HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-12-12, Page 8RistinguishediVisitors at•Ban net,
in U. S. Metropolis,
Rev. J. A. Macdonald Says s lifeOld
Notion of. Government'. Froni Down:
leg :: Street, London, Has Given
Place to a Federation of Au-
tonomoUs States 9n a Great
' /Empire -Other .Speakers.
New: York, Dec. 9.-7fhrre buldred
and fifty C radtars paid theeit guests
sat down at. Delmonico s Saturday
night for the annual dinner of the
Canadian Society, and itispirfug
epeeehes from distinguished Men
from the old home country and /roti
a representative of the new south.
Hon, Rodolphe Lemieux, in re-
eponding to the toast of the Empire,
aroused" much enthusiasm by his de-
elaeations as a French-Canadian, of
the unalterable attachment of his
people to British instifttions; while
, the other speakers also dwelt 'open
the same subject and to the uuliroken
andunbreakable iriendsait which
does and must .exist betty ..n the two
great branches of the English-spoak-
, mg .nations.
Only one direct reference, that by
Hon. J'. A, Ouimet, was made to the
proposed Canadian addition to the
British navy. Tice president of the
society, Deu, Dr. C. A. Eaton, how
ever, when the orchestra struck up.
"Rule Britannia," rose and invited all
to join in, remarking: "We Call aclians
have been strong in shouting that
Britannia rules. the wave;, when it
did not cost us anything, Let us jot)
, in all the stronger now."
Rev. J. A. Macdonald, in his ad
drew, expressed the hope that Canada
would one day rule her own fleet, but
made no other reference to the sub-
ject. . .
Among those who came from Can-
ada for the occasion were: Hon. S. 4e.
Ouimet, Montreal, Hon. Rodolphe Le-
mieux, Ottawa; Dr. J. A. Macdonald
and Fred. B. Featherstonhaitgh, K.C.,
of the Empire Club, Torot.to; L. 'V.
Villeneuve, Charles R. McCullough of
Hamilton; A. D. Fraser and F. H.
Markey, Montreal.
Dr. I. A. Macdonald said that Can-
ada by refusing to surrender any part
of her autonomy, whether in trade
policy or in tariff arrangements, or In
treaty agreements, or in military and
naval defence, will make secure the
permanence and the power of the
British Empire. It is not by any re-
turn to the old notion of government
from Downing street, even in the great
matter of Imperial defence that Cam
ada will best serve the Empire, The
old imperium idea is doomed, dead
and done forever. But the new idea
of world-wide alliance, of free and
sovereign nations loyal to one throne
and crown and king, is, the most fre•,'
quest conception in world politica
Queen's Students' Frolic.
Kingston, Dee. 9.—Queen's students
held their annual rush after the Alma
Mater Sooiety elections Saturday ni hl
and made things lively around the
city. They' visited five cent theatres,
rushed several restaurants and made
a call cn the fair co-eds, at ladies
_Mayor Hoag, who was at King E.
ward Theatre and addressed the stn•
dents, „was picked up and put on the
shoulders of two husky fellows and
carried through the main streets to
his drug store, the boys singing "Foe
He"s a Jolly Good Fellow,"
Beyond the breaking of a few panes
lei glass, there was no damage and
:everyone took the fun good natured.
Should •Curb, Corporations.
t Woodstock, _ Dec. 9.-N. W. Rowell,
KC., Opposition leader in the Legis.
cloture, addressed the annual meeting
!o/ the /North Oxford Liberal Associa-
tion .yesterday afternoon.
31e dealt principally with the abol•
islr-the-bar policy of the Opposition
and, attacked the Government for not
paying sufficient attention to the dan-
gers o£ aggressions by corporations,
"We ali:ould," he said, "to the full
limit of the legislative and adminis,
trateve power of'tlle Government, prei
vent corporate power from being used
to influence elections or to control the
course of legislation or the adminis-
tration of justice.
'Women's Imperial Club.
New York, Dec. 9. --The formal
opening and housewarming of the
British, Imperial Club, No. 108 East
30th street, took place Saturday after-
noon i'ig new club is: for women sub-
jects secretts of s. GreatBritain, nate resident,
in New York City.
