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The Clinton New Era, 1912-12-26, Page 4
• Page !. Fui'S rtnti Mantle a Cooch Ready to Wear Phone 78 1 GPET1N6S FOR 1913 In thinking our many friends and patrons for their generous support dur- ing the year so rapidly passing, we hope: it has been as goodto them as it las. .d l;' i been to us. It has been a. busy year with this i"store, and we've, been obliged to make many improvements, for which ` we are truly grateful, so that wshing You a Bright an Prosperous New Year we couple with. it the assurance . of t better ser vice. -"'May 1.913 be. the Banner Year for You, •,for Us, for Canada. Bombs Thrown at Viceroy of in • _ Delhi Tndia Dec.23:—Lord 9-Iard The ceremonies con'tiumect a if. lege, Viceroy of Tndia, to -fey was apithing had happened. wounded' intim should :by w q et his elephant 'trona t'hro an o a a 'hon+se'tfop by a (native, on the 'OeeasiOn of'tho 'Vice -regal 1Jurbar iiig'ni'fying the formal removal of India's enpital from Calcutta to Delhi. Lady Ba rse ri s e. who was i nfheho dah with the Viceroy. Y was inhu t t but 'fainted daring the excitement, while a native at len,c1- ant, holding an umbrella' over Lord and Lady flardinge, iva.a in- etanitly killed, The explosion ahatftered'the howdah and, knocked the elep'haln(t to the nevem:mett. Lady 13ardinge was instate ty re- vived and the Viet:roy' was a usJied to a hospiltal, where one . if the ir- regularly Shaped steel enissi(ee, with which the bomb was ftlleii., that had penetrated the V'ii'eroy's bhoulder, was removed'. The streets were li,ued rind the would -,bo assasi'n, who is believed to either be 'trete Calcutta or balm employ 01 Calcutta persons, found. itmatter am easy to'osca'pe Several arrests Were made, but th,e actual. perpe<tratar of the ,Hoar -tragedy made a clean get -away. • TPert and Enper t Nes eirPresse .e wweseeee wwe , The early worn fills - a long• feet want. l . The homely girl can ac` isher. own chaperon. Many a good !farmer never slaw an age iculanal college. One way to evcid exr,teme..t Mtn live Wliirin your 'net?one. A woman thinks itis a sin toxo, lots of ithings!Ibe will coax a man to de.. , J THE CLINTON ;NEW 'ERA Personal Notes !t ; those Iu tow or gin Monde tdeiting - c is tows h awes ` ;golify.an dr the fact each week, we wo ,ld.mitcoaaoe it in the NEw ERA, ?L'1.44.44444444.144444+11 $PMiss.Annabel efsE wen of Toronto eet Christmas in town, eve -Bell and Miss Reynolds od 'the C.V. r 1a+ff, ate spending the isaeatian in London, ' Dr. and Mrs. McBrideof Weiland, were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. D. S ;'C1uff. a -Mr. rid. a Mre, Wiil Sarkis of Stan- ley were Christmas visitors at the dome of Mr. Jas. Blatantly Mr. Lens Cantelon of Toronto sent Christmas in town. Mr. CI recce and Miss Stella Cop are viisiting in London; Mies Agnes "Cowing, s'en't Christ - 'cies in Mitchell. ` Mies Jean Dayment is visiting in 'London, Mies Mabel Chat of , Goderich leant Christmas in town. iCatailn and 'Ml'o. George Waugh and children of Owen Sound are Chmetmas visitors at the home of Mr. W J',Nediger Mr. Wilbur Ford af.Goderich was home !for -.Christmas. Mr and. Mrs..B :Kennedy of De- troit (emit Christmas in town Mr I.'Levis, of iWngiiam, was in aown;,this week. Mr. and Mre W A. Medd, ofTrow bridge were holiday visitors in and i around 