HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-12-12, Page 7^ew
$AQP toil
New Rings,' Brooches,
Pins Lockett; Pracel
Watches Clocks
e ware and' Novelties
are now on disP la
Call early r while Stocks
are complc and reililt;e
• 'your selections
Articles may now be laid
aside for asmall deposit
to be called for later.
Alig oods warranted as
should be ordered early
to insure Best Work and
no disappointment. '
W. d. 1El YA
1. R
1 orCer's 11111 '
Dont forget t Chriatm s Tree
entertainmeut in Bethel. Church. 00
Friday evening, December 20th.
An energetic.. programme committee
is at work and ?is determined to make
this the best Uhrietmas, tree entertain-
ment' ever held in Bethel Ohuroh,
Those who miss it will lilies the -treat
of their levee, The programme will
consist of readings, reeiteetions dia-
logue, music, :iostrumental and, vocal,
and a, "Mock Trial," A loading fee -
tare of the programme' will be the
Men's Chorus. Doors open rat 7•o'eloelt,
programme commence at 7 : 30.
Miss Jennie Hill, of Tuckerennitlt, Toronto, 'Dee. 5 -The Divisional
visited' in our village this week. Court handed down this 'judgment
Our Station was on Saturday last a today:
busy place, 7 car loadeof fat, stock
were shipped to Toronto, there was
cattle, sheep and hogs, all for the
Christmas market.
George Turner and wife, of . Dray others from ah order of Riddell, J.. of
ton, are visiting at the home of their 'November 12, 1912, 'dismissing their
mother., Mrs. Jas. Turner. , e motion for an order quashing by-law'
Mrs. Busch, of Hensall, visited, this . No. 2, of 1912, of the township, provid
week at the home of her aunt, 11rs, ing for the municipal telephone systein
Broadfoot, She came to attend the of Colborne, and a resolution passed e
Anniversary services in the Presbyter. on April 27,-1912• : that the municipal
ian Church. telephone system pay law coat or other
Our community was saddened on expenses that may be incurred on the
Sunday to learn of the death of James township by passing of the by-law No.
Ross, of Hensel!, Mr. Rose who has 2. Appeal argued and the debenture
been ill for a long time, lived a .lnile byllaw relating to West Wawanosh
south of our village until a few weeks set aside; The Township of Colborne
age, when he moved tb Hensel!. •.;. He to- have two weeks to obtain payment,
bad reached the ace of 63 years. He of the $120 from the "Township of
leaves a widow and familyoft, 7 chi',d- West Wawanosh, or whoever else is to
rens 4 in the' West; 2 in Torotlto and 1- pay it: if the $120 is not paid the ;by-
in Boston, to mourn his lose ' A• nudn.,:.law is set aside. Retiolution is 'set
ber from the neighborhood 4attended: aside. Applicants to have costs in' re-
spect to two points upon . which they
have succeeded, viz., in respect to the
West Wawanosh by-law and • resolue
tion below, as well as of this appeal.
No order as to other costs. P.
King:' Tee proceedinge
amountedi to thMie rw; eTehtocsitOe amdt
pnbgelrlhfos IcnonG
icha$215 the Whole contribution t og
Iannut 3JUw Which �gves towards the 1
tt tr e
rvn .
r. Oarriero. of e'
Grand Eend,Building Fund of tAa Church;
visited' at Mr. john Moffats while at-
tending the meeting of Presbytery in
Tuclierstuitlt Clinton, . -
The ironwork .of the Broadfoot'
bridge is being erected this weal..
A Christmas Tree and' Entertain'
!tient nudes the auspices of"the San -
day .Sehool of
on-day.Sehoolof Turner's Church will be
held on Monday evening, .December
23rd, A good entertainment is being
Prepared ' by the School and a pleasant
evening is expected.
