HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-02-04, Page 7CLINTON NEWS -RECORD,: PAGE SEVEN' .S.A.C. Convention to ,Stress se of Certified Seed With increased yields continuing o demonstrate the value' of . plant - g registered or certified seed, legates to the Ontario Soil and op ' Improvement Association's. animal, convention will have par- a::. ticulr interest in the meetings in session;at Toronto, January 26 to Convention ention of the Association is beingheld in the Coliseum, Ex- hibition Park, Toronto, with even- ing sessions at the King Edward Hotel Attlessetio.el Hog Producers THIS IS FOR YOU— it'S About A MASTER FEEDS Hog Contract What is a Master Feeds Hog Contract? It is an arrangement whereby you can feed your pigs MASTER FEEDS from start to finish without parrying for the feed they eat until the ' pigs go to market. Tow Much Extra Does This Cost the Feeder? Not a penny! There are no financing or carry - frig charges. You pay the regular Master Feeds prices, How Do I Get More Information About This? Tell' us you are interested—we .will be pleased to answer your questions. You are under ab- solutely no obligation at any time. REMEMBER THESE POINTS: * You keep all the profits from your- hogs— the hogs are yours—we finance the feed. * With a MASTER HOG CONTRACT you can feed Starter, Grower and Finisher. * MASTER FEEDS are laboratory tested and farm proved. You are assured top quality hog feed for your pigs. ASK US FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT A HOG CONTRACT S. Riddick and sons Phone 114 Clinton RCAF Personals, Mrs. J, M, Gattinger is visiting her parents at Weyburn, Sask. Sgt. and Mrs. H. Jones and -fam- ily, Adastral Park, left to take up residence In Brighton, Ontario. The Officers' Wives' Club held its regular monthly meeting in the Protestant` Chapel annex on Tuesday evening, February 2. F/L and Mrs., Orval . Warner, former residents of Clinton, have recently taken up residence- at 17 Victoria Blvd,, in Adastral Park. F L and Mrs. Keith Young mot- ored to Ottawa to attend the fun- eral service for E;/L Young's fath- er who died in that city on Feb- ruary 2. A card party was held at the home of Mrs. E..'Greewa on Fri- day, y day, January 29. Prizes were won by Mrs. G. J. A. Bury and Mrs. J, T, Arnold. F/L and Mrs. Percy Pigeon cel- ebrated their thirteenth tvedding anniversary quietly at home with their three little Pigeons on Thurs- day, January 28. Mrs. G. Mills entertained at her home on January 21 for Mrs. Pratt. F/S and Mrs, G. Pratt and their two sons left for Ciaresholm, Alberta, where they are now' stat- ioned. Barn Dance Held In Rec. Hall At RCAF. Station On Saturday, January -30, the Recreation Hall, RCAF Station Clinton, echoed to the sound of "Do-si-do and balance," mingled with the clatter of prancing feet and gay voices. The reason for this gaiety was the CKNX Barn. Dance Broadcast which' was held at the Station. A huge crowd of airmen and their wives, dressed in the regula- ion'Barn Dance costume of Blue Jeans and plaid shirts, cowboF hats and boots merrily danced their way through one set after the other. Stars of stage and radio were featured in a stage show which consisted of gags, songs, and duets. The evening was enjoyed by all present and refreshments were ser- ved during the course of the enter- tainment, ANK OF MONTREAL e uteiaCa e est, Clinton Branch: WILLIAM MORLOK, Manager Londesborough (Sub•Agency): Open Mon, & Thurs. WORKING WITH CANADIANS Its D•1oa5 EVERY WALK OF, LIFE 5 (N CE' 1 8 1-7 55 First Mess Dinner Of The Year, Held by Officers The first mess dinner of 1954 was held in the Officers' • Mess on Friday, January 