., Super Pioneer, Super Twin. For complete part ef and service apply Robert Glen, Clinton, phone 907r25. 12-13-14-p VULCANIZING — Tractor, Truck and Car Tires. Fluid inflation service. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice, Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, phone Goderich 535. BUSH WANTED—We are in the market for good hardwood timber. We pay cash when transaction closed, Also -buying lop. Tames T. Craig & Son, Auburn, phone Blyth 431? 24, 10-1-2-p McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS — complete parts, trained service. Authorized dealer . . McCulloch Saw Sales, 377 Huron St., Strat- ford, Ont. Phone Stratford 10613. 3-tfb FARIVIERSI If in Med of exper- ienced farm help, call us, Single and married men available. If you have farms for rent or for sale, let us know. Call Corn, Buruma, R.R. 4, Clinton. Phone Clinton 807r21. 8 to 13-b 'KITCHENER BIG 4 CHICKS --- • Dayold, started; pullets, cockerels, We often have weekly specials our agent here den tell you about. Save money, ask him about them. ' Usual high standard; Canadian Approval, plus our own complete • breeding program coveting 25 yrs. Chicks for high production—eggs, body weight; whatever your mar- ket calls for. Ask Chas, Scott, Auburn, phone Blyth 43r23, EMPLOYMENT WANTED HOUSE WORK WANTED, WILL also do baby sitting. Acme Clin- ton 311-M. 12-p FARM WANTED LARGE LOT OR SMALL Acreage :in Or near Hayfield, with or with- out buildings. Apply Box 72, Clinton News -Record. 12-p FARMS FOR SALE 'NICE LIST OP 'FARMS FOR ,Nife. L. G. Winterelleal 'Estate. Thane Clinton 448. 118-4cfb 209 ACRES OF LAND, eight -room :house, bank barn, -on 'Highway 8 tbeaween Clinton and Goderich, one :mile from Holmesville, with or me out stock and implements, Ap,v Clarence Sturdy, prop., R.R. :2, Ciinton. Phone Clinton 901r13. 49-tfb HAY FOR'SALE 'MST OR SECOND CUT, baled • aloevr hay; , also limited amount ..of•baled straw. Apply Murray Forbes, phone Clinton 904r31. 9-tfb rPELP WANTED —TEMALE WAITRESS WANTED AT Ping - en;' Restaurant Clinton, phone et*. Full time, job. •12-13b PASTURE WANTED GRASS WANTED—DESIRE TO rent 80 acres of grass. Apply Ed. •Grigg, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone 911r2. •12-13-b PIANO TUNING YbUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 6953. 43-tfb POULTRY FOR SALE 500 WHITE ROCKS, 51/a months old. $2.00 each. Apply C. Buruma, Clinton, phone 807r21. l2 - SALESMEN WANTED ACT NOW if you want extra $ $ for EASTER. • Join a progressive company with 250 guaranteed products. Every house in your territory a potential customer. No dull season with our line, Wher- ever you may live write in for de- tails. FAIVIILEX, 1600 Delorirnier, Dept. B, Montreal. 12-b SEED FOR SALE QUANTITY OF RED CLOVER and Timothy seed, Phone Wilbtir Jewitt, R.R. 1, Clinton, • phone Seaforth 841r15. SEED CORN, GENUINE Pfister Hybrids. Milford Durst, 11.11, 2, Clinton or, phone Carlove 1112, 11-12-p ALFALFA SEED -- thoroughly cleaned at Jones and 1ViacNaugh- ton Seeds. Get our price. William J. Clark, phone Hensel] 687 r 12. • 11-12-p 500 BUSHELS BEAVER OATS, with small percentage • of barley, $1.10 per buthel, Milton Pollock, RR. 1, Varna. Phone Hensall • 11-12-b 687 r 31. BIRTHS AMIRATJLT — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, March 19, • 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Barney Amiratilt, RCAF Station Clin- ton, a daughter. • DENOMIVIE — In Clinton Public Hospital, op Monday, March 22, • 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred • Denomrne Clinton a daughter. ELLIOTT—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, March 23, 1954, to Dr. and -Mrs. George S. • Elliott, a daughter. •e EMPEY—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Saturday, March 20, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. William Empey, )3Iyth, a son. HAMILTON—In London, on Thursday, March 25, 1954,to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamilton (nee Beth Goviei), a son. -IARKNESS — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday,. March 18, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harkness, Hensall, a son, HITSIVIAN — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, March 20, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hitsman, Exeter, a daughter. 