HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-02-25, Page 4WA Presbytery Meets At Home Of Mrs. J. McGill The executive of Huron Pres- bytery Woman's Association, met at the home of Mrs. J. A. McGill, Shipley street, with a full attend- ance. The president, Mrs. C. C. Washington, Auburn, opened the meeting with prayer and the min- utes of the semi-annual meeting held Blyth on November 4 were read and adopted. The treasurer, Mrs. W. E..Turn- bull, gave a most encouraging re- port of the finances and showed a number of new affiliations. Tentative plans were made for the annual meeting of Huron Presbytery. WA to be held in May. Mrs. H. Snell,. Exeter and Mrs. J. A. McGill, Clinton were appointed to prepare programs for this meeting. It was moved by Mrs. Pridham, Goderich, seconded by Mrs. W. E. Turnbull, Walton, that each Wo- man's Association in the Presby- tery be asked to send a represen- tative and delegates. Moved by Mrs. W. VanWyck, Wingham and seconded by Mrs. W. E. Brown, Dungannon, that Mrs. H. Snell contact a speaker or this meeting. Mrs. E. Boyes, EgmondVille, was appointed Christian Fellowship and visitation sepretary. Mrs. McGill served a delicious lunch and the meeting closed with prayer. Young' Mothers Hear Mrs. Holland The Mothers' Study Group of Wesley -Willis United. Church met on Tuesday evening with. ltfrs. El- mer Hugill in charge, : The meet- ing opened with the hymn "This is My Father's World," The scrip- ture •Re Ship- ley. hi P ture w s read byMrs.g a le . y Mrs. Dyk and Mrs. A. Dale sang accompanied by Mrs. Percy Liver- more at the piano. Mrs. Laurence Haughton invited the group to her home for.the March meeting, when Mrs. Fred Miller will be in charge and Mrs. H. Kingswell will assist the hostess. Articles not yet in for the lay- ette are to be given to Mrs, :Wil- fred Jervis before March 2. Mrs. Trewartha and Mrs. Dyk are each donating a blanket for the layette. Mrs. Reg. Shipley read the min- utes of the January -meeting- and Mrs. E. ' Bugill took up the col- lection. The hymn `Pass Me Not, Oh, Gentle Saviour" was >followed. by a poem read by Mrs. Cervan- tes, Over the Crib Where the Baby Lies." - Mrs. Norman. Holland, guest speaker, opened'- with prayer, and, reminded the mothers that Jesus said, "Whosoever receiveth one of these little ones, receiveth me." She stressed the need for family devotion and prayer and told a story entitled "The Easter Prom- ise". Mrs. Dyk and Mrs. Dale sang again -and Mrs. Howard Currie read a few exepts from a book written by a Labrador nurse, tel- ling of the primitive way of life in those communities: Mrs. Wil- fred Jervis gave a humorous read- ing "Caleb's Courtship." "Softly and Tenderly Jesus; is Calling" was sung, followed by the Mizpah benediction and after a social hour lunch was served by Mrs. Dyk, Mrs. Cervantes and Mrs. Wilfred Jervis. • TAXI SIDESWIPED, MONDAY; HIT -RUN DRIVER TRACED A taxi owned by Clarke Stanley and driven by George Baird was sideswiped Monday night as it pro- ceeded south on Victoria Street. Though the other vehicle did not remain at the scene, some '.'sleuth- ing" led to the matching of paint and a piece of metal" on 'a car be- longing to Sam Craig, Goderich Township. He will be charged. PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS-RECOR4 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1959E Presbyterian WMS Held at Manse. Mrs. Robert McKenzie presided for the monthly meeting of St. Andrew's Women's Missionary So- ciety conducted at the manse last Wednesday. Mrs. George erge Roberton and Mrs. William Shaddock led in scripture reading and prayer. The roll call was answered by the quotation of a favorite Bible verse. Mrs. Robert Scott and Mrs. J. Makins gave the :secretary's and treasurers reports which were fol- Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thom- son, Goderich, announce the en- gagement of their eldest daugh- ter Ethel Isobel to John Thomas Crich Cole, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cole, R,R. 3, Clin- ton. The marriage will take place early in March. 