Re Robertson vs. Township of
Colborne. -
An appeal by . A.. Robertson and
the funeral on Wednesday toe Hensel',
Mrs. Pearson and Mrs. Duglop were
this week the guests of Mrs.Rotten-
Thos. Gibson, of our village,: was
badly hurt in school on Monday 'bybe-
ing thrown on the cement floor of ,the
• basement. He was unconscione for •a,
MoreRural g■ Tip long time, but leas recovered.;
�i Y I{ii1 Mail Routes Another anniversary of the; Presby-
' 'terian Church has passed very success-
fully. On Sshhath the Re.vi Donald
Urquart, ot Listowel, took charge of
the services and preached two strong
earnest sermons. In the morning he
took for his text John 2I-9. Ile
spoke of the good work accomplished
by the common"people of the world
citing many who have done great
work. He recited a portion of Burn's
Cotter'sSaturday night,telling hie aud-
ience that the strong people of the
world today were the common people
and he showed how good a power they
might become if they followed in . the
Master's footsteps. In the evening his
text was John 1-41. He told how
beautiful a thing it was for to help
and cheer mankind, and to strive and
bring others to Christ. He spoke io
of the open bar room end ueged all to
help in the noble cause of uplifting
mankind. There was special music by
the choir, assisted by voices feoin
Kippen. Mrs. John Innes, of'Stentee-
The following' additional mail rout-
rshave been laid out in this district;
Froin Clinton east to Alma, north
to 2nd con., west to read between lots
25 and 26; thence southerly to Base
Line and to Clinton, about twelve and
a half miles.
From Clinton north on Base Line
to Suttnmerhill, east on con. 6 to the
road between lets 5 and 6, and the
Constance postoffice, thence south to
con. 4. west to the road between lots
25and 26, thence southerly to the
Base Line end to (Minton, about nine•
teen and a half miles.
From Londesboro east along con,
10 to the McKillop townline, thence
F4>uth to the road. between cons. 8 and
9. west to the road between lots 35
and 36, south to the Base Line, north
along Base Line to the 10th con. and
east to Londeshoro. About twenty-
two miles, sang a solo which was very much
From Auburn east along Mullett, appreciated by the large audience. Mullett
and 1Vowanosh boundary to the road The offering for the day was $90, • Mrs. Tierney. of Blyth, spent Tues -
between lots 25 and 26, Hullett, south On the following Monday a Fowl day with her brother George Thomp-
' to con. 12. west to Base Line, north Supper was given when the 'Church
to the boundarys of Hullett and was crowded to the doors. A splendid, s Mr:^Wm Morrison of the 6th Con•
'Wawanosh ana east to Auburn, About • programme was held with the pastor, cession has bought Wm. aenry's farm,
'fourteen miles. Rey. H. Woods in the chair. The cif the Gravel Road and will take poss-
ee•rom Blyth south to the Morris. speakers for the eaer)ing were Rev. ession in February.
Hullett boundary, east to the road. Mr. Urquhart, B•et Mee Larkin, ea Mr. and+Mrs. Thos. Shohrock spent
a tween lots 20 and 21, south to'' con, Seaforth. ,Rev. Mr.Oarr•iere, of Grand Monday at the home of Jos. Grasby,of
nand east by way of Harlock post: Bend. The opening soap was•by the Morris,
office to the Hallett -McKillop hour. choir, afterwards there was solos by Mrs. Wm. Stevens and Master Wil.
dary, north to the 'Hallett -Moine Misses Robinson and Pattison, of Sea- lie and Mies Lottie Jenkins spent Sat -
boundary, west to the townline be.. forth. A quartette, from Seaforth urday and Sunday with the letters
tween Morris and tr':awan. sh and Alessi* Beatty and McGr egos and feerer, Mrs, ,Tames, of near Walton.
north to Blyth. A.hout fourteen miles. Misses Holman and .'Hudson; of Sea Wm. Far uhar, who has been en -
From Seaforth west to he Tue. •forth. Miss Newberry,, H of London. gaged With gJas. Leiper for the past
kerstnith•MeTaillip boundary,
to the gave two excellent readings one of
two years has moved
to the bouse
road between the lots 30 and '31 Icthem being a selection of, "titis. Wiggs
owned byMr. Hoare near Clinton.
