HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-12-19, Page 8• , ,
• • ele.eteate Mealeopin.ettenecn.
VkinaYle.el`liesr000Ued. e,saiit,es.,
went eteneelielleexs (lethels !he 'elle'.
tfeg this sreileeeet Th. -tete; aim 'last
: lees !been 31.efer1e '0 MsteCtrete,
-andellare isesloWeie smell ireittMeY as,
,•toiisttS• a Pan et r P1.0 'Age
1enereasee OrPrine eef2), fheee the ma -
velar operetorgebtive 'riot 'Jeep, acted
•rbekr ' pr lee, en Moe ".1' ut thee • in el ee
•eeteindent o0.a" talneg aele
s-N:4111t4t o? , tem p, searY eirelene
'latencies "..0 do0( (that its SO Ord
• anaviaivah clo s es,. ariel 'tl. e at, -
a• tempt' to mete eoal lothe west by,
water' ecen'ees to an end, there will be,
plenty off Meal aveila)le i hi molt;
ed (4) ts„,e1 the hest. peliey pe the
• voinsuoier 19, to bay (be 1,.: te de-
livered), only one ton at e time, a
,panie wily making matters worse,
•and eolief Leine" quite withineight.
, The operators say that 'bey are
holding rioeidi r to their prices
• wieich they liave not advanced to
• dealers and do not theeetcl to do so,
Souse ' of elle so-called indep
ent :spins toes aye 1Ung ef el at a
oromium, but the reveller operators
claim tot to be r seponeible. far this,
'Which -there is s'onie • Iiea son, lo
deuet. ,There isi ,ot, bowever, row-
. -any great sear,•ile orf heed coal
' The reserves Imre xharueied by,
the potter; weather oe !mit emiag,
arid elie•suspension olf es'ork duri.eg
April and May eaimed a eh vaoth
productioal estitn ted air b:3 vs: , i)
ten • and -tSveltee e, eeei
tune operation, at the mins s has.
however, cembled th - ere to
make up sem 2'. toe 'the lees and
ehipments from Senuy 1. • to
• Oetober 1, 6' this year. show "a
• 'Item:Peer, of only 6,145,11e geene 05
eompared wit le , tee eau seseiefete for
elm • cee.respe nein, e; 1st' led eiee'll 1,
Titer° does not eeeeartCree'ane
•eoee tar the ere" oh e maPedie•te: '
thetre •at ,ithe deficit eft lea ' ,te,,Oesle
Imo. tone • tetemoal•eaeoffith les. n'e
It is less,' et s. 1- he 'oucesseeerg
sthan e one-third 'ttereleit ,eneesint,
• and a continuance- of. full tiro_ oper-
ations will .n6 clout". email entieelY
wipe• this
While navaaitron IisI.s ail the
• (mai possible witbe west ay ,ho
• great lakes. A le r rine the. wants.
,olf the east will receive, move atten-
•tion and ter' ouly dieficulty mute-
cipated isle no a erhortitge of ea, s,
ut 11 consumers buy or eare
• ered moderately as thew ncee,
, there dpea net sere» to be ae,y rea-
,s rot to leer femme priers f r mode
kcal this weister.,
Now it is MeAsured by 5a Simple
1,1ttle Instrument
raw people really understand how
join is measured. We often read in
Ore newspaper that so many inches of
eesin have fallen during a certain
period, but it ls difficult to realize
what an inch eof it actually means.
kabare are seyeral methods of measur,
rain by what are know, as
uges." The most skilful is a eon-
emivance with a funnel at the top,
prough which the water passes into
* cup -receiver. The weight of the
elein automatietely works a...pencil.
This marks on a sheet of paper wound
round a cylinder, and when it has
marked in this fashion two-tenths of
an Inch, the cup tilts Over and erap-
gee the contents. The pencil returns
ea its former position, and the same
efttle device is repeated lucessantly
suitil the rain ceasete to fall, whilst
the pencil continues to register on the
taper attee-thed.
i. Etexice Ismay's Retirement. e
London, Dee. 16. -The withdrawal
of J., Bruce smay from the manage-
ment o•f the"Whitee Sear Steaniship -Co:
has long been regarded here as mere-
ly a sweeten' of an Opportune tnoment.
In reply to a query as to his inten-
tions. Mrlemay' sent the followieg
meseage Saturday evening from Liver-
• pool:
•"I- cannot give any infermation at
• prise snt in regard to the published
statement of my intention to withdraw
from eee Whit: Star Lite.
L • -r ee, • me ....ism It n.
Klee --Tee smeee and
Leber , eu. c.1 'tee teem ae milve pert
in int. • ,e.,1. or 1 ....meows. levy wie
hair• i11 '.• .r .in
eeeee t • te elle, mid will Rem
put I., .m.e.Jetr" 2', r beam! ;2.1 edium.,
eon. •• • `met; ,a itemerelty'
earzea „
TUrOo-Balkan Peace Delegates
Arrive in London.
• eireeltish Secretary For Foreign -Affairs
• eWili Open What Promises To Be a
1. leeistoric Corielave-Balkan Repre-
sentatives Will Hasten Negotia-
tions -No Chance Given For
Delay Says Peace Delegate.
Landon, Dec, e6. -Dr. Daneff: head
of the Bolgarian plenipotentiaries, re-
turned to London from Paris late last
niglat and the historic peace confer-
ence is to ,open at 'noon to -day. Sir
Edward Grey, the British Secretary
for Foreign Affairs, will make a brief
speedb of welcome, and after express-
ing the. hope of a fruitful eild•of their
labore, he will retire and leaee the
eottlerenee to deliberate in private.