8-b lowed by study in the annual year book "Voyage of Discovery" ably led by Mrs, Ed. Farquhar. An interesting 'discussion on Chinese Christian Work in Can- ada, engaged- the members. MIs. John Snider reported that the Women's Association was malting a lovelyquilt for the WMS bale. Plans were made for the Wo- men's Worl d Day of Prayer r wh. ich will be observed by the women of town .and vicinity on Friday af- ternoon, March 5, in St. Andrew's Church. Following the closing prayer by the president, refreshments were served by Mrs. D. J. Lane, assisted by Mrs. M. D. McTaggart, Personals. Mrs. Melvin Crich and Melvin Jr.,` spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gibhings and son Wayne, at Strathroy, Miss Victoria Cervantes, has been visiting her nephew who w' on King Street, left last Friday by plane for Belize, British Honduras. Mr, and : and M Fangrad A. gr ad rd it were in Stratford. last week family attending the funeral of the lady's mother, Mrs. S. Corman who died February 12. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McBurney, London; . and Mrs: Glen :' Gibson, Blyth, with their ' families, were visiting with the lady's parents, Me: and Mrs. Noble Holland; last week. • Mrs. Bert Lee (formerly Miss Edna Lawrence), Ottawa, is visit- ing friends around Clinton. Mrs. Lee is a daughter of the late W. S. Lawrence who at one time. taught in Goderich Township on the 16th Concession. LADIES' GROUP WILL MEET WEDNESDAY The regular monthly meeting of the Tuckersmith Ladies' Club will be held at the home of Mrs. Ernie Crich on Wednesday, March 10. Roll call will be answered by "Your favourite "pastime." SPECIALS For February 25 - 26 - 27 SALMON, Maple'Leaf 1/2 lb tin 39c LARD or Shortening, Schneider's lb,. 25e PEANUT ETJTTER, Gold Medal 16 ozjar 31c CATSUP, Aylmer 11 oz, Btl. 21c PEAS, Garden Patch , 15. oz, 2 tins 29c BLENDED JUICE, Horsey 48 oz. tin 29e CORN, P. of Niagara Fey., 15 oz. 2 tins 23c DATES, Pitted POTATOES, N.B., lb. 15c 75 lb. Bags $1.49 HEAD LETTUCE 24's, 2 for 29c ORANGES, Sunkist size 252, reg. 39c doz. 35e ONIONS, Cooking 10 lb. Bag 29e THOMPSON'S FOOD MARKET Phone 40 We Deliver MISFfAUP�ESNO@FROM SCOTT- McHALE NEW STYLES NEW COLOURS NEW FINE WORKMANSHIP LUGGAGE-LEATH-ERG00DS Court Whist. A Favourite With Clinton Dinettes The Clinton Kinette Club held a Court. Whist party at the Hotel Clinton on Tuesday evening, Feb- ruary 23. Each member of -the club invited guests, The prize for the highest score of the evening went to Mrs. Jack Scruton, . and for the : lowest score to Mrs, K. W. Colquhoun. Tickets were sold on a cake and it was wen by Mrs. Norman Counter. Lunch was serv- ed at the close of the games. The next regular meeting of the Kinette Club will be held on Tues- day evening, March 9, at the home of Mrs. Claude Daw, 0 NEW MEMBERS ACCEPTED AT WESLEY-WILLIS CHURCH: At the morning worship in. the Wesley -Willis United Church, the following persons, having been ac- cepted by the'session, were receiv- ed into the membership of the church: Mr. and Mrs. G. Wesley Nott, Miss Leola Nott, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bayes, Beverley Boyes, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd M. Waters and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Johnston. Lions Club.Initiate Four New Members Hear Talk by International Counsellor • An guest 'unexpected u est . at Tues- Tiles - day evening's Lions Club dinner meeting was Lion Nelson Hill, Goderich, International Counsellor of Lions International. Lion Hill r spoke to three members who were initiated into the club that even- ing. They were F/L James Hope, RCAF Station Clinton;Stewart" Taylor, Clinton; and Charles.Wil- son, Holmesville. • William Morlock, manager of Clinton branch, Bank of Montreal, was officially welcomed into the Clinton Lions Club, his member- ship in Lions International being transferred from Westport Lions Club. President Dr. R. M. Aldis pre- sided at the short business -meet- ing. Second vice-president fen McRae introduced the three