Killop, north to con. 8, west to the, and the cabbage patch," • The other William Vodden, son of John V'od-
tosvn line, south to con. 6, west. to was entitled "How to make an Ameri- den returned home from the West last
Constance and the road between lots' can citizen." The choir;then gave a weak.
6und•6, south to the con, 4, east to the closing selection, after which the meet The following is the report of S. S.
roed between lots 30 and 31 McKillip, ing closed by singing "God Saye''Tlie No.11. Mullett, for the month of Nov -
thence to con. 2, then west to the ember, the names noming in order of
road between lots 5 and 6, thence to merit. Junior IV -Belle Roberton.
The Hullett..Cuckersinith townline and ,_, Junior III -May Hamilton, Ivan Rose,
east to' Seaforth. About twenty -twoc %v �:. Keith Hamilton, John Leiper. Junior
and a half miles, .. II -Alberta Moon, Willie Hamilton,
Agnes Leiper, Gertie Roberton. Sen-
ior Part II -Carman Moon, Guy Lei-
per. Junior Part el -Anna Henan ton.
Senior Part 1 -Russel McNeil, Pear l
Moon. Junior Part I -Mamie Rose,
Tommie Caldwell, Margaret Mental),
Tilly .elcNall. Miss 13. M. Campbell
The following article was taken
Redlev, California, Expositor of
Nov 2Ist, and refers to a hrother-in-
law of Aire. 1. Marwood, of Hullett,
1 and cousin of Mr. Jas. Smith, of Elul -
lett. .
i "Louis Miller passed away at his
Smith Mountain home last night in
the presence of only a part of his
family, Deceased was born in Ger-
many, lint moved to Ontario, when
a boy. For the past three years' he
of the ,best 'Groceries and table luX has lived on his ranch two and a, ,half
cries that could be gehherete i miles east of Redley. He has been
a sufferer for many .years. At the
date of bis death he was- G5` years e£
age. ,He leaves to mourn his depar-
ture a wife Margeree Miller, and eight
children, four of whom live here, Mrs.
Mary Porter; Ben F: Miller; Andrew
and Gilbert Miller,
(intendedlot lest week)
Mr. Harold Allin is home. from the
West after an absence of several
months. He seems well pleased with
the country and expecte to return in
the spring.
Miss Stella Jewell was the guest of
her friend Miss L. Young last week.
Mr. F. Fisher visited at Mr. and Mrs
0. R. Forster's on Sunday.,
D P. Schwann has secured the ser-
vices of Mr. Harry Farrant for the
Miss E. ()lark, of Port Alpert, was
the guest of Miss Ella Kurschenski on
John Durst is rushing his new house
to completion with all possible haste.:
The plasterers ace busy at it this week.
(What's all the hurry about Jack P)
Mrs. John Flick spent a part of last
week under the parental roof.
We are sorry. to hear that Miss
Amanda Meadel is on the sick list Tor
the past'few weeks, and hope for a
speedy recovery.
Miss Mahel Snyder was a guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.R. Forster
on Sunday. ,
An Auctioneer's Li ense
•Caunty has ,be'n taken
Bennett Nota Bounds,
f• Hut on
Diet bvT.
y, of Grey
Chicago and Return $16 20
from Clinton
al Live Stoclz
Exposition t
'liekets•good going Sunday, Dec, 1
toWednesday, Def: 4, inclusive.,
;Return' limit Mondem„Dec , 1912.
Proportionate low ; ales• from other
points in tint:ario.
Tho Grt:fc1 Trunk Pacific 'Iitiilway
is the shortest and quickest route
1 etweeln .Winnipeg -S askatnc L - I56-
Secure tickets anti fall gnrl,••:iiars
From ',nearest GI..tad Truant Agent.
' A. 0. PATTISON. depot agent
A.E. Duff, district passenger' agent
Union Station, Toronto, Ont. �.
