HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-03-04, Page 6AGE :. SIX %; ews of Bayfielc Representative: MISSLTJCY R. WOODS Phone BAYFIELD, 45r3 ' " s The Women's ,Day -of Prayer B.C.,having vang pe nt six Service will be held in Trinity months visiting her mother, Mrs. Church at three o'clock' on Friday William Sturgeon, and other rela- afternoon, trims in the district. Mr. and.Mrs; G. D. Churchyard, Charles Plater, and sons, Charles London, wereinvillage onand Billyof the U.S. .the villagJr. Detroit, Sunday:' Marines, San Diego, and daughter,: John Pearson returned home on Mrs. Barbara Terribile and friend, Monday after having spent a Detroit, spent the 'weekend with month in London. his wife and family. Little Cathy Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Middleton Plater, daughter of John, who and Bobby, Herisall, visited Mrs. spent last week with ,.her grand N. W. Woods on Sunday. mother while her parents enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Kyle, Don .a trip to Washington given them and Jim, Kippen, were Sunday as a reward for John having top- visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan ped the sales in the insurance Steckle. company for which he is agent, Miss Ethel Blair and Charles returned to Detroitwith them. Guest, London, spent the weekend Euchre Held with the former's parents, Mr. and The Trinity Club held a very Mrs. Robert Blair: successful euchre at, The New Ritz KeithPruss London, came on Hotel' on "Friday evening when Sunday to take home his little seven tables, played. Prize winners daughter Janice,,' who has been were: ladies' high, Mrs.: J. Cluff; staying with her aunt, Mrs. Fred low, Mrs. J, Cameron; men's high, Weston. Milton Pollock; low, Les. Elliott: Mr.' and Mrs. Ivan Steckle, Mr. Milton Pollock won the prize for and Mrs. W. IR. Cooper, Kippen, high in lone hands, Sandwiches attended the Thresher's banquet and tarts were served by the. at "Palm Grove", -London, on Fri- members before a most enjoyable day, February 26. evening came to a close. Miss Mildred Fraser, London, Receives Cablegram spent the weekend with her par- 'On Tuesday of last week Mrs. ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fraser. E. Carew -Jones, Captain of the Jackie -Fraser also was "home for a Girl Guides, received a cablegram short time on Sunday. sent from the Thinking Day Rally Mrs. Martin Rosell left on Mon- of 500 Girl Guides held at King's day for her home in Steveston, Lynn, Norfolk, England, where she ii FARM HELP • Now is the time to apply for workers. Farm labour is scarce ... but help may be made avail- able from Canadian and European sources if farmers. make their needs known at once. Time is required to select and distri- bute workers. Apply now to the nearest Office of THE NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE THE ONTARIO FEDERAL - PROVINCIAL FARM LABOUR COMMITTEE 3D FARMING . the modern power Farmer's answer to .. HARDPAN Lying from 8 to 20 inches below the surface of the, land is the reason why so many Ontario farmers are plagued with water runoff, soil erosion, poor root penetration and dry, dusty fields. Years of rolling over the fields with wheel -type tractors has packed the earth, forming a layer of hardpan . which is undisturbed by the ordinary methods of plowing and tilling the soil. More and more farmers are turning to deep tilling evory day. A Caterpillar Diesel Farm Tractor pulling a subsoiler shank or chisels on its rugged -duty Caterpillar Tool Bar, breaks up this hardpan, allowing the land to soak up and store water like a sponge, unlocking valuable fertilizer elements in the subsoil and allowing plant roots access to this fertilizer and water. And what's more, you'll plow, disk, harrow awl harvest easier, faster and better than ever before when you have a Cater- pillar Diesel Tractor. Every day you spend on the'job you'll accomplish more with fuel savings up to 80%. Remember, too, that the long, broad tracks on the Caterpillar Tractor tread lightly on the soil — they actually pack the soil less than a man walking. Fill in the coupon below. We'd be delighted to send you further