HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1912-12-12, Page 440 l i,4 i Axl' r�• � r ''1: 'Christ—the one g reat''Wrd horth all 1a u•. .s in earth or 1ieavem. , —Dailey leap on im,ore wood! The;; wind is clap. • oft net it whistle as it will; ei1F keep. our Chris'•xrxs merry —Sir ''K'al;er Seott No trmr p t blarft T:.rofaned The hong in lel- ich the krince of Peace was hem ; Yo ;bloody cotresinlet , ,;aix'ed ,Earth's silver rivers oln th 1 , ,sacred morn; fort o'er :be peaceful plain, ;the war-horse drew ,the peasant's loaded wain. —Gi'illiam Cullen Bryant. Why should 1wrh you ,.Merry Christmas2" - ' My wish can bring no joy pn vents ?oy ever comes unsougnt. As fragralnce comes to h?m who gathers flowers :Spon the path he treads Go aesiher flowers of kindness! Be Clnistly. Enact the brojther's cart, Give as tLe Christ has give. P, el; 'ng no favor in return' Matte merry fierce bad hear' t: Ana. then inwisbpd, enjoy A merry Christmas! . EMMANUEL=uOD 'WIr}I US. To the land oi:ein and mourning Ho 1+walked in a pa`h of sorrow and shame, Through tnsui'- and hate and seonning. A man' of wwrrow, of toi s, of !ea/ s. Atn ou'cast . icon, and through endless years Him anus` Ilove, hila only. To all the readerE,A Mei ry,Christ_ mss. To ; ou 'who are lonely and :sad may the Ch;•.stnas spit,t com- fort and cheer you. To ycu whose sorrows are living 'ones may the spirit of Christmas bring yen hope. To the poor ones of the earth,may . rho Christmas bring some 'measure of prosperity Ilia v i! •bring to one and all , peeve and happiness, and may we remember chef The gifts that to our breasts we fold Are brightens a by our losses; The sweetest joys a heart can hold • or;ow u.p.between its;,c:osses; And `'on life's pathway many a t:ire. Is made hole glad and cheery Because; for 'lust a iridic ''ane, The way seemed dark and dreary --Nixon Waterman , Faith and hope are two Went ..ir- tuesq:but those woo have ,notlove are ;nothing they are liicce t'fe':ile •.lants Ihat the sun never shines, upon —Pr incotseLouis de la 't: ll)i- THE, CHILDREN PRE CO MIN (x, There cones tome, over "the drift- ed snow,' the music of jingling Lelia. • And any pulses t.1ri11, a? 1 my heart beat high,' For I now what the sound rore- tells ; My glad lips'atter but owe tefrain— Over and over they a1 -- 'Ther children, are coming, are cpn- in•g home, Arad `o -morrow is Ch: istma5 day!„ Their final challenge found TO?, cut. 'When Christmis came, w,tb man- tling snow, Why should an •eager iov r doubt 'Tbe me.asage o; the mistletoe? For !lithe aid o' Yuletide cheer That brought this happy thing to pass,, 111 burn a candle a1.' -the year, Before your iehrine Saint Nicholas Robert Gilbert WVelsh. You aro`corning Christmas, laden with at'feetian's store, to allow That God's custom of old .kindness isaaot yet in dust laid ]cru ; At this time of r,'oncihn„ al. this tjm, to feasting dear .51Fy the present light and gladness slay the. memeiy of the `tear! If children of a larger gro •vth Could have •a Christmas tree From Father Time, One gitt-alone Would be enough for int — Let others take the, deans and gold; And trifles light and vain But give me back my old belief In Santa Clause again! if there be good` in That -I wrought, Thy h•inil compelled it Master Thine; 'Vhere I have failed to meet Thy SOME 1 THE BRIGHTEST RHYS d CANS OA ARE EARNING MAY ANO PRIM LESLSE avNZrs.. JAMES N. 3t'emNTo3H,. wnaoa e. Maar. A BOY'S CHRISTMAS POCKET