HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1954-01-21, Page 3THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1954 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ews of Londesboro Mr. and Mrs. William Riley and Sharon, Hensall, were Sunday vis-` itors with Mrs. Nellie Watson. -Mr, and Mrs. Alister Broadfoot,; Seaforth, were Sunday visitors with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, John .Scott. /Jack Webster returned home en Sunday from Victoria Hospital London. He is recovering nicely from an operation on his. eye. • Mrs, Thomas Knox was rushed to Clinton Public Hospital' on Sun- day where she underwent an ap- pendectomy. We wish her a speedy recovery. James McCool` and a man from Wingham collided with their cars ons Friday afternoon. Both cars Were damaged considerably. Mr. cCool received a few cuts and was badly shaken up. Luckily neither men were badly hurt. Homemakers' Club The third meeting of the Lond- esboro Laughing Lassies Club was held on Saturday',afternoon' Jan- uary 9, at the home of Mrs. Leon- ard Shobbrook.' The president, Margaret Lazet, openedthemeet- ing. The minutes of the last meeting were read and . adopted. The roll call was answered by five • girls and the two leaders' each stating one indication of a well-groomed girl. The leaders' took charge of the rest of the meeting and discussed the following topics: Care of the person, the skin, face, make-up and how to apply it; Care of woollens and proper method of washing woollens; care of rayons and printed materials points , to be noted when buying these mater- ials and method of laundering. Alterations of slip patterns was demonstrated. The check sheet was filled in by the members. Elizabeth Brown and Mrs. Lan- sing served a tasty lunch; WMS Appoints Committees The regular monthly meeting., of the Women's Missionary Society was held in the school room of the church 'on Thursday of last week with Mrs. F. Tamblyn in the 'chair. The meeting opened in the usual form and business was taken up. It was decided to hold the meeting at 2.30 rather than at 2 o'clock as has been the custom. Reports were given of the past year's work, from each organizat- 'iolrof the W. M. S: Mission Circle, Mission Band and Baby Band. Each one had good year all going, over the -top with their allocation which was very encouraging. Socia], and a work :-committees were appointed: Mrs. Edwin Wood, Mrs. W. E. Manning and Mrs. J. T. White on the socialecommittees and Mrs. , Bert Allen, . Mrs. R. Townsend, and Mrs. E. Throope on the work committee. The members of the W. M. S. are now busily engaged making SHOOTINGDOLLAR (-s;OUT YOUR aTAIL'.,PI ty ORIGINAL SERVICE PARTS • Save gas dollars -get the mon iron every gallon'of gas� Let us check that fuel line, dean those spark plugs, adjust the carburetor, ps tour twin cop running or) WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC "THE ORIGINAL TUNE-UP SHOP" e_Use Only Odiginal Factory_Parft; Lynda shottu lyLical httic xtrl interest in her mother's telchhwtc call; that's 18. nuuth.old Donna, Perched in her high chair. ''When you have to do everything for two small children it's not easy to leave the house even for essential shopping," says Mrs. Bernard Renaud of 755 Desaulniers Blvd., St. Lambert, Que. t°I've really appreciated our telephone in the Iast few years. It means I can still pick up bargains I see in the paper and do my shopping hi a matter of minutes ... by telephone. So, my 'phone saves nue money and gives ane time to do other things. that crowd my busy. day. That's why I think one of the best bargains I ever bought was our telephone! THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA en CONSTANCE , Miss June Rodgers and Grace Riley were in London on Saturday. The many friends of Millar Adams Hlho is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital will be sorry to hear he isn't improving favourably. Borden Brown spent last Tues- day in Toronto. o. PORTER'S HILL YPU Orokinole On Thursday evening, January 14, the