Clinton News Record, 1954-03-18, Page 7THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1954 CLINTON NEWS•iRECORD -a • a PAGE SEVEN , EVERYONE READS AND USES Classified Rates CASH RATE -- (If paid bY –Wednesday following date of In- :azertitiii)—Two cents a word first insertion (minimum 50 cents); azulasequent insertions tei cents a ward (.ininimam 35 cents); 15 cents extre for box number or or 'directibn to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 neon, Wednes- aday. ACCOMMODATION'for RENT , FURNISHED OR UNFURNISH- -ed apartment with private bath. A.vailable first week in April. :Phone Clinton 641. 11-b :SEX -ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, , In Clinton; three-piece bath; hot water on tap. , Apply to Box No. 71, Clinton, News -Record. 11-b Accommodation Wanted a YOUNG COUPLE 'DESIRE TWO furnished rooms. Box 70, Clinton News -Record. 11-b •-.AIR FORCE COUPLE REQUIRE • One or two furnished rooms, ima mediately. Box 68, Clinton News - Record. 11-p AIRMAN AND WIFE REQUIRE furnished apartment by end of March. Urgently needed. Box 69, • Clinton News -Record. 11-p UNFURNISHED — THREE OR four room apartment for family • with one child. Contact Mr. Mis- kelly, phone RCAF Station Clin- -ton, local 322, 11-b ARTICLES FOR SALE USED ELECTROLUX CLEAN- .• ers for sale, fully reconditioned. APPlY E. E. Ruttan, Electrolux •dealer, Box 511, Winghtun, phone 654-J-21. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HaTSINESS OPPORTUNITIES — basiness trades listed: restaurants, ,gas stations, tourist camps, groc- ery stores; one Main St. build- ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; Phone 448, 14-tfb BABY CHICKS YOU CAN SAVE MONEY ON , your March ]lig-4 Chicks by con- tacting agent here for weekly specials. Dayolds, started; pul- lets, cockerels. Variety breeds, crosses. Your March chicks should be extra good. Canadian Approv- al, plus our own complete breed- ing program of 25 years, You - can't go wrong with Big -4, Agent 'is Chas. Scott, Auburn, phone Br.kath 43 r 23. BOARD AND ROOM .ACCOIVIMODAITON for Roomers or boarders, gentlemen preferred. 'Phone Clinton 163R, 1041-b WANTED — GIRL OR WOMAN to room, kitchen privileges. Phone Clinton 310W, after 8 p.m. 11-p EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOUNG DUTCH GIRL would like housework by the day in Clinton, .Phone Goderich 933 r 34. 11-p FARM MACHINERY •TWO COAL BURNING Brooders, in first class condition. About . half price. F. W. Andrews, phone 'Clinton 88. 10-tfb FARMS .FOR SALE "IcibE LIST OF FARMS FOR .male. L. G 'Winter, Real Estate, Plione Clinton 448. 33-tfb 150 ACRE GRASS FARM FOR :sale. Abundance of shade and water, Located north of Clinton. Write to Box 67, Clinton News - Record, 11-p 2S41 ACRES OF LAND„eight-roorn 'hciuse, bank barn, on Highway 8 'between Clinton and Goderich, one :infIe from Holmesville, with or witileUt stoek and implements. Apply Clarence Sturdy, prop., RR. Clinton, Phone Clinton 901r13. 49-tfb Furniture Re -Finishing 'IPOR. FURNITURE, PIANO AND :Matocabinet, refinishing and re - 'pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, !phone Clinton 761M. 8-9-10-11-p FURNITURE FOR SALE ' TWO - PIECE CHESTERFIELD :Mite, priced for quick sale. Phone '57W. 11-11 KI'TCHEN CUPBOARD; also rocking chair, clothes rack. Mrs. J. E. johnston, phone Clinton 'BMW. 11-p HAY FOR SALE Prnsp OR SECOND CUT, baled :clover hay; also limited amount of baled straw. Apply eiturraY Forbes, phone Clinton 904r31. 9 -tib HELP WANTED FEMALE 'GIRL WANTED for secretarial work. Phone Canada Packers Limited, Clinton 580. 11-b WOMAN • NEEDED, for general leek), 48 hours per week, $25 plus 'board. Comanercial Rotel, Clin- 4tani 3.1-b HELP WANTED—MALE WANial.