MONEY ANY BOY can turn his spare time into Xmas pocket money by selling copies of the WEEKLY vyITNESS and the CANAtnAvPICTO- RIAL. You can build up a regular route in a short time which will give you a permanent weekly income. lite give yon a fee start in Business and besides The heart bey tennis a Shetland Pnny, Cart" and d1 ar r n e s s or .Tr?OO.00 in Gold. SIMPLY SIGN THIS COUPON AND MAIL IT TO -DAY l au COUPON 77J�•Wai'. e' ply':Mitiereel Pkaie wu1 ore s "taut to r erun!. ft* tell ws. at *beat tow, t use wig toe hedtHate s►etti,ed Pay.: it 1 ao pot„ sar".a ....,...„,,,, • AetlawTerw Anal T ioi minhroltigtl" !IiiPo# 13udYard%lSipling,' And 1;oy'd;Thaell n the r year eo es' of old Y t e it to had'' roil'dy, And.brought biythe Chri,stmas back s•garnt. With . 111. its hospitable lo train, llhmestie and religious rite, cavo honor to tile hof Ynig1rt On C'l rip to e s ec e the 1b0143 Wex e Sir Waiter .._cont, Warm Water For the Hens. The method shown in the sketch is n`ed in cold weather to keep the drink - lug water for the poultry ram treez- LANTERN AND roUNTAnN IN RALF nAl liEL. [From Popular ,Meebanics,] Ing. The device consists Of a part of e barrel inverted and set over' the fountain, and a tubular lantern. 'A small opening is not in one side of the barrel through which the fowl can reach the water,—Popular mechanics. Fertilizing the Orchard. Barnyard manure is, in general, the hest fertilizer, for the orchard. ' It should be. applied at the rate of a load to from three to live trees, at least once is three vc•iu•s. The use or From. mert9nt fertilizers Is hardly advisable, except where raretal experiment has doalonstrated Its value. , stolen Money In Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Dec. 8.—Following the confession of Gustaf Bruning,' who robbed the Dresher Bank, Berlin, of $65,000; June 26 last, Chief Detective Stogill has located $12,500 that Brun- ing had secreted iu different parts of the city. The information leading to the discovery was contained in docu- ments found on the prisoner. Brun- ing and his companion, Valentine. Berhent, alias Bernard, alias Fran- ich, were arraigned in the city police court Saturday and- remanded •for a week Had Pains in Her liver Doctors Only Relieved -Her For A Time. When the Iiver is inactive everything seems to go wrong, and a lazy, slow or torpid liver is a terrible affliction, as its influence permeates the thole system and causes Biliousness, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Floating Specks before the Eyes, Jaundice, Brown Blotches; Consti- pation, Catarrh of the Stomach, etc. Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills stimulate the sluggish liver, clean away all waste and poisonous matter from the system, and prevent as well tis dire all sickness arising from a disordered' condition of the liver. - Mrs. Wesley Estabrooks, 114idgic Sta- tion, N.B., writes:—"For several years I have been troubled with pains in the liver. I have had medicine from several doctors, but was only relieved for a time by them. I then tried Milburn's Lasa - Liver Pills, and I have had no trouble with my liver since. I can honestly re- commend them to every person who has liver trouble." Price, 25 cents per vial or 5 vials for 81.00. For sale at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Mil- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. • re Being •;Cwer3 Did' you, ever' cosi lr • for a month? Then