Young People's Union held a crokinole party and box social in the church basement. Prizes for the crokinole went to: high lady, Muriel Lockhart; high man, Don- ald Harris; low lady, Shirley Mc- Cowan; low man, Donald McDoug- all; greatest number of 'twenties' went to Robert Proctor. Goderich Township Mrs. Howard Cox has returned to her home on the sixth concess- ion after spending the winter with friends in Hamilton. Last week the Stratford Beacon- Herald featured an announcement which will be of interest to the friends of F. J. (Ted) Middleton son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middle- ton. iddleton. If was " A A. Waldie pro- prietor of Waldie's Hardware is pleased to announce that F. J. Middleton has now been taken into, the firm as part owner". Ted has 'been employed with Waldie's Hardware since his discharge from the RCAF in 1945. quilts and clothing for 'the bale to be sent to Korea as soon as possible. It was also decided to send in birthday money and hold small afternoon tea's to' start an expense fund. Group No. 2, with Mrs. Fair - service as leader, presented the program. The study book Was taken by Mrs. Fairservice, Mrs. Gooier, Mrs. Watson, Mrs. White, Mrs. Throope and Mrs. Townsend read the paper on the Caravan Trip which Miss Francis Lyon had taken in the fall. A hymn was sung and Mrs. Fairservice closed with prayer. Big Clearance These Units 'Must Go Come In To -day! Don't Delay! We have to make way for -our 1954 Kaiser-Willys 1952 DODGE SEDAN-- Airconditioned and radio; New tires. 1953 FORD 1 Ton Express— Automatic Transmission. 1951 CHEVROLET Power Glide Coach Custom Radio— Low MIleage. 1949 PLYMOUTH Sedan Newly Reconditioned. 1940 FORD COACH -- Rebuilt from bumper -to - bumper. 1949 FARGO 21,4 TON TRUCK— Complete with grain -tight racks. McPherson Bros. Front End Alignment and Wheel Balance Kaiser -- Willys Sales and. Service Phone -- —, - 492 Clinton Ontario Pu th t M er a e n m b t '�rre+rrr News esv o1 Holmille • WMS and WA The regular meeting of the Wo men's Missionary Society and the Women's' Association. of Holmes - Ville United Church, was held in the Sunday School rooms on Tues- day afternoon, January 12, with the president, Mrs. Fred Mulhol land, in charge. The WMS meet- ing opened with the hymn "For Thy. Mercy and Thy.Grace" and prayer by^Mrs. Mulholland. The scripture lesson was read in unis- on. Mrs. Elmer ,Potter read a poem "The Little Church" and Mrs, Hugh' Wilson' had an article on temperance. . Mrs. Frank Mc- Cullough read a story "Faithful ,Unto Death" and; Mrs. Bert Lobb gave an article on. Christian Stew- ardship. Reports of the past year's work of the society were given as follows: secretary's report, Mrs. Reg. Miller; treasurer's report, Mrs. Elmer Potter Mission Band report, Mrs. Frank McCullough. It was decided' to.make 'four wool sweaters for a Northern, On- tario mission field` and to send a parcel of baby clothing to Korea. Mrs. Edward Grigg and Mrs. Reg Miller sang as a duet "In the Gar- den", accompanied at the piano by Mrs. William Norman. Mrs. Mul- holland gave a talk, based on a story 'by W. J. May entitled "Life's rpose." Mrs. Bert' Lobb took the chapter in the study book and e meeting closed with the hymn 'Standing at the Portal" and pray - e r by Mrs. H. Wilson. The WA meeting opened with he singing of the theme song and re peating the creed. Mrs. Harry Cudmore, the WA _ president, was in the chair, and gave the com- ment on the scripture lesson, read YMrs. Ninian Heard. Mrs: W. Yeo gave the secretary's report. rs. Edward Grigg gave the treas- urer's report and Mrs. B. J. Mac - M ath gave the report of the flow - committee. Mrs. H. Cudmore nd Mrs. Edward Grigg were nam - d to the manse committee. Mrs. Reg. Miller Mrs. Lloyd Bond and Mrs. Frank McCullough were anted a committee to make plans or a spring social evening. The eeting closed with the Mizpah enediction. Lunch was served by he hostesses for the day, Mrs. Edward Grigg and Mrs. Fran -.I Mc Cuilough. Mrs. D. E. Gliddon spent the past week in Detroit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brown. The friends of Mrs. E. ,A. Yeo will be 'pleased, to know that she is improving in health, 'following her recent illness, , and is at the home of her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yeo. The annual congregational sup- per of Holmesville United Church will be held in the Sunday School rooms on Wednesday evening, Feb- ruary 3. 