> -- CONTRACT Painter to paint barn, louse and double car garage, by spray method. For contract ' Phondi Clinton 629r41. KEY AND LOCK SERVICE .0 Key Duplicating while while you wait. ' • Locks without keys "re- set and cleaned: -- Bring us your lock problems — BALL and MUTCH LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 18 PIGS, NINE YORK and NINE Tam, seven weeks old. Apply James East, R.R. 4, Clinton, phone 807r6. 11-p PUREBRED JERSEYS, register- ed, accredited and vaccinated, to freshen in April. Apply Gordon Rathwell, phone Clinton 908r4. • 11-p HOLSTEIN COW, Oa years old; Holstein heifer, both artificially bred of a purebred Holstein bull; also a Holstein bull calf. W. Rustenburg, R.R. 1, Clinton. 11-p FOUR HEREFORD HEIFERS — freshening end of March; 2 Here- ford heifers, 7 months old, Their dams are from several generations of registered Hereford bloodlines, sired from a Delzento bull of the Rodanz breeding. Phone 46r3 Bayfield. 11-b LOST AND FOUND LOST —Short -haired Brown bog, about seven months old, since Saturday. Answers to the name of "Taffy". Anyone knowing of her, please phone Clinton 424. • 11-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone "Stones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21. MISCELLANEOUS CRESS CORN SALVE for sure relief. Druggists sell Cress Bunion Salve—wear stylish shoes soon. 11-b ELECTRIC MOTORS—one 1 h.p. and one Yh.p. Also hemlock, elm and hard maple logs, Bruce Cann, R.R. 5, Clinton, phone Clin- ton 631 r 32. 11-p VULCANIZING — Tractor, Truck and Car Tires. Fluid inflation service. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice. Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, phone Goderich 535. BUSH WANTED—We are in the market for good hardwood timber. We pay cash when transaction closed. Also buying logs. James T. Craig & Son, Auburn, phone Blyth 43 r 24. 10-1-2-p McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS — complete parts, trained service. Authorized dealer . . . McCulloch Saw Sales, 377 Huron St., Strat- ford, Ont. Phone Stratford 10615. 3-tfb FARMERS! If in need of exper- ienced farm help, call us. Single and married men available. If you have farms for rent or for sale, let us know. Call Corn. Buruma, R.R. 4, Clinton. Phone Clinton 807r21. 8 to 13-b PIANO TUNING YbUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 6955. 43-tfb PIANOS FOR SALE UPRIGHT WOR1VIWORTH Piano in fair condition. Phone Clinton 618r3, 11-b HE/NTZMAN GRAND PIANO, walnut case: Known to be at least 60 years old, but in much too fine condition for scrap or the County lVfuseurn. Phone Hensall 686 r 23. 10-11-b UPRIGHT PIANO; 4 lap. Gen- eral 'Electric motor; metal baby bath, All in excellent condition. Phone Seaforth 265. 10 -1I -b SALESMEN WANTED AN HOUR GIVEN TO MY agency pays more than an hour to any other occupation says Mr. P. If interested in door -to -door -sell- ing, in a business of your own, join now a 25 -year-old Canadian firm with 1,000 dealers. Catalogues for all customers available and pro- mote your sales between calls. Openings in your surroundings. Write for free information to FAIVIILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. A. Montreal. 11-b SEED FOR SALE SEED CORN, GENUINE Pfister Hybrids. Milford Durst, RR 2, Clinton or Phone Carlow 1112. 11-12-p ALFALFA SEED — theroughly cleaned at Jones and MacNaugh- ton Seeds. Get our price. William J. Clark, phone Hensall 687 r 12. 11-12-p 500 BUSHELS BEAVER OATS, with small percentage of barley, $1.10 per bushel. Milton Pollock, R.R. 1, Varna. Phone Hensel' 687 r 31. 