just think .how c1istre8sing It 'must be to have aicouch llapg oa'fpr three month's. Mfrs, Maria Primrose, of 87 Newell Street, : t' S net .drool n cry, N. x;, says. I haul a Very heavy u col y, d whioli. eettlod.,fnto' a chronic cough{ which kept me awake: nights for fully three mouths;” and felt tiled all the time because my rest was broken so mach. The effect of taking your cod liver and tf'on rem- edy, Vino1, is that my" cough Is gone. I can;now get a good night's rest,. and I feel much stronger in every way" It is the combined action' of the 'medicinal elements, cods' livers, aided i by the blood -making and strength- creating properties of tonic iron :which makes Vince so efficient in curing chronic. cpnghs, Colds, and bronchitis —a,t the same time building up the weakened, run-down ,system, • Try 'a bottle ,of Vine!, with the un- derstanding that • your ; money will be returned if it does not help yea W. S. R. HOLMIiiS, DRUGGIST CLINT'3N. •ONT. . l5ateman a seapes O 4 lows. 'Ottawa, Dec. 9.—At the Cabinet session Saturday 'it was decided; to 1 oommute to' life imprisonment the sentence of death against John Bate- man, the octogenarian •of Whitby, Ont., who was condemned to be hang- ed for the killing of his wife, whom he beat to death. Bateman was to have been hanged Dec. 13, but owing to his advanced age and other extenuating oircunn-.. stances, Iron. C. J. Doherty, Minister of Justice, decided to commute ,the sentence to imprisonment. 1.ECEMBER ROU AND ..FUN. Rod an -1 .Fain for Der:ember pub- ''sned by W .1, Taylor limited, Woodstock, .Ont., is an especially readable number, ,Among its a'ar1- r d lis` of corn: erste may be foetid ;— The iCalgarg Stampede, a d'scrip- lion of the'Wonderful 1'),;to°; .al I eg S'alot thatt toe, place last Sept in that city 'r the plains : 'field tin. - semi' an amusing tate'lf a youthful hunter who thirct,'3 for 1c,e bl.loa ofa heir. afine bi illustrated of a heir: n iinelY illustrate i article des'ribing the winle r attra••thons of awell known comms 1ou:ist cn 1L4)'ilci3 To vitEuiroits • In the matter of the estate of Thomas Walker,,, deceased. Notice is ]ieeby given pursuantto Sec, 55 01 the( Trustees Act that alt persons having claims against ihe' estate of the said' de- ceased who' died on or about; the `ninth I'y of Ma - • 180 are required to send by post pre- paid to' he ihderaigned Sulieitor Cedilla E. Walker, Atlministratria, om or before the 20th day 'el December 1912, thoii• names •an& addresses with full par; ticulars in wr(itingt of their claims, and statement; of their acooulntts and the nature of the securliit]es (if any) h'cld by them ;duly.verirfied by Statutory, d'edl•urario,n:' And Tan e itoltice that after the said 20th day of December, 1012 the Iclrnisustr^mtrix.of the said estate will ' proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having i•egitrid only to the claims of Whicilt he shall then have notice and the said Arl'ministratrix will not be liable; fox said assets or .any part thereof, to any person n or per- sons of whose claim notice shall not have been reecnvei3 by her or her said solicitor at the time of Iluch distribution, Dated the 26th lay of Nov 1912. - W. Brydone, Solicitor rot Adminisiratr'ix. AlliONISPININIESIBIllananagegnowoll FILL SPEelIALS SEE' OIJit Apple Farm's at 75c Stuck Pails at SOc (Loaded Shells at 60 22 short Cartridges at 1Sc • Draining,Spades, Cleaner, Manure Forks large and small, Ensilage Forks, Etc., Etc Tiunothy Seed 5 25—As the season' is short, speak few days ahead Sugar at Bock Bottom Prices for a few nays Latest Price for Rutter, -Eggs, Etc. to ` 's;a+: ,s lcgava.oa_—X--^r`---,, oeu w'nxamrt"--—...x'..