HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-12-26, Page 9.0110.10415X-.,= • Here's Wishing One and All the Best of Everything during 1913. 4 dozer c girown• DIRECT IMPORTERS, CLINTON imesdeispasidi MINOR LOCALS. Only Omore days Tor 1912 • A happy New Year to our readers The trains ere running late ow- ing to holiday crowd. H,aye you renewed your eub- Stription tOliT,N9w Er.4? • WAS 17P AGAINST IT. The email boy was hard up .against itlast T.hersday when the Ontario St. Su n iley Schooi, baptist Sunday School and the junior classes Of St PanP0 Schoen held their aintimal Chr,strnas entertain- er/ant. Revel/ only able to attend One. TOMORROW NIGHT, The hockey club Carrie itself at the ;beginning pi the season with- IfUnde Midge sPPortunity has eseinttia REIM Ofraisitig sfund and at the same time giving the people of Clinton a pleasant night. The Club has engaged Miss Lucy AVebling, the Enklish 'comeddenne, eeried Mr. WalterMeRaye, the well known ICanadian entertain; 3 , who Will give oneof their programs which have delighted a udi en c ee throughout the whole creuntry, Irma Halifax to Vancouver. Mies Webling is moned as "the original Little Lord Fasentleroy" and is well known in the theatreOf Old Lon- don as a clever at tress. M;'. Mc- Raye has IMOD distinction by his pol fished and (brilliant interpretation of Dr. Drumenand's verse, There 'elmeld bet/fell house to greet these eminent entertainers snot Ito give the hockey elab agooci start for the season. Plan of hall atW. Booksiitore, Remeaniber the date Friday., Dec. 27th, immaxIMINECIMMiesielea.....elantarsorim Local, „News iiintiwtot CARD OP THANKS. I wish to thank ins many •friends who saleinejlen helped Yt e during my occidental and I tahe this lei -eine of thanklerretheer Their taeught ni- nes? Will isesregibe Sorgottee--A lam Nicholson, 'Cons/tenet,. CRUDE OIL oohs 'UP THREE CENTS The Imperial Oil Company n t ar- has anneunced another auvace in the price of mule oil of tovec centreper' barrel.This is the fifth raise In a ehort time and brings the price up Co $1 62. TASKER'S AVERAGE GOOD. Tho official'e av-erage qf the Canadien League, Baseball League has been published and Dick Task- er's average has ,oeen Ighod. batting avor-age Was 200 per -cent.; his pitching -record was 500, and his 'Deeding „average was 922. LOCAL OPTION MASS MEETING. Rev, J. W Aikers Field Secretary df the Department of Temeerance and' Moral Reform of the Methodist Church, Will preach Sund iy morn. - tag n Weeley Church. Re will also 'speak at a mass meeting to beheld iln the town hall at 3 45 par , in the kJ:Store/it (Atha campaign on behalf of Local Option. All citizens invit- ed., IA Union cnoir eroin 'the churches Of the town will je °vide ninale. eONNER'S HOME.M11DE BREAD 'MORE it is asked for every day itn homes where quality is 'the first deinend. If You Wait the Best Use (louner's Bread CHAS, CONNER • Baker and Confectioner flEF E OLS CIOSr.f) .... 1,S TO PAY- SC 0 Notice Oftlie appeintrnent of W. E. Kelly, ' JP , as police .reagestrate at the lOwin. of Goderich at ellery ef$8iento beepaiciebyrthe towel, is place of John Ranee, removed,' was' re eived lasit 'Friday. At a neets ins ,of the town coun.d1 .are- solutetion was submitted protest- ingeagainst the tan paying him the salary, the population not le-- ing , Sell ilee0 require 1 hy law' to compel them to do so. MINOR LOCALS,' • ' . Good -day? Been cenvaeseil fer Tara. vote yet? r. , It ie at this seison of the year that tee aepirtng canclideie for menicipal offiee s.