29, at RCAF Stat- ion Clinton, The guest speaker was G/C D. B. Annan, 16 (Aux.) Wing, Hamilton, who is in charge of the auxiliary units in the Ham- ilton area: The speaker was introduced by G/C Ashdown, MBE CD, Com- manding Officer,RCAF -Station Clinton. G/C Annan outlined the present role of the RCAF Auxil- iary Squadrons and also the role of the Aircraft Control and Warn- ing Stations. He told his audience of the many and varied activities assigned to 'the' auxiliary units and how their commitments were was thanked The speakerh ked by S/L G. J. Bury, of No, 1 Radar and Communication's School, Clin 'ton. After the very enjoyable din- ner there was entertainment in the games room: Among the guests attending this dinner were W/C N, B. Eaton and F/L Christopher, also of Hamiltin. Chapel. Guild Pians For Valentine Tea The January meeting, of the Protestant Chapel Guild -was held in the Chapel Annex, Adastral, Park, with Mrs. Harley president, presiding. The meeting opened with Mrs. A. Sturgess giving the blesing, followed by the members repeating the Lord's Prayer. Following the reading of the De- cember minutes and the treasurer's report, an election of officers was held. Officers elected were: pres- ident, Mrs. S. Sly; vice-president, Mrs. H. Harley; secretary, Mrs. W. Potts; treasurer, Mrs. W. Colwell; socialconvener, Mrs. K. Noble. It was moved that a plasticware demonstration be given at the February meeting, with all mem- bers urged to bring a friend. A discussion was then held With re- gard to holding a"Valentine Tea, in February and the new execut- ive volunteered to take charge. After the business, refreshments were served. 0 "EAGER" BEAVER GAIN DEPARTMENT'S . PRAISE NORTH BAY — Beaver, whose engineering genius has been some- what misdirected of late in build- ing dams in the wrong places, have redeemed themselves in the eyes of district officers of the On- tario Department of Lands and Forests. On a local lake, where a dam was planned to stabilize and regulate 'water levelsat the out- let, one pair of eager beaver built one thatraised the water' close to the desired level. They forgot a control gate to take care of the spring freshet but get top marks from conservation • officers .for well directed industry nonetheless. AUTO GLASS REPLACED While You Wait Saftee Glass BOTH FLAT AND CURVED Installed to Your Complete Satisfaction BEEVERS AUTO - SUPPLY Phone Gocierieh 295 43-tfb CALL IN AND SEE US ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS on; EAVESTROUGI-I NG ELECTRICAL WIRING MR -CONDITIONING GRAVITY WARM -AIR HEATING PLUMBING A FURNACE FOR EVERY JOB WISE and BATEMAN Phone 147—Clinton Icing Research By Experiment Proves Worth of Plane A North Star—,better known' as the ice wagon—took off this week from the RCAF Central Experi- mental Establishment at Rock, cliffe on a six -hour flight in the Ottawa-Killoloe-North Bay area under what wa stermed as -ideal. conditions. Six ho.rs later the aircraft landed at Rockliffee with a record loadf o more than 14 inches of ice piled on its icing instruments, - According to the engineer in charge of icing projects for ° the National Aeronautical Establish- ment the load ofice was more than the aircraft had ever encoun- tered in its four years of operat- Clinton Men Visit Military College Three of the staff from RCAF Station Clinton visited the Royal Military College at Kingston last week. Squadron Leader G, Bland, and Flight Leautenant W. Johnson of No. 1 AROS were accompanied by Flying Officer L. Smith of the R. and C.S.' S/14. Bland gave a lecture on. Airborne Radar and its use dur- ing the war. The lecture was giv- en to the RCAF