HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-02-04, Page 3THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 954' HULLETT The pupils of S.S. `No. 5 Hullettand their parents had a very -suc- cessful skating party in Clinton Lions Arena last Friday night, sponsred by the teacher,; Miss Ruth. Keyes. Juniors and Seniors enjoyed the feW hours on the ice and' then all returned to the school where a 'delicious lunch 'was ser-ved by the ladies. Burn's WMS Twenty-three members of Burns' Woman's Missionary Society meat the home of Miss Jean Leiper on Thursday, January 28. Mrs. MacGregor, leader of Group Three was in charge of the worship service. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. WilliamTrewin. The Christian steward- ship secreatry, Mrs. Wesley Roe, read an article entitled "Steward- ship of the, mind," . A poem, "The Message of the New Year,", was given by Miss Jean Leiper. The study book dealt with the inter national work camps of Thailand, whih are sponsored'by the World Council of Churches.The new president, Mrs, White *mei ...swererees l�I EI.SURP S N GHTWITH Youth For Christ INTHErClinton District Colleg ate Sat; Feb.6,at 8p.m Come and Bring Your Friends Superior Quality - Always Fresh High In Energy These 'atures will give yur chicks the start they need to produe lare eggs — ear'lier, Poultrymen should be thinking ' ahead —planning their egg profit -progranlrne well in advance. Startitlg Chicks on New Formula ,SHiUR- GAIN Chick Starter gives 25fo greatr growth ard should be the basis for any egg production programme, Plan to begin your egg profit programme with New Formula SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter. CLINTON FEED MILL "OFCOURSE I HAVE PSN ESTATE" "My Dad is building it for me right now, aud'it's going to be pretty important to me some day.a father knows how important it is to have that estate properly administered, no matter how small it may be at present..He may receive advice and assistance from experienced Trust Officefs on the dispoition of his estate without any obligation.Write for free booklet "Blueprint For Your Family". THE•STERLING TRUSTS C O R P O•`R A T I O N• 11EAti oPFICE 372. Say St., Toonto BRANCH OFFICE -3 Dunlop 5t., Douro 3.3 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Obituaries Mrs. Those Morgan g Service was conducted at the Ball and Mutch Funeral Home, High Street, Clinton; on Monday afternoon," Feruary 1, by the Rev. D. J. Lane, St, Andrew's Presby- terian Church, for Mrs. "Phame" Morgan, widow. Burial' was made in Clinton Cemetery. Mrs. I. E. Morgan, 51, who died suddenly at her home on Mary street, was . the former - Isobella Euphemia Cree and lived here all her life. Her husband, Thomas William` Morgan, died in 1950. She was a member of St..Cn- drew's Presbyterian Church, of the Church Girl's Club, and a charter member of .the Legion. Auxiliary. Surviving are one son, Robert, Clinton; one daughter, Mrs, Roy (Jean) Olsson, London; a sister, Mrs. Margaret Jacob, Yakima, Washington; two grandchildren, conducted the business session. It was decided to invite the Constan- ce Auxiliary to attend the World) Day of Prayer service, on Friday, March 5. Roll call in February will be answered with an article suitable for a bale to be sent to Korea. The supply secretary was author- ized to send the four white cotton hand -towels and the $1 donation towards vacation school packets. The president of the Burns' Wo- man's Association Mrs. William Bell, offered to pack and value the articles brought to this meeting, for the bale for Korean children'. J. S. Seruton Oils - Greases - Gasoline Petroleum Products Phone Clinton 377 Phone Goderich 320-W CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR Miss Evelyn Nivins y Services for Miss Evelyn V Niyin$, 32, who died Monday night in Clinton Public 'Hospital, were conducted Wednesday afternoon by Rev. A. Glen Eagle, in' the. Beattie funeral home, Rattenbury St„ East, Clinton. Interment was made in Dungannon Cemetery. She was born near Dungannon, and came to Clinton two years ago, She was a member of the United Church. SurVling are her mother, Mrs. Melinda Nivins; two brothers, Gor- don, Clinton; Earl, Goderich; and four sisters,' Mrs. Alma Caldwell,' Mrs. Ruth Pickard ,and Ruby, Clinton; and Mrs. Louis Dickson, Kitchener, Miss Mary Scott Services for Miss Mary Scott, 76, who died.January 24 in Clin- ton Public Hospital, were con- ducted Wednesday afternoon, January 27, by Rev. D. J. Lane,. in the Ball and Muteh funeral. home. Interment was made in Burns Cemetery, Hullett Town- ship. Pallbearers were William