HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-01-21, Page 5titi:mSDAZ JANUARY 21.,, 1954 CLINTON NEVWS,RECO PAGE FIVE Classified Rate's CASIi RATE— (If paid by ' ednesday following date„ of in- eertlbn)—Two cents a Word first Insertion • (minimum 50 cents); maupsequent insertions 12 cents a word (n 'nfni n 35 cents); 15 -:erns extra for box number or for 'direction to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 noon, W ednes day. ACCOMMODATION for RENT FOUR -ROOMED' APARTMENT on ground floor, modern, self-con- tained. Apply E. J. Welsh, phone Clinton 301W, 3-p MOUSE .IN GODERICH, modern conveniences, ideal location, near 'both public and high schools. Gar- age. Early possession. Partly fur- nishedif. desired. Apply Box 50, 'Clinton News -Record. 3-p FIVE -ROOMED COTTAGE on :Highway 8, between Seaforth, and ,Clinton ., available.immediately, 'equipped °with -hydro, hotand cold -water ontap, floors covered with . new' linoleum, a large garden and lawn., - Apply Jonathan • Hugill, phone Clinton 616r13. 3-b .NEW HOUSE WITH GARAGE; living room, kitchen, dinette, two bedrooms and bath; oil heated. For, sale or for rent. Apply Joe Pink, Rattenbury St. West, phone Clinton 570W. 3-tfb Accommodation Wanted. BOARD'",AND ROOM FOR ONE gentleman in quiet, well -Heated home. No sharing. Apply Box 53, ,Clinton ,News -Record. 3-b TWO -ROOM FURNISHED apart- ment or light house -keeping room wanted for two months. Apply Box 52, i Clinton News -Record. 3-p SMALL FURNISHED Apartment wanted by gentleman. One room and kitchenette, within two miles of Clinton. Apply Box 54, Clinton 'News -Record. 3 b ARTICLES FOR SALE PORTABLE TYPEWRITER, .good condition, $30. Phone Clinton 240M. 3-b 21 -INCH VISIONAIRE TAT. SET M. limed .oak. Floor demonstrator. 20 per cent off regular price, Ap- ply T. A. Dutton, Firestone Deal- er, Brucefield, Phone Clinton 634r4. 3-b ,'AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 'MODEL A PICK-UP. Will be sold for towing and storage service. W. Westlake, Bayfield, Phone Bay- field 50r2. 3-4-p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FLOURISHING BUSINESS FOR sale in Bayfield, Yearly profit be- tween $4,000 and $5,000. All re- plies handled in strictest confid- ence. Apply by letter only to Box '51, Clinton News -Record. 3-4-p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES — .business trades listed: restaurants, ;gas stations, tourist «amps, groc- ery Stores; one Main St. build- ing. L. G. Winter, Real Estate; Phone 448. 14-tfb BABY CHICKS PULLETS FOR PRODUCTION— Broilers for weight. That's what you need—and get in Bray Chicks: Agent right here will answer, your qgu�estions on prices and delivery. 25 years approval behind them. Pullets, cockerels, mixed, and may- be some started. MRS. ALEX PATERSON', Brucefield. 'TIME IS HERE TO SEND THAT 'order for Kitchener 131g-4 Chicks, We Can think of none better, nei- : Cher can the hundreds of Big -4 • customers. "Canadian approved, "'Started, chicks, immediate ship- . rnent 2-6 weeks, at special prices." Ask me for information, let we have:your order. Buy for quality, :not necessarily price. Agent: LCfI'ARLES SCOTT, Auburn, Phone 'Blyth 43r23. • °" 18o PULLETS 18c ]MAMMOTH "ARBOUR ACRES" 37ibite Rock X Sussex, and Sus - ;sex X Red. December and Jan - :nary, only. Also 15,000 mixed • "Arbour Acre". White Rock chicks available weekly (the cream of all broiler chicks), Government ap- proved, also six other breeds from Kelterborn Poultry Farin, Milver- • ton, Ont. Apply for price lists, G. 'Yanderhaar, R.R. 1, Londesboro, :Phone Blyth 28r24. 1 -3 -5 -tib IL, CLOTHING FOR SALE MAN'S BLACK FUR COAT, like -new, worth many times sacrifice :price, $12. Phone Clinton 620r24.• 2-3-p Furniture Re -Finishing FOR. F1''JRNITURE, PIANO and radio cabinet refinishing and re- pairing.: Apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M, 3 to 6-p FARMS FOR SALE `NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR • sale. L. G. Winter, Rear Estate. Phone Clinton 448. 