The club house, which was at one
time thelesidence of James 13. Clews,
.is handsomely and artistically furn-
lshed. A reception hall and dining-
room000upy the ground floor, the
library and tea rooms and lounging
rooms being on the second story.
Guelph's Show Will Be the Biggest
on Record.
Guelph, Dec. 9:—The twenty-sixth
annual Ontario Provincial Winter
Fair opened its doors in this city, to
the public to -day and will continue
open morning, afternoon and evening
until leridgy evening.
The fair this year will beyond
question exceed; that of any, previous
year, notwithstanding the fact that a
big show is in progress in Toronto.
II was expected that this show would
feel the effects of the one at Toronto
but it has only served as a stimulant
to the officials to proceed„with greater
things than ever before, and already
the efforts are being .crowned, with.
success. '
To the general public the horse de-
partment of the show i.$ the great 'at
irerti 511,114.1.-ilefoehstt•9,nraa
Wood's Phosphoitine;
The prem English, learned?).
`lonea•ttnd invigorates the Whole
nervous system, makes now
131oottin old Veine. NM).
&Yrs Detil ty', lilen(rtl; and Brain Worm,, Des
(ao)adrec1/, c aual'Weakness, Frueesiosts •i!3jaea-
anaterrllre,:, and /(Heels of Abuse or 2dece •sea.
Priee Al per box six foil& Cne.wtllplease rix
tall are Sold try alt druggists et mallet} In
Vein pl nn rere40 : F prion, Neo, mavarolldri'
me cefpeg'roe Wised fi4sidlcine Co.
%furmert y ."P” skis&'/ °itprarits, 9, $k
Women's cgmttaonest aliment
---t'he'root of ee much oftheir'
ill -health- promptly, yields to
the gentle bift, certain action
of Na -pre -CO Laxatives. ,'-
25c, a box at your druggist's.
el '
s]ioty e001' seed in (aurlph, When this
e rtrr ei w
l a t 1t was adtt l to e fair
p sc th u
lute yeaa.'s ago it was an experiment,,
but as time goes on it continuos to,
grow in size and interest, with the
result that this yeas close lo fifty
horses will'bave to be stabled outside
of the' building. One hundred stalls
Wein erected this year, but still there
is not iromu enough.
It would •nr . have been 'off 1surprising
had there belele a falling 1i 1n the
5 e
exhibit of beef cattle., bat the reverse.,
is the case, and this departmentis
crowded. Some of the finest fattest
heifers to be seen anywhere are here,
and the same fat stock from. the Chi-
cago show are expected to arrive for
day, All ,i'ecords•have been broken in
the dairy cattle class, no less than
seventy-one of these being' under test,
it having 'started Saturday morning
alio closing on Monday night. If this
department continues to grow as it
has in the past two . years, extra per-
manent accommodation will have to
be provided. '
The sheep, swine;:lloultry,and pro-
duce exhibits are fully up to other
Mrs. Agnes Whidden of Toronto Had
an Interesting Career.
Toronto, 'Dec. 0.• -After more than
seventeen years' faithful service : a's
police Matron for the city of Toronto,
Mrs. Agnes B. Whiddon, 2 Gould
street, died in the Western Hospital
yesterday afternoon. Mrs.. Whiddon
failed to recover from an operation'
for appendicitis.
,Mrs, was 50 years of age.
She c me to Canada from Scotland
when just out of her 'teens. With
her she 'brought qualifications of a
first-class nurse and also the benefits
of a good education;
When first the police became ac-
squainted with Mrs. Whiddon she was
doing missionary work in the ward.
She had a home on Elm street and
later on Centre avenue. It was here
that the police were able to find a
harbor for young girls. In Mrs,
Whiddon they' found a congenial,
motherly woman, willing to help 'them
keep the straight course is+life.