0 BRUCEFIELD Mrs, William Burdge suffered a heart attack as she was on her way to attend evening church ser- vice last Sunday. She was taken to Clinton Public Hospital where she is reported to be recovering satisfactorily. WMS Annual The Brucefield Woman's Miss- ionary Society met on January 12, with a good attendance. Mrs. T. B. Baird conducted the worship service on the theme, "The Church, An Image of the Kingdom," with Mrs. B. Keys taking the prayer. The president, Mrs. W. J. Main- es, took the chair for the business period, and read a New Year's message. This being the annual meeting encouraging reports were given by all secretaries, and the treasurer reported the allocation had been exceeded. The following were arpointed on the nominating committee for 1954, Mrs. T. B. Baird, Mrs. II. Dalrymple, and Mrs. Robert Allan. Mrs. C. Christie was named as Baby Band Leader; and the audi- tors will; be Misses M. Swan and E, Bowery. It was suggested that each mem- ber write a letter of protest to all magazines carrying advertisement for liquor firms. As the conference branch is stressing. the literature depart- ment; Mrs. W. Scott asked each member to read at least five mis- sionary books this year. The program, "The Four R's in Europe — Relief, Reconstruction, Reconciliation and Reading the Bible" was in the charge of Mrs. W. Scott, assisted by Mrs. Dairy- inple, Mrs. B. Thomson, Mrs. Doug- las and Mrs. Fotheringham. The president closed the meeting with prayer. J. S. Scrutor Oils - Greases - Gasolill!e Petroleum Products Phone Clinton 3'7-7 Phone Goderich 320-W CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR +v+••• -n• MAMMA STILL CONTINUES ON Coats, Dresses, -Skirts, -Slacks, Bats, Pullovers, . Sweaters,Brassieres and Girdles, Blouses, Pyjamas and Gowns, Knitted Suits,. Housecoats and Dress - 'big Gowns,,. and Evening Dresses. These are regular goods, not specially bought for this sale FOR SMART s tbatter'z %e�' (Jr(; lab ear THINGS TO WEAR HENSALL- P i esbyterian VMS The Womens Missionary Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church convened on Thursday, January 14, with Mrs. Sam Dougall, president k in the chair. Mrs. R. Y. McLaren read the scripture lesson followed by prayer by Mrs. Dougall. Mrs Malcolm Dougall gave an article from "Glad Tidings , and Mrs. Mc- Laren gave highlights of the Hur- on Presbyterial ` of the Women's Missionary Society of Canada, heldin St. Andrew's Church, Clin- ton, January 12. Members of the society attending the -Presbyterial were: Mrs. A. Logan, Mrs. W. R. Bell, Mrs. J. B. Fox, Mrs. H. Hyde, Mrs. C. Forrest, Mrs. R. Y. Mc- Laren, Mrs. Len Purdy and Mrs. Sam Dougall. Arnold , Circle The January meeting of Arnold Circle of Carmel Church was held Monday evening,•''January' 18 at the home of Mrs. Alvin Kerslake. The president, Mrs. Harry Hoy, presided and roll call was answer - • ♦-s VARNA YPU Officers At the regular service in the United Church last Sunday after- noon the officers of the Varna and Goshen Y.P.U. were installed by Rey. T. J. Pitt, Orange Lodge The Royal Scarlet Chapter met in the Orange hall last Thursday evening anB' elected the 'following officers for 1954: worshipful com- mander, Robert Taylors Deputy commander, Ralph Cornish; Chap- lain, Louis Taylor; treasurer, El- mer Webster; recording secretary, John Watson; marshall, Lloyd Keys; first lecturer, Anson Cole- man; second lecturer, Fred Mc- Clymont; first conductor, Wilfred Castel; second conductor, Wilfred Chuter; sentinel, William MMIT- wain. A number of local Orangemen. visited sGreenway lodge last Fri- day eyeing. Life Membership