1VICCLINCHEY—In Clieton Public Hospital, on Saturday, March 20, 1954, to Mr, and Mrs. Frank McClinchey, Zurich, a son, DEATHS BEDFOR.D—In Sault Ste. Marie, on Friday, March 19, 1954, Eva J. Shobbrook, beloved wife of John Bedford, in her 70th year. Funeral service was conducted from the Arthur funeral home on Monday, March 22. Inter- ment in Sault Ste. Marie Ceme- tery. THOMPSON — Suddenly at his home in Detroit, on • Tuesday evening, March 23, 1954, Edgar Thompson, 47, beloved husband of Helen Roberton and son-in- law of Mr. and Mrs. George Roberton, Clinton. Funeral ser- vices to be arranged. Mc1VIICHAEL — Suddenly at his home in Colborne Township, on Tuesday, March 23, i 1954, Gar- field McMichael, n his 68th year. Funeral service from the family residence on Friday at 2.00 p.m. Interment will be made in Maitland Cemetery. STOVES FOR SALE BEA.TTY OIL BURNER and pipes nearly new; four burner electric range. Apply 29 Regina Road, RCAF Station Clinton, phone 541-3-5. •12-p COLEMAN SPACE HEATER, 50,000 13TU's Beach Oil Range, with oven. Both four months old, new condition. Will deliver and instal. Apply 28 Edmonton Road, Adastral Park, RCAF Station Clinton. •9-tfb TRUCK FOR SALE 1951 FARGO % TON EXPRESS, Irvine Tebbutt, phone Clinton 902 r 6. 11-12-p TEACHE,RS WANTED CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL requires for September 1. Female' teacher for Grade 1. 2. Male teacher for intermediate g•ratle. Applying stating qualifications, experience, salary expected, name of last inspector, to H. C. Lawson, Clinton, Ontario. 12-b PROTESTANT TEACHER want- ed for S.S. No. 9, Goderich Town- ship. Duties to commence in Sept- ember. Apply stating qualifications and salary expected to Robert E. Rowden, Secretary -treasurer, R.R. 3, Clinton, Ontario, 12-13-b LEGACNOTICES TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the Change of Name Act, R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 47, Joseph Rusnak, otherwise known as Joe Rusnak, a Leading Air Craftsman of the Royal Canadian Air Force, pres- ently stationed at the Clitton Radar & Communications School, will apply to His Honour, Judge Thomas Moore Costello, at the Temporary Court House, in the Town of Goderich in the County of Huron, on Friday, the gth day of April, AD. 1954, at 9.30 o'clock in the forenoon, for an Order changing his name to Joseph Allan Cana. DATED at Clinten, Ontario, this 15th day of March, AD: 1954. F. FINGLAND, Q.C., [Hinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Applicant. 11-2-3-b FOR SALE 11,4 Storey Six -Room Dwelling; modern conveniences; located near schools; price: $5,500. 11/4• Storey Six -Rollin Dwelling; Price: $3,200. VA Storey Five -Room Dwelling; new; modern conveniences; immediate possession. 1 Storey Four -Room Dwelling; new; modern conveniences; early possession. 1 Storey Four-Itooni Dwelling; • bath; good building lot adjac- ent; near new school. Price: • $2300 'with terms. 110 Acre Vann; good buildings; Ityclro; geode location; early • possession. 11/4 •Storey 8 -Room Dwelling; two electric fire places; den, hardwood floors; modern con- • veniences; hot water heating with oil; double garage; ideal 14.,ation. 11/4 Storey New Dwelling; living room; dining room; den; sun • 'porch; • mollern kitchen; two bedrooms and bath down; two • bedrooms up; hardwood floorin modern conveniences. One block from Poet Office. • H. C. Lawson • REALTOR Bank of Montreal Building Phone 251W — Clinton Cards of Thanks We wish to express our sincere thanks, and appreciation to our friends and neighbours for floral tributes, cards, expressions of sympathy end acts of kindness ex- tended to, us in our recent sad bereavement in the loss of our hesband and father. — MRS, J. CUDMOR,E and FAMILY. 12-p I wish to thank all those who so kindly sent flowers, treats and cards; also Dr. Oakes, Miss Sin- clair and the nurses at Clinton Hospital, for their kipd attention to my sister while a patient in the hospital; also the Rev. Peter Ren- ner, — HERBERT IVIcGREGOR. 12-p MRS, GRANT RATH wishes to thank all those who sent cards, flowbrs and called on her while she was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital recently; special thanks to the doctors and nurses at the hospit9. 