‘in the handse of his friends." Nomore free locals will beeiven Coereepondeets rill plea/ e • .bear 'Leis intmind aeo, and donut be dinapprinted' if anythirig Pf that nature ehould be cut ma Most institutions are a well- ab)' to pay for .ocal adveetiang as the ocal paper is to publish Alm. nateing If ;bills are printiel aiethis• uifice a focal will, boweiier, be inserted tree o. cnarge. COOK—P17LLMAN, MUNICIPAL -DOINGS. Rills have been posted up during the ogast week announcing the Municipal elections &the rOW11 of Clinton on Jan/eery 6th 1913, but even the appearance at, these has mat• caused any great 6tir. The ratepayers are evidently satisfied with the mammies' in which the pre- Aeint council has condueted the lusiness of the town dering the past year and are asking that they ,.he returned tor...Ince Tor another Tenn. GIFT TO THE ce,i The Clinton Collegiate Inti indebted totter: Geological Survey Department of Ottawa, and to the kindly interest at Mr.E.N Lewis M. P. dor the gift of a splendid assortment of mineral specimens and a neat and handsome cabinet in which they are iontained. These specimens Will beef grott service tothe (departments of Scienee and Geography in the leachirg of Mineralogy, and Physical Geogra- phy, and the services Ildr.LewiS tn :securing them lor the Collegiate, are highly appreteated. eaggeesisseasepasessamexestaseenesessoneer elellaltialeralerallariariteel WISHING OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS A BRIGHT • AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. 1=11101=111. IIIIRLIND• 011!)S Stoves, Hardware and Novelties lasessismosomsossms lossmssasssolsossma A.0.17 W. OFFICERS. Atthe recent annual meeting on i he' A.0.17 We Lodge No. 144 the Tollowing wore eleetod officers for 1913: Master Workmen John TIlrance Foreman, 'J H. Snoll Overseer, I. Dodd. Recorder, W.Manning. Financier and Treasurer, R.J. Cita( Guard, Frank Eawden. The Public echo()) and the Cellers- late, Institute closed their doors lest Friday al tern Lion for the Christmas vacation. They ei ill xe- open again ,onJarneaey 6. THE 1VIARRE'I'S. 1gg3 67—IS. • Butter 25 to 20e Hoes 447 7,1,, Wheat sie-sn Oats Iiarrey 50-55. Peas 70-80 • Hay loose $12 .0; baled s 6.10.25 Talbot Street Baptist, Church London was Vie scene ode quiet wedding iast Thursday aHernuon, when Shea Mary Elizabeth Pullman and Mr. Josh u t Cook, a' Ceptone were united 'in elm/Hare Rev. 'H.R. Bingham afficiati c g Miss Kitty Loucks. of WatIca dr was bridesmaid, and the goceinanan was Mr.Frank Watsan, of C initon. Mrs. Arthur Greenslade, of London player) the vedtting inareb happy couple left on an evening train dor Senna and other points -vet. They ha ve °Lo w returned to Clinton, and Tho 1Tew Era joins with their many .friends in offering eangratulattions. THE CHRISTMAS GLOUE. 'CANDI. I ne TES QUALIFICATIONS Mr 'Been tiem (W T)?torbo,ro` ba.s dtrocluc0,1 a 1111 to amend the )?00 L 00 ofthe Doininion Pie 'titY:1 eet eequiring• candela: 'Perna - meat to make a deposit of $200. Ho wishes 10 have teie pectice of the various provinces Toll swot) at Federal electione. Eor Instance, in Ontario a candidate dor election to the Hones° of Com/noes wenld not 3 0 celled upon to make a deposit The Globe is bualaining Canada's reputatien for Sit 8.10 Chriedenas inumbere. It's. 1815010 lor this year isup tothe highest standard of European publication --the plate of MacKenzie's first • view of the Pacific being eepeeially 5 deserving of preservation The literary part leing leantribufted bysuch writers as Dr. J. A Msedenald Peler Me- Ait-hur, Sum Wood, Albert R.Car- man and jean Blaweit, has a decid- ed !Canadian Mayor as well as be - u g of general in I erest. Dr.Mac- s'onald's eket.:h oifFIor3 180- eolnald in America will be of special interest to Scotsmen who may not -know rafthis iueitlent inthe lifa of the heroine of Prince Cbariie's cause. Several good Biome and the whole embellished by line illus- tintions and g printing make up, asumsber al which Canada can fe1 proud. ineido,Watchman, T. Trick, M. 