'Clinton. MrL J, Wiseman will be at hemo on Thames/ay,'Jan. 2nd, from 3 to 5.30 Mr airid • Mrs. F. S,11IrCloy, of Ed - Mouton. vreitedwith the foramina ljrother .im Milverton this geek. •'Miss& , eaulloy,-Who has ,been( t.itisiting _ her sister, Mrs, Jas, Twitchell retutn•3.i to (Toronto on :Thursday. .,r Mr. A E Beata,, of Moose Jaw, and Rtev, C. J Beaton, of Toronto, Iat3(nt•Chistntas-ttde at ,the home of Mr. A. D tBea'ton.. '• •atesers. Cleveland Alan,: late of ,Eagland,••Clara of Indianolis, Ar - beer; 'of; Toronto, and Way, of De- tproit were-bee°'for Xmas at the ant ario St. Parsonage_ Miss' bell Taylor as home from Alma ads • z seCollege, . - St. Thomas. Mies MacDougall is sending the vacation at her home in C: nning- d o'R. Miss.Maude Waltse was -visiting lip:Walton this week, Mrs. Finlay MacEwen, of Toronto Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs, 'H. Alexander, Mr. Jack 'Wiseman, of Trenton, (sear Ch`ristm'a a home_ The-11tfsses &lemma, of (Bayfield, were the. guests ;'f Miss • Stella Cop on. Saturday. Mr. Roy East, of Winmieee, and Miss Kathleen East of Toronto, Nelalt Christmas at their home here, Mr. Thos. Jaekson, j , Was in Tor onto last week. •• :Mies May Ranceisvisiting her Barents in Toronto. Lohsee Edmonton -Miss E. Louise Holmes, daughter n/ Robt. Holmes, formerly. of Clinton, ,seera- ••.ary of the Edmonton Exhibition,As eocia`ion will leave Edmonton on Wednesday for her home in Toron- to, where mho will send the Christ- enas holidayfi. She will .be away karom•, the city foe about am ,rnth. Mr. and Mrs, J T. Mustard and family of Toronto ere the guests of the -Lady's paren;.s, ,Mir. and Mre. Donald McDonald. Engagement Extraordinary "Daniel Frohman presents Sarah Bernhardt and her entire Paris Com- pany ' P y lir the Sumptuous • Photo Play Queen EIizz»eh 4000 Feot of Films. TOWN HALL,. CLE1IT )N DEC. 31St C JAN Ise MATINEE New Year's at 330 hDMISiION 10 Cents and 20 Cents. Miss Abbie Glenn, 0f Toroe to, was home dor the. holidays, Miss' Jessie O'Neil -of Toronto Uni- Vetsity is home for the vacation., r. Frank Watson was a London vissiit r last week. Some people think Frank has had enough lessons now. Miss Della O'Neil, of the staff of Toronto Public. School teacher is spending the Christmas holidays in town. Mr. and Mrs: Crews, of Winnipeg were guests at the home of Mrs. Couch sr, and other friends in town. Mrs: N T. Hawkins and children spent the holiday vacation at. Ramie ton. Mr. 1tawkins was down for Christmas. Mr. Ed Miller, from Detroit is sppending a few: days with, bis . parents Mr. ani Mrs. Jefines Miller. Mies Kate 1.1c1'aggart was a visitor in London last • week, • Mr. Earl O'Neil is spending the. Christmas vacation at his home here from the Woodstock College. -Mrs. J. L Kerr and Miss Wallace spent a day in London last week, Miss Ada iiindre., teacher of S.S. Hullett, is spending the vacation at her home in•St. Thomas. Mr. lspending Mrs. W, Kilbride theIrene Collins are holi- days at St Thomas and other south- ern pointe • Mr. Frank: ;O'Neil and Miss Pearl arrived bon ter ,.Christmas from Moose Jaw last Friday evening. Mr. Barrisen• Wiltse. of :.Winnipeg came last ,,Friday and will spend sometime here. He is greatly taken with that wonderful city. which is making such 'wonderful strides. Mr. Broder.