HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-02-25, Page 8'PAGE EIGHT CLINTON NEWS -RECORD '11-1URSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1964e. • Mitchell Stuns Colts, • Knockout Tonighi? Ointon Colts really have their les that had to be played when 'backs against the wall for their the two -teams finished their orig- final game with Mitchell Legien- inal seven -game series in a tie. : wires in Mitchell tonight. In order Nitrogen sem certain to et:Infinite on in the group play - Mitchell, after their convincing offs they must defeat the Perth 94 County team by seven goals, win in the first game on Tues - which, if you have seen most of clay night look like "shoo-ins" for the group finals. The Legionaires the games of the series, is a big matched strides with the Colts for order, even for the Colts. We- two periods and when the local have no doubt that the local team will step on the Mitchell ice with teem faded in the.final Period they piled in five unanswered goals and plenty of determination and no earn their six -goal cushion. Fink matter how black the outlook is Weber, who had been held to two before the game they still will was in the first seven games, make things mighty interesting was the guiding light for Mitchell, for the Legionaires. He scored five times, three of his Tuesday night's game was the goals coming in the final period. first of a two -game total -goal ser- Gatenby •with two, Gibson and +4•44•-•447••••••fr, • ; PRESENTS CISCO KID & PANCHO and other cowboy actors IN THREE DIMENSIONS Now, . see thrilleig action pictures of popular cowboy stars in the amazing "come to life" realism of full color and three dimen- sions. Three seven -scene stereoscopic picture Reels featuring Gene Autry, Hopalong Cassidy, Cisco Xid are now available for use in View -Master Stereo- scopes and Projector& Other stereo subjects for chilcken include Tarzah, Wild Animals, Fairy !raki, Scenic& REELS STEREOSCOPES 1•• .50 2.95 McEwan's Phone 84 - Clinton Flood were the other Mitchell ehipere, Bill Hanly was the only bright light „for Clinton, he fired two picture goals, one in the first period and the other in the second which helped to keep the Colts in the fight for the first two stanzas. Bun Smith, was the other Celt scorer. Fans Litter Ice One of the worst demonstrations in Clinton's hocItey history hap- pened in the final minute of play when the fans took exception to a penalty to Danny Colquhoun and showed their objection by shower- ing the ice with paper and pop bottles. The game had to be held up until the ice could be cleared of the debris, The checking in the game was inclined to be a little rough and the two referees Pat and Dick Gardner attempted to keep things under control by handing out 15 penalties, eight to the Colts and seven to Mitchell. There were no actual fights but several times it would have taken a very small breeze to fan the spark into a raging inferno. • Over 1,000 fans, the second larg- est crowd of the season, were on hand to see the game but even the strictly partisan 'fans couldn't bring their boys home in front Mitchell: goal, B. Chessel; de- fence, Rohfritsch, Hennick; centre, Smith; wings, Flood, Gibson; subs, Weber, Gatenby, Dolmage, Hein - buck, McNairn, Powell,. sub -goal, J. Chessel. . , Clinton Colts: goal, Oerrnan; de- fence, K. Colgtihoun, Edgar; cen- tre,.McEwan; sings,Draper, Han - 1Y: subs, Strong, :Armstrong, Mer- cer, Smith, Noble, M."