She was gentle with the weak wo-
men, kind and patient, With the
quarrelome persons she was .equally
kind, but if they were not submissive,
she, too, could become very stern,
Although only diminutive in size in
comparison with some of her prison-,
ere, she was generally able to control
When searching female prisoners
for stolen property slie was alert, and
it is claimed never overlooked any-
thing. Some of the detectives describe
her as being a detective, policeman
and a kind woman all in one,
Her saliu•y freau' the position she
placed in the band( regularly. This
was devoted to clarity, and many a
poor home has been helped along by
the money furni_iw.l by the fine little
On. ane wisesiou elle gave her total
savings of pluO to charity.
Chamber of Cammerce Banquet.
Paris, Dec, 0--(G: A P. Cable,)—•
Flon. A. h. d.ftun has amntg the
principal guests at the British Chani•
ber of Commerce banquet' here Satur-
President Bcdington said nobody
appteerated nu,re than the British
ambassador the i ni.reasimitiv :,nport-
MANY of our boys and girls
have just received one of
our Canadian
roe can earn one too, easily.
You only have to do three things.
Right away now—take a post
card or a sheet of paper and write
out the full names (Ohreettan
names and surnames) and full ad-
dresses. of TEN boy friends or
chums whop) you know would like
to earn same pocket money. (Boys
between 8. and 15 yearsof ago --
no two in the same family.)''
Sign your: name and addressat
the bettem of the card or sheet so
that we will know who sent the
Malt the Ilst template with flue
cents 1n' conn' or stamps to us
right• aw'ay, addressing your letter
to Sales Division; the 'Witness,
'Wltness' Block, Montreal.'
Your list of .names shouldbe
mailed within seven (7) days after
you readthis splendid' offer.
Test as soon as we get your list
of names, we Will send one. of
these beautiful Souvenir Pins to
you and you will like 11 immense -
Should, ' your churns have, hadex-
sperience in magazine or n
eildvg-so much the ,better --sed
THEIR names.
We don't tell you why we want
the names ---because perhaps you
don't care; 11 you do, or. 1Uf you.
yeurself ' want to earn. good pay
for work for us --Why tell us In a
letter and we will explain' our
whole money -making plan to. you
'SalesmwsewhseS you will learn/
'Witness' Block. Montreal.
uted.t ty(liytt tiittetlna111t}e C�rrlilGA,ii1
ofd, pot rneg'ely /n' xekirtaoza'o r.t11rli'
7Tlrated: I /regard buil-• di All 'ctoihtzq
ions;•.. w',l
hether oelrjitetetfon ath('
Hon, ::Phillippe Roy, P1+nadian oout-
ntisaioi}ea iia wrist 'or other irvertgae
eep'eeetltativesi ,
Royal P eisoleurnr Defiles. '.
Turiri, Dec, 0,—The nitusoltuin of
the Reeso of Savoy, in the Supeega,
the royal burial church,. has been
brol(en into tied the tomb c1 the Dow-
aeeetl Duehees of Genoa profaned. The
dowager duchess /vas the 'nether of
Queen IVlargherite and the graedmoth-
or of: King Victor Jiznnianeel, •,rhe
cued last .August. it' has not ;yet
been asceetoained whether the motive
of the vandals was robbery.
An Alberta Bank.
1fflrnenton, A:ita., Deo. 9.—Canada's
newest chattered bank i$ in process
of orgaisization'heie,_ and before .ate
other year hats 'paseod'it is altogether
probable that application will .be
made to the Dore inion Parliament for
a charter foe the Bank of Ecluaonton
headquarters .in this city, capitalizeel
at e2,5110,000.
E. Panneton, K.C„ Called To Bench.
Ottawa, Dee. 0,-Tlie Govt e•ne 'nt u
has (appinted Edmund Panneton,
11.0., of Sherbrooke, to the :Superior
Court ,of Quebec, to succeed Judge
Laureaarleatt."Mho ,has been appointed
city solicitor of Montreal.
Anti -Clericals Sweep Rome.'•
li,ome, Dec. 9.—The municipal elec-
tions were held here yesterday, All
the anti -clerical candidates, includ-
ing Mayor Nathan, were elected. The
C 014,91,5 abstained from voting.,,
Two Men, a Woman and Four
Children inoculated in Toronto,
Toronto Junction is Scene of an Ex-
citing and Serious Outbreak When
Carter's Beagle Goes Mad -Animal.