The sessione will be held in the
historic .8t, jaines Palace, where the
"picture gallery-" has been selected
05 the conference room: • It is a se-
cluded apartment and entirely shut
off from the noise ef the London
streets. •
The frequently avowed cletermination
• -of the Balkan states nob to allow en
• 'Ottoman policy of procraetination is
significant on account of the form
-which it has manifested. "The Turks
•are much neista,ken," said one of the
delegates, if they entertein such an
Idea, • Peace wile practically be gon-
e:laded between Cluistmas and New
rear's "atoned • thedeplomaeic table
in et. James' Palsece, or we will ire,
nose it in• Constantinople at Easter
,under the range of our cannon and
at the 'Point of out chaeneete• But
itlen'conditioaa will, be very different.
[Haw wea ere satisfied with, the minim
et 4 nereatendee
ta:*/ alarrOt(i.:".1'
• The mtehe • reorftlielons',.of •the
ineludes: the ereeiediete sneerenclermee"
Sentare,. AdriattePle and i anine, the
geerieons whiee; reteill, he. granted,'
Kefolleenilitate •Nemesia; the.. etreeteetinte
•kvgikafew,Eiirbp9 leyTurkey as', far
as Rest; Tehatelea ton eines wheeh ex -
:Teeter, 'isPpointed by the' ,eontesieting
.,eartiee Will delireit 'Me the pot;e' the
caegen te,yeereece ef" allethe,.Aegeen
e Aleneleereineludes Ithedee .tted ,elevee ,
. °there ,Which Italy 'ie.' keepiegeas a
• pledge, fees. Tuelcish fidillreene of stile,
treaty of Laueanne; the anneilition,
, of Crete to Greece aeld the payment Of ,
a war indemnity and, the expensee'
stietaided en accoant or the,Otternara
In retern theeallies will grant cern.
• plate amnesty to the lefuseulman-popu-
ration in the,territeries they annex,
far auy acts of, hostility during the
ware the, return of all prisoners; the
recognition of the spiritual sovereignty
:of the Suiten over Ottoman's beeenic
insabjects of the Balkan states;
'and the free • edmitii.stration by the .
111 ussulmans al 'theft pious kende in
else Balkans, •
The , Servian ex-Peernier &mien
'Novelsov itch, heaa of ,the •Servia,n
.plereipotentearies, intorrned the Asso-
Mated Press that be was satisfied an
agreeineetewoOld be ireaehed On the
questioneof Adelatireine, on -which.
Scrota and Austria 'are, ais swords' ,
poipts. ' •
Teritish, Successes •Copflereed.
Conetantieeple, Dee.IG-The reeorte„
'of Turkish victories near Janina re-
sulting in the deetructien of a Greek
.mountain battery, are officially con
Riethenian Bishop 'Arrives.
Toronto, Dee. 16,---BishoM Niceties,
Budka, who has just been orclai•ne'd
in his native country, Itathenia, as -
)rived in Toronto Saturday efeernoon
o the 4.40 international Limited from
nteeal. • r
The bishophas been appointed'
bisimp of • all the r Catholic Rutheen-
ianee or Greek Catholics of Canada;
and will hole jurisdiction over the
whole of Canada. He eemaitted Sat-
ureay night at the archbishop's. pal-
ace, and to -day continues his jour-
ney through to , Winnipeg, which city
is to be the eeat of bis see.•
The new bishop,speaks no English.,
Navigation Closing Late.
Sarnia, Dec. 16. -Navigation closing
this year, will be later that' usual, as
it will be several days yet before the
last vessel Makes her port. The big
grain fleet which left the leoo an Fri-
day passed down the river here on
Satur,day afternoon, tied anchored
above Detroit. The freighters School-,
craft and Conestoga,paeeed up on
their wayto the head el the lakes.
It is also' reported Butt three other
big boats will go, up.yet. The eteamer
Harvey passed down Satimiley after-
noon, after leaving her barge ground-
ed in Alpena Bay.
Ontario As A Field for The
• New Settler.*
Onferio is an inviting fielJ lor
irremigrant ef the right leied,
2ind Kis satisfaetory to knew that
enning the first' eleven months of
Jae piesent er • bate": 45.00) •er-
sons Settled in the nroVirace to raeke
it their home. Oeficere Of the im-
miemartion„ depertnlent at eorotto
eicimate that thee asumbe • et ill in-'
;rease to 75,00J in 1913 There is a
v irretY loe empl tem' nt tone found
here which: is not loand ie the West
Expert, inclustrioes and sober mes.
chime s will fine Ole demand 'or
Later. la !soy in eseeees A the . tee ety,
and eV( e the Unsteillea laborer is
in almoet in mover:lel reeuest
A g 10- urists„ if they Settee no
capital, will readily obtain m loye
ment by or enema es help, and if lime
ate iisuastsious and thrifts earl In a
few years ear enoueh 'stoney
either to rent or purchese Manna lif
!hey haveea tat they cr. se buy
I inns now, ,and by eppleang inten-
se' e farming witn which they are
imiliar can mos(' greater 'mulles
taa,n the average Crgario fanner is
new -doing. Thee there ie te. ruin-
og, area of Norte! Y.n Ontario with
winds to tempt the epirit 01 the ad-,
enturous, The great clay belts
also oefers opportunities tot calv-
ing homesteade out of elle 'forest
much easier than those whe came
from the old lane did 3 ears ago in
ceder .01ntario. Lem predacts of
Ontario are within easy reach of.
' -
All Her People Thought She Had
lolesiatie 9eqrasielnelee,dieel"
, ssseverePlate OretS9,!TeeeeetenalaOliel.0
eteieee'seeeergei seleei itenesieleefeite:Are
eattaelPelelt4t.r°'n•leily' the' Gielece,P.14
Dieaeier Narrowly Averied at Burial.
Elesherton, Dec. peocession
• of eaters and buggies one mile long
'and. ` extending Most ,or, 'the way lronV
Cleyloe Villageetne-Flesthetten evas the
Mostabloquent obese of the patting
tribute of „res-pectl paid , by :the burs'
.rpupdiflg cornmiuity,YeeeerdaY afters
• leioljoto, the meroore of the atie Mee,
,Hannali Lucille , Levee , who, it is
charged, was raerelered by• her hu -
band' last ,Moriclae Hunelrede''
•, of peetele, frenCeast,eWeet, .eorth gad
erode assembled id i Ceylon' to view the
. remains of deceased.. end to ,alleend the
servieeehele in the little Orange MA
on ide hill. • While 'relatfv.es and., frierfde by
tears and verde', of respect -expressed
sYlnpathy with the bereaved ones, the
husband, Henry Lave, who iemeargeece.
Watts cutting, eff 1 osefel mice happy
life, lang,uished id the eounte'jail alt
• °Wen Soued 11Waiting US' anal. lie
• ,pleaded to be, allowed to attend the
-Obsequies of his wife, and op Friday
night Provincial elespectoe Reburn
,and High Constable, Cook arranged
with Crewe Atte:alley John ....Arm-
strong of ()Wen . Sound to let ,Love
Twain in Ceylon over eunday far the
inquest th-day, but on Saturday morn-
' ine the .crown saftenney changed his
mind Mot ordered that leave be taken
• immediately to tee' jail in Owen
Soured. High Ceiisteble Cook accord-
• ingly took Love ete Owen &end 071
the noon 'trent Saturday.
Another tragedy was narrowly
averted during. the service in the
Orange Hall yesterday afternoon. The
building is an old one and the floor
is -shaky. Shoetly after the corpse
had been carried in and deposited on
the platform at the front scores of
people crowded into the hall. All the
seating space was occupied. Sudden-
ly the floor at the back of the hall
commenced to sag under the unusual
strain. Two or three ,women rushed
for the door and this started the rest.
minor punie seized all those inside,
and a wild rush was made for the
door, "Sit down, there is nothing
wrong," many men shouted to quiet
the excited women. Order was restor-
ed and the service went nn.
• Love Shows No Anxiety.
Owen Sound, Dee. 16. -Henry Love
of Flesherton, who was arrested on
Friday evening for the murder of hie
wife, Hannah Lucille Love, on Mon-
day 'night, was brought to the county
jail here Saturday by High Constable
Cook of Flesherton, who arneeted
According to Constable Cook, Love
betrayed no anxiety on Ws_ imrese,
b,eyond a few lic-re War& at tile --71-07
feent he was taken into custody. lee
quickly realized the futility of moteet
and since then has maintained an en -
pas -sive stolidity, talking little and
smoking incessantly as the opportun-
ity ha e been afforded him. •
Mrs. Wm. Martin, Lower Ship Harbor
East, N.S.,^writes:-"I am sending you
testimonial of my nate by Die Woode.
Norway Pine Syrup. Last May I took
a celd, and it settled on my tangs, I got
SO bad / could not rest al, night, 1114
two doctors to treatme but got no relief.,
!esefi of my • people thought I had
Consumption, I had fallen away to a
shadow. , I had given up all hopes of
ever getting better again until my•datigh-
ter went to a store one day and bought
me a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup, After taking half of it I felt
better, so I got two mare, and thanks to
them I ara well to -clay, and able to do
my house work. • I cannot say too much
in its posise, and I ehall always keep it in
the houae." •
Dr. Wool's' Norway Pine eyrup con-
tainee all the lunmhealing virtues of the.
famous Norway Pine tree which makes it
the very beet .peeperation foe Coughs,
Colds end all Throat end Lung Tiotiblee,
• eee that you get i'Dr, Woodese when
you sele for it. There are Many enaitac
tidnenn the market. •
" P iee ad 50 cente
1., See that the nettle, The T. Milburn
co, Limited, Won the yellow Wrapper.
Three Killed; Eight Hurt.
Perth Amboy, N.J., Dec, 16e -Three
persons were killed and eight injured,
several eprobably mortally, when an
e,xpeese train known as the Atlantic
City Flyer on the New 1Iereey Central
Railroad rem into an autemobile stage
at a grade •cross•ing between Rooeevelt
d this city Saturday.,
. The Automobile, a closed Machine
resembling' e Motley car; mind/led 13,
permits,. There is no gate at the
crossing. The train, running ne en
eetimated speed of 60 milesan hour,
hurled the stage , and ite occupants
a distance of sixty feet. The dead:
Mee), Thornton, 11 years of flee;
'Daniel Theretee, jr., eiget yeme old;
met an outdo-Mit...el women.
The ohildren w, nee killed instantly.
Thole -bodies ware amnd in the wreck-
age. The woman died shortiy after
the itecident.
North Toronto Absorbed.
Toronto, Dee. 16. --There es no fores-
ee a town of Nerth Towhee Wine le`ie
etelkine of Big Ben and the shriekteet
of Um weistem n the town': ole imps
ing stetion at neettight, tlic u eibitione
municipaliey bee ler.ng an the city ;ths
sieved its, ideldity and lemame the
moth mid of Toronto. The taki• ne
effeet of the order of tee Ontario 1)11.
02)' Been] we duty celebrated .by n
baoquet the town' hall, at whicb
tits mnyer and councillors were !mete,
The function elso bad an official jeer
penance, for during the epeech-Mak-
eg which followed the dinner, Meyer
Brown handed over to Mayor Hoeint!
e gold key to the old town's treasury.
While all was incresemalcine within,
moneter bonfire in front of*the teevn,
hell attracted a large erased, who in-
dulged in the time-houored form of
celebration. ,
Sir dames Is Home.
Teronto, Dec. 16.--A1the an exceed-
iegly rough voyage, Sir James Whit-
ney and Hon. Dr, Pyne arrived in
Toronto yesterday, from England,
wbere they home spent the past month,
and where they had 'an opportunityof
observing the spirit in which Premier
Borden' e naval policy was reoeiyed.
According to'Sir James the $35,000,-
000 contribution meets with the ap-
probetion cif the bulk of the British
people, They understood, however,
that tees appropriation was in the
nature °Lan emergeney contribution,
and that 'Canada, will follow this up
with a perenanent naval policy.
• As Sir Jedeles'left London two daes
after Premier Borden made his Playa!
aan;ns.outicement he was unable to say
how the people in England regarded
Sir 'Wilfrid Laurier's counter propos-
Sarnia May Take Hydro.
Sarnia:, Dec. 16. -The local coancil
is looking, into Hydro -electric power,
Witt,' a 'view to haying this city sup-
plied \\rifle tee euerent from the Falls.
The mattes' Was taken tip receaatly and
bee been receiving ,Much ,fcterorehle
ecimment here. , • r,
Last spring -the town. tr1ed lo force
the pewee 'company to Sell out, but
coulci not eneeeede ,although; the min-
• ter was taken Into emelt. At present
the mower company ie building a new
$150,000 plant. Should the power be
bre-tight here the town no doubt would
nse a vere large amount; wield' oould
be 'reseed to the Grand Trunk 11runne1
Co,, the Imperial Oil and teeny other
• - .,••• ee •,•,- • e • ,
11,! r.REPORT
lei‘ee'eP991 :Wheat _Futures Gleee Hige(e'
r, "Chicago Lower --Live Shade!
e -The L.atest QUotations. ,
CHICA GO, Den, .1 4. -.A.Sbetit pits the
• the peace , eutepols had• unereyea
etentebt abut coneidereble of
velaeat today in the jest hot'. As a.re.
suit the ,market closed .heavY, 1-4e to
• 3-8e' under last orget. Cern and °ate
teeth showed a lose of 1-80 to' 1-4e net
In provisionS the outcome vartea from
1-ec decline to an -advance of 6c.
The Liverpool market cloSed %el to tiitct,
-,higher on weeat -end, nneha.nged 10 •
,10Wer on corn, Berlin wheat closed, e
Itageer,• A xi twerp Unchanged. •
• Open.I-flgh.LOw.Close.Close
• Dec, 8001' 85% /OA 20s ••••'
„110.y 24% Seek ,841/4 84b
• 3514 3541 '35v 351 b
May 331/4 331s 331/4
33 b .
• Toronto Grain IVIeeket,
Wheat, new, buret et, .90 93 to, ,
Wheat, goose, bushel,. 0 90 • ' 0 92
'• 'Oats, bishel 0 4 0 41
Baeley, bushel 0 65 0 '18. ,
• Buckwheat, bu'slicil 0 ee mt.
:Toronto Dairy Market.
• Butter. •erefumlb, rens. 0 32. 0 33
Butter, creamery, solids, 0 30 • (1 31
R, utter Separator dairy. 0 28 < 0 30
Butter, store lots .... . . . 12 24 ' 0 25
Eggs, new -laid . 4 ... 50 •
Eggs, cold storage, doz. 5 28 • (> 211
• Cheese, new. lb 0 14* 11 0 16
I-Ioney, extracted, b t 12
BoneY, ediabs, (Mein 2 75 3 00
, Winnipeg Grain Market.
WINNIPEG, Der. 14.-A fair , volume
was transacted grain optioni 51 steady
Prices. The opening was 1,/se to 140 high-
er, but later weakened and closed
down, Cash don -lona was good. Export -
Ors were btlying to complete shipments.
Oats and flax steady, Ittmections
dat' were 721 Corel in sight were 800.
Cash grain 2 Wheat -Ne. 1 northern,
790422; Ng. 2 do., 1600; No. 3, 73%oi. No, 4,
671/2c; No. 5, 69e; No, 6, 52e; feed, 4502 No.
1 rejected seeds„ 7051 No. 2 do., 6802 No.
3 50., 65e; No. 1 tough, 72c; No, 2 do.,
70c; No. 3 do., 665; No. 1 red winter, 79%c;
No. 2 do., 7604e; INo. 3 do., 72;1.M.
• Oats -No, 2 C.W., 33e; No, 3 do., 29110;
extra No. 1 feed, 31c; No. 1 toed,, 291/20;
No. 2 teed, 2.7c.
Barley -NO, 3, 461,4e; No, 4, 42c; re1eet-
ed, 40c; feed, 39e.
Flax -No. 1.N.W.C, 51.05; No. 2 C.W.,
$1.03; No. 3 C.W, 85, .
Montreal Grain and Produce.
• ItIONTPtEAL, Dec. 14, -The demand
from foreign buyers for Manitoba spring
'wheat Was good et a further advance in
prices of 3d, and sotue business was work-
ed. Owing to the more liberal offeringa
of malting barley, far which the demand
Is somewhat limited at present, a weakar
feeling has developed in the market, and
Arleen are 2c lower,. Oats quiet and
• steady.- Buckwheat firmer, MOW' steadY
under a fair detnand. MIlifeed 19 fairly
active. Butter steady, but demand dia-
appoirtirsg. Receipts for week, 4209,
against 4231 a year ago. Cheese firmer
and higher, owing to increased demand.
Receipts for week, 11378 boxes, againat 1684
a year ago. Eggs firm. Receipts for
week, 1353 eases, against 2243 a year ago,
Stocks Wheat, 676,952; corn, 1502; oats,
1,519,9802 barley, 42,566; buckwheat, 6190;
flax, 41,290; flour, 121,257.
Cor1-_4wer1oazi, No. 2 yellow, 700 to 71c.
el -Me -Canadian 'Western, No: 2, 43c to
431/2c; extra No. 1 feed, 42c to 421/2c; No.
2 local white, 41e; No, 3 local white, 400;
No. 4 local white, 39e.
Barley-Atanitoba feed, 61c to 62c; malt-
ing, Ile to 78c.
Suckwheat-No. 2, 57c to 60e.
Flour -Manitoba Spring wheat patents,
firsts, $5,40; seconds, 54.90; strong bak-
ers', 54.70; winter patents, choice, 55.35;
straight rollers, 54.96 to $5; do., bags,
52.35 4o 52.40.
Rolled oats -Barrels, 54.60; bags, 90 lbs.,
Milifeed--Bran, 521; shorts, 555; mid-
dlings, 528 to 535; mouinie, 520 to 525.
Hay -No. 2, per ton, car lots. 51340 to
Cheeee-Elnest westerns, 12%c to 13140;
finest easterns, 111kc to -1214c.
Butter -Choicest creamery, 3014e to
801/2c; seConds, 27e to 28e. ,
Hggs-Fresh, 55c to 60; selected, &lc
to 32e; No. 2 stock, 21c to 22c.
Potatoes -Per' bag, car lots, 75c to 90e.
Dressed hogs-.Abatteir killed, 51225 to
512.50; country, 511,50 to 512.26.
Pork-Ileavy Canada short out mess,
barrels, 36 to 45 pleces,.525; Canada abort
cut backs, barrels, 45 to 55 pieces, 52.9.
Dard--Compound tierces, 375 lbs., $9,50;
wood palls, 20 lbs. net, 510; pure tierces,
375 lbs. 514.75; pure, wood pails, 20 the.
net, 515:26. ,
Minneapolis Grain Market.
mmaticAPotos, Dec, 14.-Glose--Wheat
-December, 7974c; May, seem July, 86,4c
to 8645e; No. 1 hard, 8274e; No. 1 north-
ern, 81c to 82110; N2,2 do., 79e to 8024c;
No. 2 hard Montanai, $074e.
Corn -No. 3 yellow,. 42c.
Oats -No, 3 white, 3074c to 211/2e.
Rye -No. 2, 03e to 5701
Flour-:51rst patents, $4.53 to 54.35; sec-
ond patents, 53.90 to 54,15, first clears,
5240 to 53,20; second dears, $2.10 to 52.40.
Duluth Grain Market,
DULITTIL Dec. 14. -Close -Wheat --No.
1 hard 8.256c; No.. 1 nOrthern, 31.74c; No, 2
northern, 79140; December, avec; May,
Cast Buffalo Cattle Market,
EAST SOFEALO, Dec. 14,-Cattle--fte-
scants 260 head' steady.
Veals-Receipts, 100 head; active and
511 lower, at 54 to $11.50.
Ilogs-Rocerpts, 8000 head; active and
Se to me lowee; heavy and, inixed, $7.55
to. 57.60; yorkers, 57.26 to 5760; plgs,
57.10 to 3,7.25; roughs. 50.70 to le SO; stags,
56 to $6.50; dairies, 57.15 to 51.55.
Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 7000 head;
sheep, &salve; yearlings, 26.3 lower; lambs,
513111(7s,,ansd6 1500 51775e1.; NIvaemthb:r 5 10 t5o 5t5o; YI5e,Y5-;
eeves, 52.60 to 54.75; sheep, mixed, $3
110 115.
Chicago Live Stock.
• cencAoro, Dec. 14.-Cadle-Recelpts,
700; market dull; beeveS, 55.56 to ela.
Texas steers, $4.40 to 0.65; western steers,
55,25 to 55.50; stockers and Seeders, $4.40
10 57.001 cows antl heifers, 52.35 to $7.85;
calves, 57 to 510,15.
liiogs--Receipts, 8000; market steady;
light, 57 to $7,35; mixed, 57.05 to 57.45;
heavy, 57 to47.45; rough, 57 to 57.15; pigs,
55 to $7; bulk or sales, $7.20 to 57.40.
sheep onct Litiebs--RetetPts, 1000; mar-
ket strong; native, $4.25 to 56.25; Western,
54.30 to 0.25; yearlingS, 55.75 to 57.15;
lambs, native, Oa to 55.60; WeStern,
se:S0 lo $8.60.
• 1-Iverpool Catille Market.
eaviec000te, Dee. 14 -John Rogere" &
Co. cable that with the reopening of tiae
Irish ports, there tv,ais a fair supply of,
tattle at lahlenheaa today, and prices,
were reduced front last week's high,
sigma Teday's quotations may be glace,
SS 121/2c to 131/2u per m. ren „Irish. &zero,
• Roasted' To Death.
Niagara Ifalle, N.Y., 'Dec. 16.---F111-
t0wnie a rear -end 0011isiOn betWeen
ao incensing freight , train awe: a
eletheleig treigst nein m the yards of
the New Yore Central Railroad in this
city Saturday, Henry A. Groner and
Petrick H. Thornton, both of Sera.
use, we've burned to death.
The meet were immesooect in the
debeis eticl ' were slowly roasted to
death deaito•the efforts ef tido train
crew to i-i-ecue them, •A. locomotive
and eight ettre Were demolished.
rObildrefl Cry
i,-,a,P to,g ot ,aviatiryri...tk,ie4t:
1,.0p, oao,ti
t ox.,f, j . 13 it: two ii,milv.•5i, 0:8,iraid
' MT '2I- ,
"deleetete 'the;
lice.,'of",' bli • ' 1 ' t , x , en
3 Itt he er 941RIlaa Onhe l'i' '4° ' ". 0lop
;,lif ' .41:::„."'"e4Y1:',..,"'l le.el,"' i*amtiplitiekt; '
!,ing.4 flight from; e e,ree
l',', leeeileveer,,ke; Alice eiter:eaSle cl. 4
grouedeeto Oxford', .cameeeiewn With'
, is mesh on the,',\Veleableyegole. couese
1°•L4teidildt4.,CrPrialliltteerkiivcief)el'IOne of,t1I'M leading':
eviatore en tee Met aro' nianeseuvres.
elle eeeeieed.bia eicense in a pail/1011,
at eBrocalelande; ' e .
• •
Churchill areinehCtgeatLeedrdae,..
Temdono Dee, 16. -When Winetwi
SPerieer"Chinchill took cohtrol of the
.Admiralty as 'TWA Laid there vea
ethech epeculation ao te how e Mhos.
ter. of hie' enterprising and pugnaelone
eteniperament would work with the
Sea L,mols, 'eh() eave been eceuetamed. '
to donne/1M in profeseiona metters,'
Theomesignation of 'the First Sea
I,ord; lee -Ad In ire re tic is '
• '13eidge57are wimps Princemenuis of
tattenberg succeeds, ie folletved by
rum'or2; that all the "Seeeleircle here
threatened to ' resign new, •
The squeetipn 'of veraeity between
the First I,ord of 'the Adnundte and
'Vice-Admleel Brielgeman web 'elms
e2i0e11, has 'created a eensaticre 'Mr.
rChurelthe peessee by Loud Charles
Bereeford in the House ef Conimens
for an, explanation, declared 'thet
Vjne-Admiral Blidgenum'e retireMent
-ems dee solely to- his :health and on
Mie Churchill 11 inquest, • '
The viee-edmirals asked be a r-0-
pinto.'if ;he hod retired on aecaunt
of his heelth, implied, "My answer ee
in the negatevee
The friction is believed to beve been
begun. by Mr. Churchill insisting sm-
ell directing, thee details •of the last
meailneLeotpcilos against:the nevi ce ef the
• Tbere" is eonsidereble opposition to
Prince Louis c feattenberg holding
the highest positioh in the nave, on
the same grounds that the army long
oppoeed the Duke of Cambridge ehav-
ing the highest command, namely,
that it was given to him because he
\vas a membet of the royal family,
instead of for profdesional compet-
The ead ng .41C1M1 rale urequestionab ly
First Dud of the Admiralty and
are antagonistic. Some Liberals even
express fear that the efficacy of the
navy may be jeopardized on this ae-
Henri Bourassa Roundly Scores • Both
Naval Policies. •
• Monteeal, ' Dec. 16. -"Sir Wilfrid
Laurier wishes at all costs to add to
,Mr. 'Borden's tribute of gold that of
blood," says Henri Bourassa, the Na-
tionalist leader, in the course of an
article in Is Dev,oir Saturday, 'in
which he unmercifully flays the naval
propoeals of both the •leadges 04 the
Government and the Opposition':
Mr. Beurteasa says Sir Wilfrid Lau-
rier desires to 1111 the three dread-
noughts Mn. Bordeee wade built with
a hiiiiiTitMile, food for guns.
Later on he says both policies are
fatal, humiliating and pernicious. Sir
Wilfrid's proposals are equally as ri-
diculous as those of erfr. Borden, for
the leader of the Opposition stande
up in the House and tells the repre-
sentations of the people that their
.81113)0 shall be built, manned and offi-
cered by Canadians, when he knowe
full well that even now it is impossible
for the Niobe or the Rainbow to se-
cure sufficient complements of mee.
Summing up his reinarks, Mr. Bon-
easea, says;
'The shy is clearing and the num-
bar increases rapidly in all the pro-
vinces of holiest people, faithful' te
the true tradition of their respective
parties and careful oi their nia,nly
dignity's 'who realize the humiliating
relee which are being prayed by the
exploiters who guide the destinies ot
the two parties. To all, as to Sir Wil-
frid Laurier and Mr. Borden, to all
Liberals and Conservatives, we say
now as in the past:
"You have no right to vote the pro-,
[mead naval laws without first con-
sulting the.people."
Diseases of the nervous seatem are
very common. All the organs of the
body may be sound while the nervous
system la all upset, on account of the
troubles' and worry which fell to the lot
of one who has to look after the troubles .
ineident to housekeeping, and when the
nerves becotree unstrung the lama, is also
In Milburn's Heart and Neeve Pills is
eambleed a treatment that well cure all
forms of nervous disorder as well as act
on the heart itself, and for thee reaeon we
would highly recommend them to all
run down women. '
Mrse' Wm. Smith, Terra teova Ont.,
writes.. --"I wish to tell yomehae 1 have
used Milburn's Hesirt and Nerve Pills.
I Was. SO nervous I could haally let any-
one talk to me until a neighleour told Ina
to nee your Milburn's Heaut and Nerve
Pills.. I got three boxes,, and did not
have,to get any more as they eompletely
cured ray nervous system/ -
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
for sale at all dealers, oroaailed direct on
receipt of price, 50 centemer box, 3 boxee
fon 31.25. .
Tee T. Milburn 'Comeltiesited, Toronto,,
Omet. • ,
District News.
Miss 'Roadhouse who for 11 e. vase
mine years, has been teaceer :al :kg
jimior daperenten7 of the public
st (.10°1 realwiele, hes vosigneci Her
place labeing 111' ce be, Me ;a Case,
of lemegannon, lobo wift cornemnce
bee duties atethe beetinnine of the
• The, trustees of S .S. Nog have
purehased sin aere a4 a quo' ter of'
Wird from. S. Strong and a hall acre
"rem R.Iferdileg to add tothe PlaY
geriunel, 'Whorl ihat I1es eed and
improved No. 6 7111 ve not only
gcod play groul.d, but a emote to-
oggain elide ae well,'
'I Ise help° of Mr. ami Mre .,Toseph
'Stalker, Maple., Stele/jug"; ;mu was
Stabeeete.'eauelbtrey Sekeer
, 1 •,
t eleecter
• :
Student a. s'ks.;:ted0.-t4o.p6o4spiti'Go4eS. College
, , LON.elseeN, eaN'e's r.
te Seesiose from Sept. 3rd. :Catalogue,
.feee, Enter aiiy time.
J.We Westerveltr J. W. Westervelt, it,
. 'principal e 26V- f,cii.arvtilirce_dprinAccciorsualtant,
he 'seen* of it very lrpiett y v edding
en Dee, 4th ,a'. teeeever • .o'clock,r
when their oeleeereleteghtee -1,ae11a
R was united' in. marie.gelo Dr,
eta rt, r• Home Coo e. ef Frtendsbip,'
N. Yee' 3
3: Local News.
cool/104e • 'has now go tievey
032,0040'0e 'mostly to esleational
,etitultions, The &Ilea 'Craig l'anner
enegeststhat ele „next talee
the, forth' of is hall to pee. news.,
,paper teems for peo is vino
ercloiet eeme, these able to afem d to
Cheep, in ile World.
r 0
The faintly vemedii for . Coughs anci Colds
"Shiloh costs so little and, does so.mucIii"
'-0 WN CLOCK CU t Nee,
• Mayor Spotter] is in ems! Abr. a
totter corn Jas, Bowman M is , 'stat-
ing (hat the Clo -lc ler r?he 1 !we of
Wingham poseonice has reacned
Motattreel fron. England The maycn"
ininks changes ale nermssarY iti he
tcwer to allow tee Mock to ee seen
11.11..easeDepchaealinmget!"9).is willing. 31 nasket
v onder of E L 'Sete i$ asleep os -
lo the rumor that he is ti )'in g for
a rseat irts the Semite 20 that at the
reedestrihntion ,step idand
Messrs. BoWerain am! Meener can
I ave Huron Cceinty Co fight over
Clinton would hem a clock to the
postoefice tower.
Children Ory
And they tell; of nn open v tater.
• Do you tealiz a it. Coristenas,
one weekfrom next Wednesday.
Which would you ,sooner hive for
haisend gift, aettil key or a ion of
ccai? hotel - be ab ut the
same price this Chistenite.
When see ding notice of elle lige of
;address'subscribers will 0105./5e
geve,,boeh their new and their old
ddresses. This, will iten,e incon-
venience and le mere ponrot at -
ea Li on. ,
The Provincial Poard of Health
Ime issued inetrue !Pions te Si-
t. !Ern s that al! ca see ce n. • asles
whooping cough and mumps mast
be quartin'Teed RS ard'seat let fee el'
;led other clieeases. PhYsicians and
nurses flume report in e caws.
!irOufria :nue' id placarded end
el-i'dren kept at hon.e. Teas is a
new regulation
Dr. de Van's Female Pills
A reliable French regulator; novel' fails. These
pills, are exceedingly powerful M regulating the
generative portion of the female system. Refuse
all cheap imitations. Dr. de Vaiiin tire sold at
58a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address.
The Seobell Drug Co,. St. Catharines, Ont.
Editor J'em es, of the Bow manville
Statesman whese in'terests in the
yoong people is well knee's', gives
them this ber of goed edvice;
''Boys' and gel., Ineg oven eve are
nere aggin. Is 'thee a an am-
bitiolt 10 701 to be somebody of at
le ,s1 ordenny import thee Nature
and heredity in ty lhne Mem ed
You, but your ofture is Lergely-witat
s yormself make ie As Una ism.'
royal road to learcene! or edema:lion
7021 have to eteuggle, pest, and
, °Minuet to neree s ere DS all ether
educated peep' have clehe. Gee
e winter ev ono 'gs .te-t some good
imposenot in profitless permed re
ea Sting SenSatinniti hteatuee nut
developing?: your mine awe .s.lorenge
it with useful owledge 'thee will
evalile you to •eloov a Ctee he ante
tc !melee your life a blessing to you -
;mit ante you., fellows. tile of
insole] service is elle best poesible,
"We Be assureed of this lac, Vain
sight now hoev ye et can hest el ,lieee
your !spare houree etween toaw and
next poring." ,
quickly stops coupes, cures colds, and healr
the throat and hangs. 2: 32 229 math.
sleEleisera NOTES.
, •
Je lee le . Huron - Qu -0) Tile
treetees of a runt sehoo, sedtion
deckled to Snake repairs to the
school premises '111sey evis.hed id
s Overlie° for et n but on the
acleice ef the eee •etary they agreed'
to.let .the work by private rntnteid
eteeeee eves give,) Ise the son of bele
seceeterere who is under 210 Is
tee t i11 a elee dan Itt 1V 1 tat the Publie
Schoo Act? r
sPieletic Spent 1.$.. Act
2.1175 ; A trustee, shell not enter
;nil) any contract, agrodlI.i nt,
gilt (intent, or prom s a 01 (1,' in hie
ewe nein ebein the name 5,1 1215 11,ee
'al which he leas aeY Pm:mot ery in-
ere,s t • profile 0 i.eXpected lleteelet,
'Id the board of which he ls a
te mu, er erste he must ',eat 1,a v ny
emoniary claim acme, 50 15 eonteact
eceiee , ccmrte21iatiOrt 51' PA td
0(111 for( any w enosgement,
enoloenne,n; or .1114, 3210 every
51; ClI e ontract, a ereerneeet, engaee-
• ment promise' shall be nue med.
Alas true.: .e etiolating any of
these provisieme s met ipso lecto
re ate bis seat, eee, 1ctC e 11501
'else Public Soho els AM: of 1.909. Any
'two ratepayers 1) 01)' make a
. at, ec rthe co Ly ledge, end on
Proof 04 40 fee's? the jude e may
due:ere the! eel' yetant
But 'the Ise ,tion (trete:et' says;
No•neng 10 11110 see:tiart eieall p10-
151111 a trustee from receive. FL p5)'-
120 05000 ,e0r, aotiog a e o 11 et. t or of
lechool rotes, or trete actin s,' ae
relmay trette. tr., ve" ploy; beti thqe.
, , 'teleff ere, e
,roniale:leaereien0 '01014 -re, „leraYeeeii .
41,111Ye", 0.4leefeeld .,neehasesoquee,e,
.ela.leheeseas'e:seiefee)aielbeele, you,. ,seyethe
n, t tharereeee'.ge 'diet -The; work,. ,
tete iesPerlselke ' net 'lee.. on' 'the
la .1 let letter efte eel' .Prohibseit'n: Lek
.11. seems torbe wetnen Its. Spirit, .The
emmeleey eheaued net have eocted.
emoneeeet r for Atte sees, and eliould
not fhata peranitted lt „even 'le oesee,e
edetne,olicted,t rr
Jealous armee Then Turned
Gun Upon Himself,
As ',a Result of What He Believed
Where Undue Attentions Paid To •
His Eighteen -Year -Old Wife By a
Neighbor, Edward Wellman
Shot,Her as She Lay Sick In.
. Bed -.He Dies Instantly.
lefarradra, Dee. le.-DtiVen desper-
ate:,supeessedly by Seelousy, Edward
D. Wellman, aged, 36, a farmer of
Rawdola Township, Hastings County,
probably fatally emended his wife and
then killed bimeelf with a shotgun,
late Saterday afternoon. The scenee
of tem shooting is a few miles south:
of the village. - •
Mrs, Wellman., who is about 20,
yeare the junior of hex bueband, was; .
lying, 111 in bed, and her mother, who;
had. been nursing bee, was in the barn'
when the tragedy was enacted.
• Wellman' had (hiring the cley bor-
rowed a 'shotgun from a n a
0T on,
the pretext that he wished tee° shoot,
veeaselse' At 4.30 p.m. be event into,
the bedroren -when his wife lay and
d,eliberatele- shot her. in the back of
ehe head. The shots destroyed one of
her eyes; tore away a portion of the
roof of the mouth, and broke several' -
of her teeth, Her injuries are such
tbae there are but slight hopes, if
any, for ber recovery.
Believing be bad killed his wife,
Wellman went upstairs, reloaded the
gun, and ate]: tying a .string to the
trigger fastened the string' armed his
foot. He .then placed the gun beneath'
ehis chin and pulled the trigger, with
the result that his head was partly
blown off. Death was instantaneous,
'Wellman had been acting strangely
for 'some weeks, While one rumored
cause of the tragedy had to do with
differences aver property -rights, it is
generally understood that Wellman
fancied undue attentions had been
paid hie wife by a farmer of the
Dr. Algers of Stirling was ealled,
and Mrs. Welin)an, while conscious
for a brief period, outlined to him
some facts of the occurrence. The
affair has greatly disturbed the neigh-
An etiquest will be held, which is
expected to throw light on the cause.
The British railway strike has been
brought to a peaceful conclueion,
Mrs. George Mason, aged 60, was
fatally hurt by stepping off a moving
street eat in London,
Mrs. Bridget Hackett, Essex street,
Toronto, was serioosly fanned while
filling a lighted lanap yesterday.
The Red Star steamship Kroonland
was unable to land her passengers at
Dover, Eng., yesterday, owing to the
The steamer Royal George arrived
at Halifax' from -Quebec,. lit is not de-
eided yet whether she wile go into the
The geocery store of Vie, R.. Andrews,
63 Henry street, St. Catharines, wae
broken into early Saturday morning
and 0140 in casb -taken.
Refer the 10-year-eld daughter of
Fred. Harris, 18.3 York, street, Hamil-
ton, had hee hip broleen by a stove
falling en her Saturday.
The Antarctic steamer Terre Nova
sailed' from Christchurch, Nee, Sat-
urday t0 the relief el Captain F.
Scott's Antarctic expedition,
Mrs. Edith Richmond of 6 Pape
avenue, Toronto, was found, deadin
her roma Saturday. Mac. Richmond
had been sentenced on Friday to six
months' imprisonment for neglecting:
her child:Lien,
The Canada Labor Gazette.givesethe
information that wholesale, prinee
rose approximately one point in Nee
vember, standing at 134.3, as compete
ed with 133.1 in October and 1294 in.
November, MIL
Freight Teethe Celliee.
arvie, Ont., Dec. 16. -Two freight
traine collided on the G.T.R.-Wabash.
line, two miles w,est of Welles (einem,
Halclimand County, at one o'cloek. on.
Saturday morning, resulting in, the
death of ogre man, Fireman L. leeelem
and, enjuries to eight others,
I.oeke was a young man and leavee
a widow. He mime from, St. Thomas.
The injured men are: F,ngincere, H.
Hexiand, bruised, aid Jas. A. Black,
nose eut, ankle and. knee spreined.
Wan Saxon, fireman, shoulder dis-
'melted, Walthr. Megueee, brakeinan,
scalded and bruised. 8, P. Dougalds
leruiseel. All, orSe. Thome, Pe Mar-
ehall, brakemem Conductor, Known,
shoulder disloeated. Both, aam bean
Loire's beefy could not ito taken
from the weeckage fee sev,eeel 11011r$,
aid the teeck WitS bloeked over
twelve house, it being emiessaey to
send 'Wabash and G.T.R. freighk
trains oem: the Michemee Centre),
Strike Seattliernent.
Ottawa, Deo. 16.--DetiailS hove UnSc
receiv,ed at. Oteneve ee the tams oe
settleatent arrived eft by the striking,
lvestcto reachiniste of the G.T.P. lute
Preeident E. J, Chambeelin at tha
meeting held is Mmetreal en Friday
loese aid wince will Mow cleat the
nay ler the opettiegt el the Tramscuna
'The compene agrees to retest:tee ad
hrdpapylys. for 'manatee again
For the prezent the existihe rate of
pay and rules will prevail, This is
now 45 cents per hour ior Rivers :Ind
east oi Rivers, and 471-3 eents an
limn west of Rive:es.
leluse-Strerigthen Cee -men Army. •
Berlin, Dee, 16. -The Nordeleutsehe
Allgemeine Zeitung intimates semi.
officially that a further strengthening
of the Cleanser' army is inevitable in
vine ef etteere atter'? al 3ito503iqn‘...