33-tfb 200. ACRES OF LAND, eight -room house, bank barn, on Highway 8 between Clinton and Goderich, one rsIIe froxn' Hohnesville, with or without 'stock and implements. Apply Clarence Sturdy, prop., R.R. 2, Clinton. Phone Clinton 901r13. 49-tfb FURNITURE FOR SALE 01-#TiD'S VVOODEN CRIB with ging-filled mattress. Mattress almost new. Phone Clinton 805r3, • 3-b SHERLOC.K-MANNING Upright pniatio, good condition. Mahogany finish, Phone .Clinton 692W. Lloyd ..Batkin. \ 2-3-p HELP WANTED — FEMALE DRUG CLERK FOR FULL TIME, also clerk for part time. Apply Newcombe's Rexall Drug Store. Phone Clinton 51, 3-b LOST AND .`FOUND FOUND—Man's Wrist Watch on James and -Gordon Streets. Phone Clinton 576W. Owner may have watch by paying for adv. 3-p LOST In Clinton or at County Home, on Monday, a $20 American bill. Perhaps in store or in taxi. Reward. „Contact Miss M. Brant, 25 Avondale North, Waterloo. HELP WANTED --MALE • MAN AS BEAD SALESMAN ,— must have good personality and be ambitious. Apply to Bartliff Bro- thers,' Phone 1, Clinton. 3-b 1 -IOW TO MAKE IT POSSIBLE for you and your family to provide, little "extras" that makelife more enjoyable? Simply by becoming our dealer in your locality. If you like meeting people you'll enjoy selling our 250 guaranteed house- hold necessities, Details on re- quest, FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. D., Montreal. 3-b UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY offers $30 to $60 a week in spare time and $100 or more weekly full time. If you need extra money it will pay you to investigate. Men hired now will quickly work in District Manager's positions, paying $11,000 a year and up. Product well ad- vertised and accepted. Little travelling, home nights. Caris es- sential. Write 'Na-Churs" Plant Food Co. (Canada) Ltd., 2 Lan- gerth St., W., London, Ontario. 2-3-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone e.olleet, 936r32, or 936r21.' 9-ptfb DEAD, DISABLED HORSES OR cows removed free of charge. For prompt and efficient service phone Stones" collect Ingersoll 21, Sea - forth 655r2 or Goderich 936r21. MISCELLANEOUS CRESS CORN SALVE for sure relief. Your Druggist sells Cross Wart Remover—leaves no scars, SNOWPLOWING — Custom work on driveways, farm lanes and parking lots. Ken McKenzie, phone Clinton 552-W. 3-b VULCANIZING, TRM TOR, truck and car. tires. Fluid inflation ser- vice. Pick-up and delivery ser- vice. Al Linfield's Tire and Sport Shop, Phone Goderich 535. 10-tfb MCCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS --- complete complete parts, trained service, Authorized dealer ... McCulloch Saw Sales, 377 Huron St., Strat- ford, Ont. Phone Stratford 1061J. 3-tfb SAVE UP TO 5400 ON A NEW Duo -Therm Oil Burning Forced Air Furnace. Packaged unit de- livered. Complete ready to install it yourself under expert supervis- ion. Send for illustrated catalogue explaining new perimeter type heating and step by step instruc- tions for assembly. Dealer in- quiries invited. Parma-irlo Beating Systems, Clifford, Ont. 3-4-5-b THE CLASSIC BATHROOM SET • $136.50 Delivered A beautiful bathroom set at a reasonable price. Everything in plumbing and heating. Write Dept. CNR or visit our• show- rooms, Open Wednesday and Friday evenings and all day Saturday. S. V. JOII NSTON PLUMBING SUPPLIES STREETSVILLE, ONTARIO 2-3-4-b PROPERTY FOR SALE FIVE -ROOM HOUSE, three-piece bath, in Clinton. Phone Clinton 32M, 3-p .BIRTHS BAKELAAR-Tn Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, January 14, 1954, -to Mr. and' Mrs. Peter Balcelaar, Clinton, a daughter, (Jane Marilyn), BAKKER .Jn. Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, January 14; „1954, to Mr. and Mrs. William Bakker, Auburn, a daughter. DOLMAGE— In Clinton Public Hospital,; on Sunday, January 17, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dol - mage, Londesboro, a son, FINKBEINER—In-Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, January 15, 1954, to Mr, and. rs, Howard Finkbeiner, Kippen, a daughter, (Joan Louise, sister for Carol and Ray). GRAHAM—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on, Thursday, January 14, 1954, to Mr,. and Mrs. Melvin Graham, Brucefield, a daughter. LAWSON—In St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, London, on Sunday, January 17, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawson (nee Marie Glidden, R.N.), a daughter (Patricia Lynn). McDONALD—In Clinton -.Public Hospital, on Sunday, January 17, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer McDonald, Exeter, a daughter. WILLERT—In South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, on Friday,. January 15, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Willert, (nee Gladys' Sounder- cock),Exeter, a daughter. MARRIAGES DUPRE-MANAGHAN—In• St. Jo- seph's Roman Catholic Church, Clinton, on Friday morning, Jan- uary 15, 1954, by Rev. J. Gra- ham, Dorothy Catherine, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Managhan, to Joseph Raymond Dupre, RCAF Station Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dupre, Timmins. LENNOX-I'IJERPE — In Trinity Church, Sarnia, on Saturday af- ternoon, January 16, 1954, by Rev. G. G. Stone, Rose Marie, daughter of . Mrs. Barbara Hjerpe, Kelowna, B.C., and the late Edwin Hjerpe, to Flight Cadet Donald W. Lennox, RCAF Station, Clinton, son of Mrs. Florence Lennox, Belfast, N. Ireland, and the late Donald W. Lenox, DEATHS LANDSBOROUGH--In Seaforth, on Friday, January 15, 1954, Annie Maria Manson, beloved wife of the late William Lands - borough, in her 84th year. Fun- eral service from the- Whitney funeral home, Seaforth, to Baird's Cemetery, Stanley Town- ship, on Monday, January 18. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of WILLIAM DICKSON FAIR, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Retired Merchant, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 10th day of February, A.D. 1954, after which date the assets will be dist- ributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 16th day of January, A.D. 1954. E. FINGLAND, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solieitor for the said Estate. 3-4-5-b Introducing Watch Repair Service of all kinds, guaranteed Cleaning $2.00 Polish any Pivot .25 Balance Staff MO Stems 1.00 Crowns $1. to $2.50 'Mall To: Watch Service CLINTON, ONTARIO TWO BEDROOM HOUSE FOR sale. Bargain at $2,i50. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Phone Clin- ton_ 448. 33-tfb FOUR -ROOM FRAME COTTAGE with bath, in Clinton. Hardwood floor, plastered throughout. Ap- ply .Cale Doucette, Maple Street, phone Clinton 4183. 3-p COUNCIL OF 'TIE TOWN OF CLINTON invites offers for prop- erty known as the old public school, lots 168-169, Ontario St., Town of Clinton; with building approximately 90x50 feet; two- storey brick, dry basement, excel- lent lighting and steam heating system. Property could be used for industrial or other purposes. .All offers will be considered. (Signed) -L. D. HOLLAND, Box 400, Clinton. 2-tfb PIANO TUNING YOUR PIANO carefully tuned. Just call G. W. Cox at Clinton 6953. 43-tfb TENDERS WANTED A NEW Va INCH MILL RUN hardwood floor; Maple, well nailed, to be installed in the main ent- rance and Council Chamber of the Town Hall, Clinton. New floor to be sanded and oil finished. The present floor shall be rough sand- ed, nailed, and covered with felt paper. Tenders will be received up to 12 o'clock noon, February 1, 1954, by the Clerk. For further particulars contact Mel Crich. L. D Holland, Clerk of Towfi of Clinton: 3-4-b WOOD, WANTED FIVE CORD HARD BODY WOOD for Holmesville Church. Apply to Edward Grigg, • phone Clinton 911r2. 3-b WANTED TO BUY—TEN CORDS of furnace wood. Apply 3. E. Howard. Phone Bayfield 53r2. 2-3-b The greatest known collection of dinosaur skeletons in the world have been found in the 1,800-ac'e Alberta provincial park, Bad Lands Reserve. Sperb :.. Service mediately eattie c� mural Auflw FOR SALE 11/2 Storey Dwelling, with TWO self - contained apartments; modern eonveniences; well rented; good location; price: $9,000 with $5,000 down. 1f/ Storey Sic -Room Dwelling; modern conveniences; located near schools; price: 50,000 ' with 53,500 down. 1'/ Storey Six -Room Dwelling; 3 -piece hath; price: $5,500 with 53,000,down; immediate possession. i1/2 Storey Six -Room Dwelling; 8-pkeee bath; priee: 55,509 with 53,000 down. Inunediate possession. • X?