information on 3D FARMING or arrange a demon- stration right our your farm. There's no obligation on: your part. TORONTO • OTTAWA • CHATHAM • SAULT STE..MARIE GEO. W. CROTHERS LTD., 1113 MILLWOOD BAD, TORONTO, ONT. 2/54 RUSH Please send additional information 'on 3D FARMING Please arrange a 3D FARMING demonstration right on my farm. Name Address M. Johnston Funeral (By our Bayfield correspondent) Pallbearers at the funeral of! Thomas. Mathew Johnston, held. yesterday afternoon in the Lodge funeral home, Goderich, Were Jack Johnson, Lloyd Johnson, Thomas ,Sowerby, Jack Gordon, Percy Gra- ham' (all nephews of the deceased) and Malcom Toms. . Mr, Johnson:' was born r near, Varna on September 29, -1860, the. Son of Matthew Johnson and Mary. Tumoth of the County, Fermanath, Ireland': When about 12 years of age he moved with his parents to Goderieh Township. In his younger days he was a' school teacher,hav ing taught at Varna and Taylor's Corners. For a few years he, homesteaded in the ' Canadian West and returned to farming in Huron County, later retiring , to Goderich. He married ' Miss Catharine Johnson on February 24, 1903 and his wife predeceased him in Aug- ust 1944. ,Over nine years ago he moved to Bayfield to make his home with the; daughter of a-cou sin, Mrs. Malcom Toms. Mr. Johnson was a manof sterling qualities, of dignified bearing and remarkable for - his years. Ho was well read, enjoyed a newspaper and had good health until his accident. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church. formerly worked in the Guides. It was sent through the County Com- missioner of Girl Guides expres- sing best wishes to the company and pack at Bayfield. It was ,quite a thrill for the Guides and Brown- ies and their leaders to know that those at this large' rally so far away had been thinking of them. Trinity Club The regular meeting' of the Trin- ity Club was held at the home of Mrs. William E. Parker on Tues- day evening with 11 members present. Mrs. Pat Worth, presi- dent, opened with prayer and a poem entitled, "What Makes a Home?" The showing of a film which had been planned for the meeting had to be cancelled owing to the rinclement weather.. A short social time Was enjoyed during which members exchanged recipes. Lunch boxes, "delectable and added,cal- ories" to the diet," were sold .for 25 cents each. Pancake Supper Despite the inclemency of the 'weather, arid bad roads there was a fair attendance at the pancake supper under the auspices of the Women's Auxiliary which was held at the New Ritz Hotel on Shrove Tuesday through the' kindness of the hostess, Mrs. T. C. Bailey. Bayfield' has had pancake suppers before but this One. was different for the tasty cakes were donated by two chefs, J. M. Stewart and Corporal George Adams, resplen- dent in their white uniforms and tall white hats. Members of the WA assisted in the dining -room and kitchen, In the dining -room amongst her other beautiful flow- ers, Mrs. Bailey had a large poin- settia about four feet taII with two large blooms and more to come, Such large plants are rath- er rare in this northern climate, STANLEY WS RECORD • 11,7RSDAX„ MAF • tCiI: 1954 • lot "The 'Prettiesti Vi lage" s Site. For New Court House?: (By our :Bayffeld correspondent). C ry So the historic, County of Huron Court Houser went up in flames!, It is a pity that' so many ;records' of our "beginnings" in this county were lost. .(But at least we were glad that "Peter of the Backshop" had a scamper around the lilace before the demon "Fire',' demolish - And so long as there . is any. thought of building the new court. house in a more central location, why not in Bayfield? We are on the' Blue Water Highway with good county roads connecting qs with Highway. 