'IX .45 . Dr. Shaw. Representative to Grand Lodge, J. Torrance. ATTEND NOMINATrON MEETING • Tho electors should make it a point fto attend the nomination meeting ein'Monday evening next, Dec. 30th, and, hear what this year's Council have to say and the other candidates, if there ere any The New Era believes that this year's Council have give' faitleur work and ehould be given a ifree ticket for next year. By the usual practice Mayor Clibbings is entitled io ardor:I to • tit chair by accla- Inatioth andee fii ter Ciauncilloro, k PM doubt weld eel that the electors considered they had tried to do their duty by allowing them to sit at' the Council for another year. No doaht informetion will he gi vein ° '.o the electors on the Tlydro-Electric power, . , COLONEL PUGM1RE TO GO TO EN GIAND. Colonel Joseph 'Pugmire field secretary ofehe Salvation Army 1.03: Canada, • has received anew ap- pointment frogs General Booth, --it'd will proceed to Lon doe Ei gis a cl. in a mointh' is • time, to take an .m - portant position on the staff of the 'International Training College at Clayton, 'England. Colonel Pug - mire has long bee a a leading figure In Salvation .Army s work in .nada. Por twelve years no had charge, od the - social an peison work ot Inc Army, and wa' peculiarly eucce”s- Tut in his wort( of roe/aiming .on - vide and men lune lower Unita Of society. Reis one of the most successful evangeliets intheSal- vett= Army ,• and was a laminar 'figure with his eo.ncertina, and at- trectiv,e,singing at all the special evangelicl eampaigne conducted by •the Salvtion Army in Caeada Citizens will remember Col. Pies.: mire when he was here last spring, and gave atalk nn the social and priedn work..He was fathee of Capt kagreire who was stationer) here 7.4"....1•MarM "7".\ 5,3 Have You Plumb- ing Trcubles Isithere need for repairs eery few days? Is your bathe ioninioderin and luxuriantly ciotnifortable? Are the kitchen arrangene ants eon- venient aed elnitaiy? If not, Semi for Our Pluillber Not enty are we expeets at re pair work, but there will be littleaecd tor repsens •f we Metall y,our plumbing. Yoe% beeurerised it ear fair estimates if von "talk pries." with ThGaMewkins PI:subbing and Renting (Phone 53) •1 TRAIN MAY BE HE! D, Through the e:forite of Cliena ger 'McArthur. of Griffins Lima tre Stratferd, the Grand Trk are considering 'the advisability of holding the isettip n teiderich line train on •'steel/11gs weer: large c-ompanies are giving plays in, he Griffin" s Theitre, nuttib6r at people from Sebringville, MinMen, zeaforth and Clinton, it aeeme would often like to come torStrat- iford in the events of a popular opera orplay Lang shown here and It is (thought that 'the in,eiter can I elsolitled to the satisfaction of tee public. !lithe train mild be held until 110' clock the shows would necessary have to start ear- lier and the menage.- is williegto dothis to meet the erisli-of his pat- rons. •.,• 't 'THEIR S.00ICTY NAME. Enquiry hea bean made fer 'he Man es applied o• o tne various- cities of Otneario. The following list is given ands we belies o is appi mi- res ely correct: telratford—Claesic aily. '.Guelph—Royal City. - Toronto—zQueen eity. Rataiilon—Ambitioue City,. L eadon—Poreat City Ottawa—Capital City. Peterboro—Ltft. lock City or Eh c- trie City. Singston—Leneatone Cite, Beilie—Baby ('111. ...Brantford—aeTe.uotie City. Windsor—Border City. Ca t nem '=Mapot C ty. Galt—Manchestir of Canada Sarnia—Tuneel City. $t.Thoines—ltai!way City, Belleville—Tee Bay City. Poet Arthur and Port NS,111liam-- Twie 14. Catharines—Garden City :lien - ley of Canada. LOCAL OPTION IN ONTARIO, The Ontario lnanch o lhe Do- minion Alliance has, peoclaimed a coizenuation of tee war against the lreased Bair of alcohol' , lignors. There are 8e8 incnicinalines in ihe Provinc' and 460 of these are under local prohibition *while ;65 ere under lignse. Of those still uuder license 11Q gave ainaoyite agaimit the traffic, but not a johree fifths majority The local cption eontest this year arfeets 80 intini- cipalibes, and it isofully expected that in aJarge maSority of iliene prohibition will e enacted, '.oar Py year the "dry" area of the Pro- viame is enlarging, and there are vexy tee by-laws repealed Itis not easV 'to set a Built to he move- ment, 'for an indefinitely largo niejority of the people of,Ontario are deposed tothe • Deeming of drinking, places, TI -IE EDITOR'S LIFE, The Ecle,or ox a local poptr 10 often unjustly eeesured /or ios mis- takes. The wetness ie that he does net• make more aftheni On che average paper homust deal with all kinds oe subjects, give tee names dotes, etc. Olne hour, he may be erzgaged in rep