HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-02-25, Page 5'S'i=iURSDAY, ' FEBRUARY 25, 1954 CLINTON NEW8-R8COAD PAGE FIVzt Classified Rates • CAM RATE — (If paid by Wednesday following date of in- 9 ertfonk!-Two cents a word first lnsertio,:i (minimum 50 cents); cavi Sequent insertions 1% cents a wgrd (minian&m 35 rents); 15 • Tents extra for box numlber or `tor direction to NEWS -RECORD 'Mice. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, Wednes- day- Accommodation Wanted "YOUNG COUPLE WANTING 'furnish'ed apartment. .Apply Box . S0, Clinton News -Record: ' 8-b AIRMAN, WIFE and YEAR-OLD child Want small furnished apart- anent for one year, from March 1. Apply' Box 59, Clinton News -Re- . cord. 8-9-p '.BY PROMPT, CAREFUL TEN - ants, .three or more bed rooms, with option of buying. Modern conveniences. Apply Box 61, Clin- ton News -Record. 8-b ANYONE HAVING A HOUSE for rent in Clinton before March 15, please send full particulars to Donald Watson, Holyrood. r 8-9 pe ARTICLES FOR SALE HAND POWER SAW (63 inch), ".$35. May be seen at Sutter -Per- ' due Hardware. 7-b .ROYAL TYPEWRITER, Quiet de- luxe portable, $75. In original carrying case, like new. Apply A, Baler, RCAF Station Clinton. -Phone. 382, local 354. 8-p MAN'S STATION WAGON Coat, shearling, sheep lining, moutton • collar. Wine corduroy jacket, size 40. Baby car seat, used only a few months. All in good condi- tion, 'Phone Clinton 381W. 8-9-b 'AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1941 CHEVROLET COACH, good condition. Contact Doug Rozell, phone Clinton 723J. 8-p BOARD AND ROOM ACCOMMODATION for Roomers or hoarders, gentlemen preferred. Phone Clinton 163R. 7-8-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -- business trades listed: restaurants, gas stations, tourist eamps, groc- 'aiy stores; one Main St. build- ing: L. G. Winter, Real Estate; Phone 448. ] 4-Lfb BABY CHICKS "BRAY BREEDS AND CROSSES, If you want chicks for egg pro- duction and later to sell as table birds, get down to brass tacks with such breeds and crosses as B.R„ Columbian Rock, L.S., Black Australorp, N,H,, or N.H. crosses. Canadian Approved. Pullets start frorn $17.90. Ask us for complete list, agent—MRS. ALEX PATER - SON, Brucefield. 8-b 25 YEARS IN THE- BREEDING of better chicks. Kitchener Big -4 chicks. Canadian Approved, plus the breeding program carried out on ,our own farms. We have a wide' choice: pullets, cockerels, mixed; started; in the breed or cross you prefer, Agent right here • will give full particulars and take your order — 'remember "early chicks" are the secret of those extra profits. Agent—CHARLES SCOTT, Auburn. Phone Blyth 43r23. 8-b EMPLOYMENT WANTED ':PAINTING, paperhanging, etc., done by experienced workman. Reanoaable, .Apply G. Keeps. Phone Clinton 912r21. 8-p FARMS FOR SALE :NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR :sale. L. G. Winter, Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. 33-tfb 20Q ACRES OF LAND, eight -room "iretlse, bank barn, on Highway 8 'between Clinton and Goderich, one •mklp from • Holmesviile, with or 'without stock and • implements. Apply Clarence Sturdy, prop., R.R. '2, Olmton.' Phone Clinton 901r13. 49-tfb, IURNITURE FOR SALE WALNUT FINISH, 40" Steel Pan - 'et lied, complete with springs and sspprriing-filled mattress. Good con- dition. Reasonable, Phone Clin- 'ton'359J. 8-p. Furniture Re -Finishing • FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, 'apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M. - 8=9-10-11-p HAY FOR SALT 'MST OR SECOND CUT, baled clover hay; also limited amount -of baled straw. Apply Murray Forbes, phone Clinton 904r31. 