—Colquhoun; sub -goal, Nediger. Referees; Dick Gardner and Pat Gardner, both of Stratford. First Period 1—Clinton, Hardy 1.22 2—Clinton, Smith (Noble) 759 3--IVIitchell, Weber (Hein - buck) 17.33 Penalties: Mercer (boarding). shot from twenty feet out. 1VIc- X. Colquhoun (tripping); Rohfrit-' Ewan earned an assist on the goal sch (holding). when he passed the puck to Bob from a face-off. Flood kept Mit- chell's hopes Alive, he and Smith combined to finally beat Scott in the Clinton nets, with the time reading 14.55. The Perth fans had only eight seconds of delirium be- fore Bill Hardy stifled their cheers with Clinton's third goal. Bill was "Johnny -on -the -spot" when Ches- sel let a rebound from McEwan's hard shot get away from him, to pickup the elusive disc and park the rubber into the bottom corner of the net. Mitchell Come Close Needing only a tie to eliminate the Colts Mitchell went all out in the final period and they very nearly turned the trick. Hennick put them.back into contention at 544 scoffing unassisted. Two min- utes later McNairn broke out of his own end catching every Clin- ton man up; he skated the length of the ice unmolested, pulled Scott to one side and tied the score, Penalty Decides Game A penalty to Eddie Dolmage olts Lock Series Clinton Squirts Double With 4-3 \Alin Score on RCAF A game which created a great Over 1,200 people jammed into deal of interest was played before Clinton Lions Arena last Saturday the Colt-MitchelLgame last Satur- night for the seventh game of the day evening. This game brought semi-final series for the Intermed- -together the Clinton Squirts and iate group championship and not RCAF Squirts in ra battle royal one (Clinton fan) went home dis- appointed. The game was every- thing that is expected of playoff hockey. • Clinton going into the game facing a one -game deficit had to sink or swim and they came up with one of their best efforts of the season. It was any- body's game until the final gong with Alitchell piffling their goal- tendee for the last minute in a vain attempt to get the tieing goal. Clinton led from the ten-minute mark of the first period when Danny Colquhoun connected. They worked their way to a 3-1 lead going into the final period only to have Hennick and MeNairn find the range and deadlock the score. This set the stage for Murray Colquhoun's tie -breaking goal that sent the Clinton. fans home happy and,..forced another series. The starting pace in the gamd was terrific and it never slacken- ed.hs both teams went all out in their quest for victory. Danny Colquhoun sent the Colts into the lead mid -way throughrthe'opening period, taking IVIcEwares pass from' a face-off in the Mitchell end. Danny's shot went high into the rigging as Chessel seemed to misjudge the speed of the drive. Both teams had numerohs good scoring chances in the period with the Colts having a slight edge in every department. • The second 'Period was half over before either team could beat the rival goaltenders. Bob Draper fin- ally turned the trick with a flip for that Successful Look • Weal' a Qualitti Hat 64 Biltmcae 1444i Biltmore ----- THE MASTER HAT OF CANADA Herman's Men's Wear Phone 224W Clinton which saw the Clinton team corn- ing out in front 4-2 on goals by Borden McRae and Laurie Colqu- houn. Freddie Lamb scored both the goals for the RCAF kids. Clinton' Squirts: goal, Bobbie Livermore; defence, Steve Cook, Jeffrey Dixon, Don Fremlin; for - Wards, Borden McRae, Keith Ash- ton, Laurie Colquhoun, Brian Levis, Doug Fremlin, and Berry Glazier. Goal -getters: Borden McRae, 2; Laurie Colquhoun, 2. RCAF Squirts: goal, Gordon English; defence, Larry McCourt, Bruce Smith, Jimmy IVIacLean, Wayne Harley; forwards, Billy Miller, Gary Men,Gary Poxori, Freddie Lamb, Billy MacLean, Danny Doyle. Goal -getters: Freddie Lamb, 2. Second Period • 4—Mitchell, Gibson (Rob- fritsch) 12.42 5—Mitchell, Weber (Powell, Gatenby) 13.20 6—Clinton, Hanly (Draper, McEwan) 15.28 7—Mitchell, Gatenby (Pow- ell) 18.40 Penalties: Heinbuck (holding); Gibson (charging); Flood (high - stocking); Draper (highsticking); Manly (slashing). Third Period 8—Mitchell, Gibson (Hen - nick) .32 9—Mitchell, Weber 4.35 10—Mitchell, Weber (Gaten- by) 7.34 11 ---Mitchell, Flood (Gibson, Rohfritsch).........,..,.,..,,10.19 12—Mitchell, Weber (Gaten- by) 16.35 Penalties: B. Smith (slashing);' Heinbuck (slashing); Heinbuck (clipping); Noble (slashing); Gib- son (slashing); Nediger (slashing, served by leoble); K. Colquhoun (slashing). RCAF Crumlin Edge Electras In Hectic Overtime Struggle Monday will be a night- to be remembered as far as service hoc- key is concerned. In a whiz-bang, thrill -packed game of hockey the Crumlin RCAF defeated RCAF Electras in an overtime game 4-3. A hard-fought, close -Checking and sometimes hectic action around both goals kept a good crowd in suspense throughout the entire game. Goalie Scott for the Electras and Tunney for Crumlin made miraculous stops and how the score was kept down with so much rubber flying will never be known. Loose play defensively. cost the Electras the lead on mary, occas- ion and the absence of playing coach "Red" Quinn was quite evi- dent, but this did not stop the Electras from peppering the Crumlin goalie with rubber even though they were robbed of many goals on different occasions by the sensational play of Tunney. This was the first game of the best three out of five games for the Garrison League Champion- ship, and if the first game is any indication of the type of play to be expected in this series, the re- maining ones- will be worthwhile seeing. The game went 27 minutes overtime before Crumlin finally came through with the winning goal. The third game will be played in Clinton, aiondayt March 1. Goals for Clinton were scored by Garrow, Mercer, and Begin with assists going to Petrie; -Gar - row, Minty and Mercer. China Specials • CUPS & SAUCERS 49c Each • SALTS& PEPPERS 50c pair 20 piece ,RINNER SETS $9.50 Watch Our Windows For Other Specials JOHN A. ANSTETT JEWELLER Clinton — Phone 562 proved to be the turning point of the game. -The Colts 'Sent out five forwards nd their. power play was immediately rewarded when "Pic" Colquhoun picked up a lease puck in front of Chessel and drove it home for the big goal of the even- ing. After that goal the Colts were content to play defensive hockey. The Legionaires tried des- perately to tie the game but they got very few good scoring chancer and any that they did have were handled masterfully by Scott. • Senior Girls Complete', CDCI (age Sweep - With the senior girls' 21-18 vie- Clinton guards 'who stopped the tory over Goderich last )l'riday C-'' 4.+ nld night came the third Huron Sec- ondary Schools Association bas- ketball title,the two boys teams having previously captured their divisions, This is the • second straight year that teams from CDCI have swept to victory and during that time they have lost only one .game. The three teams will now ad- vance into the WOSSA "B" play- offis with their first opponents be- ing the winners of the St. Marys, South Huron HS and Mitchell group. Senior Girls Win 21-18 The senior girls led by Nancy Webster, Mavis Steepand Kay Sharp with seven points each, won the deciding game by a slim three points although they led all the way. McNivin and R, Willis were the most dangerous for Goderich scoring six points each. The main difference between the two teams, was the fine defensive play of the Clinton Colts: goal, Scott; de- fence, Edgar, K. Colquhoun; cen- tre, McEwan; wings, Draper, Man- ly; subs, Smith, Noble, M. Colqu- houn, Mercer, Armstrong, May; sub -goal, Nediger. • Mitchell: goal, B. Chessel; de- fenceyleohfritsch, Hennick; centre, Smith; wings, McNairn, Gibson; subs, Weber, Powell, Dolmage, Heinbuck, Flood, Gatenby; sub- goal, J. Chessel. First Period 1—C linto n, K. Colquhoun (McEwan) 10.30 Penalties: May (tripping) 13.20. Second Period 1—Clinton, Drap's. (McEw'n) 11.03 3—Mitchell, Flood (Smith) 14.55 4—Clinton, Hardy. (MeEw`n) 15.03 Penalties: B. Smith (hooking) Heinbuck (slashing); B. Smith (highsticking); Gibson (tripping); Draper (tripping). Third. Period 5—Mitchell, Hennick 5.44 6—Mitehell, McNairn (Gat- enby l 7.16 7—C Tinto n, M. Colquhoun (Nob)e, Draper) 13.25 Penalties: B. Smith (highstick- Mg); Rohfritsch (holding); Dol - mage (tripping); B. Smith (hold- ing). • Captain Bob Elliott's ten points were tops in the senior boys' game, as he led his team to a 31-21 win and, their second, straight undefeated season. Alan Mitchell picked up eight points for the Redmen while Gardner's six Were high for Goderich. A total of 42 fouls featured the junior boys' game which turned,: out to be a rough, close checking: affair. Ron McKay led the Clinton attack with eight points as .the Clinton team managed to build an early lead and hang on until the final whistle. 