irtin,rt a 3 eligious meeting and the / ext drawing the picture ' of a eght. an xcust con- dense and dill with bt 16105 sev- eral co1i7nrnrs o l.ether 0 nets ere transpiring to h W ispinatersalior his use ornce Count the local items in apaper and imaenee how mach mental anxiety, worry ,an,d work they haveccet, and eieueidee or. the editor's wet k can be estner- ed. The e.elcst may hen/ uest bin/ alone walk and much effort to each te Teets. There is no end his woric. When one paper goes to press he tures he attention tor.he next One. 1.1a naalzog 1112 rounae jo search c2510w3, and may not get a line From some he lest get. news Without their lenow'eg them into coin era i0 and obtain- ing what howents ineection . may labor For heura in chaeireg lowe a rumor -only to fiord that there is nothing i it 'His kea' columns stare him. ,/ithe /nee and demand to be If Med not with skim =Olt bi4t win cream cue the tiewe evens and menet./ Cid irit'Ate t. His hounds aro liniited end yet. heutust find in each dray ard ariehrottel, the weelc, month and year sOknO. thing of interest to the public. No •mere perfect treadmill could be tte- vivo& With ietch a ye/late-et strain. pioducing wearier:tie of the ,body and mind, and an almost (endless variety of sublects toles touched uptetei. Sett swiveling tlet he • take? ,Other •tycaple Ao., why Strange Yarns These. Man Arrested for Fraud Tells . Tales on Mrs. Rice, a Street Preacher Froin Tho Welland Telegraph o test week we clip the following whish refers . to ,that "soul Stirling' Preacher that so many thought was wonderful here last summer -when 'Mrs, glee toll the truth." All IC e .can acid is the saying "a sucker la bon, every minute. , Here is the Welland itelienip4enting himself to be an agent of the Brunewick Coilencicr Company, manufacturers of Pool tables, a yoking man entered Stern's pool room, East 'Maim street. on Tuesday afternoon 9nd endeavored toeell him the enclueive right of a game called billiard pinoc.e. The cost °tithe game was placed at $el, while the agept's commie - elan payable in advance, wus $3. Should ocraliona ly make, a =is - shouldn't an op? Mr. Sterns became suspicious and premised to ser the seli-etsied gent later. He notified the pd ice rind had them arrest the man, who was stopping at the Dexter House The man gate hie name as Ches- ter Rice and said he had gone to a loeal legal office and had the agree mem drawe three Th: "Balke" had been emirtcd ifrom the Callender 8z BrunswiAt Casu pany and this was what aroused Steams suspicion When Rice was pet through a crose-examination by Chief of Police Laing IIS aide] that he had at- tempted to raise thee-loges'LOECI40t in paying his mothers hotel bill. eaid that she ez.° etopotrag al :he Dexter House and did nolehaee en- ough money torn/ her b Rice told the pollee a,story of a Tart of his life and that of Insino- tiler. 'Ha slid that One was theiljrs. Rice who spoke ir Welland sgainst local option see ',gal months ago and asserted that she nes receiving as much as $4e a day Loom the Retel- ls eepers' ASSOCia tic a of tie: I,/ qv - ince to give her "honest" °pram:sof the "evil efffeets ol the lecel oa- ten law" Ile said that she ,irst started P,9 a ispeaker for the lignor traffic on -an American stale ieheu h,e father „an Episcopal clerevinan, took to drink and left the chureh. She was forced tosupport two small chile - ren and when she received an offer w oT oo from t -a liquor interests toopeak forthelle luring their cam peign ahe accepted, esthouge she was in her heart opposed to the traffic. .At the fend °etre '•Cam- paige elle bad ieceived Tahiti?. the liquor people redlining ee eey her the promised money. Her children weere then taken a- way Iron/ her bythe Aid emecty, as she wits unable to suppi 3.6 eneira, They were plated in a convent and she has not seen them einee, el - though she made numerous ffonts 11n Ontario she was travellnes with ernan named \Vhi(fe mid epeaking against local oplie). he- ne said, his another had not been living up to her temperance 'd- eals, all/lough she was a teireee race woman