The Clinton New Era, 1912-12-12, Page 5� ,,,.,, . , • ;.. ,. ,, ♦ ,, Ott 4 : ttt0 • . wv, . ,®oto•t9Ntlt4•••N4•4!••ttttt4+++h, N+tt♦tltttt►Otittthtt4••••tt... . ttftttttt+trttttt 4, f4t+*Rttt,`tt!?tNt,tittiN•No•••Ooo'ofsosi�ooros•000•ooe4►•4•,}4eovob atoot0000toRfotso•toowv.� ,Ht o hlailv9gi3'; lla��aia . Alve"pejo'l acid Chicago -Wheat Futures Close Lower—Live Stock— Latest, Quotations. Lk1ICAGo, ilio. 2—Wheat slid, down today nailer• moderato selling, due •n1Flnly to flee 'wea'ther, for the Argentine harvest. The ".market clos- ed easy' 3-8c to ,1-2c under last night. Clorn showed 0,, net 1050 of 1-4c to 1,2e, and oats a decline of 1-4o to 3-8c. i'rOv!sious finished 7 1-2c lower to a shade atdvanoe, ate Liverpool market closed unchanged to yid lower on wheat, ant 333 lower on ', corn, • , N rnnipeg'Optons, Prev. Wheiit— Open. 311g0, Low. Close, Close. 11ec:11'1 80% '7f1'%i 79%0 805 as 1 M .. 813 8173 84161. 84330 84730. Sats 12b `32h Der. , .., d5 361 32 May, � 35 35SS'/,, 3-u 35b,. 35U • Toronto Crain Market. Wheat, new, bushel „$0 92 to $1 00 Wheat, goose, bushel , 0 95 Rye,'bushel '0 65 Oats, bushel. 0 40 0 41 Barley, bushel_.. '0 64 - 0 72 Peas, bushel r... 1 00 Buckwheat, bushel... , 0 89 1 f10 Toronto Dairy Market, Butter, cream., lb, rolls. 0 32 0 3$ Butter, creainery, solids. 0.30 0 31 Butter, separator, dairy. 0.25 0 30 Butter, store.lats 0 20 0 26 Eggs, new -laid Eggs, cold storage, doz0' 24 0.30 Che15 ese, new, Honey, extracted, ib 0 12 Honey, combs, dozen ,2.75 ." $,00" Montreal Grain and Produce. Ref re,shhvon' s While ie,t °blasittO1y. itI5 elle- 1p'mai'Y to servo 1ielllt re'feeshmetnts lttun (evening gathering,.: l`l e elab- orate preparatic•,l,s 03 anV. sort is ,ee't -sa.ry the ref. cM:if:lenits may ,bePass ad ,aroulne.,oi abu•fetlunch alai v ,be,ser\ e t :in the dil iag room ices and fancy 9;'1, s ale ,u good sste end to eco.17 Wt. ther goal, - erifees chocolate with cakes, or ea'ndsvichea with 'letle-cup, of i,ot lou"lien may be sirbstitlited for the ices. The ,wen of She party should pass the cups' and pletes,or the 'ladies may to this. ; Eitivee is 1'i epee- .If something' heav'iee is re- quiired, " oalad's made of chicke:n, lobster, fish, etc., may be served, MONTREAL, Dec. 7. -The foreign de- mand for wheat wasquieter and cables were, easier, at a decline of lad per quay -4 ter. There centimes to be a fair enquirsr for Manitoba barley, but owing to the sharp advance in prices of fully 5cper bushel in. Winnipeg, on account_ of the increased demand, exporters could not workanyfurtber business, Owing to the fact that stocks of oats on spot are the largest on record for this season of the Year, a weaker feeling prevails in the market, and prices are 33c lower, with only a small trade doing. Flour is steady, with -a fair demand. Rolled oats have declined 400 per barrel. Millfeed is fair- ly active. Demand for butter is fair. Receipts for week,,were 6770 packages, as against 4660 -a year ago. A much better feeling prevails in the cheese situation, with a fair volume of business doing. Receipts for week were 4499 boxes, agatust 3855 a year ago. Eggs active and firm. Receipts for week, 2230 cases, against 3150 a year ago. Stocks : Wheat, 633,892; ,corn, 3999; oats, 1,650.880; barley, 46,069; buckwheat, 4442; flax, 61,082; flour, 120,212. • ' ' Corn—American No. 2 yellow, 70e to 710. Oats—Canadian western, No, 2 43c; do., No, 3, 42c; No. 2 local white, 90c; No. 3 local white, 39c; No. 4 local white, 38c. Barley—Manitoba feed. 615 to 62e; malt - ling, 110e to 82c. Buckwheat—No. 2, 57c.to 58e. Flour—Manitoba spring- wheat patents, firsts, 55.90; seconds, 54.90; strong bak- era, 54.70: • winter patents, choice, 55.37,; straight rollers, 54.95 to, $5; do., bags, $2,35 to $2.40. Rolled oats—Barrel, 54.60; bags, 90 lbs., x.20. atnlfeed—Bran, 521; shorts, 525 to $26; middlings, $28 to 