4. We are situated 12 miles south of Goderich which would make it more convenient to. the southern portion of the county (which, incidentally, laysclaim to paying the most taxes). Also we have an historical backgro}ind, be- ing at one time the second most important point in the county and bidding fair to outstrip. the County town in commerce. About a cent- ury ago, farmers from Goderich Township brought their' produce to Bayfield - because better " prices were to, be obtained here. In 1851 Bayfield had a resident Judge of the Division Court, A. Ackland; D. H, Ritchie was Clerk of the Court. At that time the residents numbered 125 persons. In 1856, without harbour facil- ities, 100,000 bushels of wheat be- sides large quantities of peas and oats were shipped from Bayfield in the spring. Old-timers used to recallthesolid Sine of ox carts and wagons which moved forward, the length of a vehicleat a time, from John Pollock's tavern (Mc- Ewen's corner) to the harbour. Being a port of entry, William Eden was stationed here as, a col- lector of customs. In 1854 £2,500. had been raised by Stanley Township and expend- ed in making at least the begin- ning of a harbour at Bayfield, in wooden cribs filled with stone on the north shore. Another £1,000 was raised in. 1856 for the south pier, only two or three of which cribs had been sunk when Thomas McQueen, editor of the Goderich Signal, quotes Mr. Hall, architect and contractor for the Bayfield Harbour as saying that one half the money spent by the Canada Company on the Goderieh Harbour would make Bayfield the best har- bour on the east shore of Lake Huron. Community Club The monthly meeting of Stanley Community Club was held at the home of Mrs. Walter ,Moffatt on February 25. The meeting open- ed by repeating the Lord's Prayer. This was followed by the secre- tary and treasurer's reports and the roll call. Parties were discus- sed and one will be held in mid- March. Readings were given by: Mrs. John A. McEwan. The next meeting is at the home of Mrs. John McGregor, and the roll call, "How to keep a healthy state of mind." NIXON'S SCOUREX WILL "SAVE" YOUR CALVES SCOUREX WORKS FAST! Removes infection from the in- testinaI tract overnight. The "combined sulfas" in Scou- rex work fast. Promotes appetite for rapid - recovery. Save Every Calf This -Season Get NIXON'S SCOLIREX at: F. B. 'PENNEBAKER IDA Drug Store — Phone 14 Mali and Hornet CHAIN SAWS model 2MG Trade In Your Present Saw On The. New 2 M.G. One-man Machine TERMS ARRANGED;; For 'Further Particulars' See Your Authorized Dealer Charles Hutchins Complete Parts Prompt. Service PHONE- 910r5 R.R. 2 Clinton In the Canada Directory 1863-4 we note that the population had. grown to 500. It lists eight stores," four manufacturers, four churches, a French Seminary, Division Courts, And in the professional' directory one, notes that some of the store -keepers 'were companies, such as J. A, Campbell and Co., J. A. Gairdner & Co, C. W. Foster is listed as .barrister, notary pub- lic, solicitor in rchaneery,'cornmis- sioner in D.R.;-Charles Middleton,. J.P,; William Plunkett, teacher R. H. Gairdner, M.D., .and,, Ninian Woods, M.D„ are familiar names on the long list. But forthe fluke of the Lake' Huron and Buffalo Railway locatr ing its terminus at Goderich, the positions of the county town and Bayfield might easily have been reversed and the latter developed into the city for which ' it was planned ' by the Baron de TuYll (Clinton might still have been The Corners"). With the completion of the Hu- ron and Bruce Railway in 1876 another blow was dealt this thriv- ing port. The three grain elevat- ors no longer bulged, True, schooners still came for some years and grain was shipped from the immediate vicinity: And early in this century we recall Iumber being shipped via schooner from Bayfield. But gradually our in- dustrial vitality was .sapped by circumstances and the surrounding communities. ews .o Brwcefield Mrs. Kenneth Scott is a patient in hondon hospital, Miss Tena McNaughton visited with her sister, Mr, and Mrs, C. Smilie,: Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. James Paterson, London, spent the weekend With Mr. and Mrs. Alec Paterson. ' Miss Margaret Aikenhead, Lon- don, spent the weekend with her mother,, Mrs. H. Aikenhead. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Douglas and Mrs. Consitt on the death of their brother, I.; Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Boyce. and family visited over the week- end with his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyce, Mrs. J. W. Stackhouse retyrned to the village on Sunday following a week's visit with her son at Wilton. Grove and her daughter in But, let us • not dwell ori the glories, of the past. Citizens of Huron County, we must look to the future! With al] the Industrial Planning Board activity, it may not be so many years before Bayfield will be the suburbs of Goderich and Clinton! A hundred years from now the judges and magistrates may not even. reside in the counties. And how much . more convenient for them to let down their jet planes or helicopters within easy walking distance of the court house. Much more convenient than getting a taxi to drive them miles through congested traffic to their destina- tion! Much better for those who have to attend court, too! And then supposing that these persons were old-fashioned enough to drive their own automobiles in 2054 A.D. where wouldthey park their cars in a built-up business area? We all know of the parking FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Saturday for United Co-operatives of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm.. Please PHOND COLLECT not later than Friday nights. Seaforth Farmers. Co-operative H. S. Hunt, Manager Phone—Day 9, Evenings 481w • 39-tfb McKINLEY'S BABY. CHICKS CANADIAN APPROVED PUREBRED NEW HAMPSHIRE PUREBRED LIGHT SUSSEX PUREBRED WIHTE ROCK N.H. x L.S. CROSSBREDS N.H. x B.R. CROSSBREDS and our popular THREE WAY CROSS W. R. x H. S. McKinley's Farm and Hatchery R.R. 1, Zurich 1 -to 12-b problems which are plaguing oaf growing towns and cities] Giveityour serious considera- tion, gentlemen of the County Council. Build the new court house in a suburban area of the future —now "the prettiest village in On- tario." Build in Bayfield,. Glencoe. Richard Munn, son, o Mr. and;. Mrs. A, E. Munn, London, is spending sometime at the hone of " his grandparents, < Mr, and Mrs, W. V. Dinnin, while recuperating, from measles:, Day of Prayer The Women's World, Day of Prayer will be 'marked in Bruce - field by a special service in the church,, on Friday ,' afternoon at three o'clock. All the women of the community . are urged td at- • tend. ♦o -is �-r-. ,-o-.+-.+ 4 Ia VARNA Rev, and Mrs. T. J. Pitt and Miss Jean • Pitt visited friends in. Toronto last week. Word has been received of the death of Rev. H. G. Bandey, Bram pton, Ont., a former pastor of Varna United Church. Day of Prayer The Women's World Day of Prayer will be Weld in the•United'. Church on Friday afternoon at three o'clock. Contract Barley We are again taking cdntracts for barley, as the quantity of seed is limited. Contract early and be sure you can get enough for acreage desired. Fred O. Ford. Phone 123W Clinton 4-0-C-+r+•r-.40r Choice Finish — Higher. Grades Increased Profit Successful feeders have found that year after , year it PAYS to use SHUR-GAIN Beefmoker Concentrate — because they get that extra degree of finish that means extra profit. For every 8 bags of grain you have to feed to your steers, try replacing one with a bag of Beefmaker. The extra cost is small but the resulting mixture really makes a differ-, ence on the finish. Drop in' and see us about a beef feeding program. CLITON FEED `'Ill 1952 DODGE SEDAN Built-in radio; Airconditioning. 1951 CHEM.. "Power -Glide Coach Built-in radio; Aircondrtioning. 1949 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Ai rcond ition ing. 1947 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Built-in Radio; Heater. 1940 FORD. COACH —TRUCKS -- 1950 FORD 1 TON EXPRESS McPherson Bros. KAISER . WILLYS DEALERS Front -End Alignment = Wheel Balancing PRONE 492 * CLINTON "OF COURSE I NAVE PSN ESTATE" "My,Dad is building:it for me right now, and it's going to be pretty iinportant to me some day." And a father knows how important it is to have that estate pi roperly •administered,no matter how small it may be at present. He may receive advice and assistance from experienced Trust Officers on the disposition of his estate without any obligation. Write for free booklet "Blueprint Fot Your Family". THE STERLING' TRUSTS C O R P 0...R A T i O N HEAD OFFFICE - BRANCH. OFFICE 372 Day St., Toronto 1-3,DunlopSi,, gonia - - 54S'