Leiper, William Hamilton, Jos-. eph shaddick, Thomas Beattie, Hugh Miller and Allistair Broad foot. She was born in Hullett Town - hip, and was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott. She resided in Hallett until com- ing here five years ago. She was a member of Londesboro United Church. Surviving are two brothers, Robert, Clinton; and John, Lon- desboro. Mrs. Alex Sloman Services for Mrs. Martha Slo- man, 76, who died January 25 at Lucknow, were conducted last `Wednesday afternoon, by Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel, in the Ball and Mutch funeral.home. Interment -was made in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were Henry Sloman, David Elliott, David Kay, Char- les Lockwood, Joseph Silcox, and John Innes. She was the former Martha Lanxon, and came : to Clinton from Cornwall, "England, when a child of ten. In. 1921 she' marr- ied Alex Sloman, who died last March. She was a member of St. Paul's Anglican Church here. Surviving are one brother, Richard Lanxon; Goderieh, and one sister, Mrs, Dick Noble, Clinton. She had two nieces and one nephew in Detroit. • 4 Having sold the A.B.C. Ranch to Mr. and Mrs. Schreiber, of Loridon, Ont., I wish to thank one and all for their patronage and wish for the new owners success in every way. R��" ss Fitzsimons 5-p l�id uficeme#2I We have purchased the A. B. C. Ranch from Ross Fitzsimons and>plan to call it "Milt and Mabel's A.B,C. Ranch." Opening day is Saturday, February 13. Drop in and try our home cooked food. We plan to serve light lunches and home-made pies. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Schreiber 5-p Nwspaper Reporters were Excluded from Parliament When newspapers first at- tempted to report the Proceed- ings of parliament, reporters were expelled from the house and fre- quently arrested, Today, it is recognized that newspapers perform a public service in keeping the public in- formed about government affairs. The Toronto Daily Star maintains correspon- dents at Ottawa and at all provincial capitals. Their reports cover all sessions and, committee meetings and all developments which are important for you to know ... and activities of all parties and party leaders. You know what's going on , . , all the time , . when you read The Toronto Daily Star. Order The Toronto Daily Star delivered to your home every day. Delivered by Carrier, 30c a week Mail Subscription Rates Any Address 1 month $ 1.25 3 months 3.50 6 months 6.50 1 year 12.00 +G Addreee Circulation Dept., Daily Sinr yso King St. W., rorontn 9� D1LY STAR Louis Henry Pingle Funeral service for Louis Henry Pingle, Toronto, who passed away on Friday, January 29, in St. Jo- seph's Hospital, Toronto, was con- ducted on Monday afternoon, in Brown Brothers funeral home, Tor- onto, and interment was made in Prospect Cemetery at that city. Mr. Pingle was born -on the 8th concession, Hullett Township in 1888, son of Joh Nelson Pingle and Martha,Cockerline.. He mar- ried Isabel Banks. He was a car- Penter and;previous to,' moving to Toronto in 1918, he lived in Hullett Township and for some years in. Western Canada. He was a mem- ber of the Foresters Lodge. Death occurred following an,i11- ness of some: length. He is surviv- ed by a son, John,,Toronto; a daughter, Mrs, L, A. (Rose) Hall, Toronto and one granddaughter, Marylyn, also of Toronto. ' Those attending the funeral from. this district included Thomas Oliv- er, brother-in-law of the deceased; Misses Audrey and Barbara (Miler, Miss L. Adams, Clinton; Mrs. Jo- seph Youngblut, Mrs. Charles Th- roop- and Mrs. Guy Cuninghame, Londesboro; Mrs. Austin Dexter, and Charles Dexter, Kinburn. William A. Hunt (By our Bayfield correspondent). William Arthur Runt, well- known in' Bayfield for many years, died in London on Tues- day; January 19, in his 87th year The son of a Methodist minister in Devonshire, England, he came to Canada as a young man and became a commercial traveller. He was -married-to Miss Marion Houghton, London, Ontario, who predeceased him about 15 years ago. Somewhere 'about 1920, he built a summer residence in the village which he maintained for a few years. About 13 years ago he moved to ,Bayfield and resid- ed here until early last spring, when he entered the McCormick home, London. During his 12 years here, he was very active for his age, and prided himself on his housekeep- ing and neat gardens. He was a member of Trinity. Church, Bayfield, and prior to his resi- dence here had been associated with St. George's Anglican Ch- urch. He was a member of the. Orange Order. He is survived by his son, Edward, and three