530; mo'ulllle, $30 to 535. Bay—No. 2, per ton, car lots, 513.50 to 314. Cbeese-Finest westerns, 12c to, 12%c; finest easterns, •1134o to 11•yic. Butter --Choicest creamery, 3033c _ to 1034c; seconds, 28%e to 295. Eggs—Selected, 310 to 33.c; No, 2 stock, 21c to 220. Potatoes -Per bag, car lots, 75c to 850. Dressed' Hogs -Abattoir killed, '$12.50 to 313- country, $11 to $12. Pork—Heavy Canada short cut mess, barrels, 35 to 45 pieces, 529; Canada short cut backs, barrels, 45 to 55 pieces, 528.50. Lard --Compound tierces, 375 lbs., $9.50; wood pails, 20 abs. net, 510; pure, tierces, 370 lbs., $14.75; pure, wood' pans,. 20 lbs. net, $15.25. .. Liverpool Grain and 'Produce'. LIVERPOOL, Dec. , 7.---(Closing.)— Wheat—Spot, —(Closing )Wheat Spot, steady; No, 1 Manitoba 79 9.3: No, 2 Manitoba 7s 4d No, 3 Mani - /March, 7s 314,1; May, 7s 2d tuba, 7s 21F.d; futures, dull; Dec., 7s 3%d; Corn—Spot, quiet; American mixed, old, 6s 41(.0; do., via Galveston, 6s 21,413;' futures, dull; Dec., 4s 10%0; Jan.. 40 436d. flour—Winter patents, 29s. 60. Hops in London (Pacific Coast),€4 5s to 65 12s.. .645 6d. Hams -Short cut, 14 to 16 lbs„ Bacon—Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., 64s: clear bellies,- 14 to 16 lbs., 64s; long clear middles, light, 28 to 34 -lbs„ 705; do., heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., 69s 6d short clear 'backs,' 16 to 20 lbs., 630 60; shoulders, .square, , 51 to 13 .lbs., 665. Lard—Prime western,' in tierces. 57s 6d; American, 'refined, 58s 60. Cheese—Canadlan, finest white, 62s;, colored. 63s. 325; Australian in Tallow—Prime-city; Loddon. 35s 1016d Turpentl nel—Spll, ts, 29s. Rosin—Common 15s. 4%0, Petroleum—Refined, 99;10. ` Lin eed. all -30s - 6r1. Cotton seed o;1—' Iuil refined, spot, 260 3d. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINN77APOL S'.Dec.may7.—Close—Wheat uly, ea87et No—D. 1 hard, %c; No. 1. northern, 82e to r 3 No. 1 had S fzc n 81c; No, 2 hard' Mon- tana,No. 81330 Corn No 3 yellow, 4234c to 43c. Oats No '.White 3030 to 50%e. Rye—leo. 2, 52c to 571/2c. Bran $78 to $18.00. Flour—First� patents, $4.15 to $4,45;- sec- ond eaand patents, $4 to $4.25; first clears, $3 to $3,30; second clears, 52.20 to 93.50, Duluth Grain Market. DULUTH, Dec. I.—Close—Wheat—N0.1 hard, 83%c; No. 1 northern, 89%o; No. 2, do., 80'%5; December, s0%c; May, 85%c to , ' !Fruit Meringues • 1VIake s ni - par£ paste ?loaf ine a •p'e plate with it about an inch aids; bake these ,shells in!the of en. pricking' thelnr'•if they't111s!ter" er rise in 'the bottom. 111ve the palate . Paled gin atithe aides •c'o it will 3Soi ab"ink Ween the steals are done, 0111 'them with- arieh apple sauces stewed and sweetened and -flavored as desired i or illi the .5115110 with .alny preserved fruit 1,7 ,iced and _sweelteped, or with mar- do glade. , 'Cover each pie of of cli.'narY ,ciao with ameringue made' by beat-. rng 'tiro whites of,hvo,c'ggs toa ,stiff froth and adding two table - e "oo'nfuls orf powdered swaand nd the juice oflial'0 a lemon: 'Return teethe oven and cook the meringue ,s'owly for ten estwealy mieures or until it is firm and a light a'rown so it will not fall when cold. Lehtold '1.t Custard Use inomlil':. treat the yolks of.. four eggs until they are \v site as cieam, wdr:ch wilt required, d lot 01 1 eating ; Ig+'ats the peel enc' squeeze t'l•e juice of ane ler. on, add three t•Iblespoolnfuls of ;u' ar -and Water to this half a pint of i.oillil" -ater; then mix gradually with the eggs. Se' ;his over the lire tothicken;us Sag adouble boiler also s'ir one gay -all The wh'i1p, dolnot let boil.; ween quite ;rick stir vele. cool then Deur into caps, making three- fourths full and 1.'I1 epwith whipp ed (ream, piling i`. up. quickty stops, coughs,' cures colds. and Heals, the throat and lungs. 25 cents. CATTLE MARKET., Cast Buffalo Cattle Market. EAST BUFFALO, Dec. 7.