HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-03-18, Page 11THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1954 ,45 Attend Semi -Annual Meeting Of Huron District Scouters in Goderich The Huron District Scouters held their semi-annual meeting on Monday, March. 15 in Knox Presbyterian .Church, Goderich. Attended by over 45 Scouters and Group Committee' members it was the largest meeting that has tak- en place for some years. The meeting was brought to order by Commissioner Harry, Firth who was chairman in the temporary absence of Glen Lodge, Goderieh, After the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, which ' were adopted, Mr. Firth congrat- • ulated the Huron Scouters on such a fine turn out and said /that it was indicative of the greatly in- , creased n,-creased scouting activity in the district. '!From 399 in' 1953 the moye- ment bad grown till there were nearly 475 Scouts and Cubs in the area," said Mr. Firth. The pos- sibility of having a Camporee for Scouts was discussed and the meeting decided to hold one in the Clinton area on May 29 and 30. Eleven volunteers took on the +sponsibility of arrangements for the judging. and operation of the Camporee. Nominations were held for a " District Commissioner who would be responsible for the future con- ditction of Scouting affairs in Hu- ron district. L. G. "Skip" Winter, • Clinton, was asked by the meeting tq accept the position and pending ,confirmation by Canadian Scout Headquarters, Mr. Winter is now the Scout and Cub District Com- -.missioner for. the County of Hu- ron. A district Bronze; Arrowhead • Course is to be held this spring in the town of Clinton for all second class Scouts in the Huron, area. Details of time and date, etc„ were left up to the new 13/strict Com- e missioner. There Is to be a Scouts Own chinch parade for all groups in the HuroneDistrict to be held June ' 20 in Goderich. Harry Firth, in a few closing - words to the Scouters, reminded themof the fine part that Canad- Watch This Space for Important Announcement! 11-tfb fans are playing in World Scout- ing. A Canadian, Major General Spry is at present head of the International: bureau : of World Scouting. Canada is going to be host to the World .Jamboree to beheld at Niagara -on -the -Lake in Ontario from August 18-28; 1955. This eighth world jamboree is the first one to be held away ,from the mainland. of Europe and is quite an honour for Canada. Over 15,000 boys from all countries in the world will be present, Clinton Scout and Cub. News CLINTON LIONS CUB PACK Despite the fact that the Cub Pack isvery definitely hampered by lack of meeting place; 36 Cubs turned out to the meeting on Mon; day night. Two of the leaders were away. attending the Huron District Scouters meeting, but Roy Faulkner and George Taylor had an interesting programme for the boys. *• During test passing, Wayne Grigg, • George Counter, Brian Egan, Gerald Shaddick, Ted Brill, Bill amilton, Roger Cummings,', Don Colquhoun and John Taylor all were successful in completing their tests to the satisfaction of the examiners. "Scouting and Cubbing in the town of -Clinton is a definite asset to the community and an aid in making good future citizens for the town of Clinton. Unfortunat- ely the movement is being stifled by lack of a suitable meeting place: The meeting' place at pres- ent in use is too small. The town needs at least two, but better three, Cub packs and at least two Scout troops. Many boys are be- ing turned away .and the training of the boys that are in the pack is suffering from lack of accommoda- tion. After seeing what the Scouts and Cubs of Goderich have for a Meeting place and the facilities they have for training it is with some shame that we compare the facilities. offered in Clinton. Can it be that the people of Clinton have no interest in Cubbing and Scouting? Apart from the Lions Club, Scouting and Cub work is something that is woefully neg- lected by all service and church groups, in a town that is famous for its drive and vigour in so many fields of endeavour." (Ed. Note: This feeling for the need of the Cubs and Scouts is well expressed by one of the men devoting a great deal of time and energy to the Scouts and Cubs in Clinton.) Rumball's IGA Specials I.G.A. Grapefruit Juice 48 oz. 29c CRISCO 1 LE 3 Bee Hive Corn Syrup 2 , � p LB S2c Robin Hood Flour 7'b . 