Traped In Kitchen, and Shot by
Veterinary and Constable—
Twenty Cases Reported.
Toronto, Dec. 0. -e -When a )arse
black deg 5. e
b ti beagle cli, trot mad n Dun
dos street, \Vara Seven, no Saturday.
seven people were 50 badly bitten by
the. animal 11101 they will he forced
to take the Pasteur treatment. Atter
terrorizing the n•llrlt. (::Aria the d •_
returned to its leane, wbere it was
shot. The heart was analyzed by Ur
Amynt, who deeertbed the ease its one
of the deadliest l reis el N111104,
The ;lug broke fruit) 11.= fu•tenintc r1)
503 Quebei, avenue, daring the tweet.
ingThe owner, Nelson Lcad11 11ter,
a cnrtaae agent, 40115 out at the time,
Before IFavutg the premises the 'l',;
bit Leadbeater'; two ;mall children.
Running along the avenue to Dundai
street, the dug turned in at Whetter's
butcher shop. Those who were on
the street at thee time noticed the
peculiar actions of the dog and kept
a safe distance away.
Dr, Cunningham happened to be in
the shop at the time. Without even
a bark, the .animal sprang at his
throat. Dr. Cunningham raised his
hand and the dog lacerated three cf
his fingers.
L. Serutton, an undertaker, was the
next victim. He was walking along
when the mad creature came leaping
along the street and bit him.
A child belonging to Mr. Steele of
Quebec avenue also belt the fangs of
the dog, while playing on the street.
The son of James Snaith, briclimaker
on the Weston road, was bitten while
the animal was On the rampage, and
a woman who lives on Vine street
will also have to take the Pasteur
treatment, as site, too, was bitten.
After locating the house from which
the 'dog had come, Dr. Cunningham
summoned Dr. Arthur Melhuish, vet-
erinary surgeon. The latter armed
himself with a forty-four calibre revol-
ver and proceeded to the house on
Quebec avenue. The dog bad been
trapped in the kitchen.
The doctor cautiously opened the
door, and as he did so the animal
sprang for the •openindy. Be slam;
ming the door tato doctor caught the
head of the animal. The doctor fired
a shot through the dog's head, and
Constable Ide added another.
Itis thought that there are several
other people in the neighborhood who
may have been bitten by the dog.•Dr.
hlelhuish states that he has had near-
ly seventy cases of .rabies in the last
1x weeks, and it is understood several
' other people from Ward. Seven have
been taking the Pasteur treatment.
Two weeks ago a large dog -was shot'
after it. had bitten a young man. The
head was examined and :found to be
About two days later another auinial
owned by Fred. Chowns at Humber.
Bay became toad and had to be shot.
An attack on the Pacific mail steam-
ship San Juan in Mextean waters re-
centlyby a party supposed to be revo-
lutionists, is reported.
Archbishop McNeil has announced
that according to present plans he
will leave Vancouver for Toronto on
the evening of December 15.
Heavy snows and ,extreme cold
have driven packs of gray wolves out
of the timber in Colorado, and many
oattle' are falling victims to their
President Roosevelt at the Bead of
two hundred' Bu1.1 Moosers left New
York yesterday for Chicago to attend
the conference of the leaders of the
Poo 'ressive party.
Sir George Howard Darwin the
author •oi "The'" Origin of Species.'
died yesterday in ;leis 68th year. Ha
was professor of astronomy and 'ex-
perimental philosophy at: Cambridge.
Stephen Nemec was instantly, kill
ad and his brother, working beside
•him, probably was fatally injured on
Saturday in: Chicago, when a carbonic
acid tattle they were charging explod-
Capt, 11. St. G. Lindsay of Ottawa.
is gazetted avreek obmmissioner,' un-
der the, Marine Department,, to suue
Beed Capt. L• A, Demers, who resign-
eel to become harbor master of Mont -
Dorothy Tullocb, aged four, •daub•
:When yon iSegin 'tie sniff and feol
'useosdtionn Die, nsal pa5soges ,
orwii'en a tickling ' irritation ori your
throat gaits you coughing, the Shat
important thing is to'act at once: It's.
the neglected cold tlalit becolnes:trouble
Some and dangerous(. ,
The .second important thingto do is
to take Na-Dru-Co'Syrup of Ieinseed,
I 'teoricemid' Chlorodyne, and keep it up
dill the 1 ,Cold liso)1eirs entirely.