— Cattle--Re—ceipts, 300 head; Steady 'eats—Receipts 50 head; and 50c active < lower tat $I to $12. w Dees Receipts . 4000.' head; slow and 55 to 10c higher, heavy, $7.80 to $7.90; 57.30; pig 3 $7 oto $725; rough s, $7.35 6 80 to r; stags, $5,50 to $6.50; dairies, $7.50 to Bicep Sh. and Lambs --Receipts, 4000 head; • active and sheep steady; lambs, 15c high- er; lambs, $4.50 to $8.15. Chicago Live Stock. C'SCAGO, Dec 7.—Cattle—Receipts, attle—Receipts, 3000; market steady., Beeves, $3.60 to $11; Texas steers, 54.40 to $5.70; western steers,' $5.40 to 99.10; stockers and feeders, $4.30 to $7.75; cows and heifers, $2.70 to $7.50; calves, $6.70 to $10.00. Slogs—Receipts 113,900; market so adY; light, $7.30 to ..$7.67 4; p1765, 5 $03 0 ot07.305` bulkuof sales, $o7 .55 to $.7.70-. Sheep and Lambs—Receipts, 2000;, mar- ket steady; native, 53,60 to $4.55;_ western, 53.80 to $4,05; Yearlings, 54.98 to $6,35; Aaiilb5, native, $5.50 to 57.70; western, $5.65. Ito $7.75, a GOOD RIALTO Vim and Vitality 8.re assured if you will cleanse yours'tomaca 0, undiglescee food card foul gases; The ex' cgs bile from 'the, 4iver and waste matter irrm the intesti'n'es and bowels by the Del pf Rig Pills tre ghat !net kidney, liver 0to'n- :'P11 arid, bolvel ret ev At all dealers 2a end 50 cent boxes or mailed by a;ie Fig Pill Cp., St. Thomas, .Ont. Sol i• in Clinton by J. E. Hovey Druggist, • Two Hurt In Explosion. Kingston,; Dee. 9. -As the result of a premature explosion of dynamite in Use •construction camp of the C.N.R. at .'Parham, Saturday, two Italians ,were badly injured, They were 'brought be the general hespital here. One man had his eyeso badly injur- 'edthat it was found necessary td re- move it. Doctors state that the two Held -Up C.P.R. ,'rain. S7ancouver, B.C., Dec, J.—A bold train Bold -tip was carried out so Sat- urday night just as the C.P.R. Im- perial Limited, leaving Vancouver at 7.40 was passing nut of the city, A single bandit, disguised ,by a black mask, boarded the .train as it was passing the British Columbia Stt ar Refinery, a mile and a half out, en-' +•eyed a Pullman car and at the point et to forced the a revolver fn p pass over their money and valuable. The, man chapped off the train just before it arrived at Arnot, six unie from the city, 71143 total loss .was $306 ill•bi11s, two Watches and one Chian, one di iiuoiid ring and two 'realist' saverei ns. The 510 01 517 "car conductor contributed 530. Trio police have no tract'' of ,the rubber. ; • Deplore Loss of 'Canteen. \\'ashirfgtuu, Dee. 9.—In rho annual (,'part of the 17. S. Secretary o£ S1'rir; ju.t presented to President Taft, the strength of the 'regular array on Jun;: r 30 last is given at 4.470 olhee s and 77,835 330 enlisted men au increase dur- ing lut'-in1 the ye sr of 189 officers and 1,331 (nen. Theerepoet slates that a7'1ny officers are almost uuenllnous in testifying that .the number of dives awl ill -re- sorts in the neighborhood of military reservations has : grea.tl'y increased since of the sale of light wines eisd beer has been prohibited. Sturgeon Falls Hotel Burned. North Pay, Dec 9. --The new 011 tario Hotel at Sturgeon Falls was de- stroyed by fire which broke Oat on the first floor Saturday eveniu7,°allot spread so quickly: that nothing could he saved. Fifteen boarders lost all their .belongings in the lire, ]'he building was of frame Construction, and was owned and operated by NI. L•'risbois. The loss ,will reach 510,000, partly covered by, insurance. THOMAS H. DOUGLAS a 97 year old negro who died at St. Catharines, where be had lived for eighty years. Long before the 'ad- vent of the railway he drove a stage- coach between Queenston and Ham- ilton. • MARRY OR MIGRATE Liner St,, Louts Is Disabled. -: Plymouth, Dec. 9.