51c POPULAR BIBAND CIGARETTES CARTON 2.99 Kadana Tea Bags 1oo'B 79c Fresh Fruit and Vegetables RUMBALL'S . IGA MARKET —PHONE 86-- CLINTON NEWS -RECORD 1�5 CLTNTQN COLTS HOCKEY TEAM PAGE ELEVEN Members of this year's Clinton Colts are pictur- ed above. The team finished second in their Inter- mediate "B" group only, to be eliminated by Mitchell Legionaires after nine games in the group semi-finals. • Front row (kneeling, left to. right) : Playing- Coach Bun Smith, Johnny Wilson, Murray Noble; second row (left to right), Bill German, K W. "Danny" Colquhoun, Murray Colquhoun, Maitland Edgar, Al May. Bill Hardy, Gerry Holmes, Bill. Nediger; Back row . (left to right): Frank Mercer, man- ager Bert Gliddon, Douglas Bartliff, Hugh Ladd, Don Strong, Eric Switzer, Robert Draper (captain), Harry Crich, Frank Dixon, Harry McEwan, lien Armstrong, Robert "Bud" Schoenhals, F/L D. L. -Scott. RCAF ELECTRAS CAPTURE TITLE: IN GARRISON HOCKEY LEAGUE On Monday, February 22, the first game of the playoffs for the hockey championship of the Inter Service Hockey League was opo; - ed at the Clinton Lions Arena. The Clinton RCAF EIectras met the RCAF Crumlin team in a real thriller which saw the game go 27 minutes overtime before the Electras succumbed to Crumlin by a score of 4 to 3. Bad weather forced a postponement of the sec- ond game at St. Marys, the home ice of the Crumlin club for a whole week. On March 9 the clubs resumed hostilities again at Clinton and another fast game took place with the Electras defeating the Crumlin elub 6-4. Crumlin went into the last period with a two -goal lead but the Electras kept hammering away at Tunney, agile goaltender for Crumlin, and were finally re- warded with three quick goals in the space of one minute. Petrie scored two, followed by Wakefield with two and Garrow scored two net, . This win tied the series, The following night the two teams locked horns in St. Marys where Clinton went ahead in the series with a 4-1 win, and left the Clinton club in the position of having to win only one more game to clinch the championship. Goals .for Clutton in this game were scored by Petrie two, Wake- field one and Minty one. On Friday night, March 12, the Electras proved beyond all doubt that they were the true champions by lacing the Crumlin club 4-0. Petrie scored three and Garrow scored the final goal. Clinton Electras: goal, Scott; defence, Britton, Palochuck, Mer cer, Shultz, Edgar; forwards, Car- row, Petrie, Minty, Wakefield, Begin, McArthur, Coy, Dery (sub- goal). Crumlin: goal, Tunney; defence, Potvin, Canton, Robinson;. for- wards, LaRock, Smith, Boucher, Simpson, Blanchard, .Wade, St, his last goal going into the emptylMarie, Lavery, Bette. Milverton Cops OHA Group Honours Subdue Mitchell Legion in Six Games Milverton's Dominion Royals are at their old familiar stand as. group champions of this district's Intermediate "B" hockey teams. During the past few years the team from Milverton have been almost as consistent as the New York Yankees, losing their group laurels only tivice, once to Clinton and last season to Centralia Fly- ers. This year they will again represent the group in the OHA playdowns with the first round against Port Dover. The Dominion Royals have had STOP! O SHIPPING FEVER • PNEUMONIA CALF DIPHTHERIA A INFECTIOUS ENTERITIS THIS SEASON WITH NIXON'S FEVREX The concentrated, easy to use solution which combines the ef- fect of 4 SULFA DRUGS. Complete, detailed dosage chart for all animals on every bottle. W. C. NEWCOMBE, Phm,B. Rexall Store — Phone 51 SURE AN aro SEGO °A AND IF YOU WANT A . GOOD USED CAR IT'S THE MURPHY BOYS YOU'LL BE. WANTING TO SEE! St, Patrick's Day Special complete with radio and heater $9890 I949 -MONARCH SEDAN 0" Come In and .see the many other USED CAR 'VALUES being offered. All ears conditioned 'to give 'thousands of trouble-free driving miles. ERRE Demonstration on aU'trirs CI,INTON MURPHY BROS. CHRYSLER ,PLVIVIOtJTH F'ARGO ;Salem and Service PHONE 465 little trouble so far this season: They led the league by four points over the Clinton Colts, then played Centralia Flyers in ti -le semi-finals and eliminated that team in four straight games, Mitchell Legion- aires, conquerors over Clinton, were their opponents in the finals and they managed to defeat George Kelley's crew only once and that came after Milverton had taken a comfortable three -game margin. The final game of the series was played in Mitchell last Saturday night and saw the Royals come from behind to