HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-03-04, Page 3THURSDAY,. i41AR911 4, 1954 • CLINTON NEWS -RECORD .e. istature Qescribel rrycje, M (The Clinton News Record is pleased to publish the first in what we hope will be a series of articles from the Pen of 'Thomas Pryde, MLA for Huron. As lie states, The purpose of these articles is to acquaint our people withsomething of the mechanics of the Legislature and possibly spotlight measures which are of particular interest to the folks at home.” Not of political nor party nature, we feel these items will help in making ourselves and our readers more familiar with the terms and procedures in the Ontario Legislative Buildings.) Opening The Ontario Legislature opened its 1954 'Session on Thursday, February llth, with the usual colour, dignity and array of uni- forms. The Speech from the Throne was. read by the Lieuten- ant Governor, and in this Speech the intended, Legislative program is outlined. This ceremony was televised and many of those in the Chamber appeared uncomfort- able" under the extremely bright lights which are required for tele- vision. The following day several Bills were introduced to the House and given first reading. These Bills were printed over the weekend so that all members and interested persons will have a copy which Can be studied and preparations made .for debate and questioning when the Bill is presented for sec- ond reading. The members of the Striking Committee were named by the Premier and the first meeting of this committee was called for Monday morning, so that every- body could get to work immed- iately. The Work Begins Prior to the meeting of the Striking Committee, the Whips of the, various parties prepare lists of their members and the various committees to. which they will be named. Very important ` government work is done in committee meet- ings and several of these commit- tees meet every morning during the entire session. The govern- . ment feels that members will be given the best opportunity of acquainting themselves with the work and methods of the various government departments through there committee meetings. To speak .in the Legislative Chamber one has to be a member and outsiders cannot enter into any discussion. However, • a bill can be introduced into the House and ordered printed and thenre- ferred to the committee dealing with that particular subject. At this committee meeting, all inter- ested parties can attend and give information and evidence, either for or against the bill, and the members of the committee can ask any questions in an easy, in- formal manner, which cannot be done in the Legislative Chamber. This committee can recommend to the Minister who introduced the Bill, certain amendments or changes that can be made. This is often done on the basis of new information which is presented to the committee.' Every member of the, Legislat- ure acts on four or five, commit- tees and is sometimes unable to attend all meetings since they of-, ten meet at the same time. The Standing Committees ap- pointed fare as follows: Committee on Privileges and Elections, Edu cation, Private Bills, Standing Or- ders, Public Accounts, Printing, Municipal Law, Legal Bills, ,Agri- culture, Game' and Fish, Labour, Mining, Government Commissions, Lands and Forests, Travel and Publicity, Health, and Conserva- tion. The Debate on the Speech from the Throne While the real function of the government is to introduce legisla- tion as required by our growing and expanding needs, much val- uable information is brought to the attention of the Premier, Cab- inet Ministers and members through the Debate on the Speech from the Throne. The government members usual- ly praise the government and ex- toll the virtues of the various plans and legislation which were mentioned in the Speech from the Throne. Opposition members usually criticize the government for going too far, or perhaps riot far en- ough, or fast enough in the pro- gram. They have many sugges- tions and make many demands. The next in order in this debate is the Leader of the Opposition, Mr. Farquhar Oliver, and he spoke on Thursday afternoon, February 19, followed by Premier Frost, All new legislation or amend- ments to existing legislation come before the legislature hi the form of a Bill, and during every session of the Legislature anywhere from 75 to 150 bills are introduced. There are three distinct types of Bilis, namely, Government Bills, Opposition Bills and Private Bills. Government bills are introduced by the cabinet minister whose de- partment is concerned, or who will administer the regulations. Private members' bills are in- troduced by, private members and do not actually concern any gov- ernment department. Matters in- troduced through the form of a private, bill may only affect a cer- tain locality