grand- children, London. Funeral service was conduct- ed on Thursday, January 21, in the George E. Logan and Sons funeral home, London. The 'Rev. Canon A. A. Abraham of the Church of St. Andrew Mem- orial (Anglican) officiated. Pallbearers were James Hough- ton, William Ttekell, Arthur Greenslade,- Ernest McIntosh, Theodore Oldridge and Russell Wilson. Burial was in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, STOP'! SHIPPING FEVER • PNEUMONIA • CALF DIPHTHERIA • INFECTIOUS ENTERITIS THIS SEASON WITH NIXON'S FEYREX The concentrated, easy to use solution which combines the ef- fect of 4 SULFA DRUGS. Complete, detailed dosage chart for all animals on every bottle. W. C. NEWCOMBE, Phm.B. liiexall Store — Phone 51 v N USED CARS 1952 DODGE SEDAN New tires, built-in rialto, air-conditioned. 1951. CHEVROLET "Power -Glide COACH • Bullt-in radio, air-condi- tioning, low mileage. 1950 OLDSMOBILF— New ear condition; six - cylinder, built-in radio, air-conditioning; has to be seen to bo appreciated. 1949 PLYMOUTH SEDAN-- Air-conditioned. EDAN— Air-conditioned. 1940 FORD COACH -- Reconditioned bumper -to - bumper. TRUCKS - 1953 `MERCURY i/2 Ton, Automatic transmission. 1947 FORD 3 Ton-- 176" wheel ham McPherson Bros. KAISER-WILLYS DEALRRS' Front -End Alignment Wheel-Balanch PRONE 192 OLINTON Mrs. George E. Thomson The death occurred suddenly on Saturday evening, January 23, at her late residence, concession' 2, Hay Township, of • Ida, Dignan, widow of the late Geode E. Thomson in her 78th year. The late Mrs. Thomson had liv. ed her entire life in the commun- ity having been born the daughter of Warren and Mary (Rife), Dig- nan, on the Zurich Road. She was a member of St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, and a life member of the Woman's Missionary So- ciety.' Her husband passed away in February, 1942. She leaves to mourn her passing,. two "sons and three daughters: Samuel W., Kippen; Mrs. Albert Alexander (Elizabeth), Hensall; Wi liam, G., at home; Mrs. Fred Parsons (Mary), London and Mrs. Elmore Keyes ,(Florence), Varna;. tery. PAGE THREE also five grandchildren; two broth- gnan,arqurs; Dignan, Hen -Mrs: Florence lam Foxr•est; vice was hold of her Mr. artd Mrs.Hensall, onJanuary 26. ducted by hernMcLeod; Rogers, Hen-Mis Jean a beautiful set"ereWarren Dignan, Earlorrest, Bert Petty. The three grand -sons, Gerald � Yes,intheUnion Ceme- era Arthur W. Dignan, r M Sask., and David B. Hen - sail; two sisters, Fee and Mrs. ` Will both "of Hensall. Private funeral ser from, the residence son-in- law and daughter, Albert ,Alexander, in Tuesday afternoon, The service was con minister, Rev: Norma as - slated by Rev. W. J. Hen - sail United' Church. Ivison, Kippen, sang solo "Beyond the Sun The pallbearers w Thomson, Harold Dignan, Edison F Thomson, William flower -bearers were children, Walter' Par Keyes and Grant Ke Interment was made fam- ily plot in Hensall DRUG STORES Holds the set longer than any other permanent. Now Toni Refl $1.75 IDA Specials Thurs. Fri. --- Sat, Cod` Liver Oil 16 oz. ••-- 69c Cod Liver Oil Capsules 89e Halibut Liver Oil Capsules 100's - 99c .. 500's — 3.89 IDAMALT 1 Ib. — 59c 2 lbs, — 98c 4 lbs. — $1.89 WRITING PADS Note Size -8c, 2 far 15e Ladies' and Letter Size 12e, 2 for 23c Brylcreme 69e Macleans Tooth Paste '69c Both for 98c STOPETTE SPRAY DEODORANT with small bottle free $1.25 AMMIDENT TOOTH PASTE , 2 53c tubes for 69e For a limited time only— CHEN YU LIPSTICKS, FACE POWDER---- CLOUDSILK HAND LOTION Ve OFF REGULAR PRICE COTY'S LIPSTICK SPECIAL — 2 for $1.40 REVLON JEWELLED LIPSTICK — $1.50 UNIQUETO F. Ra PENNEEAKER PHO SERVICE DRUGGIST PHONE 14 Clean Up! Paint Up! GIVE YOUR HOME A NEW LEASE ON LIVE Interior Paints and Finishes .. . Give your home new beauty : with a fresh paint job. Check our values to- day. We carry a wide assortment of Lowe Brothers and Pittsburg Paints. Wallpapers Add New Charm To Rooms . e . Give your home a real beauty treat- ment with new wallpaper! See our wide selection of 1954 styles and patterns. While They Last WE ARE OFFERING OUR 1953 WALLPAPERS AND DESIGNS' AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Venetian Blinds . e a Flexible style, plastic tape and plas- tic cord. You'll find the most complete, reasonable service here. !ant Your Floors to -Look Like New? . Let our friendly representative check your floors and give you a free -estimate. We specialize in Sanding & Re -finishing. If you are doing the job yourself, we can supply you with Paint, Paint Brushes --. anything for your interior dec ,rating problems. A. Kay & Son PAINTERS and DECORATORS Phone 234W - Free Estimates Clinton