trounce the Legionaires 6-1. We offer our congratulations to the group winners and wish them luck in their search for the OHA championship. We know that they will be worthy representatives of this area. ANNA MAY CORNELL COOKING THEMETER SET INCLUDES; 1. Candy and Deep Fal ' Thermometer 2. Roast Moat Thermometel 3,. Skewer •Y06'I1 use it for; Roasts, Candles, Jellies, Icings, French Fries, Dooghnuts GET YOURS WHILE THEY LAST AT: Clintons Electric Shop In Memory of "Shorty" Cantelon— "50 Years Ahead of the Crowd" Recently come to light is the story "Came the Revolution" by Gregory Clark, which extols • the memory of the late "Shorty" Cant- elon, once resident in Clinton, and well known to many. His niece, Mrs. A. B. Gardiner, here, Who heard in round about fashion about the article printed in The Canadian National Sportsmen's Show, 1953, took the opportunity to discover. Gregory Clark's ad- dress and write to ask him for a copy of that programme. Mr. Clark graciously complied, and since we at the Clinton News - Record feel we are friends of his, too, (his aunt, Miss Mabel R. Clark,, edited the News -Record for some years), we are taking the liberty of using a part of his ar- ticle. "When I was a ten-year-old-bo'y, 50 years ago. (so help mel), only one of my uncles was an outdoors - man. He was Shorty Cantelon, live -bird champion of Canada around 1900, a great little` guy who made his living as a com- mercial traveler for a wholesale grocery house, and spent as much time and theirs as he could out on the fields or in the bush. "All - the rest of my family, my parents, aunts, Uncles, looked askance at Shorty. They were all indoorsmen, as nearly everybody was in 1900. Outdoors was only the place. you had to go to get from one indoor place to another. Oh, some of them played golf; and figured they Were tremendous characters, going out every week, if it was fine, to pat a pill around the suburban pastures. But even they were suspect. Man's place in nature, it was generally agreed, was indoors. "Don't think they didn't go out- doors in summer. Ah, indeed they did, by train away up to Lake Simcoe and even to Muskoka, where they got busy and made lawns around their cottages, and flower beds, and tried their hard- est immediately to convert the outdoors into a reasonable fascim- ile of their town dwellings. Rich men like Sir Jack Eaton had steam launches; but my • relatives just rowed rowboats and went picking water lilies in canoes. Some of them fished; that is they trolled around in front of their cottages and sat on the, dock dunking worms. No lady would put a worm on in 1900. Ugh' "That, was in summer, naturally. As for winter, who in heaven's name would want to go outdoors in winter? Do you think they w�te eerback �oeoro,the wouldbeasnwsh club with about 43 members, who would get all rigged up with toques and sashes and go for snowshoe hikes out even beyond' the Humber. But they were prob- ably lunatics. Then of course, there were sleighing parties where, once or twice a winter, groups of hardy young people would go for drives through the city streets and nearly all the way to 'Toronto Junction, (that used to be the next railway station beyond Parkdale, away the hell and gone out) ; or, if it was really adveckturous spirits that were tucked in under the buffalo robes in the sleigh, they might go up Yenge street to ownedHothe' og that dug My atheshoo low, so I know about those olden days.) Well, today, a boy of ten might have one uncle who is not an out- doorsman, maybe one. And every- body in the family would look on him as the queer one, possibly a communist or something. No change -in our two past genera- tions is as estonishing,as the con- version of the entire population to the outdoors., It has all been due to the auto- mobile and its consequent high- ways; the ;outboard motor, , the. highway tourist camp, the ski, and modern fishing tackle, which makes a game of skill out of fish- ing even where there aren't any fish. Nor would we forget the movie, which has converted our entire generation to the idea that it is not certain death to go out- of-doors after dark in winter. Probably the motor car is Number One of the forces that have con- verted us : from indoorsmen to outdoorsmen, man, woman and child, summer and winter. In my family, fifty years ago, only Uncle Shorty. Cantelon craved the out- doors. Now everybody in the family craves it, all the year round, But