;0l-Drtl-Co r
S ru of Linseed,:i,t orice
and Chlorodyne ie rtbsohttely ree from
harmful drugs, and can safclybe given'.
even tc mederately'.yont g children.
7 t ie pleasant tastitlg and quick acting,
Promptly relieving the irritation of the
throat and nostrils, lot:mada" the
mucus, promoting expectoration and
, checking the cold. ' .
Your druggistghas Na-Drti-Co 'S Syrup
of Linseed, ,icoriee and Chlorod ne iu,
250, and 5oc bottles, or ran quickly -get
it for yogi, Compounded by the National
Drug and Claetuieal Co:. of ;Canada,
Limited. 315
ser or captain yulau1u et x>ruoa vu.,,
found a box of lye and drank a per.
tion of it. Dr, Henley saved her life.
The child's throat and- mouth were
badly burned.
"Make a bonfire of youe hats; thro
away 'your corsets, and were trousers
instead of those ridiculous tight
shirts," is .the. recommendation of
Mee, Carrie Chapman Cat(, the wo-
man's suffrage leader.
t���8 AWRY, L FT A tlNlASR p�11 9
Doctors Goold Do Do Good.
Mr's. A. Mainwright, Sti. Mary's, Ont., '
writes= "I reel it my duty to write and
tell you the good your Dr. Wood'9 Nor-
way Pine Syrup did for my little boy.
EIe had whooping cough, which left him.
with a nasty, dry hard•cough. I took
him to several doctors, but they did him
no good, 'and I could see my little lad
failing day by day. I was advised to take
him to another doctor, which I did, and
he told me he was going into a decline.
I was telling a neighbour about it, and
she told me to let, a bottle of 'Dr• Woocl'a
Norway Pine Syrup, and give it to him
regularly. She then got to tell me how
much good it did her children, so I got a
bottle, and gave it lo my little ±0y, and
was so pleasedwith the result that I
bought another one, and by the th'he he
had finished it he had no cough.He is
now fat and strong, and I would not be
without a bottle in the house on any
Whooping cough generally begins as a
common cold, accompanied with cough-
ing and a slight discharge from the nose.
It is, as a rule, more of a child's trouble
but also affects adults.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup is a
sure preventative it taken in time, and is
also a positive cure for any of the after
"Dr. Wood's" is put up in a yellow
wrapper, three pine trees the trade mark;
price 25 and 50 cents.
Manufactured only by The T. Milburn
Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
To Deport Anarchist.
San Francisco, Dee. 9:—Jiecogtaized
as an anarchist of international no-
toriety, Edward Lagroin, a hunch-
back, three feet tall, will be deported
on the strength of iliformaliun receiv-,
ed here yesterday from Washington.
,' FOR '
The Hospital for Sick Children
Dear Mr. Editor:—
It would take more space than you
can spare to tell et the good work
done by the Hospital for Sick Chil-
dren, Toronto, for the sick and de-
formed children of this Province. Let
me, in a few words, tell you of the
steady growth of this Hospital,
In the year 1875 there were only six
cote and beds, one nurse, 441n -patients
and 67 out-patients, In 1912 there
were 250 cots and beds, 64 nurses,
1;294 in -patients and 17,862 out-
During, the 37 years of the Hos-
pital's existence, 19,370 in -patients
have been admitted, and 133,724 out-
patients have been treated', a total of
153,094, or an average of 4,138 per
year. Of the 19,170 in -patients, 5,495
were from places outside of Toronto.