__ ' .T. cant A SQUARE PE in a Round, Hole You may be; alright," but 0 you aro in the wrong position you are Min a round hole! You Wantettarega to sition'where you fit. This piper le read by Intel. Ilgem,litrsineifs'men, ^and e I Want Ad. in our classified column 5; Will reach thein. EY,,.,. ,,F' fY 1.01A10': 1,41-v 000 evly,f'clInnIndiilaP,h':'s'oryceg1 or., 13o'le-,n-ttlui, intF,'-o0 named, l e eufso `,, , . ilia tngnlx w'ta large ai1•1,.w1o,, Lsi!e ruling Clear, frern eor to ear And six, byefi.t;tinside," klood and Peed'ttg ' is': b. • cub ect of thine ei41u?'rt at,tilep en tLe C n'turo, of ;Glslele in Sii ver , ;9xer, rnd other sto'=es,oia'tlVenturo'ar:e ,, Of ; an .e'icel,tiona,iY'einL•ea'it nture, Redo c — c a Buggies, Cutters Rebuilt ;Buggy $25,00' 2 Rebuilt liuggied ,_ 35 00 1 Heavy Democrat' 25:00 1 One-horse Heavy Vragon,.; 25.00 1 Rebuilt Cutter _. _ ... 4.00 1 11ebuilt-Cut ter , 7:00 Rebuilt Cutter 12,00 Estate Jolni Leslie Clinton, Ont.' • For Sale Abrown tidier for eller(ming 6 years old, sound and in goad con- dition. quiet every way and not afraid of autoes, threshing machi- nes, ,bicycles etc. Will be soli cheap Apply to A.O, Patterson, 'Victoria St. For. Sale 20 yearling,' Paired (lock hens for sale 'Sens, 'fire through maultir,g, are laying, are nicely barred. weigh 8lbs. each; Price $1 ao each;,6 for $5.00, the, lot Inc'$15.00, it taken at once.' A. good chance for anyone starting in good thorobreci stock. oflarge sizo, also a Sew good cockerels for sale, also 6 RoseCosnb Brown Leghorn hens, prize winners at Clinton show, 3 pullets and se- veral good cockerles for sale at a bargain. Hens are good layers. ,H. A. Hovey, Clinton For Sale A commodir, Ire brick hoate at a 1 arggain. Furnace, electric lighting ,Fath room, hot and co "d water, also a stable on the T rem'ses, For in formation apply at 7-''T.E .NEW ERA For `ale or to Let , A•small farm of about 20 acres in the Township of Stanley, in county of Huron, jorovin'.e'of Ontario, be- ing composed of Lot nun'licc 35 in the first concession o'f the said township. For. -full p•lrt,culars write, A. T F L'yto:;, Ont. Our shipment of potatoes prom eaneu. aa41.1nj •!lull dalauiuhh l Aire (WM .scat rovino ,cictulis tiro 3..t pre pa,,laan sag -lei i, m.Tp Ata.', STEEP & COMPANY Orders may be left with Beacon & Sznyth, phone No, 41, ' Ladies Wanted Employment offered in Player Pnelnnatie Department, Light suitable work amid' pleasant sur- roundings. In New York or Chicago this is considered employment for the highest class of lady operators. ApW. DOHERTY the Office .AND ORGAN CO., Limited. Clinton, GEORGE .ELLIOTT Live Stock & General Auctioneer • for County of Huron. • Clinton, Ont, Farm, Stock Sales a specialty. Cutlers left at New Bra Office, Clinton, promptly nttelanded o. Terrnls seasonable and satisfaction guaranteed, or can phone- 13 on 157 rxoderi'ch ITownshiip, CLINTON COAL YARDS Yards Opposite CI. !8',11. 