—The American lino steamship St, Louis, which sailed front New York Nov. 30, met, with a serious accident last Thursday, when a piston rod broke and was hurled �arefrom titop cylinder to the p of the I did much dal -liege, nm*'ne-room, t y 1 e1<• ' but no :one was hurt, Repairs . men have a good efiance for %eeoveolr.! Heeled to occupy, two mouths. • Bachelor 'nehmen Claim They Were Driven From Home Driven away from home because they positively refused to marry was the story told by a party of four Irish-, men upon their arrival at Montreal. Lloyd O'Brien, Harry Shannon and; two brothers of the latter fell'under the ban issued some months ago in their home town of Dunshaughen in' county Meath. Owing to the exces- sive number of bachelors in the neigh- borhood,the Town Council resolved to give everyone a chance to marry and then, if they still remained obdurate, to get rid of them. It was claimed that the general prosperity and wel- fare of the community demanded a diminution in the abnormal number of single, 1 len. So seventy-nine glar- ing cases were especially named and given notice that they must marry inside of six months or depart for pas- tures new. The. six months passed and thirteen of -the bachelors were still unmarried., Four' of them were staunch 'woman - Were and held out to the finish., The Council carried out its threat and expelled the unlucky thirteen, four of whom found their way to Canada. A WESTERN DRY-DOCK 4.****>*****/7* ,, Money Back le iness with watch a Pile _ ve 1'ioCSC wailsS is' 011e:Oi', the heir, evidences*that his lee work, in. harmony. , THE HORSEMAN. h ung e elo meat f the The cl v o yn. �, e P ❑ horse requires' the exercise; of the best judgment in handling htm. After a:day's work clean the work horses tboroiighiy wash their 'legs from the 'knees. deign n b dry. and rub >' the colts so long gs they haveSharp winter air will not hurt >F room to move 'about. Never * leave 'thein out In storms. It is a mistake to deprive a horse, of salt. .Large lumps -of rock gait should always be kept' in a box In a corner of the'man- ger where he can help himself. Vessels of Largest Size to be Hand- led at Prince Rupert The construction of the big dry dock at Prince Rupert is destined in the opinion of experts to have an im- portant effect upon the shipping trade of the Pacific coast. Many coast eteelmers which are at present forced to go elsewhere for repairs and over- hauling will tie up in future.at Prince Rupert, where. the new plant will eclipse anything of its kind upon the Pacific oeaet; being capable of hand- ling 20,000 ton vessels. A 300 -foot pier forms part, of the equipment. 1' Ql.D fi!►RE> 3t' ) ULCERS ARE 181 A 1A Ei) BY r 1 !:t - Iionist member for South Hants; who '• �f to tiro British, program net part; of Lie -Col. 4.tthur 1lamiiton Lee, Unit. Vas .Civil Lord 01 the Admiralty in 1903,' proposes to ask when the orders will be placed, when the shipt will are . any a ''•h1 et, to d t e be 'oom le d a werred :. for p � , Y attached to the Canadian offer: tJoseph NLartill, a 'former Canadian, who : 't • for . L'ast St, Pancras will ( w sits Smorltn 'Admiralty me 'ask�hif; the a d ���fw t n Y, (bun discloses that the navy should Falling Hair and Scalp Itch S. It. llolntes Is Auth- orized to Guarantee It. He Will do more '1 triter. u Sin g -two 1:030:10,2 of 1-,ARISIAb9 Sage you don't think nt is t11:s finest and- most delightful hair tonic and choosing you ever used-nt.ine'y. back . Can you beat that ofa '11 Young won ao. ,v ho neglecr their temples, grow, old ,befora their time If Your Its r is chinning at the temp es , . it it isloeint; its natalal color fadihi'g or braining grti,y, pa) your faith in PARISIAN Sage aid you, w'on't bedisappolated. Large bot- tle r0 ce'ats at S6 , S. E .'Bolles and du•b: :s everywhere Girl with Auburn hair an every packai e.' ,THE DORSET HORN SHEEP. Breed Noted For Fecundity and Great •Milking Qualities. The Dorset horn sheep is one of the oldest'of the 