9,644 of the total in -patients wore
cured, and 5,711 were improved, This
is a'great record,
Of the 1,294 in -patients last year, 341
came from 218 places outside o1 Tor-
e(ito, sqq' that the 7lospital is not a
Waal, bat, a Provincial Institution,
In the Orthopedic Department in 37
years, nearly 700 boys and girls have
been treated for clubfeet, and about
600 were corrected. I-lalf of these
calve from places outside of Toronto,
so surely we have a fair claim for
help from the people of this Province.
The Corporation of . Toronto grants
$25,000, not only for the city children,
but towards the maintenance of all
patients to the Hospital, and the :MU -
zees of'Toronto donate an average of
$1ospttaI, 5,000 annually (ato the funds Of the
Will you, kind reader think of'what
your money will do?- It helps, to re-
store health and strength, and gives
sound • litibs and straight' feet to
crippled boys and girls. -
Remember - thatt
.our ' pocket -book
Y p
must be 'the Hospital's friend, if the
Hospital is to he the children's friend.
Remelnber' that Christmas calla you
to open the purse of your kindness to
the Hospital, to that the Hospital may
opi the heart of: its help to the
Ii,einember' that your money can
help the, Hospital build a bridge over
Which the feet of little children may
travel on tine Journey from Sorrow to
joy, from ,sicknose to health•—a9m,'.
from death to life. ((e
Please send a dollar, or more if you
dam eparo it, to Douglas Davidsoh, the
i3ecretery-Treasurer of the hospital,,
or 3. Ro00 Robertson, Chairman of the
'Cruatees, Toronto. .
n X1. --Fourth Quarter For
Quarter, R
eco, :15, 1912.
Text cif,theLeeson, Matt.'xvi)i, 21.36,
Memory Verses 27 22 -Golden ! ext
Eph. 'iv, 32 (�I
R. V.) -Commentary
Prepared' by Rev. D. M..$tearns,
I 11,
In met lesiion we /dere,. mimed
agldnstbeing an offense to any one be
lousing to flim, for in touching those
who are His Ile is touched, even an
it is 'Written, 'file that toueheth, you
tolacheth the apple of His eye" (Zech,
11, 13), and as he said to Saul when. per-
secnting'Ills people,.''Why persecntest
thea mei" tstots jx, 4.) Now he teach-
es us.• how to deal with those who of-
fend tis (Verses 15 to 20) --first of all,
a heart to heart talkWith t offending
vv he o er chug
party. alone (verse 10) in'many io-
stances that would without doubt•set-
tle the difficulty, and the two or three,
or the church, would not be needed.
Contrast the ordinary 'way of telling
others first and the general result of
increased separations , and misunder-
standings. `When we work in (rod's
way we can count on God working in
and with us (Iso. xxvi, 12; Phil.
ii, '13; lesson verses 18, 10). The
precious .assurance :in verse 20 is not
often used in its connection, but it is
precious in any connection with the
work of the Lord and for many years
has taught me"never'to ask the Lorca
to be in our midst when we meet in His
name, but to rest on His own assur-
ance that He le present.
Peter had been paying attention and
wondering if he should go to a men
who offended him more than once or'
twice and probably thought that be
was stating an extreme Ifmit when Ile
asked If he should forgive lint seven
tithes. Great. indeed, must have been
1, his surprise at the Lord's reply. "Not
until seven times, but until seventy
tithes seven' (verses 21, 22), which was
equal to saying, "Continue to forgive
till the kingdom comes."
1f we would understand the teach-
ing of the Spirit we must notice what
Re has said elsewhere upon any sub-
ject, and 1 remember that Daniel was
told that after seventy sevens the
kinqdo ^ m
would come, bringing in ever-
lasting righteousness (Dan, Ix. '4).