and do not call for the expenditure of provincial 1 You Are Invited To Test -Drive The New .1954 Meteor and Mercury Cars Thrill to the ease of Automatic Transmission. _ ABERHART'S GARAGE Mercury — Lincoln --- Meteor GODERICH In Clinton -- See STEWART SCHOENHALS Huron Street Can you imagine buying two or five or ten dollar bills at bargain prices? Of course notl Money isn't sold, it is rented. It is rented the way you rent an apartment or a rowboat or a bicycle. The value ip borrowed money is the convenience of use. The "rent" for money is fixed by the risk taken or service rendered. We have developed as a leader in the consumer finance field by offering a sound money service at the IoWest possible rates consistent with intelligent business policy. Household Finance encourages wise borrowing. Our booklet, "Money Management, Your Budget", is available at the nearest branch office, or by writing our Consumer Education Department, 80 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario. O.USEHOLD FINANCE :19,3404! rim ojf �ir!„sada CANADA'S LARGEST, MOST RECOMMENDED CONSUMER. FINANCE COMPANY Firemen Fi ht' Losing Battle In Court House Fire Firemen from Goderich and Clinton poured hundreds of gallons of water in vain into the blazing interior of the Huron County Court House last Friday night, Many citizens from the County Town, and from Clinton and the surrounding district watched the fight to save even part of the old building. Goderich firemen stayed on the job for practically 16 hours, playing water continually upon the blaze. Finally at noon Saturday they left for some rest, thinking that the fire was under control, only to be called back at 1.15 p.m. when certain parts of the old building burst into flame again. funds in their administration. Such matters as annexations, the incorporation of a town or village, the granting of charters to relig- ious or philanthropic institutions are all brought forward through the form of a private bill. During the first full week of the legislature, some 20 govern- ment bills have been introduced and the, same number of private bills introduced and ordered print- ed. The legislature will likely con- tinue in session for a period of seven or eight weeks. Select Committees Many people are under the im- pression that the house is in ses- sion continually the year round, but in aII provincial legislatures in Canada there is only one session during the year, except under ex- ceptional circumstances when an additional session may be held in the fall. However, this does not mean that members of the legis- lature are relieved of their gov- ernment activities between ses- sions. During the session many special committees are appointed, and nearly all members serve on one or more of these special commit - teas. Some of these committees may meet for three or four days in almost every week of the year. This was the case with the Select Committee on Reform Institutions appointed at the 1953 session. This committee visited many Reform Institutions and sat almost con- tinuously since last spring until now, All these select committees finalize their findings in the na- ture of a report which is presented to the legislature and usually re- sults in a new act being introduc- ed, or in existing acts being amended to bring then in line with the findings of the com- mittee. A select committee meets and does its work between sessions. The standing committees meet only while, the legislative session Is in progress, and are automatic- ally dissolved when the house pro- rogues. On Election Law The report of the select com- mittee on Election Law was pre- sented in the house on February 19, with specific recommendations as to the changes which should be made in the Election Act to keep up with our fast -changing condi- tions, Several members of the committee spoke on the various aspects of the report, as the effect of the recommendations would make quite a decisive change in election procedure. As a result of the federal elec- tion on August 10, 1953, when many people lost their vote on account of being on vacation, it was recommended that Advance Polls be set up in provincial elec- tions so that all people who would be away on vacation or. on busi- ness or for any other reason on election day, would be allowed to vote at the advance poll. 