'Final league standings for the. Huron Secondary Schools champ— ionships: PLAYOFF SCORING Player • . G P P Gatenby (M) 11 9 20 7 13 20, 0 7 714 4 6 8 14 22 McEwan (C) Weber (M) Gibson (M) Snaith (M) Flood (M) ........ 8 5 13 17 Smith (C) 6 7 Draper (C) Powell (M) Strong (C) M. Colquhoun (C) Noble (C) Hanly (C) Rohfritsch (NI) 5 8 13 12 5 8 13 0 5 510 4 4 5 94 4 5 9 4 6 2 8 4 2 4 6 11 K. Colquhoun (C) 3 1 4 24 • SERIES "B" Mitchell 3 3 1 42 39 7, Clinton 3 8 1 39 42 7 Best of seven series ended in tie; new series of home and home games total goals to dount. SAVE MILK & MONEY GARGETEX (NIXON) Arena Schedule Senior Girls WL Clinton 5 1 Goderich 4 2 Seafarer 2 4 • Wingham 1 5 Schedule for the coming week will be the same as usual for Minor Hockey, Public Skating and Public Sehool skating periods. Wednesday, March 8-8 p.m.— Playoff Hockey — RCAF Crumlin vs. RCAF Clinton—final game of Garrison League finals. To -night game between Honor- ary members and RCAF Serg- eants Mess postponed to March 19. Multi -Antibiotic Ointment WILL STOP MASTITIS or Your Money Mack! Gargetex contains two penicillins, streptomycin and the new antibio- tic bacitracin, combined in a com- pletely milk soluble ointment, bringing the effect of four antibio- tics against mastitic infections. Gargetex works immediately on the internal infected udder tissue, promoting fast safe recovery and is guaranteed to give effective re- sults. Get a tube of New Gargetex today. instructions for easy ad- ministration on every package. Made in Canada by Nixon Labor- atories Limited. F. B. PENNEBAKER • IDA Drug Store — Phone 14 Senior Boys Clinton .. .. ... -6 0 Seaforth 4 2 Goderich 2 Wingham 0 6 Junior Boys Clinton 6 0 Seaforth 3 3 - Goderich 3 3 Wingharn 0 6 P 10 8. 4, 2' 4 0 12 6 0 • SKATES • SHARPENED We Have the Finest Equipment Lengthwise and Hollow Ground for Best Results Nelson's MACHINE SHOP' CLINTON /Ire You A Hearing Aid User ? We can supply you with fresh batteries no matter what type or make of Heating Aid, you use. Remember, we get a fresh supply weekly, at prices as low or lower than you pay in the city. • Why not take advantage of this servite within your own town. Merrill Radio and Electric PHILIPS — PHILCO CROSLEY and DUMOHT TV PHONE 313 CLINTON ',• ,A11111.12MMIIMMOSM• Automatic Door Closers (Yale) „„ from 26.50 Tubular Type Lock Sets from 2.10 Precision Cylindrical Lock Sets from .2.75 Mortise Type Door Hardware from 2.75 FOR EVERY NEED Drawer Pulls ea. 25e up Chest Lock pa. 85c up Cabinet Hinges ., ea. 25c up Cupboard Lock —, ea. 25c up Pull Knob eo. 25c up Case Lock ... .„. ea. 85e up Push-button Catch, ea. 95c up Stay Hinges . „„ ea. 15c up SUTTER—PERDUE • You'll not need a Shamrock for Luck driving one of these! They're extra good and priced according to quality! • '49 METEOR Coach — Has built-in radio $1150 '52 CHEVROLET Deluxe Sedan — low mileage, guarantied a one -owner car 1750 '51 CHEVROLET Coach -- one of the best 1500 '49 OLDSMOBILE Sedan — real quality 1250 '51 AUSTIN Sedan — spotless 750 '46 POMIAC Sedan — a bargain at • 795 TRUCKS • Be prepared with one of these for o busy spring. Selected for value and performance from our stock; '49 CHEVROLET V.2 Ton Pickup $ 850 '49 FARGO 1 Ton Pickup •800 '50 GMC 'A Ton Pickup ., . .. 950 '46 FARGO 2% Ton, 179" w.b. Platform, Racks 500 Convenient GMAC terms makes it easy to pay while earn suited to your income! • ' Lorne Brown Motors CHEVROLET—OLDSMOBILE—Sales & Service PHONE 367 - dus gob ing --- and Limited CLINTON