/Z PriStorce; ey:53Si,t500R. oom Dwelling; 11. C. Lawson REALTOR Bank of Montreal Building Phone 251W Clinton 3 -tib in g Dupre-Managhan An early morning ceremony was conducted_ in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Clinton, by Rev, J. Graham, on Friday, January 15, when Dorothy Catherine, only dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Managhan, Clinton, became the bride of Joseph Raymond Dupre, RCAF Station Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dupre, Timmins. Poinsettas graced the front- of the church, where James Man- aghan, brother of the bride, as altar boy served the ntiptial mass, Given in marriage by her broth- er, William, the bride wore a charming cocktail -length dress of blue shot taffeta, styled with v -ed neckline, back and front, and a tiered skirt. She wore a scarlet fitted hat, a' rhinestone necklace and a corsage of red roses. The bridesmaid, Miss Yvonne Dales, wore black taffeta with a fine green stripe, white kid gloves, and a close -fitting hat of winter white, studded with ,tiny coloured sequins. r Groomsman was Walter "Bud" King, Jr., cousin of the bride, from Denver, Col. • ' • The wedding breakfast was serv- ed following the ceremony, in the Commercial Hotel, where Mr. and Mrs. VanDanune were assisted by Mrs. T. G. Scribbins. The bride's table was centred by a three-tier wedding .cake, each tier .supported on crystal pillars, and the top one surmounted by a miniature bridal couple. Twin bouquets of mauve and white 'mums, and tall white tapers completed the table decora- tions. The bride's mother received in a dress of navy blue, touched with white, and navy blue accessories. She was assisted by the groom's mother, who wore a fuschia dress, with black accessories. Both Mrs. Managhan and Mrs. Dupre wore corsages of white carnations. Guests included Mrs. Edward Dupre, Timmins; Mr. and Mrs. William Ball, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Walter King, Sr:, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Managhan, Mrs. Hartley Managhan, Mrs. Mary Swinbank, Clinton. For travelling the bride changed to a suit of Air Force blue plaid, and donned a topcoat of beige wool, with red accessories and a red rose corsage. Following a wedding trip to Niagara Falls, the young couple plan to live in Clin- ton. • Sunday School Appoints Secretary The Sunday School executive of Ontario Street United Church held its 'January meeting, on Thursday, January 7 with 16 members pre- sent and Charles Stewart presiding Arthur Aiken's resignation as envelope secretary was received with regret and Mrs. George Pott- er was appointed to that office with Mrs. Smith as her assistant. Rev. A. G. Eagle closed . the meeting after which the men sur- prised the ladies by serving a deI- icious lunch. Card of Thanks I wish to sincerely thank all my good friends and relatives and neighbours for their many kind- nesses and remembrances with their gifts, cards, treats and letters sent to me while I was ill in Clin- ton Public, and Victoria Hospital, London, Manu thanks, — MRS. ROY F. LEPPINGTONi Bruce - field, Ont. 3-p The faniiiy of the late Mr3, Wil- liam Landsborough wish to thank their neighbours and friends for the kindness extended them in their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to the doctors and' staff at the Seaforth Clinic, to the Whitney funeral home, and to the Tuckersmith Township road super- intendent and his staff. 3-p MRS. THOMAS M. SNOWDEN and FAMILY wish to express their sincere thanks and apprec- iation to friends and neighbours for kindness shown them, during their recent- bereavement. 