HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-02-11, Page 3THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11,1954' CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE 'THREE NEWS OF VARNA. John. Harnwell, Goderieh, is vis- iting friends in the village this Week, WMS . The Varna Woman's Missionary.. Society met in the church with 13 members and three visitors pies= ent, ; The Front' Road East group Was in charge. The Scripture was -read by Mrs, S. Keys, who was in charge of the devotional part of the meeting. Prayer was offered by Mrs. T. J. Pitt. Minutes of the last meeting were read and their adoption seconded by Mrs. William McAsh, There were 12 calls to shut-ins reported and the members decided to pay shipping charges on the Mission Band bale. Birthday money is to be paid. The devotional part of the meet- ing was continued with Mrs. W. Webster, Mrs. S. Keys and Mrs. H. Hayter taking part in a skit. The meeting closedwith the benedic- tion and lunch was served by the village group. The roll call for the March meeting will be answer- ed by the name of a missionary. Master Feeds Shop Talk Introducing • • New .Improved MASTER (HKK STARTER containing 20 Protein — 3 Nitro Producing BETTER CHICKS at LESS COST 20% PROTEIN—the protein content has been increased in keeping with the' latest nutritional knowledge of what is required in a chick starter ration. 3-NITRO—and other, growth -promoting factors added to stimulate growth and produce faster feathering and better colouring. Priced right: $5.15 per 100 lbs. S. Riddick and Sons Phone 114 Clinton HOLEPROOF FULL FASHIONED NYLONS Now Guaranteed Against Runs for 7 Days FROM ANY CAUSE Nothing is more disappointing or annoying than a run in brand new nylons—yet that's when most runs occur. Holeproof offers you com- plete protection against this costly inconven- ience with a "New Pair Free" if your new Iloloproof. Nylons run during the first seven days no matter what the cause, Bectutifully Sheer Holeproof 12 denier A.'Rest a Sag and 51 gauge, 30 denier carry this guarantee. FOR SMART iabiez' rJrr; eat WAR cb efer'5 THINGS Sylvester- Mulholland Many guests from out of town were in Toronto at the marriage, of Miss Martha Evelyn Mulhol- land, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Donald B. Mulholland, Q.C,, to Allan Bartlett Sylvester; son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan G. Sylvester all of Toronto. Rev. Dr. John Short officiated at the candlelight ceremony in St. George's United Church. Thebride wore a graceful im- ported gown of white taffeta, en- hanced with gold threaded lace, the full skirt ending in a train. tier long veil was held by orange blossom clusters worn by her mother' at her own wedding,- and she carried Swainsonia and Euch- arist'lilies. • Given in marriage by. her father, the bride was attended by her sister. Miss Verity Mulholland, maid of honor; Misses Donna, Hos sack, Margaret Bowe, and Sharon Sterne, flower girl, whose mother had been flower. girl at Mrs. Mul holland's wedding. . Their waltz length dresses of shot coral taf- feta,were styled with long sleeved bodices and full skirts, and their sequin -trimmed caps of coral net and velvet, had little knots of fresh 'flowers at the back. John Terry was groomsman; and the ushers were Peter Hyland, Frank Lenny, Peter Blundell, Har- old Jackes and John Stalker. After the reception at Prince Arthur House, the bride and -groom left by motor for Florida and upon their return are living in Toronto. The groom is a nephew of Mrs. Percy Town, Miss Emma Lavis and Launce Lavis, all of Clinton. .4o -e+-, Shop and Save February 12 & 13 SNOWFLAKE ' SHORTENING lb .23 LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS, 3 for .25 TREESWEET GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 220 p`' 25 tins • LIPTON'S SELECT BLACK TEA pkg. 3,2 Ib. .32 ROSE MARGARINE pkg. .2 7 CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 2 for .23 SWIFT'S PREM tin .33 FIRST GRADE Creamery BUTTER Ib. .63 CHOICE ONTARIO POTATOES, 15 lb. .35 CARNATION q MILK 2 It tense .27: HEINZ TOMATO , KETCHUP i' ... . 26: ROUND ' STEAK per Ib, .59: BONELESS ROUND STEAK ROAST per lb. 59: BONELESS PRIME RIB ROASTS, per Ib. . 