'English breeds. Original- ly it was large,•long legged' and rather chaise, and both sexes bad horns the same,as they have now, writes F. 0. Sibley in American Cultivator. l f- forts'wet'e subsequently made to im; prove' the breed by mingling the blood of other maces, but without success. It. therefor°e has practically the same ap- pearance today as formerly, .only it is more refined, the form being similar to that of the Southdown, with added 'size and;less symmetry. . As can be seen in the accompanying illustration,' the horns of the ram are ' very large and curve spirally forward, while those, of the ewe are much light- er and cure forward and inward rath- er in front of the eyes. These ere not a superfluity" by any means either, for their possessors ,are generally inclined to be. pugnacious and stand- for their own rights, espedaily when strange dogs come about, even perhaps to tak- ing the aggressive and driving the in- truders from the field. This trait is liable to be strongly manifested when the ewe has a young lamb. They are not "dog proof," however,. , for dogs that are already trained sheep killers will work great havoc among them,. only owing to their horns they will put up a hard fight before succumbing. .A. flock of them makes a fine appear. mice anywhere, and when well bred they will shear about the same as the Shropshire., the wool commandinges good a price as that of any of the English breeds. But their greatest value lies in the production of early lambs. The ewes, owing to tbeir wonderful milking Cold toles. enapr:� i li, u'=, ulcer's. :,nd wint3t' e0501314 are' veins -non 'malesjust now mad for 0'1'%nese Li1tn-Buis will be foond the surest 051(1 quiLdiest remedy Sometimes cold' sores ere e lame della li re 01.. the toes o1 limeys, and it she ,or- mer case, where co °red socks.. are worn, them is re danger of: le ed - Peas _ningfrom' the dye. Zein -Bark 005ng ,so powerfully antis+ p0ic re- moves the danger as peon as appli- ed end qulekly heals. Mr. W.J Halliday of Ase Gr•.we, Onit., says, "l shad my ettlelinger t,OHn 11]ct z it cracked at the fret •oint, canal oe' a bad sore, 'which d sch trgee. freely 9514 woe.lcl .'lot eal. The pain was very bad, aud ;he whole ?011.7 hand .become sV701- con and in bad ,shape. "A friend advised mese cry: 1.m Truk, anld T" 8001 found ih<.t Za:n-. Euk was a'ltoget- er difl.erelnt to any preparation 1:f. eal ever trued. In a very 5.131 t tiles 11 healed -1he, Isere." . Miss Lillie May 01Otoney:ererk, eeat., say i. 'A ,few eveeks s'ince.' evera 1 nasty digag vzing cold sores seJi eniy broke ;rat os • my Vos, which became much 607'Jlen See- ing my rrdriiion a friend' advisee ane'to try 'Za1.a-Club. and leave alis ether piepers:lens asi le, Till I did and was much pleased, after a SW applicaii.ns of rhi balin,< t0 see every sore heaped -'J 71am 11.k.lvill aide bo fond 03 cure' for eczc'a1Ia. blood -put Sae, vari ose sore.., piles, scalp 505.091 .ring Wern1, i5flanio l patches,: .,babies:. eruptions and 03,al6101 place's. cuts. hums, bruises and sawn inj,:ries geinerallY. Alt deiaggists a'nd,storeis :11 art' 50.. bo', oi' feet Lsee '7010 far12n-Bulk Co , ,Tor: ill o, Lipari .e. epi t of 113:i•e Re'tta5 harmful :na- .tatim - a11d. sa b titll'iOS •Use 8130 Zaut ,Btlk'fl 1p '253, tablet Bee; for ,,baby's bander skin,. The Dorset breed of sheep is noted for ifs fecundity. One hundred head or Dorset ewes will. normally -pro-. duce about 125 lambs. A couple of centuries ago this breed was used in England t0 supply milk for family use, their place of origin be- ing Dersetshlre and Somersetshire. They are pure white in color with pink noses. Both rams and ewes havehorns and are of medium size, mature ewes weighing 140 to 200 pounds each and rams from 170 to 200 pounds each in good :ordinary condition. Their wool grades as No. 1 medium.' Tho Dorset ram shown was _champion this year at the Ohio, Indiana and Wisconsin state fairs. be strengthened without delay, the Government should hand over` the,ob i ligation to Canada, The only feature of thenew' olio y causing •uueaincss is the 'innovation of giving the colonies'51 place on the committee of l.nlperial, defence; Tho , 'Manchester Guardians say "From the English viewpoint, we view with distrust the admission of a Canadian representative to the committee of de- fence, especially when lie is armed ADDI N ---TIO:: OR PART? Is, Canada's Gift tel Take Place BE GIVES UP HIS RANK, Russian Grand Duke Renounces His Rights To the Throne, St. Petersburg, Dee. 9-11mperar'-,; Nicholas and the nlenlbels til the 1m- petrol family ere greatly upset by the determination of the Emperor's only .,- bie thei', Grand 1)ul.e Michel Alexan; derviteh, definitely to renounce his rights of suece4,3ien to the throne. The, morganttc marriage contracted in, 191.0 by the grand duke with the.d5 al's vorcecl wife of a brother, ulhee5, was et the birth of recently blessed l y h. 41t i a, sun. 't`his event prompted 'Churl Duke Michel's decision: He. wishes -,' (man - try the private alt lif c turetfrn to t. of a 'g try gentleman, assuming the title ,oi opunt, in order to enjoy domestic btijk far from the btinosphere of the co4rt, for which .-lie never had any pred;lec-' with the ower, Jrhis advice is not The Emperor' is. opposed to tins' is taken, of withdrawing nearly half a step, all the mere because of the re-.", q s uadronfi'om-the Imperial navy. eent illness of lois only -sun, Cruwn,r. "We are certain .that this. power, Prince Alexia', wlliclt, has revived, :t would not be ext'reisecl frivolously or fear's for the succession. • at a time of national danger, but the The sons of the late Grand Duke fact that if exists would give the Can- Vladimir, who woujd become the next': adian.,member of the committee'more candidates far the throne, unhappily than ordinary inch -mike." '• Churchill a Deceiver. - London, Dec. 9. (C.A.P. Cable.)- The Observer's Berlin •correspondent wires that Germany is maintaining a masterly silence regarding Canada's dreadnoughts: It is broken only in solitary and noteworthy instances by Count Hoventlo'v, who gives vent to his opinion in Deutsche TageszeituSg. Of Promised .Ships. I He fads Canada's intended contra- ' butiori gives the lie direct to Church- • 111' ixten to ten 411,10 -German na- va ra l0, and convicts Albion afresh' TO INQUIRE tf international pe'fidv, 8 :if V"+ i rte is fruit' �`',� to ; 'y n4. G L_l_n ,aria's. action, e s or the incessant agitation on "London Uneasiness Is Expressed by Manche.- Imperialishseess penej be a ter Guardian Regarding the Pro, shadow doubt Churclill and Ber- le dis- posed in the ear y mon is 0 , c 1 - posed Canadian Minister at Lon- Bussed and worked out the project don and' His Power To With now before the Canadian Parliament. draw a Half Squadron From Germany will withhold judgment on the honesty of Churchill's policy until 7 Fleet at Any Time. London Dec. S.—Canada'`i' naval ' First Lords shed. If the program contribution has far overshadowed the eastern War as the topic of the week 1 the British estimates for 1913 arc pub- 'rogram of five capital ships includes three Canadian dreadnoughts, his reputa- tion for veracity will be saved; if the program is eight ships, Churchill, As- quith and company will stand con- victed as base deceivers. in England. The politicians and -newspapers, with very few dissenting voices, welcome the Dominion': gift for its own sake and as a memorable step towards consolidating the Em- pire. Uncertainty exists as to whether the Government proposes to receive Can. ada's ships as an addition to the mini- mum fleet considered necessary to maintain naval supremacy or as a part of that fleet. Lord Charles Beresford wilt sic as- surances in the House