appli- cants for membership: ' Past Dist - SALE Our Entire 1953 Stock of Seat Cover to be Sold at Reduced Prices 1 Name Brand Food Mixer 25% off 1 Name Brand Grill and Waffler 25% off 1 Name Brand Electric Blanket 25% off Western Tire and -Auto Susiy (Associate Storm) CLINTON PHONE 349W SHOW and SALE 363 - BEEF BULLS - 363 under the auspices of THE ONTARIO BEEF CATTLE IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Sheep and Swine Arena Royal Winter Fair Building TORONTO Tues., March 9 and Wed., March 10 1 9 5 4 Aberdeen Angus and Herefords Show and Sell on March 9th. Shorthorns; Show and Sell on March 10th. Shows Commence at 8 A.3L; Sales at 11 A.M. Each' Ontario resident who buys a bull in this sale will be eligible for a premium equal to one-thirdof the purchase price but not exceeding $150, provided such a bull is bought for use on a herd owned by the purchaser and located in this Province GLEN REICHELD President For catalogues apply to: W. P. WATSON, Secretary, Parliament Buildings, Toronto'. ST. ANDREW'S WA WILL MEET TUESDAY The Women's. Association of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. M. D. McTaggart on Tuesday, .March 2. -u riot Deputy Governor Hugh Haw- kins inducted the new members into Lionism. He read the Lions code of ethics to the new members andstressedthey '-that be adhered ., to. Lion Hawkins especially wel- comed Mr. Taylor andMr. Wilso:. n who have in the past -worked with the Lions in minor sports pro- motion and also at the arena. International Counsellor Hill wel- comed the el-comed'the new Lions into this, the largest service club in the world. He remarked on the close co-op- eration existing between his home.. club at Goderich and the Clinton" club. He urged the new members and, all Lions to read their Lions monthly magazine, also the dist- rict publication. He further 'stres- ed that attending both local and international conventions was an education in Lionism as well as entertaining. County Sponsors Contest For Best; Booklet Cover Huron County will award prizes in a. contest for a cover design, it was decided at a meeting of the County Council's Historic Committee held at the Court House. Prizes of $25, $15 and $10 will be awarded for the best three de TURNER'S YPU ENTERTAINED signs submitted. AT ONTARIO ST. CHURCH -The cover will be for a booklet The Young People's Union of telling about the objects on dis- Turner's United Church were play at the Court Museum in oOntario Young which will guests, n Tuesday, February 23. by Professor JamesScott, Sea Theevening was spent in reties- forth, who has also been commis- tion after which Leona Johnston sioned by County Council to write was in charge of the short worship a history of Huron County. service. Lunch was served and The contest is open to any 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111@ the evening .closed. with "Taps." student of collegiates, high schools o or • continuation schools within AUCTION SALE.TERMED Huron County. Members of the SUCCESS BY MEN Historical Committee, as judges, On Saturday, afternoon • the will make the awards. Wesley -Willis Men held a success- Suggestion that the contest be ful auction sale in the Council held was made by the chairman of 'Chamber of the Town Hall. A the committee, Deputy Reeve Jo nice sum was realized and the seph Allaire, Goderich. The book - men wish to thank those who con- let will deal largely with the way tributed articles for the sale and of life of pioneer settlers of Hu - those who helped. Particularly ron as depicted by the many ex - they wish to thank the auctioneer, hibits in the Museum. Edward W. Elliott, who donated Entries in the contest must be his services and" the Town Council in the hands of County Clerk - f or permission to use the hall and Treasurer A. H. Erskine, Gode- other courtesies.' rich, by March 15. Unless you have seen these YARD GOODS -- You haven't seen any - Plastic Drapes GOAD ASSORTMENT OF PATTERNS 27" x 84" $1.98 pair BEAUTIFUL`' Scenic Pattern Two Colors 27" x 84" $2.98 pair Plastic DRAW DRAPES 108" x 84". complete with "clip -on" sliders $3.50 pair MARTINS DEPT. STORE PHONES: 38J - 36W • 111111111111111111$11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 f 229 5 Evac• ForNo ae„Wheri oi9 .cur Pie!