A Christmas
now vr
r av actin your in to and:
ode ;' here atmntort Dainties
that should grace every tette on
Christmas Day, a= wet',h the us,tal
culinary needs, flan behest _ciect-
u-d ,from our •sto"k of
fo not forget to order plenty as -
they are so good they ;a 111
roon be gone,
Groceries and Provisions, Foreign
End Domestic Fruits, Etc:
Our Anal= ---To Please
Furniture buyers at this store invariably come back
when they, want more, and bring their friends with them:
To Use Onr Furniture is to prove that it is as good as it
looks, and that is saying a whole lot.
Substa"tial Furniture can be bought here at money-
saving rates. Why not ; secure what you rieed now
while prices are so favorable.
Atkinson & Dunfor
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors -Phone 104E
NIGHT AND SIt1NA9•AY C,tiLLS-Phone Ni,' 127 or Phone 16
MI. Ezekiel Phillips has returned
from the West.
!Mrs; Gravestin still continues very
ill there being little, hopes 'of her re-
The iron men are busy at the bridge
a.nrl with a few days of fine weather
the bridge will be passable when there
will be a hippy reunion which should
be celebrated by a public holiday.
The representatives of the three tele-
phone companies Blyth, Colborne and
Goderich Rural had a meeting here
List night to try and arrange connec-
tions with the last named company but
no terms were arrived at.
William Jordon an aged ,man who
last week threatened to take his wife's
life was arrrested and taken before
Magistrate Bailie, who 'sehteoce2 him
to three months in jail.
The postal department has issued
circulars and application blank forms
to fanners along different proposed
free mall delivery routes which will he
established providing enough farmers
apply. ,
Ben llolutesviile
(Intonded for. last. Week)
Council met with a all members pre-
sent The necessary' nomination pond
3lection by law was read and passed.
Nomination to be held in Holmes'
Hall on Monday Deeem ber 80th at 12
o'clock: noon and election. (if any)' on
Monday, January Oth, at the following
places with the following• persons as
Deputy Returning officers and Poll
Cleric: -1, Orange.Hall-Chris. John•
ton, Geo. Falconer. 2, John Sten -dye -:john Sturdy, Howard Sturdy, 3, Mrs
hos. Benison -Jim. Woods, Albert
Harrison,' 4, W. H. Elliott --John.
Oluff, Lewis Anderson, 5, Bert Mur-
hytBert Murphy, >Ira Mennill, 6,
Hicks Hart Hicks, Robt, Rich.
Following accounts were passed: -
Gravel, James Thompson -a.- $ 8 00
Jno,' Potter 2, 80
las. Donnell .. :_10 92
D. Gliddon 3612
G. Settles 22 05
Ben 1?earson „ 13 93
Robt: Johnson:: • 15 07
' Rathwell . • .. • 9 66
J. R. Holmes,, Rall hent...,..., 50 Q0,
njot Iron Co, culvert, , ,• 58,6.4
Councillors seryiiees:at,Board.. -140.00,
W. H. Lobb. services on Base
Line.... • 4 e00
T. E.'Whitely, treasurer,: 5 00
N. W.'Trewartha ' 105 00
Clerk's postage end stationery 9 36
W: Prdudfoo't' . 7 00
Stanley Township tile' , . , , , 22 40
Henry Young, • sheep killed.. , . • 13 31,
D. Gliddon, .sheep killed,:, 665
C. W. Williams,' valuator .... 2 00
Adjourned to meet December 10th,'
10 a. m.
N. W. Trewartha
Clerk t
Coal For Sale: -About 13 tons of.
tuve and 35 tons of egg.
Blyth and McKillop Phones
Wedding hells will ring in the near
utnre for a popular young lady just
outh of here.
Geo. Lyon is not making any im
prove towards health,
Fred Gibbs and Harry Riley are
working no near Goderich puttirg up
windmill and fitting up water works
n a large stable..
John Nott is helping Hugh Hill, of
Ootborne in his saw mill
R, Adams seems to be all better
gain and has been doing considerable
business in coal this week. Re un
oaded a car of 44 tons of egg size. He
has some yet for sale of it.,
I. Hutton got a car load of Manitoba
wheat last Sadurday. Reis sending a
of of Ontario wheat up to Blyth.