cadets at the tri -service college. ` Fa, Johnson' spent most of his visit with Major Nation who is in command of the cadet wing. They discussed, the techniques used in officer training. The staff from Clinton was im- pressed by the efficiency and cordiality displayed at the Royal Military College. An invitation was extended to members of the staff"at RMC to visit RCAF'Sta- tion Clinton. Men, Wonien ! Old at 40,50,60! Get Pep Feel Years Younger, Ful of Vim Don't blame exhausted worn-out, run-down feeling on your age. Thousands amazed at what a littleopping up with astrex Tonic Tablets will do. Contain tonic, bonito stimu- lant often needed after 40—by bodies weak, old because locking iron. A 78 -year-old doc- tor writes: "I took it myself. Results fine." Introductory or get -acquainted" size only 804. Stop feeling oki. Start to feel poppy and youngor, today. At ell druggists. CLEAR PICTURES THAT STAY CLEAR You pick the channel . , your Westinghouse does the rest auto. matically . .-while you sit back and enjoy uninterrupted entertain. mens! There's no dial -fiddling no jumping up and down , :. with Westinghouse Automatic TV that actuallyadjusts itself for top per. formancet FROM: jyrir ..$340O Clinton Electric Shop ions. iously damaged the blades of one The aircraft did not come propeller. through the flight undamaged. At < As soon as the aircraftis ser- ope point "a "chunk" of ice flew viceable and theweather co -oiler- off the plane's antenna and ser- ates icing .research will continue, TNECalvert SPORTS COLUMN 4 &met7evadoo., The oldest partnership in major Itoekey, now extending beyond the 20 -'year mark, still carries ea. We refer, of course, to the Milt Schmidt -Porky Dumart coons unity of interests, which started when they were Jun- iors in Kitchener.. Since then, with the eX- caption of if season when Dumart played with Boston Cubs in a minor league, while Schmidt continued to serve his apprenticeship with the hometown Greenshirts, they've never been apart. When tins was writ- , ten, they were still the Damon and Pythias of the ice -lanes, in Boston Bruin garb. For sheer durability, they are unbeaten, aten, as a pair, in major hockey annals. Dumart will be 38 next December. Schmidt is 36 soon -March 5 is the date, Dumart has slowed down somewhat, but Schmidt carries on at an undiminished pace, one of the all-time greats of the game, mainspring of the Boston team for so many years, that he is now taken for, granted in the Hub. For, as a skinny 18 -year-old, he joined that club in 1936-37, and a long fourteen years later, years that encompassed his World War II service, he blazed to glory as winner of the Hart Trophy as the most valuable - player to his team in the League. Seventeen years after he had joined the club, surviving a dozen injuries, and playing on knees so dinky that they must be carefully bandaged before every game, Schmidt recently' set two all-time Boston records with 549 total points (221 goals, 328 assists) for regular season play, and 595 points for regular season and playoff games. His 221 goals was at that time only seven short of Durable Dit Clapper's club mark of 228 over 20 seasons of play. It is accepted in Boston hockey circles as a -Certainty that when, if ever, his playing days are done, Schmidt will become coach of the club, while the present coach, Lynn Patrick will succeed the veteran Art Ross as general manager of the Bostonnteam And the most significant remark on Schmidt's value toa the club carne from Coach Patrick. "Schmidt will never be as good a coach as I am", de- clared Patrick. "Whenever we're in trouble I just look -down the bench and yell for