HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-12-26, Page 5Thursday, December hath, 1912.
A Happy
New Year..
Canada -is as large as 30 United King-
dom stay-
aid 18 Gertnanfea, yet the stn,
at-home Briton: prefers , to remain
Where . he is, <presumably contentto
critter his humble life away either in
the feudal surroundings of. some Eng-
lish village, or to wander into towns,
and working at a miserable pittance
help to depress the :market all the
tints. Yet Canada is calling aloud for
pRnglishmen of every station and eall-
jn6 to take advantage of the great
opportunities she offers and bidding
them to participate in the Dominion's
-Untold wealth and In the greatness
61 the wonderful land which will one
flay rival, the , glories of its mighty
neighbors and become the pivotal
State - of the British Empire itself.-
-J&r. Leo Schaff, in "The Graphic."
Christmas and
New Year Rates
Dec. 24, 25, gaps] for relent ,Dec 26
also Dee, 31.aied Jan, 1, good for
re'turin Jan. `3. ;1913.
Dec.21, to Jan: 7 good 6or re-
turn Je 1. 3 1913.
J3,etweenail 1t,ty Its in Canada
e_.ttrt dr Port Arthur 'also to De-
troit and Port Enron, hfich, 13uiffelo
ilack Rock, and Suspension Bridge
N, Y.
particulars andti rtetsil
tiny Grand
Trunk Agent.
A. 0. PATTISON. depot agent
A.E. Duff, district passenger agent
Union .Station. Toronto, Ont.
N1iIW "max
Caodericlr Township
Mr. and Ilrs. Wm. Dunbar beg to
acknowledge with hearty thanks, the
receipt or valuable and most acceptable
gifts, very kindly presented by the
members of St. James' church, Middle-
Miss Bertha Brogden hays returned
home after spending a month at Blyth
Mr. and Mrs. Chapman and little
daughter, spent Xmas at the home of
Rev. J. 'H, Osterhout,
The Xmas services were well attend-
ed in the Methodist church on Sunday
The choir rendered,specialgmas music
at both services,
' Mr. Robt, Gibbs, of Seafoxth, spent
Xmas at his home here, '
We wish the read'ers"of'the .New
Era a happy and' prospetous New
The Christmas Tree, entertainment
in Knox church 'on -Monday nigot was
a very successful affair. •
The Methodist church ,hadaa very ex
cellentChristmae Tree entertainment
on Wednesday. • -• . '
On Sunday next. Rev.' Osterhout,
preaches in Burns church and Rev.,
Turner of Blyth in Knox church owing
to Rev, Pearcy being in Toronto. •
' There were a great inany visitors:
came to our village for the .holidays'
and several 'from here went to other
Etf Adams unloaded a car of chestnut
coal on Monday and expects another
fornext,Monday or Tuesday so cost
omers can get a full supplyby apply
ingfor it. , . ,
call has been extended to the Rev.
W. T. Pearcy by the Presbyterian'
church. in ,Harriston; at a salary of
$1200 net year'and two weeks holidays
but no manse.' '
• The late Geo. Lyon' was the eldest
son of•Joseph'Lyonand left to mourn
his' death his wifeand- daughter, father
mother, four'brothers and three sisters(
The funeral took place on Saturday.
and was largely attended.
We are pleased to know that Fred
erick Caldwell has recovered and'ar
rived home on Saturday last';
An enjoyable time was spent on Fri-
day afternoon when the Union School.
of No. 2, Hallett provided a splendid
Christmas entertainment under the'
direction of Mies Mable Brown, teach-
er of the school. . The room was
prettily decorated and the program
consisted of dialogues, choruses and
recitations. Mr. John Mann :appear:'
ed as Santa Claus in a dialogue which
Around the
during the winter months and
be prepared for the opportunities
of the early spring.
Write he Free Bootlet to-day
was well received. Among the:reritors
of the evening.>. were : Alma Hale,
Chester Gliddon, Grace ° Gliddon,
Jennet, Bessie and Mabel Lockwood.
Miee. Brown is•to be congratulated on
her good work.
School Report -Report of S. S. No.