11-12-6 TENDERS WANTEp 'renders will lie received until - March 31st, to supply and deliver Twenty (20) Cords of 12 -inch Body Hard Wood to Tuckersmith School Area, W. P. ROBERTS, Secretary, R. No. 3, Seaforth 11'b BIRTHS ARMSTRONG—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, march 12, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong (nee Maude Mac - Math), R.R. 3, Bayfield, a dau- ghter (Mary Winnifred). GARNEAU, In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, March 17, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Andre Garneau, Clinton, a daughter. GORTER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, March 11, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Stein Gorter, Herisall, a son. KECHNIE — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, March 15, 1954,. to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Keehnie, Bright's Grove, Selena, a daughter. RIEBL—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Monday, March 15, 1954, to Mr, and Mrs. William Riehl, Blyth, a daughter. TURNER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, March 16, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Turner, Clinton, a daughter. _MARRIAGES MARKS -HARVEY -- In Christ Church Cathedral, Vancouver, B C, on Saturday, February 13, 1954, by Dean Northcote Burke, Marcia Carol, daughter of Mrs. Harvey and the late H. W, Har- vey, and Ross Gordon Marks, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Gordon Marks. 1954 is our 20th Year of continuous 'improve- ment in service and facilities. Feuitte' Intent( Now STOVES FOR SALE BEATTY OIL BURNER and pipes nearly new, $50; 4 -burner electric range. Apply. 29 Regina Road, RCAF Station Clinton. TUDHOPE TWO -BURNER Rang- ette with oven control and utility drawer, in excellent condition. Price $35. T. A. Dutton, Bruce field, phone Clinton 634r 4. 11-b COLEMAN SPACE HEATER, 50,000 BTU's Beach Oil Range, with oven. Both four months old, new condition. Will deliver and instal: Apply 28 Edmonton Road, Adastral Park, RCAF Station Clinton. 9-tfb TRUCK FOR SALE 1951 F.ARGO 3/2 TON EXPRESS. Irvine Tebbutt, phone Clinton 902 r 6. 11-12-p TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT TEA CHER for USS No. 12, Hullett and Gode- rich Township, four miles north of Clinton on County Road. School automatic oil heated, modern and fully equipped. Duties to com- mence in September. Apply stat- ing qualifications and salary ex- pected to Secretary -Treasurer, Charles Merrill, Clinton, R.R. 1. LEGAL NOTICES TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to the Change of Name Act, R.S.0, 1950, Chapter 47, Joseph Rusnak, otherwise known as Joe Rusnak, a Leading Air Craftsman of the Royal Canadian Air Force, pres- ently stationed at the Clinton Radar & Communications School, will apply to His Honour, Judge Thomas Moore Costello, at the Temporary Court House, in the Town of Goderich in the Comity of Huron, on Friday, the 9th day of April, AD, 1954, at 9.30 o'clock in the forenoon, for an Order changing his name to Joseph Allan Cano. DATED at Clinton, Ontario,. this. 15th day of March, A.D. 1954, F. FINGLAND, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solieitor for the Applicant. 11-2-3-b FOR SALE lira Storey Six -Room Dwelling; modern conveniences; located near schools; price: $5,500. Storey Six -Room Dwelling; Price: $3,200. 1.1h Storey Five -Room Dwelling; new; modern conveniences; immediate possession. 1 Storey Four -Room I:Welling; new; modern conveniences; early possession. 1 Storey Four -Room DvveRing; bath; good building lot adjac- ent l near new school. Price: $2300 with terms. 110 Acre Farm; good buildings; Hydro; good location; early possession. 