'Ibis poll would be held for several days in the week preceding the date of election. At the present time 100 signa- tures are required on a candidate's nomination paper, and a recom- mendation was made to require only ten signatures. Other Proposed Changes It was recommended also that a $200 deposit be required of all candidates in a provincial election, Husbands! Wives! Want new Po aid Vim? Thousands of couples are weak, worn-out, ex- hausted solely because bodylncks iron. For new vim,vitality, try Ogres Tonic Tablets, Supplies iron you, too, may need. for pep; supplemen- tary doses Vitamin B,, Introductory or "get - acquainted" get - acquainted' stao only 660. M all druggLsts. Rumball's IGASpecials l3RLAEFAST CLUB RASPBERRY JAM 24 ec. HEREFORD CORNED BEEF TILLY'S PEANUT BUTTER 16 oz. BItUNSIVICIC SARi1NES CIIA•LLENGER SOCKEYE SALMON GIANT VEL - CA yB; NATIO NMILK TALL 35c 43c 29c FOR 25c 35e 73c 14c RUMBALL'S IGA MARKET 229.95 --PHONE 86-- Evq, . IoWesrp, , Advm fs' National, ee sr9. etroa rvi-`. Every fine feature is included... full complement of tubes, super - powered chassis, ready for UHF, Flex -O -Matic focus, durable mahogany cabinet. Only a few available get yours 'today! AB. tubes and picture tube,, covered by one-year guarantee._, Gkoves'Eiectric Phone- 6884 -- Clinton Seventh Annual Seed Fair sponsored by HURON COUNTY SOIL AND CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION to be held in the Clinton District Collegiate Institute, Clinton FRIDAY and SATURDAY MARCH 4th and 5th $500 IN PRIZES Special Educationol Displays and Programs Open Invitation to Citizens o Clinton and Community Friday Evening. JUNIOR SEED JUDGING COMPETITION, SATURDAY MORNING Everyone Welcome ADMISSION -IS FREE 9-b PAGE THREE and, this, too, follows the proced- also in the report ; to malting it, ure required in the Federal Elec- conpulsory for electors to vote by, ,. tion Act. The reason for this ,de- providing some type of penalty for posit is to eliminate a• person as a failure to. vote, except in case of candidate who may be doing so in illness, or by providing proof of • a frivolous way. It is expected inability to attend the polis, that a candidate. should represent This report will be studied by • at least a body of ; public opinion the government and a bill intro- among electors and show a recog- duced at a later date whichwill nition of his responsibility by be based on the report, but will putting up a deposit of this na- not necessarily make all the re- ture. This deposit would be for- commendations effective. feited if the candidate -received During the session, reports, will less than 50 per cent of the votes be received from the other select obtained by the winning candidate. committees which were appointed Another recommendation which during the 1953 session. As in the was mentioned was one which case of the committee on Election would make it possible for can- Law, the chairman of these com- didates to personally hire ' con- mittees will present, their reports, veyances for taking, voters to the and considerable debate, will take polls„and ,consideration was given, place at the, time of presentation, • Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service' DRUG STORES 'Special Values and Reminders for THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY IDA BRAND SPECIALS ealiars4 HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES 100's and 500's, Reg. X1.29, if4.79 99c 3,89 IDAMALT Extract of Malt and O.L.O. 1, 2, 4 Pound Reg-. 75e, 1.29, 2.29 • 59c 98c 1.89 Aromatic Cascaralaxasant tasting,ti23c, 39c Plelaxative, 3,6 oz.. reg. 30c & 500 Baby Cream Soothes sore irritated skin 39 Safe for infants— y 3 oz. jar, Reg. 56c c COMBS Bobby or Pocket Style— Regularly 100 each 8c, 2 for 15c Powder Puffs. Soft velour puffs about 3% inches in diameter 8c, 2for 15c - COUGH and COLD REMEDIES BRONCHIDA Cough -Syrup Quick comfort to sore 75c inflamed throats. 1 J 8 oz. THERIVIOGENE .,,, 69e, $1.23 PINEX 500, Me VICK'S COUGH DROPS, 150 SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS 10e I.D.A. Baby Cough Syrup Quickly soothes irritated throat- 3 oz. bottle 50c LD.A, BRAND Cold Tablets A dependable way for quick relief from Cold 50c miseries -25's Get FREE Plastic Dispenser % WITH' V7 ILDROOT Cream Oil 1.48 Value Only 98c A general tonic for depressed con- dition of th'e nervous system. OUNCES 125 Up 0 F. D. PENNEBAKER SERVICE DRUGGIST PHONE 14 66 OF .,A •'Y CHICKS WILL BE FED ON Master Chick StarterI{rums again in 1954 Read This To Find Out Why Yours Should Be Among Thein! 1—YOU WANT YOUR CHICKS TO GROW Many of your neighbours who fed the new 20% "High Efficiency'= MASTER CHICK STARTER KRUMS last year will teTI you that they got faster growth than ever before. 2—YOU WANT YOUR CHICKS TO FEATHER QUICKLY MASTER CHICK STARTER KRUMS are high in good quality protein, which helps to produce feathers quickly. Fast feathering means better birds. 3—YOU WANT YOUR CHICKS TO BE VIGOROUS It is true that vigour is bred into chicks, but • feed too, helps to increase that vigour so neces- sary for strong, healthy chicks. Feed MASTER CHICK STARTER KRUMS for increased vigour. 4 YOU: WANT YOUR CHICKS. TO, LIVE Thousands of poultry :producers, who used the new MASTER CHICK STARTER KRUMS last year report high livability. Riddick anid'. Sons Clinton Phone 114