After sixty nine sevens from the ap-
IID w6nte hair`. and wrinkled :faces'o>:, our 11usy,,rneti ,and: fon en tell'
of, doubt, fear and anatiet r—.lytoke'then diaease gt ti}ge, Worry plays;
havoc with the gervous• s stetkt=-eo thatdigegtion'to ruined and elee
banished: What oil Is to the yyriotio --
1 W 1 k n1o1' thedoi'i ate "arts of`Afi'en 'engine, -
P g
31Dd11;e. NE 9s
is to the delicate organs' of the body. It's a tonic<and body builder—becauseecanse it
stimulates the liver to
vigorousaetion, ossicle the stomach t0 assimilate;food—tl,uq
enriehlni; the blood,: end the scree and -heart In turn are fed on spure 'rich blood,
Neural);is )s the'dry of starved nerves.: for food." For forty; years !!CioJdem'
bMedical Discovery.' in liquid form has given great satisfaction as a tonic and
lend manor.
Now it -cart be obtained in tablet form—froes., e
i dealers in medicine
orsend .sr
Ogne-centetaue e
P fortri al box. Write ,dt.; ;Fierce 'Buti'alo.
AiIiSL prnrsCTi•)'s ?lnfr•;E.f&sAare 1"iagst,F.'9i3'.
X4elieve c,.aestdlsatien, L eg rsiate the /liver,,
and bowc5c. Easy to ease as enzi51(5.
4, 151t•u rise Aa 5510(1 Ca. (sits etlr all 'ilii).
had uo lriupiloin to slew, jn.•t: as fore-
. refitt the seventieth week is yet llama',',
Poli• cwuilnl t sinue01
yto('f0o100gi. ' ItLelsmr,
1\1t 1II(U hetoe
us oreasiuu to clo net uneeasine7}' (Don,
full of-
)tS1on, for14111•1' 1101r shad de-
streyct Utero 11411- }v 1(, many a time
turned no His (mem' away, `" "' " fri'
I)e remembered dint they were but
flesh" (I's. lcxvll ;;11, , Tint our Lori(
was liinh'iu1 111 the kingdom in, its
present phttie of Myst e ry 'and future
manifestation seems cie'10' from ills
ilhtstretion or tie icing tit leg recount
of Ills servants. The (nail( [mint of the
lesson seems to be •flitt those wile ere
forgiven so 01x'4 slintild readily t'or-
give the comparatively small offenses
of others n„nit tit /hem.
The contrast betd•t',m the debt of the
man to his master and that of the other
servant to him would he something
tike the ditfer,en t' between 51.0(10 ao,1
15 cents, With 1 find of a mail, being
forgiven freely rip; large amount, would
fail to forgive his fellow the trifle'
And yet ninny 14re ,fust like that,
Our tndebtednes.
S to "urea cannot fief
reckoned, it is so great. Our iniquities
cannot be numbered, i d, yet Ile freely and
fully forgives All who, with true peal- '
tense, turn to Rite. saying, "Though
your sins be as scarlet, they shall be
QS white as snow; though they he re'rl
like crimson. they shall be as 'wool."
"I. even I, am- Be that blotteth out thy I
transgressions and will not remember
thy sins" ;Ism 1, 18; x1/11, 204. Cour.
pared with the mountain of our trans-
ag:Nzst God, which Fle freely
Yat' 1VCS, art r, i� jO'v
b e n tic. n' ti.
1 t cl •ai.
c s a nsr
us must be ttru ver•iast' ti'ltles, wiiieli
should be as freely forgiven by 115, en-
soling tanto prey sincerely, "jrorgive us'
our debts Its 5)115 f0i'gis' 1)111'uelifors"
t. c'
ei t
tl t,,\c'
t slat8 Af calf s1ins the ai oaf}' foul/ tin/: is
that -we 101110 With true (,e'oite,.ire`€o
Thin who has seid. ''11tn1'Ibet einnet1'
to lite 1 will in dui 51/55'''1101 dint:' "Thy
sins are fnrgI' ((, 'i`h.t' 'frena hate,:
xru•r'() 1he': (.io in lioni'e' 001111 vI,
. 117: Lake vii, -IK-illi.