1)/2 Storey 8 -Room DwelMng; two electric fire places; den, hardwood floors; modern eon- verifences; hot water heating with oil; double garage; ideal location. 1.1h Storey New Dwelling; living room; diningroom; den; sun - porch; modern kitchen; two bedrooms and bath down; two bedrooms up; hardwood floors; modern conveniences. One block from Post Office. IL C. Lawson REALTOR Bank of Montreal Building Phone 25IW -- Clinton a -tib DEATHS , BOLTON — In Clinton, after a lengthy illness, early Friday morning, March 12, 1954, Maude Marion Bolton, beloved wife of the late Thomas C. Bolton (Davey), in her 80th year, Lov- ed mother of Mrs. A. G. Clarke (Vera), Mrs. John Ostrom (Nor- ma), Clinton, Ontario, Mrs. Ross A. Perigoe (Myrtle), Roy E, Davey and dear sister of Mrs. T, A. Hopkins (Mabel), Toronto. Service in the chapel at the Turner 4 Porter funeral home, 436 Roncesvalles at Howard Park Avenue, Toronto, on Tues- day afternoon; March 16. Inter- ment in Park Lawn Cemetery. CUDMORE—In "Clinton, on Mon- day, March 15, 1954, John Al- bert Cudmore, beloved husband of Emma Jane Bromley, in his 75th year. Funeral service from Ball and Mutch funeral home on Thursday afternoon, March 18. Interment in Clinton Cemetery. FREEMAN—In her home on Con- cession 2, Hullett Township, on Thursday night, March 11, 1954, Euphemia Bruce, beloved wife of John Freeman, in her 70th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Clinton Cem- etery, on Monday afternoon, ' match 15. McGREGOR—In Clinton. on Tues- day, March 16, 1954, Maud Mc- Gregor, beloved sister of Her- bert McGregor, in her 79th year, Funeral service will be held on Friday afternoon, March 19 from Ball and Mutch funeral home. Interment in Bayfield Cemetery. , WRIGHT—At ,the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Pen - found, Goderich Township, on Friday, March 12, 1954, Lucy Ball, widow of the late David Wright, in her 77th year. Fun- eral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clin- ton, to Ball's Cemetery, on Mon- day afternoon, March 15. WOMEN!S INSTITUTE .CHANGE NEXT MEETING DATE TO TUESDAY, MARCH 30 The Clinten Women's Institute will meet in the agricultural of- fice board room on Tuesday, March 30 at two o'clock, Please note the change of date of meet- ing. Because of the work shop sponsored by the WI being held at the present time it was thought wise to meet on Tuesday, March 30. The election of officers will be held at this meeting and a full attendance is requested. The pro- gram conveners will be Mrs. Fred Miller and Mrs. Fred Reid, Mrs, William Wise will give current events. Roll call will be the pay- ment of fees. Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery and House- hold Effects: at Lot 14, Con, 9, 1 mile south and 3 miles east of Londesboro, on Monday March 29 at 1 pm Six ft. cut Dearbourn combine, motor driven, cut only 170 acres; Ford Ferguson tractor, on rubber, in good condition; 13 -tooth Ferg- uson cultivator (like new); Fer- uson plow, two 10" bottoms (like new); 8 ft. fertilizer spreader; 13 - run disc Massey Harris drill; rub- ber tired farm wagon; Massey Harris hay loader; Big 4 McCor- mick mower, 6 ft. cut; 10 ft Mas- sey Harris durne rake; 7 ft. Deer- ing binder; Clinton fanning mill with flat pulley; single furrow walking plow; 16 ft sliding hay rack; root pulper; pump jack; 2 lap, gas motor; steel stock trough; manure sleigh; hay car with ropes and pulleys; set double harness; horse collars; wheel bar- row; crosscut saw, forks, shovels, barrels; 700 bus. Clinton oats, suit- able for seed; 3 mows mixed hay. Household Effects — Colonial player piano; dining room table, 6 chairs; 6 kitchen chairs; baking cabinet; 2 sideboards; small