12-b I wish to thank all my neigh- bors and friends; also WA of the Constance Church; the Farm For- um and all others who visited me While in Clinton Public Hospital; also thanks to special nurse Mrs. Hugh Ball, the hospital nurses, and Drs. W. A. Oakes and J. A, Addison. — EPHRAIM CLARKE. The family of the late Mrs. David Wright wish to express their sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to all for flowers, cards, all acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy, during their recent bereavement, 12-p In Memoriam WALPER —In loving memory of Lloydon Ivan Walper, who.died 00 March 24, 1953: "I'll always miss him because I loved him. He was dearer to me than silver and gold. Good was his heart and his friendship sound. Loved and respected by all around. • And he died as he lived, every- one's friend." --Lovingly remembered by his wife, Vera., • 12-p WALPER—In loving IneninaY 02 a dear son and brother, Lloydon Walper ,who passed away so sud- denly one year ago, March 24, 1953: "He bade no one a last farewell, He said good-bye to none, His spirit fled before we knew That be from us had gone. What would I give to clasp his hand, e 1 -lis happy face to see, To heal: his voice and see his smile, That meant so much to me." —Always •remembered and sadly • missed by his mother, sister Fern and brother-in-law Herb. WALPER--In loving memory of a dear uncle, Lloydon Walper, who passed away so suddenly on March 24,1953: "Quickly and suddenly came the call, His sudden death surprised us all. ' Dearer to memory than words can tell, ' loss of one we loved Sowell The loss of one we loved so well. We often sit and think of .hlin When we are all alone, For memory is the only thing That grief can call its own." --Always remembered by Elroy, • Marlene and children. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Iran IU Stock, Implements :end Grain at Lot NOS. 38 and 89, the corner faren of Base Line Road and lOtit Concession of Ilfullett Township, 8 utiles west of Lorides- boro, or 8 miles north et crinnton, on • Wed,' April 7 • at 12,30 noon. Sale consists of 46 head of Here- ford cattle; pigs, implements and grain. Terms—Cash. • • No reserve as farms are sold, Lunch •served by Surrunerhill Ladies' Club. SID LANSING, Proprietor • Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer ' It. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 12-b PLASTERING New Work or Repairs ARCHWAYS, COVES, STUCCO. • 30 Yews Experience C. F. GARROW • Phone Clinton • 943 ..111•••••411•••••••••••••••*1".11r•••••.••••••••,......................r., • 1954 • is our 20th Year of continuous improve- ment ha service and facilities. atitig !mural Anntx, ROXY THEATRE CLINTON NOW PLAYING—March 25-27 "DESTINATION GOBI" starring Richard WM:nark — Don Taylor — COLOR , MON., TUES., WED.—Mar. 29-31 ESTHER FERNANDO . WILLIAMS • LAMAS • "DANGEROUS WHEN WET" — COLOR — THURS., RRL, SAT.—April 1-3 LLOYD NOLAN "CRAZY LEGS" with Joan Vans and Elroy Hirsch Caming—April 5-7 "BAND WAGON" Fred,Astaire PARK THEATRE GODERICH—Phone 1150 Now playing Thur. Fri Sat Stephen..1VIeNally --Julia Adams •• and Hugh Marlowe The Indian disputes of Arizona form a background for an excite ing adventure drama and a color- ful Western romance. "The Stand at Apache River" In Technicolor Coming— • Richard Widinark — Elaine Stewart & 'Karl Malden From its rowdy, ribald horse -play to its rousing marching song . . . from its hard-boiled hates and slugging feuds to its -tough but tender love story . . this is a drama of our times . . exciting, exalting, young, brave and alive!! "Take the High GlininTlides,', Wed. In Ansco Color CAPITAL THEATRE • GODERICH Pbone 47 Now Playing—Thar. Fri. Sat. June Raver -- Dennis Day and Gloria De Haven With "guest stars" Dan Dailey, Neanne Crain and Victor Mature in a lively tune -film about an am- bitious song -plugger. "I'LL GET BY" In Technicolor Coming—Mon. Tues. Wed: • James Cagney — Barbara Haee • and Ann Francis By using the slogans and tricks of a demagogue a one-time peddler rises to power in the mythical state of Magnolia. "A Lion Is In • The Streets" In Technicolor AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects from the home of Alex M. Glen, Highway 8,' Goderich (one block east of the pillars), on Saturday March 27 .9 at 1.30 p.m., the following: Cherry library table; 4 dining room chairs; 2 drop-leaf tables; double bed, springs and mattress; 2 oak dressers; studio couch; arm chair; oak rocking chair; Acme electric