59: CHOICE WING STEAKS, per lb. .59 LEAN BREAKFAST BACON lb. ping. •el tf ; PORK SAUSAGE LEAN BACK ACON SLICED .79 Per Lb. ..._ ... IN PIECE 75 Per Lb. ._... ...._ lb..39 STANLEY'S ABATTOIR Bert's Little Super Market Phones 414 - 415 FREE DELIVERY Or Easy To Park When the day's supply of milk is running short, Milk Powder.is a real convenience! It's easy to mix a quart or a cupful of milk to add flavour and food value to your cooking. Milk Powder is an excellent, inexpensive source of complete protein, calcium, riboflavin, Vitamin A. In many recipes, you do not need to reliquefy Milk Powder: just mix it with the dr -y ingredients. When using it to drink, you'll find its flavour improves after standing overnight in the refrigerator. TO RELIOUEFY MILK POWDER: `' To make 1 cup, sprinkle 14 cup Milk Powder ca 1 cup. IukcWarm water. 2 Beat or shake until Powder dissolves. 3 Pour inm conminer, raver aad store aver,,igld in refrigerator. This improves consistency andfovour. For Marie Frascr's free booklet of tasty, tested Milk Powder recipe. write:'. DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU A Division of the Dairy farmers: of Canada. 409 HURON Siilesi TORONTO. • Wedding of Interest to Clintoniaa s Falconer=-Daw A quiet pretty wedding took place in St. Paul's Anglican Chur- ch, Clinton, . on Friday afternoon, January 29, when Dorothy Sandra, only daughter of Mr. and Mis. Claude H. Daw, Clinton, was un- ited in marriage, to John Elgin Falconer, Goderich township, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Falconer; Goderich township. Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel officiated. The bride wore a navy taffeta street -length dress with matching wool bolero, trimmed with white. angora; white satinfur hat and a corsage of deep red roses. Miss Yvonne Hendricks, Clinton, as bridesmaid, chose a tui gtioise knitted dress, matching navy ac- cessories, and a corsage of dehp pink roses: . Ronald Falconer, Goderich town- ship, brother of the bridegroom, was groomsman. Following a reception at the home of the bride's parents, the young couple left on a motor trip to Detroit, Mich. On their return they will reside in Goderich. 0 Stanley Township Miss Leola Taylor, London, spent :last weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Taylor. Mrs. Norman Baird is visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert Varley, St. Catharines, this week. DRUG STORES N O X Z E MA IDA Specials S_ ClAL MR. AND MILS. ALLAN BARTLETT SYLVESTER are pic- tured here as they signed the register following their marriage in St. George's United Church, Toronto. The bride is the for- mer Miss Martha Evelyn Mulholland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Mulholland, Q.C., Toronto, and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Allan G. S ylvester, also of Toronto and a nephew of Mrs. Percy Town, Miss Emma Lavis and Launce Lavis, Clinton. The young coupl e is living in Toronto. (Photo by Ashley & Crippen) LONDESEOR 0 • Billy Cowan, Stratford, *as with his parents over the weekend. Mrs. R. Townsend visited with her daughter, Dorothy Little, To- ronto. Mrs. Alice Rose, London, vias a visitor with Mrs. Mary Brunsdon last week. Miss Phemie Reid entertained a number of friends on Monday night to a card party, Mr. and Mrs. William Riley and Sharon, Hensall, spent the week- end with Mrs. Nellie Watson. Mrs. Dorothy Bruisdon is visit- ing wth her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Napier, Minneapolis. Mrs. Lillie Webster has returned from visiting her brother, Mr. Lewis Govier, and Mrs. Govier, Goderich. Mr. and Mrs, William Hunking and Joe Lyon spent • the weekend with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. E. Holmes, near Dresden. Misses Maxine and Delphine Hunking, London, were with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hunk- ing, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McEwan and sons, Clinton, were Sunday visitors with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Gorier. Mrs. John Scott visited on Sun- day with Murdie Ross who is in Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. Ross is gaining in health and is hoping to be home again before long. WA To Meet The regular meeting of the Wo- man's Association of Londesboro United Church will meet on Thurs- day, February 18 in the basement of the church at two o'clock sharp. The roll call 'is to be answered with a Bible verse. The hostesses are Mrs. Beacom, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. T. Millar, Mrs. T. Fairservice. WI Held Pot Luck The ladies of Londesboro Wo- men's -Institute held their meeting