7-8-b HELP WANTED FEMALE :CLEANING WOMAN ONCE a week, Call Clinton '667J.. 8-b • 0001) STEADY GIRL to clerk in Cheap for cash. Phone Clinton groeery store. App1Yin person to 382, local 354 or apply' at 41 Ed- 40 Wellesley St. — GODERICH — Phone 1108 :Reg.: Ball, Superior Store, Clinton. month Road, RCAF Station, Clin- 6-7-8 9.10,b 8-b ton, 8-1) +a o aro ovaao-o rcara*i+H o a+ o r HELP WANTED PART-TIME ST'EN'OGRAPHER wanted; typing and shorthand necessary. Reply Box "62", Clin- ton News -Record, 8-b PART TIME BOOKKEEPER to take charge'. of full set of books. Apply in person or by letter to George F. Elliott, _Construction, Clinton. Phone Clinton 740W. 6-tfb WANTED BOOK-KEEPER TYPIST FOR Position in Seaforth with ability to meet the public and to maintain various records. Apply in own' hand -writing, stating age, experience and salary expected, to Box 297 Huron Expositor, Seaforth HELP WANTED—MALE YOUNG MAN to work in Bake Shop. Apply to Bartllff Br•'os., Clinton. • 8-b MARRIED MAN BY THE YEAR for general farm work. House, fuel, garden, and milk provided. For further particulars, apply to Stewart Middleton, R.R. 3, Clin- ton. 7-8-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE YOUNG PIGS AND ONE GRADE sow. Apply Harry Thompson; R.R. 2, Clinton. 8-b A PLUMBER OF CHOICE YORK sows, due first week of April. Milford Durst, R. R. 2, Clinton. Phone Carlow 11r12. 8-p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich, Phone collect, 936r32, or 936r21. 9-ptfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES Olt cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone "Stones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea - forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21. MISCELLANEOUS AVON REPRESENTATIVE, Miss Winnifred O'Neil, Clinton, — spec- ials, now on. Perfumed deodor- ant, cream sachets, and toilet wat- er. Home demonstrations in the evening. • 7-p DAYTIME CARE of pre-school aged children, in comfortable pri- vate home, 'for periods up to three hours, by advance arrangement. Phone Clinton 555. 8-9-b CRESS CALLOUS SALVE re- lieves quickly. Your druggist sells Cress Corn Salve—for sure relief too. 8-b VULCANIZING — Tractor, Truck and Car Tires. Fluid inflation service. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice. Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, phone Goderich 535. WANTED: $6,000 TO 'HELP fin- ance the expansion of a growing business. 6 percent interest. Cap- ital needed for three or four, years. Reply box 59, Clinton News -Rec- ord. 7 -S -p McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS — complete parts, trained service. Authorized dealer , . . McCulloch Saw Sales, 377 Huron' St., Strat- ford, Ont. Phone Stratford 10611 3-tfb FARMERS! If in need of exper- ienced farm help, call us. Single and married men available. If you have farms for rent or for sale, let us know. Call Corn. Burma, R,R. 4, Ciinten, Phone Clinton 807r21. 8 to 13-b BEAUTIFUL SAVOY DELUXE COLOURED BATHROOM SET $185.00 delivered In blue, green, coral and yellow. Includes top quality plastic seat and cover. Also in gleaming white 8155.00. We have everything in plumbing and heating. Write Dept. CNR or visit our showrooms. Open Wednesday 'and 'Friday evenings and all day Saturday. 5. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES STREETSVILLE, ONTARIO 'PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO BEDROOM HOUSE FOR sale. Bargain at $2,750. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Phone Clin- ton 448. 33-tfb "WINGHAM APARTMENT building—excellent investment for surplus funds -4 separate suites. Each has living room, bedroom, modern kitchen, bathroom. Sep- arate meter each apartment, Good construction, nice large lot, resi- dential location. Price $13,900,00 —terms can be arranged, For in- spection call or write exclusive agents, LAUER & WIEBE LTD., Realtors, 16 Queen N„ KiteSener —3-0213." 