'Station Ail Muds of Coal ou hand fl.:llf"Sltdlllat,' SOU Coat Move Ulan sad t Vrpl'naee Corse kennel (:',,oat! and Wood Tile, -2}, 3 and 4-10c1) size— .I'hel'iki is oldie very best fgLtntlity. Brick tl to °rtl(!'1'. ro s'w'RB !saw 0,,. u .Before placing your orders for your hens ht's supply oi'Coal, get Dur pea Gee.' e.: I!he very beet geode, tattled 'n stooir and sold at the loweti): i osslbly, price. Orders ma,y' be left. at Dawin dr k enwIsp3'a Hardware store, o with W. J. Stctienso1il, At;,t,leetrie Gloi."tt Plant. rvant *anted BARRognisdOr4TO' ITO$r1N( BiBGa7� paU.Applyto. iB • MR 1, MA_ DCQIGM•Me A'.iGAT LI>1TOli NOTICE ;' , .i . euuni4ns s, 40RE.M Win.,1VTootn he ilu tlleGo] tt Fax ' - Iocter 'wil! • be '; t the following .l n iz faces• to calleet takes:—Clinton„ on Doc,. Atte' Loire] eaboxo t'ov`' - 29th 'and Dec,,,13th., ,;Auburn;' Dec:' 4th, Cansta.nce,'De141-. 5 i'er cent will be added en !unpaid tales °after state, Dec. 13th, Whl' IV[OO•N, ' Collector, Bullett For Sale i One single sleigh, one set ofhugg - giee harness, nearly new; a single' p w, a -double plow, set of harrows, and one new pulper, and quantity,; of `cut hay and green deed. Apply" a t ipremises. MRS GEO. PICKETT ,Ail,ert 51. n;rth 'noose for Sale A comfortable frame house, in good repair, quarter acne of landd, with fruit trees, ,conveniently lo- cated. This very comfortable pro- perty will be cold cheap. Apply to '3iRS, JAS: TUCKER, Princess` Street. Wanted Cook and kitchen girl wanted at once. Apply to MRS, J. RATTENBURY Rattanbury House Farm for Sale Farm for sale: ,beide lot 7 in the let. concession Township of'Hullett containing 100 acres, all' cleared but about 7 acres of'bush. On the larre is a now ,b^ick house with fur- nace. Large bank barn with ce- ment floors in stables. Plenty of eater; well fenced, and undtr drained. This farm is well situated 'Wag on the Hurn :.load. Will be s' 1d -on reasonabie ttrms. Apply :n• the farm or ad !rens Sealforth post office. MELVIN CLARK Farm For Sale A first class farm, consisting of 75 acres, on con. 12, part lot 34, Hal- lett township, 3miles from Londes- boro, and 5 miles from Blyth, 11-2 miles from School. A bank barn 36 by 56, another ,barn 36x52, drive shed 24x40. A brick house, plenty of • water, about an'; ('acre of or- chard. Possession can be given right after harvest. Apply to, WILLIAM LONGMAN, Bluth, Farm or Sate. The executor of -the Southcombe Estate offers for sale 50 aures — East half of lot 28, con. 6, Hullett. A first-class farm," well watered and improved, and with good buildings, Also, the undersigned offers for sale, lot 29, eon, 6,Hull- ett, 100 acres, These farms may be bought .together or separately. JAMES SOUTHCOMBE, Clinton, 'F. e. D. BRISTOWE. Professor of iiusic. Organist of Willis Presbyterian Church Piano, urban, Theory, Voice Culture. • Puptle prepared, if 'desired, lox any of the examining bodies - in Toronto or the London Cliliege of Music (England) in at' grades' and aalr .branches. Sgecual Syst sun tor beginners for: 1 ianoforto Tsang • i app],ication. Studio at Hoare'! new store, neat to Counter's iewelery store. 111 Pard & McLeod We're now selling timothy Seed (Government Standard.). We alsohave on hand, Alfalfa, Alsike, and Red Clover. We always have on hand —Goose Wheat, Peas, Barley and Feed Corn Highest Market Prices paid for Hay and all Grains, • Ford & McLeod &.AAA AstAitiAAAAAAaAAAAAAAe,A •AA .ie %lit ����p?'ti rja i(nc a ylai � }, l r .�. ►. e' �_ See and dere our finest it' New Stylish designs of g' Doherty Pianos 'and i 4 .a 2' Ovgans special, values i,ll ,Art. p ► Cases 5. Pianos and organs rent r ed, choice new Edison phonographs, Music, & variety' goods: MUSic Emporium C. Hoare P'VVYVVTTT!l7/TTTV*TTVTTTYTTT Oonneyanee, Notary Public,' - Commissioner, etc.;. REAL ESTATE ANTU INST.