at heart elle. spoke apeest the local opts n law. To eorrobore'e this stere- lhe po- h e went teller Sint in thi Lexter House. Mr Wei.e, who hi:v...0m- ph eying Mrs. Rice, 3 sensed to et/ v a word bult gave permission lee the (Mei to talk with 1VIrs,Ri &el or fifteen,' minutes were eecinitee to • ouse thcl woman front a sort of etueor in which elie seemed to have Tallein. She coinelained of illness •'When she w s 'inallv awaitteecl oho teaefully admitted that a 1 her son had told her was only lie° true. She said she roelured the money he was trying to reise. When iriterviewed by several newspaper me Dela day Mrs Rice maid she came ft, Weilaatd flow 'Hamilton 4uat 'for area and did not intone spealeng here, gni:meth she expected se return in seve• al w eeks. She denied the Story, her ern told and explained lt,by saying that ba was somewhat irresponeib.e. 'I mover received a cent -n payment /rota tae leitelkeepele I em sim- ply doieg 'his •lsecaase 500 not like to see the ccuntry ruined by' local option," *befall] • She said that the ceinvereation eetween herself and the police was purely private Red require,' no '-tillintsdey, Dee:ember 2:1thi'IP14'7•1 • FOR 1913 A Pocket Diary An Office Diary • A Desk Calendar Pad The Canadian Almanac The Gist of the Sunday School Lesson • The Golden Text Book 'farball's Teachers Guide Pelvubet's Select Notes We hope all our Friends have had Pleasure and Profit during the past , year and are looking forward with light hearts and smiling faces to the coming year 1111111111w Aug., The W.D. Fair Often the eheapest—Always the Best • HYDRO-ELECTIOC. It is expected hint 'G. E. Geary, ex -Mayor Of Toronto, will he here on Monday night next and address 0. 7 - • question of Hydro -Electric. UNCLE DEAD. Mr. Joe Eienhait, of the Waverly Rouse, was in New Gerniany last 'vies& attending the funeral of this encle, Sir. Rummell, who died at the age of 100 years Mel 4 days. BEV. J. BERRY' TEANSPILRELD Rev. John Berry , who has Loan in- cumbent ,of the St lhomat' etrurch, • Seelforth, or oeveral Years has teeln tranoferred to Meafced , and will leave for thit 111508 at theend (Atha year. PASSED AWAY; The death Of Miss Flora Hinehaa cad a gloorn over the hearts cif a ' reat Many of the people of Clinton otae months ag3 'Kiss Hine was Stricken with paralysis, and since 'then [She has Been gradually sink- ing until on Monday oho- pased to the Great Heyond. Miss Hine was a daughter otthe late W,H, Hone, for many years fecretany of the Public School Board. Early in life she °maw toelinton dr= Stratford and her quiet, retiring manner and noble charadter won dor her alarge. circle of friends. She was a ream- ber Of St. Paul'a Church where the Itineral was fheld this afternoon. She is survived by One brother, Mr. Charles Hine Of Chicago, and :rois- ter, Mise Mary, at hone. The sym- pathy of a large circle of Viands; 'goes suit to them in their bereave- 411ent. • eiiimetanoveaAmettemewtAaeleee,Ametweeteemoewo } it HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO OUR PATRONS ../Z111=2DSOMMIIMILEat SELLING OUT SALE HOCKEY SHOES for Men Women and Children New line. 'The best yet See our prices on these before buying elsewhere 41=1111111M- . 411111111111 Will Either Sell the Store or Herd. Jas.Twitchell &Son azai\Tmoi4-- AANNAAMAAAAAAAAAAAtivkAAAAA Wv'es.avvvvvrINNYVVVvVVyvvvw acturame,..a i,++++++++.1.++++++++1.t+++++++ tee"Seeeielee4-+++ileiseelieeli+++-eieeeee 4. 4. 4. explanation. "At heart I.believe in tenperaec0 tut only by ttl, prohibition ' and + FRE net focal option • Mre. Rice said + J AC she had spoken. on bath- si..tee et the D S Woman's Suffrage question witla equal ease, .44++++4414.444+111444444.44,411-1444444+4+44444444+444) 40 Actor' t., ,..., Not a medicine l But a man's Calfskin Shoe, built to keep you in good heaith— free from colds and rheumatism. A rna.n's Shoe which will keep you warm and dry through all kinds of winter weather. .This shoe is not an experiment. We have been selling it for ten \ . a,rs, and know from experience what it will do. It _as No Equtli. Get a Pair Now. 1