nut. having !weenie ehildren of, Cod
by faith iu Christ .10011, and 1lavieg tae
assurance of 1he forgiveness' of our
sins there .15,need n1 ton...( int forgive-
ness because or et -instant defilement
and ihnrfr'nmhlls, the 11(15'renre 1e-
twee) the forgiveness of the refire, the
unsaved sinner, had the fnrgiveuess of
n child did the Fa s louse. The "1iy
Lien yen ly Pother" and "Your Heavenly
I. -other" or terse 8ti of oar lesson ruin
Hart. vi, 14. l5. show )hat `if ye tor-
istve "f 'o feirgiv1'or
to, dtsriple•ands andirommuuinen. not" re
If a child of God, as Teter was. and
the disciples to whomi fie tan 5110 flint
pra11',' should cherish ort unforgiving
spirit toward -:my one, such could not
enjoy the conscious forgiveness of (belt
Father. 'Thea%, would 1,, a 'loud be:-
O ''' ii, 115 when children :ire con-
scious of disobedience to parents they
air not ''ease to be children, hut there
is a lark or coin amnion The Lorca Wien
delivered Ole l'nrulet 15 fn:givrn debtor
50 the tormentors (verve Hot, was the
110'0 Lord, its In Luke rvi, 8, not our
lord .Esus ('hrist, for it MIS )aver re-
?order! that tied a1,'1' Withdl•t'w forgive.
nese from one to whom He had given it.
This )teautlfel picture, - in colors, 'free. To every member 'of the er.•,,.t 'Wt1nes,S' )'ansa ' who will sand e,,s a
Its( of 10 na.mes of boys who will I.e. likely to sen the' 'Witness,' tugeth'r with 2 cents in stamina tocover 1"n
cost Of postage, p ygt $;,,
1 packing and ham -king, we will deliver—Free—the beauCifui' pSctU.re of 'Skating,' measuring 0x13 'k
inches. , . e
No barrier, however formidable.; no obstacle, however insurmounlabie it may seem to the timid oto aor faint-
hearted bey, can bar the wa • any boy
possessed with honest nuc( eahnest enthusiasm.
Lincoln was consumed with a desire for n crluvatinn. - Ole walked six miles to borrow a grammar, and after
returning:,home with the precious eiezc' hurried one pine.d:noi after:�anat'her whilehe' studied its '.problems. -'.fila
did not dream of the 'White 'f'Iouse in .thane toilsome Mays and nights when his enthusiasm urged. him on, Who
shalt say it was not t.he early enthnsiasln .that rmade himthe liberator or millions 01 his fellow men and a hero
of every hey the civilized world ovr'?
Boys are always dreaming 51.10111 ^emus f
n whoa it earl accomplish, and wondering why they do not: haveit. They do not understaticl, perhaps, that enthusiasm is the right 01 success, d han - e e
ens, and that persistency performs
111ira01es. They do not realize, ',as von do, 11SISL the grecs( mainr(ty of men who have ,risen tobo superintendents,
managers and prlprietors of grerl.d businesses, found their first opportunity at the bottom rungs of the ladder,
And In their boyhoocl desires and pleasures.
The 'Witness' can help your bey and others.
s They will surely earn .good' i comes if theydo a little want
for the 'Witness' every ;veep; but better them that—they will 'become more self-reliant
how easy It is to sell the-' Witness.' and more manly. Read
Dear T.. t-ieado:-r got nay: brat ten palters this evening after school, and sold a31in a few miantes of cn roe,snia ,
Had In mind a nornbor of people S was sure :would buy, but did- net .got to thorn all. 2" enclose MY order for 20 ntase
paPors. _ Foars tzuly,' �2.6i D EIIWBii:II01.
Doane Sixa.-2 rooeivod ave copies' if the 'Witne s' a ern ,
)ay lob fine. Jf how Mt win tate. s Y st d S evening r sold them all le aro SON V 2 gFF+;_
1. poaY• Tours sincerely', 1pfbLSO3P. Q®Exajq.
"av'ltnoas' 55110 0.re Lena, 2 reoelvod 19 copies at S p.m; 0.11 gene at a nonn. Eaelosed find order for 30 ors,
rotrr, bay Is makinghis 11±e no
w, let the; 'Witness' help, Wc. so-•. era:te
ht Canadian boys, P with parents istdevelplsi»g their
Addss 'The ifine„s
9 v'V iI:I3�S5
a OC