HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-12-26, Page 8Here's Wishing One
and All the Best of
Everything during
Uozercf 2rown
Only 5 more days for 1912
• A happy New Year to our reader's
The trains nre running late ow -
ling to holiday crowd.
Beige you renewed your Oub-
kription tf,' the NOW gra?
The email boy was hard up
against it last Tleareday when the
Ontario Vt. Su nawy. Schoot, .ba ptiat
Sunday School and the junior
classee Of St Paul's Schoni held
their annual Christmas entertain -
Meat. Hewes! only able to attend
The hockey club Ifinde itself at
the beginning pi the seasoti wiih-
Pelt filae %ad an epportunity has
jeteBented itselt &fleabag fund
and at the game time giving the
people of Clinton a pleaeant night.
The O1 -la has epagaged Miss Lucy
Waling, the Enelish 'comedienne,
end MraWalterMcRaye, the well
• known Canadian entertain.43, who
will give Meet their programs
which have delighted a ediencee
throughout • the whole country,
from Halifax to Vancouver. Miss
Webling is tooted as "the original
• Little Lord l'auntleroy" and is well
known in the thaatree 0± Old Lon-
don as a clever al tress, Mi'. efe-
Raye has wen distinction by Ms poi
lobed and brilliant interpretation
et Dr. Drutrarmoindle verse, There
'Should be a full house to greet
these eminent entertainers and to
•give the hockey slab agood start
for the season. Plan of hall at W.
1). Faire Book §tore, Remerabin
the date Fridae, Dec, 27th.
Rev, 3.W Aikera Field Secret ary
cif the Department of Tenirerancte
and' Moral Reform of the Methodist
Church, will preatili Sunday morn-
ing in Wesley Church He will Mee
peak at a mass meeting to beheld
in the town hall at 845 par , in the
interest Of the campaign on behalf
of Local Option. All citizens invit-
ed(' (A Union cnoir ifrom the
churches Of (the town will p ovide
• I with to thaink n inar,v'friencts,
who rioleingly.• helped nie during my
occide,nrc. and 1 tate thia metro of
thatildlifelofihme Their fanlight ill-
nessWill,111,.60-eacbs forgcten--A Iam
uou OIL edhs,IT P
The -Imperial Oil Company at oar -
alis has annouxe=ed another anvace
in the, price . of ciele oil of Lave°
centsz.per barrel.. This is the fifth
raise an a short time and brings the
price up to $1 02.
The Official's averaoe of tho
Canadian League., Baseball -League
has been published and Dick Task-
er's avelage has .eeetn. gbod. His
batting average was 200 per cent.;
his pitching record was 501, and his
fietclinig ,average 'was 922,
Bills have been posted up during
`the [past -week announcing the
Municipal elections of the town of
Cllinton -on Janutary 6th 1913, but
even the appearance of these has
not caused any •great stir. The
ratepayers are evidently satisfied
with the manner in which the pre -
Sent council has conducted the
Inainess of the town dining the
past year and ar,: asking that they
e returned. 4.-o thee for another
Tho Clinton Collegiate Instil ute is
indebted to thc. Geological eurvoy
Department of Ottawa, and to the
kindly interest of Mr. E. N Leis
•M. P. for the gift of a oplendid“
assortment of mineral specimens
and a neat and handsome cabinet
in which they are. onrtained. These
speeiraelne Will be of groat service
tothe (departments of Scienee and
Geography ixs the teaching of
'Mineralogy and Physical Geogra-
phy, and 'the services Mr .Lewiel
tuseeuring them tor the Collegiate,
are highly appremated.
MORE o!' it is asked for every
day in homes where quality is
the first demand.
If You Watt the Beet
Use Conner's Bread.
Baker and Confectioner
Stoves, Hardware and Novelties
Notice lof the appointment of W.
E.K011y, J,P , as pollee niaglstrate
Of I ho town of Onderich at 4
$80t, tOleepaicl by the town, in
place of John Batter, removed; was
re eived lap 'Friday. At a '-t-
og pf the town couneil a re-
solutation was subraitteu protest.-
ing- against, the tia pa/131g him
tim salary, the population not I e-
ing ,aho "full f.090 require 1 ,by law"
to compel thew t'; do no. "
• _
Good -day,• Been canvassed' 'for
you'.• vote yet?