washing machine; Kelvin- ator (nearly new); Beatty electric dryer (nearly new); Electric Heat 4eburner heavy duty enamel range; kitchen step ladder stool; invalid's wheel chair; copper boiler; quan- tity of books; numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH. ALEX M. GLEN, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer joe Corey, Clerk 12-5 Dispersal AUCTION SALE — of — Dairy Cows & Young Cattle At Lot 4, Con. 13, Tuckersinith Township, 3 miles east or Hensall, on Wed., March 31 at 1 pan. 5 Holstein cows, fresh and ye- cently fresh; 4 Holstein cows, due tine of sale; 2 Holstein cows, due in May; 1 Jersey cow with calf at foot; 2 part Holstein cows, fresh 3 months; 1. Durham cow, fresh, with twin calves; 1 Jerseyeheifer, bred; 1 Guernsey heifer, to fresh- en in June; 20 Hereford heifers and steers from calves to 1 yr. old. Hay: 250 bales of mixed hay; 15 ton loose mixed hay. Terms—Cash THOMAS SLAVIN, Proprietor Harold jackson, Auctioneer 11 P. Chesney, Clerk 12-5 Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Inntehiner,y and House- hold Effects at Lot 14, Con. 9, 1 tulle south and 3 miles oast of Londesboro, on Monday March 29 at 1 p.m. Six ft. cut Dearbourn combine, motor driven, cut only 170 acres; Ford Ferguson tractor, on rubber, in good condition; 13 -tooth Ferg- uson cultivator (like new); Fer- uson plow, two 10" bottoms (like new); 8 ft. fertilizer spreader; 13 - run disc Massey Harris drill; rub- ber tired farm wagon; Massey Harris hay loader: Big 4 McCor- mick mower, 6 ft. cut; 10 It Mas- sey Harris dump rake; 7 ft. Deer- ing binder; Clinton fanning mill with flat pulley; single furrow walking plow; 16 ft. sliding. hay rack; root pulper; pump jack; 2 hp. gas motor; steel stock trough; manure sleigh; hay car with ropes and pulleys; set double harness; horse collars; wheel bar- row; crosscut saw, forks, shovels, bairels; 700 bus. Clinton oats, suit- able for seed; 3 mows mixed hay, Household Effects — Colonial player piano; dining room table, 6 chairs; 6 kitchen chairs; baking cabinet; 2 sideboards; small tables; Edison Victrola with 300 records; cupboard; 2 dressers.'3 beds with springs; antique settee with 2 chairs in cherry; chest of drawers; pictures; sewing mach- ine; meat grinder; sausage mach- ine with lard press; 50 sap pails; sap pan, and spiles; wood heater; fruit jars and other household articles too nurnerous to mention. TERMS—CASH iVilliam and George Fairserviee, Proprietors Harold Jackson, Auctioneer George Powell, Clerk 11-12-b umuumminumunimmummogg REAL ESTATE • FOR SALE • 200 -ACRE Highway • Farm, with good buildings, hydro, water, 85 Stcre bushmust be eel& 100-A011E Highway Farm, With • very fine modern building, fly- dro, water,good soil. Be sure and see this farm. Terms. 75 ACRES, 5 acres bush, balance • good workable land, good build- ings, hydro, on good road close to school and highway. DWELLINGS in Blyth, Dungan- non and Wingharn. Farm Listings Wanted Cecil heeler (REALTOR) - Phone. 88 BIyh, Ont e2 -13-14-b •AP•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4N.ANNINPOI••••••••0•##,0 Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W — Clinton eneemeageneeepaneeeeiereeseaa I • 4.,„0 cotnams tonvice Get There Safely! CALL 110 ASHTON'S TAXI SAVE $$$$$$ The Credit Union Way —for possible sickness and medical expense —for vacations —for better education for the children —forinsurance and taxes —For Christmas down at the bottom of the cal- endar. Life Insurance with savings (automatically) at no cost to you. Clinton Community Credit Union Limited W. V. ROY—Treas.-Manager eseeeee.a.eeeeeneee Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES 1 EVERY FRIDAY AT 2 P.M. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Saaes Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Aectioneer K. W. COLQUHOUNT, Clerk Dr. F. M. Nein/land Wishes to announce that he has opened on office on Monday, March 8, in Mrs. B. C. Hearh's residence, on Huron Street, Clinton. -- Phone 170 1 Pick Your EAST R OUTFIT NO SUITS and TOPCOATS SEE OUR SELECTION NOW NEW STYLES NEW SHADES NEW MATERIALS from 49.50 up • • MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS I ordered before March 26 I will be delivered I• before Easter. SHIRTS and TIES • CHOOSE YOURS NOW • PICKETT e CAMPBELL ARROW SHIRTS PHONE 25 (Main Corner) STETSON HATS • CLINTON