There are several parties around
here have threshed their beans and
ind a large share of them are not sale -
Mr. Hugh McGregor is in Toronto
this week attending the Fat Stock
Show with his cattle. .tile got second
prize for his year old.
Mrs. Thos, Baird spent a few days
Ashfield at the end of last week and
first of this, She attended a party in
honor of her mother, who celebrated
her ninetieth birthday on Saturday
December 71h. Mrs. Dunbar is still
halo and hearty. • Q
Goderiel:i To vn$WV,
The following is the report' of S. 5,'
No 9, for the month of November,
Names are in order of merit, , Tunior
V ` :Willard Gray, Senior IV --Hattie
Ostrom, Sadie Cook Bert Medley,
Junior ' I V -Lola IIudie.Emma Coque',
Loyd() • t Senior I
Miller: S n or I[ d
77 tho
Sterling, Irene Harrison,Tom Endre.'
Junior III Charlie' CooperBunce;
Grigg, Earl: Cooper,. Whinnied Net'
son, Blanche Nelson, Jean Cook: Senn
ior'I1-Beta Harrison, John. Ostrom.
Junkie 1I> -C
lads and Grigg,'
Hudie, Oecil Connell Willi( terligg,teenior
1 -'Wilbur Nelson, Ila Grigg,,
Junior 1-0herlie +Hanson,.+ Harold
Connell. Honorltoll-WVinnifted Net..
son- Edythe Sterling, Hatt le :_Ostrom,'
Emma Connell,talhatlie Coope!', Will
ard Gray; John Ostrom, Blanghe Net:
son. Edythe Peddle
young people of S. S. No, 9, in-
tend a box•social on December
I9th, A lengthy programme is being
prepared. All are cordially invited.'
Last Sunday Anniversary services
were held at Cole's Church afternoon
and evening. Rev. Mr. MCOnrmick,of
Rolmesville, preached two excellent
sermons and the collections realized a
nice sum at the close of the day. The
choir gave special music atboth ser -
Mrs. (Rev.) W. EL oole,nf Michigan,
is visiting her brother's and . sisters in•
this township,- • ;
Mr, Walter Raehwell has returned'
from the W'es1'
Miss Olive Cox is : spending.; a few
days with friends in; Godericb.:
The Literary Soeietea of .the' Union
church are preparing fora ,Christi mas
tree and entertainment to be 'geven on
the evening of Thursday Dec! 49th.
Mre, James Roas, of thia.'tu) rnshlp,
was, in W.,inghans last, week, attending
the funeral of her ,aunt Mrs.:. Alex.
, Porter.:
The farmers of the.west end' of Gode-
rich Township held a'meeting lin the
Orange Hall, on Tuesday evening,
December 10, to. organize ;; a Farmers'
The Goderich Township Rifle Asso-
ciation held a meeting one Noteember
26th, when it was:decided to move the
range back to the - Maitland y river,
where it was originally, on 1, Thos.
Gundry's farm, , , All , the association
rifles are to be sent to the Ordnance
stores at London for inspection. All
those having rifles•'belotlaing to this
association will please leave thein with
the secretary as soon! as possible-T.R.
Rundle, See.
A presentation took place on,; Wed-
nesday at the old home of Mr, and
Mrs, William Sinclair' on the 16th
Concession when their old friends and
neighbors gathered to bid good bye to
them as they are moving to Stanley
township, -.Mr. R Thompson read the
following address and Messrs... Will -
jams and Lobb presented the two
chairs to Mr, and Mrs. Sinclair,'
To Mr. and Mrs. -Sinclair:
We, a few of your many friends
have gathered here to ,spend a: social
evening with you on the eve of your
departure from our midst. During the
14 years you have spent with uta, the
kindliest feelings have existed.- We.
have always found both untiring in
the welfare of others and we ask you
to accept these two chairs as a slight
token of esteem we have towards you,
knowing that our loss will • be others
gain. We wish that your future will
be crowned with happiness and
success. Signed on "behalf of the
friends of the neighborhood,
0. W. Williams, Sr.
Buy Your Christmas Gifts From
Jeweler and Optician
We Carry one of the Largest and Best Assorted
Stocks of Watches, Clocks & Jewelery in the County
Ladies' and Gent's Gold
Filled Cases stem wind, with
a good, reliable, movement,`
fully \guaranteed $10
others from. $12 to $40
Clocks of all descriptions
from $I to $411
Special Values for
Umbrellas with - gold, silver
and gunmetal handles
A Ring makes a very ac-
.ceptable gift for; either a
lady or gentleman. Set with
Diamonds, Pearls, Rubies,
Emeralds, Opals, Sapphires
Signet Rings....$1.75 tO $10.