the evening of February 4 In the form of a pot -luck supper for the members and theiwfamilies. Near- ly 100 people sat down to a bounti- ful supper. After supper a short program was enjoyed. Mrs. Donald Sprung gave two recitations; a solo by Phyllis McCool; a duet by Karen Allen and Thelma Riley and a two -act play by several members of the institute. Progressive euchre was played. The winners were: high, Mrs. Sid Lansing and Kenneth Scott;' low, Mrs. Wilmer Howatt and Edwin Wood; lone hands, Ernest Knox. Dancing was enjoyed for •the rest of the evening. "Laughing Lassies" The Londesboro Laughing Las- sies Club met Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sidney Lan- sing. The president, Margaret La- zet, opened the meeting, The min- utes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The roll call was answered by five girls and the two leaders, by 'each telling one good habit in the care of clothing. Plans were made for a special meeting to be held on February 18 when Miss Jean Steckle, home economist for Huron County, will be a guest. The leaders took charge of the meeting and discussed the follow- ing: Care of the hair, shampoo, method of hone shampoo, hair styling, care of hair brush and comb; posture and its importance. Demonstrations Were given on how to sponge woollens at home. Seams to be used on slips such t lapped .seams, felled seam an:? French seam. Beryl 'and Kay serv- ed tasty refreshments. 0-----.-.._. VARNA The Junior Farmers of Seaforth are putting their play on in the township hall here. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Coleman; Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Reid are spending a few weeks in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Erratt and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride return- ed home Sunday from a trip to Florida. Come and learn how to improve your lawns and surroundings by seeing the film "Home Beautifica- tion" being presented by a Strath- roy Nursery Company on Thurs- day, April 1, at 7,15 in the Varna Township Hall, sponsored by the Varna Woman's Association. . ... `NV •Tiff 1952 DODGE SEDAN Built-in Radio; New Tires; Superb Condition. 1951 CHEV. "Power Glide" Coach Built-in Radio; Airconditioning. 1950 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN Built-in Radio; Airconditioning; Must To Be Appreciated, 1949 PLYMOUTH SEDAI\ 1940 FORD COACH Be Seen Newly Reconditioned Bumper -to -Dumber. Tit C;ply 195( FORD 1 TON EXPRESS. 1947 FORD 3 TON CHASSIS I1 there is nothing to suit you on this list, come in any*ay. We .will have many more calfs traded in on 1954 models very 5001 McPherson ros. KAISER--WILLYS DEALERS Front -End Alignment — Wheel Balancing PHONE:' 492 CLINTON LARGE 10 oz. FOR ....,..., $125 HANDS ■ NEW.. BETTER WAY M !ibsuAvE!! • �3tyArKe• MEDICATED SPECIAL O11OWE 31 4015e 1 LIMITED TIME ONLY • 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 AMIFIIDENT TOOTH PASTE Ammoniated and with Chlorophyll 2 Tubes 69c Thurs. — Fri. -- Sat. BABY COUGH SYRUP .. 39c . COLD TABLETS 39c CAMPHORATED OIL 3 oz. — 33c IDASAL TABS. 300 — 59c IODIZED THROAT GARGLE — 39 IODIZED THROAT TABS. 39c MILK OF MAGNESIA 16 oz. — 29c 32 oz. — 490 MILK OF MAGNESIA TABS 100's — 33c 300's — 63c STOMACH POWDER 4 oz. — 59c 16 oz. — $1.49 PEPSODENT TOOTH PASTE 33c size 2 for 49c KOLYNOS CHLOROPHYL TOOTH PASTE 2 Tubes 89c COLGATE'S TOOTH PASTE with GARDOL 33e - 59c — 85c AQUAMARINE LOTION $2.00 value for $1.10 DOROTHY GRAN BLUSTERY WEATHER LOTION Reg. $2.50 for $1.25 POND'S ANGEL SKIN 3ie — 65c PHOTO F- B. PENNEBAKER PHONE SERVICE DRUGGIST 14 t CI ce ENAMELS—FLAT WALLS—SEMIGLOSS Buy Now — for spring renovations WALL FIX— FLAT OIL PAINT Reg. up to $2.80 per quart as low as $1.80 per qt. Reg. up to $2.45 qt. for $1.75 per qt. KEM TONE Reg. $1.69 per qt.—NOW $1.20 per qt. Reg. $6.10 per gal., NOW $4.75 per gal. ALL COLOURS — WHILE THEY LAST ENAMELS -- certain colours— $2.25 Reg. $2.80 — NOW We will stand behind any paint purchased in our store. BIG REDUCTIONS on 1953 WALLPAPER DESIGNS Want Your Floors to Look Like New? .. Let our friendly representative check your floors and give you a free estimate. We specialize in Sanding & Re -finishing. If you are doing the job yourself, we can supply. you with Paint, Wall- paper, Paint Brushes — anything for your interior decorating problems. D. A. Kay & Son PAINTERS and DECORATORS Phone 234W -- Free Estimates .— Clinton