`MeTaggaist, of R, M' C. Kingston, Master George eblcTag: gart of St. Andrew's College, Tor- onto, and' Mie Jeai MacTagrart, o!f Havergal Ladies College, ,Toronto, are bending the vacation at home., ldrs-.,B. D Deering of.Winnipeg, Mr. J. ltiaeWiliianis, otf Toronto, and Mr. Neil -R. Fox of Des aloi:nes, visited in town tnis week are visitors at the home of thefore drier?s' sister, Mrs. Robt' Fitzsimons :kir. George Swarte spent , a few nays iin Wing11are ' Mr. and Mrs, J Ashton and fam- ily spent Christmas at Gado -mil. Mr,' and Mrs. W R • Davte of Mit- ebell alnd'Mr W.R Davis of Keeton es erein town on Thuueday attend- ing the 'funeral of the late Miss ;Beene. Mrs Davis is a cousin of de- ceased. 'Miss Grace Shepherd of Lambeth is s,p finding the vacation with her. 'mother, Mrs. Jas. Shepherd Mr. Legnarld Fair of the Royal .Bank, Toronto, was in town for ;Christmas. Mr. aind ,Mre "k4. ,Simpson were guests at the Si,n:•lair-Cox wedding in Stanley yesterday. Misses Margaret and, Maud Dow- zer, Who have 'for (several weeks - bean the guests of their sister, etre. Nelson -,Ball, leave on Friday ..for I New Liskeard. The trustees ell S. S. No' 9, Rae - Sett, have engaged.Miss 'Edna Levis of fowiii as teacher for 1913: Miss 1 avis is one of this year's - Mode) class and is sure to make a sucese- ,'ful teacher. Sa S No, 9 is to be congratulated in secruing the see- s ices of such a capable young lady, li' 1 Wishing our Patrons } and Friends A Merry, IChrisChristmas and ildaPros- os Tiroe u 5 T 1 ew Y car. CC C1 Byain et Sutter Sanitary Pininbei•s Phone 7. stiesseserwveeesseessettesteaseteeieli Mise Carrie%ValLra•s sent -Xmas at Goderich; Misses Bello''Draer and Edna Turn- finer oif Stratford lv oi{rnal are spend- ing the vacation at their homes in town. Miss Bernice (Cay ofl,apier, Mic:h. is the guest other aunt, Mrs. Tee-, leavetn. Mr. Detain Cott rtice of the S.PS., Toronto is home ,for the holidays. Mr, H. W ;Brown is visiting at his home in Toronto. Mrs. L Greig has eeturine1 Froin a visit in Torantb. Miss Mary 14fit.Jnell is spending a week with her sister, ars. Thomas' Kyle, oe Kippon. Mr. 'Bob."+,Mcf, enzie of • Queen's Urnivercity, Kingston, is spending the Christmas va-ation atlas home hese: alias. Margaret Wiseman of Ott - area is'the ghest.ofher parents,:MV. and Mrs. John Wiseman: • Mrs. Husband of bngersonl'is visit-. iing her ,daughter, Mrs, K, Chowen The Misses Baines' of London- vis- ited their parddts, Mr. and Mre, 11 E. ,Baiines, this week. ' Dr. and. Mrs. Kay • and basses Ber- enice and Elaine of Lapier, Mich., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbiinge, Mr. and Mrs. Phil. Crews and Mies Norma of Winnipeg are the vacate of Mrs. W;Ross this week. Miss Llbbie GP, binge of Toronto spent Christmas at her home here. Mr. Jack Forrester of London is isr town this 'week. • Mr, and Mrs.' Wm, rCanteion and Miss Mabel Clark spent Christmas un Mitchell. Mr. and Mr,s. Thomas Shipiel and family were ilr. 'Wingham for Christmas, MrJack Rumba!! of Toronto is home 1or.!lb,eHolidays. Mx, Will- Doherty of Toronto home' o e u ort the vacation. v aion. Means. Janrnes, William and Geo. Reid of Bay City, Mich.,: are e the guests of their sister, Mins. William Simpsoln. imp, Jas. Trucker • (.rived home ft nm the 'west this week in time for Chxts'l,mas" His many 'friends wean i,nlcleed glad to tt ulcone lure home agaitn. Reiv. L. and tie 'Deihl said chit- ' area of Paisley are, tha guests. 