Schmidt to get out there. But when Milt becomes coach he won't be able to do that because there'll• be no Schmidt available. For I very, much doubt that there ever will be another Schmidt." Dumart, like Schmidt, joined Bruins in 1936. Soon after, there came from Kitchener a third and notable partner to the twosome, in the person of Bobby Bauer, This threesome became known as the Kraut Line, in tribute to one of Kit- chener's• favored dishes, and in the season of 1939-40, they performed the unusual feat of finishing 1-2-3 in the scoring race. Bauer retired; but Schmidt and Dunuirt still carry on, the oldest partnership in hockey. Your comments and suggestions for gMh column will be welcomed by Elmer Ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge Sf., Toronto, CalvertDISTILLERS LIMITED AMHERSTBURO, ONTARIO 1 SEE OUR QUALITY ISEC11115 LATEST MODELS • LOWEST PRICES 1953 Chevrolet Sedan 1953 Dodge Sedan. 2-1953 Chevrolet Bel Air Sedan --two-tone, fully equipped 6-1952 Chevrolet Sedans and Coaches 1952 Pontiac Sedan 1951 Chevrolet Coach (power glide, built-in radio) 1951 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan 1951 Fleetiiue Chevrolet Power -Glide Sedan, fully equipped 1949 Chevrolet Sedan 1949 Dodge Sedan 1919 Meteor Coach 1949 Pontiac Sedan 1946 Pontiac Five Passenger. Coupe TRUCKS 1949 GMC 3/4. Ton Pick-up 1949 GMC 1 Ton Stake 1948 GMC 1/2 Ton Pick-up 1946 Chevrolet 2 Ton Stake SPEC?IA.L 194'7 Mercury 114 four door sedan $595. AND MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM russets k tors Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealers BRUSSELS, ONT. -- PHONE 73-X CLINTON—Contact Knox Williams, Ph. 641 Old Calm ci *as .. risue@d 1160 By Roe Fa rms Service 'Dept YOU MEAN WHEN', WANT TO (SET MY BIRDS TO, EAT MORE MASH I SHOULD USE VITA -LAY PELLETS � !/ EXACTLY, FRED. ROE YOU MEAN PELLETS VITA -LAY EGG PELLETS SERVE THE SAME ARE A COMPRESSED FORM PURPOSE AS WET , OF VITA -LAY MASH MADE ' MASH AND TO ATTRACT BIRD'S EYE ' EXTRA HANDLING? i AND PLEASE HER. '` ate/ TELL MEAN EASY WAY TO FEED ROE PELLETs,noc. GYHENEXTRA MASH �I'M PUZZLER, DOC. CAN YOU STRAI6'HTEN OUT ON PELLET • FEEDING ' ,,� 3((t�l''r ` K` . 3 1 ME ?• y 9�tt if I S►t It . ?tl lit S(AM'PLE, FRED: CHICKENS AREGRAIN-EATING CREATURES AND MASH IN `BITE.FORM .15 JUST LIKE GRAIN TO THEM. THAT'S WHY THEY EAT PELLETS 50 READILY. �-' ;..,� iw• ®• `v j i { 1 // .1itri cr �l, '; i%r � !�!h !! i! • it R '�!'. (i ` ALWAYS FEED ACCORDING TO EGG ' PRODUCTION, FRED. YOU CAN FIGURE QUICKLY AT1LB.OFPELLETSPER100BIRDS FOR EACH 10 % EG' PRODUCTION • • Al' NOON, YOU CAN FEED WHAT BIRDS WILLCLEAN UP IN 10 OR 15 MINUTES, THEN. YOU CAN HOLD BALANCE OF PELLETS � UNT I L AFTER EVENING ') '' GRAIN FE EDt Nb. CONSUMPFION/SNEERED 05E R 00 o � ����;;; 6 / ��T� Els . \` W e ►`i 11114'4 I `mt��% rel . �� y Irl,:I,i� I— / - ( RIGH1; FRED- YOU'LL. FIND ROE PELLETS �i WONDERFUL IN THESE WAYS:- / . TO BOOST WEIGHT; PRODUCTION AND CONDITION. • OF FLOCK NOT EATING ENOUGH AT PRESENT: TO'DROVIDE EXTRA MASH CONSUMPTION IN'COLD 1• WINTER DAYS. -•• $ TOBRINGLATE-HATCHED PULLETS INTO LAY FASTER . ' /� TO gobs7 EGG PRODucribN AT END OF LAYING YEAR. 5 BIRDS ARE FORCED TO EAT ENTIRE MASH INCtU01NG ':ALL FINE CONCENTRATE ENTI E /� APPETITE. �� J� � ( � J � �� �% % .; " p I� Oto p�(.� %1, ~' °uN Al WOO IF J� 11e1-,j. �a ,a /'/ �/,+ a \ �_ �• ubPfl ' a law �,, f= �t "F� _ .. = 1 i i.r� �.i• , 1"a ,1 ' ,• ' ' / � 1 •a t � tt �l4`V,. /r ,. , , u"a - .ly r ., l "' .I�fltllit1'' I' ".r .. H. CharleSW®rth GLINTON ,q p � -p� p �p p� JA� J.MUSTARD A. J, IVidJ�IPi1CL1 BRUCEFIELO �. / °% stn° x�a ;•`'t. •`!� .s' sly:, ,.. J j ,,--.. lT2 '---------