let us not think for min- ute that we have got where - we are going. The trend has really only set in. A sportsmen's Show like this one would have been un- thinkable in Toronto 'fifteen years ago; and only six years ago, when a little band of sportsmen got to- gether and risked a whole lot of their private money to launch this wonderful annual fair, they were thought to be wildly optimistic. None of them lost a cent of their private money; and as you know, they gave this whole Show, once it got going, to the Toronto Angs lers' and Hunters' Asgociation as a sort of trust or foundation for the promotion of conservation and sportsmanship and the great out- doors generally. And above all is the universal awareness of us, every one, to the joys to be found in any kind of activity that takes us away out of town and city. T figured my Uncle . Shorty Cantel<on'was just half a century ahead ,of the crowd. THE CaLveItTS ,SPQ. - R COCQLUMN Es � e49n747y r { The National Hockey League race Is yl' over. Next week the four surviving teams pine into the classic of the stool blades, the battle for the Stanley Cup, and the world nux championship of what has come to be Caii- aria's national game. Literally millions of people on both sides of the border will either watcon thele television sets, or will ali ein n toe rt! a radio'ed s'of four cities, cccounts of these stirring battles. The border -line that separates the two great nations of this continent is forgotten as the Stanley Cup battles rage. Since 1914, when the Pacific Coast League included a team from Portland, Oregon, professional hockey has been international in its scope, played in the spirit of sport by good and friendly neighbors. It was in 1916 that the first professional inter- national Stanley Cup game was played when the Portland Rosebuds, champions of the west coast came east. Each of the invaders wore daily a fresh rosebud taken from a great basket. But the rosebuds weren't enough, and Montreal Canadiens, the oldest team in professional hockey won the first international Cup series. It was inevitable that, sooner or later, the Stanley Cup must go to the United States. And the first team south of the border to take the prizeemblem out of Canada was Seattle Metropolitans, who in 1917 had won the championship of a Pacific Coast League in which, as hockey's popularity gripped the west, three American teams were competing, and only one Canadian entrant remained. Canadians, again champions • of • the east, journeyed west, and lost the title. And so the Cup, • for the first time left Canada. 1919 was a year of tragedy in Stanley Cup annals. For after Canadiens and Seattle each had won two games, the series, played on the Pacific Coast, was abandoned. Practically all players on both teams were stricken with the deadly flu' then raging, and stout-hearted Joe Hall, a star defenseman with the Habitants, died in a Seattle hospital, That was the only unfinished series since the trophy be- came the prize for superiority among professional players. We spoke of the possibilities of surprises. Many of these have dotted Cup history. Perhaps the most stunning of these came 16 years ago, in the spring of 1938, when the Chicago Black Hawks raced through to the title. The. Hawks, managed by Bill Stewart, only American -born pilot ever to achieve a Stanley Cup triumph, had • finished sixth in the points standing in an 8 -club Ieague.' They had scored the least goals of any team. Only one club had been scored on more frequently. They had won only 14 games of 48. But in the Cup series, they knocked out Canadiens and New York Americans, and in a stormy final, took three out of four from Toronto Leafs, That's the drama of the Cup finals — the chance that the underdog will suddenly show his teeth. Your comments and suggestions for fhb column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge St., Toronto. Calvert DISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTBURO, ONTARIO , ttentionf Each Year Brings a New and More Fascinating FIGURE SKATING CARNIVAL And This Year is No Exception. FRIDAY, MARCH 19th "Holiday on Ice" will be presented in the Seaf orth Community Centre Come and see; one of the highlights of the year with numbers by Seafotth Club assisted by Stratford Figure ADMISSION: Skating Club. Adults 75c; Children 50c (including H;S, students) Pre -School Age Children Admitted Free Reserve Seats 10c extra. 9.10'-b i