of Ccmt11ni1'i h 01 > taih,te an arl,litu.'1 qualities, great fecundity and the ability to yean at any time, will, if not restrained, drop two drops of lambs a year. :ibis as not a good practice, however, land is not permitted by prac- tical shepherds, for one lamb crop reared at the right time is more profit- able. It is a characteristic, neverthe- less, that has enabled the Dorset to bo perpetuated as,.a race and hold its own against all corners, even 1:o dis- placing quite largely other breeds in parts of. both England and America, for, truth to tell, careful breeding Iles produced as high a class of Dorset horn sheep in this country as in', Eng- land, if better. not 1 o Therefore only orae desiring to raise the so called "hothouse" lambs will make no mistake in selecting this breed for the purpose. With a warm,' sunny building 'in which to house them, it is possible to have the lambs come any time from September until spring, although a well managed Dor- set flock will seldom yeau at a later season than February, p^. Most important 't0 the bog's COM - ,'ort and welfare, and this means to the owner's welfare, is the winter housing. Uport the comfort in tbe, winter" season depends success, while at the farrowing s5as011 comes' the crisis of the year's hog crop. Two mime Objects should be sought in the construction of a hog house— warmth, with drynessand ventilation,. and sunshine. If the "house .la thoroughly well hunt and Is Oiledt with hogs, it is rarely uecessary to Have It equipped for artificial heating. Even at farrowing lime, if Lbe house has plenty of sunshine, a jug or hot water coveted with burlap, I for'.the p, newly horn pigs'to'snuggle ,up against, will auswer every purpose. Boy Shot In Head. Welland, Dec. J.—Robert Pet•ine. aged 11, son of John Perine, was p;cu- ably fatally• -shut in the back of hi• head Saturday afternoon by the tied - dental discharge ,of a shotgun. when his father and some othcry were out shooting, Ike is In the county hot, pital here, resting mate easily today, with a chance of reto\el•y, share their father's inter se un[scpu- larity. All classes of well iniurmod Russians, ,iri7ee1, regard the pussibil, ity of their ascending the throne as disastrous, for the dynasty. The Dowager Empress Marie is an 'incensed at•tlie action of Grand Duke; Michel, that she aun0uncas that will not return.to Russia u11151 s tie changes his mind. Such a change' w"oul in7 1'0'5 (lissnintion ul the 11101" gantic''iarriage. u„,J - RobbedElevattor on mtesion. IWinnipeg, Dee, 9.—John MacLeod, 8- orm^,r_,g_n 3lo, ' cd the ,Manitoba ilfs 1L 1, 1 ,17lr.- Coif01110'l guilty on , Saturday to five cltalge tli theft ]rant. i e ITAnitoba Elevator Commission, amounting in all to 54,510, but was remanded for sentence mall to day. I3e'bas restored 53;000, Oxford Wants Release. Woodstock, Dec. 9.—By a vote of ten' to eight, Oxford County councillors at their closing session for 1912 on Sat- urday decided to ask the Ontario Gov- ernment if this county might be re- leased from the present contract gov- erning the construction of county roads in this county. Accepts Call To Guelph. Guelph, Dec. 9. --It was announced i11 the Woolwich Street Baptist Church last evening that Rev, \V. E. Hindson of Georgetown he; a:cept�d the call of the congregation to be their pastor. Public Meeting TOWN' HALL, CLINTON THURSDAY EVENIG DEC 1� In the Interest of Local Option, Addresses will be given by �14NON GREEN Superintendent City in ndent of Mission Work for the Church of Eng- land and for many years Rector in the , town of Orillia, , also MR. W. H. S. eANE an ex -Mayor and prominent manufacturer of the Town of Newmarket. gentlemen havepractical these g had-racl;ie al ex erience' "�y13 Local Option TowiSs rid their addresses r ses be, well worth hearing. will n . 'ADMISSION FREE ATO COLLECTION ; A"J ERY,I ODY WELCOME