-MANOR Altl' , 81. Issuer of Marriage ge L' iceasc� Huron Cli nton,E; H. T. RANGE' Notary Ptublie, Conveyancer, Financial and,Real Estate. tNSIJRANOE'A GF,NT—Reuieaenting YApireIa suraaee gomnanree,,. Ilrivision Court Ol0icen DR (8. W, THOMPSe' N lictan, Suxgeon, Eta. !denial attentlon•givento diseases:°Elba, Eye, ",Ear, Throat, and Noss. I1yeg carefully examined. and suitableil nresaribed. • Office and Residence. 7;wu,doors went of the Commereral natal' 'Huron- 55, DRS. GIJ'NN and GANDIER Dr. W. Gunn; Z. R. C. p„ L. It. e. &.. Mitt Dr. J. [a, Gaudier. B.A.. 35,11,. O.ffioe-Ontario Street, Clinton. Plight calla at residence, Rattenho,,. St. or at bosaltal. DR. d W. SHAW. PHYSICIAN, 8IIR(EON, ceooehenr, ote„ office and residence ea R tenbury Si„ onnosite W. Farran's residence. iDR. F. A. AXON DENTIST • Crown and Itrldge Work a Specrarty Graduate of 0.C.D,B.. Chicago, and R.0,34 Toronto, Saytleld en'Monda+.is, Mw' 105 to Deemuei, DR. H. FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store. Special care taken to make dental bleat. meat es painless se poedible, THOMAS GUNDRY Live stook and general Auctiori3e- GODERiOH: ONT b•atm stood sales a speolalta. Once, tt. at NEW Enu office, rmnt,y attended to. Terms reasonable. Clinton,'y,Tattlers' sale nays discounted G. D. McTaggart • M. D. MoTegtgax. McTaggart Brost BANNERS HERS ALBERT ST , CLINTON General Banking Btatallalltmilt transacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed de depemits. The Alelcillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Farm and Isolated 'ro'ctrn iF`>"aooa erty Only Insured. OFFICERS. J.B. McLean, President, Seaforth, J. Connolly, Vice -!-res„ Goderleft4. T. E. Hays, Sec,-,Treas,, Segos -tit DIRECTOR$. Jas, Connelly, Hclmesvzlle, JoEun Watt, Harlock • G. Dale, Clinton; D''. F. McGregor, Seaforth, J. Evans,; Beechwood;J.G., Grieve„ Wimtheoia J Bemnoweis, Brodhagen; 31. He Ewan Clinton. Eadh Director is Inspector of losses im his own district. AGENTS, Robt Smith, Harlock; Ed.lftucli', ley, Seaforth; Wm. Chesney, mondviUe; J.W. Yeo, '13o1meaviEll¢ Payments, may be ,made at The Morris] Clothing Co., Clinton, or R. Ii. Cut:t, Gaderich. )JACOB TAYLOR et.ilnrronl Fire, Life and 'Accident Insurance Real estate bought ane said Aloney to loan Office Iesac Street, next door to New Era Grand Trunil;il.iillway System, Railway Time Table London, Huron and Bruce. North- Passenger London, depart, .... 8.80a m 4.58' p eco Centralia 0.40 5.45 Exeter 0.53 5,54 Hensall 10.08 6.05 Kippen . 10.16 6,11 13rucefreld 10.39 6.19 Clinton 11.00 ' 6.8.8 Londesboro 11:18 6.52 iia grave ...... 11.40 T 1 Wingham, arriveI1.50 7.35 South . Passenger Winbaru depart6.43 a m 8,83 p tin Belgrave 6,54 3.44 Blyth.... .... 7,08 3,66 Londesoro • 7,16 4.0f Clinton 7,50 4.23. Bruoefield 8.12 4.39 Hcnsil: 8,28 4.47 Exeter 8.82 4,52 8.48 5.05 Centralia ... 9,00 5.15 London, arrive 10 00 ale Bnnffalo and Gode Wee` Passenger alar pm pin pets Stratford. 10.00 11 20 5 25 10.20 Mitehelh. 10.23 12 {;t 5555 40.41' Seaforth 1015 1.10 8.18 lin Clinton... 7).07 1.25 8.40 0.2110 13olmeseille 11.18 1,33 646 11 .00 Goderich. ., ,,.11.35 1,50 7.05 11,E East I'assengrsr Godertch.. 210 2,4r' 41.50. Holmesville 7.26 2,54 500 Clinton... 7.85 3 07 8,111 Seatorth 7.52 ' 3.25 5•.32 itcbe}J... 8.16 8 48 11.55. Stratford... . 8.40 4.15 8i9a9 NEW, ERA JUS DEPARTMENT., IS UP-TO-DATE, l;: