HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-12-19, Page 1„,.
Establi.shedi 1865, Vol., 47; No. 25
CLINTON ONTARIO THURSDAY DECEMBER 10 1912 1Cerr & son, Ed' id Publishers
he NW ERA WishesAH is Rea4ers
'DOY 'NVANI'El). . • -...
THE i IspCil 3 ti
.., . .A.:t Nese Era Ofe to leerpr-ilit- ii 11
, 1 lig trade. Good AvIlEes an I pros- . - ,
o al., a 1.„i. ,(,s s or •iiigi) DO cl?. &Ls” ph
Bread ()farina Montreal
- .
Capital Authorvzed . .
• " Capital Pad -up ...es.!" and nuclividad
pietite . 12,500,000
TCTAL ASSETS 175,000,000
With world wide connectiose
interest allowed on Deposite
'General Pankiaag .businese Ittrianis-
. acted.
R.. E. MANNINO, Mgr.
Christm EtS
Early ehopi ers got the best
choice We'.,,f.. received our
Christmas Goods Larger and
botter assortment than ever,
Eb`ony Goods Hams Fags,
Perfumes Pei fume Atomieers
Manicure kr imies, Tithe& and
Manicure Sots, ,Gillete and
Cigars, Eastnaan emotes,
•Fountain Fens, Etc,, Etc.
Yee'llFie lit Pays to 1t uy
,.... Your Churismas GiftS iiere
J. 110Nr141-le
Dispensing Chemist.
ic school education
Winter Terni From San, 2nd
Caned Hi gh-Cla.:s C.ore erci al
Schoole Highly recommended'. ley
iormer students. -Marinates in
b ;rang demand 'Write .for r ew
Catalogue. • '
New Raisins
New Currants
'4tiality is Excellent
and we are Ready tor
You With
3113s Valeria Ifdlsins - 25c-
9 lbs Rest nes; Valenel
Raisins $1.00
11 lbs. Best New Paras
Currants $1,00
New Lemon Peel perlb..., 15c
New Orange Peel ...... 15e
New Citron I. 20c
New Cooking Pigs .........7e
IsTew Dates -'; 7c
18 the Redvath's Granulated
Sugar for 81.00.
20 lbs Yellow Sugar for $1.00 •
Phone 48
The olsons Ban
Incorporated 1$55
Record of Progress for Five Years 1906.1911
1966 1911
CAPITAL . $3,000,000.00 $4,000,000,00
RESERVE . • , . 3 000 099 00 4 600 090 00
2a677.780.00 35,012,311.00
DE PO rs . . .
LOANS AND INVESTMENTS . 27,157,09D 00 ' 38,801,801,00
TO CAL A.SS ET'S , . , . . 33000,192.00 48,237,271,00
Has 85 Branches in faiiada, and Agents and Correspondents In all
the 'Principal c'qies in the World.
at all Branches. interest allowed at highest current rate.
Clinton'Branch, C E. DOWDING. Mana.ger,
-•••••••••••04" •••••••••400 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
1 1 Christmas 1912. I .
1 .
•—•• •
The Great Annual Riddle •
• ET Film
c. •
. •
• •
t Most Easily Solved at this Store .
• • < ..,
• < • Teachers Who Have Been Award-
* mew
: We Suggest the Fellowing . • 1
.,... .
ed Third-Cla'ss Certificates
. ehristmas Gifts 'file Torsdel School essults vestie.
--•--- lOrdered
f Ties ........ is: ........ 25c to 1.25 * tlouse Coats .. ..... .5,00 to 10,00 •
• .
• Sinspenders 20c. ao 1,00 -Fancy Vests ...T . . . 1..t) to 5.00 I 5
• Molest Socks,. 25c to 75c Night Robes . ... . .. . 5 to 2.50 Z as 0 ' ; Mew:iced Wednesdny by tee de-
l.,. psrtment of celiac -allure
2. • Silk Handkerchiefs 25e. to 1 00 Underwear •50 to 2.50 at
Kid Gloves.... .... ....75o to 4 50 Pyjamas ...... .. 150 to 4,50
: I 1
;• Wool Gleves 50c tol,00 Umbrellas ...........75 to 5.0u -..,
Ifieetmg The Boweflf The /f Ligs,f1c,i,e,.,byyf„-1,;;
73 roucltersmills 2 fet I v
' f I; L
4 tr131Ceye fg, CallItIlle I What - Sollie pm onions
.,,, 4
, _ m ZvrieziKyins.gelbuigi:pPi,T,'"Iilse.eseA 4.'°rft,. c'aftkot'ik''Fe., 1 ' rt 001,1 III'
_ . ale° borne. headCheese and stillest's. g 11 e.
A Successf el Meeting Field in the ills pis mos Our disp ay will be Friday and' Set- '
• Town Hall Last Thursday - Ur y e .
Evening ' ----- s - - I •
' '' 600800/80849' Oconee
At the town hall 'est (tirsrlaY ND there were in the • ., 866c'l ...., ,
IlliI"'2, E ASV'
6A elning, W It S Ca -se of he firm Senle eotintry shepheids a '
(1°*6.6Det"041"541Q)'41)61111 That Cl'n ten tis iaiely "Well rb-
ot: W. FL Cane & Sons, large se -mu.
Iaiotarterta Of tne towe of N'euenerket
gave a very prasiecel address as to
the 1.5eneifitoi of Local Option, ono
noted fasts 'to show liow the to ;yin
peospeored duriner she ILSL
hree stese:s under locel option
He referred -o (the eaestien so
often ask , can s hotel be sue-
; etefully eon without a ?- end
answered it by saying they had .a
hotel in Vewmerket cwned by a
joint steels company, ` dor which
•:Ley paid the.t: maneger $120ii pee
3 ear, end after pa:yin:sea (di vidend
of 6 per cent. had a snug bol-
ance left for idepiseeiatiOe the
tiretel, Malaita., was one ocehe best
north of Toronto 'and ye', much
appreciated'. by•tee travedlne pub-
lic and 'fully en,sweren the•qaustion
bv saying that it was absolute
'oily to, e'ain- that a 'betel usenet
le ruin on a paying basis esetnout
she her.
The asseserrient Of t he town had
increased $1L5,000 in three. years.
Oteritlestanding ithe tact that
there was another town dive mises
eolith of them connected by an elec-
tric railway, thus .stiowirg that
local option towns are n t olds, ante
to hold •their own with licence
tcweis but also mike satisge ctory
There are several ilarge matn-u-
decturing ;dente in /s.,,wmatitt t and
the head odes ery fantcry was in
favor of local option from' a busi-
ness standpoint 'they lied a sttedy,
sober lot od men, and their men did
not stay away erom work alter pa -v
day as was 'the ease ia some licessd
• ownis.
Newmark0 wets noted ior its
market, ilt:C.,.oet oat is how it got
its name, and some 'feared tha. the
sal -mere wen d not come to .he
town after-. lees] orClion was ' in
force, ibut Ise was able to si, y that
the market -oils in'ever better- than
et the present time, thus Showing
that Tanners do not star ewer from
a town because it was clest,e•th
'fac't moat farmers prefer a dry
town as is. shown by their s cites on
qui ti'ori.
There are two druggists in the•
ow.n, one had sold theee g diens of
-liquor Li 'the year, and the otl.er
ittve gallons; in prescriptiene, and
:here was no signs o. ixceesive
drinking in the houses, Thsn peo-
ple were busting more groceries
end other produce, and lreest ev-
continued on Page 2.
MORE is asked for every
slay in homes wheee quality is
-the first demand.
If -"f ou Want the Rest
'Ilse Conner's Bread
Baker and Confectioner
abiding in the field,
WESLEY CHURCH • presented am mg ee o
keePing watch over their
flock by. night. fa. And elhes hold a otiestmasi errer- tone
:element on F d
lo, the angel of the Lprel came
upon them, and the glory of the
Lord shone about them : and
they were sore afraid. C. And
the angel said unto them, .Fear
not : for, behold, bring thee
good tidings of great joy, which
shall be to all people. 41, 'For
unto you is born this day in the
city of David, a Saviour which is
Christ the Lord. C. And this
shall be a sign unto you : Ye
shall find the babe wrapped in
swaddling clothes, lying in a
manger. 41, And suddenly there
was with the angel a multitude
of the heavenly host praising
God, and saying. C. Glory to
God in the highest, and on earth
peace, good will towards men.
01 CR (men
uroTessional, • ars •mechemeal
The innior league and prsmax• y erests Of Toronto, i; sil- ov n by tie
Ebony MT -t' y ,Brahes
wing, which does not eisi'm toe
ti ay, Dec, suth ac daunt for all theseforiner Cline •Cloth Brushes •
8 odeoek, • a good proer an and romans in Lhat .t
Christmas • Tree. All wiejen-ne • Hat Brushes
silver 'colleetiori d0017, Dr Pelteefee, deintis., is located Shaving Brushes •
Last Sends y morning itev s an College, e tree&
Kee, -preadned and the pastor oe- • Dr. W. 11 Rowie• is eel 4i -se sileff of Mirrors
cupied his own pulpit, in the even Ontario Vetertnary College- ,
/pg. •Dr, W E Struthers i. Nied-cal oal'ety Razors.
. SCHOOL CHRISTMAS inspecsor Tor the city scheols. Gillette
Christmas Meats
PROGRAM; • Dr. Will 11.1alloce (son .sI • se late
The Afternoon , 2 : 30; ' 1),M. Malloeh) is on College 8t
Selection by the Orchestra De W. Geaham is also on College
Opening Hymn 304. etrest.,
Primary ProcessiOnal.
Pi -The Pastor TI-1.,Tra.cGa.sPoeserl.c1) ehina, (soanciiet-tltr p 0 ocif
Opening Exercises „. . . . . • 1:-(JeareollesYi%grnISStitll (soil of a :( rmer
PrimarSt Department. _
' Christmas Song
• 'Christmas Scripture Lesson Principal .64' the Collegiate) 18 00
Christmas Song the riffice .stafsI. of 'Gordon ivlac-
Christmas Chorus by the School' --No. 1 fray &Co. wholesale dry good -s;'
Bible Drill and Hymn -No. 208 and Eddie Shepp rd (son of tree late
Solo Chores -Miss Greene ,Juaoilnit Sheppard) has inchtut.hg:,ps-fatinhee
Christmas Chorus sbyeithe School- place.
No. 2.
Address-"Ohristmas", H. E. Rorke.' ' Will Scott a ioniser N. w Era
Hospital for Sink Children -A State- employee. and son of •ilie late
inent.Christmas Offering for Hos- Librarian, is with the So utheen
niter- Orchestra. . Job Office
ObristruasChorus by the School - No.3 • h. Floody, :formerly proprietor of
Closing Ilyrrin- 30L •. the Inland Revenue depastmerat :
. the News-Rectincl; is an ()dimes in
Announcements- .
Orchestra Selection- Distribution of his son 18 00 the stel of the World:
his daughter a teecher !Al tl'Itn
Papers city School staff
CiNTA1110 ET. CHURCH j. P. Tisdall its livieg vett, e I in
The annual Christmas entertain- Art ,v,,hrjavnedsome residence on Whitney
meat in connection with .the Sunday -
School will be held this Thursday Alex Arm,string and his son
This year i.ee reeseeen behaves, evening. Ntraltor are both with the 'Otto Rigel
Christmas services will be held on Co„ rnifYs• of pinno actions; his
with the Christinsis •'-icillIal's wh,ce. Sunday next. At the evening servite daughter May fills a steneee ejohtrs
ale again . t •,1ellIng teem eslvez
yr salon.
the Choir will .render the sacred
are in part asTollossse..-
cantata, 'The First Christmas", by Rob't. 'Holmes is on ths ••sisterns
B. Fitzsimons &Son ' Ira Bishop Wilson, etaff ; itis ftlaugieer, ;:..Tiss 1;11, las
Ontario Street Church- was re- slorge of the North Toronto breech
One steer one year old bred by
opened on Sunday last with impres- cf the Conservatory of Music,:
James McIntosh, fed by IL Fitzsimons
sive services. Rev. J. E. Ford preach- smother daugh. sr, 'Kiss Saglie, Is a
which won two filets and one third
ed an appropriate sermon in the morn- teacher in one- of the Nits. eielools.
prese at the Guelph Winter Pair
ing and the pastor of the Church con -
and first at Olin ton Spring Show,
ducted the service in the evening, Mr. John "A. Cooper, Is01) 41 Mrs
weighed 1120 poonds, 3 choice heifers
The Church now presents a neat and W .Cooper) is edissr of the Casio -
fed oy James McIntosh weighed 3481 di ti n Courier.
attractive appearance with its ' soft . . . ,. . . . .
pounds, 1 Choise heifer fed by W.
colorings and landocipe • views the
Patton weighed 1270 poundS, 2 choice .0. Rogers is a sins te nt pm cepa i ea
pounds, 3 hogs fed by John Orient
ings of the Cosgregation toward the i; he Daily Stas.
iPs tiell:3;11 in''ct:iclilcSicl i tor oT
himself to be a reel artist. The offer Fe;onhiA) Znrillee
heifers fed by W. Miller, weighed 2330 work. of Mr. J. ()rich, who has shown
weigheol 620 pounds, 2 hogs fee
cost of repair's were generous and er.• -
by Thomas Hill weighed 500 p amds, 2
couraging to the Trustees. • ar..Dowies, jr. his a terosery busi-
pounds, 2 lambs fed by Sohn Berittie '. WILLIS CHURCH mess on Queen sti eel eas,t.
hogs fed by W. Glen weighed 480
weighed 261 pounds, 2 lambs fed- bv rho regular' monthly meeting of the zcLvs. S. Snccootitloe'eliasstlaene:tilllNinesetry busi-
John Flaxbird weighed 300 pounds, 1 "W. F. Al. S., will be held is the Iso-
calf fed by '11e:is-Chapman weighed lure room this evening. ;kill IC:antelon (youngest on oif
460 pounds, Also all kinds of meats Special Christmas -mune will be MeV, Centelon) has a drug ,husi-
. given by the choir on Stintley next, netts on Dovercourt Road • Dave
and fowl, . ,
John Scruton A very successful tea MIS given by Cautelon, rindfht r son, hos a pro-
pounds and one 14 menthe old c.of nocu of last week.
One extra heifer weighing 1300 the Girl's (Tule on Thursday after-
Devis has a liardwate bust -
Ouse agency, $6 5
weighing 1020 pounds raised rind fed Oa iVIonday evening he regular hi- mess on Doveecourt, he Is a son 0
by James Snell Sc Sons. Buffett. Two weekly meeting of tile Young Men's of S Das is.
Auto -Strop,
Gun Junior -
Smokers Supplies
Den Sets, Pipes
Cigar Cases
Tobacco Pouches
Cigars in boxes of to, 25,, 5e)
For Ladies
Ebony Dressing Cases
Manicure Sets.
Hair Brushes=
Cloth Brushes,
Hat Brushes.
• Hand Brushes: .
Cuticle Knives
Nail Files
Hand Bags—the newels,
shapes at lowest prices
Perfumes—a large stock,
of best odors at 250 to.$3.08
Kodaks—A• gilt for the
whole family that gives lasting
pleasure, we'Ve them $2 to $24i
Stockis large—Prices Small
W. 'tz. R. liohncs
Esn 2 year old heifers weighing 2340
pounds fed and raised by Aside. Can-
telon, Goderich Tostinsbip, 2 heifers
fed by John Noble weighed 2000
pounds. 4 fine lambs fed by Ills. Lew
Tebhutr. of Goderich Township, 2 pigs
fed by N .Trewarthri, of Hohnesville,
2 pigs fed by D. Cantelon, with all
kinds of poultry fed by U. 'Williams.
W. Feats S McGee], F. Crich and
G ()Retie
leextre fine baby beef 10 months old
fed by A. Rabat: of Tuckersmith,-
weighing 1 000 pounds. 1 fat heifer fed
by H. Oantelou, Gederich Township,
heifer fed. by 101)-
i Jtovnery fat yearling
-W Wise, feondon Read, 1 fat heifer
fed by Wes. Stevens, Base Line, 1 fat
heifer fed try John Gardner, Goderich
CAW` MIS held, the Preeident Mr. Cr Allen 'Conniff is a clerk in the boys •
by Mr. Albert Mitchell, Misses jean A . Ra nee is a clerk- in the di uTrousers
M. Yetes in the chair, An excellent plothiag deportmeel, 0,5 EL1 ('tis store
paper on "St tree Societies" wits eiven
a vocat d nett, "There's a Wideness in Par tenant °Tithe same store
Obit:Cloy and Hazel O'Neil nontributed
God's Mercy," also an instrumental
dnett. Then folio+, ed a spelling mateb
between selected teams from the Criers
()tub and the Young Men's Cluberhich
resulted in a tided earned victory for
the young Men. After the match,Mr. .....--.0----
Yates gave some.very appropriate re
Will IVIoOre run., a st-wingtraachir,e
11L es t is ernnicyed iin the Eaton
1... ectoi rr 1); e•
shop en Derides street • !tie eon
Wilson is employed in the
lives& decorating branch oiiiatons.
George Cook (son of Art; us Cook)
l' ------------------ taple ueparit-
rri emit in the Simpson store.
.1. T, Marks has a made es - order
. .
slothing 1 usinesl on Young St.
Passed Exams at F: ed lackson) is 'vith an eleetritial
!Jerry Steep, ;brother-in-law of
best trimmings, and guaran-
teed fit, English st4e.
Worsted and Scotch Tweed
regular 6.5o for $5,50
marks on'"The Christmas Spirit." The
next meeting will not .he held , until This week our special in
the middle of 3 enuary.
Men's wear is Trouserings,
made to your measure, with.
Township, 4 very fat weather larnIss
Model Schools
L.•Marming, eon of Walter Mann.
in g, is eimployed with a ue en St.
S W. Perry is a Member of the
,•tti ty elf Educe's; on.
TD'd Jenkins (brot her- i it -la w of
Charles Wallis) is eine of the Se-
cretaries of the -Si. C A.
Frei Watts is ein pip vied with the
Great Northern Telegraph ; L s is
I also T. 'rrowlull,
Charlie Rance is tray -sites Vn' W.
Its oiliest on &•Co., Clo thersr• I
Pei, Bennett, son of fibe late •
niture and uphols:vring 1. -ss on C loth itig
.Bennett conducts n Tur-
argain Prices The on UT. sat se of those v
tailed • are'meg ;milled to the ea-
efs 25c Overcoats ........ .8.00 to 25.00 I 1< dividual eddresses.
..25c to 1.50 Suits .... ..... 50 to 25,00 ; It is easy enough to do your Christmas Shop- Tivatees dr sirit .to seems" itie
2bc t 1,00 (laps 50 to 1.50 • 1 <
of an tee nm
e Feaed be-
t, ar .ew let) ere of their in -
Initial Haedkerchi
Cuff Buttons
Stiatt Pins
pi•nif you come to the
o ri ht store. Footwear is (+n
•c always appreciated as a Christrnas Gift. We have sneetors dor iefoeme Oran reps crine
fin catering to the wants of men we ,
• - have not forgotten the Boys. Our
o OtO3S 11)epartment is well stocked
Salts, Overcoats, Sweaters,
Toques Caps, Ete,, Etc. -
wiio t
V•very effort has been put forth to get the very
neeeeit and best in Men's and Boys' Correct Apparel
for Men Women and Children
and 'i-ou can rest assured. that Christmas Gifts pur• -
chased here arc sure to be highly appreciated. New line. The best yet
I c
a lara.
ge nd well selected stock to choose from, big the holders oteneli certificates
• lepllowine ale the Huron Pupils
5 Leeiso lesa.on, Clin(on, Ethel B.
• t SI "oes Felt Shoes Juliets Rubber Boots ) Ripley v, Dead_ isiess le West Too Isle arid his two
t sse. Dungannon, Plovent:e 'A
Cre•ii Ion Wesley Jaelcso Clineon • IC , Doherty is eninneci ett with
man, Brusssl: Almeria •Rinkbeiner, I 1-0°:11!*ei P'reil;eaY-•-eTell---Is..Ralph, Com-
• I <
I '5 Slippers Overshoes Moccasins Rubbers
• 1 Trunks, suit cases and Club Bags -Edx.fa C4, ton %Ellen a rlevins S't. School, ivnd frinrence
• 1 ? I 6vv, Cis" _ Riclord W.Leve Cppp With that of Weeterin Avenue
at special prices.
Mont -Ws, etreat,
• Tnimpson °toff & sons rfoonerly
Mtho Organ Fa eery) have a large
ory bu.slines8 On .Dnildnii St,
Geos e Shepperd, It:mm.01.1y of the•Be well dressed if vou
Ginton Collegiate %LOT, cor ducts
cnnducts hix Fro Real -.1?,st bust- will be respected whe.r,ever,
you go. Come in and have
our Mr. Towne measure you
up for a good Custom M ads _
Suit whether it be a busi-
ness or a _Sunday Suit.
flOCKEY SI -1013S
Extra Special in Ties put up in
Fancy 13oxe-3 for St ,00
See Window Display.
our prices on these before buying elsewhere.
I This 'Store will be open ,Evenings
From now Until Christmas, • -
Z }
1 '
FUITNIPEIt3 " To Men Who) Care.', , • t . . C3111NTTOIT '
he ivi9rrish Clothin 472 ' I i Jas INNTItchellelSon
`• 5 ,,,
j • - , . • ,
Will Eiti:er Sell the Store or Rent
3 I lirn • Geller, MeLeae
teerlow D- -d McClitnehev. Aurecw -
, :1abe*1 M ei . KIlEdna C brother 0. Mrs W
at Ma e Ewen, • `..1 'Jeri sh Siena 13 olierty, is with the Pell Pisno
Lucknow : Ma • !earet !0 g.oisition tot hose. s boy e E
Quite anumbe. of Clinten ladies
> Morrish, Gorteeieh; Jolen S. N ew I e n
13ig.i.p.:0110eidpeseeveaerintatere n1.7,37011;1.0 , eErLiarl,irjagyveavatehesip8o,ns,:balresesp, osni tr,snisci jaans8
is gees elressiti ; peed es. teaeriers etc.
Among 'former Clinlon pastors in
the city ere Rev. rir, Sitewset 2 ad
Rupert kni wife
Rev W. Sparlince and wilfe. Rev W
amul wife Ite iV
-life and wife, Res n aliana,
woo was ,born in the old Fraften--;
'retry St. Pereon t go, Also, Mrs
Edge, widow of the late Piev.J
wire. slit >rlaral, w;dow
the late 'Rev...Tarr,. . Grahar.i, atilt]
9.4ndlerenweesd toh3....)0PAlyicse 1,1111Gagoidil,ii(ctle. pr..,..AvE you?
jail tor 4 contempt of roust. •bob' "Sh sp elarly” now the bus: t ass
wee fiat On the pl•ohiiied 1'10 stmA •..imvs'aktraz. /4- is n ,t haa uiece
• tnne ago hy tne megietrate sa.
fa led to cake his warning. .0.tfer .4.°1,f,,,,,cikiv„ice'woa,":d1 jef eledelleqe,e't,cle'teelnel4eeelel
ehargeo b4 ';
when the 30 dive n't up. InspePiox Jer° "d '161'"e-9 aliite will be be' ter
Johnson has laid ,another charge d Too many leave f f b '
r -an,- dlinto.i . Eva
eeechwootl: Mergers's: Smith
ucknow ; 111ildieed Spence. Luck-
(' , slow; Herbert Toll,' 81 yt. h. • Les lio
J Washihn, curl tor e Itiartg,a set
, Ws tb, Ss. Relent! ; Pebeoca M
Wtods, Seadorth.
- 2 .
we043, '5';'ENE NS A
"i3e,1-0.1.5teverit, ho
: , against oneof the. Clinton 'fiot.do ..until the last Inomat 'often vith
. •• .
• ,
, AAA,40.,,04A4m,t00AAAAosAAA6Amvvvwsovv,„ , /or a brew* of tbe , ittnor Act J.mmattsifactory rosults
We Guarantee all Work
Turned out Front
This Depart=
i14�'s Tailors ar,dlitraisargii