3-b Msrow.ce•vawrv.s.44.44.40.avinv.o.e corm/coos 461 5ERVt ,Cid Get There Safely! CALL 110 ASHTON'S TAXI A. G. Grigg & Son "More Heat Per, Gallon" Modern. truck equipped with latest metered and stamped delivery tickets. Guaranteed ' Supply PHONE 741 --Clinton -ROXY- THEATRE CLINTON NOW PLAYING — JAN. 21;-23. "Operation Secret" starring Cornell. Wilde — Plryllis Thaxter MON.; TUES., •WED. —Jan. 25-27 Ruth ` Dennis • HUSSY O'KEEFE Lad Wants is Mink. COLOR -- THURS., PRI., SAT. — JAN. 28-30 PARK THEATRE:: G ODERICFI—Phone 1150 NOW: Marla,'"Montez and Paul Christian in "The Thief of. Venice"- MON., enice" MON,, TUES., WED.- - Musical Romance Betty Grrablo = Dale Robertson Thehna Ritter Along the Erie Canal, in 1850, a farmer 'falls in love with a barge cook and together they win the annual boat race. — In Technicolo? — "The Farmer Takes a Wife" THURS., PRI., SAT. Mickey Rooney --Marilyn Erskine and Eddie Bracken Present a bright comedy drama in which two gas station operators Ray Doris run into business competition and BOLGER - DAY legal troubles. ' 4c A Slight Case April an Paris77 of Larceny" — COLOR — Coming: "IT GROWS on TRICDS" with Irene Dunne & Dean Jagger CAPITAL THEATRE' GODERICH -- Phone 47 Now: Howard ](reel and MarJorie Main, in "FAST COMPANY" MON., TUES., WED.— Debbie ED.Debbie Reynolds — Bobby Van and Betty Ruiek From a collection of short stories by Max . Shulman concerning col- lege comedy in the post-war era. "Affairs of Dobie Gillis" THURS., PRI., SAT. "The Glory Brigade" g ad e War drama. at its best, as a comp- any of leathernecks 'barge through a bit of epic action. Victor Mature -- Alex Scourby Lee Marvin Coming: Brian Donlevy and Ella Raines in "THE 'FIGHTING . COASTGUARD" Need Cash $$$$ ? Borrow from Clinton Community Credit Union 5100 may be borrowed for 1 year or any sum up to 51,000 for periods up to 2 years. 5100 borrowed may be paid back in 12 equal monthly in- stalments of 58.89 which in- cludes all charges. W. V. ROY — Manager Office Hours: Monday and Friday 9.00-5.30 Tues., Thurs„ Sat. 9.00-5.00 • Wed, 9.00-12.00 3-tfb Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W — Clinton .,JL4, Clinton Community Farmers ,A;[TCTION SALES EY I r Y AT 2 P.M. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager R. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk 1 HIPPEN FARMER NARROWLY ESCAPES BLAZING SHACK A 66 -year-old farmer barely es- caped with his life last week when fire broke out in his one -room shack, three miles northwest of Kippen. Tom Ryan awoke to find the ceiling of the wooden shack in flames. He rushed outside and stood in deep snow throwing buck- ets of water. in a vain attempt to stop the fire. Mr. Ryan sold the house on his 100 -acre farm last spring and the new owner remov- ed the structure from the property. Neighbors did not notice the fire nor the elderly man's efforts to put it out. Mr. Ryan is living with relatives in London. Payment Of ACCOUNTS Due to the change in ownership of Clinton Dairy, effective January 23, 1954, the management requests that all accounts owing at the present time, be settled at the earliest opportunity, in 'order to facilitate the transfer. Thank you. Stewart Schoenhals Clyde Mock 3-b Thank You! Having disposed of my partnership in the Clinton Dairy, f take this oppor- tunity to thank . all business associates and customers for their patronage dur- ing the past three years.. For my successor, Richard "Dick" Fremlin, Y solicit your continued pat- ronage and wish him continued success and prosperity. Stewart Schoenhals 3-b 1 OVE w'` BOOTS All rubber, shearling lined. Sizes 7, 10, 11 Regular' 59.95 $6.95 JACKETS 5 Only --Melton body, leather $1® 95 sleeves. Sizes 36, 38, 40— jj99 . J Regular 518.95 PANTS Rhodes Tweed, sizes 32, 36, 38, 44. Reg. to 55.95. 2.9 5 Pair Only ....... ... .... ' SMOCKS 2 Only—Unlined, Sizes 36 & 38, Regular $4.75 $L50 FLEECE UNDERWEAR SHIRTS and. DRAWERS. $L25 Regular 52.50 SNOW SUITS Zip -on, Zip -off. Regular $19.95 $12.95 OVERCOATS --34 to 42— 1/2 Price Regular to $69.50. SAVE UP TO $85.00 ,,.• GALOSHES 1- and 2 -buckle styles. Regular to $4.50 $1.95 pr. i Vi>Ai,1 a, £ 4" #i i�AilAY 1n.v.L rRd:.a.t -• THE STORE'FOR: •1KEN ARROW SHIRTS S7PETSON RATS Pt'IONE`25 —`(Main Corner) — CLINTON