tables; Edison Victrola with 300 records; cupboard; 2 dressers; 3 beds with springs; antique settee with 2 chairs an cherry; chest of drawers; pictures; sewing mach- ine; meat grinder; sausage mach- ine with lard press; 50 sap pails; sap pan and spiles; wood heater; fruit jars and other household articles too numerous to mention. TERMS—CASH William and George Fairseavie,e, Proprietors Harold Jackson, Auctioneer George Powell, Clerk 11-12-b ROXY THEATRE 'CLINTON Now Playing—Mar. 18-20 "A Slight Case of Larceny" Mickey Itoonesytar—rinEgddie Bracken Mon. Tues. Wed., Mar. 22..24 TYRONE PI PER POWER LAURIE GAMBLER" -- Color --- Thurs., Fri., Sot., Mar. 25-27 RICHARD DON WDMARK TAYLOR "DESTINATION PARK THEATRE GODERICH—Phone 1150 Now: In Technicolor "The LAWLESS BREED" Rock Hudson'and Julia Adams MON., TUES., WED. Adult Entertainment BETTE DAVIS - Sterling Hayden and Natelle Wood With a superb supporting at in the story of a passe movie star who tries a comeback but yields to a sentimental influence. "The STAR" THURS., FRI., SAT. Stephen McNally — Julia Adams and }high Marlowe Take us to Arizona for a Techni- color Super -Western story: in which the Sheriff saves an Apache chief and wins the rancher's daughter. "The Stand at Apache River" Coming: Esther Williams Coming: In Color! "DANGEROUS WHEN WET" "Take the High Ground" CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH — Phone 47 NOW: Edward G. Robinson and Vera Ellen in "BIG LEAGUER" " A Baseball Yarn MON., TUES., WED. Adult Entertainnient Cleo Moore — Hugo Hass and Ken Carlton Hollywood's newest sensation Clee Moore in her first screen appear- ance, a dramatic exposition of disloyalty. Thy Neighbor's Wife" THURS., FRL, SAT. ' Dennis Day — Gloria DeHaven and June Haver In Technicolor: a bright and breezy musical comedy with toe -tapping tunes and rib - busting comedy. "I'LL GET BY" Coining: Jaime Cagney and Barbara Hale In "A Lion is in the Streets" In Memoriam BROCK — In loving memory of Mrs. Charlotte Brock, who passed away March 21, 1953: "Her memory is a keepsake With which we will never part Though God has her in his keep- ing We still have her in our hearts." --Ever remembered by daughter and family. 11-b HUNKING—In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, who passed away March 16, 1953: "One year has passed since that sad day, When one we loved was called away. His weary hours and days of • Pain, His troubled nights are past. God took him home—it was his will, Within our hearts he liveth still." —Ever remembered by daughter Hazel; son-in-law, Harold and grandchildren Dorothy Thomas, Kenneth and Edward Barnes, Toronto 18. 11-b Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Machinery and Household Effects at Lot 10, Con- cession 3, Tuchersmitb TownsIdia 11.R.S., first farm south of Eg- mondville, on Tuesday, March 23 at 1 p.m., as follows: HORSES: Matched tearri of Per- cheron mares (middle aged). CATILE: 8 Durham cows due in April and May; brown Swiss cow due in May; 4 steers rising 2 yrs. old; 7 heifers rising 2 yrs. old; 12 Durham heifers and steers, 1 year old; PIGS: Purebred English York hog, bred by Kemscott farm, Mil- ton; purebred English York hog, 8 months old; 2 purebred English Yerk sows, bred 2 months; 8 York sows, bred; 6' young York sows, bred; 10 York chunks. Set breeching harness and horse collars. MACHINERY: Model S Case tractor, fully equipped (like new); International 2 -furrow plow (like new) ; Case tractor disc (like new); Case manure spreader (new); Case 7 ft. mower (new); Case 10 It. packer (new); International side rake; 10 ft. Massey Harris dump rake; International drop - head hay loader; horse mower; horse Bissel disc; 9 ft. steel land roller; 15 -drum double disc fertil- izer; International power drill with markers, used one season; 4 -section dialnond harrows; small cutting box; scuffler; 2,000 lb, Renfrew scales; fanning mill with pulley; 30 bags of cement; Surge milking machine (2 units, like new); farm wagon; 16 ft. hay rack; wagon box; steel rubber tir- ed wagon; HAY and GRAIN: 20 ton mixed hay; 150 bus. of wheat; some mix- ed grain. Poultry Equipment: 3 chicken shelters; Royal brooder stove; chicken hoppers and troughs. Household Effects: Radio; kit- chen cabinet and other articles. Terms Cash. No reserve, farm sold. : A. C: LEVEY, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk 10-11-b SALE BY TENDER TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the Town of Clinton will offer for sale by tender the foRowing building and lots, formerly known as the Clinton Public School Prop- erty, in four parcels: (a) building (to be removed) (b) 'buildingsand lots 168 and 169 . (c) building and lot; 168 and 169;•142, 143 • and south 106 , ft. of lot 144 (d).lots 142, 143 and south 106 ftof lot 144 individually or in a group. • • Tenders will be received by the Undersigned on or -before the, 5th day of April, 1954, at 12 o'clock. All tenders must be in writing. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Clinton, Ontario March 1/ 3.954. L. IL HOLLAND, 'Clerk, Town of Clinton 11-12-b Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY AT 2 P.M. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Cards of Thanks I would like to thank all those who sent me cards, gifts and Rav- ers while I was a patient in Clin- ton Public Hospital. Also thanks to the nurses, staff, Dr. Oakes, Dr. Newland, Dr. Addison.—MRS. LLOYD BUTLER. 11-b I wish to thank Dr. Addison, Dr. Newland, Miss Sinclair and all the nurses, those who sent flowers and treats, also the WA Wesley - Willis Church and any who assist- ed in any way while my wife Mary Belle Cantelon was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital — R. 5. CANTELON. 11-b I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all my friends and relatives who so kindly remembered me with cards, letters, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Special thanks to Rev. J. B. Fox and Arnold Circle members, Archdeacon W. A. Townshend and Chalmers Presbyterian Church, London, the nursing staff of Victoria Hospital and Dr. A. E. Mowry. — MRS. ISOBEL TROYER. 11-b I would like to thank all those who sent me cards, flowers, fruit and candy, while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. — DIANNE WEBBER. 11-p I would like to thank all those for acts of kindness shown me during my recent stay in Clinton Public Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, Dr. Addison, Dr. Thompson and the nurses.—GEO. A. BAILEY. 11-b SAVE SUM The Credit Union Way —for posiible sickness and medical expense —for vacations —for better education for the children —for insurance and taxes —For Christmas down at the bottom of the cal- endar. Life Insurance with savings (automatically) tit hO cost to you. Clinton Community Credit Union Limited W. V. ROY—Treas.-Manager PLASTERING New Work or Repairs ARCHWAYS, COVES, STUCCO. 30 Years Experience C. F. GARROW Phone Clinton 943 - When You Buy.. . . Canada's Finest Anthracite — AND — Champion Fuel Oil / Place your order with A. G. Grigg & Son Phone 74W -- Clinton IARROW SHIRTS PHONE 25 r IT'S TIME TO ORDER YOU NEW EASTER SUIT NOW! NEW SAMPLES! NEW FABRICS! NEW SHADES! NEW STYLES! at the same OLD price. from $49.50 inp SUITS ordered before March 26 will be delivered in tirne for Easter. PICKETT # CAMPBELL (Main Corner) STETSON HATS CLINTON