Special line ot single Pear!
54k Rings at $3 and $5
Wedding -Rings
Brooches o
f all descriptionsri t
and prices.
We carry a beautiful line
of Pear! 54k Gold i3roochss
at $4 to $20
Cuff Links
Scarf Pins
is always Popular for Presents
it is Artistic and Useful
We put all articles of jewelery in nice boxes and
Engrave Initials free of charge, -
Our Prices are Right and Goods
are Just as we Represent Them
We will be pleased to have you compare our prices with
jewelery catalogue, houses.
(No witnesses required)
Usemi anicses as
This is the question that is' replezcin t'housands of
P g.
people both young and old, 'at'this season of the year.
Only a short time now resains in which to make
selections, and we inviteou to conte inland ;look -over
our large and well assorted stock of dai'nty and useful
Christmas Goods.
Look over this List it may help you make a decision
Ladies and Ohildren'slain and fancy Handkerchiefs 5c to fel
Handkerchiefs in fancy boxes at 25c, 50e, 75c
Men's Ties in fancy boxes at 25c, 35e, 50c
Men's Fancy Braces in separate boxes
Ladies' and Children's Fancy,Slippers •
Ladies'. Collars, Belts, Etc
Hand Begs, newest style, 50c to $2
Gold and Silver Mounted Parasols and Umbrellas
Kid Gloves -unlined, wool lined and far lined
Furs, Toques, Mufflers, Fancy Linen, Etc.
'hlum.�' l
Slee Br ,os'1
W. H, Lobb
During the evening a shower wes
also given to Mies Sinclair by the
neighors and friends. A happy even.
ing was spent and the gathering broke
up by all singing, "For .theyate jolly
good fellows."
Lest Wawanosh
Mr. Thos. Geir sailed on Saturday
for Liverpool.
Allan and Walter Scott oil; East
Wawanosh are attending the Live
Stock Fair in Guelph this week,
Mr. Thos, Cade left his old home in
England last week. Mr. Dobie of
Wingham has bought his farm.
Mrs. Samuel Walsh is suffering
from a slight stroke, but is improving.
Her son Frank is visiting at his home.
Word was received here last week
that Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Walsh of
Guelph are both in the hospital with
diptheria. •ee
Mr A. McGregor is preparing to
move to the farm which he purchased
from itIr. Broadfoot on the Mill road,
Miss Horner, of- Hay Township, is
visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs,
Miss Mamie Jonston, of Blake, is
visiting at Mrs. Samuel Johnston's,
Mr. Amos, of Leury, is visiting
here. '
The Sabbath school of the Presby-
terian Church is preparing a Christ'
nias tree and social to he held on Mon
day eveuing, Dee. 23, The parents of
the children attending the Sabbath
school, together with the members
and adherents of the congregation are
invited to attend,
London Itoait
Mrs, Rowcliffe ea, is visiting in
London this week,
Mrs. Weldon, who underwent an
operation in the Clinton Hospital a
week ago is•improving nicely.
Mr. andRowcliffe bad a
Meg, H.
small eon arrive at their home on
Wednesday of this week,
Mr. Geo. Hanley although very sore
yet is improving as well as can be ex
Mr, Fred Nott attended his cousin's
sale, Mr. Thos. Mason's on Wednesday
of this week.
District News.
While operating a worn -e ,wing
machine on eh 'arm of Joseph
hickey. flea; teipita, teHuron
ccanty, Martin Kinney, a t umer
was killed almost inetantly .Friday
evening, when :he saw, running
at :.ig•,h speed, worked loose and
struck the vidtiu;m on the h •all and
anoulders, cutting him terribly.