7-8-9--10-b FRAME HOUSE To Be - Removed by May 1. APPLY BERT GIBBINGS Phone Clinton 633r15 8-p STOVES FOR SALE SUNSHINE RANGE 1'lw, very good condition, Phone Clinton 283M after 5 p,m. 8-b BIRTHS CRAIG—In Clinton Public.ilospi- tal, on Wednesday, February 17, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. S. Craig, R.R. 2, Clinton, a son (Robert John). ERRNEST—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, February 21, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. John Ernest,' Clinton, a son (James Elliott). GARRAWAY-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, February 22, 1954, to LAC and Mrs. David Garraway, Clinton, a son (Rich- ard David). HANN — In Kitchener -Waterloo General Hospital, on Sunday, February 21, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hann (formerly Rhoda Govier), a daughter (sis- ter for Brenda). HARBURN — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, February 23, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harburn, Hensel', a son, LAWRENCE—In Clinton Peublic Hospital, on Saturday, February 20, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. George Lawrence, Goderich, a daughter. McBEAN—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, February 23, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBean, Clinton, a daughter (Nancy Elizabeth). TAYLOR—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, February 1S, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. John Tay- lor, Brucefield, a son (Stephen Charles). .� WALSH—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, February 20, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walsh, Blyth, a son. ' DEATHS BUTLER—At the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, on Sunday, February 21, 1954, of acute leu- kemia, Lynda Eunice, only and dearly loved daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Clifton A. Butler, (nee Eunice Roy, R.N.), aged five months and ten days. Funeral services on Tuesday, February 23 from Giffen-Mack funeral. home, Danforth and Main, to Mount PIeasant Cemetery, To- ronto. HUDSON — In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Tuesday, February 23, 1954, Isaac W. Hudson, in his 73rd year. Fun- eral from Whitney funeral home, Seaforth, to Maitland. bank Cemetery on Thursday, February 25. MCALLISTER In Victoria Hos- pital,. London, on Sunday, Feb- ruary21, 1954, Rossie Broadfoot, beloved wife of J. McAllister. Funeral service from the family residence to Baird's Cemetery on Tuesday, February 23. TIERNAY ;At the family resi- dence, East Wawanosh Town- ship, on Monday, February 15, 1954, Cecilia Emily Thompson, beloved wife of the late Tarries B. Tierney in her 85th year. Funeral from the family resi- dence on Wednesday, February 19 to Union Cemetery, B)yth, PIANO TUNING CtBNO uyIeJusall G. Cox atCint 695J. 43-tfb TENDERS Will be received by the under- signed up to 12 noon, March 1 for the Washing and Painting "• (Two Coats) of the Council Chamber, Police Office, Cells, and Vestibule. .Also Varnishing of Rostrum, Witness Box, Railing, and Table, all in the Town Hall, Clinton. (Signed) L. D. HOLLAND, Clerk. FOR SALE BY TENDER The following Iands are offered for sale by tender. Namely: Lots No. 22 and 23, Concession 1, Township of Stanley, containing together 200 acres more or less located on No. 4 Highway, approximately two miles north of the village of Brucefield. Tenders must be in the posses- sion of the Undersigned on or be- fore the 12th day of March, 1954, and be accompanied by cheque for ten per cent of the amount there- of. On the said lands, there are approximately 58 acres of bush and there are said to be erected two frame barns and 86 acres workable land. Possession on dos- ing, subject to existing leases. These lands are offered for sale to close the estate of Byron Waldron. The highest or any 'tender not necessarily accepted. Balance of the tender to be payable incash on closing 30 days after accept- ance of tender, McConnell and Hays, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors, • 8-9-b, Huron Townships Considering Brucellosis Act (By G. W. Montgomery) ' • Petition forms are being circul- ated in six townships •in the county in hopes of inaugurating a Calfhood Vaccination Program, Meetings held to date in the county to explain the Brucellosis Control Act have been well at- tended and in all cases those at- tending the meetings were much in favour of the "Calfhood' Vac- cination Program." 0 ONTARIO STREET WA WILL MEET TUESDAY The Ontario Street United Church Woman's Association will meet on Tuesday afternoon, March 2, in the church hall at -2,30 o'clock, Mrs. le Gibbings and Mrs. W. Plumsteel are in charge of the program and the ladies. of St. James' Ward will serve lunch.' Officers for 1954. Hullett LOL Elects The annual district meeting of Hullett Loyal Orange Lodge was held in Clinton Lodge rooms on February 10 with a good turn -out, Wor, Bro. Charles Stewart con- ducted the election and initiation of officers for 1954: District Master, Austin Purdy (182); district deputy master, Frank Falcone (7101; district secretary, Harry Crich (710); dist- rict financial secretary, Earl'Coop- er (182); district treasurer, Mer- vyn Falconer (710); district chap- lain, Thaddeus Gower (182); dist- rict first lecturer, Gordon Bowers (182); district second lecturer, Roy Elliott (813); district mar - shall, Albert Riehl (182); past district master, Kenneth Kettles (813). - Goderich Township The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Association of St. James' Church, Middleton, willbe held on Wednesday afternoon, March 3, at the hone of Mrs. Arnold Miller. The roll call will be a verse on flowers or plants. Cards of Thanks I wish to express my sincere thanks to all my friends and neighbours who remembered me with treats, cards, flowers and visits while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital, and the nurses and Doctor Brady. Your thought- fulness was greatly .appreciated, MRS. FRED BURDGE. 8-p I wish to express my thanks for those who sent cards, treats and flowers while I was sick in bed. —MRS. FRED PEPPER, 8-p I would like to express my thanks to neighbours, friends and relatives who thoughtfully remem- bered me with letters, cards, gifts, treats and flowers while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don,—MISS HELEN STEWART. 8-b LUCY LEVY wishes to thank Doctor Oakes, the nursing staff and help who made her stay in hospital so comfortable and pleas- ant. Also all who remembered her with treats, flowers, cards and visits, 8-b Beattie's Prices are Reasonable and Plainly Marked ✓ Lrt#1`ie cJjuneztti Pow Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W •-- Clinton FARMS, WANTED` We have Good Prospects for Quick Sales — CONTACT Jan Bosveld REALTOR 153 King St. W. - CHATHAM Phone 1100 or --- • SMALL COAL AND WOOD Cook Stove, used one year. A-1' shape. John Bosveld ROXY THEATRE CLINTON NOW PLAYING—Feb. 25-27 Rhonda Fleming, Sterling Hayden "THE GOLDEN HAWK" Color Mon, Tues., Wed.— Mar. 1-3 MITZI GAYNOR — — DAVID WAYNE — OSCAR LEVANT `I Don't Care Girl' COLOR Thurs., .Fri., Sat. Mar 4-6 JOHN BODIAIti — DAVID BRIAN - - JOHN DEREK "Ambush at Tomahawk" PARK THEATRE GODERCIiI—Phone 1150 Now: Dan Dailey '— June Haver — Dennis Day - "THE GIRL NEXT DOOR", • en Technicolor MON., TUES., WED. Clifton Webb — Frances Deo and George Winslow With Edmund Gwenn and a grand cast in a chuckling comedy based 6G the current Television phobia. Mr. Scoutmaster . THURS., FRL, SAT. Corinne Calvet — Rory Calhoun and Penny Edwards A great Technicolor Western com- plete with gold prospectors, the marshals, the girl and plenty of fast-moving action. Powder River" Coming: Lana Turner & John Lund — Present MARCH 3-10- - "LATIN LOVERS" "STORY OF THREE LOVES" In Technicolor CASH if you live. CASH if you die. Protection for the family, Comfort for your retirement All in one policy. Consult— HAL HARTLEY, Representative CANADA LIFE. Clinton, phone 454w STOP! • SHIPPING FEVER • PNEUMONIA • CALF DIPHTHERIA • INFECTIOUS ENTERITIS THIS SEASON WITH NIXON'S FEVREX The concentrated, easy to use solution which combines the ef- fect of 4 SULFA DRUGS. Complete, detailed dosage chart for all animals on every bottle. W. C. NEWCOMBE, Phm.B. Rexall Store — Phone 51 r AUCTION SALE Of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS of the Estate of thelate William D. Fair, from the corner of Kirk and Townsend Streets, Clinton, on Saturday, March 6 at 1.30 p.m., consisting of: WALNUT FURNITURE: Dun- can Fife table; couch; library table; 2 beds; springs and inner spring mattress; chest of drawers; 2 ladder back chairs. Other listings including some antiques as follows: 2 wicker rocking chairs; wicker arm chair; antique rocking chair; 2 antique bedroom chairs; several arm chairs and rocking chairs; Morris chair; cabinet radio; wooden bed, springs and mattress;dressing screen; Wilton rug 9'x12'; scatter rugs; foot stool; wall whatnot; 8 -piece oak dining room suite; small oak table; coffee wagon; fireside irons; cedar chest; ward- robe; hall tree; hall rack; hall mirror; small desk; desk Iamp; table lamps; large cherry cup- board .(antique); -large pine cup- board; electric refrigerator; Sim- plicity washing machine; White drop -head sewing machine; kitch- en table; kitchen chairs; vacuum cleaner; tub stand; step ladder; lawn roller; lawn mower; snow shovel; axe; porch swing; linens; bedding; set of dishes; other dish- es; glassware, including out glass; cooking utensils; books, and num- erous other articles. TERMS --CASH Toronto General Trust Corpora- tion, Executors; F. Fingland, Q.C., Solicitor for the Estate; Edward. W. Elliott, •Auctioned. 7-8-9-b When You Buy .. . 1h V11' A ,rue coal, Canada's Finest Anthracite — AND — Champion Fuel Oil Place your order with A. G. Grigg & Son Phone '74W -- Clinton FOR SALE 1%z Storey Six -Room Dwelling; modern conveniences; located near schools; price: $6,000 with $3,500 down. 1% Storey Sit -Room Dwelling; 3 -piece bath; price: $5,500 with $3,000 down; immediate possession. 1%z Storey Six -Room Dwelling; Price: $3,500. 1% Storey Five -Room Dwelling; new; modern conveniences; immediate possession. 1 Storey Four -Room Dwelling; new; modern conveniences; early possession. 1 Storey Four -Room Dwelling; bath; good building lot adjac- ent; near new school. Price: $2300 with terms. 110 Acre Farm; good buildhags; Hydro; good location; early possession. H. C. Lawson REALTOR Bank of Montreal Building Phone 251W — Clinton 3-tfb +.o-tseo+ase+o+ooessaoo Clinton Community Far„ ,er13, AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY AT 2 P.M. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer K.' W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk CAPITAL THF ATRE GODERICH — Phone 47 Now:: "HONEYCHILE" starring 'JUDY CANOVA with Eddie Foy Jr. MON., TUES., WED.' Frank Lovejoy — Joan Weldon and Robert Arthur This tense and interesting, drama involves a powerful crime syndi- cate and its far-reaching entangle- ments. "The- System" THURS., FEL, SAT. Marlon Brando — Jean Peters and Anthony Quinn A biography of the Mexican mili- tary loader who labored to over- throw the tyrant Diaz and was himself assassinated, "Viva Zapata" , Coming: "TERROR ON A TRAIN" with GIenn Ford & Ann Vernon ,attttira •••••4 4404•••••••••••••••••••••41.41,004111./ Get There Safely! CALL 110 ASHTON'S TAXI s-s454..544e err.+ haffic�-a }tear PRECISI�w BUILT T 21®0 TABLE MODEL Model C-1084 Faultless performance, engineering simplicity, picture and sound that defy comparison. Rich mahogany, wal- nut or oak finish cabinet. Non -glare tilted glass front. Halltcrafters' ex- clusive Smokey Black control panel with polished gold trim. 18 tubes including 21 -inch rectangu- lar picture tube; 6 -inch PM speaker, two rectifiers. Controls: 1Frontl on-off volume, fine tuning, channel selector, tone bright- ness. !Rear) Noise limiting, horizontal and vertical holds, height, 'focus, vertical linearity, width, 3 -stage "Local -Distance" reception switch. Provision for UHF. We handle Complete Antenna Installation and also Parts and Rotators �r. McAlpine & Daw VICTORIA ST. — OLINTON CASUAL JACKETS EXTRA SMART! EXTRA COMFORTABLE! EXTRA VALUE! - You'll be `IN' in one of these new numbers;, from $11.95 up PICKETT # CAMPBELL THE STORE FOR MEN ARROW. SHIRTS STETSON PRONE 25 — (Main Corner) -- CLINTON HATS