It is at this se., su,n of the year
elinesday, eSeneber
Tho Public school and the Colleg-
iate Institute closed ltbsir doors
lust Friday afternoon for the
Christmas vacation. They t',111
.open.agaip oit,Tanunry.6.
. ,
Egg ate -45.
Butter 25." to ?lie
Hogs ;!,:l
Wheat sa-9).,
Oats 00-31,- .,.
Barley 511-55.
Peas 70,-00. " •
}lay loose $12 ..,0; baled 5e,9.,10.25
•1,/, Mr Firtnli am (W Peterboam
xaincipal °alf.Pulle.mitig"1. etaillletil)id3ilcil3 of'n'ti'orIucc6 in to ainan1 •ttilfm 69' CC, -1
his, friends."•
- • d•' t
,equatno can c. ,
No mere tree lossls will be &Iv en merit to make a deposit of $200. Ho
Correepondents ,vill pleare bear wishes to have tke pnetice of the
'tnas mimed ato, and doiut be.
dIsaPP lunted iaoything of that
nature should be cut Ot.,t Molt
Institutions are a well. aba to pay
lor ocal adyeldising as tho ocal
paper is to publish it Icor notiong
If bills are printer' at tnis office a
local will, boWever, ,be inserted free
At the %recent annual meeting oe
the' A.O.0 W., Lodge No. 144 the
dollowing wore ole 'tett of!icers for
1913: . •
Master Workra iu, John Tca ranee
Foreman, "J. H. Snell • '
Overseer, I. Dodd.
Recorder, W. Manning.
Financier and Treasurer, R.J.
Chaff ,
Guard, Frank Bawden.
insideelFatchman, T. Trick,
M. ,H, 0, Dr. Shaw.
Repreaentative to Grand Lodge,
J. Torrance.
The electors should make it a
point to •attend the nomination
needing on Monday'evening meat,
Dec. 306, and, hear what this
year's Council ha7e to say and the
other canditletes, of there ere any
The New Era lselioves that this
year's Couincil have give!: faitinur
work and should (be given a free
ticket for next year. By the !lthal
practice Mayor Oibbings is entitled
to a return to th chair by accla-
mation and taeCher Conucillore,
PIO doubt. woald eel that the
elm:tore considered they had tried
to do their deity by allowing them
to sit at . the Coutncil Tor another
yoar. • No doubt information will
he giVen ' • l,ci the electors on the
Hydro -Electric power,
Colonel Joseph 'Pug:mire field
secretary of kin Salvation Arrev for
Canada, has received anew ap-
pointment horn General Booth, end
will proceed to London Ei eta ad. in
a month' is time, to take an en -
portent position on tho staff of the
International Training College at
Clapton, England. • Colenel F'Jg•-
mire has long beea a leading figure
lin Salvation Army work in eenada.
Por twelve yeare ho had charge of
the ,social and prison work of the
Ary, and was peculiarly succeei-
tul in his work -of reelaimieg -on-
victe and men in ehe lower tante
of society. He is one of the most
succeaslul , evangellets in the 'Sal-
vation Army and was a familiar
figure with his concertina, and at-
tractiv,e,emgitig at all the special
evangeliel ,anipai,gns conducted by.
the Saletion Army in • Canada
Citizens will iernember Coe Png-
mire when he was here last spring,
and gavo a talk ot the social and
'Titian work. Ho was father of Capt.
Pugmiro who was stationed hero
COOK -PULLMAN, - ,ch. considm
erg the advisamaility of
• Talbot Street Bupt. lin holding the 10.20 p ttoderich
variolas pro vin c es Call awed at
Federal 'elections For instance, in
On; ;lido a candidate tor election to
the House Of Commons tve.,n1c1 not
Jo called upon to make a deposit
Through the e:forts of ifaraager
McArthur of Griffin's tseatre
Stratford n
the Grand Trunk are
London was the scene einc
wedding last Thursday afternoon,
when Miss Mary Elizabeth Pullman
and Mr. Joshu Cook, oe Conto-n,
were united In marriage, Rev.
R.H. 'Bingham officiaticg Miss
Kitty Loucks. of Watfci d was
bridesmaid, and the ,grceinsinan
was Mr.Prank Watson, o' C infton,
Mrs. A.rthur • Greinslade, of London
played the wedging mareb the
happy couple left on en evening
train for Sareia and other points
-vest. They hate Low reeuened to
Clinton, and The New Ell joins
with eheir many friends in offeeing
The Globe ia euslaiming Canada's
reputatien foe aiiis.:c Christmas
numbers, It's. issue tor this year
hoop tothe higheat standard 01
European publieations-the plate
of MacKanzie'a first view of the
Pacific being espeeially deserving
of preservation The liteeary part
leing !contributed by such writers
as Dr. 3, A Meedenald Peter Mc-
Arthur, Sam ;Wood. Albert R.Care
num mad Sean Blewett, has a decid-
;lee train on •ever.ngs wen large
coMpanies are giving plays in, he
Griffies Theatre number of
people from Sobringyille, Mi chek,
eeaforth and Clinton, it eesms
would often like to come tOStrat-
iford in the events of a popular
opera orplay Using shown liere and
it is thought thet mseitar can
1 elsettleld to the satisfaction of
tee public, the train ,ould be
held lentil 110' elect( the shows
would necessary have to stert
liter and the manage.. is willingto
do this to mew. the wisn'of his pat-
Strange Yarns These
Man Arrested for Fraud Tells
• Tales on Mrs. Rice, a Street
From The Welland Telegraph o
odiCanadian Waver Dowell as be- iast 'week we clip the lollowing
. t
ins of general in crest Dr. Mac- yllich hat
refers to a
'onald's aketeh of Flor Mac- .f3eul ureacher that o
aotnald in America will be of special many thought was wehaertel here
interest to Seotsesen who may not lagt "lamer when 'Mrs. Rite toll
-know ayeehie inodeee inthe me a the 'truth." All ea e aan ace] is the
the heroine of Prince rbarlie'a saying "a ucker i bo:, every
and minute. Here is the. Weiland
cauae. Seystal good storiee
the whole embellished by Line illus- item ;-
ntions and g .at printing make Repree,enting heneelf to be an
up, ainumber of which Canada can agent of the Brunswick Cotten=
feel proud. Company, manufacturers of Pool
tables, a young man entered Stern's
THEIR S.00ILTY NAME. Pool room, East Main street. on
Tuesday aatennooe and endeavored
to sell him the eeclueive right of a
Have You Plumb-
ing Troubles
Lithere nead /or repairs emery
few days? is your baths )(an modern
and luxuriantly convfortable? Are
the kitchen arranguteents Loa-
venient ad sapitaiel If not,
Sen; for Our PluiRber
Not Artly are we ...xpeat• atrepair
work, but there will be little,need
for repa.ns f we install ,your
plumbing. Yoe'll besurnrised at
ell? fair estimates if vou "talk-
priee*-with *
and Heating '
. (Fk40140 63):
Enquiry het: been made ler he
names applied .lotne vane:is-cities game called billiard pinoc.e.
of Otneario. The following oat is
given anda we balite.° appy can-
ely correct:
S4ragord-Classit. City.
eiluelph-Royal City.
Toronto -Queen city.
Balton-Ambitioue City.
L eacion-Forest City
°View a --Capital City.
Petsr bore -Lilt lock City or Mc c-
trie City.
Kingston-Lane...done Cite,
Brantiford-,Telopnone City.
Windsor -Border City.
Cat ilaM pm City.
Galt-Manchestir of Canada
Sarnia -Tunnel City.
et. Thomas-Raeway City,
Isay City.
'tit Arthur and Fort
Twn Cities.
et. Catharines- Garden City :Lum-
ley of aanada.
The Ontario blanch o the Do-
minion Allianee has, proclaimed a
cosennuation of the war against ..he
hmased sale of alcoholi .
Tnere are ne inunicinalities in the
Provitha and 463 of thew: are
nador local nrohibitien while S65
ere under li sense. Of those still
under license 11Q gave aina,o.ite
against the traffic, but not a johree
'halls majority The local option
...tiniest this e ear erects 80 Muni-
cipalities, and it is 'fully expected
The cost of the game was placed
at PI, while tee age -it's gemtnie-
igen payable in advance, e.3.
Mr. Sterns rm
ecee euspicieus and
promised to see the sele-steeed 'a-
gent later. be notified the po ice
Had had thein arrest. the man, who
was stopping at the Dexter Rouse'
The man gate Ms name as Chas-
ter Rice, and said' he had gone to a
loriaI legal office and had the agree
inetirt draw o three !Diu: name
"Balke" had been :misted Irma
the Callender &Brunswi.+Y Com
pany and this was what sroused
Stearres suspicion
When Rice was put through a
• cross-exaneleation by Chief bf
Police Laing' 112 sail that he had at-
tempted to anise themonea to as.is
in bt
payine his motherh
's otel bill.
said thatsbe ea. stopntng al :he
Dexter House and diet not. ha e e en-
ough enaney to pay her b 11
Rice told the pollee a story of a
rart ea Ms life and that of his mo-
ther. He. lid that see was thoMrs.
Rice who apoke ir Welland against
local option several months ago and
asserted that she vas receiving as
much as $4,1 a day nom the Holtel-
beepers' Associate: n of th.: riov-
,nce to give her 'honest" anima:tot
the "evil cetfests of the, )cogs; On-
tiOn law "
He said that she ,irst started 05 a
speaker for the lignor traffic on. an
American stale 'thee he, father ..an
Episcopal clergyman, took to drink
and left the chureh. She was
forced to support two small child-
ren and when she received an offer
of MOO from t.o liquor interests
limit lin ajarge matority of hese toepeak for them luring theft cam
Prohibition will ,e enaeted. 'Year pain the accepted, eethough she
loy year the "dr e" area °lithe Pro- was in her heart opposed to the
vines is enlarging, and there are
vete, few by-laws repealed Itis
meet easy to set a limit to he move-
ment, for an inclefieltely largo
majority of the people of Ontario
are oreosed tothe lisensing of way from her by the Aid bruit:by,
dunking places, . as she who unable to supprt them.
They were phi' ed in a conveeet and
TEE ED1T.OR'S LirE. she has riot seen thema eine. l -
The Edior at a local paps, is e
though she made ntanerous eiffosts
often unjuetly ',ensured tor les mis- • an Ontario she was travellmg
takes. The wolncitx is,;thst he does with emailnamedop.typ11i(,...e
not make more of thew On the speaking against local
ently, ?a said, his smother had not
avex age paper he mita t deal with
,been living up to her temperanee 'd-
treffic. Alt the fend of tt „cam-
paign elle had r.ceived tithing
the liquor people eefusing lay
her the promised money.
Her children weee then taken a-
311 Inds of subjects, give tee names
cto tes etc Olne hour he may be sale, all -hough She Was a tstr Pe, ance
eegaged , in rep iating a eligious
meeting and the ext drawieg the
picture • of a eght. He mast con -
douse and fill with his 1141013 sev-
eral colt -Inns, 'oether e. ents are
tradispirIng to ihtow 'immaterial 101'
his use mnet. Count the local
acme In fe paper and irao.eine how
much mental auxiety, worry and
"work they have a,St., Paid eimmidea
of the editor's walk can be ;seiner -
ed. 'the A s illtst may h Ise eost
him alone walk and much effoet
to leach la Teets. Thera is no end
his wore. When one paper goes to
press he turns he. attention tattle
next one. Remakes rounati in
search olf.nown and may not get a
line From tionie he lust get, nows
woman at heart she spoke aga,ast
the locel optisn law.
To eorroboraee tells store- the p0-
li went toher Snit tin. Dexter
House. Mr While, who is ae
pa flying llars. Rice, seemed to ...Dv a
word but gave permission lar the
Cnief to talk .with IVIrs,Ri .e Don
or fifteen,' mi n tiles IVer9•ZegiliTee to
al ouse ted woman from a sort of
stupor in which ale seemed to have
fallen. She cosnelained af ilJness
Whein she w g .itg111,7 awaits Lied
she teattully admitted that a t her
eon had told her ves only oci true.
She taid she required the inetney be
Was trying to reise.
When lets:sleety ed by several
newspaper mea nest day Hire Nice
Weilaiid 0000
without tneir,knowTng g said she came fe
not intena eal:Ing here, altnoueh
iliera into eons ersae Ion and obtain- 'Hamilton 'for reet and did
ing vhathowint$ in section .
may labor Tar houra ra ch,amr.g
down a rumor onlY to dind that
there ismothin1 i it His lOta`
columns stare th the trace and
demand to be ifillr..,(1 not with Aikin2
,bUt wire cream oe the news
ever a and ma/Iota of int'VO h. His
bounds aro hniitedend pet hepraust
lava in each Tay ard all-chromeh like to pee the ecuntry raMed bY
tho week, month and year some- local option," oho said ,
thing of interest to the public. No She said !that the cOnvereation
'Mere psaloct treadottil could eetweein hers:Nei and the police was
vised. Witil uch a ,eonata.4. t strain. • purely private and required no
pioducine weariness of the betty explanative.
and mina, and anal:nest endless At heart I.believe asi tonnes:laic*
• variety of subject.: to be touched tut only by tetal.prohiettion ' and
upon. ia it surprising thet tacit local option . Mrs. Rice said
Should occasionally ittak4., /limit- she had spoken on both ai...ca at the
take? Other „people ,40.. wb' Womees's Suffragequection with
phouldst4 an calit'or? • equal ease. -
she expect) co return in seve•al
She denied the Story, her kro told
and explained ktby saying tact he
was somewhat irri,sponsib.e. 'I
never received a cent .n payment
from fie hotelkevele I cm sim-
ply doing becaase I co not
• -• • •
Ral• • • 45. ,
A Pocket Diary •
An Office Diary -
A Desk Calendar Pad •
• The Canadian Almanac
The Gist of the Sunday School Lesson
The Golden Text Book
Tarball's Teachers Guide
Pelvubet's Select Notes
• We hope all our Friends have had
Pleasure and Profit during the past
year and are looking forward with
• light hearts and smiling faces to
the coming year
LTheWM. Fair eo ..'
Often the eheapast—Always the Best
• It is expecte3 inat G. R. tioary,
ex -Mayor Of Toronto, will be here
on Monday nighi next and address
the ratepayers ni Canton on- the
Mr. Joe Bienhait, of the Waverly
Rouse, was in New Germany last
week attending the funeral of his
uncle, Mr. Rummell, who died at
the age of 100 yeare and 4 days.
Rev. John Berri ,who has 1.. wen in-
cumbent of the St 'thereat' 'Much,
• Sealforth,.Ner 'several years •has
teen transferred to Meaferd , and
will leaveyear.
for that else* at the en
of ed
The death of Miss Flora Rinehas
emit a gloom over the hearts of a
great many of the people of Clinton
Sone months ag i Miss Rine was
ottriekein with paralysis, and since
then she has been gradually sink-
ing until on Monday she passccito
the Great Heyoin3, Miss Hine was
daughter 0/the late W. ff. lime,
for Many years eecretary of the
Public School Board, Early in life
she came toeliatton from Stiatford
and her quiet, retiring manner and
noble charadter won ifor her alarge
circle of friends. She was a Weat-
her of St. Paul's Church where the
funeral was held this lifternoon.
She is survived by one brother, Mr..
Charles Hine Of Chicago, and stabs -
ter, Miss Mary, at home. The sym-
pathy of a large circle of friends:
'goes out total= in their bereave-
for Men Women and Children
New line. The best yet
See our prices on these before buying elsewhere
Will Either Sell the Store or Rent.
Jas Twitchell&Son
i.i.0.4.+++++++4.1.÷44+++++4.14Orrr 4.4.44.i.,+.1.4.++++++++++++++14,44,
9 .
+ +
• Not a medicine] But a man's Calfskin
+ Shoe, built to keep you in good health—
• free from colds and rheumatism. A man's
i• l'ili3e which will keep you warm and dry
+ through all kinds of winter weather.
This shoe is not an experiment. We
have been selling it for ten v- drs, and
know from experience what it will do. It
as No Equal.
+ Get a Pair Now.