Coroner Campbell, of tioder'th,lras
°panee•l an ungues.
't toe morning,, `service in 8`t
George's' chive `'a Gcdeeirh, Rev.
J. B, IFothefting hain detlit'ate.d a
b,andsome new ;p:,e organ. lust in-
ttalled. After 'tie eve,uitg.seviee
Mr. Roy Adan rive i ret .zal foe-
1 gh'tinlg the congregation' v Ith its
fine tone. The eew organ is the
mcistt up=to date •'-tot filar peen -
in 0.ntario
oen-in0netario • •' '•
1 -re Company in Winnipeg teat is
manufacturing the useful imple-
n..nt Stewart: Sheaf loads. have
Put out 500 in 191•: -end are ':.t work
now on 10091 fur Cai.ade ie next
yea i alae expe 't to sell ten in the
tan ied Staites. lit•vas_patented by
::ewe? t Bros of Mclesworth lo-
cality 5 years ago but is now owned
y the Stewart Sheaf Loa,lee Co.. of
tetnnipeg, o" welch Alex. S.m rare
is President an i'.no.S, ''lei_;,Lies.
fcimely GI, Mot s,voxt1 ''i unity.
Treasuer ja'ned M .nagin Director.
£he ma thin sell at 8400 and
anrd Stewart Bos. receive to, oyal(ty
on all sales. .On. of the .Fru;hes is
,.;nploe d 'with the Cop pan v at
'Winnipeg. Thema:hine wort I.rst
Jass and is a big labor •sate,, on
Lig farma in hauling in the harvest
A dog owned ,by 'Harry; Tay or,
Souble Linc, took up a posilin., in
the door of tee'ternpoi.ery eci-.00'1.
house on Thursday a^• ed refused to `^•,,;,
lel anybody in. it was s'ubt un the
doorstep before nen a tcense as
r.,. de,
Fire whirh n of e e
OA t 9,aeioek
c= Thursday in ctn'1' •nt fhe ur•e- -
:lrying building ane sheo owned by
el it. •Mei dingel .r n.sh,e.,,.Zut'fell road,
•otally destroye•I the two hued iegs
11 s private dwelling w:5 saved
ply by the 11 Irdeit +keted: ev(mk b
the neighbors The loss v ill be
upward o: $1ln9, set+hEre`•tees no
insurance. ate iuItilt
Have Von a farm tor Sale?
il li
The nt a ` s i '
c 'As c a i<.n for
S 1
BaronCountyridt ub:
,n- n op iso a
l,st of farm „pronertiele tort Liale en
this c.ountv,-eiloid ask . any person
awing a farm for -sale.' to send at
once to any member. of the Eaenu-
tive, named nelow, 'particulars of
tach farm;: benertbing i, and sat-
ing price :it which Ailey will stet
When advertieeententet of euflicient
farms have been 'received, the Ex-
ecutive wall p t:11,O • the,. I,st ill
ircular form for general distribu-
tion in the Old Land and -in the
nited States, without charge to
the advertisers •
Further perti.+.ulare Mak ,be ob-
iained from any Of the Exeenitiue,
J G. GREE:-, Pres, Selfoit'h
' 0H1 LEC' KIF Viee `Dies„ 'Brus.;ele
6 C. MUN STNG.S, Tress,' Goderich
,AS. MITCHELL; Secy, Gad•„rich
-txecuetive C • m-3; „Nr-tlovssnlock,
reeve, Mc1 illloQ, 'i4isethfo;: ,P • 0,;
Mayor Spottrnn, Wingham;
OOleat, reeve of Stanley (Bine t•n n,0,
'ohin R'tniforr ,presidetit Clinion
Foard of Trade; W... J..'Hcaraa,n
' eeve of Exeter r Thomas Stothere,
a,unepanno., • rR w fr1eingeetone,
1•eeve of Ciey alancri ft.
.a doubt
find this out
in all
your travels
round about
the bread that's
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eal-is just the one
and only real -
better bread
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