2; Hullett. ler December. . Class IV,
Senior -Norman Tyndall 77 per cent.
Mabel Lockwood 74, Fergus Van
Eampnd;•6a Mattie Biggin'64. Class
Marshal Fuegan is:e'ck with pneu
mania but is improving.
Among the visitors in this section
is Mr. Joseph Lawlor, at the Soo, Mr
'Geo Willard, of British Columbia
with -his sister Mrs: Coats, of Alberta,
Mr. and Mrs. E. 9prong, of Manitoba,
Mr. James Bali, of Chatham and Mrs,
&own, otEthel.
Mrs. Gravestorn who has been in
poor health' all summer passid away
on Tuesday.
London Road
Mr, George Hardy and Mise Kate,
Hardy, of Lindsay are visiting at W.
Hardy's on the London Road. The
visitors are cousins of Mr. Hardy.
Mr. James Courtice and Miss Grace,
Coartioe of Msril osa, are visitors
with Mr: W. Hardy this wep6, TI e
visitors are brothel and sister respe,.
tively of Mrs. Hardy
N'.olmesville - : -
Mrs. J. H. Lowery of North Bev is
spending the holidays at her father's
Mr. Jos. Proctor.
Mrs. D. Tutor of Kinburu spent
IV Junior Clara Lockwook"66. Class Sunday at Mr. Wm. Stanleys.,
III Senior Gracie Gliddon 74. Stanley Mandena and Enmeline Holland of
Rale 67. 'Mese '° I'it :Iunfor-Clifford London are visiting under the parent -
Mr. G. Holland who h sa away
w y
down south for several weeks, re-
turned on Saturday, with a car load of
cattle, 'which ;he intends selling by
auction on, Friday at the Normandie
bard Clinton.
Mies Emma Courtiers is visiting her
sister Mrs. F. 0. Elford of Toronto,
Ormond. Alcock of Welland op int
Christmas at his mother's here.
Miss' Edythe Levis attendee the
fox -was; seen tat • Alma about nine 1 Duret and Tremmer wedding in Hen
call on Ohristenae Day,
o'clock on Saturday morning by two
farniers'who started off in pursuit of 1
Reynard. Four hounds were soon on
the track and the fox hada hard time
to keep outof:danger for three hours.
The -exciting finish occurred on Lot 17
close •to the Mann farmwhere others
;joined in the Chace. The fox almost
played out sought refuge in a small
bush:where it was swampy blit he was
driven out ley one of the party, : and
them made for a bush, but one of the
dogs being close at hand ended the
chase by killing Mr. Fox. -.The skin is
estimated to be worth about $9.00, but
the farmers around are very glad the
Tyndall 75; Bernard Reynolds 74.
Class II Senior -Alma Hale 69, Louise
Hale 68, Viallet Gliddon 62, Chester
Gliddon 59, Myrtle Hunter .56, Class
II Junior -Harold Glew 63, Marjorie
Glew 57, Leonard ` Hunter 50, Eddie
Dale 50, Benin Lockwood 50, Annie
Shobbrook 50, Willis VanEgmond 49.
M. E. Brown
Fox Aunt Rullett Township was
the scene of an exciting fox hunt. The
Mr. Robert -Ferguson, of Listowel,
visited onthe•line this week, He was
the guest of Mr Geo. Baird, He Ras
teacher In Brucefield fifty years aeo
and ie still hale and hearty,
Mr. William Baird, wife and daugh'.
ter Thelma, of Toronto, are spending
their holidays; tinder the parental roof.
Mr. Thomas.Darvel who was out
West during the summer returned on
Saturday of last week. He is Pleased
with the country and will likely go
fox -was caught as this • time of the i back again neat summer.
year their toultry is of the best value, Mrs, P. Campbell and her daughter
and no doubt Reynard was out
seeking g May are visiting on the line this week.
hie Christmas dinner. They are: the guests of Mr, John
Dr, Peter McEwen, of Detroit;' v;sit
ed his aged mother on. Christmas.
Mrs. Spear, Jr,,.is visiting at the
home of her father, Mr. MalaMCEwen.
Christmas Wedding; -A pleasant
event took place at the bride's - home
in this township on Wedneeday when
Rev, D. K. Grant. of Clinton tied the
matrimonial knot'at 11 o'clock be
tween J. Leslie 00%. of Goderich'
Township and Miss Ellison Sinclair,
daughter of Mr. , and Mrs, William
Sinclair. • The bride wore a handsome.
costume of ivory satin with pearl
trimming and Looked charming. After
a sumptuous dinner the happy couple
took the Strain atClinton for a shot t
honeymoon trip' to&Toronto' and : Nile
gars Falls. ` The beet niches aceom
pany them. They will reside in Code
rich Township: 4' - •• '
The St. Andrews Sunday School en-
tertainment was a grand success
owing to the well prepared program
and the ideal night. The program
consisted of entire local talent with
the exception of Miss Beattie, of
Varna, whose part as elocutionist was
greatly appreciated while Miss Del-
ga tty, of Stanley, acted a very impor-
tant part.
• A pnblic meeting was heid in the
town hall at Bayfield last Friday night
in favor of local option, which is to be
voted on on ianuory 6. Mr. A. T.
Cooper, of Clinton, G. N]lliott, of God.
erieh, and others gave interesting ad -
dreams on the. subject.':Mr. John
Story, of Goderiob, proved himself a
capable -entertainer by his humorous
songs. Bayfield voted on local option
three years ago, but it was lost by the
fraction of -a. vote. Prospects are
bright for a goodmajority this year.
Wedding: -At the home of Mr.
Whiddon on Thursday of last week
was the scene of a very pretty wedd
ing when his daughter Ruby was
United in matrimony to Mr. A. Arm.
.eheln you're busy -entertaining ;you 'strong, of Stanley. The ceremony
should find out t «stock of canned I occurred under one of the parlor
ooda and A, esarvee very hatpltul ' arches and was performed by the Rev.
in preparing; your - dinners. You Mr, •McFarlane, of St. Andrews. The
eau always senate at bride appeared handsome in the usual
This Grocer Store wedd'n attire as iihe received the cath
Grocery grata a tuns of the comp>,ny. The
the beast ,brands df pure gnu-rirs 1 wedding wee a very quiet one owing
and - table luxuries, aitprimer \cry to 10 sent troubles and none but 'the
lnterelsttn -- to the ecotiomrcia. immediate relatives were iev:ted.
11ou piece atrial order with us, 1 After participating an excellent table
we know 'he quality df our aro
eeriest will snake a regular cus-'.mer
Of you.
of refreshments the happy couple re -
pared to theirhome in Stanley,where
they will reside in the: future. '
• Brucefield
mcn those home for visitors are
Miesoe Annabel and Violet Petre, of
Groceries and Provisions, Foreign Sault S Marie,. Miss Hazel P , of
libel Domeat;e Fiats, Etc. ( Guelph, teachers. Wm. Swan add,.
CLINTON, ONT : Wm. McQueen, of Toronto.
Mr. A. Scott wbo has recently rc•
signed in the school near our village
i has taught that school for 26 years.
He has sent, out many hood scholars
during that time. He will now reside
on his farm:nearSeaforth. Miss Levis
of Clinton has been engaged to teach
the school.
® Wm. Craig, of New York was last
week the guest of Mr. McCully.
Whiles Madge Aikenhead whorecentiy
visited in our neighborhood ebas re-
turned to her home at Carberry, Man-
Mr. and Mrs. Clark, of Stanley,
visited last week at the house of their
daughter, Mrs, Charles Reid. They
left on Monday for to visit friends in
Toronto. Their daughter, Miss F.
Clark accompanied them to the city.
H. Smith and family have moved to
Hensel' to reside.
Georgetown, is
Mise Sadie Bowie. of Geor g
spending her vacation at home.
James Boyce pitid a flying visit to
London' this week.
We have fairly good sleighing for
our Christmas time,
Rev, Mr. Allan, of : Clinton, will
preach in the Presbyterian Church on
Sabbath morning in aid of the Temper
twee work.
•: _ •
h u �..
• ; OP "II. Cool( SONS & �v
• This coupon is good for 40 cents 'ou each bag of Snow Drift •
• our best family flour. giving you the privilege of taking one to 7
▪ five bags, providing this coupon is presented to us onor before i
• December 3lst, I91. •
:Our regular selling price of on: Snow Drift Flour: without •
• this coupon is $2 75: If you present this coupon each bag of •
Snow Drift. will only cost you 02.35. - •
Our mill is equipped with the latest and most modern flour , •.
• mill machinery. We also have secured the services of a first. e
• class miller, who was previously' employed by one of the largest •
s in On
tario: Cons
y, we
e a
g t
. in ordertogive very womananoPppertuoityto try our Snow
• Drift Flour. Every bag guaranteed.
We are eelling bran at $22 and shorts $23 per ton in ton los
fe• •
Weare lar6e •
bu ars of ons bringusasamPle. •
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••••••••4411•0•••••••••••••84401mme ••NMNNN••••
Presented by • . : • • , • • , ,
Our Aim To Please
T... M
i t re buyers at this store invariably come back'
when they want more, and bring their friends with them.
To IJse�Our Furniture is t3 pro -ye that it is as good as it
and that is saying a whole lot.
al Fnr i u- al -be bought here at money-
saving rates. Why not secure what you need now
prices are so favorable,
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104
Phone NIGHT AND MIND t'.' CALLS -Phrase Ne, 1 27 am 1 inerne 16
Sometimes a neve who is re lly
handa.me eaans alining in spite 01
\\''hell a inan gets full .lie is ape' to
use a lot of emninewords
Tswn .and Country
The Stratford Beacon has the follows
ink item which refers to a former
Ohntonian:-A we 1 -known and highly
'respected young man passed away in
the Berlin General Hospital early Sun
day morning in' thhe death of Charles
B. Irwin, in hhl ed year. The de.
ceased, who hadbeen married for only
about two years. was formerly em -
esti ffice. where
in the station o
ployed P
P y
he won for himself pnauyaarm friends
who will regret en bear of hie sad de
mise. Later he took a position as
mail clerk, and was given • a steady
run from Bridgeburg' to G'bdericb,
making bis home in the former,
Generally the deceased enjoyed good
health and was on his vacation to
Hamilton and Berlin,when: in the
latter city he was seized with typhoid
fever.'Two trained nurses were con-
stantly in`attendancej and , Dr. Rankin
of this citywas di for hut to no
.e f
avail. On.Sunday, after nine weeks,
illness he.succumbed. :,In Bridg..Nbur e
he was a prominent member to tb
Methodist Church, having taught the
young men's early :morning Bible
class, as well as teaching in the Sun-
day school.. To mourn his loss, the de.
ceased leaves besides his wife, a 1 -year-
old baby• and four sisters, IAN.
Winters. Mre. Reeves*and Ellen' of
this city; Mrs. Walker, of Berlir, and
his mother, Mre. J. Irwin, 295 Queen
street. The remains arrived city froth
Berlin on the none train Monday, and
the funeral took place on Tuesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Mrs. Robert Roberton with her sons
William and Robert went to Toronto
on Thursday to attend the funeral ot
Mrs. Brodie, sister of Mrs. Roberton.
Mrs. Brodie was seventyeight yeses
of age and was in good health_ until a
few days beforeher death when she
was suddenly taken with pneumonia.
The scholars of this scool section
on the closing of the school last Fri
day presented the teacher witha pair
of cuff links with his ,initials on and
address. Mr. Shackleton presented
each pupil of the section with a Christ
mas booklet. Mr. Shackleton cane
here fastEaster. He had six pupile try
the edtra.nce all, of whom passed, The
interest he has taken in everything,
pertaining to the school has won ibe
respect of bol,h ratepayers and .pupils
Sa,tnrday was a gala day in the vill
h s side
farmers from the West age. The to
village made a,
the men from the vg
bee and laid the plank .on the brtclgo
he afternoon e. village was
con tr
thronged with people all were in. gunk
spirits add evidently rejoicing at the
privilege of renewing old acq.naint
Calls Rene W. Te Pearcy
Guthrie Church, Harriston, Comes
to Unamimous Decision
t _
Jeweler and Optician
Glasses 1•eriect
for near ,
the Inconvenience or.
separate B1asees for -,
and lb z-rence l
'./e avoided i>Ye�Ri, .
double vision glasses ,
which aff•.grd. pwrfect
eight for: neap work
and for seeing,afOe. i}Y23
�.3Asl� L�
Marine Licenses
Issuer ot ilia
since resided: ..0h leaving Harbord
ho entered Toronto Univerintedrom
which ho graduated in 1907 a d last
year ,(took hie M A.' 'Heitoned',
Knox College for his theological
course, which he completed last
spring. In December , 11 t0. :1i0 r
Poarey came to I o'ndesbcrp to
puppig, when the congregations
were very' favorably impressed with
him.:, Later, about the beginning of
the year, ii'e again. . aujplfod thea,
churghea df 'Mit '"harge,`anni out',
ed three he was chosen as their' nee -
tor. 'Mr. Pearcy had still font mon
the at college befog .Ye.g!-eduated',
but the people got supplies • dur-
ing that time•and wstitedur ill' 'hie
was ready In May ,he wag ordain-
ed 'and inducted into the eherge of
Lissdesboro,and tBurns''•rhurohea.
During his ccllege course Mr.
Pearcy not only •:rowed 'himself an
apt a b '1 I t d
and rr 1 as+ et t ant but 'was
a eo popular with .h •h a 'feltuR , stu-
deists, having teen elected, in his
graduating' year a member of the
Permanienll Year Cc''rrmittee.
Though atilt young in year A4r
Pearcy has had some rely pra�Sc•al
experience rn home lmiasion work.
$is first mission was at Charlton,
Dow an important to'vn in Neer nit
Mario, but ea if ew years. ago a ,very'
out -tor -the -way place indeed = On
ging Ito .his mission '`.field 'Mr.
Pearcy in.comllanyewirh another
student, walked over bush roods,
and each with his pack upon his
back, over fifty miles to -their re-
eppeetive destinations.., At Caa iron
Mr. Pearcy was inelrurnental in a ay
ing a church erected, and, a show
how sparsely settled was lids dis-
trict at the time, • the thirst; -river
en'en who were present attl-e rais-
ing of'this little march were gath-
.ered together from eight diliet'etnt
ownships. blr 1• sarcy also ,spent a
sumener iet'the west, in southern
Saskatchewan and labored' in . ,the
Parry Sound Diattict and at Kim-
ball, Durham County_
Proficieney list of all .students for
the term, September -Christmas 1912.
Names in order of merit. .
Form 1' -
1 K. McGregor ... ...... . . 78 8
2 James Wylie.... . ,.. 73 6•
8 A. Townsend. 70
4 D. Shipley' 69' 3
5 H. Oantelon 68 8
(3 E. Sanderson ` 68 1
7 F. Pennebaker 66 8
8 I. Sinclair- 64 2
9 U. Cook 63.
10 M. Lansing 62 6
11 B. Rowden . 63
C. Whitmore • 62
73 11 hilt
y ... 619
14 0 0antelon 611
15 P Cunningham.. 61 5
16 G Wallis..., ..... .... 61 I
17 0 Mair. 61
18 A hied.iger 59
19 G Beaton 57 4
20 E Carter 67 3
21 0 Johnston 54 8
ee A Glazier 54 1
23 E Miller -:,.- .,,, 53 5
F Reynolds 58 5
25 QPhillipe..': ,...
, .. 53'3
26 0 Twitchell 58 I
27 L rr'
W'Ik in • ..
al S
28 N] McAllister ...... .... ... .: 51 5
29 Z Churchill 51:2
30 W Crich 51 1
31 A Shanahan 50 7
32 F Copp.... ........ . .. . ... .....49 5
33 0 Thompson 47
34 L Churchill. ......... . . ..... 47
35 F Edwards 46, 6
36 A Grainger 46 3
37 E Sheeley ... 45.7
38 W Appleby, . . .. , , , . 44 7
G Beaton—.
, , 43 9
40 E Parlmer „
41 V � 3
42 5
42 E Kaiser 40'.
43 L Hanley 39 7
44 3 Forrest..., ..... ••-•••• ,36.3
45 H Stewart 35'
48 L McConnell 34' 4
47 M Smillie 31 6
as hl May ....•....
... SI 4,
49 N Sparl.s....
... 30 9
Form I1
New Year's
Plumsteel l
e Bros.
, •�.
r "sees
Idle oney
11 yotehatt a few. hundred,
or a few , hoeisand d&Sars
'that Is 14440 u sin put It 00
w*irk earning you filed In,4ar,
est by pacing Money tto
Loan Ad Inasi r Classified
'Want -Columns.
Peo a with•`alit-ellge-coi3
latera often require,ready
cash and will pay good In•
• terest for It _-Put your mohoy
to work:
32 I Rathwell b3 k11 ';: s . I,
33 E Jamieson 52 7 , Births, Marriages & Deaths
34 A Dewar 52 7'
3S' K. GOvier 51 7
36 Milton Cook bi 6 DEATHS.'
37.G Hudie 50'2 '
til P Wheatley ,. 47 e I FORREST-In on Satur
g 47 1 . day December 21st, George:Forrest,
40 I,°g eg 7 . aged :a years and 8 months.
44 H:Wsllie..::....:.... .....:: 4423.5 b
45 H Rolmes - ' 2 , s.
48 I Gould 42 1 The annual meetin``the members
47 H Johnston ' , • 42 , of •the McKillop Mtitua�il:} :ire Insurance
47 M Milne 42 Company will be . rh "
.. 413 ids, to the Town
49 R Ohowen2 Hall' Seafarth on Friday •:'January the
50 U lialajer 41 17th 1913 at one. g'a'toekrp. m. busineea
61 M Mem' 40.5'ter receive the Fila rthl Statement,
52 K McNaughton 40 1 and and k
53 Q Garland 39 4 auditors report' the electing of
54 L Kennedy ' 34 , forte' Directors anti. other business
be good and welfare of Che Com
55 A`Matheson ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 3262;5 panty theretirin Di2ectors are John
58 R Forrester g G.'Grieve. SVintbrop;. 'James Evans,
57 L Cook 28 2 Beechwood • and Johns Benneweie,
ood an who are eligable for
? hag, g e.
77 2 J. B McLEAN, Th10SyE. HAYS,
73 7 ,;' Presidentat,i Secretary
72 7
41 D Csntelon
42 L Rathwell, .. . 44 8
48 O Hoare . 43 6: : Al1AUa t►
l 1l�etiln
Harrision.- Des. 23 -At a largely
.ttended meeting df Clauthrie,
Church cdogregetion held to -night
it was unanimously decided to ex-
tend a call to the Rev. N.T'Percy,
M.A„ Of Lo'ndesb ro . The stipend
promised is 81,700' and •twc weeks
vacation. 'Mrs 2 G.3tewert, e-
presestting the ecnetregation, Ms
George Gray the 'Board of Mange -
gm, and Mr, John Meikle-jche the
mission, were appoi'n'ted to support
the call,befere the Preebe.tery of
Sangeen, and Mr. J. AlcK.ay to res
preeein't the congregation beforethje
Presbytery df IIttesn,
`Followiurg is a short' sketch
which will be df ialere.st to cut.
readers, --Rev. Wafter T, peavey
M. A., was ,boon in the village of
P,olton, and there he recri' rd she
foundation of his education.ucatrou When
he was ready to leave rho public
school ho came to Toronto and
eteeet Caller; lain
t:nt.ered (I%aib or c l l
Later ins family proved irom .Bolt
h ole. oto Toronto Where asst have
1 M: Elliott '79 3
2. E Manning 78 8
3 d Cole ................. 74 8
4 a Middleton 72 5
5 V Carhert .,.,:,.,....c,...., , 71 2
6 l Davidson : 69 4
7 J Smith 69 4
F. Thompson 67 4
0 Maud Cook
10 W. Caldwell 07 4
11, V Hearn 66 5
12 E. Wasmann 65 6
13 J Morris , 65 3
14 0 11iceool 65'
14 M McTaggart 65
16 P Potter ...... 63 5
17 0 McGill .... .....,63 4
18 J' Smillie,,:.:. ..... - 63 3
"'.63 8
10 13 Smillie 62 8
20 E Wise ,:.. ........
21 PMoffatt 60 7
22 E Brisson . -
„ 58 9
2 f3 Shaw ...............,,,..,. 58.7
0 Beacom 68
Zr 58 6
�RR, .
26VEvens ,..... ,575
57 3
Ii Rnaaw y • •
28Collins 56 ..
29i Roberton ..
n .
30 l+] Powell •. , aK 8
31 II II.trland 55 1
1 L Gray. .:... .....:..
2 C:Nicholson
3 J Wylie
4 N Garrett
5 E Beacom
6 G Draper
7 D Uopp ..., 67 6
8 G Walker 65 6
9 W McGregor , ..81 9
10 M Re Holds.: 03 3:
11 MM (owan• , •.,-62'4
12 F'Bro n , .'61.3
13 L Ford . o-. :
14 H dentition::; 530,
15 V Lobb" 55-1.
16 E Leitch - 54 5
17 W McNaughton 53 2,
18 H Forrest'...'.. .,• . 52 6'
18 A McConnell , , 52 6
20 M McAllister 52 2
21 M Yates .,..... ... ...... 51 3
22 131 Carbeet'
23 W Walker
24 A Cooper
25' K Reid
26 S Scott,
1 Wilkin
31 D Barr
29 H' McCrostie
30 S henry
• 49 1.
46 4
43 9
43 1
3355 7
31MGunn ... 347
32 10 Nord ............... ... 29 3
33 N Robison 28,I -
Auction Sale.
ielesers Reiland and'Cont.el will
eeil 30 a'o s ati b young rotlie at
the IEckei:. Nort4anil share nn Fri-
day e Dec; 27th a'tht;It'clock. The
htl -cot
iaual gua'rant£e,�'^;us'+�i! a
>= 'adi-.
Te1n,s 6'ino,dths,•,:•credit u is
&ant 'of'6 por'Lent t• pin annum'
for cash
Teacher ;'Wanted ,
Teacherw need_; g r t3.c. No . ;7
llidlett 'Mate or female- : Beton. as,
10- commence tan:-•anr7 =11913 Trus"
tees,' Simon 141eVitttie N'm, Brown.
?e.-„Treas„ Blgt't; Ont.,
Clinton Telegraph School
Fol'm IV
I am starting .a T.; iegiap'h S 1sool
Part 1 Faculty: Entrance , hau•tios wishing to, learn will pl:,ass
•- 7 care On eneetmyflour and ,feed
5600 58 is i 3ra.,:
44 i-;
1 O Kilty
2 El Turner
3 H Middleton
4 D Tierney
5 R Dewar;
Part II Faculty Entrance
1 D Blatchford,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, 67
2 M Shipley 60 8
60 8
3 "I Glen
4 L Windsor 60
5 0 Kitty 53 x•
6 R Harland , . , 47 7
Honour Ms,triculation
M Shipley 57 2
El Torrance 46 0
Principal's Note -In the above ex-
aminations, where pupils wore absent
from an examination, they were
s,edited with nothing in that paper.
Reports have been given to deet
students ants aho in
their standing
detail. Any student who has fallen
t in the ane
roil aver-
age60 per sen g
below b
ago lxas not done satisfactory work
during the term and parents sh of •d
Insist on greater application
and at-
e ration to horde work, .:
Farm for Relit
100 ACRES-- U. sing hoe 27, gong 6
l-lullett, about 4 miles iron, Clinton.
2 re2 miles froln Londeeboete One
'storey and a het! brick .house ; good
Lank barns; artesian wells About
35 acres seedee ;1o�in. All plowing
ookre and 6 acres o wheat in, ApL?
ly to Ma's Waren, Clinton, pr S.
eleCool, Londesboro,
EiectricNeedlle Specialist
Electric Needle Specialist '.ai3 he
;Here” next week \?.tit I n pages
� maau'.s made for perancn,r ta•moval
ni moos Isulierflaous sial• etc.
1uPi s taken 7
once tor
til x
f m Lion o a
14, MA Z1(1111I
26 Dal:, A's carne, Steau£ord,