01 Mrs. McGarva this week, Mrs 'Tits. 'Watson and Mese Marion o'1 Seelforih were the guests of Mrs. W. D. Fair to Cnrietmas Day. Mr. Morley Counter of Baantiforxl spent Christmas at home. Mr. Hind Mfrs, W. J Tozer and. family spent Christmas in Toronto. dors. and Mies 'Comae- :see visit- ing in Slt. Thomas; Mr, and Mrs, JabezRands apen't 'INDIANS' "HIDDEN RIVER" Christmas ila Cont,tanee, Mr. J. W. McWilliams of Toronto is visiting 'friends in town that Region About Scene of Mayflower week' s LaDisaster le Very Picturesque Misura WIIkun of `C+ dericlt + spelnt Christmas at her home in The section- of country through, towui,ill-fated steamer Mayflower: Mra. Tarries Reid, and son James of Yorwhich yearsthe plied her trips between Stratford, spent the Christmas lion. Combermere and .Barry's flay is prob-, day vithefornxer's er, 141x1•, I ably one of the most picturesque in W. Hill, of Hullett, and other relatives l Ontario. From the shorn the banks Mr, Chsiting isles Il ale. of Londosistn, spent I slopegreateroptot ninths eights along the the Christmas _Holiday, at his home in E, n Lett. Fspet j The shores in some places along the Mess Sadie East. of ©Vallaeehur7, is route are • sandy while in others the her home in Christmas vacation as rook raise straight out of the water. country iss ra l settled nd. her home in Jf ullett. The c Y pa • e y se e a Mr, -W. Grant Beaton returned on the elearings are not large, although Tuesday from, Moose Jaw. it fa an old settled district. Only about one-quarter of the land is tit for ,cultivation, • which' accounts- for the small, irregular fields seen front the river and Jake and which resemble tiny_patebes In the forest. Blueberry patches are seen here and there along the banks in which the Mayltower's passengers, as' the beet glided along, .wera often treated to the sight of bears feeding, on the berries, during the summer season. The entire dis- trict was formerly a pine timber limit andowned by the old• Skald Lumber Company, which had its headquarters st Ottawa. Eire .swept over a great part of the .1tmit about .thirty, years. ago and the old pine tree trunks are .still to be seen 'Mending from Com- bermere southward. ' • ' From' Combermere eastward the banks of the Madawaska river are very steep for the greater part, as far as White Lake. Madawaska is M Indian language "hidden river," so. called because the valley through which it runsis so deep. •r1••111••••••••••••••• • WITH TILK CRURCHES. • • • •••••••••••••i•••••• " BAPTIST omen. • Pastor Wylie will preach on Sunday first, and the choir will render the' following pieces at the evening service chorus .•`Glllory to God in The; R i best". 'Duet"Rejoiee Ye Pure in Heart". chorus "Sing With Joy". All heartily. .invited. A successful Sunday School Christ- mas entertainment was held last I f: Thuy in. - A g gram was Riveneven, gbub Apsoe lenforbidsthypro• ue giving rsdait in full. - A -Christmas tree l also a big item. Thursday, December 2btL, 1,9t Miss Weenie Tx ont,»soit rtiturped last week Iron Oshawa, where she has ibeein teaching. She has accept- ed a position in Blyth 'fop 'neat teen. Miss Hattie Trick is . home ('worn Oshawa,; Mr. John Raneford was in Torbna to last Week '' Mr, and, Mrs, Dick •„Fisher °drier i'isiting near Be+ntniiler. REV, DR. HINCKS of T -r n 0 o to, who presented Temere case before the Evangelical Alliance at England. Nappy New Year To All. Diaries, 1013 Canadian Almanac, Blank Books Sunday School Helps Cooper . Co'y CLINTON r Two splendid Christmas sermons were given by the pastor on Sunday, At the evening' service "Mrs. Rayner pang .a solo very sweetly and the choir gave two anthems. The choir is WILLIS CHURCH. progressing very favorably indeed the Ne The members of the Girls' Club :in- under Prof. Bristowe's leadership. He World'stend goingto the House ofRefiee onisendeed to be congre a tulated• upon the Christ London, Monday Evening.mascxusic, • i FORTY-THIRD- ANNUAL STATEMENT OF The ' Royal -dank of Canada TO THE PUBLIC: - Deposite bearing interest Deposits not bearing interest Inteteet accrued on deposits........ , Deposits by other Banks in Canada Total .Deposits Notes of the Bank in Circulation LIABILITIES November 30, 1912 $100,668,864 59 56,058,812 94 749.739 56 .,.. 419,750 d8 $137,891,667 72 Balances due to `Banks in Foreign Countries.. ,. , .. , . , 12,524,415 00 Bilis. Payable (Acceptance by London Branch £431,113.3.10 "" ,17,15.84 ) 2,137,017 51 1'O THE'SHAREKOLDERB: $154,137,71855. Reserve Fund .. ... $ 11,560,000 00 Dividend No. ICI(at 12per cent,per annum 12''60, CO ) 31I,013 32 T'ormer Dividends Unclaimed 1,206 85 Balance of Profits carried forward 610,219 35 $1704i0,758 08 'Capital Paid-up ASSETS Gold and Silver Coin $ 5,204,904 32 Dominion Government: Notes 14,443,785 25 Deposit with Dominion Government for security on Note Circulation..,578,000 OD Notes of and Cheques on other Backe 9,760,273.06 Balances due from other Banks in Canada 122,482 32 Balances due from Agents in United Kingdom and Banks in Foreign 'Government 3.665,037 01 and Municipal securities 4 950,698 14 Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks 11,7I5,900 02 'Call and Short Loans on;Stocks and Bonds in Canada . 9,122,451 90 •CaJI and Snort Loans on Stocks and Bonds in, tioreign Oountv.ies . ,14,056,189 97 $ 73,428,78249 • i.oans td. Provincial Governments ' OwreatLoans and Dietcounts Sees rebate interest reserved.......... •... 828,87854 Overdue Debts (Loss provided or) yd 248,87 54 Bank Premises 520,791 6 20 6,520,791 08 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Acceptances under Commercial Lettere of Credit ..... £88,186.13.5. $ 179.210,758 OS PROFIT ANO TOSS ACCOUNT For the Eleven Months Ending 3oth November,,>toc2 By Balance, 80tbDecember, 1911 $ 401;480 56 Net Profits for Eleven Months ending 30th November, I912, after deduct- ing Charges of Management, Accrued _ Ituerest on Deposita, Full Provisioh for all Bad and ;Doubtful Debts and Rebate of Interest on tJnmatured Bills and General Bonus granted to the Staff : . new...... 5,503,812 90 $ 7,432.617 83 To Dividends Noe. 08, 99, 100 and 101, at 12 per cent. per annum 943,583 97 Officers Pension Fund 75,000 00Wri Written off Bank Premises Account 300,000 00' Transferred to Reserve Fund 5,503,812 60 Balance carried forward610,219 36 $ 7,482,617 83 RESERVE FUND Ely Balance at.Credit. 30th December, 1911 87,055,188 00 Premium on new Capital Stroh .., ..... 5,503,812 00 $ 12,500.000 00 Net Profits for the Eleven Months '.o 1912 the Average Paid a Capital, .88,080,716-19 19 per cent. a P W. B. TORRANOif, EDSON L. PEASE Chief Inspector. i . C;eneral Manager. i