The January meeting of the Var- na Woman's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. W. McAsh with 12 members and six visitors present. The village group was in charge of the meeting. Mrs. T. J. Pitt opened the meeting with the call to worship and a hymn was sung. Mrs. B. Taylor led in prayer ' and Mrs. Lee Mc- Connell read the scripture. Mrs. G. Reid had charge -of the business. The minutes of the Dec- ember meeting were read and kid - opted, seconded by Mrs. B. Tay- lor. The roll call for February will be answered by the paying of fees. There were six calls made to shut-ins. Mrs. W. Webster gave the treas- urer's report. The devotional part of the meeting was resumed with Mrs. Pitt, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Mc - Ash and Mrs. J. Aldington taking part. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Pitt presented Mrs. G. Reid a life membership. Mrs. Reid closed the meeting with the bene- diction. Lunch was served by the Front Road, West group. In 1917 there were 606,523 Can- adians employed in the manufact- uring industries; in 1929 the num- ber was 666,531; in 1939 it was 658,114 and in 1952 it had reached the all-time peak of 1,273,187. "Nat 40,50,60?" — Man, You're Crazy Forgot your age! Thousands are peppy at 70. Try' pepping up" with Ostrea. Contains tonic for weak, rundown feeling duo solely to body's lack of Iron which many men and women call "old." Try Ostrox Tonic Tablets for pep, younger feeling, this very day, New got acquainted" size only 600. For sale at all :'• ..:veil -where. PAGE THREE atom eci with the text word "Fellow- ship." . Mrs, Roy Bell, the program con- vener for January, conducted the piano -solo "Spangles", Mrs. Wit- liam Brown; topic, Mrs. J. 13, Fox, an interesting paper written by Helen: Bricker on her visit to India while on a tour around the world, Reports were given by Mrs. Fox and Mrs. C. Forrest on the 'Pres- byterial annual meeting held at Clinton. Two life memberships were pre, seated to Mrs. Stewart Bell and Mrs. ,Harold Bonthron. The pre- sentation, reminded all the mem- bers of the society of their duty to help spread the gospel. Short articles from Record' and Glad Tidings were read by Mrs. C. Kennedy. A trio was sung by Mrs. Kerslake, Mrs. C. Forrest and Mrs. C. Kennedy. The worship period was conducted by Mrs. C. Forrest Passages of scripture were read by Mrs. Go r don S chwalfn, Mrs. Fred Peter and M rs. Forrest. Prayer for mission- aries and the WMS work was giv- en by Mrs. J. B. Fox. DRUG STORES LDA, Specials. NOXZEMA Thurs., Fri., Sat. CASCARA TABS -LARGE: 1.2 IDOL-AGAR i!Ooz. • 16 oz. — 590 5OLIVE OIL 29c FOR ' '.. ' v SEIDLITZ POWDERS 230 29c EPSOM SALTS 16 oz. 19e 111111111111111111111111111116 ■ NEW.. BETTER WAY 1 fl V SIM! II • 3git y s MEDICATED II......=,..r. SPECIAL • Of4t7 ;r4o;asp. . LIMIfln, TIME ONLt' 1 • 1011111.1.1111 111.•1 A.S.A. TADS 100 = 19e 300 -= 49c POWDER PUFFS 8c; 2 for 150 DRESSER SETS — While. They Last — r/ Price COTY LIPSTICK Reg. $1.40 2 for $1.40 PALMOLIVE SOAP 8 for 25e BLUSTERY WEATHER LOTION REG. $2.50 FOR $1.95 KOLYNOS TOOTH .PASTE SPECIAL —'2 for 890 AQUAMARINE LOTION DOUBLE SIZE BOTTLE REG. $2,00 FOR $1.00 UNIQUE F. B. iT E NEBA SER PHO SERVICE »ETJGGIST PHONE 14 FR((WTH THIS WASHER /0 Peeve .94e Sae- ee ONE INCLUDES I4OMESPUN ALL WOOL BLANKET ,ONE -778444 HOMESTEAD DOUBLE SHEET AND TWO PILLOW CASES TWO BATH TOWELS TWO, CALDWELL GUEST TOWELS AND TWO FACE CLOTHS NOS NOS PIPS NUS Matched Solid Tone, In a variety of colours. Automatic Washer FREE 10 -PIECE GIFT ENSEMBLE, AS ABOVE, WORTH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR OLD WASHER, UP TO NO DOWN PAYMENT—EASY TERMS Features you cannot get on any other Automatic Washer, WATER SAVING -- The Beatty uses less than HALF as much hot water as any other automatic. REQUIRES NO INSTALLA. TION -- Hydroflex Damp Dry squeezes The water out no spinning, no vibration, no balling needed. WASHES CLEANER. Uses Beatty Agitator method" which will wash cleaner than any other, anywhere. PHONE 244