„e rve MYSTERY SALE - Sat., Feb. 27 at 3 o'clock WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH Sale of Home Baking -- Aprons Children's Clothing. Novelties 25c Afternoon Tea will be served. AUSPICES: GOOD WILL CLUB 8-b urth j'CtijtCCS Sunday, ANDARD TIFebruary 28, 1954 (STME) ONTARIO' ST. UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR -REV. A.. GLEN EAGLE, B.A., B.D. ORGANIST -MRS. E. WENDORF 11.00 1215 P m-Sundayg S Worship 7,00 p.m. -Union Service . in Wesley -Willis. United Church. TURNER'S CHURCH 2.00 p.m. -Church Service • 3.00 p.m.-Stuiday. School. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Rev. D. J. Lane, B.A,, Munster Mrs. Morgan Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, Feb. 28 The Chu r c h ,School meets for • study at 10, a.m. Public Worship -period at 11 a.m. Children's Story Period • The Sermon Will concern itself with: The REVELATION OF GOD. Knox Church, Bayfield, Service at 2.30 p.m. God is great and greatly- to be praised. All welcome to join us in wor- shipping HIM. Every fine feature is included... full complement of tubes, super- powered chassis, ready for UHF, Flex -O -Matic focus, durable mahogany cabinet. Only a few available ... get yours today! MI tubes andpicture tube covered' by one-year guarantee. Groves E!ectnc Phone 688J - Clinton iReolep-,k/ igitiniteb €IJuvcb Rev. 1111012 C. WILSON, Minister ist M.hrctR. RENNIE,• REI r or 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship. "The Rewards of .Christianity" 11.20 a.m. Primary School. 12.15 p.m. -Church School. - 7.00 p.m. -Evening Praise, Guest -speaker: Rev. D. J. Laanee, B.AHolmesville United Church 1.30 p.m. -Service at Holmesville Come To, The House of Prayer Huron St. Baptist Church Minister -REV. J. E. OSTROM Organist -Mrs. George Grant 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service. 12.15 -Sunday School. 7 00 p m --Evening Service JOSEPH STREET GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day: 11.00 a.m.-Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m. --Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m. -Gospel Meeting. ALL WELCOME Prints Ginghams Linens Denims Criskays. Taffetas Nylons Wools Corduroys and Silks SEW and SAVE WEEK February 27 to March 6 PROCURE YOUR SEWING NEEDS NOW Don't be tied to a sewing machine when the \ weather turns nice. Buttons Zippers - Thread -- Needles . and Pins The New . BUTTERXOK PATTERN BOOK is here for your inspection. Pentecostal Church P.A.O.C. Victoria Street K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Evening at 7.30 p.m. Tuesday, 8 p.m. Prayer Service. Friday, 7.00 p.m. -Young People's. St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m.-Morning Prayer and Sunday School. 7.00 p.m. -Evening Service Monday, March 1 -Board of Man- agement at 8.00 p.m. Ash Wednesday, March 3 -Service at 7.30 p.m. Tuesday, March , 2 St. Paul's Ladies' Guild will meet . at rectory at 2.45. 'Gospel Hall MAPLE STREET, CLINTON Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Communion Service 11.00 a.m. Gospel. Service ..... 8.00 p.m. Children's Hou - Tuesday 7.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. FRIDAY, 8 p.ni.- PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY Rumball's IGA. Specials I.G.A. ORANGE JUICE, 48 oz. 31c I.G.A. Ripe 'n Ragged PEACHES, 20 oz, 23c I.G.A. Ripe 'n Ragged Pineapple, 20 oz, 35c Aylmer FRUIT COCKTAIL, 15 oz: 23c I.G.A. PORK and ".E ERNS, 20 oz....... 2 for 31c I.G.A. RASPBERRY JAM, 24 oz. 38e I.G.A. PEANUT BUTTER, 16 oz. 35c Shirriff's WHITE CAKE MIX 33c GOLD SEAL SALMON 37e KIMBALL'S IGA MARKET -PHONE 86- ,, Oven Fresh Bread From. Your Grocer \ or from Our Salesman The Goodness is Baked Right In Our Saturday Special: From Our Store Only--- SUEY LOAF Reg. -30c - for 23e BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE;:.1 CLINTON